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;;; +org-capture.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'acdw)
;; We don't require `org-capture' here because I'll have to require this library
;; to init.el /before/ org-capture is fully needed. But I do need to declare
;; `org-capture-templates'.
(defvar org-capture-templates nil)
(defun +org-capture--get (key &optional list)
"Find KEY in LIST, or return nil.
LIST defaults to `org-capture-templates'."
(alist-get key (or list org-capture-templates) nil nil #'equal))
;; Set it up as a generic value. Based on the one for `alist-get'.
(gv-define-expander +org-capture--get
(lambda (do key &optional alist)
(setq alist (or alist org-capture-templates))
(macroexp-let2 macroexp-copyable-p k key
(gv-letplace (getter setter) alist
(macroexp-let2 nil p `(assoc ,k ,getter 'equal)
(funcall do `(cdr ,p)
(lambda (v)
(macroexp-let2 nil v v
(let ((set-exp
`(if ,p (setcdr ,p ,v)
,(funcall setter
`(cons (setq ,p (cons ,k ,v))
(defun +org-capture-sort (&optional list)
"Sort LIST by string keys.
LIST is a symbol and defaults to `org-capture-templates'."
(setq list (or list 'org-capture-templates))
(set list (sort (symbol-value list) (lambda (a b)
(string< (car a) (car b))))))
(defun +org-capture-sort-after-init (&optional list)
"Sort LIST with `+org-capture-sort' after Emacs init."
(+ensure-after-init #'+org-capture-sort))
(defun +org-capture-templates-setf (key value &optional list sort-after)
"Add KEY to LIST, using `setf'.
LIST is a symbol and defaults to `org-capture-templates' -- so
this function sets values on a list that's structured as such.
Thus, KEY is a string key. If it's longer than one character,
this function will search LIST for each successive run of
characters before the final, ensuring sub-lists exist of the
For example, if KEY is \"abc\", first a LIST item of the form (a
DESCRIPTION), if non-existant, will be added to the list (with a
default description), then an item of the
form (\"ab\" DESCRIPTION), before adding (KEY VALUE) to the LIST.
VALUE is the template or group header required for
`org-capture-templates', which see.
SORT-AFTER, when set to t, will call
`+org-capture-templates-sort' after setting, to ensure org can
properly process the variable."
;; LIST defaults to `org-capture-templates'
(declare (indent 2))
(unless list (setq list 'org-capture-templates))
;; Ensure VALUE is a list to cons properly
(unless (listp value) (setq value (list value)))
(when (> (length key) 1)
;; Check for existence of groups.
(let ((expected (cl-loop for i from 1 to (1- (length key))
collect (substring key 0 i) into keys
finally return keys)))
(cl-loop for ek in expected
if (not (+org-capture--get ek (symbol-value list))) do
(setf (+org-capture--get ek (symbol-value list))
(list (format "(Group %s)" ek))))))
(prog1 ;; Set KEY to VALUE
(setf (+org-capture--get key (symbol-value list)) value)
;; Sort after, maybe
(when sort-after (+org-capture-sort list))))
(defun +org-template--ensure-path (keys &optional list)
"Ensure path of keys exists in `org-capture-templates'."
(unless list (setq list 'org-capture-templates))
(when (> (length key) 1)
;; Check for existence of groups.
(let ((expected (cl-loop for i from 1 to (1- (length key))
collect (substring key 0 i) into keys
finally return keys)))
(cl-loop for ek in expected
if (not (+org-capture--get ek (symbol-value list))) do
(setf (+org-capture--get ek (symbol-value list))
(list (format "(Group %s)" ek)))))))
(defcustom +org-capture-default-type 'entry
"Default template for `org-capture-templates'."
:type '(choice (const :tag "Entry" entry)
(const :tag "Item" item)
(const :tag "Check Item" checkitem)
(const :tag "Table Line" table-line)
(const :tag "Plain Text" plain)))
(defcustom +org-capture-default-target ""
"Default target for `org-capture-templates'."
;; TODO: type
(defcustom +org-capture-default-template nil
"Default template for `org-capture-templates'."
;; TODO: type
(defun +org-define-capture-templates-group (keys description)
"Add a group title to `org-capture-templates'."
(setf (+org-capture--get keys org-capture-templates)
(list description)))
;; [[https://github.com/cadadr/configuration/blob/39813a771286e542af3aa333172858532c3bb257/emacs.d/gk/gk-org.el#L1573][from cadadr]]
(defun +org-define-capture-template (keys description &rest args)
"Define a capture template and necessary antecedents.
ARGS is a plist, which in addition to the additional options
`org-capture-templates' accepts, takes the following and places
them accordingly: :type, :target, and :template. Each of these
corresponds to the same field in `org-capture-templates's
docstring, which see. Likewise with KEYS and DESCRIPTION, which
are passed separately to the function.
This function will also create all the necessary intermediate
capture keys needed for `org-capture'; that is, if KEYS is
\"wcp\", entries for \"w\" and \"wc\" will both be ensured in
(declare (indent 2))
;; Check for existence of parent groups
(when (> (length keys) 1)
(let ((expected (cl-loop for i from 1 to (1- (length keys))
collect (substring 0 i) into keys
finally return keys)))
for ek in expected
if (not (+org-capture--get ek org-capture-templates))
do (+org-define-capture-templates-group ek (format "(Group %s)" ek)))))
(if (null args)
;; Add the title
(+org-define-capture-templates-group keys description)
;; Add the capture template.
(setf (+org-capture--get keys org-capture-templates)
(append (list (or (plist-get args :type)
(or ( plist-get args :target)
(or (plist-get args :template)
(cl-loop for (key val) on args by #'cddr
unless (member key '(:type :target :template))
append (list key val))))))
(provide '+org-capture)
;;; +org-capture.el ends here