
196 lines
7.2 KiB

;;; +lisp.el --- extra lisp functionality -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Code:
;;; Sort sexps in a region.
;; https://github.com/alphapapa/unpackaged.el
(defun +lisp-skip-whitespace ()
(while (looking-at (rx (1+ (or space "\n"))))
(goto-char (match-end 0))))
(defun +lisp-skip-both ()
(while (cond ((or (nth 4 (syntax-ppss))
(forward-char 1)
(nth 4 (syntax-ppss)))))
(forward-line 1))
((looking-at (rx (1+ (or space "\n"))))
(goto-char (match-end 0))))))
(defun +lisp-sort-sexps (beg end &optional key-fn sort-fn)
"Sort sexps between BEG and END.
Comments stay with the code below.
Optional argument KEY-FN will determine where in each sexp to
start sorting. e.g. (lambda (sexp) (symbol-name (car sexp)))
Optional argument SORT-FN will determine how to sort two sexps'
strings. It's passed to `sort'. By default, it sorts the sexps
with `string<' starting with the key determined by KEY-FN."
(interactive "r")
(narrow-to-region beg end)
(goto-char beg)
(cl-destructuring-bind (sexps markers)
(cl-loop do (+lisp-skip-whitespace)
for start = (point-marker)
for sexp = (ignore-errors
(read (current-buffer)))
for end = (point-marker)
while sexp
;; Collect the real string, then one used for sorting.
collect (cons (buffer-substring (marker-position start)
(marker-position end))
(goto-char (marker-position start))
(if key-fn
(funcall key-fn sexp)
(marker-position end)))))
into sexps
collect (cons start end)
into markers
finally return (list sexps markers))
(setq sexps (sort sexps (if sort-fn sort-fn
(lambda (a b)
(string< (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
(cl-loop for (real . sort) in sexps
for (start . end) in markers
do (progn
(goto-char (marker-position start))
(insert-before-markers real)
(delete-region (point) (marker-position end))))))))
;;; Comment-or-uncomment-sexp
;; from https://endlessparentheses.com/a-comment-or-uncomment-sexp-command.html
(defun +lisp-uncomment-sexp (&optional n)
"Uncomment N sexps around point."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((initial-point (point-marker))
(inhibit-field-text-motion t)
(end (save-excursion
(when (elt (syntax-ppss) 4)
(re-search-backward comment-start-skip
(setq p (point-marker))
(comment-forward (point-max))
(beg (save-excursion
(forward-line 0)
(while (and (not (bobp))
(= end (save-excursion
(comment-forward (point-max))
(forward-line -1))
(goto-char (line-end-position))
(re-search-backward comment-start-skip
(while (looking-at-p comment-start-skip)
(forward-char -1)))
(unless (= beg end)
(uncomment-region beg end)
(goto-char p)
;; Indentify the "top-level" sexp inside the comment.
(while (and (ignore-errors (backward-up-list) t)
(>= (point) beg))
(skip-chars-backward (rx (syntax expression-prefix)))
(setq p (point-marker)))
;; Re-comment everything before it.
(comment-region beg p))
;; And everything after it.
(goto-char p)
(forward-sexp (or n 1))
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
(if (< (point) end)
(comment-region (point) end))
;; If this is a closing delimiter, pull it up.
(goto-char end)
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
(when (eq 5 (car (syntax-after (point))))
;; Without a prefix, it's more useful to leave point where
;; it was.
(unless n
(goto-char initial-point))))
(defun +lisp-comment-sexp--raw ()
"Comment the sexp at point or ahead of point."
(pcase (or (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
(bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
(`(,l . ,r)
(goto-char r)
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
(comment-region l r))
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]"))))
(defun +lisp-comment-or-uncomment-sexp (&optional n)
"Comment the sexp at point and move past it.
If already inside (or before) a comment, uncomment instead.
With a prefix argument N, (un)comment that many sexps."
(interactive "P")
(if (or (elt (syntax-ppss) 4)
(< (save-excursion
(skip-chars-forward "\r\n[:blank:]")
(comment-forward 1)
(+lisp-uncomment-sexp n)
(dotimes (_ (or n 1))
;;; Sort `setq' constructs
(defun +lisp-sort-setq ()
(let ((sort-end (progn
(sort-beg (progn
(or (re-search-forward "[ \\t]*(" (point-at-eol) t)
(or (re-search-forward "\\<" (point-at-eol) t)
(narrow-to-region (1- sort-beg) (1+ sort-end))
(sort-subr nil #'+lisp-sort-setq-next-record
(defun +lisp-sort-setq-next-record ()
(condition-case nil
(forward-sexp 1)
('scan-error (end-of-buffer))))
(defun +lisp-sort-setq-end-record ()
(condition-case nil
(forward-sexp 2)
('scan-error (end-of-buffer))))
(provide '+lisp)
;;; +lisp.el ends here