
308 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

Minimal and fast statusline with opinionated default look.
- Define own custom statusline structure for active and inactive windows.
This is done with a function which should return string appropriate for
|statusline|. Its code should be similar to default one with structure:
- Compute string data for every section you want to be displayed.
- Combine them in groups with |MiniStatusline.combine_groups()|.
- Built-in active mode indicator with colors.
- Sections can hide information when window is too narrow (specific window
width is configurable per section).
# Dependencies~
Suggested dependencies (provide extra functionality, statusline will work
without them):
- Nerd font (to support extra icons).
- Plugin 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' for Git information in
|MiniStatusline.section_git|. If missing, no section will be shown.
- Plugin 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' for filetype icons in
`MiniStatusline.section_fileinfo`. If missing, no icons will be shown.
# Setup~
This module needs a setup with `require('mini.statusline').setup({})`
(replace `{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table
`MiniStatusline` which you can use for scripting or manually (with
`:lua MiniStatusline.*`).
See |MiniStatusline.config| for `config` structure and default values. For
some content examples, see |MiniStatusline-example-content|.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.ministatusline_config` which should have same structure as
`MiniStatusline.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
# Highlight groups~
Highlight depending on mode (second output from |MiniStatusline.section_mode|):
* `MiniStatuslineModeNormal` - Normal mode.
* `MiniStatuslineModeInsert` - Insert mode.
* `MiniStatuslineModeVisual` - Visual mode.
* `MiniStatuslineModeReplace` - Replace mode.
* `MiniStatuslineModeCommand` - Command mode.
* `MiniStatuslineModeOther` - other modes (like Terminal, etc.).
Highlight used in default statusline:
* `MiniStatuslineDevinfo` - for "dev info" group
(|MiniStatusline.section_git| and |MiniStatusline.section_diagnostics|).
* `MiniStatuslineFilename` - for |MiniStatusline.section_filename| section.
* `MiniStatuslineFileinfo` - for |MiniStatusline.section_fileinfo| section.
Other groups:
* `MiniStatuslineInactive` - highliting in not focused window.
To change any highlight group, modify it directly with |:highlight|.
# Disabling~
To disable (show empty statusline), set `g:ministatusline_disable`
(globally) or `b:ministatusline_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`.
Considering high number of different scenarios and customization
intentions, writing exact rules for disabling module's functionality is
left to user. See |mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes.
Example content
# Default content~
This function is used as default value for active content:
local mode, mode_hl = MiniStatusline.section_mode({ trunc_width = 120 })
local git = MiniStatusline.section_git({ trunc_width = 75 })
local diagnostics = MiniStatusline.section_diagnostics({ trunc_width = 75 })
local filename = MiniStatusline.section_filename({ trunc_width = 140 })
local fileinfo = MiniStatusline.section_fileinfo({ trunc_width = 120 })
local location = MiniStatusline.section_location({ trunc_width = 75 })
return MiniStatusline.combine_groups({
{ hl = mode_hl, strings = { mode } },
{ hl = 'MiniStatuslineDevinfo', strings = { git, diagnostics } },
'%<', -- Mark general truncate point
{ hl = 'MiniStatuslineFilename', strings = { filename } },
'%=', -- End left alignment
{ hl = 'MiniStatuslineFileinfo', strings = { fileinfo } },
{ hl = mode_hl, strings = { location } },
# Show boolean options~
To compute section string for boolean option use variation of this code
snippet inside content function (you can modify option itself, truncation
width, short and long displayed names):
local spell = vim.wo.spell and (MiniStatusline.is_truncated(120) and 'S' or 'SPELL') or ''
Here `x and y or z` is a common Lua way of doing ternary operator: if `x`
is `true`-ish then return `y`, if not - return `z`.
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniStatusline.config|.
`require('mini.statusline').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniStatusline.config = {
-- Content of statusline as functions which return statusline string. See
-- `:h statusline` and code of default contents (used instead of `nil`).
content = {
-- Content for active window
active = nil,
-- Content for inactive window(s)
inactive = nil,
-- Whether to use icons by default
use_icons = true,
-- Whether to set Vim's settings for statusline (make it always shown with
-- 'laststatus' set to 2). To use global statusline in Neovim>=0.7.0, set
-- this to `false` and 'laststatus' to 3.
set_vim_settings = true,
Compute content for active window
Compute content for inactive window
Combine groups of sections
Each group can be either a string or a table with fields `hl` (group's
highlight group) and `strings` (strings representing sections).
General idea of this function is as follows;
- String group is used as is (useful for special strings like `%<` or `%=`).
- Each table group has own highlighting in `hl` field (if missing, the
previous one is used) and string parts in `strings` field. Non-empty
strings from `strings` are separated by one space. Non-empty groups are
separated by two spaces (one for each highlighting).
{groups} `(string|table)` Array of groups.
`(string)` String suitable for 'statusline'.
Decide whether to truncate
This basically computes window width and compares it to `trunc_width`: if
window is smaller then truncate; otherwise don't. Don't truncate by
Use this to manually decide if section needs truncation or not.
{trunc_width} `(number)` Truncation width. If `nil`, output is `false`.
`(boolean)` Whether to truncate.
Section for Vim |mode()|
Short output is returned if window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments.
`(...)` Section string and mode's highlight group.
Section for Git information
Normal output contains name of `HEAD` (via |b:gitsigns_head|) and chunk
information (via |b:gitsigns_status|). Short output - only name of `HEAD`.
Note: requires 'lewis6991/gitsigns' plugin.
Short output is returned if window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments. Use `args.icon` to supply your own icon.
`(string)` Section string.
Section for Neovim's builtin diagnostics
Shows nothing if there is no attached LSP clients or for short output.
Otherwise uses builtin Neovim capabilities to compute and show number of
errors ('E'), warnings ('W'), information ('I'), and hints ('H').
Short output is returned if window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments. Use `args.icon` to supply your own icon.
`(string)` Section string.
Section for file name
Show full file name or relative in short output.
Short output is returned if window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments.
`(string)` Section string.
Section for file information
Short output contains only extension and is returned if window width is
lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments.
`(string)` Section string.
Section for location inside buffer
Show location inside buffer in the form:
- Normal: '<cursor line>|<total lines>│<cursor column>|<total columns>'.
- Short: '<cursor line>│<cursor column>'.
Short output is returned if window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments.
`(string)` Section string.
Section for current search count
Show the current status of |searchcount()|. Empty output is returned if
window width is lower than `args.trunc_width`, search highlighting is not
on (see |v:hlsearch|), or if number of search result is 0.
`args.options` is forwarded to |searchcount()|. By default it recomputes
data on every call which can be computationally expensive (although still
usually same order of magnitude as 0.1 ms). To prevent this, supply
`args.options = {recompute = false}`.
{args} `(table)` Section arguments.
`(string)` Section string.