2022-09-04 14:15:15 -07:00

55 lines
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import { normalize, parseSlug, parseName } from '.';
import type { Product } from '$types';
import type { Writable } from 'svelte/store';
/** Gets parameter from URL of field. Defaults to 'product' */
export const getProdParam = (field = 'product'): string =>
new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get(field) || '';
/** Finds a product in products store with matching name as parameter. */
export const findProdFromParam = (
param: string,
$products: Product[]
): Product | Record<string, never> =>
$products.find(({ name }) => normalize(name) === parseSlug(param)) || {};
/** Reset value with empty parameters */
export const _resetState = () => [{}, '', new URL(window.location.origin)] as const;
/** Creates a new URL and then appends parsed product to it. */
export const _updateUrlParam = (url: string) => {
const updatedUrl = new URL(url);
return (product: Product) => {
updatedUrl.searchParams.set('product', parseName(product.name));
return updatedUrl;
* Checks that window parameters are equal to passed product name
export const _didWinUrlUpdate = (product: Product): boolean => {
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('product');
return parseSlug(params) === normalize(product.name);
export const _pushParams = (url: URL) => window.history.pushState(window.history.state, '', url);
/** Public */
/** Navigates to product */
export const goToProduct = ({ detail }) => {
const { product, currentProduct } = detail;
const urlWithParam = _updateUrlParam(window.location.href)(product);
return _didWinUrlUpdate(product) ? currentProduct.set(product) : resetHistory();
export const resetHistory = () => window.history.pushState(..._resetState());
export const setCurrProdFromParam = (
currentProduct: Writable<Product | Record<string, unknown>>,
products: Product[]
) => currentProduct.set(findProdFromParam(getProdParam(), products));