$val) { $_GET[$key] = stripslashes($val); } foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($val); } } if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } function fancyDie($message) { die('
' . $message . '

- Click here to go back -'); } if (!file_exists('settings.php')) { fancyDie('Please rename the file settings.default.php to settings.php'); } require 'settings.php'; // Check directories are writable by the script $writedirs = array("res", "src", "thumb"); if (TINYIB_DBMODE == 'flatfile') { $writedirs[] = "inc/flatfile"; } foreach ($writedirs as $dir) { if (!is_writable($dir)) { fancyDie("Directory '" . $dir . "' can not be written to. Please modify its permissions."); } } $includes = array("inc/defines.php", "inc/functions.php", "inc/html.php"); if (in_array(TINYIB_DBMODE, array('flatfile', 'mysql', 'mysqli', 'sqlite'))) { $includes[] = 'inc/database_' . TINYIB_DBMODE . '.php'; } else { fancyDie("Unknown database mode specificed"); } foreach ($includes as $include) { include $include; } if (TINYIB_TRIPSEED == '' || TINYIB_ADMINPASS == '') { fancyDie('TINYIB_TRIPSEED and TINYIB_ADMINPASS must be configured'); } $redirect = true; // Check if the request is to make a post if (isset($_POST['message']) || isset($_POST['file'])) { list($loggedin, $isadmin) = manageCheckLogIn(); $rawpost = isRawPost(); if (!$loggedin) { checkBanned(); checkMessageSize(); checkFlood(); } $post = newPost(setParent()); $post['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; list($post['name'], $post['tripcode']) = nameAndTripcode($_POST['name']); $post['name'] = cleanString(substr($post['name'], 0, 75)); $post['email'] = cleanString(str_replace('"', '"', substr($_POST['email'], 0, 75))); $post['subject'] = cleanString(substr($_POST['subject'], 0, 75)); if ($rawpost) { $rawposttext = ($isadmin) ? ' ## Admin' : ' ## Mod'; $post['message'] = $_POST['message']; // Treat message as raw HTML } else { $rawposttext = ''; $post['message'] = str_replace("\n", '
', colorQuote(postLink(cleanString(rtrim($_POST['message']))))); } $post['password'] = ($_POST['password'] != '') ? md5(md5($_POST['password'])) : ''; $post['nameblock'] = nameBlock($post['name'], $post['tripcode'], $post['email'], time(), $rawposttext); if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { if ($_FILES['file']['name'] != "") { validateFileUpload(); if (!is_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) || !is_readable($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { fancyDie("File transfer failure. Please retry the submission."); } if ((TINYIB_MAXKB > 0) && (filesize($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) > (TINYIB_MAXKB * 1024))) { fancyDie("That file is larger than " . TINYIB_MAXKBDESC . "."); } $post['file_original'] = trim(htmlentities(substr($_FILES['file']['name'], 0, 50), ENT_QUOTES)); $post['file_hex'] = md5_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']); $post['file_size'] = $_FILES['file']['size']; $post['file_size_formatted'] = convertBytes($post['file_size']); // Uploaded file type $file_type = strtolower(preg_replace('/.*(\..+)/', '\1', $_FILES['file']['name'])); if ($file_type == '.jpeg') { $file_type = '.jpg'; } if ($file_type == '.weba') { $file_type = '.webm'; } // Thumbnail type if ($file_type == '.webm') { $thumb_type = '.jpg'; } else if ($file_type == '.swf') { $thumb_type = '.png'; } else { $thumb_type = $file_type; } $file_name = time() . substr(microtime(), 2, 3); $post['file'] = $file_name . $file_type; $post['thumb'] = $file_name . "s" . $thumb_type; $file_location = "src/" . $post['file']; $thumb_location = "thumb/" . $post['thumb']; checkDuplicateFile($post['file_hex']); if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $file_location)) { fancyDie("Could not copy uploaded file."); } if ($file_type == '.webm') { $file_mime_output = shell_exec('file --mime-type ' . $file_location); $file_mime_split = explode(' ', $file_mime_output); $file_mime = strtolower(trim(array_pop($file_mime_split))); } else { if (!@getimagesize($file_location)) { @unlink($file_location); fancyDie("Failed to read the size of the uploaded file. Please retry the submission."); } $file_info = getimagesize($file_location); $file_mime = $file_info['mime']; } if (!($file_mime == "image/jpeg" || $file_mime == "image/gif" || $file_mime == "image/png" || (TINYIB_WEBM && ($file_mime == "video/webm" || $file_mime == "audio/webm")) || (TINYIB_SWF && ($file_mime == "application/x-shockwave-flash")))) { @unlink($file_location); fancyDie(supportedFileTypes()); } if ($_FILES['file']['size'] != filesize($file_location)) { @unlink($file_location); fancyDie("File transfer failure. Please go back and try again."); } if ($file_mime == "audio/webm" || $file_mime == "video/webm") { $post['image_width'] = intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Width%" ' . $file_location)); $post['image_height'] = intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Height%" ' . $file_location)); if ($post['image_width'] <= 0 || $post['image_height'] <= 0) { $post['image_width'] = 0; $post['image_height'] = 0; $file_location_old = $file_location; $file_location = substr($file_location, 0, -1) . 'a'; // replace webm with weba rename($file_location_old, $file_location); $post['file'] = substr($post['file'], 0, -1) . 'a'; // replace webm with weba } if ($file_mime == "video/webm") { list($thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight) = thumbnailDimensions($post); shell_exec("ffmpegthumbnailer -s " . max($thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight) . " -i $file_location -o $thumb_location") . '!'; $thumb_info = getimagesize($thumb_location); $post['thumb_width'] = $thumb_info[0]; $post['thumb_height'] = $thumb_info[1]; if ($post['thumb_width'] <= 0 || $post['thumb_height'] <= 0) { @unlink($file_location); @unlink($thumb_location); fancyDie("Sorry, your video appears to be corrupt."); } addVideoOverlay($thumb_location); } $duration = intval(shell_exec('mediainfo --Inform="' . ($file_mime == 'video/webm' ? 'Video' : 'Audio') . ';%Duration%" ' . $file_location)); $mins = floor(round($duration / 1000) / 60); $secs = str_pad(floor(round($duration / 1000) % 60), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $post['file_original'] = "$mins:$secs" . ($post['file_original'] != '' ? (', ' . $post['file_original']) : ''); } else { $file_info = getimagesize($file_location); $post['image_width'] = $file_info[0]; $post['image_height'] = $file_info[1]; if ($file_mime == "application/x-shockwave-flash") { if (!copy('swf_thumbnail.png', $thumb_location)) { @unlink($file_location); fancyDie("Could not create thumbnail."); } addVideoOverlay($thumb_location); } else { list($thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight) = thumbnailDimensions($post); if (!createThumbnail($file_location, $thumb_location, $thumb_maxwidth, $thumb_maxheight)) { @unlink($file_location); fancyDie("Could not create thumbnail."); } } } $thumb_info = getimagesize($thumb_location); $post['thumb_width'] = $thumb_info[0]; $post['thumb_height'] = $thumb_info[1]; } } if ($post['file'] == '') { // No file uploaded if ($post['parent'] == TINYIB_NEWTHREAD && (TINYIB_PIC || TINYIB_SWF || TINYIB_WEBM)) { fancyDie("A file is required to start a thread."); } if (str_replace('
', '', $post['message']) == "") { fancyDie("Please enter a message" . ((TINYIB_PIC || TINYIB_SWF || TINYIB_WEBM) ? " and/or upload a file" : "") . "."); } } else { echo $post['file_original'] . ' uploaded.
'; } $post['id'] = insertPost($post); if (strtolower($post['email']) == 'noko') { $redirect = 'res/' . ($post['parent'] == TINYIB_NEWTHREAD ? $post['id'] : $post['parent']) . '.html#' . $post['id']; } trimThreads(); echo 'Updating thread...
'; if ($post['parent'] != TINYIB_NEWTHREAD) { rebuildThread($post['parent']); if (strtolower($post['email']) != 'sage') { if (TINYIB_MAXREPLIES == 0 || numRepliesToThreadByID($post['parent']) <= TINYIB_MAXREPLIES) { bumpThreadByID($post['parent']); } } } else { rebuildThread($post['id']); } echo 'Updating index...
'; rebuildIndexes(); // Check if the request is to delete a post and/or its associated image } elseif (isset($_GET['delete']) && !isset($_GET['manage'])) { if (!isset($_POST['delete'])) { fancyDie('Tick the box next to a post and click "Delete" to delete it.'); } $post = postByID($_POST['delete']); if ($post) { list($loggedin, $isadmin) = manageCheckLogIn(); if ($loggedin && $_POST['password'] == '') { // Redirect to post moderation page echo '--> --> -->'; } elseif ($post['password'] != '' && md5(md5($_POST['password'])) == $post['password']) { deletePostByID($post['id']); if ($post['parent'] == TINYIB_NEWTHREAD) { threadUpdated($post['id']); } else { threadUpdated($post['parent']); } fancyDie('Post deleted.'); } else { fancyDie('Invalid password.'); } } else { fancyDie('Sorry, an invalid post identifier was sent. Please go back, refresh the page, and try again.'); } $redirect = false; // Check if the request is to access the management area } elseif (isset($_GET['manage'])) { $text = ''; $onload = ''; $navbar = ' '; $redirect = false; $loggedin = false; $isadmin = false; $returnlink = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); list($loggedin, $isadmin) = manageCheckLogIn(); if ($loggedin) { if ($isadmin) { if (isset($_GET['rebuildall'])) { $allthreads = allThreads(); foreach ($allthreads as $thread) { rebuildThread($thread['id']); } rebuildIndexes(); $text .= manageInfo('Rebuilt board.'); } elseif (isset($_GET['bans'])) { clearExpiredBans(); if (isset($_POST['ip'])) { if ($_POST['ip'] != '') { $banexists = banByIP($_POST['ip']); if ($banexists) { fancyDie('Sorry, there is already a ban on record for that IP address.'); } $ban = array(); $ban['ip'] = $_POST['ip']; $ban['expire'] = ($_POST['expire'] > 0) ? (time() + $_POST['expire']) : 0; $ban['reason'] = $_POST['reason']; insertBan($ban); $text .= manageInfo('Ban record added for ' . $ban['ip']); } } elseif (isset($_GET['lift'])) { $ban = banByID($_GET['lift']); if ($ban) { deleteBanByID($_GET['lift']); $text .= manageInfo('Ban record lifted for ' . $ban['ip']); } } $onload = manageOnLoad('bans'); $text .= manageBanForm(); $text .= manageBansTable(); } else if (isset($_GET['update'])) { if (is_dir('.git')) { $git_output = shell_exec('git pull 2>&1'); $text .= '
Attempting update...' . "\n\n" . $git_output . '

Note: If TinyIB updates and you have made custom modifications, review the changes which have been merged into your installation. Ensure that your modifications do not interfere with any new/modified files. See the README for more information.

'; } else { $text .= '

TinyIB was not installed via Git.

If you installed TinyIB without Git, you must update manually. If you did install with Git, ensure the script has read and write access to the .git folder.

'; } } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $post = postByID($_GET['delete']); if ($post) { deletePostByID($post['id']); rebuildIndexes(); if ($post['parent'] != TINYIB_NEWTHREAD) { rebuildThread($post['parent']); } $text .= manageInfo('Post No.' . $post['id'] . ' deleted.'); } else { fancyDie("Sorry, there doesn't appear to be a post with that ID."); } } elseif (isset($_GET['moderate'])) { if ($_GET['moderate'] > 0) { $post = postByID($_GET['moderate']); if ($post) { $text .= manageModeratePost($post); } else { fancyDie("Sorry, there doesn't appear to be a post with that ID."); } } else { $onload = manageOnLoad('moderate'); $text .= manageModeratePostForm(); } } elseif (isset($_GET["rawpost"])) { $onload = manageOnLoad("rawpost"); $text .= manageRawPostForm(); } elseif (isset($_GET["logout"])) { $_SESSION['tinyib'] = ''; session_destroy(); die('--> --> -->'); } if ($text == '') { $text = manageStatus(); } } else { $onload = manageOnLoad('login'); $text .= manageLogInForm(); } echo managePage($text, $onload); } elseif (!file_exists('index.html') || countThreads() == 0) { rebuildIndexes(); } if ($redirect) { echo '--> --> -->'; }