# ProxyChief --- **Made by [youngchief btw ツ](https://github.com/youngchief-btw), with ❤️** --- **This proxy is made to be the very best, and is super lightweight.** --- **_Access using any of these [URLs](/ListOfInstances.txt)_** --- Format for entries: `protocol://domain:port/` `protocol` is `http` or `https`. `domain` is the domain (subdomains count as their own different domain) or IP. `port` is the port it is running (make a new entry for each port). --- Run your own instance: Run `wget -O proxychief.zip https://github.com/youngchief-btw/ProxyChief/archive/master.zip` (I recommend doing `git clone https://github.com/youngchief-btw/ProxyChief.git` instead to pull in the latest changes) --- Or run on gitpod: [![Open in Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/button/open-in-gitpod.svg)](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/youngchief-btw/Proxychief)