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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Leland Lucius
Audacity(R) is copyright (c) 1999-2008 Audacity Team.
License: GPL v2. See License.txt.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "EffectRack.h"
#include "../Experimental.h"
#include "Effect.h"
#include "EffectManager.h"
#include "RealtimeEffectManager.h"
#include "../UndoManager.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
#include <wx/button.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/imaglist.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/statline.h>
#include <wx/stattext.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/tglbtn.h>
#include "../commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../ProjectHistory.h"
#include "../widgets/wxPanelWrapper.h"
#include "../../images/EffectRack/EffectRack.h"
#define COL_POWER 0
#define COL_EDITOR 1
#define COL_UP 2
#define COL_DOWN 3
#define COL_FAV 4
#define COL_REMOVE 5
#define COL_NAME 6
#define NUMCOLS 7
#define ID_BASE 20000
#define ID_RANGE 100
#define ID_UP (ID_BASE + (COL_UP * ID_RANGE))
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectRack, wxFrame)
EVT_TIMER(wxID_ANY, EffectRack::OnTimer)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_APPLY, EffectRack::OnApply)
: wxFrame( FindProjectFrame( GetActiveProject() ),
_("Effects Rack"),
mBypassing = false;
mNumEffects = 0;
mLastLatency = 0;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
mPowerPushed = CreateBitmap(power_on_16x16_xpm, false, false);
mPowerRaised = CreateBitmap(power_off_16x16_xpm, true, false);
mSettingsPushed = CreateBitmap(settings_up_16x16_xpm, false, true);
mSettingsRaised = CreateBitmap(settings_down_16x16_xpm, true, true);
mUpDisabled = CreateBitmap(up_9x16_xpm, true, true);
mUpPushed = CreateBitmap(up_9x16_xpm, false, true);
mUpRaised = CreateBitmap(up_9x16_xpm, true, true);
mDownDisabled = CreateBitmap(down_9x16_xpm, true, true);
mDownPushed = CreateBitmap(down_9x16_xpm, false, true);
mDownRaised = CreateBitmap(down_9x16_xpm, true, true);
mFavPushed = CreateBitmap(fav_down_16x16_xpm, false, false);
mFavRaised = CreateBitmap(fav_up_16x16_xpm, true, false);
mRemovePushed = CreateBitmap(remove_16x16_xpm, false, true);
mRemoveRaised = CreateBitmap(remove_16x16_xpm, true, true);
auto bs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
mPanel = safenew wxPanelWrapper(this, wxID_ANY);
bs->Add(mPanel, 1, wxEXPAND);
auto bs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxVERTICAL);
auto hs = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
wxASSERT(mPanel); // To justify safenew
hs->Add(safenew wxButton(mPanel, wxID_APPLY, _("&Apply")), 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
mLatency = safenew wxStaticText(mPanel, wxID_ANY, _("Latency: 0"));
hs->Add(mLatency, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
hs->Add(safenew wxToggleButton(mPanel, wxID_CLEAR, _("&Bypass")), 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bs->Add(hs.release(), 0, wxEXPAND);
bs->Add(safenew wxStaticLine(mPanel, wxID_ANY), 0, wxEXPAND);
auto uMainSizer = std::make_unique<wxFlexGridSizer>(7);
bs->Add((mMainSizer = uMainSizer.release()), 1, wxEXPAND);
wxString oldPath = gPrefs->GetPath();
size_t cnt = gPrefs->GetNumberOfEntries();
EffectManager & em = EffectManager::Get();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
wxString slot;
gPrefs->Read(wxString::Format(wxT("/EffectsRack/Slot%02d"), i), &slot);
Effect *effect = em.GetEffect(slot.AfterFirst(wxT(',')));
if (effect)
Add(effect, slot.BeforeFirst(wxT(',')) == wxT("1"), true);
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mEffects.size(); i < cnt; i++)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
if (mFavState[i])
Effect *effect = mEffects[i];
gPrefs->Write(wxString::Format(wxT("/EffectsRack/Slot%02d"), i),
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
void EffectRack::Add(Effect *effect, bool active, bool favorite)
if (mEffects.end() != std::find(mEffects.begin(), mEffects.end(), effect))
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *bb;
wxASSERT(mPanel); // To justify safenew
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_POWER + mNumEffects, mPowerRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetName(_("Active State"));
bb->SetToolTip(_("Set effect active state"));
if (active)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_EDITOR + mNumEffects, mSettingsRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetName(_("Show/Hide Editor"));
bb->SetToolTip(_("Open/close effect editor"));
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_UP + mNumEffects, mUpRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetName(_("Move Up"));
bb->SetToolTip(_("Move effect up in the rack"));
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_DOWN + mNumEffects, mDownRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetName(_("Move Down"));
bb->SetToolTip(_("Move effect down in the rack"));
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_FAV + mNumEffects, mFavRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetToolTip(_("Mark effect as a favorite"));
if (favorite)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
bb = safenew wxBitmapButton(mPanel, ID_REMOVE + mNumEffects, mRemoveRaised);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
bb->SetToolTip(_("Remove effect from the rack"));
mMainSizer->Add(bb, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
wxStaticText *text = safenew wxStaticText(mPanel, ID_NAME + mNumEffects,
effect->GetName().Translation() );
text->SetToolTip(_("Name of the effect"));
mMainSizer->Add(text, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5);
if (!mTimer.IsRunning())
if (active)
void EffectRack::OnClose(wxCloseEvent & evt)
void EffectRack::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
2019-06-23 11:10:11 +00:00
int latency = RealtimeEffectManager::Get().GetRealtimeLatency();
if (latency != mLastLatency)
mLatency->SetLabel(wxString::Format(_("Latency: %4d"), latency));
mLastLatency = latency;
void EffectRack::OnApply(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
AudacityProject *project = GetActiveProject();
bool success = false;
auto state = UndoManager::Get( *project ).GetCurrentState();
auto cleanup = finally( [&] {
ProjectHistory::Get( *project ).SetStateTo( state );
} );
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mEffects.size(); i < cnt; i++)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
if (mPowerState[i])
2019-06-13 03:03:13 +00:00
if (!EffectManager::DoEffect(mEffects[i]->GetID(),
// If any effect fails (or throws), then stop.
success = true;
// Only after all succeed, do the following.
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mEffects.size(); i < cnt; i++)
if (mPowerState[i])
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
mPowerState[i] = false;
wxBitmapButton *btn =
static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(FindWindowById(ID_POWER + i));
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
void EffectRack::OnBypass(wxCommandEvent & evt)
mBypassing = evt.GetInt() != 0;
void EffectRack::OnPower(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
mPowerState[index] = !mPowerState[index];
if (mPowerState[index])
void EffectRack::OnEditor(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
if (index < 0)
void EffectRack::OnUp(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
if (index <= 0)
void EffectRack::OnDown(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
if (index < 0 || index == (mMainSizer->GetChildren().GetCount() / NUMCOLS) - 1)
MoveRowUp(index + 1);
void EffectRack::OnFav(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
mFavState[index] = !mFavState[index];
if (mFavState[index])
void EffectRack::OnRemove(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmapButton *btn = static_cast<wxBitmapButton *>(evt.GetEventObject());
int index = GetEffectIndex(btn);
if (index < 0)
mEffects.erase(mEffects.begin() + index);
mPowerState.erase(mPowerState.begin() + index);
mFavState.erase(mFavState.begin() + index);
if (mEffects.size() == 0)
if (mTimer.IsRunning())
index *= NUMCOLS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLS; i++)
std::unique_ptr<wxWindow> w {mMainSizer->GetItem(index)->GetWindow()};
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
wxBitmap EffectRack::CreateBitmap(const char *const xpm[], bool up, bool pusher)
wxMemoryDC dc;
wxBitmap pic(xpm);
wxBitmap mod(pic.GetWidth() + 6, pic.GetHeight() + 6);
#if defined( __WXGTK__ )
wxColour newColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND );
wxColour newColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE );
int offset = 3;
if (pusher)
if (!up)
offset += 1;
dc.DrawBitmap(pic, offset, offset, true);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
return mod;
int EffectRack::GetEffectIndex(wxWindow *win)
int col = (win->GetId() - ID_BASE) / ID_RANGE;
int row;
int cnt = mMainSizer->GetChildren().GetCount() / NUMCOLS;
for (row = 0; row < cnt; row++)
wxSizerItem *si = mMainSizer->GetItem((row * NUMCOLS) + col);
if (si->GetWindow() == win)
if (row == cnt)
return -1;
return row;
void EffectRack::MoveRowUp(int row)
Effect *effect = mEffects[row];
mEffects.erase(mEffects.begin() + row);
mEffects.insert(mEffects.begin() + row - 1, effect);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
int state = mPowerState[row];
mPowerState.erase(mPowerState.begin() + row);
mPowerState.insert(mPowerState.begin() + row - 1, state);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
state = mFavState[row];
mFavState.erase(mFavState.begin() + row);
mFavState.insert(mFavState.begin() + row - 1, state);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
row *= NUMCOLS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMCOLS; i++)
wxSizerItem *si = mMainSizer->GetItem(row + NUMCOLS - 1);
wxWindow *w = si->GetWindow();
int flags = si->GetFlag();
int border = si->GetBorder();
int prop = si->GetProportion();
mMainSizer->Detach(row + NUMCOLS - 1);
mMainSizer->Insert(row - NUMCOLS, w, prop, flags, border);
void EffectRack::UpdateActive()
if (!mBypassing)
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mEffects.size(); i < cnt; i++)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
if (mPowerState[i])
{ mActive.begin(), mActive.end() }