
42 lines
847 B

## Basic shell features
- [x] Pipelines `|`, done thanks to that [article](
- [ ] `;`
- [ ] AND (`&&`)
- [ ] OR (`||`)
- [ ] > and >>
- [ ] status handling
## Commands
### Builtins
- [x] `cd` - only basics done, need to make arguments
- [x] `exit`
- [x] `:`
- [x] `true`
- [x] `false`
- [x] `pwd`
- [ ] `echo` - basics and some vars done, need to do a lot of other things
- [ ] `type`
- [ ] `command`
- [ ] `alias`
- [ ] `export`
- [ ] and a lot of other
### Not Builtins
- [ ] `mkdir` - only basics, `--help` and `--verbose`
- [ ] `rmdir` - only basics, `--help` and `--verbose`
- [ ] `ls` - just listing dirs and `--help`, `-a` flags, still need fixes about current dir
- [ ] `rm`
- [ ] `touch`
- [ ] `cat`
- [ ] `grep`
- [ ] `cp`
- [ ] `mv`
- [ ] `head`
- [ ] `tail`