
459 lines
25 KiB

package com.termux.app;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.IntentService;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.app.NotificationManager;
import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.IBinder;
import com.termux.R;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP.RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE;
import com.termux.shared.termux.TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP.TERMUX_SERVICE;
import com.termux.shared.file.FileUtils;
import com.termux.shared.logger.Logger;
import com.termux.shared.notification.NotificationUtils;
import com.termux.app.utils.PluginUtils;
import com.termux.shared.data.DataUtils;
import com.termux.app.models.ExecutionCommand;
* Third-party apps that are not part of termux world can run commands in termux context by either
* sending an intent to RunCommandService or becoming a plugin host for the termux-tasker plugin
* client.
* For the {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#ACTION_RUN_COMMAND} intent to work, here are the requirements:
* 1. `com.termux.permission.RUN_COMMAND` permission (Mandatory)
* The Intent sender/third-party app must request the `com.termux.permission.RUN_COMMAND`
* permission in its `AndroidManifest.xml` and it should be granted by user to the app through the
* app's `App Info` `Permissions` page in Android Settings, likely under `Additional Permissions`.
* This is a security measure to prevent any other apps from running commands in `Termux` context
* which do not have the required permission granted to them.
* For `Tasker` you can grant it with:
* `Android Settings` -> `Apps` -> `Tasker` -> `Permissions` -> `Additional permissions` ->
* `Run commands in Termux environment`.
* 2. `allow-external-apps` property (Mandatory)
* The `allow-external-apps` property must be set to "true" in `~/.termux/termux.properties` in
* Termux app, regardless of if the executable path is inside or outside the `~/.termux/tasker/`
* directory. Check https://github.com/termux/termux-tasker#allow-external-apps-property-optional
* for more info.
* 3. `Draw Over Apps` permission (Optional)
* For android `>= 10` there are new
* [restrictions](https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities/background-starts)
* that prevent activities from starting from the background. This prevents the background
* {@link TermuxService} from starting a terminal session in the foreground and running the
* commands until the user manually clicks `Termux` notification in the status bar dropdown
* notifications list. This only affects commands that are to be executed in a terminal
* session and not the background ones. `Termux` version `>= 0.100`
* requests the `Draw Over Apps` permission so that users can bypass this restriction so
* that commands can automatically start running without user intervention.
* You can grant `Termux` the `Draw Over Apps` permission from its `App Info` activity:
* `Android Settings` -> `Apps` -> `Termux` -> `Advanced` -> `Draw over other apps`.
* 4. `Storage` permission (Optional)
* Termux app must be granted `Storage` permission if the executable is accessing or working
* directory is set to path in external shared storage. The common paths which usually refer to
* it are `~/storage`, `/sdcard`, `/storage/emulated/0` etc.
* You can grant `Termux` the `Storage` permission from its `App Info` activity:
* For Android version < 11:
* `Android Settings` -> `Apps` -> `Termux` -> `Permissions` -> `Storage`.
* For Android version >= 11
* `Android Settings` -> `Apps` -> `Termux` -> `Permissions` -> `Files and media` ->
* `Allowed management of all files`.
* NOTE: For Android version >= 11, sometimes you will get `Permission Denied` errors for
* external shared storage even when you have granted `Files and media` permission. To solve
* this, Deny the permission and then Allow it again and restart Termux.
* Also check https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Termux-setup-storage
* 5. Battery Optimizations (May be mandatory depending on device)
* Some devices kill apps aggressively or prevent apps from starting from background.
* If Termux is running into such problems, then exempt it from such restrictions.
* The user may also disable battery optimizations for Termux to reduce the chances of Termux
* being killed by Android even further due to violation of not being able to call
* `startForeground()` within ~5s of service start in android >= 8.
* Check https://dontkillmyapp.com/ for device specfic info to opt-out of battery optimiations.
* You may also want to check https://github.com/termux/termux-tasker
* The {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#ACTION_RUN_COMMAND} intent expects the following extras:
* 1. The **mandatory** {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_COMMAND_PATH} extra for
* absolute path of command.
* 2. The {@code String[]} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_ARGUMENTS} extra for any arguments to
* pass to command.
* 3. The {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_WORKDIR} extra for current working directory
* of command. This defaults to {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH}.
* 4. The {@code boolean} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_BACKGROUND} extra whether to run command
* in background or foreground terminal session. This defaults to {@code false}.
* 5. The {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION} extra for for session action
* of foreground commands. This defaults to
* 6. The {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_COMMAND_LABEL} extra for label of the command.
* 7. The markdown {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION} extra for
* description of the command. This should ideally be get short.
* 8. The markdown {@code String} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_COMMAND_HELP} extra for help of
* the command. This can add details about the command. 3rd party apps can provide more info
* to users for setting up commands. Ideally a url link should be provided that goes into full
* details.
* 9. The {@code Parcelable} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT} extra containing the
* pending intent with which result of commands should be returned to the caller. The results
* will be sent in the {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE} bundle. This is optional
* and only needed if caller wants the results back.
* can optionally be prefixed with "$PREFIX/" or "~/" if an absolute path is not to be given.
* The "$PREFIX/" will expand to {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_PREFIX_DIR_PATH} and
* "~/" will expand to {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_HOME_DIR_PATH}, followed by a forward slash "/".
* The `EXTRA_COMMAND_*` extras are used for logging and are their values are provided to users in case
* of failure in a popup. The popup shown is in commonmark-spec markdown using markwon library so
* make sure to follow its formatting rules. Also make sure to end lines with 2 blank spaces to prevent
* word-wrap wherever needed.
* It's the users and 3rd party apps responsibility to use them wisely. There are also android
* internal intent size limits (roughly 500KB) that must not exceed when sending intents so make sure
* the combined size of ALL extras is less than that.
* There are also limits on the arguments size you can pass to commands or the full command string
* length that can be run, which is likely equal to 131072 bytes or 128KB on an android device.
* Check https://github.com/termux/termux-tasker#arguments-and-result-data-limits for more details.
* If your third-party app is targeting sdk 30 (android 11), then it needs to add `com.termux`
* package to the `queries` element or request `QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES` permission in its
* `AndroidManifest.xml`. Otherwise it will get `PackageSetting{...... com.termux/......} BLOCKED`
* errors in logcat and `RUN_COMMAND` won't work.
* https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/package-visibility#package-name
* Its probably wiser for apps to import the {@link TermuxConstants} class and use the variables
* provided for actions and extras instead of using hardcoded string values.
* Sample code to run command "top" with java:
* ```
* intent.setClassName("com.termux", "com.termux.app.RunCommandService");
* intent.setAction("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND");
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH", "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/top");
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS", new String[]{"-n", "5"});
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_WORKDIR", "/data/data/com.termux/files/home");
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND", false);
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_SESSION_ACTION", "0");
* startService(intent);
* ```
* Sample code to run command "top" with "am startservice" command:
* ```
* am startservice --user 0 -n com.termux/com.termux.app.RunCommandService \
* -a com.termux.RUN_COMMAND \
* --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PATH '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/top' \
* --esa com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS '-n,5' \
* --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_WORKDIR '/data/data/com.termux/files/home' \
* --ez com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_BACKGROUND 'false' \
* --es com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_SESSION_ACTION '0'
* The {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#ACTION_RUN_COMMAND} intent returns the following extras
* in the {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE} bundle if a pending intent is sent by the
* called in {@code Parcelable} {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT} extra:
* For foreground commands ({@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_BACKGROUND} is `false`):
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT} will contain session transcript.
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR} will be null since its not used.
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE} will contain exit code of session.
* For background commands ({@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#EXTRA_BACKGROUND} is `true`):
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDOUT} will contain stdout of commands.
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_STDERR} will contain stderr of commands.
* - {@link TERMUX_SERVICE#EXTRA_PLUGIN_RESULT_BUNDLE_EXIT_CODE} will contain exit code of command.
* the original length of stdout and stderr respectively. This is useful to detect cases where
* stdout and stderr was too large to be sent back via an intent, otherwise
* The internal errors raised by termux outside the shell will be sent in the the
* extras. These will contain errors like if starting a termux command failed or if the user manually
* exited the termux sessions or android killed the termux service before the commands had finished executing.
* The err value will be {@link Activity#RESULT_OK}(-1) if no internal errors are raised.
* Note that if stdout or stderr are too large in length, then a {@link android.os.TransactionTooLargeException}
* exception will be raised when the pending intent is sent back containing the results, But it cannot
* be caught by the intent sender and intent will silently fail with logcat entries for the exception
* raised internally by android os components. To prevent this, the stdout and stderr sent
* back will be truncated from the start to max 100KB combined. The original length of stdout and
* stderr will be provided in
* that the caller can check if either of them were truncated. The errmsg will also be truncated
* from end to max 25KB to preserve start of stacktraces.
* If your app (not shell) wants to receive termux session command results, then put the
* pending intent for your app like for an {@link IntentService} in the "com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PENDING_INTENT"
* extra.
* ```
* // Create intent for your IntentService class
* Intent pluginResultsServiceIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, PluginResultsService.class);
* // Create PendingIntent that will be used by termux service to send result of commands back to PluginResultsService
* PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(context, 1, pluginResultsServiceIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
* intent.putExtra("com.termux.RUN_COMMAND_PENDING_INTENT", pendingIntent);
* ```
* Declare `PluginResultsService` entry in AndroidManifest.xml
* ```
* <service android:name=".PluginResultsService" />
* ```
* Define the `PluginResultsService` class
* ```
* public class PluginResultsService extends IntentService {
* public static final String PLUGIN_SERVICE_LABEL = "PluginResultsService";
* private static final String LOG_TAG = "PluginResultsService";
* public PluginResultsService(){
* }
* @Override
* protected void onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) {
* if (intent == null) return;
* if(intent.getComponent() != null)
* Log.d(LOG_TAG, PLUGIN_SERVICE_LABEL + " received execution result from " + intent.getComponent().toString());
* final Bundle resultBundle = intent.getBundleExtra("result");
* if (resultBundle == null) {
* Log.e(LOG_TAG, "The intent does not contain the result bundle at the \"result\" key.");
* return;
* }
* Log.d(LOG_TAG, "stdout:\n```\n" + resultBundle.getString("stdout", "") + "\n```\n" +
* "stdout_original_length: `" + resultBundle.getString("stdout_original_length") + "`\n" +
* "stderr:\n```\n" + resultBundle.getString("stderr", "") + "\n```\n" +
* "stderr_original_length: `" + resultBundle.getString("stderr_original_length") + "`\n" +
* "exitCode: `" + resultBundle.getInt("exitCode") + "`\n" +
* "errCode: `" + resultBundle.getInt("err") + "`\n" +
* "errmsg: `" + resultBundle.getString("errmsg", "") + "`");
* }
* }
* A service that receives {@link RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE#ACTION_RUN_COMMAND} intent from third party apps and
* plugins that contains info on command execution and forwards the extras to {@link TermuxService}
* for the actual execution.
public class RunCommandService extends Service {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "RunCommandService";
class LocalBinder extends Binder {
public final RunCommandService service = RunCommandService.this;
private final IBinder mBinder = new RunCommandService.LocalBinder();
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return mBinder;
public void onCreate() {
Logger.logVerbose(LOG_TAG, "onCreate");
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
Logger.logDebug(LOG_TAG, "onStartCommand");
if(intent == null) return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
// Run again in case service is already started and onCreate() is not called
ExecutionCommand executionCommand = new ExecutionCommand();
executionCommand.pluginAPIHelp = this.getString(R.string.error_run_command_service_api_help, RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.RUN_COMMAND_API_HELP_URL);
String errmsg;
// If invalid action passed, then just return
if (!RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.ACTION_RUN_COMMAND.equals(intent.getAction())) {
errmsg = this.getString(R.string.error_run_command_service_invalid_intent_action, intent.getAction());
executionCommand.setStateFailed(ExecutionCommand.RESULT_CODE_FAILED, errmsg, null);
PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandError(this, LOG_TAG, executionCommand, false);
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
executionCommand.executable = intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_PATH);
executionCommand.arguments = intent.getStringArrayExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_ARGUMENTS);
executionCommand.workingDirectory = intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_WORKDIR);
executionCommand.inBackground = intent.getBooleanExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND, false);
executionCommand.sessionAction = intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION);
executionCommand.commandLabel = DataUtils.getDefaultIfNull(intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_LABEL), "RUN_COMMAND Execution Intent Command");
executionCommand.commandDescription = intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION);
executionCommand.commandHelp = intent.getStringExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_HELP);
executionCommand.isPluginExecutionCommand = true;
executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent = intent.getParcelableExtra(RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT);
// If "allow-external-apps" property to not set to "true", then just return
// We enable force notifications if "allow-external-apps" policy is violated so that the
// user knows someone tried to run a command in termux context, since it may be malicious
// app or imported (tasker) plugin project and not the user himself. If a pending intent is
// also sent, then its creator is also logged and shown.
errmsg = PluginUtils.checkIfRunCommandServiceAllowExternalAppsPolicyIsViolated(this);
if (errmsg != null) {
executionCommand.setStateFailed(ExecutionCommand.RESULT_CODE_FAILED, errmsg, null);
PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandError(this, LOG_TAG, executionCommand, true);
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
// If executable is null or empty, then exit here instead of getting canonical path which would expand to "/"
if (executionCommand.executable == null || executionCommand.executable.isEmpty()) {
errmsg = this.getString(R.string.error_run_command_service_mandatory_extra_missing, RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_PATH);
executionCommand.setStateFailed(ExecutionCommand.RESULT_CODE_FAILED, errmsg, null);
PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandError(this, LOG_TAG, executionCommand, false);
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
// Get canonical path of executable
executionCommand.executable = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(executionCommand.executable, null, true);
// If executable is not a regular file, or is not readable or executable, then just return
// Setting of missing read and execute permissions is not done
errmsg = FileUtils.validateRegularFileExistenceAndPermissions(this, "executable", executionCommand.executable, null,
if (errmsg != null) {
errmsg += "\n" + this.getString(R.string.msg_executable_absolute_path, executionCommand.executable);
executionCommand.setStateFailed(ExecutionCommand.RESULT_CODE_FAILED, errmsg, null);
PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandError(this, LOG_TAG, executionCommand, false);
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
// If workingDirectory is not null or empty
if (executionCommand.workingDirectory != null && !executionCommand.workingDirectory.isEmpty()) {
// Get canonical path of workingDirectory
executionCommand.workingDirectory = FileUtils.getCanonicalPath(executionCommand.workingDirectory, null, true);
// If workingDirectory is not a directory, or is not readable or writable, then just return
// Creation of missing directory and setting of read, write and execute permissions are only done if workingDirectory is
// under {@link TermuxConstants#TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH}
// We try to set execute permissions, but ignore if they are missing, since only read and write permissions are required
// for working directories.
errmsg = FileUtils.validateDirectoryFileExistenceAndPermissions(this, "working", executionCommand.workingDirectory, TermuxConstants.TERMUX_FILES_DIR_PATH, true,
true, true);
if (errmsg != null) {
errmsg += "\n" + this.getString(R.string.msg_working_directory_absolute_path, executionCommand.workingDirectory);
executionCommand.setStateFailed(ExecutionCommand.RESULT_CODE_FAILED, errmsg, null);
PluginUtils.processPluginExecutionCommandError(this, LOG_TAG, executionCommand, false);
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
executionCommand.executableUri = new Uri.Builder().scheme(TERMUX_SERVICE.URI_SCHEME_SERVICE_EXECUTE).path(FileUtils.getExpandedTermuxPath(executionCommand.executable)).build();
Logger.logVerbose(LOG_TAG, executionCommand.toString());
// Create execution intent with the action TERMUX_SERVICE#ACTION_SERVICE_EXECUTE to be sent to the TERMUX_SERVICE
Intent execIntent = new Intent(TERMUX_SERVICE.ACTION_SERVICE_EXECUTE, executionCommand.executableUri);
execIntent.setClass(this, TermuxService.class);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_ARGUMENTS, executionCommand.arguments);
if (executionCommand.workingDirectory != null && !executionCommand.workingDirectory.isEmpty()) execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_WORKDIR, executionCommand.workingDirectory);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_BACKGROUND, executionCommand.inBackground);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION, executionCommand.sessionAction);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_LABEL, executionCommand.commandLabel);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION, executionCommand.commandDescription);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_COMMAND_HELP, executionCommand.commandHelp);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PLUGIN_API_HELP, executionCommand.pluginAPIHelp);
execIntent.putExtra(TERMUX_SERVICE.EXTRA_PENDING_INTENT, executionCommand.pluginPendingIntent);
// Start TERMUX_SERVICE and pass it execution intent
} else {
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
private void runStartForeground() {
startForeground(TermuxConstants.TERMUX_RUN_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_ID, buildNotification());
private void runStopForeground() {
private Notification buildNotification() {
// Build the notification
Notification.Builder builder = NotificationUtils.geNotificationBuilder(this,
null, NotificationUtils.NOTIFICATION_MODE_SILENT);
if(builder == null) return null;
// No need to show a timestamp:
// Set notification icon
// Set background color for small notification icon
return builder.build();
private void setupNotificationChannel() {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return;
NotificationUtils.setupNotificationChannel(this, TermuxConstants.TERMUX_RUN_COMMAND_NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID,