--- author: ~ben published: true title: email description: email settings for tilde.team category: - services - guides --- tilde.team has a mailserver. here are your options: ### clients and connection settings - mutt - should work out of the box - alpine - should work out of the box - [webmail](https://mail.tilde.team) - imap/smtp - some clients will autoconfigure (tested with thunderbird) - email address: username@tilde.team (or any of the aliased [domains](domains)) - username: username (without the domain) - password: your shell password #### connection info | protocol | hostname | port | security | |----------|-----------------|------|----------| | imap | imap.tilde.team | 143 | starttls | | imaps | imap.tilde.team | 993 | tls | | pop3s | pop.tilde.team | 995 | tls | | smtp | smtp.tilde.team | 587 | starttls | | smtps | smtp.tilde.team | 465 | tls | ### alternate domains and addresses because [~ben](https://tilde.team/~ben/) hoards domain names, you can use any of the [domains on this list](domains) with your tildemail: mail sent to yourusername@ any of those domains will end up in your inbox. most clients will allow you to add additional identities/aliases. additionally, any address with a `+` and arbitrary text behind it will be forwarded to your email: ie. `yourusername+somethingcool@tildeteam.org`. plus-addresses are very useful for filtering mail. ### outlook For outlook, there's a specific setup - if you have to use it and prefer to not have multiple email clients, you can do this. 1. Run `outlook.exe /manageprofiles` and make sure outlook is closed before hand 2. Now you should have a windows with three options, click `email accounts...` 3. Click on `New` in the first tab to create a new email account 4. Select manual setup or additional server types and then select `POP or IMAP` 5. Fill the servers in using the table. Not it won't work yet as we need to do some things. 6. After entering the details on the page, select `More Settings`, go to `Outgoing Server` and select `Log on using` and fill the username (without domain) and password 7. Then go into the `Advanced` tab and fill in the ports and connection types as per the table. Make sure all the ports are correct and click `ok` and then finally click `next` Everything should now be setup. ### forwarding and sieve if you would like your tildemail to be forwarded somewhere else, put that email address in a file called `~/.forward` ```bash echo myotheraddress@example.com > ~/.forward ``` we also have [sieve](http://sieve.info) and [managesieve](https://wiki1.dovecot.org/ManageSieve) support. scripts belong in `~/sieve/`, with the active sieve script named `~/.dovecot.sieve` (to conform with managesieve). here are some [example sieve scripts]( https://wiki.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sieve/Examples) managesieve is available on the default port (4190) if you want to use an external managesieve client (like the [thunderbird add-on]( https://github.com/thsmi/sieve)). [our webmail](https://mail.tilde.team/#/settings/filters) is pre-configured to manage your sieve scripts. --- ask [~ben](/~ben/) if you have any questions