
1.1 KiB

My dotfiles!

System and user configuration files backup.


Dependencies for the Puffy theme outside of this repo:

Installed packages:

- ImageMagick
- astrolog
- automake%1.15
- boost
- chromium
- cmake
- consolekit2
- coreutils
- deluge
- doxygen
- dunst
- emacsno_x11%emacs
- exa
- feh
- ffmpeg
- firefox
- gimp
- git
- gmake
- graphviz
- hexchat
- homebank
- hugoextended
- jpeg
- keepassxcbrowser
- kristall
- lemonbar
- lfm
- libiconv
- libreoffice
- lsw
- lxappearance
- lynis
- meld
- moc
- most
- mpv
- nano
- ncdu
- neofetch
- pcmanfm
- picom
- pkglocatedb
- portslist
- qbittorrent
- qt5ct
- quirks
- scrot
- shotcut
- speedtest-cli
- sshfs-fuse
- stow
- supertux
- sysclean
- tdesktop
- terminator
- tor-browser
- transset-df
- typespeed
- w3mimage
- wget
- wtf
- xarchiver
- xclip
- xdg-user-dirs
- xdotool
- xpdf
- youtube-dl
- zeromq