# bin This directory contains scripts used for conversion or handling sources. They are run on a local machine to generate HTML files, which are then commited to the repository for publication on github.io. - `convchars.sh` is a sed/tr/shell script converting German umlauts and some other special characters into HTML entities - `mrkdwn.pl` is a stripped down version of the [original Markdown]( https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ ) Perl script _(note: needs at least Perl version 5.006)_ - `poorkyll.sh` uses `convchars.sh` and `mrkdwn.pl` to generate `*.html` files from all `*.md` files in the current directory; it can be given the name of a style file (which must be accessible on the host) for inclusion in the generated HTML files. If you give it the name of a nonexistent style file (like "-h"...) it will print some help/hints, including where it expects the other two scripts. --- Programs in this directory are subject to the [BSD license]( LICENSE.txt ) except for `mrkdwn.pl` which has its own copyright conditions in the source code. --- _(2017 YCB)_