============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *mini.ai* *MiniAi* Module for extending and creating `a`/`i` textobjects. It enhances some builtin |text-objects| (like |a(|, |a)|, |a'|, and more), creates new ones (like `a*`, `a`, `af`, `a?`, and more), and allows user to create their own. Features: - Customizable creation of `a`/`i` textobjects using Lua patterns and functions. Supports: - Dot-repeat. - |v:count|. - Different search methods (see |MiniAi.config|). - Consecutive application (update selection without leaving Visual mode). - Aliases for multiple textobjects. - Comprehensive builtin textobjects (see more in |MiniAi-textobject-builtin|): - Balanced brackets (with and without whitespace) plus alias. - Balanced quotes plus alias. - Function call. - Argument. - Tag. - Derived from user prompt. - Default for punctuation, digit, or whitespace single character. - Motions for jumping to left/right edge of textobject. - Set of specification generators to tweak some builtin textobjects (see |MiniAi.gen_spec|). - Treesitter textobjects (through |MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter()| helper). This module works by defining mappings for both `a` and `i` in Visual and Operator-pending mode. After typing, they wait for single character user input treated as textobject identifier and apply resolved textobject specification (fall back to other mappings if can't find proper textobject id). For more information see |MiniAi-textobject-specification| and |MiniAi-algorithm|. Known issues which won't be resolved: - Search for builtin textobjects is done mostly using Lua patterns (regex-like approach). Certain amount of false positives is to be expected. - During search for builtin textobjects there is no distinction if it is inside string or comment. For example, in the following case there will be wrong match for a function call: `f(a = ")", b = 1)`. General rule of thumb: any instrument using available parser for document structure (like treesitter) will usually provide more precise results. This module has builtins mostly for plain text textobjects which are useful most of the times (like "inside brackets", "around quotes/underscore", etc.). For advanced use cases define function specification for custom textobjects. What it doesn't (and probably won't) do: - Have special operators to specially handle whitespace (like `I` and `A` in 'targets.vim'). Whitespace handling is assumed to be done inside textobject specification (like `i(` and `i)` handle whitespace differently). # Setup~ This module needs a setup with `require('mini.ai').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table `MiniAi` which you can use for scripting or manually (with `:lua MiniAi.*`). See |MiniAi.config| for available config settings. You can override runtime config settings (like `config.custom_textobjects`) locally to buffer inside `vim.b.miniai_config` which should have same structure as `MiniAi.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details. # Comparisons~ - 'wellle/targets.vim': - Has limited support for creating own textobjects: it is constrained to pre-defined detection rules. 'mini.ai' allows creating own rules via Lua patterns and functions (see |MiniAi-textobject-specification|). - Doesn't provide any programmatical API for getting information about textobjects. 'mini.ai' does it via |MiniAi.find_textobject()|. - Has no implementation of "moving to edge of textobject". 'mini.ai' does it via |MiniAi.move_cursor()| and `g[` and `g]` default mappings. - Has elaborate ways to control searching of the next textobject. 'mini.ai' relies on handful of 'config.search_method'. - Implements `A`, `I` operators. 'mini.ai' does not by design: it is assumed to be a property of textobject, not operator. - Doesn't implement "function call" and "user prompt" textobjects. 'mini.ai' does (with `f` and `?` identifiers). - Has limited support for "argument" textobject. Although it works in most situations, it often misdetects commas as argument separator (like if it is inside quotes or `{}`). 'mini.ai' deals with these cases. - 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects': - Along with textobject functionality provides a curated and maintained set of popular textobject queries for many languages (which can power |MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter()| functionality). - Operates with custome treesitter directives (see |lua-treesitter-directives|) allowing more fine-tuned textobjects. - Implements only textobjects based on treesitter. - Doesn't support |v:count|. - Doesn't support multiple search method (basically, only 'cover'). - Doesn't support consecutive application of target textobject. # Disabling~ To disable, set `g:miniai_disable` (globally) or `b:miniai_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`. Considering high number of different scenarios and customization intentions, writing exact rules for disabling module's functionality is left to user. See |mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi-textobject-builtin* Builtin textobjects~ This table describes all builtin textobjects along with what they represent. Explanation: - `Key` represents the textobject identifier: single character which should be typed after `a`/`i`. - `Name` is a description of textobject. - `Example line` contains a string for which examples are constructed. The `*` denotes the cursor position. - `a`/`i` describe inclusive region representing `a` and `i` textobjects. Use numbers in separators for easier navigation. - `2a`/`2i` describe either `2a`/`2i` (support for |v:count|) textobjects or `a`/`i` textobject followed by another `a`/`i` textobject (consecutive application leads to incremental selection). Example: typing `va)` with cursor on `*` leads to selection from column 2 to column 12. Another typing `a)` changes selection to [1; 13]. Also, besides visual selection, any |operator| can be used or `g[`/`g]` motions to move to left/right edge of `a` textobject. > |Key| Name | Example line | a | i | 2a | 2i | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | ( | Balanced () | (( *a (bb) )) | | | | | | [ | Balanced [] | [[ *a [bb] ]] | [2;12] | [4;10] | [1;13] | [2;12] | | { | Balanced {} | {{ *a {bb} }} | | | | | | < | Balanced <> | << *a >> | | | | | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | ) | Balanced () | (( *a (bb) )) | | | | | | ] | Balanced [] | [[ *a [bb] ]] | | | | | | } | Balanced {} | {{ *a {bb} }} | [2;12] | [3;11] | [1;13] | [2;12] | | > | Balanced <> | << *a >> | | | | | | b | Alias for | [( *a {bb} )] | | | | | | | ), ], or } | | | | | | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | " | Balanced " | "*a" " bb " | | | | | | ' | Balanced ' | '*a' ' bb ' | | | | | | ` | Balanced ` | `*a` ` bb ` | [1;4] | [2;3] | [6;11] | [7;10] | | q | Alias for | '*a' " bb " | | | | | | | ", ', or ` | | | | | | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | ? | User prompt | e*e o e o o | [3;5] | [4;4] | [7;9] | [8;8] | | |(typed e and o)| | | | | | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | t | Tag | *b | [1;8] | [4;4] | [9;16] |[12;12] | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | f | Function call | f(a, g(*b, c) ) | [6;13] | [8;12] | [1;15] | [3;14] | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | a | Argument | f(*a, g(b, c) ) | [3;5] | [3;4] | [5;14] | [7;13] | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| | | Default | | | | | | | | (digits, | aa_*b__cc___ | [4;7] | [4;5] | [8;12] | [8;9] | | | punctuation, | (example for _) | | | | | | | or whitespace)| | | | | | |---|---------------|-1234567890123456-|--------|--------|--------|--------| < Notes: - All examples assume default `config.search_method`. - Open brackets differ from close brackets by how they treat inner edge whitespace for `i` textobject: open ignores it, close - includes. - Default textobject is activated for identifiers from digits (0, ..., 9), punctuation (like `_`, `*`, `,`, etc.), whitespace (space, tab, etc.). They are designed to be treated as separators, so include only right edge in `a` textobject. To include both edges, use custom textobjects (see |MiniAi-textobject-specification| and |MiniAi.config|). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi-glossary* - REGION - table representing region in a buffer. Fields: and for inclusive start and end positions ( might be `nil` to describe empty region). Each position is also a table with line and column (both start at 1). Examples: - `{ from = { line = 1, col = 1 }, to = { line = 2, col = 1 } }` - `{ from = { line = 10, col = 10 } }` - empty region. - PATTERN - string describing Lua pattern. - SPAN - interval inside a string (end-exclusive). Like [1, 5). Equal `from` and `to` edges describe empty span at that point. - SPAN `A = [a1, a2)` COVERS `B = [b1, b2)` if every element of `B` is within `A` (`a1 <= b < a2`). It also is described as B IS NESTED INSIDE A. - NESTED PATTERN - array of patterns aimed to describe nested spans. - SPAN MATCHES NESTED PATTERN if there is a sequence of consecutively nested spans each matching corresponding pattern within substring of previous span (or input string for first span). Example: Nested patterns: `{ '%b()', '^. .* .$' }` (balanced `()` with inner space) Input string: `( ( () ( ) ) )` `123456789012345` Here are all matching spans [1, 15) and [3, 13). Both [5, 7) and [8, 10) match first pattern but not second. All other combinations of `(` and `)` don't match first pattern (not balanced). - COMPOSED PATTERN: array with each element describing possible pattern (or array of them) at that place. Composed pattern basically defines all possible combinations of nested pattern (their cartesian product). Examples: 1. Composed pattern: `{ { '%b()', '%b[]' }, '^. .* .$' }` Composed pattern expanded into equivalent array of nested patterns: `{ '%b()', '^. .* .$' }` and `{ '%b[]', '^. .* .$' }` Description: either balanced `()` or balanced `[]` but both with inner edge space. 2. Composed pattern: `{ { { '%b()', '^. .* .$' }, { '%b[]', '^.[^ ].*[^ ].$' } }, '.....' }` Composed pattern expanded into equivalent array of nested patterns: `{ '%b()', '^. .* .$', '.....' }` and `{ '%b[]', '^.[^ ].*[^ ].$', '.....' }` Description: either "balanced `()` with inner edge space" or "balanced `[]` with no inner edge space", both with 5 or more characters. - SPAN MATCHES COMPOSED PATTERN if it matches at least one nested pattern from expanded composed pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi-textobject-specification* Textobject specification has a structure of composed pattern (see |MiniAi-glossary|) with two differences: - Last pattern(s) should have even number of empty capture groups denoting how the last string should be processed to extract `a` or `i` textobject: - Zero captures mean that whole string represents both `a` and `i`. Example: `xxx` will define textobject matching string `xxx` literally. - Two captures represent `i` textobject inside of them. `a` - whole string. Example: `x()x()x` defines `a` textobject to be `xxx`, `i` - middle `x`. - Four captures define `a` textobject inside captures 1 and 4, `i` - inside captures 2 and 3. Example: `x()()x()x()` defines `a` textobject to be last `xx`, `i` - middle `x`. - Allows callable objects (see |vim.is_callable()|) in certain places (enables more complex textobjects in exchange of increase in configuration complexity and computations): - If specification itself is a callable, it will be called with the same arguments as |MiniAi.find_textobject()| and should return one of: - Composed pattern. Useful for implementing user input. Example of simplified variant of textobject for function call with name taken from user prompt: > function() local left_edge = vim.pesc(vim.fn.input('Function name: ')) return { string.format('%s+%%b()', left_edge), '^.-%(().*()%)$' } end < - Single output region. Useful to allow full control over textobject. Will be taken as is. Example of returning whole buffer: > function() local from = { line = 1, col = 1 } local to = { line = vim.fn.line('$'), col = math.max(vim.fn.getline('$'):len(), 1) } return { from = from, to = to } end < - Array of output region(s). Useful for incorporating other instruments, like treesitter (see |MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter()|). The best region will be picked in the same manner as with composed pattern (respecting options `n_lines`, `search_method`, etc.). Example of selecting "best" line with display width more than 80: > function(_, _, _) local res = {} for i = 1, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0) do local cur_line = vim.fn.getline(i) if vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(cur_line) > 80 then local region = { from = { line = i, col = 1 }, to = { line = i, col = cur_line:len() }, } table.insert(res, region) end end return res end < - If there is a callable instead of assumed string pattern, it is expected to have signature `(line, init)` and behave like `pattern:find()`. It should return two numbers representing span in `line` next after or at `init` (`nil` if there is no such span). !IMPORTANT NOTE!: it means that output's `from` shouldn't be strictly to the left of `init` (it will lead to infinite loop). Not allowed as last item (as it should be pattern with captures). Example of matching only balanced parenthesis with big enough width: > { '%b()', function(s, init) if init > 1 or s:len() < 5 then return end return 1, s:len() end, '^.().*().$' } > More examples: - See |MiniAi.gen_spec| for function wrappers to create commonly used textobject specifications. - Pair of balanced brackets from set (used for builtin `b` identifier): `{ { '%b()', '%b[]', '%b{}' }, '^.().*().$' }` - Imitate word ignoring digits and punctuation (supports only Latin alphabet): `{ '()()%f[%w]%w+()[ \t]*()' }` - Word with camel case support (also supports only Latin alphabet): `{` `{` `'%u[%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]',` `'%f[%S][%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]',` `'%f[%P][%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]',` `'^[%l%d]+%f[^%l%d]',` `},` `'^().*()$'` `}` - Number: `{ '%f[%d]%d+' }` - Date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format: `{ '()%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d()' }` - Lua block string: `{ '%[%[().-()%]%]' }` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi-algorithm* Algorithm design Search for the textobjects relies on these principles: - It uses same input data as described in |MiniAi.find_textobject()|, i.e. whether it is `a` or `i` textobject, its identifier, reference region, etc. - Textobject specification is constructed based on textobject identifier (see |MiniAi-textobject-specification|). - General search is done by converting some 2d buffer region (neighborhood of reference region) into 1d string (each line is appended with `\n`). Then search for a best span matching textobject specification is done inside string (see |MiniAi-glossary|). After that, span is converted back into 2d region. Note: first search is done inside reference region lines, and only after that - inside its neighborhood within `config.n_lines` (see |MiniAi.config|). - The best matching span is chosen by iterating over all spans matching textobject specification and comparing them with "current best". Comparison also depends on reference region (tighter covering is better, otherwise closer is better) and search method (if span is even considered). - Extract span based on extraction pattern (last item in nested pattern). - If task is to perform a consecutive search (`opts.n_times` is greater than 1), steps are repeated with current best match becoming reference region. One such additional step is also done if final region is equal to reference region (this enables consecutive application). Notes: - Iteration over all matched spans is done in depth-first fashion with respect to nested pattern. - It is guaranteed that span is compared only once. - For the sake of increasing functionality, during iteration over all matching spans, some Lua patterns in composed pattern are handled specially. - `%bxx` (`xx` is two identical characters). It denotes balanced pair of identical characters and results into "paired" matches. For example, `%b""` for `"aa" "bb"` would match `"aa"` and `"bb"`, but not middle `" "`. - `x.-y` (`x` and `y` are different strings). It results only in matches with smallest width. For example, `e.-o` for `e e o o` will result only in middle `e o`. Note: it has some implications for when parts have quantifiers (like `+`, etc.), which usually can be resolved with frontier pattern `%f[]` (see examples in |MiniAi-textobject-specification|). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.setup()* `MiniAi.setup`({config}) Module setup Parameters~ {config} `(table|nil)` Module config table. See |MiniAi.config|. Usage~ `require('mini.ai').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.config* `MiniAi.config` Module config Default values: > MiniAi.config = { -- Table with textobject id as fields, textobject specification as values. -- Also use this to disable builtin textobjects. See |MiniAi.config|. custom_textobjects = nil, -- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one. mappings = { -- Main textobject prefixes around = 'a', inside = 'i', -- Next/last textobjects around_next = 'an', inside_next = 'in', around_last = 'al', inside_last = 'il', -- Move cursor to corresponding edge of `a` textobject goto_left = 'g[', goto_right = 'g]', }, -- Number of lines within which textobject is searched n_lines = 50, -- How to search for object (first inside current line, then inside -- neighborhood). One of 'cover', 'cover_or_next', 'cover_or_prev', -- 'cover_or_nearest', 'next', 'previous', 'nearest'. search_method = 'cover_or_next', } < # Options ~ ## Custom textobjects ~ Each named entry of `config.custom_textobjects` is a textobject with that identifier and specification (see |MiniAi-textobject-specification|). They are also used to override builtin ones (|MiniAi-textobject-builtin|). Supply non-table input to disable builtin textobject. Examples: > require('mini.ai').setup({ custom_textobjects = { -- Disables function call textobject f = false, -- Tweaks argument textobject a = require('mini.ai').gen_spec.argument({ brackets = { '%b()' } }), -- Now `vax` should select `xxx` and `vix` - middle `x` x = { 'x()x()x' }, -- Whole buffer g = function() local from = { line = 1, col = 1 } local to = { line = vim.fn.line('$'), col = vim.fn.getline('$'):len() } return { from = from, to = to } end } }) -- Use `vim.b.miniai_config` to customize per buffer -- Example of specification useful for Markdown files: local spec_pair = require('mini.ai').gen_spec.pair vim.b.miniai_config = { custom_textobjects = { ['*'] = spec_pair('*', '*', { type = 'greedy' }), ['_'] = spec_pair('_', '_', { type = 'greedy' }), }, } < There are more example specifications in |MiniAi-textobject-specification|. ## Search method~ Value of `config.search_method` defines how best match search is done. Based on its value, one of the following matches will be selected: - Covering match. Left/right edge is before/after left/right edge of reference region. - Previous match. Left/right edge is before left/right edge of reference region. - Next match. Left/right edge is after left/right edge of reference region. - Nearest match. Whichever is closest among previous and next matches. Possible values are: - `'cover'` - use only covering match. Don't use either previous or next; report that there is no textobject found. - `'cover_or_next'` (default) - use covering match. If not found, use next. - `'cover_or_prev'` - use covering match. If not found, use previous. - `'cover_or_nearest'` - use covering match. If not found, use nearest. - `'next'` - use next match. - `'previous'` - use previous match. - `'nearest'` - use nearest match. Note: search is first performed on the reference region lines and only after failure - on the whole neighborhood defined by `config.n_lines`. This means that with `config.search_method` not equal to `'cover'`, "previous" or "next" textobject will end up as search result if they are found on first stage although covering match might be found in bigger, whole neighborhood. This design is based on observation that most of the time operation is done within reference region lines (usually cursor line). Here is an example of what `a)` textobject is based on a value of `'config.search_method'` when cursor is inside `bbb` word: - `'cover'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> none - `'cover_or_next'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(c)` - `'cover_or_prev'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(a)` - `'cover_or_nearest'`: depends on cursor position. For first and second `b` - as in `cover_or_prev` (as previous match is nearer), for third - as in `cover_or_next` (as next match is nearer). - `'next'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(c)`. Same outcome for `(bbb)`. - `'prev'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(a)`. Same outcome for `(bbb)`. - `'nearest'`: depends on cursor position (same as in `'cover_or_nearest'`). ## Mappings~ Mappings `around_next`/`inside_next` and `around_last`/`inside_last` are essentially `around`/`inside` but using search method `'next'` and `'prev'`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.find_textobject()* `MiniAi.find_textobject`({ai_type}, {id}, {opts}) Find textobject region Parameters~ {ai_type} `(string)` One of `'a'` or `'i'`. {id} `(string)` Single character string representing textobject id. It is used to get specification which is later used to compute textobject region. Note: if specification is a function, it is called with all present arguments (`opts` is populated with default arguments). {opts} `(table|nil)` Options. Possible fields: - - Number of lines within which textobject is searched. Default: `config.n_lines` (see |MiniAi.config|). - - Number of times to perform a consecutive search. Each one is done with reference region being previous found textobject region. Default: 1. - - region to try to cover (see |MiniAi-glossary|). It is guaranteed that output region will not be inside or equal to this one. Default: empty region at cursor position. - - Search method. Default: `config.search_method`. Return~ `(table|nil)` Region of textobject or `nil` if no textobject different from `opts.reference_region` was consecutively found `opts.n_times` times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.move_cursor()* `MiniAi.move_cursor`({side}, {ai_type}, {id}, {opts}) Move cursor to edge of textobject Parameters~ {side} `(string)` One of `'left'` or `'right'`. {ai_type} `(string)` One of `'a'` or `'i'`. {id} `(string)` Single character string representing textobject id. {opts} `(table|nil)` Same as in |MiniAi.find_textobject()|. `opts.n_times` means number of *actual* jumps (important when cursor already on the potential jump spot). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.gen_spec* `MiniAi.gen_spec` Generate common textobject specifications This is a table with function elements. Call to actually get specification. Example: > local gen_spec = require('mini.ai').gen_spec require('mini.ai').setup({ custom_textobjects = { -- Tweak argument to be recognized only inside `()` between `;` a = gen_spec.argument({ brackets = { '%b()' }, separators = { ';' } }), -- Tweak function call to not detect dot in function name f = gen_spec.function_call({ name_pattern = '[%w_]' }), -- Function definition (needs treesitter queries with these captures) F = gen_spec.treesitter({ a = '@function.outer', i = '@function.inner' }), -- Make `|` select both edges in non-balanced way ['|'] = gen_spec.pair('|', '|', { type = 'non-balanced' }), } }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.gen_spec.argument()* `MiniAi.gen_spec.argument`({opts}) Argument specification Argument textobject (has default `a` identifier) is a region inside balanced bracket between allowed not excluded separators. Use this function to tweak how it works. Examples: - `argument({ brackets = { '%b()' } })` will search for an argument only inside balanced `()`. - `argument({ separators = { ',', ';' } })` will consider both `,` and `;` to be separators. - `argument({ exclude_regions = { '%b()' } })` will exclude separators which are inside balanced `()` (inside outer brackets). Parameters~ {opts} `(table|nil)` Options. Allowed fields: - - table with patterns for outer balanced brackets. Default: `{ '%b()', '%b[]', '%b{}' }` (any `()`, `[]`, or `{}` can enclose arguments). - - table with single character separators. Default: `{ ',' }` (arguments are separated with `,`). - - table with patterns for regions inside which separators will be ignored. Default: `{ '%b""', "%b''", '%b()', '%b[]', '%b{}' }` (separators inside balanced quotes or brackets are ignored). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.gen_spec.function_call()* `MiniAi.gen_spec.function_call`({opts}) Function call specification Function call textobject (has default `f` identifier) is a region with some characters followed by balanced `()`. Use this function to tweak how it works. Example: - `function_call({ name_pattern = '[%w_]' })` will recognize function name with only alphanumeric or underscore (not dot). Parameters~ {opts} `(table|nil)` Optsion. Allowed fields: - - string pattern of character set allowed in function name. Default: `'[%w_%.]'` (alphanumeric, underscore, or dot). Note: should be enclosed in `[]`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.gen_spec.pair()* `MiniAi.gen_spec.pair`({left}, {right}, {opts}) Pair specification Use it to define textobject for region surrounded with `left` from left and `right` from right. The `a` textobject includes both edges, `i` - excludes them. Region can be one of several types (controlled with `opts.type`). All examples are for default search method, `a` textobject, and use `'_'` as both `left` and `right`: - Non-balanced (`{ type = 'non-balanced' }`), default. Equivalent to using `x.-y` as first pattern. Example: on line '_a_b_c_' it consecutively matches '_a_', '_b_', '_c_'. - Balanced (`{ type = 'balanced' }`). Equivalent to using `%bxy` as first pattern. Example: on line '_a_b_c_' it consecutively matches '_a_', '_c_'. Note: both `left` and `right` should be single character. - Greedy (`{ type = 'greedy' }`). Like non-balanced but will select maximum consecutive `left` and `right` edges. Example: on line '__a__b_' it consecutively selects '__a__' and '__b_'. Note: both `left` and `right` should be single character. Parameters~ {left} `(string)` Left edge. {right} `(string)` Right edge. {opts} `(table|nil)` Options. Possible fields: - - Type of a pair. One of `'non-balanced'` (default), `'balanced'`, `'greedy'`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter()* `MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter`({ai_captures}, {opts}) Treesitter specification This is a specification in function form. When called with a pair of treesitter captures, it returns a specification function outputting an array of regions that match corresponding (`a` or `i`) capture. In order for this to work, apart from working treesitter parser for desired language, user should have a reachable language-specific 'textobjects' query (see |get_query()|). The most straightforward way for this is to have 'textobjects.scm' query file with treesitter captures stored in some recognized path. This is primarily designed to be compatible with 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects' plugin, but can be used without it. Two most common approaches for having a query file: - Install 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects'. It has curated and well maintained builtin query files for many languages with a standardized capture names, like `function.outer`, `function.inner`, etc. - Manually create file 'after/queries//textobjects.scm' in your |$XDG_CONFIG_HOME| directory. It should contain queries with captures (later used to define textobjects). See |lua-treesitter-query|. To verify that query file is reachable, run (example for "lua" language) `:lua print(vim.inspect(vim.treesitter.get_query_files('lua', 'textobjects')))` (output should have at least an intended file). Example configuration for function definition textobject with 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects' captures: > local spec_treesitter = require('mini.ai').gen_spec.treesitter require('mini.ai').setup({ custom_textobjects = { F = spec_treesitter({ a = '@function.outer', i = '@function.inner' }), o = spec_treesitter({ a = { '@conditional.outer', '@loop.outer' }, i = { '@conditional.inner', '@loop.inner' }, }) } }) > Notes: - By default query is done using 'nvim-treesitter' plugin if it is present (falls back to builtin methods otherwise). This allows for a more advanced features (like multiple buffer languages, custom directives, etc.). See `opts.use_nvim_treesitter` for how to disable this. - It uses buffer's |filetype| to determine query language. - On large files it is slower than pattern-based textobjects. Still very fast though (one search should be magnitude of milliseconds or tens of milliseconds on really large file). Parameters~ {ai_captures} `(table)` Captures for `a` and `i` textobjects: table with and fields with captures for `a` and `i` textobjects respectively. Each value can be either a string capture (should start with `'@'`) or an array of such captures (best among all matches will be chosen). {opts} `(table)` Options. Possible values: - - whether to try to use 'nvim-treesitter' plugin (if present) to do the query. It implements more advanced behavior at cost of increased execution time. Provides more coherent experience if 'nvim-treesitter-textobjects' queries are used. Default: `true`. Return~ `(function)` Function with |MiniAi.find_textobject()| signature which returns array of current buffer regions representing matches for corresponding (`a` or `i`) treesitter capture. See also~ |MiniAi-textobject-specification| for how this type of textobject specification is processed. |get_query()| for how query is fetched in case of no 'nvim-treesitter'. |Query:iter_captures()| for how all query captures are iterated in case of no 'nvim-treesitter'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.select_textobject()* `MiniAi.select_textobject`({ai_type}, {id}, {opts}) Visually select textobject region Does nothing if no region is found. Parameters~ {ai_type} `(string)` One of `'a'` or `'i'`. {id} `(string)` Single character string representing textobject id. {opts} `(table|nil)` Same as in |MiniAi.find_textobject()|. Extra fields: - - One of `'v'`, `'V'`, `''`. Default: Latest visual mode. - - Whether selection is for Operator-pending mode. Used in that mode's mappings, shouldn't be used directly. Default: `false`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.expr_textobject()* `MiniAi.expr_textobject`({mode}, {ai_type}, {opts}) Make expression to visually select textobject Designed to be used inside expression mapping. No need to use directly. Textobject identifier is taken from user single character input. Default `n_times` option is taken from |v:count1|. Parameters~ {mode} `(string)` One of 'x' (Visual) or 'o' (Operator-pending). {ai_type} `(string)` One of `'a'` or `'i'`. {opts} `(table|nil)` Same as in |MiniAi.select_textobject()|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *MiniAi.expr_motion()* `MiniAi.expr_motion`({side}) Make expression for moving cursor to edge of textobject Designed to be used inside expression mapping (powers `config.goto_left` and `config.goto_right` mappings). No need to use directly. Textobject identifier is taken from user single character input. Default `n_times` option is taken from |v:count1|. Parameters~ {side} `(string)` One of `'left'` or `'right'`. vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: