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show_help () {
echo "usage: llvm-config <OPTION>... [<COMPONENT>...]
Get various configuration information needed to compile programs which use
LLVM. Typically called from 'configure' scripts. Examples:
llvm-config --cxxflags
llvm-config --ldflags
llvm-config --libs engine bcreader scalaropts
--version Print LLVM version.
--prefix Print the installation prefix.
--obj-root Print the object root used to build LLVM.
--bindir Directory containing LLVM executables.
--includedir Directory containing LLVM headers.
--libdir Directory containing LLVM libraries.
2023-09-03 17:40:01 +00:00
--cmakedir Directory containing LLVM CMake modules.
--cppflags C preprocessor flags for files that include LLVM headers.
--cflags C compiler flags for files that include LLVM headers.
--cxxflags C++ compiler flags for files that include LLVM headers.
--ldflags Print Linker flags.
--system-libs System Libraries needed to link against LLVM components.
--libs Libraries needed to link against LLVM components.
--libnames Bare library names for in-tree builds.
--libfiles Fully qualified library filenames for makefile depends.
--components List of all possible components.
--targets-built List of all targets currently built.
--host-target Target triple used to configure LLVM.
--build-mode Print build mode of LLVM tree (e.g. Debug or Release).
--assertion-mode Print assertion mode of LLVM tree (ON or OFF).
--build-system Print the build system used to build LLVM (always cmake).
--has-rtti Print whether or not LLVM was built with rtti (YES or NO).
--shared-mode Print how the provided components can be collectively linked (\`shared\` or \`static\`).
--link-shared Link the components as shared libraries.
--link-static Link the component libraries statically.
Typical components:
all All LLVM libraries (default).
engine Either a native JIT or a bitcode interpreter."
2020-04-10 06:56:52 +00:00
2023-09-03 17:40:01 +00:00
CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -std=c++17 -fno-exceptions -funwind-tables"
if [ "$has_rtti" != "YES" ]; then CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-rtti"; fi
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
components="aarch64 aarch64asmparser aarch64codegen aarch64desc aarch64disassembler \
aarch64info aarch64utils aggressiveinstcombine all all-targets amdgpu amdgpuasmparser \
amdgpucodegen amdgpudesc amdgpudisassembler amdgpuinfo amdgputargetmca amdgpuutils \
analysis arc arccodegen arcdesc arcdisassembler arcinfo arm armasmparser armcodegen \
armdesc armdisassembler arminfo armutils asmparser asmprinter avr avrasmparser \
avrcodegen avrdesc avrdisassembler avrinfo binaryformat bitreader bitstreamreader \
bitwriter bpf bpfasmparser bpfcodegen bpfdesc bpfdisassembler bpfinfo cfguard codegen \
2023-09-03 17:40:01 +00:00
codegentypes core coroutines coverage csky cskyasmparser cskycodegen cskydesc cskydisassembler \
cskyinfo debuginfobtf debuginfocodeview debuginfodwarf debuginfogsym debuginfologicalview \
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
debuginfomsf debuginfopdb demangle dlltooldriver dwarflinker dwarflinkerparallel \
dwp engine executionengine extensions filecheck frontendhlsl frontendopenacc \
frontendopenmp fuzzercli fuzzmutate globalisel hexagon hexagonasmparser hexagoncodegen \
hexagondesc hexagondisassembler hexagoninfo instcombine instrumentation interfacestub \
interpreter ipo irprinter irreader jitlink lanai lanaiasmparser lanaicodegen lanaidesc \
lanaidisassembler lanaiinfo libdriver lineeditor linker loongarch loongarchasmparser \
loongarchcodegen loongarchdesc loongarchdisassembler loongarchinfo lto m68k m68kasmparser \
m68kcodegen m68kdesc m68kdisassembler m68kinfo mc mca mcdisassembler mcjit mcparser \
mips mipsasmparser mipscodegen mipsdesc mipsdisassembler mipsinfo mirparser msp430 \
msp430asmparser msp430codegen msp430desc msp430disassembler msp430info native \
nativecodegen nvptx nvptxcodegen nvptxdesc nvptxinfo objcarcopts objcopy object \
objectyaml option orcjit orcshared orctargetprocess passes powerpc powerpcasmparser \
powerpccodegen powerpcdesc powerpcdisassembler powerpcinfo profiledata remarks \
riscv riscvasmparser riscvcodegen riscvdesc riscvdisassembler riscvinfo riscvtargetmca \
2021-04-26 14:28:42 +00:00
runtimedyld scalaropts selectiondag sparc sparcasmparser sparccodegen sparcdesc \
2020-04-10 06:56:52 +00:00
sparcdisassembler sparcinfo support symbolize systemz systemzasmparser systemzcodegen \
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
systemzdesc systemzdisassembler systemzinfo tablegen target targetparser textapi \
transformutils ve veasmparser vecodegen vectorize vedesc vedisassembler veinfo \
webassembly webassemblyasmparser webassemblycodegen webassemblydesc webassemblydisassembler \
webassemblyinfo webassemblyutils windowsdriver windowsmanifest x86 x86asmparser \
x86codegen x86desc x86disassembler x86info x86targetmca xcore xcorecodegen xcoredesc \
xcoredisassembler xcoreinfo xray"
static_libs="-lLLVMWindowsManifest -lLLVMXRay -lLLVMLibDriver -lLLVMDlltoolDriver \
-lLLVMCoverage -lLLVMLineEditor -lLLVMM68kDisassembler -lLLVMM68kAsmParser -lLLVMM68kCodeGen \
-lLLVMM68kDesc -lLLVMM68kInfo -lLLVMCSKYDisassembler -lLLVMCSKYAsmParser -lLLVMCSKYCodeGen \
-lLLVMARCInfo -lLLVMXCoreDisassembler -lLLVMXCoreCodeGen -lLLVMXCoreDesc -lLLVMXCoreInfo \
-lLLVMX86TargetMCA -lLLVMX86Disassembler -lLLVMX86AsmParser -lLLVMX86CodeGen -lLLVMX86Desc \
-lLLVMX86Info -lLLVMWebAssemblyDisassembler -lLLVMWebAssemblyAsmParser -lLLVMWebAssemblyCodeGen \
-lLLVMWebAssemblyDesc -lLLVMWebAssemblyUtils -lLLVMWebAssemblyInfo -lLLVMVEDisassembler \
-lLLVMVEAsmParser -lLLVMVECodeGen -lLLVMVEDesc -lLLVMVEInfo -lLLVMSystemZDisassembler \
-lLLVMSystemZAsmParser -lLLVMSystemZCodeGen -lLLVMSystemZDesc -lLLVMSystemZInfo \
-lLLVMSparcDisassembler -lLLVMSparcAsmParser -lLLVMSparcCodeGen -lLLVMSparcDesc \
-lLLVMSparcInfo -lLLVMRISCVTargetMCA -lLLVMRISCVDisassembler -lLLVMRISCVAsmParser \
-lLLVMRISCVCodeGen -lLLVMRISCVDesc -lLLVMRISCVInfo -lLLVMPowerPCDisassembler -lLLVMPowerPCAsmParser \
-lLLVMPowerPCCodeGen -lLLVMPowerPCDesc -lLLVMPowerPCInfo -lLLVMNVPTXCodeGen -lLLVMNVPTXDesc \
-lLLVMNVPTXInfo -lLLVMMSP430Disassembler -lLLVMMSP430AsmParser -lLLVMMSP430CodeGen \
-lLLVMMSP430Desc -lLLVMMSP430Info -lLLVMMipsDisassembler -lLLVMMipsAsmParser -lLLVMMipsCodeGen \
-lLLVMMipsDesc -lLLVMMipsInfo -lLLVMLoongArchDisassembler -lLLVMLoongArchAsmParser \
-lLLVMLoongArchCodeGen -lLLVMLoongArchDesc -lLLVMLoongArchInfo -lLLVMLanaiDisassembler \
-lLLVMLanaiCodeGen -lLLVMLanaiAsmParser -lLLVMLanaiDesc -lLLVMLanaiInfo -lLLVMHexagonDisassembler \
-lLLVMHexagonCodeGen -lLLVMHexagonAsmParser -lLLVMHexagonDesc -lLLVMHexagonInfo \
-lLLVMBPFDisassembler -lLLVMBPFAsmParser -lLLVMBPFCodeGen -lLLVMBPFDesc -lLLVMBPFInfo \
-lLLVMAVRDisassembler -lLLVMAVRAsmParser -lLLVMAVRCodeGen -lLLVMAVRDesc -lLLVMAVRInfo \
-lLLVMARMDisassembler -lLLVMARMAsmParser -lLLVMARMCodeGen -lLLVMARMDesc -lLLVMARMUtils \
-lLLVMAArch64AsmParser -lLLVMAArch64CodeGen -lLLVMAArch64Desc -lLLVMAArch64Utils \
-lLLVMAArch64Info -lLLVMOrcJIT -lLLVMWindowsDriver -lLLVMMCJIT -lLLVMJITLink -lLLVMInterpreter \
-lLLVMExecutionEngine -lLLVMRuntimeDyld -lLLVMOrcTargetProcess -lLLVMOrcShared -lLLVMDWP \
-lLLVMDebugInfoLogicalView -lLLVMDebugInfoGSYM -lLLVMOption -lLLVMObjectYAML -lLLVMObjCopy \
-lLLVMMCA -lLLVMMCDisassembler -lLLVMLTO -lLLVMCFGuard -lLLVMFrontendOpenACC -lLLVMFrontendHLSL \
-lLLVMExtensions -lPolly -lPollyISL -lLLVMPasses -lLLVMCoroutines -lLLVMipo -lLLVMInstrumentation \
-lLLVMVectorize -lLLVMLinker -lLLVMFrontendOpenMP -lLLVMDWARFLinkerParallel -lLLVMDWARFLinker \
2023-09-03 17:40:01 +00:00
-lLLVMGlobalISel -lLLVMMIRParser -lLLVMAsmPrinter -lLLVMSelectionDAG -lLLVMCodeGen -lLLVMCodeGenTypes \
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
-lLLVMObjCARCOpts -lLLVMIRPrinter -lLLVMInterfaceStub -lLLVMFileCheck -lLLVMFuzzMutate \
-lLLVMTarget -lLLVMScalarOpts -lLLVMInstCombine -lLLVMAggressiveInstCombine -lLLVMTransformUtils \
2023-09-03 17:40:01 +00:00
-lLLVMBitWriter -lLLVMAnalysis -lLLVMProfileData -lLLVMSymbolize -lLLVMDebugInfoBTF -lLLVMDebugInfoPDB \
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
-lLLVMDebugInfoMSF -lLLVMDebugInfoDWARF -lLLVMObject -lLLVMTextAPI -lLLVMMCParser \
-lLLVMIRReader -lLLVMAsmParser -lLLVMMC -lLLVMDebugInfoCodeView -lLLVMBitReader \
-lLLVMFuzzerCLI -lLLVMCore -lLLVMRemarks -lLLVMBitstreamReader -lLLVMBinaryFormat \
-lLLVMTargetParser -lLLVMTableGen -lLLVMSupport -lLLVMDemangle"
handle_args () {
case "${1##--}" in
link-shared) libs=$shared_libs ;;
link-static) libs=$static_libs ;;
2020-04-10 06:56:52 +00:00
version) echo "$version";;
prefix) echo "$prefix";;
obj-root) echo "$prefix";;
bindir) echo "$prefix/bin";;
includedir) echo "$prefix/include";;
libdir) echo "$prefix/lib";;
cppflags) echo "$CPPFLAGS";;
cflags) echo "$CFLAGS";;
cxxflags) echo "$CXXFLAGS";;
ldflags) echo "$LDFLAGS";;
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
system-libs) echo "-lc -ldl -lz -lm -lzstd -ltinfo -lxml2";;
libs) echo "$libs";;
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
libnames) echo "libLLVM-${version/.*/}.so";;
libfiles) echo "$LIBFILE";;
components) echo "$components";;
2023-03-20 02:04:47 +00:00
targets-built) echo "AArch64 AMDGPU ARM AVR BPF Hexagon Lanai LoongArch Mips MSP430 NVPTX PowerPC RISCV Sparc SystemZ VE WebAssembly X86 XCore ARC CSKY M68k";;
host-target) echo "@LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE@";;
build-mode) echo "Release";;
assertion-mode) echo "OFF";;
build-system) echo "cmake";;
has-rtti) echo "$has_rtti";;
shared-mode) echo "shared";;
cmakedir) echo "$prefix/lib/cmake/llvm";;
*) show_help >&2;;
for arg in $@; do handle_args $arg; done