2023-07-18 16:31:16 -04:00

146 lines
4.9 KiB

""" turns a csv of new books into html """
import argparse
import csv
from titlecase import titlecase
from gooey import Gooey, GooeyParser
def make_tuples(input_data):
""" make tuples out of the csv data """
data_list = []
# iterate through the lines of the csv file. Leave out the headers.
for line in input_data[1:]:
# make the HTML for the title. Use the titlecase library for better capitalization
bib_info1 = "<strong>" + titlecase(line[2]) + "</strong>"
# make the HTML for the author. Leave out the word 'author'.
if line[1]:
if line[1][-9:] == ", author.":
author = line[1][:-9]
elif line[1][-9:] == "- author.":
author = line[1][:-8]
author = line[1]
bib_info2 = "<li><em>Author: </em>" + author + "</li>"
# if there is no author, assign an empty string
bib_info2 = ""
# make the HTML for the call number
if line[6]:
bib_info3 = "<li><em>Call number: </em>" + line[6] + "</li>"
# if there is no call number, assign an empty string
bib_info3 = ""
# make the format (print or ebook)
if line[5].lower().strip() == "print":
bib_info5 = "<li><em>Format: </em>Print book</li>"
elif line[5]:
bib_info5 = "<li><em>Format: </em>" + line[5] + "</li>"
bib_info5 = ""
# make the URL based on the ISBN
# failing that make the URL based on the title
# failing that make no link
if line[3]:
url = (
+ line[3]
+ "&tab=Everything&search_scope=IZ_CI_AW&sortby=rank&vid=01CUNY_KB:CUNY_KB&lang=en&offset=0"
bib_info4 = '<li><a href="' + url + '">Search the catalog</a></li>'
elif line[2]:
url = (
+ line[2]
+ "&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&sortby=rank&vid=01CUNY_KB:CUNY_KB&lang=en&offset=0"
bib_info4 = '<li><a href="' + url + '">Search the catalog</a></li>'
bib_info4 = ""
# assemble all the HTML for the item
bib_info = (
+ bib_info1
+ "<ul>"
+ bib_info2
+ bib_info3
+ bib_info5
+ bib_info4
+ "</ul></li>"
# make a tuple for the item. The first item is LC Class, the second is the HTML.
lc_class = line[0]
collection = line[4]
item_tuple = (lc_class, collection, bib_info)
if line[2]:
# return the list of tuples
return data_list
def make_html(input_tuples, args):
""" makes html out of the tuples """
# open a file for the HTML
with open(args.infile[:-3] + "html", "w", encoding="utf-16") as file_2:
# start a big unordered list
# keep track of what LC class/collection is the current one, iterate through the tuples
current_lc_class = ""
current_collection = ""
for item in input_tuples:
# if it's a new LC class, or a new header, create a new header
if item[1] == "Juvenile Collection" and item[1] != current_collection:
file_2.write("</ul><h3>" + item[1] + "</h3><ul>")
elif item[1] == "Leisure Collection" and item[1] != current_collection:
file_2.write("</ul><h3>" + item[1] + "</h3><ul>")
if item[0] != current_lc_class:
file_2.write("</ul><h3>" + item[0] + "</h3><ul>")
# then write the item, then reassign the current LC class and collection
current_lc_class = item[0]
current_collection = item[1]
# close the big list
@Gooey(program_name="Convert a CSV of new books to HTML")
def main():
""" run it! """
# make the GUI application using Gooey
parser = GooeyParser(
description="Parses a csv of new books to produce an html file."
"\nThe resulting html output file will be in the same folder as the csv."
search_group = parser.add_argument_group(
"Specify files", gooey_options={"columns": 1}
"infile", metavar="Infile", type=str, help="a csv file", widget="FileChooser"
args = parser.parse_args()
# do all the work! Make the tuples and then turn them into HTML
with open(args.infile, "r", encoding="latin-1") as file_1:
data = list(csv.reader(file_1))
tuples = make_tuples(data)
make_html(tuples, args)
if __name__ == "__main__":