mirror of https://github.com/termux/termux-app synced 2024-06-24 18:17:07 +00:00
Commit Graph

19 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
1c7f9166f2 Move Termux app specific logic out of NotificationUtils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
6bca378cec Move Android specific utils from TermuxUtils to AndroidUtils 2021-06-30 06:10:00 +05:00
2aafcf8435 Add support to send back or store RUN_COMMAND intent command results in files and provide way to fix argument splitting sent with am command
### `RUN_COMMAND` Results in Files

Previously in `v0.109` with a2209dd support was added in RUN_COMMAND intent to send back foreground and background command results with `PendingIntent` to the intent sender. However, this was only usable with java code by android apps. But if you were sending the intent with the `am` command from inside a shell, like tasker `Run Shell` action, you could not get the result back directly. You could technically manually save the output of your script in files under `/sdcard` with redirection and wait for them to be created in the `Run Shell` so that you could process the result. However, this was only possible for background commands and the caller would hang indefinitely if a termux internal `errmsg` was generated like it does for termux-tasker, likely caused by incorrect intent extra arguments, an exception being raised when executing the executable/script, or termux being closed with the exit button, etc.

Now native support has been added inside termux to store results of both foreground and background commands inside files, that also sends back internal `errmsgs` as long as result files extras are valid. This can be used to run synchronous commands from inside termux, with other apps that have `Run commands in Termux environment` (`com.termux.permission.RUN_COMMAND`) like Tasker, from pc over `adb` or inside `adb shell` if you have a rooted device, or from pc if you have setup termux `sshd`. The `RUN_COMMAND` intent can only be sent by the `termux` user itself, by an app that has the permission or by the `root` user. The `shell` user of `adb` cannot send it. A script will be provided at a later time that will automatically detect these cases to easily run `RUN_COMMAND` intent commands which will also automatically create temp directories and do cleanup. This can also be useful inside termux itself, like if you want to start a new foreground session and to automatically store its output to a log file when you exit. Support can also be added for this to be done for termux-boot and termux-widget as well but will require updates for them.

There is obviously a security and privacy concern for this if you use shared storage `/sdcard` to store the result files since malicious apps could read them and optionally modify them for MITM attacks if you are reading the result and processing it unsafely. But users access other files from shared storage anyways for other scripts. Saving the result files on shared storage would only be necessary if you want to read the result back, like in Tasker or over adb since non-termux and non-root users can't access termux private app data directory `/data/data/com.termux`. For internal termux usage, this shouldn't be a concern if files are saved inside termux private app data directory.

The extra constant values are defined by [`TermuxConstants`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/termux/TermuxConstants.java) class of the [`termux-shared`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared) library. The [`ResultSender`](https://github.com/termux/termux-app/tree/master/termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/shell/ResultSender.java) class actually sends back the results.

The following extras have been added:

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` extra for the directory path in which to write the result of the execution command for the execute command caller.

- The `boolean` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra for whether the result should be written to a single file or multiple files (`err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr`, `exit_code`) in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY`.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` extra for the basename of the result file that should be created in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` if `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` is `true`.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT` extra for the output [`Formatter`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html) format of the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` result file.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_ERROR_FORMAT` extra for the error [`Formatter`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html) format of the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` result file.

- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_RESULT_FILES_SUFFIX` extra for the optional suffix of the result files that should be created in `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` if `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` is `false`.

The `err` and `errmsg` are for internal termux errors like invalid intent extras, etc and not related to the shell commands itself. This is the same way Tasker actions and plugins system work with [`%err` and `%errmsg`](https://tasker.joaoapps.com/userguide/en/variables.html#localbuiltin). The `err` will be equal to `Errno.ERRNO_SUCCESS` (`-1`) if no internal errors are set. The `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` are for the shell commands. The `exit_code` is normally `0` for success.

There are two modes for getting back the result in results files.

##### `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra is `true`

Only a single file will be created under `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` that will contain the `err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` in a specific format defined by `RESULT_SENDER.FORMAT_*` constants in `TermuxConstants` class depending on the exit status of the command. By default if the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME` extra is not passed, the basename of the result file will be set to `<command_path_basename>-<timestamp>.log` where `<timestamp>` will be in the `yyyy-MM-dd_HH.mm.ss.SSS` format. The `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT` extra can be passed with a custom format that should be used when `err` equals `-1` and `EXTRA_RESULT_FILE_ERROR_FORMAT` extra for when its greater than `-1`. The value `0` is for `Errno.ERRNO_CANCELLED` and should also be considered a failure unlike `exit_code`.

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/top' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-n,5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '0' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_DIRECTORY' '/sdcard/.termux-app' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE' 'true' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_FILE_BASENAME' 'top.log'

##### `EXTRA_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE` extra is `false`

Separate files will be created under `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY` for each of the `err`, `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code`. Their basenames (same as mentioned) are defined by the `RESULT_FILE_*` constants in `TermuxConstants` class. If the `EXTRA_RESULT_FILES_SUFFIX` extra is passed, then that will be suffixed to the basename of each file like `err<suffix>`, `stdout<suffix>`, etc.

The `err` file will be created after writing to other result files has already finished and this is the file the caller should optionally wait for  to be created to be notified that the command has finished, like with `test -f "$result_directory/err"` command in an infinite loop (with sleep+timeout) or with `inotify`. After it has been read, caller can start reading from the rest of the result files if they exist. The `errmsg`, `stdout`, `stderr` and `exit_code` files will not be created if nothing is to be written to them, so no do wait for these files.

If you are not passing a unique suffix for each intent, then result files of multiple simultaneous intent commands will conflict with each other. So ideally a temp directory should be created for each intent command and that should be passed as `EXTRA_RESULT_DIRECTORY`. You can use `mktemp` command to create a unique name and create the directory for you.

temp_directory="$(/system/bin/mktemp -d --tmpdir="/sdcard/.termux-app" "top.XXXXXX")" || return $?

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/top' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-n,5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '1' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_DIRECTORY' "$temp_directory" --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_RESULT_SINGLE_FILE' 'false'

Use following if in termux and not in tasker/rooted shell.

temp_directory="$(PATH=/system/bin; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib64:/system/lib; unset LD_PRELOAD; mktemp -d --tmpdir="/sdcard/.termux-app" "top.XXXXXX")" || return $?

Note that since there may be a delay between creation of `result_file`/`err` file and writing to it or flushing to disk, a temp file is created first suffixed with `-<timestamp>` which is then moved to the final destination, since caller may otherwise read from an empty file in some cases otherwise.

Commands will automatically be killed and result up till that point returned if user exits termux app like with the `Exit` button in the notification. The exit code will be `137` (`SIGKILL`).


### `RUN_COMMAND` Arguments Splitting with `am` Command

If `am` command is used to send the `RUN_COMMAND` intent and you want to pass an argument with the `--esa com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS` string array extra that itself contains a normal comma `,` (`U+002C`, `&comma;`, `&#44;`, `comma`), it must be escaped with a backslash `\,` so that the  argument isn't split into multiple arguments. The only problem is that, the arguments received by the termux will contain `\,` instead of `,` since the reversal isn't done as described in the [am command source](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/21bdaf1/cmds/am/src/com/android/commands/am/Am.java#572) while converting to a string array. There is also no way for the `am` command or termux to know whether `\,` was done to prevent arguments splitting or `\,` was a literal string naturally part of the argument.

// Split on commas unless they are preceeded by an escape.
// The escape character must be escaped for the string and
// again for the regex, thus four escape characters become one.
intent.putExtra(key, strings);

To fix this termux now supports an alternative method to handle such conditions. If an argument contains a normal comma `,`, then instead of escaping them with a backslash `\,`, replace all normal commas with the comma alternate character `‚` (`#U+201A`, `&sbquo;`, `&#8218;`, `single low-9 quotation mark`) before sending the intent with the `am` command. This way argument splitting will not be done. You can pass the `com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` `boolean` extra in the `RUN_COMMAND` intent so that termux replaces all the comma alternate characters back to normal commas. It would be unlikely for the the arguments to naturally contain the comma alternate characters for this to be a problem. Even if they do, they might not be significant for any logic. If they are, then you can set a different character that should be replaced, by passing it in the `com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` `String` extra.

If `tudo` or `sudo` are used, then simply using their `-r` and `--comma-alternative` command options can be used without passing the below extras, but native supports is helpful if they are not being used.


The following extras have been added:

- The `boolean` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` extra for whether to replace comma alternative characters in arguments with normal comma `,` (`U+002C`, `&comma;`, `&#44;`, `comma`).
- The `String` `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS` extra for the comma alternative characters in arguments that should be replaced instead of the default comma alternate character `‚` (`#U+201A`, `&sbquo;`, `&#8218;`, `single low-9 quotation mark`).

am startservice --user 0 -n 'com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService' -a 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH' '$PREFIX/bin/bash' --esa 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS' '-c,echo "Argument with commas here _ and here _ that have been converted to an underscore before sending"; sleep 5' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND' '0' --ez 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_REPLACE_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS' 'true' --es 'com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_COMMA_ALTERNATIVE_CHARS_IN_ARGUMENTS' '_'

Note that since `0.109`, the `RUN_COMMAND` intent supports `RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_STDIN`, so instead of passing arguments, just pass a script as `stdin` to the `bash` executable so that you don't have to deal with this "mess". You will have to surround the script with single quotes and escape any single quotes inside the script itself, like each single quote `'` with `'\''`.


### Internal Changes

This commit also adds onto 679e0de0 and 4494bc66

The `ExecutionCommand` has been updated and command result variables have been moved to `ResultData` and result configuration to `ResultConfig` since the later two should be agnostic of what type of command there are for. They don't necessarily have to be for terminal/shell commands and can be used for plugin APIs, etc.

The `ResultData` instead of a `String` `errmsg` now stores a list of `Error` objects. This is necessary since multiple errors may be picked up while a command is run, like say working directory is invalid and an error is returned by FileUtils and while sending the result to the caller, the `ResultSender` returns an additional error because result configuration like result directory or result output format was invalid. In these situations `PluginUtils` will show a notification to the user with info of each error thrown.

In addition to above, in `ResultData`, the `stdout` and `stderr` are converted to `StringBuilder` instead of a `String`. This allows for data to be appended to each from various places in code like log debug or error entries for API commands without having to create a new `String` object each time value needs to updated. This can be useful so that the caller doesn't have to check `logcat` for API commands. This does not apply to `ExecutionCommand` since only `TermuxSession` and `TermuxTask` set the data.

The `ResultSender` class is what handles the result of commands whether they need to be sent via `PendingIntent` or to a result directory based on the `ResultConfig` object passed. Result will be sent through both if both of them are not `null`.

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.24.0`. Check its Changelog section for info on changes.
2021-06-28 04:54:39 +05:00
7f36d7bbd0 Move ReportActivity to termux-shared so that other termux plugins can use it too 2021-06-21 04:59:11 +05:00
f8ccbb4953 Log invalid values stored in termux.properties file during load time
All external and internal values were already logged and required log level to be set to "Verbose" in Termux Settings, but now invalid  values and the default value used instead will be logged at log level "Normal" as well.

The `TermuxPropertyConstants` class has been updated to `v0.10.0`. Check its Changelog sections for info on changes.
2021-05-16 01:31:34 +05:00
79df863b75 Ensure we read/write to/from current SharedPreferences
When getting SharedPreferences of other termux sharedUserId app packages, we get its Context first and if its null, it would mean that the package is not installed or likely has a different signature. For this case, we force exit the app in some places, since that shouldn't occur. Previously, if it was null, we were defaulting to getting SharedPreferences of current package context instead, which would mix keys of other packages with current one. SharedPreferences of other app packages aren't being used currently, so this isn't an issue, this commit just fixes the issue for future.

Force exit will also be triggered if Termux is forked and TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME is not updated to the same value as applicationId since TermuxActivity.onCreate() will fail to get SharedPreferences of TermuxConstants.TERMUX_PACKAGE_NAME.

Moreover, its normally not allowed to install apps with different signatures, but if its done, we "may" need AndroidManifest `queries` entries in andorid 11, check PackageUtils.getSigningCertificateSHA256DigestForPackage() for details.
2021-05-14 03:54:13 +05:00
4629276500 Changed TermuxAppSharedPreferences function naming convention 2021-05-13 05:08:25 +05:00
24a5493ea5 Replace "if(" with "if (" 2021-04-12 14:32:02 +05:00
0cd7cb8162 Improve TermuxSession and TermuxTask
TermuxSession, TermuxTask and TermuxSessionClientBase have been moved to termux-shared. They are now not dependent on TermuxService anymore and have become abstract so that they can be called from anywhere. TermuxSession.TermuxSessionClient and TermuxTask.TermuxTaskClient interfaces have been created for callbacks, which the TermuxService now implements.

The TermuxTask now also supports synchronous command execution as well to run shell commands from anywhere for internal use by termux app and its plugins.

TermuxTask now also supports killing the process being run by sending it a SIGKILL. This is used by TermuxService to kill all the TermuxTasks (in addition to TermuxSessions) it manages when it is destroyed, either by user exiting it or by android killing it. Only the tasks that were started by a plugin which **expects** the result back via a pending intent will be killed, but the remaining background tasks will keep on running until the termux app process is killed by android, like by OOM. Check TermuxService.killAllTermuxExecutionCommands() for more details on how TermuxService kills TermuxTasks and TermuxSessions.

Fixed null pointer exception when getting terminal transcript if TerminalEmulator not initialized.
2021-04-12 14:26:53 +05:00
682ce08314 Create termux-shared library package for all termux constants and shared utils
The termux plugins should use this library instead of hardcoding "com.termux" values in their source code.

The library can be included as a dependency by plugins and third party apps by including the following line in the build.gradle where x.xxx is the version number, once its published.

`implementation 'com.termux:termux-shared:x.xxx'`

The `TermuxConstants` class has been updated to `v0.17.0`, `TermuxPreferenceConstants` to `v0.9.0` and `TermuxPropertyConstants` to `v0.6.0`. Check their Changelog sections for info on changes.

Some typos and redundant code has also been fixed.
2021-04-07 11:31:30 +05:00
69e4b575a8 Implement crash handler and reporting
Now whenever the Termux app crashes, the crash report (stacktrace, app and device info) will be logged to ~/crash_log.md file. When the user will reopen the app, a notification will be shown which when clicked will show the crash report content in the ReportActivity. The activity will have important links like email, reddit, github issues of termux app and packages at which the user can optionally report an issue if necessary after copying the crash report text. The ~/crash_log.md file will be moved to ~/crash_log-backup.md so that a notification is not shown again on next startup and can be viewed again via SAF, etc.

This will allow reports for bugs that are submitted to have complete and useful info, specially in markdown format, making lives of devs a tad bit easier. Also more bugs that are rare might be submitted since users will have the info to report with and know where to report at.

- The TermuxConstants.TERMUX_SUPPORT_EMAIL_URL needs to be updated with a valid support email once its set up. The TermuxUtils.getReportIssueMarkdownString() function currently also has "email" lines commented out which will need to be uncommented.
- Currently, crashes will only be handled for the main app thread, other threads will have to manually hooked into where necessary.
2021-04-06 16:15:00 +05:00
49f53f55f3 Renamed TextDataUtils to DataUtils 2021-03-28 09:08:45 +05:00
15eb56d4dd Add PackageUtils and fix ReportActivity
- PackageUtils has been added to get various package related info. This will be used to get info based on Context objects instead of using BuildConfig which wouldn't have been available across termux plugins.

- Support for getting Context objects of all termux plugin apps have been added to TermuxUtils.

- Support for showing more details for the app has been added for ReportActivity. This will also allow app info of Termux app to be generated when TermuxUtils.getAppInfoMarkdownString() is called by a termux plugin so that both are shown so that devs/users can more easily detect compatibility issues.

- ReportActivity has been fixed to also include report and device info instead of just the ExecutionCommand info when copying and sharing.

- Moved the generation of markdown for ReportInfo to its own class and added creationTimestamp field.

- Increased markdown headings size for some cases.
2021-03-28 09:06:17 +05:00
d7ea770d47 Move com.termux.models to com.termux.app.models package 2021-03-27 19:08:26 +05:00
04da4b2268 Send PendingIntent back for pre-execution errors generated for RUN_COMMAND intent
If the pending intent is not null, then the errors will be sent back to the caller without notifying the user, since we will let the caller handle the errors himself. They will still be logged in logcat.

However, if "allow-external-apps" is not true, then a flash and notification will be shown forcefully (regardless of "Plugin Execution Errors" toggle state), so that the user knows someone tried to run a command in termux context, since it may be malicious app or imported (tasker) plugin project and not the user himself. If a pending intent is also sent, then its creator is also logged and shown.
2021-03-26 16:33:46 +05:00
f62febbfb7 Add the TermuxTask class for linking a Process to an ExecutionCommand.
TermuxTask will maintain info for background Termux tasks. Each task started by TermuxService will now be linked to a ExecutionCommand that started it.

- StreamGobbler class has also been imported from https://github.com/Chainfire/libsuperuser and partially modified to read stdout and stderr of background commands. This should likely be much safer and efficient.
- Logging of every line has been disabled unless log level is set to verbose. This should have a performance increase and also prevent potentially private user data to be sent to logcat.
- This also solves the bug where Termux:Tasker would hang indefinitely if Runtime.getRuntime().exec raised an exception, like for invalid or missing interpreter errors and Termux:Tasker wasn't notified of it. Now the errmsg will be used to send any exceptions back to Termux:Tasker and other 3rd party calls.
- This also solves the bug where stdout or stderr were too large in size and TransactionTooLargeException exception was raised and result TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT pending intent failed to be sent to the caller. This would have also hung up Termux:Tasker. Now the stdout and stderr sent back in TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE bundle will be truncated from the start to max 100KB combined. The original size of stdout and stderr will be provided in TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT_ORIGINAL_LENGTH and TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR_ORIGINAL_LENGTH extras respectively so that the caller can check if either of them were truncated. The errmsg will also be truncated from end to max 25KB to preserve start of stacktraces.
- The PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandResult() has been updated to fully handle the result of plugin execution intents.
2021-03-25 09:47:59 +05:00
eeb8554535 Fix string resources naming convention 2021-03-24 06:15:45 +05:00
31371b5e3d Fully integrate ExectionCommand into RunCommandService
Users will now also be shown flashes and notifications in addition to log entries for missing allow-external-apps permission or for invalid extras passed like the executable. The flashes and notifications can be controlled with the Termux Settings -> Debugging -> Plugin Error Notifications toggle
2021-03-24 03:56:25 +05:00
b4995ef9a7 Refactor RunCommandService
- The `FileUtils` and `PluginUtils` have been added to provide utility functions.
- The executable and working directory validation has been added to check for existence and missing permissions.
- The `expandPath()` function is removed from `RunCommandService`.
- Working directory will automatically be created if under `TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH` if missing.
- Better logging has been added. This will later be used to notify the user in foreground.
- Javadocs have been updated.
2021-03-19 21:18:35 +05:00