
596 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

Fast and flexible start screen. Displayed items are fully customizable both
in terms of what they do and how they look (with reasonable defaults). Item
selection can be done using prefix query with instant visual feedback.
Key design ideas:
- All available actions are defined inside items. Each item should have the
following info:
- <action> - function or string for |vim.cmd| which is executed when
item is chosen. Empty string result in placeholder "inactive" item.
- <name> - string which will be displayed and used for choosing.
- <section> - string representing to which section item belongs.
There are pre-configured whole sections in |MiniStarter.sections|.
- Configure what items are displayed by supplying an array which can be
normalized to an array of items. Read about how supplied items are
normalized in |MiniStarter.refresh|.
- Modify the final look by supplying content hooks: functions which take
buffer content as input (see |MiniStarter.get_content()| for more
information) and return buffer content as output. There are
pre-configured content hook generators in |MiniStarter.gen_hook|.
- Choosing an item can be done in two ways:
- Type prefix query to filter item by matching its name (ignoring
case). Displayed information is updated after every typed character.
For every item its unique prefix is highlighted.
- Use Up/Down arrows and hit Enter.
- Allow multiple simultaneously open Starter buffers.
What is doesn't do:
- It doesn't support fuzzy query for items. And probably will never do.
# Setup~
This module needs a setup with `require('mini.starter').setup({})`
(replace `{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table
`MiniStarter` which you can use for scripting or manually (with
`:lua MiniStarter.*`).
See |MiniStarter.config| for `config` structure and default values. For
some configuration examples (including one similar to 'vim-startify' and
'dashboard-nvim'), see |MiniStarter-example-config|.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.ministarter_config` which should have same structure as
`MiniStarter.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
Note: `vim.b.ministarter_config` is copied to Starter buffer from current
buffer allowing full customization.
# Highlight groups~
* `MiniStarterCurrent` - current item.
* `MiniStarterFooter` - footer units.
* `MiniStarterHeader` - header units.
* `MiniStarterInactive` - inactive item.
* `MiniStarterItem` - item name.
* `MiniStarterItemBullet` - units from |MiniStarter.gen_hook.adding_bullet|.
* `MiniStarterItemPrefix` - unique query for item.
* `MiniStarterSection` - section units.
* `MiniStarterQuery` - current query in active items.
To change any highlight group, modify it directly with |:highlight|.
# Disabling~
To disable core functionality, set `g:ministarter_disable` (globally) or
`b:ministarter_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`. Considering high number
of different scenarios and customization intentions, writing exact rules
for disabling module's functionality is left to user. See
|mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes.
Example configurations
Configuration similar to 'mhinz/vim-startify':
local starter = require('mini.starter')
evaluate_single = true,
items = {
starter.sections.recent_files(10, false),
starter.sections.recent_files(10, true),
-- Use this if you set up 'mini.sessions'
starter.sections.sessions(5, true)
content_hooks = {
starter.gen_hook.indexing('all', { 'Builtin actions' }),
starter.gen_hook.padding(3, 2),
Configuration similar to 'glepnir/dashboard-nvim':
local starter = require('mini.starter')
items = {
content_hooks = {
starter.gen_hook.aligning('center', 'center'),
Elaborated configuration showing capabilities of custom items,
header/footer, and content hooks:
local my_items = {
{ name = 'Echo random number', action = 'lua print(math.random())', section = 'Section 1' },
return {
{ name = 'Item #1 from function', action = [[echo 'Item #1']], section = 'From function' },
{ name = 'Placeholder (always incative) item', action = '', section = 'From function' },
return {
name = 'Item #1 from double function',
action = [[echo 'Double function']],
section = 'From double function',
{ name = [[Another item in 'Section 1']], action = 'lua print(math.random() + 10)', section = 'Section 1' },
local footer_n_seconds = (function()
local timer = vim.loop.new_timer()
local n_seconds = 0
timer:start(0, 1000, vim.schedule_wrap(function()
if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, 'filetype') ~= 'starter' then
n_seconds = n_seconds + 1
return function()
return 'Number of seconds since opening: ' .. n_seconds
local hook_top_pad_10 = function(content)
-- Pad from top
for _ = 1, 10 do
-- Insert at start a line with single content unit
table.insert(content, 1, { { type = 'empty', string = '' } })
return content
local starter = require('mini.starter')
items = my_items,
footer = footer_n_seconds,
content_hooks = { hook_top_pad_10 },
# Lifecycle of Starter buffer~
- Open with ||. It includes creating buffer with
appropriate options, mappings, behavior; call to |MiniStarter.refresh()|;
issue `MiniStarterOpened` |User| event.
- Wait for user to choose an item. This is done using following logic:
- Typing any character from `MiniStarter.config.query_updaters` leads
to updating query. Read more in |MiniStarter.add_to_query|.
- <BS> deletes latest character from query.
- <Down>/<Up>, <C-n>/<C-p>, <M-j>/<M-k> move current item.
- <CR> executes action of current item.
- <C-c> closes Starter buffer.
- Evaluate current item when appropriate (after `<CR>` or when there is a
single item and `MiniStarter.config.evaluate_single` is `true`). This
executes item's `action`.
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniStarter.config|.
`require('mini.starter').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniStarter.config = {
-- Whether to open starter buffer on VimEnter. Not opened if Neovim was
-- started with intent to show something else.
autoopen = true,
-- Whether to evaluate action of single active item
evaluate_single = false,
-- Items to be displayed. Should be an array with the following elements:
-- - Item: table with <action>, <name>, and <section> keys.
-- - Function: should return one of these three categories.
-- - Array: elements of these three types (i.e. item, array, function).
-- If `nil` (default), default items will be used (see |mini.starter|).
items = nil,
-- Header to be displayed before items. Converted to single string via
-- `tostring` (use `\n` to display several lines). If function, it is
-- evaluated first. If `nil` (default), polite greeting will be used.
header = nil,
-- Footer to be displayed after items. Converted to single string via
-- `tostring` (use `\n` to display several lines). If function, it is
-- evaluated first. If `nil` (default), default usage help will be shown.
footer = nil,
-- Array of functions to be applied consecutively to initial content.
-- Each function should take and return content for 'Starter' buffer (see
-- |mini.starter| and |MiniStarter.get_content()| for more details).
content_hooks = nil,
-- Characters to update query. Each character will have special buffer
-- mapping overriding your global ones. Be careful to not add `:` as it
-- allows you to go into command mode.
query_updaters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.',
Act on |VimEnter|.
Open Starter buffer
- Create buffer if necessary and move into it.
- Set buffer options. Note that settings are done with |noautocmd| to
achieve a massive speedup.
- Set buffer mappings. Besides basic mappings (described inside "Lifecycle
of Starter buffer" of |mini.starter|), map every character from
`MiniStarter.config.query_updaters` to add itself to query with
- Populate buffer with |MiniStarter.refresh|.
- Issue custom `MiniStarterOpened` event to allow acting upon opening
Starter buffer. Use it with
`autocmd User MiniStarterOpened <your command>`.
Note: to fully use it in autocommand, it is recommended to utilize
|autocmd-nested|. Example:
`autocmd TabNewEntered * ++nested lua`
{buf_id} `(number)` Identifier of existing valid buffer (see |bufnr()|) to
open inside. Default: create a new one.
Refresh Starter buffer
- Normalize `MiniStarter.config.items`:
- Flatten: recursively (in depth-first fashion) parse its elements. If
function is found, execute it and continue with parsing its output
(this allows deferring item collection up until it is actually
needed). If proper item is found (table with fields `action`,
`name`, `section`), add it to output.
- Sort: order first by section and then by item id (both in order of
- Normalize `MiniStarter.config.header` and `MiniStarter.config.footer` to
be multiple lines by splitting at `\n`. If function - evaluate it first.
- Make initial buffer content (see |MiniStarter.get_content()| for a
description of what a buffer content is). It consist from content lines
with single content unit:
- First lines contain strings of normalized header.
- Body is for normalized items. Section names have own lines preceded
by empty line.
- Last lines contain separate strings of normalized footer.
- Sequentially apply hooks from `MiniStarter.config.content_hooks` to
content. Output of one hook serves as input to the next.
- Gather final items from content with |MiniStarter.content_to_items|.
- Convert content to buffer lines with |MiniStarter.content_to_lines| and
add them to buffer.
- Add highlighting of content units.
- Position cursor.
- Make current query. This results into some items being marked as
"inactive" and updating highlighting of current query on "active" items.
Note: this function is executed on every |VimResized| to allow more
responsive behavior.
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
Close Starter buffer
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
Table of pre-configured sections
Section with builtin actions
`(table)` Array of items.
`MiniStarter.sections.sessions`({n}, {recent})
Section with |MiniSessions| sessions
Sessions are taken from |MiniSessions.detected|. Notes:
- If it shows "'mini.sessions' is not set up", it means that you didn't
call `require('mini.sessions').setup()`.
- If it shows "There are no detected sessions in 'mini.sessions'", it means
that there are no sessions at the current sessions directory. Either
create session or supply different directory where session files are
stored (see |MiniSessions.setup|).
- Local session (if detected) is always displayed first.
{n} `(number)` Number of returned items. Default: 5.
{recent} `(boolean)` Whether to use recent sessions (instead of
alphabetically by name). Default: true.
`(function)` Function which returns array of items.
`MiniStarter.sections.recent_files`({n}, {current_dir}, {show_path})
Section with most recently used files
Files are taken from |vim.v.oldfiles|.
{n} `(number)` Number of returned items. Default: 5.
{current_dir} `(boolean)` Whether to return files only from current working
directory. Default: `false`.
{show_path} `(boolean)` Whether to append file name with its full path.
Default: `true`.
`(function)` Function which returns array of items.
Section with basic Telescope pickers relevant to start screen
`(function)` Function which returns array of items.
Table with pre-configured content hook generators
Each element is a function which returns content hook. So to use them
inside |MiniStarter.setup|, call them.
`MiniStarter.gen_hook.padding`({left}, {top})
Hook generator for padding
Output is a content hook which adds constant padding from left and top.
This allows tweaking the screen position of buffer content.
{left} `(number)` Number of empty spaces to add to start of each content
line. Default: 0.
{top} `(number)` Number of empty lines to add to start of content.
Default: 0.
`(function)` Content hook.
`MiniStarter.gen_hook.adding_bullet`({bullet}, {place_cursor})
Hook generator for adding bullet to items
Output is a content hook which adds supplied string to be displayed to the
left of item.
{bullet} `(string)` String to be placed to the left of item name.
Default: "░ ".
{place_cursor} `(boolean)` Whether to place cursor on the first character
of bullet when corresponding item becomes current. Default: true.
`(function)` Content hook.
`MiniStarter.gen_hook.indexing`({grouping}, {exclude_sections})
Hook generator for indexing items
Output is a content hook which adds unique index to the start of item's
name. It results into shortening queries required to choose an item (at
expense of clarity).
{grouping} `(string)` One of "all" (number indexing across all sections) or
"section" (letter-number indexing within each section). Default: "all".
{exclude_sections} `(table)` Array of section names (values of `section`
element of item) for which index won't be added. Default: `{}`.
`(function)` Content hook.
`MiniStarter.gen_hook.aligning`({horizontal}, {vertical})
Hook generator for aligning content
Output is a content hook which independently aligns content horizontally
and vertically. Basically, this computes left and top pads for
|MiniStarter.gen_hook.padding| such that output lines would appear aligned
in certain way.
{horizontal} `(string)` One of "left", "center", "right". Default: "left".
{vertical} `(string)` One of "top", "center", "bottom". Default: "top".
`(function)` Content hook.
Get content of Starter buffer
Generally, buffer content is a table in the form of "2d array" (or rather
"2d list" because number of elements can differ):
- Each element represents content line: an array with content units to be
displayed in one buffer line.
- Each content unit is a table with at least the following elements:
- "type" - string with type of content. Something like "item",
"section", "header", "footer", "empty", etc.
- "string" - which string should be displayed. May be an empty string.
- "hl" - which highlighting should be applied to content string. May be
`nil` for no highlighting.
See |MiniStarter.content_to_lines| for converting content to buffer lines
and |MiniStarter.content_to_items| - to list of parsed items.
- Content units with type "item" also have `item` element with all
information about an item it represents. Those elements are used directly
to create an array of items used for query.
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
`MiniStarter.content_coords`({content}, {predicate})
Helper to iterate through content
Basically, this traverses content "2d array" (in depth-first fashion; top
to bottom, left to right) and returns "coordinates" of units for which
`predicate` is true-ish.
{content} `(table)` Content "2d array". Default: content of current buffer.
{predicate} `(function|string|nil)` Predictate to filter units. If it is:
- Function, then it is evaluated with unit as input.
- String, then it checks unit to have this type (allows easy getting of
units with some type).
- `nil`, all units are kept.
`(table)` Array of resulting units' coordinates. Each coordinate is a
table with <line> and <unit> keys. To retrieve actual unit from coordinate
`c`, use `content[c.line][c.unit]`.
Convert content to buffer lines
One buffer line is made by concatenating `string` element of units within
same content line.
{content} `(table)` Content "2d array". Default: content of current buffer.
`(table)` Array of strings for each buffer line.
Convert content to items
Parse content (in depth-first fashion) and retrieve each item from `item`
element of content units with type "item". This also:
- Computes some helper information about how item will be actually
displayed (after |MiniStarter.content_to_lines|) and minimum number of
prefix characters needed for a particular item to be queried single.
- Modifies item's `name` element taking it from corresponing `string`
element of content unit. This allows modifying item's `name` at the stage
of content hooks (like, for example, in |MiniStarter.gen_hook.indexing|).
{content} `(table)` Content "2d array". Default: content of current buffer.
`(table)` Array of items.
Evaluate current item
Note that it resets current query before evaluation, as it is rarely needed
any more.
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
`MiniStarter.update_current_item`({direction}, {buf_id})
Update current item
This makes next (with respect to `direction`) active item to be current.
{direction} `(string)` One of "next" or "previous".
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
`MiniStarter.add_to_query`({char}, {buf_id})
Add character to current query
- Update current query by appending `char` to its end (only if it results
into at least one active item) or delete latest character if `char` is `nil`.
- Recompute status of items: "active" if its name starts with new query,
"inactive" otherwise.
- Update highlighting: whole strings for "inactive" items, current query
for "active" items.
{char} `(string)` Single character to be added to query. If `nil`, deletes
latest character from query.
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
`MiniStarter.set_query`({query}, {buf_id})
Set current query
{query} `(string|nil)` Query to be set (only if it results into at least one
active item). Default: `nil` for setting query to empty string, which
essentially resets query.
{buf_id} `(number|nil)` Buffer identifier of a valid Starter buffer.
Default: current buffer.
Act on |CursorMoved| by repositioning cursor in fixed place.