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Case Duckworth 2021-03-02 12:57:38 -06:00
parent 4cf171a098
commit afb2163447

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@ -3,11 +3,45 @@
# Author: Case Duckworth
# License: MIT
# Version: 0.4.0
# Commentary:
# The impetus for this program came from a Mastodon conversation I had where
# someone mentioned the "simplest possible Gemini client" was this:
# openssl s_client -gin_foe -quiet -connect $server:1965 <<< "$url"
# That's still at the heart of this program (see `gemini_request'): `bollux' is
# basically a half-functioning convenience wrapper around that openssl call.
# The first versions of `bollux' used `gawk' and a lot of other tools on top of
# bash, but after reading Dylan Araps' Pure Bash Bible[1] and other works, I
# decided to make as much of it in Bash as possible. Thus, currently `bollux'
# requires `bash' v. 4+, `less' (a recent, non-busybox version), `dd' for
# downloads, `openssl' for requests, and `iconv' to convert pages to UTF-8.
# Future versions will hopefully have a pager fully implemented in bash, so that
# I won't have to worry about less's weird incompatibilities and keybinding
# things. That's a major project though, and I'm scared.
# The following works were referenced when writing this, and I've tried to
# credit them in comments below. Following each link, I'll include a "short
# code" that I'll use to reference them in those comments, if necessary to keep
# them shorter than 80 characters.
# [1]: [PBB]
# [2]: [URLspec]
# [3]: [GEMspec]
# [4]: [GOPHERprotocol]
# [5]: [GOPHERurl]
# Code:
# Program information
PRGN="${0##*/}" # Easiest way to get the script name
VRSN=0.4.1 # I /try/ to follow semver? IDK.
# Print a useful help message (`bollux -h').
bollux_usage() {
cat <<END
$PRGN (v. $VRSN): a bash gemini client
@ -24,12 +58,19 @@ parameters:
# UTILITY FUNCTIONS ############################################################
# Run a command, but log it first.
# See `log' for the available levels.
run() { # run COMMAND...
# I have to add a `trap' here for SIGINT (C-c) to work properly.
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
log debug "$*"
# Exit with an error and a message describing it.
die() { # die EXIT_CODE MESSAGE
local ec="$1"
@ -37,20 +78,35 @@ die() { # die EXIT_CODE MESSAGE
exit "$ec"
# builtin replacement for `sleep`
# Exit with success, printing a fun message.
# The default message is from the wonderful show "Cowboy Bebop."
bollux_quit() {
printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m:\t\e[3m%s\e[0m\n' "$PRGN" "$BOLLUX_BYEMSG"
# SIGINT is C-c, and I want to make sure bollux quits when it's typed.
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
# Bash built-in replacement for `sleep`
# PBB: #use-read-as-an-alternative-to-the-sleep-command
sleep() { # sleep SECONDS
read -rt "$1" <> <(:) || :
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
# PBB: #trim-leading-and-trailing-white-space-from-string
trim_string() { # trim_string STRING
: "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
: "${_%"${_##*[![:space:]]}"}"
printf '%s\n' "$_"
# cycle a variable, e.g. from 'one,two,three' => 'two,three,one'
# Cycle a variable.
# e.g. 'cycle_list one,two,three' => 'two,three,one'
cycle_list() { # cycle_list LIST DELIM
local list="${!1}" delim="$2"
local first="${list%%${delim}*}"
@ -58,12 +114,17 @@ cycle_list() { # cycle_list LIST DELIM
printf -v "$1" '%s%s%s' "${rest}" "${delim}" "${first}"
# determine the first element of a list, e.g. 'one,two,three' => 'one'
# Determine the first element of a delimited list.
# e.g. 'first one,two,three' => 'one'
first() { # first LIST DELIM
local list="${!1}" delim="$2"
printf '%s\n' "${list%%${delim}*}"
# Log a message to stderr (&2).
# TODO: document
log() { # log LEVEL MESSAGE
[[ "$BOLLUX_LOGLEVEL" == QUIET ]] && return
local fmt
@ -83,22 +144,49 @@ log() { # log LEVEL MESSAGE
printf >&2 '\e[%sm%s:%s:\e[0m\t%s\n' "$fmt" "$PRGN" "${FUNCNAME[1]}" "$*"
# main entry point
# Set the terminal title.
set_title() { # set_title STRING
printf '\e]2;%s\007' "$*"
# Prompt the user for input.
# This is a thin wrapper around `read', a bash built-in. Because of the
# way bollux messes around with stein and stdout, I need to read directly from
# the TTY with this function.
prompt() { # prompt [-u] PROMPT [READ_ARGS...]
local read_cmd=(read -e -r)
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
read_cmd+=(-i "$BOLLUX_URL")
local prompt="$1"
read_cmd+=(-p "$prompt> ")
"${read_cmd[@]}" </dev/tty "$@"
# MAIN BOLLUX DISPATCH FUNCTIONS ###############################################
# Main entry point into `bollux'.
# See the `if' block at the bottom of this script.
bollux() {
run bollux_config # TODO: figure out better config method
run bollux_args "$@" # and argument parsing
run bollux_init
# If the user hasn't configured a home page, $BOLLUX_URL will be blank.
# So, prompt the user where to go.
if [[ ! "${BOLLUX_URL:+x}" ]]; then
run prompt GO BOLLUX_URL
run blastoff -u "$BOLLUX_URL"
run blastoff -u "$BOLLUX_URL" # Visit the specified URL.
# process command-line arguments
# Process command-line arguments.
bollux_args() {
while getopts :hvq OPT; do
case "$OPT" in
@ -113,14 +201,26 @@ bollux_args() {
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
# If there's a leftover argument, it's the URL to visit.
if (($# == 1)); then
# process config file and set variables
# Source the configuration file and set remaining variables.
# Since `bollux_config' is loaded before `bollux_args', there's no way to
# specify a configuration file from the command line. I run `bollux_args'
# second so that command-line options (mostly $BOLLUX_URL) can supersede
# config-file options, and I'm not sure how to rectify the situation.
# Anyway, the config file `bollux.conf' is just a bash file that's sourced in
# this function. After that, I use a little bash trick to set all the remaining
# variables to default values with `: "${VAR:=value}"'.
bollux_config() {
: "${BOLLUX_CONFIG:=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bollux/bollux.conf}"
: "${BOLLUX_CONF_DIR:=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bollux}"
: "${BOLLUX_CONFIG:=$BOLLUX_CONF_DIR/bollux.conf}"
if [ -f "$BOLLUX_CONFIG" ]; then
log debug "Loading config file '$BOLLUX_CONFIG'"
@ -145,7 +245,7 @@ bollux_config() {
: "${KEY_FORWARD:=']'}" # go forward in the history
: "${KEY_REFRESH:=r}" # refresh the page
: "${KEY_CYCLE_PRE:=p}" # cycle T_PRE_DISPLAY
: "${BOLLUX_CUSTOM_LESSKEY:=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bollux/bollux.lesskey}"
## files
: "${BOLLUX_DATADIR:=${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/bollux}"
: "${BOLLUX_DOWNDIR:=.}" # where to save downloads
@ -154,7 +254,8 @@ bollux_config() {
BOLLUX_HISTFILE="$BOLLUX_DATADIR/history" # where to save history
## typesetting
: "${T_MARGIN:=4}" # left and right margin
: "${T_WIDTH:=0}" # width of the viewport -- 0 = get term width
: "${T_WIDTH:=0}" # width of the view port
# 0 = get term width
: "${T_PRE_DISPLAY:=both,pre,alt}" # how to view PRE blocks
# colors -- these will be wrapped in \e[ __ m
C_RESET='\e[0m' # reset
@ -169,59 +270,63 @@ bollux_config() {
: "${C_QUOTE:=3}" # quote formatting
: "${C_PRE:=0}" # preformatted text formatting
## state
UC_BLANK=':?:' # internal use only, should be non-URL chars
# quit happily
bollux_quit() {
printf '\e[1m%s\e[0m:\t\e[3m%s\e[0m\n' "$PRGN" "$BOLLUX_BYEMSG"
# trap C-c
trap bollux_quit SIGINT
# set the terminal title
set_title() { # set_title STRING
printf '\e]2;%s\007' "$*"
# prompt for input
prompt() { # prompt [-u] PROMPT [READ_ARGS...]
local read_cmd=(read -e -r)
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
read_cmd+=(-i "$BOLLUX_URL")
local prompt="$1"
read_cmd+=(-p "$prompt> ")
"${read_cmd[@]}" </dev/tty "$@"
# load a URL
# Load a URL.
# I was feeling fancy when I named this function -- a more descriptive name
# would be 'bollux_goto' or something.
blastoff() { # blastoff [-u] URL
local u
# `blastoff' assumes a "well-formed" URL by default -- i.e., a URL with
# a protocol string and no extraneous whitespace. Since bollux can't
# trust the user to input a proper URL at a prompt, nor capsule authors
# to fully-form their URLs, so the -u flag is necessary for those
# use-cases. Otherwise, bollux knows the URL is well-formed -- or
# should be, due to the Gemini specification.
if [[ "$1" == "-u" ]]; then
u="$(run uwellform "$2")"
# After ensuring the URL is well-formed, `blastoff' needs to transform
# it according to the transform rules of RFC 3986 (see §5.2.2), which
# turns relative references into absolute references that bollux can use
# in its request to the server. That's followed by a check that the
# protocol is set, defaulting to Gemini if it isn't.
# Implementation detail: because Bash is really stupid when it comes to
# arrays, the URL functions u* (see below) work with an array defined
# with `local -a' and passed by name, not by value. Thus, the
# `urltransform url ...' instead of `urltransform "${url[@]}"' or
# similar. In addition, the `ucdef' and `ucset' functions take the name
# of the array element as parameters, not the element itself.
local -a url
run utransform url "$BOLLUX_URL" "$u"
if ! ucdef url[1]; then
run ucset url[1] "$BOLLUX_PROTO"
# To try and keep `bollux' as extensible as possible, I've written it
# only to expect two functions for every protocol it supports:
# `x_request' and `x_response', where `x' is the name of the protocol
# (the first element of the built `url' array). `declare -F' looks only
# for functions in the current scope, failing if it doesn't exist.
# In between `x_request' and `x_response', `blastoff' normalizes the
# line endings to UNIX-style (LF) for ease of display.
if declare -Fp "${url[1]}_request" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if declare -F "${url[1]}_request" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_request" "$url"
die 99 "No request handler for '${url[1]}'"
} | run normalize | {
if declare -Fp "${url[1]}_response" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if declare -F "${url[1]}_response" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
run "${url[1]}_response" "$url"
log d \
@ -232,8 +337,23 @@ blastoff() { # blastoff [-u] URL
# URLS: ####################################
# Most of these functions are Bash implementations of functionality laid out in
# the linked RFC specification. I'll refer to the section numbers above each
# function.
# In addition, most of these functions take arrays or array elements passed /by
# name/, instead of /value/ -- i.e., instead of calling `usplit $url', call
# `usplit url'. Passing values by name is necessary because of Bash's weird
# array handling.
# Make sure a URL is "well-formed:" add a default protocol if it's missing and
# trim whitespace.
# Useful for URLs that were probably input by humans.
uwellform() {
local u="$1"
@ -246,6 +366,13 @@ uwellform() {
printf '%s\n' "$u"
# Split a URL into its constituent parts, placing them all in the given array.
# The regular expression given at the top of the function ($re) is taken
# directly from RFC 3986, Appendix B -- and if the URL provided doesn't match
# it, the function bails.
# `usplit' takes advantage ... [CONTINUE HERE]
usplit() { # usplit NAME:ARRAY URL:STRING
local re='^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?'
[[ $2 =~ $re ]] || return $?
@ -408,7 +535,7 @@ pmerge() {
uencode() { # uencode URL:STRING
local LC_ALL=C
for ((i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++)); do
@ -425,7 +552,7 @@ uencode() { # uencode URL:STRING
printf '\n'
udecode() { # udecode URL:STRING
: "${1//+/ }"
printf '%b\n' "${_//%/\\x}"
@ -598,7 +725,7 @@ passthru() {
# convert gophermap to text/gemini (probably naive)
gopher_convert() {
local type label path server port regex
# cf.
while IFS= read -r; do
printf -v regex '(.)([^\t]*)(\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*))?'
if [[ "$REPLY" =~ $regex ]]; then
@ -753,7 +880,9 @@ mklesskey() { # mklesskey
if [[ -f "$BOLLUX_CUSTOM_LESSKEY" ]]; then
log d "Using custom lesskey: '$BOLLUX_CUSTOM_LESSKEY'"
elif [[ ! -f "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY" ]]; then
log d "Found lesskey: '$BOLLUX_LESSKEY'"
log d "Generating lesskey: '$BOLLUX_LESSKEY'"
lesskey -o "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY" - <<END
@ -771,8 +900,6 @@ l right-scroll
? status # 'status' will show a little help thing.
= noaction
log d "Found lesskey: '$BOLLUX_LESSKEY'"
@ -1104,7 +1231,7 @@ bollux_init() {
HN=0 # position of history in the array
run mkdir -p "${BOLLUX_HISTFILE%/*}"
# Remove $BOLLUX_LESSKEY and re-generate keybindings (to catch rebinds)
run rm -f "$BOLLUX_LESSKEY"