
137 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File

Fast and familiar per-line commenting. Commenting in Normal mode respects
|count| and is dot-repeatable. Comment structure is inferred from
'commentstring'. Handles both tab and space indenting (but not when they
are mixed). Allows custom hooks before and after successful commenting.
What it doesn't do:
- Block and sub-line comments. This will only support per-line commenting.
- Configurable (from module) comment structure. Modify |commentstring|
instead. To enhance support for commenting in multi-language files, see
"JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring" plugin along with `hooks`
option of this module (see |MiniComment.config|).
- Handle indentation with mixed tab and space.
- Preserve trailing whitespace in empty lines.
# Setup~
This module needs a setup with `require('mini.comment').setup({})` (replace
`{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table
`MiniComment` which you can use for scripting or manually (with
`:lua MiniComment.*`).
See |MiniComment.config| for `config` structure and default values.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.minicomment_config` which should have same structure as
`MiniComment.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
# Disabling~
To disable core functionality, set `g:minicomment_disable` (globally) or
`b:minicomment_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`. Considering high number
of different scenarios and customization intentions, writing exact rules
for disabling module's functionality is left to user. See
|mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes.
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniComment.config|.
`require('mini.comment').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniComment.config = {
-- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one.
mappings = {
-- Toggle comment (like `gcip` - comment inner paragraph) for both
-- Normal and Visual modes
comment = 'gc',
-- Toggle comment on current line
comment_line = 'gcc',
-- Define 'comment' textobject (like `dgc` - delete whole comment block)
textobject = 'gc',
-- Hook functions to be executed at certain stage of commenting
hooks = {
-- Before successful commenting. Does nothing by default.
pre = function() end,
-- After successful commenting. Does nothing by default.
post = function() end,
Main function to be mapped
It is meant to be used in expression mappings (see |map-<expr>|) to enable
dot-repeatability and commenting on range. There is no need to do this
manually, everything is done inside |MiniComment.setup()|.
It has a somewhat unintuitive logic (because of how expression mapping with
dot-repeatability works): it should be called without arguments inside
expression mapping and with argument when action should be performed.
{mode} `(string)` Optional string with 'operatorfunc' mode (see |g@|).
`(string)` 'g@' if called without argument, '' otherwise (but after
performing action).
`MiniComment.toggle_lines`({line_start}, {line_end})
Toggle comments between two line numbers
It uncomments if lines are comment (every line is a comment) and comments
otherwise. It respects indentation and doesn't insert trailing
whitespace. Toggle commenting not in visual mode is also dot-repeatable
and respects |count|.
Before successful commenting it executes `config.hooks.pre`.
After successful commenting it executes ``.
If hook returns `false`, any further action is terminated.
# Notes~
1. Currently call to this function will remove marks inside written range.
Use |lockmarks| to preserve marks.
{line_start} `(number)` Start line number (inclusive from 1 to number of lines).
{line_end} `(number)` End line number (inclusive from 1 to number of lines).
Comment textobject
This selects all commented lines adjacent to cursor line (if it itself is
commented). Designed to be used with operator mode mappings (see |mapmode-o|).
Before successful textobject usage it executes `config.hooks.pre`.
After successful textobject usage it executes ``.
If hook returns `false`, any further action is terminated.