diff --git a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md index 66fc29e..196d9f1 100644 --- a/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md +++ b/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ https://tildegit.org/team/site/src/branch/master/wiki/pages/other-tildes.md) | [tilde.cafe](https://tilde.cafe) | tilde.cafe is a new debian server offering ssh, web hosting, email and more - easy going with plans to host games | [signup form](https://tilde.cafe/signup/) | | | [tilde.cat](https://tilde.cat) | This is (or rather might be) public shell server like [the club](https://tilde.club), [the town](https://tilde.town), or other ~ servers. | [signup form](http://signup.tilde.cat) | down | | [tilde.center](https://tilde.center) | A public unix server focused around decentralization, federation, and home-brewed open source projects. | [signup form](https://tilde.center/signup.php) | down | +| [tilde.guru](https://tilde.guru) | A public freebsd server focused around learning, open source and minimalism. | [signup instructions](https://tilde.guru/signup.html) | | | [tilde.fun](https://tilde.fun) | This is a Linux machine on the internet where you can get a shell account. | `ssh tilde@tilde.fun` | down | | [tilde.institute](https://tilde.institute) | Provides a space dedicated to the OpenBSD operating system. Includes a functional BCHS stack for users to experiment with and use to create web applications. | [signup form](https://tilde.institute/signup) | | | [tilde.my.to](https://tilde.my.to) | If you're looking for a great tilde, to learn and play and also maybe break things, come check tilde.my.to out. | [signup request is via mail](https://tilde.my.to) | |