# [tilde.tk (~.tk)](https://tilde.tk) In need of a cool subdomain? And want it to be your own UNIX home directory? Then **[ttilde.tk (~.tk)](https://tilde.tk)** is right for you! --- Domain Details: - Registar: [Freenom](https://freenom.com/) - Nameservers: [Cloudflare](https://cloudflare.com/) (Free plan, [donate](https://donate.youngchief.tk/) if you want to bring this up to a higher plan) - Email Service: [Mailtie](https://mailtie.com) (more details at [Email](/docs/Email.md)) --- Getting started: - Email me at [youngchief@youngchief.tk](mailto:youngchief@youngchief.tk) with your desired subdomain. - Make sure to keep that email in your inbox because we will be using it for follow-up emails about the subdomain. --- TO-DO: - [ ] Create some automation! - [ ] Add more detailed docs - [ ] Create a website for **[tilde.tk (~.tk)](https://tilde.tk)** - [ ] Host website via **Cloudflare Pages** - [ ] Link Cloudflare Pages project to **[tilde.tk (~.tk)](https://tilde.tk)** - [ ] Make a file with historical moments for **[tilde.tk (~.tk)](https://tilde.tk)**