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Contact Andrei Jiroh about anything else

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!!! info "Thanks for getting in touch! Before you write, here's a few things to remind before you go:" * Please read my boundaries, as well as general communication policy, Do Not Interact list and on neurodivergence and disability before you scroll down. NOT following them will result in moderation actions, up to and including reporting as spam and blocks. * If you have a burning question, check other pages in the main contact page or in the FAQs. You may try also use your favorite search engine, forum, or even ask a real-life librarian for help since I can't do research for you. * Open source dev/maintainer needing a helping hand for your project? I'm up on DevSecOps and Infra, code reviews, and community moderation, although if you're a company, consider hiring me full-time for maintaining your OSS projects (not open-core or anything under non-OSI approved ones like the BUSL).

If your inquiry isn't answered anywhere in this site or not covered on the main contact page, I'm reachable at the following contact methods (also on :simple-buffer: my Buffer

I do try to reply to messages if we can, but unfortunately workload and time limitations mean that its often not possible to send personal responses — Im sorry about that. And since I do not read emails most of the time (apologies, my exective functioning issues cause me to scare my inbox a lot), please reach me out over at Matrix/Zulip first so I can dig over spam folders (contact VK Support or Google for help if you got the bounce mail for spam).