Ben Morrison c8c4aca574
added enemies
Quokka, Tasmanian Tiger Zombie, Tasmanian Devil
2019-09-09 01:00:44 -04:00

96 lines
1.4 KiB

# Enemies
## Human
* Local member of parliament (a.k.a.: sneak thief)
* Angry sheep farmer
* Crocodile hunter
* Camel hunter
* Camel jockey
* Possum hunter
* Rabbit hunter
* Bushwhacker
* Angry Aboriginie
* Abe the Aboriginie (a.k.a.: Aboriginal chief)
## Birds
* Emu (a.k.a.: Aussie ostrich)
* Cassowary (a.k.a.: dino-turkey)
* Wedge-tailed eagle
* Kookaburra
* Frogmouth
* Kea (a.k.a.: car killer)
* Oystercatcher
* Honeyeater
* Bee-eater
* Raven
* Magpie
* Pelican
* White Ibis
* Cockatoo
## Insects/Arachnids
* Bee
* Wasp
* Hornet
* Mosquito
* Bull Ant
* Funnel-web spider
* Redback spider (a.k.a.: Australian black widow)
* Trap door spider
* Mouse spider
* Wolf spider
* Brown scorpion
* Desert scorpion
* Marbled scorpion
* Wood scorpion
## Mammals
* Quokka
* Tasmanian Tiger Zombie
* Tasmanian Devil
* Koala
* Quol
* Bilby
* Possum
* Pigmy possum
* Tree kangaroo
* Kangaroo
* Wallaby
* Wallaroo
* Sugar glider
* Cuscus
* Wombat
* Dingo
* Camel
* Sheep
* Goat
* Rabbit
* Horse
* Echidna
* Platypus
* Ghost bat
* Tomb bat
* Sheath-tailed bat
* Free-tailed bat
* Flying fox
* Boney-ass Wombat of Doom (a.k.a.: leader of the animal uprising)
## Reptiles
* Bullfrog
* Saltwater crocodile
* Freshwater crocodile
* Death adder
* Taipan
* Monitor
* Bandy-bandy
* Python
* Blue-tongue
* Bearded dragon
* Water dragon
* Jacky dragon
* Frilled-neck
* Thorny devil
* Tree snake
* Geko
* Pigmy monitor