INSTALLPATH="$(HOME)/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins/fileorganizer/" INSTALLTEXT="The Fileorganizer plugin has been installed. You may now restart Rhythmbox and enable the 'Fileorganizer' plugin." UNINSTALLTEXT="The Fileorganizer plugin had been removed. The next time you restart Rhythmbox it will dissappear from the plugins list." PLUGINFILE="fileorganizer.plugin" install-req: # Make environment mkdir -p $(INSTALLPATH) # Copy files, forcefully cp $(PLUGINFILE) $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp *.py $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp config.ui $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp fo.conf.template $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp LICENSE $(INSTALLPATH) -f cp AUTHORS $(INSTALLPATH) -f install: install-req @echo @echo $(INSTALLTEXT) install-gui: install-req # Notify graphically zenity --info --title='Installation complete' --text=$(INSTALLTEXT) uninstall-req: # Simply remove the installation path folder rm -rf $(INSTALLPATH) uninstall: uninstall-req @echo @echo $(UNINSTALLTEXT) uninstall-gui: uninstall-req # Notify graphically zenity --info --title='Uninstall complete' --text=$(UNINSTALLTEXT)