
63 lines
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import random
async def getfact(self, c, n, m):
if len(m) < 1:
fact = random.choice([i["fact"] for i in self.est.find()])
fact = random.choice(
[i["fact"] for i in self.est.find(fact={"like": "%{}%".format(m)})]
except IndexError:
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] No facts found.")
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] fact: {}".format(fact))
async def addfact(self, c, n, m):
self.est.insert(dict(channel=c, nick=n, fact=m))
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] fact added!")
async def rmfact(self, c, n, m):
if n in self.channels[self.rmfactchan]["modes"]["o"]:
co = m.strip().split(" ")
if len(co) < 2:
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] wrong syntax")
crit = co.pop(0)
filt = " ".join(co)
if crit == "nick" or crit == "n":
ou = self.est.delete(nick=filt)
elif crit == "fact" or crit == "f":
ou = self.est.delete(fact={"like": filt})
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] invalid criterea")
if ou:
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] removed some fact(s)")
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] did not remove any")
await self.message(c, "[\x036estonia\x0f] you must have +o in #estonia")
async def init(self):
self.est = self.db["estonia"]
self.cmd["fact"] = getfact
self.help["fact"] = ["fact - get facts about estonia", "lets learn about estonia!"]
self.cmd["addfact"] = addfact
self.help["addfact"] = [
"addfact <fact> - add a new fact (more)",
"if you find something offensive contact lickthecheese, he can remove it and/or tell you who added it so watch out!",
self.rmfactchan = "#estonia"
self.cmd["rmfact"] = rmfact
self.help["rmfact"] = [
"rmfact <criteria> <pattern> - remove some fact(s). criteria types in (more)",
'types of criteria: n|nick f|fact eg "rmfact nick spammer" to get rid of all facts created by nick spammer',