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;;; +tab-bar.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; Emacs 28 comes with an easy-to-use `tab-bar-format' option, but I still use
;; Emacs 27 on my Windows machine. Thus, the code in this file.
;;; Code:
(require 'acdw)
(require 'tab-bar)
(defface +tab-bar-extra
'((t :inherit (tab-bar font-lock-comment-face)))
"Tab bar face for extra information, like the menu-bar and time."
:group 'basic-faces)
;; Common
(defun +tab-bar-space (&optional n)
"Display a space N characters long, or 1."
`((space menu-item ,(+string-repeat (or n 1) " ") ignore)))
(defun +tab-bar-misc-info ()
"Display `mode-line-misc-info', formatted for the tab-bar."
`((misc-info menu-item ,(string-trim-right
(format-mode-line mode-line-misc-info))
(defcustom +tracking-hide-when-org-clocking nil
"Hide the `tracking-mode' information when clocked in."
:type 'boolean)
(defun +tab-bar-tracking-mode ()
"Display `tracking-mode-line-buffers' in the tab-bar."
;; TODO: write something to convert a mode-line construct to a tab-bar
;; construct.
(when (and (bound-and-true-p tracking-mode)
(not (and +tracking-hide-when-org-clocking
(bound-and-true-p org-clock-current-task))))
(cons (when (> (length tracking-mode-line-buffers) 0)
'(track-mode-line-separator menu-item " " ignore))
(cl-loop for i from 0 below (length tracking-mode-line-buffers)
as item = (nth i tracking-mode-line-buffers)
collect (append (list (intern (format "tracking-mode-line-%s" i))
(string-trim (format-mode-line item)))
(if-let ((keymap (plist-get item 'keymap)))
(list (alist-get 'down-mouse-1 (cdadr keymap)))
(list #'ignore))
(when-let ((help (plist-get item 'help-echo)))
(list :help help)))))))
(defun +tab-bar-timer ()
"Display `+timer-string' in the tab-bar."
(when (> (length (bound-and-true-p +timer-string)) 0)
`((timer-string menu-item
,(concat " " +timer-string)
(lambda (ev)
(interactive "e")
(cond ((not +timer-timer) nil)
((equal +timer-string +timer-running-string)
'("Running timer"
["Cancel timer" +timer-cancel t])
(t (setq +timer-string ""))))))))
(defun +tab-bar-date ()
"Display `display-time-string' in the tab-bar."
(when display-time-mode
`((date-time-string menu-item
,(substring-no-properties (concat " " (string-trim display-time-string)))
(lambda (ev)
(interactive "e")
(append '("Timer")
(let (r)
(dolist (time '(3 5 10))
(push (vector (format "Timer for %d minutes" time)
`(lambda () (interactive)
(+timer ,time))
:active t)
(nreverse r))
'(["Timer for ..." +timer t]))
:help (discord-date-string)))))
(defun +tab-bar-notmuch-count ()
"Display a notmuch count in the tab-bar."
(when (and (executable-find "notmuch")
(featurep 'notmuch))
(let* ((counts (ignore-errors (notmuch-hello-query-counts notmuch-saved-searches)))
(next (cl-find "inbox+unread" counts :key (lambda (l) (plist-get l :name)) :test 'equal))
(next-count (plist-get next :count)))
(when (and next-count (> next-count 0))
`((notmuch-count menu-item
,(format " |%s|" next-count)
:help ,(format "%s mails requiring attention." next-count)))))))
(defun +tab-bar-org-clock ()
"Display `org-mode-line-string' in the tab-bar."
(when (and (fboundp 'org-clocking-p)
;; org-mode-line-string
`((org-clocking menu-item
(lambda (ev)
(interactive "e")
(let ((menu (make-sparse-keymap
(or org-clock-current-task "Org-Clock"))))
(map-keymap (lambda (key binding)
(when (consp binding)
(define-key-after menu (vector key)
(copy-sequence binding))))
(message "%S" ev)
(popup-menu menu ev)))
:help ,(or (replace-regexp-in-string
(rx "[[" (group (* (not "]")))
"][" (group (* (not "]")))
(defcustom +tab-bar-emms-max-length 24
"Maximum length of `+tab-bar-emms'."
:type 'number)
(defun +tab-bar-emms ()
"Display EMMS now playing information."
(when (and (bound-and-true-p emms-mode-line-mode)
(let ((now-playing (+string-truncate (emms-mode-line-playlist-current)
(- +tab-bar-emms-max-length 2))))
`(emms-now-playing menu-item
,(concat "{" now-playing "}" " ")
( :help ,(emms-mode-line-playlist-current))))))
(defun +tab-bar-bongo ()
"Display Bongo now playing information."
(when-let ((modep (bound-and-true-p bongo-mode-line-indicator-mode))
(buf (cl-some (lambda (b)
(with-current-buffer b
(when-let* ((modep (derived-mode-p 'bongo-playlist-mode))
(bongo-playlist-buffer b)
(playingp (bongo-playing-p)))
`((bongo-now-playing menu-item
,(concat "{"
(let ((bongo-field-separator ""))
(+string-truncate (replace-regexp-in-string
"\\1: \\3"
;; This isn't right
(- (min 50 (/ (frame-width) 3 )) 2)))
(lambda () (interactive)
(let ((bongo-playlist-buffer
;; XXX: I'm sure this is terribly inefficient
(cl-some (lambda (b)
(with-current-buffer b
(when-let* ((modep (derived-mode-p
(bongo-playlist-buffer b)
(playingp (bongo-playing-p)))
:help ,(funcall bongo-header-line-function)))))
(defvar +tab-bar-show-original nil
"Original value of `tab-bar-show'.")
(defun +tab-bar-basename ()
"Generate the tab name from the basename of the buffer of the
selected window."
(let* ((tab-file-name (buffer-file-name (window-buffer
(concat " "
(if tab-file-name
(file-name-nondirectory tab-file-name)
;;; FIXME this doesn't work...
;; (defvar +tab-bar-tab-min-width 8
;; "Minimum width of a tab on the tab bar.")
;; (defvar +tab-bar-tab-max-width 24
;; "Maximum width of a tab on the tab bar.")
;; (defun +tab-bar-fluid-calculate-width ()
;; "Calculate the width of each tab in the tab-bar."
;; (let* ((tab-bar-list (cdr (tab-bar-make-keymap-1)))
;; (tab-bar-avail-width (frame-width))
;; (tab-bar-tab-count (length (tab-bar-tabs)))
;; (tab-bar-close-button-char-width 1)
;; (tab-bar-add-tab-button-char-width 1)
;; (tab-bar-total-width
;; (length (mapconcat
;; (lambda (el)
;; (when-let ((str (car-safe (cdr-safe (cdr-safe el)))))
;; (substring-no-properties (eval str))))
;; tab-bar-list)))
;; (tab-bar-total-tab-width
;; (+ (* tab-bar-tab-count tab-bar-close-button-char-width)
;; tab-bar-add-tab-button-char-width
;; (length (mapconcat
;; (lambda (el)
;; (substring-no-properties (alist-get 'name el)))
;; (tab-bar-tabs)))))
;; (tab-bar-total-nontab-width (- tab-bar-total-width
;; tab-bar-total-tab-width)))
;; (min +tab-bar-tab-max-width
;; (max +tab-bar-tab-min-width
;; (/ (- tab-bar-avail-width
;; tab-bar-total-tab-width
;; tab-bar-total-nontab-width)
;; tab-bar-tab-count)))))
;; (defun +tab-bar-fluid-width ()
;; "Generate the tab name to fluidly fit in the given space."
;; (let* ((tab-file-name (buffer-file-name (window-buffer
;; (minibuffer-selected-window)))))
;; (format (format " %%s%%%ds" (+tab-bar-fluid-calculate-width))
;; (if tab-file-name
;; (file-name-nondirectory tab-file-name)
;; (+tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-left))
;; " ")))
(defun +tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-left ()
"Generate the tab name from the buffer of the selected window.
This is just like `tab-bar-tab-name-truncated', but truncates the
name to the left."
(let* ((tab-name (buffer-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))))
(ellipsis (cond
((char-displayable-p ?…) "")
(l-ell (length ellipsis))
(l-name (length tab-name)))
(if (< (length tab-name) tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max)
(propertize (concat
(when (> (+ l-name l-ell) tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max)
(truncate-string-to-width tab-name l-name
(max 0 (- l-name tab-bar-tab-name-truncated-max l-ell))))
'help-echo tab-name))))
(defun +tab-bar-format-align-right ()
"Align the rest of tab bar items to the right, pixel-wise."
;; XXX: ideally, wouldn't require `shr' here
(require 'shr) ; `shr-string-pixel-width'
(let* ((rest (cdr (memq '+tab-bar-format-align-right tab-bar-format)))
(rest (tab-bar-format-list rest))
(rest (mapconcat (lambda (item) (nth 2 item)) rest ""))
(hpos (shr-string-pixel-width rest))
(str (propertize " " 'display `(space :align-to (- right (,hpos))))))
`((align-right menu-item ,str ignore))))
;;; Menu bar
;; stole from https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/tab-bar.el
(defun +tab-bar-menu-bar (event)
"Pop up the same menu as displayed by the menu bar.
Used by `tab-bar-format-menu-bar'."
(interactive "e")
(let ((menu (make-sparse-keymap (propertize "Menu Bar" 'hide t))))
(run-hooks 'activate-menubar-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook)
(map-keymap (lambda (key binding)
(when (consp binding)
(define-key-after menu (vector key)
(copy-sequence binding))))
(popup-menu menu event)))
(defcustom +tab-bar-menu-bar-icon " Emacs "
"The string to use for the tab-bar menu icon."
:type 'string)
(defun +tab-bar-format-menu-bar ()
"Produce the Menu button for the tab bar that shows the menu bar."
`((menu-bar menu-item (propertize +tab-bar-menu-bar-icon 'face '+tab-bar-extra)
+tab-bar-menu-bar :help "Menu Bar")))
;;; Tab bar format tabs
(require 'el-patch)
(el-patch-feature tab-bar)
(with-eval-after-load 'tab-bar
(el-patch-defun tab-bar--format-tab (tab i)
"Format TAB using its index I and return the result as a keymap."
`((,(intern (format "sep-%i" i)) menu-item ,(tab-bar-separator) ignore)))
((eq (car tab) 'current-tab)
,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
:help "Current tab")))
`((,(intern (format "tab-%i" i))
,(funcall tab-bar-tab-name-format-function tab i)
,(alist-get 'binding tab)
:help "Click to visit tab"))))
(when (alist-get 'close-binding tab)
`((,(if (eq (car tab) 'current-tab) 'C-current-tab (intern (format "C-tab-%i" i)))
menu-item ""
,(alist-get 'close-binding tab)))))))
;; Emacs 27
(defun +tab-bar-misc-info-27 (output &rest _)
"Display `mode-line-misc-info' in the `tab-bar' on Emacs 27.
This is :filter-return advice for `tab-bar-make-keymap-1'."
(let* ((reserve (length (format-mode-line mode-line-misc-info)))
(str (propertize " "
'display `(space :align-to (- right (- 0 right-margin)
(prog1 (append output
`((align-right menu-item ,str nil))
;; Emacs 28
(defvar +tab-bar-format-original nil
"Original value of `tab-bar-format'.")
(defun +tab-bar-misc-info-28 ()
"Display `mode-line-misc-info', right-aligned, on Emacs 28."
(append (unless (memq 'tab-bar-format-align-right tab-bar-format)
(define-minor-mode +tab-bar-misc-info-mode
"Show the `mode-line-misc-info' in the `tab-bar'."
:lighter ""
:global t
(if +tab-bar-misc-info-mode
(progn ; Enable
(setq +tab-bar-show-original tab-bar-show)
((boundp 'tab-bar-format) ; Emacs 28
(setq +tab-bar-format-original tab-bar-format)
(unless (memq '+tab-bar-misc-info tab-bar-format)
(setq tab-bar-format
(append tab-bar-format (+tab-bar-misc-info-28)))))
((fboundp 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1) ; Emacs 27
(advice-add 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1 :filter-return
(setq tab-bar-show t))
(progn ; Disable
(setq tab-bar-show +tab-bar-show-original)
((boundp 'tab-bar-format) ; Emacs 28
(setq tab-bar-format +tab-bar-format-original))
((fboundp 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1) ; Emacs 27
(advice-remove 'tab-bar-make-keymap-1 '+tab-bar-misc-info-27))))))
(provide '+tab-bar)
;;; +tab-bar.el ends here