--- title: External Learning Resources linktitle: External Learning Resources description: A list of tutorials and books on Hugo. date: 2019-10-20 publishdate: 2019-10-20 lastmod: 2019-10-20 keywords: [books, tutorials, learning, usage] menu: docs: parent: "getting-started" weight: 70 weight: 70 sections_weight: 70 draft: false toc: false --- ## Books ### Hugo In Action [![Hugo In Action](hia.jpg)](https://www.manning.com/books/hugo-in-action) Hugo in Action is a step-by-step guide to using Hugo to create static websites. Working with a complete example website and source code samples, you’ll learn how to build and host a low-maintenance, high-performance site that will wow your users and stay stable without relying on a third-party server. [Hugo In Action Home Page](https://www.manning.com/books/hugo-in-action) ## Video tutorials ### Video Playlist by Mike Dane Mike Dane explains the various features of Hugo via dedicated tutorials on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLLAZ4kZ9dFpOnyRlyS-liKL5ReHDcj4G3&v=qtIqKaDlqXo).