statuses = [ 'Here is another #owotower picture', 'Look! its the #owotower', 'oWo its #owotower time', 'you guessed it, another picture of the #owotower', 'is it time for another picture of the #owotower ?', 'OwO #owotower', 'uwu its #owotower time', 'im running out of ideas for messages for the #owotower bot owo no', 'is wt owo towew twime? i thiwk so #owotower', '#owotower owo owo owo', 'i think you need some #owotower', 'you\'d be DUMMY THICC if you thought i was not posting a picture of the #owotower', 'yuwd be WUMMY THWICC wf yuw thawt i waws nawt postwng a pwicture of thw #owotower', 'hey want a picture of the #owotower ?', 'owwo look i have two noses #owotower', 'UwU OwO #owotower oWo uWu', 'uh oh hope i dont run out of pictures of the #owotower', 'dont worry i still have quite a few #owotower pics' ]