
147 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File

Minimal and fast fuzzy matching.
# Setup~
This module doesn't need setup, but it can be done to improve usability.
Setup with `require('mini.fuzzy').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your
`config` table). It will create global Lua table `MiniFuzzy` which you can
use for scripting or manually (with `:lua MiniFuzzy.*`).
See |MiniFuzzy.config| for `config` structure and default values.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.minifuzzy_config` which should have same structure as
See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
# Notes~
1. Currently there is no explicit design to work with multibyte symbols,
but simple examples should work.
2. Smart case is used: case insensitive if input word (which is usually a
user input) is all lower ase. Case sensitive otherwise.
# Algorithm design~
General design uses only width of found match and index of first letter
match. No special characters or positions (like in fzy and fzf) are used.
Given input `word` and target `candidate`:
- The goal is to find matching between `word`'s letters and letters in
`candidate`, which minimizes certain score. It is assumed that order of
letters in `word` and those matched in `candidate` should be the same.
- Matching is represented by matched positions: an array `positions` of
integers with length equal to number of letters in `word`. The following
should be always true in case of a match: `candidate`'s letter at index
`positions[i]` is letters[i]` for all valid `i`.
- Matched positions are evaluated based only on two features: their width
(number of indexes between first and last positions) and first match
(index of first letter match). There is a global setting `cutoff` for
which all feature values greater than it can be considered "equally bad".
- Score of matched positions is computed with following explicit formula:
`cutoff * min(width, cutoff) + min(first, cutoff)`. It is designed to be
equivalent to first comparing widths (lower is better) and then comparing
first match (lower is better). For example, if `word = 'time'`:
- '_time' (width 4) will have a better match than 't_ime' (width 5).
- 'time_a' (width 4, first 1) will have a better match than 'a_time'
(width 4, first 3).
- Final matched positions are those which minimize score among all possible
matched positions of `word` and `candidate`.
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniFuzzy.config|.
`require('mini.fuzzy').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniFuzzy.config = {
-- Maximum allowed value of match features (width and first match). All
-- feature values greater than cutoff can be considered "equally bad".
cutoff = 100,
`MiniFuzzy.match`({word}, {candidate})
Compute match data of input `word` and `candidate` strings
It tries to find best match for input string `word` (usually user input)
and string `candidate`. Returns table with elements:
- `positions` - array with letter indexes inside `candidate` which
matched to corresponding letters in `word`. Or `nil` if no match.
- `score` - positive number representing how good the match is (lower is
better). Or `-1` if no match.
{word} `(string)` Input word (usually user input).
{candidate} `(string)` Target word (usually with which matching is done).
`(table)` Table with matching information (see function's description).
`MiniFuzzy.filtersort`({word}, {candidate_array})
Filter string array
This leaves only those elements of input array which matched with `word`
and sorts from best to worst matches (based on score and index in original
array, both lower is better).
{word} `(string)` String which will be searched.
{candidate_array} `(table)` Lua array of strings inside which word will be
`(...)` Arrays of matched candidates and their indexes in original input.
`MiniFuzzy.process_lsp_items`({items}, {base})
Fuzzy matching for `lsp_completion.process_items` of |MiniCompletion.config|
{items} `(table)` Lua array with LSP 'textDocument/completion' response items.
{base} `(string)` Word to complete.
Custom getter for `telescope.nvim` sorter
Designed to be used as value for |telescope.defaults.file_sorter| and
|telescope.defaults.generic_sorter| inside `setup()` call.
{opts} `(table)` Options (currently not used).
defaults = {
generic_sorter = require('mini.fuzzy').get_telescope_sorter