6094 - new 'compute-offset' instruction

If indexing into a type with power-of-2-sized elements we can access them
in one instruction:

  x/reg1: (addr int) <- index A/reg2: (addr array int), idx/reg3: int

This translates to a single instruction because x86 instructions support
an addressing mode with left-shifts.

For non-powers-of-2, however, we need a multiply. To keep things type-safe,
it is performed like this:

  x/reg1: (offset T) <- compute-offset A: (addr array T), idx: int
  y/reg2: (addr T) <- index A, x

An offset is just an int that is guaranteed to be a multiple of size-of(T).
Offsets can only be used in index instructions, and the types will eventually
be required to line up.

In the process, I have to expand Input-size because mu.subx is growing
This commit is contained in:
Kartik Agaram 2020-03-07 17:32:39 -08:00
parent 9ee4b34e06
commit 3cf0315859
15 changed files with 186 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ Type-id: # (stream (address array byte))
"handle"/imm32 # 4
"boolean"/imm32 # 5
"constant"/imm32 # 6: like a literal, but replaced with its value in Var-offset
"offset"/imm32 # 7: (offset T) is guaranteed to be a 32-bit multiple of size-of(T)
# 0x20
0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32 0/imm32
@ -2311,6 +2312,58 @@ test-convert-index-into-array-with-literal:
# . prologue
89/<- %ebp 4/r32/esp
# setup
(clear-stream _test-input-stream)
(clear-stream $_test-input-buffered-file->buffer)
(clear-stream _test-output-stream)
(clear-stream $_test-output-buffered-file->buffer)
c7 0/subop/copy *Next-block-index 1/imm32
(write _test-input-stream "fn foo {\n")
(write _test-input-stream " var arr/eax: (addr array int) <- copy 0\n")
(write _test-input-stream " var idx/ecx: int <- copy 3\n")
(write _test-input-stream " var off/ecx: (offset int) <- compute-offset arr, idx\n")
(write _test-input-stream " var x/eax: (addr int) <- index arr, off\n")
(write _test-input-stream "}\n")
# convert
(convert-mu _test-input-buffered-file _test-output-buffered-file)
(flush _test-output-buffered-file)
#? # dump _test-output-stream {{{
#? (write 2 "^")
#? (write-stream 2 _test-output-stream)
#? (write 2 "$\n")
#? (rewind-stream _test-output-stream)
#? # }}}
# check output
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream "foo:" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/0")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " # . prologue" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/1")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 55/push-ebp" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/2")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 89/<- %ebp 4/r32/esp" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/3")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " {" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/4")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream "$foo:0x00000001:loop:" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/5")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " ff 6/subop/push %eax" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/6")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/7")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " ff 6/subop/push %ecx" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/8")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " b9/copy-to-ecx 3/imm32" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/9")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 69/multiply 0x00000004/imm32 %ecx 0x00000001/r32" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/10")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 8d/copy-address *(eax + ecx + 4) 0x00000000/r32" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/11")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 8f 0/subop/pop %ecx" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/12")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 8f 0/subop/pop %eax" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/13")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " }" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/14")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream "$foo:0x00000001:break:" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/15")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " # . epilogue" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/16")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 89/<- %esp 5/r32/ebp" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/17")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " 5d/pop-to-ebp" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/18")
(check-next-stream-line-equal _test-output-stream " c3/return" "F - test-convert-index-into-array-using-offset/19")
# . epilogue
89/<- %esp 5/r32/ebp
# . prologue
@ -6684,6 +6737,15 @@ emit-subx-stmt: # out: (addr buffered-file), stmt: (handle stmt), primitives: (
(translate-mu-index-stmt *(ebp+8) *(ebp+0xc))
e9/jump $emit-subx-stmt:end/disp32
# compute-offset for index into array
# if (!string-equal?(var->operation, "compute-offset")) break
(string-equal? *(ecx+4) "compute-offset") # Stmt1-operation => eax
3d/compare-eax-and 0/imm32
0f 84/jump-if-= break/disp32
(translate-mu-compute-index-stmt *(ebp+8) *(ebp+0xc))
e9/jump $emit-subx-stmt:end/disp32
# get field from record
# if (!string-equal?(var->operation, "get")) break
@ -6788,8 +6850,14 @@ $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-base:
81 7/subop/compare *(edx+0x10) 0/imm32 # Var-register
0f 84/jump-if-= break/disp32
# print inouts[1]->register "<<" log2(sizeof(element(inouts[0]->type))) " + 4) "
# if inouts[1] is an int
(is-simple-mu-type? *(edx+4) 1) # Var-type, int => eax
3d/compare-eax-and 0/imm32/false
0f 84/jump-if-= break/disp32
# print inouts[1]->register "<<" log2(sizeof(element(inouts[0]->type))) " + 4) "
# . inouts[1]->register "<<"
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) *(edx+0x10)) # Var-register
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) "<<")
@ -6799,12 +6867,29 @@ $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-register-index:
(size-of-type-id %eax) # => eax
(num-shift-rights %eax) # => eax
(print-int32-buffered *(ebp+8) %eax)
# .
e9/jump $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-register-index-done/disp32
# if inouts[1]->type is any other atom, abort
8b/-> *(edx+4) 0/r32/eax # Var-type
8b/-> *eax 0/r32/eax # Tree-left or Atom-value
3b/compare 0/r32/eax *Max-type-id
0f 82/jump-if-addr< $translate-mu-index-stmt:error2/disp32
# if inouts[1] is (offset ...)
(is-simple-mu-type? %eax 7) # offset => eax
3d/compare-eax-and 0/imm32/false
0f 84/jump-if-= break/disp32
# print inouts[1]->register "<<" log2(sizeof(element(inouts[0]->type))) " + 4) "
# . inouts[1]->register
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) *(edx+0x10)) # Var-register
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) " + 4) ")
e9/jump $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-output/disp32
# otherwise if inouts[1] is a literal
(is-literal-type? *(edx+4)) # Var-type => eax
(is-simple-mu-type? *(edx+4) 0) # Var-type => eax
3d/compare-eax-and 0/imm32/false
0f 84/jump-if-= break/disp32
@ -6825,7 +6910,7 @@ $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-literal-index:
e9/jump $translate-mu-index-stmt:emit-output/disp32
# otherwise abort
e9/jump $translate-mu-index-stmt:abort/disp32
e9/jump $translate-mu-index-stmt:error1/disp32
# outputs[0] "/r32"
8b/-> *(ecx+0xc) 0/r32/eax # Stmt1-outputs
@ -6844,7 +6929,7 @@ $translate-mu-index-stmt:end:
(write-buffered Stderr "couldn't translate an index instruction. second (index) input must either lie in a register or be a literal\n")
(flush Stderr)
# . syscall(exit, 1)
@ -6853,6 +6938,60 @@ $translate-mu-index-stmt:abort:
cd/syscall 0x80/imm8
# never gets here
(write-buffered Stderr "couldn't translate an index instruction. second (index) input when in a register must be an int or offset\n")
(flush Stderr)
# . syscall(exit, 1)
bb/copy-to-ebx 1/imm32
b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32/exit
cd/syscall 0x80/imm8
# never gets here
translate-mu-compute-index-stmt: # out: (address buffered-file), stmt: (handle stmt)
# . prologue
89/<- %ebp 4/r32/esp
# . save registers
(emit-indent *(ebp+8) *Curr-block-depth)
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) "69/multiply ")
# ecx = stmt
8b/-> *(ebp+0xc) 1/r32/ecx
# var first-inout/edx: (handle stmt-var) = stmt->inouts[0]
8b/-> *(ecx+8) 2/r32/edx # Stmt1-inouts
# var base/ebx: (handle var)
8b/-> *edx 3/r32/ebx # Stmt-var-value
# print sizeof(element(base->type))
(array-element-type-id %ebx) # => eax
(size-of-type-id %eax) # => eax
(print-int32-buffered *(ebp+8) %eax)
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) "/imm32")
(emit-subx-var-as-rm32 *(ebp+8) *(edx+4)) # Stmt-var-next
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) Space)
# outputs[0] "/r32"
8b/-> *(ecx+0xc) 0/r32/eax # Stmt1-outputs
8b/-> *eax 0/r32/eax # Stmt-var-value
(get Registers *(eax+0x10) 8 "Registers") # Var-register => eax
(print-int32-buffered *(ebp+8) *eax)
(write-buffered *(ebp+8) "/r32\n")
# . restore registers
# . epilogue
89/<- %esp 5/r32/ebp
translate-mu-get-stmt: # out: (address buffered-file), stmt: (handle stmt)
# . prologue
@ -9114,10 +9253,10 @@ subx-type-equal?: # a: (handle tree type-id), b: (handle tree type-id) -> resul
# . save registers
# var alit/ecx: boolean = is-literal-type?(a)
(is-literal-type? *(ebp+8)) # => eax
(is-simple-mu-type? *(ebp+8) 0) # => eax
89/<- %ecx 0/r32/eax
# var blit/eax: boolean = is-literal-type?(b)
(is-literal-type? *(ebp+0xc)) # => eax
(is-simple-mu-type? *(ebp+0xc) 0) # => eax
# return alit == blit
39/compare %eax 1/r32/ecx
0f 94/set-if-= %eax
@ -9130,17 +9269,22 @@ $subx-type-equal?:end:
is-literal-type?: # a: (handle tree type-id) -> result/eax: boolean
is-simple-mu-type?: # a: (handle tree type-id), n: type-id -> result/eax: boolean
# . prologue
89/<- %ebp 4/r32/esp
# . save registers
# ecx = n
8b/-> *(ebp+0xc) 1/r32/ecx
# return (a->value == n)
8b/-> *(ebp+8) 0/r32/eax
# return (*eax == 0)
81 7/subop/compare *eax 0/imm32/literal-type-id # Atom-type
39/compare *eax 1/r32/ecx # Atom-type
0f 94/set-if-= %eax
81 4/subop/and %eax 0xff/imm32
# . restore registers
# . epilogue
89/<- %esp 5/r32/ebp


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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Segment-size:
# maximum size of input textual stream (spanning all segments)
# number of labels we can translate to addresses

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ $subx-survey-main:end:
subx-survey: # infile: (addr buffered-file), out: (addr buffered-file)
# pseudocode
# var in: (stream byte 4096)
# var in: (stream byte Input-size)
# slurp(infile, in)
# var segments: (stream segment-info)
# var labels: (stream label-info Max-labels)

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@ -207,13 +207,21 @@ loop-if-addr>= label {.name="loop-if-addr>=", .inouts=[label],
Array operations
var/reg <- length var2/reg2: (addr array T)
var/reg <- length arr/reg2: (addr array T)
{.name="length", .inouts=[reg2], .outputs=[reg1], .subx-name="8b/copy-from", .rm32="*" inouts[0], .r32=outputs[0]}
var/reg <- index arr/rega: (addr array T), idx/regi: int
{.name="index", .inouts=[rega, regi], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="8d/copy-address", .rm32="*(" inouts[0] "+" inouts[1] "<<2)", .r32=outputs[0]}
var/reg <- index arr/rega: (addr array T), n
compare var, n {.name="compare", .inouts=[var, n], .subx-name="81 7/subop/compare", .rm32="*(ebp+" inouts[0].stack-offset ")", .imm32=inouts[1]}
{.name="index", .inouts=[rega, n], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="8d/copy-address", .rm32="*(" inouts[0] "+" inouts[1] "<<2)", .r32=outputs[0]}
{.name="index", .inouts=[rega, n], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="8d/copy-address", .rm32="*(" inouts[0] "+" inouts[1]*size(T) ")", .r32=outputs[0]}
var/reg: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), idx/regi: int # arr can be in reg or mem
{.name="compute-offset", .inouts=[arr, regi], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="69/multiply", .rm32=inouts[1], .r32=outputs[0], .imm32=sizeof(T)}
var/reg: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), idx: int # arr can be in reg or mem
{.name="compute-offset", .inouts=[arr, regi], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="69/multiply", .rm32="*(ebp+" inouts[1].stack-offset ")", .r32=outputs[0], .imm32=sizeof(T)}
var: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), n # arr can be in reg or mem
{.name="compute-offset", .inouts=[var, n], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="c7 0/subop/copy", .rm32=outputs[0], .imm32=sizeof(T)*n}
var/reg <- index arr/rega: (addr array T), o/rego: offset
{.name="index", .inouts=[rega, rego], .outputs=[reg], .subx-name="8d/copy-address", .rm32="*(" inouts[0] "+" inouts[1] "+" "4)", .r32=outputs[0]}
User-defined types

View File

@ -197,9 +197,14 @@ Similarly, conditional loops:
## Array operations
var/reg: int <- length var: (addr array T)
var/reg: (addr T) <- index var: (addr array T), idx: int
var/reg: (addr T) <- index var: (addr array T), n
var/reg: int <- length arr/reg: (addr array T)
var/reg: (addr T) <- index arr/reg: (addr array T), idx/reg: int
var/reg: (addr T) <- index arr/reg: (addr array T), n
var/reg: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), idx/reg: int # arr can be in reg or mem
var/reg: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), n # arr can be in reg or mem
var: (offset T) <- compute-offset arr: (addr array T), n # arr can be in reg or mem
var/reg: (addr T) <- index arr/reg: (addr array T), idx/reg: (offset T)
## User-defined types