
109 lines
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Executable File

Autohighlight word under cursor with customizable delay. Current word under
cursor can be highlighted differently. Highlighting is triggered only if
current cursor character is a |[:keyword:]|. "Word under cursor" is meant
as in Vim's |<cword>|: something user would get as 'iw' text object.
Highlighting stops in insert and terminal modes.
# Setup~
This module needs a setup with `require('mini.cursorword').setup({})`
(replace `{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table
`MiniCursorword` which you can use for scripting or manually (with
`:lua MiniCursorword.*`).
See |MiniCursorword.config| for `config` structure and default values.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.minicursorword_config` which should have same structure as
`MiniCursorword.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
# Highlight groups~
* `MiniCursorword` - highlight group of cursor word. Default: plain underline.
* `MiniCursorwordCurrent` - highlight group of a current word under
cursor. It will be displayed on top of `MiniCursorword`
(so `:hi clear MiniCursorwordCurrent` will lead to showing
`MiniCursorword` highlight group). Note: To not highlight it, use
`:hi! MiniCursorwordCurrent gui=nocombine guifg=NONE guibg=NONE` .
To change any highlight group, modify it directly with |:highlight|.
# Disabling~
To disable core functionality, set `g:minicursorword_disable` (globally) or
`b:minicursorword_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`. Considering high
number of different scenarios and customization intentions, writing exact
rules for disabling module's functionality is left to user. See
|mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes. Note: after disabling
there might be highlighting left; it will be removed after next
highlighting update.
Module-specific disabling:
- Don't show highlighting if cursor is on the word that is in a blocklist
of current filetype. In this example, blocklist for "lua" is "local" and
"require" words, for "javascript" - "import":
_G.cursorword_blocklist = function()
local curword = vim.fn.expand('<cword>')
local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'filetype')
-- Add any disabling global or filetype-specific logic here
local blocklist = {}
if filetype == 'lua' then
blocklist = { 'local', 'require' }
elseif filetype == 'javascript' then
blocklist = { 'import' }
vim.b.minicursorword_disable = vim.tbl_contains(blocklist, curword)
-- Make sure to add this autocommand *before* calling module's `setup()`.
vim.cmd('au CursorMoved * lua _G.cursorword_blocklist()')
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniCursorword.config|.
`require('mini.cursorword').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniCursorword.config = {
-- Delay (in ms) between when cursor moved and when highlighting appeared
delay = 100,
Auto highlight word under cursor
Designed to be used with |autocmd|. No need to use it directly,
everything is setup in |MiniCursorword.setup|.
Auto unhighlight word under cursor
Designed to be used with |autocmd|. No need to use it directly, everything
is setup in |MiniCursorword.setup|.