
785 lines
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Fast and feature-rich surrounding. This is mostly a reimplementation of the
core features of 'machakann/vim-sandwich' with more on top (find
surrounding, highlight surrounding, flexible customization). Can be
configured to have experience similar to 'tpope/vim-surround'.
- Actions (all of them are dot-repeatable out of the box and respect
|v:count| for searching surrounding) with configurable keymappings:
- Add surrounding with `sa` (in visual mode or on motion).
- Delete surrounding with `sd`.
- Replace surrounding with `sr`.
- Find surrounding with `sf` or `sF` (move cursor right or left).
- Highlight surrounding with `sh`.
- Change number of neighbor lines with `sn` (see |MiniSurround-algorithm|).
- Surrounding is identified by a single character as both "input" (in
`delete` and `replace` start, `find`, and `highlight`) and "output" (in
`add` and `replace` end):
- 'f' - function call (string of alphanumeric symbols or '_' or '.'
followed by balanced '()'). In "input" finds function call, in
"output" prompts user to enter function name.
- 't' - tag. In "input" finds tab with same identifier, in "output"
prompts user to enter tag name.
- All symbols in brackets '()', '[]', '{}', '<>". In "input' represents
balanced brackets (open - with whitespace pad, close - without), in
"output" - left and right parts of brackets.
- '?' - interactive. Prompts user to enter left and right parts.
- All other alphanumeric, punctuation, or space characters represent
surrounding with identical left and right parts.
- Configurable search methods to find not only covering but possibly next,
previous, or nearest surrounding. See more in |MiniSurround.config|.
- All actions involving finding surrounding (delete, replace, find,
highlight) can be used with suffix that changes search method to find
previous/last. See more in |MiniSurround.config|.
Known issues which won't be resolved:
- Search for surrounding is done using Lua patterns (regex-like approach).
So certain amount of false positives should be expected.
- When searching for "input" surrounding, there is no distinction if it is
inside string or comment. So in this case there will be not proper match
for a function call: 'f(a = ")", b = 1)'.
- Tags are searched using regex-like methods, so issues are inevitable.
Overall it is pretty good, but certain cases won't work. Like self-nested
tags won't match correctly on both ends: '<a><a></a></a>'.
# Setup~
This module needs a setup with `require('mini.surround').setup({})`
(replace `{}` with your `config` table). It will create global Lua table
`MiniSurround` which you can use for scripting or manually (with
`:lua MiniSurround.*`).
See |MiniSurround.config| for `config` structure and default values. It
also has example setup providing experience similar to 'tpope/vim-surround'.
You can override runtime config settings locally to buffer inside
`vim.b.minisurround_config` which should have same structure as
`MiniSurround.config`. See |mini.nvim-buffer-local-config| for more details.
# Example usage~
Regular mappings:
- `saiw)` - add (`sa`) for inner word (`iw`) parenthesis (`)`).
- `saiwi[[<CR>]]<CR>` - add (`sa`) for inner word (`iw`) interactive
surrounding (`i`): `[[` for left and `]]` for right.
- `2sdf` - delete (`sd`) second (`2`) surrounding function call (`f`).
- `sr)tdiv<CR>` - replace (`sr`) surrounding parenthesis (`)`) with tag
(`t`) with identifier 'div' (`div<CR>` in command line prompt).
- `sff` - find right (`sf`) part of surrounding function call (`f`).
- `sh}` - highlight (`sh`) for a brief period of time surrounding curly
brackets (`}`).
Extended mappings (temporary force "prev"/"next" search methods):
- `sdnf` - delete (`sd`) next (`n`) function call (`f`).
- `srlf(` - replace (`sd`) last (`l`) function call (`f`) with padded
bracket (`(`).
- `2sfnt` - find (`sf`) second (2) next (`n`) tag (`t`).
- `shl}` - highlight (`sh`) last (`l`) second (`2`) curly bracket (`}`).
# Comparisons~
- 'tpope/vim-surround':
- 'vim-surround' has completely different, with other focus set of
default mappings, while 'mini.surround' has a more coherent set.
- 'mini.surround' supports dot-repeat, customized search path (see
|MiniSurround.config|), customized specifications (see
|MiniSurround-surround-specification|) allowing usage of tree-sitter
queries (see |MiniSurround.gen_spec.input.treesitter()|),
highlighting and finding surrounding, "last"/"next" extended
mappings. While 'vim-surround' does not.
- 'machakann/vim-sandwich':
- Both have same keybindings for common actions (add, delete, replace).
- Otherwise same differences as with 'tpop/vim-surround' (except
dot-repeat because 'vim-sandwich' supports it).
- 'kylechui/nvim-surround':
- 'nvim-surround' is designed after 'tpope/vim-surround' with same
default mappings and logic, while 'mini.surround' has mappings
similar to 'machakann/vim-sandwich'.
- 'mini.surround' has more flexible customization of input surrounding
(with composed patterns, region pair(s), search methods).
- 'mini.surround' supports |v:count| in input surrounding while
'nvim-surround' doesn't.
- 'mini.surround' supports "last"/"next" extended mappings.
- ||:
- Both use similar logic for finding target: textobject in ''
and surrounding pair in 'mini.surround'. While '' uses
extraction pattern for separate `a` and `i` textobjects,
'mini.surround' uses it to select left and right surroundings
(basically a difference between `a` and `i` textobjects).
- Some builtin specifications are slightly different:
- Quotes in '' are balanced, in 'mini.surround' they are not.
- The 'mini.surround' doesn't have argument surrounding.
- Default behavior in '' selects one of the edges into `a`
textobject, while 'mini.surround' - both.
# Highlight groups~
* `MiniSurround` - highlighting of requested surrounding.
To change any highlight group, modify it directly with |:highlight|.
# Disabling~
To disable, set `g:minisurround_disable` (globally) or
`b:minisurround_disable` (for a buffer) to `v:true`. Considering high
number of different scenarios and customization intentions, writing exact
rules for disabling module's functionality is left to user. See
|mini.nvim-disabling-recipes| for common recipes.
Builtin surroundings~
This table describes all builtin surroundings along with what they
represent. Explanation:
- `Key` represents the surrounding identifier: single character which should
be typed after action mappings (see |MiniSurround.config.mappings|).
- `Name` is a description of surrounding.
- `Example line` contains a string for which examples are constructed. The
`*` denotes the cursor position over `a` character.
- `Delete` shows the result of typing `sd` followed by surrounding identifier.
It aims to demonstrate "input" surrounding which is also used in replace
with `sr` (surrounding id is typed first), highlight with `sh`, find with
`sf` and `sF`.
- `Replace` shows the result of typing `sr!` followed by surrounding
identifier (with possible follow up from user). It aims to demonstrate
"output" surrounding which is also used in adding with `sa` (followed by
textobject/motion or in Visual mode).
Example: typing `sd)` with cursor on `*` (covers `a` character) changes line
`!( *a (bb) )!` into `! aa (bb) !`. Typing `sr!)` changes same initial line
into `(( aa (bb) ))`.
|Key| Name | Example line | Delete | Replace |
| ( | Balanced () | !( *a (bb) )! | !aa (bb)! | ( ( aa (bb) ) ) |
| [ | Balanced [] | ![ *a [bb] ]! | !aa [bb]! | [ [ aa [bb] ] ] |
| { | Balanced {} | !{ *a {bb} }! | !aa {bb}! | { { aa {bb} } } |
| < | Balanced <> | !< *a <bb> >! | !aa <bb>! | < < aa <bb> > > |
| ) | Balanced () | !( *a (bb) )! | ! aa (bb) ! | (( aa (bb) )) |
| ] | Balanced [] | ![ *a [bb] ]! | ! aa [bb] ! | [[ aa [bb] ]] |
| } | Balanced {} | !{ *a {bb} }! | ! aa {bb} ! | {{ aa {bb} }} |
| > | Balanced <> | !< *a <bb> >! | ! aa <bb> ! | << aa <bb> >> |
| b | Alias for | !( *a {bb} )! | ! aa {bb} ! | (( aa {bb} )) |
| | ), ], or } | | | |
| q | Alias for | !'aa'*a'aa'! | !'aaaaaa'! | "'aa'aa'aa'" |
| | ", ', or ` | | | |
| ? | User prompt | !e * o! | ! a ! | ee a oo |
| |(typed e and o)| | | |
| t | Tag | !<x>*</x>! | !a! | <y><x>a</x></y> |
| | | | | (typed y) |
| f | Function call | !f(*a, bb)! | !aa, bb! | g(f(*a, bb)) |
| | | | | (typed g) |
| | Default | !_a*a_! | !aaa! | __aaa__ |
| | (typed _) | | | |
- All examples assume default `config.search_method`.
- Open brackets differ from close brackets by how they treat inner edge
whitespace: open includes it left and right parts, close does not.
- Output value of `b` alias is same as `)`. For `q` alias - same as `"`.
- Default surrounding is activated for all characters which are not
configured surrounding identifiers. Note: due to special handling of
underlying `x.-x` Lua pattern (see |MiniSurround-search-algorithm|), it
doesn't really support non-trivial `v:count` for "cover" search method.
Note: this is similar to |MiniAi-glossary|.
- REGION - table representing region in a buffer. Fields: <from> and
<to> for inclusive start and end positions (<to> might be `nil` to
describe empty region). Each position is also a table with line <line>
and column <col> (both start at 1). Examples:
- `{ from = { line = 1, col = 1 }, to = { line = 2, col = 1 } }`
- `{ from = { line = 10, col = 10 } }` - empty region.
- REGION PAIR - table representing regions for left and right surroundings.
Fields: <left> and <right> with regions. Examples:
`left = { from = { line = 1, col = 1 }, to = { line = 1, col = 1 } },`
`right = { from = { line = 1, col = 3 } },`
- PATTERN - string describing Lua pattern.
- SPAN - interval inside a string (end-exclusive). Like [1, 5). Equal
`from` and `to` edges describe empty span at that point.
- SPAN `A = [a1, a2)` COVERS `B = [b1, b2)` if every element of
`B` is within `A` (`a1 <= b < a2`).
It also is described as B IS NESTED INSIDE A.
- NESTED PATTERN - array of patterns aimed to describe nested spans.
- SPAN MATCHES NESTED PATTERN if there is a sequence of consecutively
nested spans each matching corresponding pattern within substring of
previous span (or input string for first span). Example:
Nested patterns: `{ '%b()', '^. .* .$' }` (balanced `()` with inner space)
Input string: `( ( () ( ) ) )`
Here are all matching spans [1, 15) and [3, 13). Both [5, 7) and [8, 10)
match first pattern but not second. All other combinations of `(` and `)`
don't match first pattern (not balanced).
- COMPOSED PATTERN: array with each element describing possible pattern
(or array of them) at that place. Composed pattern basically defines all
possible combinations of nested pattern (their cartesian product).
1. Composed pattern: `{ { '%b()', '%b[]' }, '^. .* .$' }`
Composed pattern expanded into equivalent array of nested patterns:
`{ '%b()', '^. .* .$' }` and `{ '%b[]', '^. .* .$' }`
Description: either balanced `()` or balanced `[]` but both with
inner edge space.
2. Composed pattern:
`{ { { '%b()', '^. .* .$' }, { '%b[]', '^.[^ ].*[^ ].$' } }, '.....' }`
Composed pattern expanded into equivalent array of nested patterns:
`{ '%b()', '^. .* .$', '.....' }` and
`{ '%b[]', '^.[^ ].*[^ ].$', '.....' }`
Description: either "balanced `()` with inner edge space" or
"balanced `[]` with no inner edge space", both with 5 or more characters.
- SPAN MATCHES COMPOSED PATTERN if it matches at least one nested pattern
from expanded composed pattern.
Surround specification is a table with keys:
- <input> - defines how to find and extract surrounding for "input"
operations (like `delete`). See more in 'Input surrounding' setction.
- <output> - defines what to add on left and right for "output" operations
(like `add`). See more in 'Output surrounding' section.
Example of surround info for builtin `)` identifier: >
input = { '%b()', '^.().*().$' },
output = { left = '(', right = ')' }
# Input surrounding ~
Specification for input surrounding has a structure of composed pattern
(see |MiniSurround-glossary|) with two differences:
- Last pattern(s) should have two or four empty capture groups denoting
how the last string should be processed to extract surrounding parts:
- Two captures represent left part from start of string to first
capture and right part - from second capture to end of string.
Example: `a()b()c` defines left surrounding as 'a', right - 'c'.
- Four captures define left part inside captures 1 and 2, right part -
inside captures 3 and 4. Example: `a()()b()c()` defines left part as
empty, right part as 'c'.
- Allows callable objects (see |vim.is_callable()|) in certain places
(enables more complex surroundings in exchange of increase in configuration
complexity and computations):
- If specification itself is a callable, it will be called without
arguments and should return one of:
- Composed pattern. Useful for implementing user input. Example of
simplified variant of input surrounding for function call with
name taken from user prompt:
local left_edge = vim.pesc(vim.fn.input('Function name: '))
return { string.format('%s+%%b()', left_edge), '^.-%(().*()%)$' }
- Single region pair (see |MiniSurround-glossary|). Useful to allow
full control over surrounding. Will be taken as is. Example of
returning first and last lines of a buffer:
local n_lines = vim.fn.line('$')
return {
left = {
from = { line = 1, col = 1 },
to = { line = 1, col = vim.fn.getline(1):len() },
right = {
from = { line = n_lines, col = 1 },
to = { line = n_lines, col = vim.fn.getline(n_lines):len() },
- Array of region pairs. Useful for incorporating other instruments,
like treesitter (see |MiniSurround.gen_spec.treesitter()|). The
best region pair will be picked in the same manner as with composed
pattern (respecting options `n_lines`, `search_method`, etc.) using
output region (from start of left region to end of right region).
Example using edges of "best" line with display width more than 80:
local make_line_region_pair = function(n)
local left = { line = n, col = 1 }
local right = { line = n, col = vim.fn.getline(n):len() }
return {
left = { from = left, to = left },
right = { from = right, to = right },
local res = {}
for i = 1, vim.fn.line('$') do
if vim.fn.getline(i):len() > 80 then
table.insert(res, make_line_region_pair(i))
return res
- If there is a callable instead of assumed string pattern, it is expected
to have signature `(line, init)` and behave like `pattern:find()`.
It should return two numbers representing span in `line` next after
or at `init` (`nil` if there is no such span).
!IMPORTANT NOTE!: it means that output's `from` shouldn't be strictly
to the left of `init` (it will lead to infinite loop). Not allowed as
last item (as it should be pattern with captures).
Example of matching only balanced parenthesis with big enough width:
function(s, init)
if init > 1 or s:len() < 5 then return end
return 1, s:len()
More examples:
- See |MiniSurround.gen_spec| for function wrappers to create commonly used
surrounding specifications.
- Pair of balanced brackets from set (used for builtin `b` identifier):
`{ { '%b()', '%b[]', '%b{}' }, '^.().*().$' }`
- Lua block string: `{ '%[%[().-()%]%]' }`
# Output surrounding ~
A table with <left> (plain text string) and <right> (plain text string)
fields. Strings can contain new lines charater `\n` to add multiline parts.
- Lua block string: `{ left = '[[', right = ']]' }`
- Brackets on separate lines (indentation is not preserved):
`{ left = '(\n', right = '\n)' }`
# Transition from previous specification ~
Previous specification format for input surrounding was a table with <find>
and <extract> fields. They are now replaced with composed pattern (see
|MiniSurround-glossary|). Previous format will work until next release.
To convert, remove `find = ` and `extract = ` while replacing left and right
captures in `extract` with appropriate empty capture(s). Example:
- Previous: `{ find = '%[%[.-%]%]', extract = '^(..).*(..)$' }`.
Current: `{ '%[%[().-()%]%]' }`
Search algorithm design
Search for the input surrounding relies on these principles:
- Input surrounding specification is constructed based on surrounding
identifier (see |MiniSurround-surround-specification|).
- General search is done by converting some 2d buffer region (neighborhood
of reference region) into 1d string (each line is appended with `\n`).
Then search for a best span matching specification is done inside string
(see |MiniSurround-glossary|). After that, span is converted back into 2d
region. Note: first search is done inside reference region lines, and
only after that - inside its neighborhood within `config.n_lines` (see
- The best matching span is chosen by iterating over all spans matching
surrounding specification and comparing them with "current best".
Comparison also depends on reference region (tighter covering is better,
otherwise closer is better) and search method (if span is even considered).
- Extract pair of spans (for left and right regions in region pair) based
on extraction pattern (last item in nested pattern).
- For |v:count| greater than 1, steps are repeated with current best match
becoming reference region. One such additional step is also done if final
region is equal to reference region. Note: |v:count| is not supported for
output surroundings because it brings a lot of inconvenience (for adding
it affects textobject/motion, for replacing it will be used for both
input and output).
- Iteration over all matched spans is done in depth-first fashion with
respect to nested pattern.
- It is guaranteed that span is compared only once.
- For the sake of increasing functionality, during iteration over all
matching spans, some Lua patterns in composed pattern are handled
- `%bxx` (`xx` is two identical characters). It denotes balanced pair
of identical characters and results into "paired" matches. For
example, `%b""` for `"aa" "bb"` would match `"aa"` and `"bb"`, but
not middle `" "`.
- `x.-y` (`x` and `y` are different strings). It results only in matches with
smallest width. For example, `e.-o` for `e e o o` will result only in
middle `e o`. Note: it has some implications for when parts have
quantifiers (like `+`, etc.), which usually can be resolved with
frontier pattern `%f[]`.
Module setup
{config} `(table)` Module config table. See |MiniSurround.config|.
`require('mini.surround').setup({})` (replace `{}` with your `config` table)
Module config
Default values:
MiniSurround.config = {
-- Add custom surroundings to be used on top of builtin ones. For more
-- information with examples, see `:h MiniSurround.config`.
custom_surroundings = nil,
-- Duration (in ms) of highlight when calling `MiniSurround.highlight()`
highlight_duration = 500,
-- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one.
mappings = {
add = 'sa', -- Add surrounding in Normal and Visual modes
delete = 'sd', -- Delete surrounding
find = 'sf', -- Find surrounding (to the right)
find_left = 'sF', -- Find surrounding (to the left)
highlight = 'sh', -- Highlight surrounding
replace = 'sr', -- Replace surrounding
update_n_lines = 'sn', -- Update `n_lines`
suffix_last = 'l', -- Suffix to search with "prev" method
suffix_next = 'n', -- Suffix to search with "next" method
-- Number of lines within which surrounding is searched
n_lines = 20,
-- How to search for surrounding (first inside current line, then inside
-- neighborhood). One of 'cover', 'cover_or_next', 'cover_or_prev',
-- 'cover_or_nearest', 'next', 'prev', 'nearest'. For more details,
-- see `:h MiniSurround.config`.
search_method = 'cover',
# Setup similar to 'tpope/vim-surround'~
This module is primarily designed after 'machakann/vim-sandwich'. To get
behavior closest to 'tpope/vim-surround' (but not identical), use this setup:
mappings = {
add = 'ys',
delete = 'ds',
find = '',
find_left = '',
highlight = '',
replace = 'cs',
update_n_lines = '',
-- Add this only if you don't want to use extended mappings
suffix_last = '',
suffix_next = '',
search_method = 'cover_or_next',
-- Remap adding surrounding to Visual mode selection
vim.api.nvim_del_keymap('x', 'ys')
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('x', 'S', [[:<C-u>lua MiniSurround.add('visual')<CR>]], { noremap = true })
-- Make special mapping for "add surrounding for line"
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', 'yss', 'ys_', { noremap = false })
# Options~
## Custom surroundings~
User can define own surroundings by supplying `config.custom_surroundings`.
It should be a **table** with keys being single character surrounding
identifier and values - surround specification (see
General recommendations:
- In `config.custom_surroundings` only some data can be defined (like only
`output`). Other fields will be taken from builtin surroundings.
- Function returning surround info at <input> or <output> fields of
specification is helpful when user input is needed (like asking for
function name). Use |input()| or |MiniSurround.user_input()|. Return
`nil` to stop any current surround operation.
Examples of using `config.custom_surroundings` (see more examples at
local surround = require('mini.surround')
custom_surroundings = {
-- Make `)` insert parts with spaces. `input` pattern stays the same.
[')'] = { output = { left = '( ', right = ' )' } },
-- Use function to compute surrounding info
['*'] = {
input = function()
local n_star = MiniSurround.user_input('Number of * to find: ')
local many_star = string.rep('%*', tonumber(n_star) or 1)
return { many_star .. '().-()' .. many_star }
output = function()
local n_star = MiniSurround.user_input('Number of * to output: ')
local many_star = string.rep('*', tonumber(n_star) or 1)
return { left = many_star, right = many_star }
-- Create custom surrouding for Lua's block string `[[...]]`. Use this inside
-- autocommand or 'after/ftplugin/lua.lua' file.
vim.b.minisurround_config = {
custom_surroundings = {
s = {
input = { '%[%[().-()%]%]' },
output = { left = '[[', right = ']]' },
## Search method~
Value of `config.search_method` defines how best match search is done.
Based on its value, one of the following matches will be selected:
- Covering match. Left/right edge is before/after left/right edge of
reference region.
- Previous match. Left/right edge is before left/right edge of reference
- Next match. Left/right edge is after left/right edge of reference region.
- Nearest match. Whichever is closest among previous and next matches.
Possible values are:
- `'cover'` - use only covering match. Don't use either previous or
next; report that there is no surrounding found.
- `'cover_or_next'` (default) - use covering match. If not found, use next.
- `'cover_or_prev'` - use covering match. If not found, use previous.
- `'cover_or_nearest'` - use covering match. If not found, use nearest.
- `'next'` - use next match.
- `'previous'` - use previous match.
- `'nearest'` - use nearest match.
Note: search is first performed on the reference region lines and only
after failure - on the whole neighborhood defined by `config.n_lines`. This
means that with `config.search_method` not equal to `'cover'`, "previous"
or "next" surrounding will end up as search result if they are found on
first stage although covering match might be found in bigger, whole
neighborhood. This design is based on observation that most of the time
operation is done within reference region lines (usually cursor line).
Here is an example of how replacing `)` with `]` surrounding is done based
on a value of `'config.search_method'` when cursor is inside `bbb` word:
- `'cover'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(a) bbb (c)` (with message)
- `'cover_or_next'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(a) bbb [c]`
- `'cover_or_prev'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `[a] bbb (c)`
- `'cover_or_nearest'`: depends on cursor position.
For first and second `b` - as in `cover_or_prev` (as previous match is
nearer), for third - as in `cover_or_next` (as next match is nearer).
- `'next'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `(a) bbb [c]`. Same outcome for `(bbb)`.
- `'prev'`: `(a) bbb (c)` -> `[a] bbb (c)`. Same outcome for `(bbb)`.
- `'nearest'`: depends on cursor position (same as in `'cover_or_nearest'`).
## Search suffixes~
To provide more searching possibilities, 'mini.surround' creates extended
mappings force "prev" and "next" methods for particular search. It does so
by appending mapping with certain suffix: `config.mappings.suffix_last` for
mappings which will use "prev" search method, `config.mappings.suffix_next`
- "next" search method.
- It creates new mappings only for actions involving surrounding search:
delete, replace, find (right and left), highlight.
- All new mappings behave the same way as if `config.search_method` is set
to certain search method. They are dot-repeatable, respect |v:count|, etc.
- Supply empty string to disable creation of corresponding set of mappings.
Example with default values (`n` for `suffix_next`, `l` for `suffix_last`)
and initial line `(aa) (bb) (cc)`.
- Typing `sdn)` with cursor inside `(aa)` results into `(aa) bb (cc)`.
- Typing `sdl)` with cursor inside `(cc)` results into `(aa) bb (cc)`.
- Typing `2srn)]` with cursor inside `(aa)` results into `(aa) (bb) [cc]`.
`MiniSurround.operator`({task}, {cache})
Surround operator
Main function to be used in expression mappings. No need to use it
directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
{task} `(string)` Name of surround task.
{cache} `(table)` Task cache.
Add surrounding
No need to use it directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
{mode} `(string)` Mapping mode (normal by default).
Delete surrounding
No need to use it directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
Replace surrounding
No need to use it directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
Find surrounding
No need to use it directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
Highlight surrounding
No need to use it directly, everything is setup in |MiniSurround.setup|.
Update `MiniSurround.config.n_lines`
Convenient wrapper for updating `MiniSurround.config.n_lines` in case the
default one is not appropriate.
`MiniSurround.user_input`({prompt}, {text})
Ask user for input
This is mainly a wrapper for |input()| which allows empty string as input,
cancelling with `<Esc>` and `<C-c>`, and slightly modifies prompt. Use it
to ask for input inside function custom surrounding (see |MiniSurround.config|).
Generate common surrounding specifications
This is a table with two sets of generator functions: <input> and <output>
(currently empty). Each is a table with values being function generating
corresponding surrounding specification.
Example: >
local ts_input = require('mini.surround').gen_spec.input.treesitter
custom_surroundings = {
-- Use tree-sitter to search for function call
f = {
input = ts_input({ outer = '@call.outer', inner = '@call.inner' })
See also~
`MiniSurround.gen_spec.input.treesitter`({captures}, {opts})
Treesitter specification for input surrounding
This is a specification in function form. When called with a pair of
treesitter captures, it returns a specification function outputting an
array of region pairs derived from <outer> and <inner> captures. It first
searches for all matched nodes of outer capture and then completes each one
with the biggest match of inner capture inside that node (if any). The result
region pair is a difference between regions of outer and inner captures.
In order for this to work, apart from working treesitter parser for desired
language, user should have a reachable language-specific 'textobjects'
query (see |get_query()|). The most straightforward way for this is to have
'textobjects.scm' query file with treesitter captures stored in some
recognized path. This is primarily designed to be compatible with
'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects' plugin, but can be used
without it.
Two most common approaches for having a query file:
- Install 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects'. It has curated and
well maintained builtin query files for many languages with a standardized
capture names, like `call.outer`, `call.inner`, etc.
- Manually create file 'after/queries/<language name>/textobjects.scm' in
your |$XDG_CONFIG_HOME| directory. It should contain queries with
captures (later used to define surrounding parts). See |lua-treesitter-query|.
To verify that query file is reachable, run (example for "lua" language)
`:lua print(vim.inspect(vim.treesitter.get_query_files('lua', 'textobjects')))`
(output should have at least an intended file).
Example configuration for function definition textobject with
'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects' captures:
local ts_input = require('mini.surround').gen_spec.input.treesitter
custom_textobjects = {
f = ts_input({ outer = '@call.outer', inner = '@call.inner' }),
- By default query is done using 'nvim-treesitter' plugin if it is present
(falls back to builtin methods otherwise). This allows for a more
advanced features (like multiple buffer languages, custom directives, etc.).
See `opts.use_nvim_treesitter` for how to disable this.
- It uses buffer's |filetype| to determine query language.
- On large files it is slower than pattern-based textobjects. Still very
fast though (one search should be magnitude of milliseconds or tens of
milliseconds on really large file).
{captures} `(table)` Captures for outer and inner parts of region pair:
table with <outer> and <inner> fields with captures for outer
(`[left.form;]`) and inner (`(; right.from)` both edges
exclusive, i.e. they won't be a part of surrounding) regions. Each value
should be a string capture starting with `'@'`.
{opts} `(table)` Options. Possible values:
- <use_nvim_treesitter> - whether to try to use 'nvim-treesitter' plugin
(if present) to do the query. It implements more advanced behavior at
cost of increased execution time. Provides more coherent experience if
'nvim-treesitter-textobjects' queries are used. Default: `true`.
`(function)` Function which returns array of current buffer region pairs
representing differences between outer and inner captures.
See also~
|MiniSurround-surround-specification| for how this type of
surrounding specification is processed.
|get_query()| for how query is fetched in case of no 'nvim-treesitter'.
|Query:iter_captures()| for how all query captures are iterated in case of
no 'nvim-treesitter'.
|MiniAi.gen_spec.treesitter()| for similar '' generator.