
447 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# If you want built-in precompiled header support
# then make sure you have cmake 3.16 or higher.
# Minimum required is 3.15 due to use of multiple values in
# generator expressions.
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.15 )
# Don't allow in-source real reason, just
# keeping those source trees nice and tidy. :-)
# (This can be removed if it becomes an issue.)
2020-02-15 05:14:39 +00:00
message( FATAL_ERROR
"In-source builds not allowed.\n"
"Create a new directory and run cmake from there, i.e.:\n"
" mkdir build\n"
" cd build\n"
" cmake ..\n"
"You will need to delete CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles from this directory to clean up."
2018-03-30 18:34:31 +00:00
# Just a couple of convenience variables
set( topdir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" )
set( libsrc "${topdir}/lib-src" )
# Default build type is Debug
set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug" )
# Ignore COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<Config> properties
cmake_policy( SET CMP0043 NEW )
# Link libraries by full path even in implicit directories.
cmake_policy( SET CMP0060 NEW )
# ``INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION`` is enforced when enabled.
cmake_policy( SET CMP0069 NEW )
# ``FindOpenGL`` prefers GLVND by default when available.
cmake_policy( SET CMP0072 NEW )
# Include file check macros honor ``CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES``.
cmake_policy( SET CMP0075 NEW )
# Definitions that must happen before the project() command
if( APPLE )
# Generate schema files
# Define the OSX compatibility parameters
# This prevents a link error when building with the 10.9 or older SDKs
# Shouldn't cmake do this???
string( APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS " -stdlib=libc++" )
# Add our module path
set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake-proxies/cmake-modules)
# This "is a good thing" but greatly increases link time on Linux
# Set the required C++ standard
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
# Use ccache if available
find_program( CCACHE_PROGRAM ccache )
mark_as_advanced( FORCE CCACHE_PROGRAM )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
# Our very own project
project( Audacity )
# Load our functions/macros
include( AudacityFunctions )
# Pull all the modules we'll need
include( CheckCXXCompilerFlag )
include( CheckIncludeFile )
include( CheckIncludeFiles )
include( CheckLibraryExists )
include( CheckSymbolExists )
include( CheckTypeSize )
include( CMakeDependentOption )
include( CMakeDetermineASM_NASMCompiler )
include( CMakePushCheckState )
include( GNUInstallDirs )
include( TestBigEndian )
# Determine 32-bit or 64-bit target
set( IS_64BIT ON )
set( IS_64BIT ON )
message( STATUS "Build Info:" )
message( STATUS " Host System: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM}" )
message( STATUS " Host System Name: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME}" )
message( STATUS " Host System Processor: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" )
message( STATUS " Host System Version: ${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION}" )
if( IS_64BIT )
message( STATUS " Host System Architecture: 64-bit" )
message( STATUS " Host System Architecture: 32-bit" )
message( STATUS )
message( STATUS " Compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" )
message( STATUS " Compiler Version: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}" )
message( STATUS " Compiler Standard: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD}" )
message( STATUS " Compiler Standard Required: ${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED}" )
message( STATUS " Compiler Extensions: ${CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS}" )
message( STATUS )
message( STATUS " MSVC Version: ${MSVC_VERSION}" )
message( STATUS " MSVC Toolset: ${MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION}" )
message( STATUS )
2020-04-25 04:38:35 +00:00
message( STATUS " Xcode Version: ${XCODE_VERSION}" )
message( STATUS )
# Try to get the current commit information
set( GIT_COMMIT_SHORT "unknown" )
set( GIT_COMMIT_LONG "unknown" )
set( GIT_COMMIT_TIME "unknown" )
find_package( Git QUIET )
${GIT_EXECUTABLE} show -s "--format=%h;%H;%cd"
if( git_output )
list( GET git_output 0 GIT_COMMIT_SHORT )
list( GET git_output 1 GIT_COMMIT_LONG )
list( GET git_output 2 GIT_COMMIT_TIME )
message( STATUS " Current Commit: ${GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}" )
message( STATUS )
# Define option() prefix
set( _OPT "audacity_" )
# Organize subdirectories/targets into folders for the IDEs
# Make sure Audacity is the startup project
# Build using multiple processors
foreach( config ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES} )
string( TOUPPER "${config}" config )
string( APPEND CMAKE_C_FLAGS_${config} " /MP" )
string( APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${config} " /MP" )
# Define system library information, but we'll do the install
include( InstallRequiredSystemLibraries )
# Where the final product is stored
# Define the non-install and executable paths
set( _DEST "${_DESTDIR}" )
set( _PKGLIB "${_LIBDIR}/audacity" )
set( _PKGDATA "${_DATADIR}/audacity/" )
set( _MODDIR "${_DEST}/modules" )
set( _EXEDIR "${_DEST}" )
# Setup RPATH handling
# Adjust them for the Mac
set( _APPDIR "" )
set( _DEST "${_DESTDIR}/${_APPDIR}" )
set( _EXEDIR "${_DEST}/MacOS" )
set( _MODDIR "${_DEST}/modules" )
set( _PKGLIB "${_DEST}/Frameworks" )
# Add the math library (if found) to the list of required libraries
check_library_exists( m pow "" HAVE_LIBM )
2020-02-25 16:02:54 +00:00
check_library_exists( atomic __atomic_fetch_add_4 "" HAVE_LIBATOMIC )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
# Add the dynamic linker library (if needed) to the list of required libraries
# Make sure they're used during the link steps
# Various common checks whose results are used by the different targets
test_big_endian( WORDS_BIGENDIAN )
# Check for compiler flags
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-mmmx" HAVE_MMX )
if( HAVE_MMX )
set( MMX_FLAG "-mmmx" CACHE INTERNAL "" )
check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-msse" HAVE_SSE )
if( HAVE_SSE )
set( SSE_FLAG "-msse" CACHE INTERNAL "" )
check_cxx_compiler_flag( "-msse2" HAVE_SSE2 )
if( HAVE_SSE2 )
set( SSE_FLAG "-msse2" CACHE INTERNAL "" )
set( HAVE_MMX ON )
set( HAVE_SSE ON )
set( HAVE_SSE2 ON )
set( MMX_FLAG "" )
if( IS_64BIT )
set( SSE_FLAG "" )
set( SSE2_FLAG "" )
set( SSE_FLAG "/arch:SSE" )
set( SSE2_FLAG "/arch:SSE2" )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_include_files( "float.h;stdarg.h;stdlib.h;string.h" STDC_HEADERS )
check_include_file( "assert.h" HAVE_ASSERT_H )
check_include_file( "errno.h" HAVE_ERRNO_H )
check_include_file( "fcntl.h" HAVE_FCNTL_H )
check_include_file( "fenv.h" HAVE_FENV_H )
check_include_file( "inttypes.h" HAVE_INTTYPES_H )
check_include_file( "limits.h" HAVE_LIMITS_H )
check_include_file( "stdlib.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H )
check_include_file( "sys/endian.h" HAVE_ENDIAN_H )
check_include_file( "malloc.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H )
check_include_file( "byteswap.h" HAVE_BYTESWAP_H )
check_include_file( "memory.h" HAVE_MEMORY_H )
check_include_file( "stdbool.h" HAVE_STDBOOL_H )
check_include_file( "stdint.h" HAVE_STDINT_H )
check_include_file( "stdlib.h" HAVE_STDLIB_H )
check_include_file( "string.h" HAVE_STRING_H )
check_include_file( "strings.h" HAVE_STRINGS_H )
check_include_file( "unistd.h" HAVE_UNISTD_H )
check_include_file( "xmmintrin.h" HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H )
check_include_file( "sys/param.h" HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H )
check_include_file( "sys/stat.h" HAVE_SYS_STAT_H )
check_include_file( "sys/types.h" HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_include_file( "sys/wait.h" HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_symbol_exists( bcopy "strings.h" HAVE_BCOPY )
check_symbol_exists( fileno "stdio.h" HAVE_FILENO )
check_symbol_exists( flock "sys/file.h" HAVE_FLOCK )
check_symbol_exists( fork "unistd.h" HAVE_FORK )
check_symbol_exists( fsync "unistd.h" HAVE_FSYNC )
check_symbol_exists( ftruncate "unistd.h" HAVE_FTRUNCATE )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_symbol_exists( getpagesize "unistd.h" HAVE_GETPAGESIZE )
check_symbol_exists( gettimeofday "sys/time.h" HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY )
check_symbol_exists( gmtime "time.h" HAVE_GMTIME )
check_symbol_exists( gmtime_r "time.h" HAVE_GMTIME_R )
check_symbol_exists( lrint "math.h" HAVE_LRINT )
check_symbol_exists( lrintf "math.h" HAVE_LRINTF )
check_symbol_exists( lround "math.h" HAVE_LROUND )
check_symbol_exists( lstat "sys/stat.h" HAVE_LSTAT )
check_symbol_exists( memcpy "string.h" HAVE_MEMCPY )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
check_symbol_exists( memmove "string.h" HAVE_MEMMOVE )
check_symbol_exists( mlock "sys/mman.h" HAVE_MLOCK )
check_symbol_exists( pipe "unistd.h" HAVE_PIPE )
check_symbol_exists( posix_fadvise "fcntl.h" HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE )
check_symbol_exists( posix_memalign "stdlib.h" HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN )
check_symbol_exists( strchr "string.h" HAVE_STRCHR )
check_symbol_exists( waitpid "sys/wait.h" HAVE_WAITPID )
check_type_size( "int8_t" SIZEOF_INT8 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "int16_t" SIZEOF_INT16 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "uint16_t" SIZEOF_UINT16 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "u_int16_t" SIZEOF_U_INT16 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "int32_t" SIZEOF_INT32 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "uint32_t" SIZEOF_UINT32 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "u_int32_t" SIZEOF_U_INT32 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "int64_t" SIZEOF_INT64 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "short" SIZEOF_SHORT LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "unsigned short" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "unsigned int" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "unsigned long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "long long" SIZEOF_LONG_LONG LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "unsigned long long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "float" SIZEOF_FLOAT LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "double" SIZEOF_DOUBLE LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "long double" SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "loff_t" SIZEOF_LOFF LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "off_t" SIZEOF_OFF LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "off64_t" SIZEOF_OFF64 LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "size_t" SIZEOF_SIZE LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "wchar_t" SIZEOF_WCHAR LANGUAGE C )
check_type_size( "void*" SIZEOF_POINTER LANGUAGE C )
# We'll be using it if it's available
find_package( PkgConfig QUIET )
# Mostly just to make the CMP0072 policy happy
find_package( OpenGL QUIET )
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
# Precreate the lib and lib64 directories so we can make then the same
# Only create on systems that need it, effectively excluding Windows where links
# may not work due to insufficient privileges
Last major update to the cmake build I'm sure there will be further minor updates, but this should be the last major update and it should be ready for testing. Audacity specific cmake options (cmake -Doption=<yes|no>) include: // Disable dynamic loading of ffmpeg libraries disable_dynamic_ffmpeg:BOOL=OFF // Disable dynamic loading of JACK libraries disable_dynamic_jack:BOOL=ON // Enable ffmpeg library enable_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Enable flac library enable_flac:BOOL=ON // Enable id3tag library enable_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Enable LADSPA plug-in support enable_ladspa:BOOL=ON // Enable lv2 library enable_lv2:BOOL=ON // Enable mad library enable_mad:BOOL=ON // Enable midi library enable_midi:BOOL=ON // Enable nyquist library enable_nyquist:BOOL=ON // Enable ogg library enable_ogg:BOOL=ON // Enable portmixer library enable_portmixer:BOOL=ON // Enable portsmf library enable_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Enable sbsms library enable_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Enable soundtouch library enable_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Enable twolame library enable_twolame:BOOL=ON // Enable vamp library enable_vamp:BOOL=ON // Enable vorbis library enable_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Enable VST2 plug-in support enable_vst:BOOL=ON // Use system libraries if available prefer_system_libs:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio ALSA interface if available use_pa_alsa:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio CoreAudio interface if available use_pa_coreaudio:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio DirectSound interface if available use_pa_ds:BOOL=ON // Use the JACK audio interface if available use_pa_jack:BOOL=ON // Use the OSS audio interface if available use_pa_oss:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WASAPI interface if available use_pa_wasapi:BOOL=ON // Enable the portaudio WMME interface if available use_pa_wmme:BOOL=ON // Use ffmpeg system library if available use_system_ffmpeg:BOOL=ON // Use flac system library if available use_system_flac:BOOL=ON // Use id3tag system library if available use_system_id3tag:BOOL=ON // Use lame system library if available use_system_lame:BOOL=ON // Use lv2 system library if available use_system_lv2:BOOL=ON // Use mad system library if available use_system_mad:BOOL=ON // Use midi system library if available use_system_midi:BOOL=ON // Use ogg system library if available use_system_ogg:BOOL=ON // Use portsmf system library if available use_system_portsmf:BOOL=ON // Use sbsms system library if available use_system_sbsms:BOOL=ON // Use sndfile system library if available use_system_sndfile:BOOL=ON // Use soundtouch system library if available use_system_soundtouch:BOOL=ON // Use soxr system library if available use_system_soxr:BOOL=ON // Use twolame system library if available use_system_twolame:BOOL=ON // Use vamp system library if available use_system_vamp:BOOL=ON // Use vorbis system library if available use_system_vorbis:BOOL=ON // Use wxwidgets system library if available use_system_wxwidgets:BOOL=ON
2020-02-11 07:15:26 +00:00
2020-04-25 04:43:24 +00:00
# Define Audacity's name
if( CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin|Windows" )
set( AUDACITY_NAME "Audacity" )
set( AUDACITY_NAME "audacity" )
# Extract the Audacity version information
${topdir}/src/Audacity.h output
# And store as variables
foreach( line ${output} )
string( REGEX MATCHALL "[A-Za-z0-9_]+" line "${line}" )
list( GET line 1 name )
list( GET line 2 value )
set( ${name} ${value} )
# Create short and full version strings
# Define the version suffix (duplicates what happens in src/Audacity.h)
string( TIMESTAMP __TDATE__ "%Y%m%d" )
set( AUDACITY_SUFFIX "-alpha-${__TDATE__}" )
set( AUDACITY_SUFFIX "-beta-${__TDATE__}" )
# Python is used for the manual and (possibly) message catalogs
find_package( Python3 )
if( Python3_FOUND )
set( PYTHON "${Python3_EXECUTABLE}" )
nuget_package( pkgdir "python3" "3.7.7" )
file( TO_NATIVE_PATH "${pkgdir}/tools/python.exe" PYTHON )
# Add our children
add_subdirectory( "cmake-proxies" )
add_subdirectory( "help" )
add_subdirectory( "images" )
add_subdirectory( "locale" )
2020-05-27 21:57:11 +00:00
add_subdirectory( "modules" )
add_subdirectory( "nyquist" )
add_subdirectory( "plug-ins" )
add_subdirectory( "src" )
add_subdirectory( "scripts" )
2018-03-30 18:34:31 +00:00
# Uncomment what follows for symbol values.
get_cmake_property( _variableNames VARIABLES )
foreach( _variableName ${_variableNames} )
message( STATUS "${_variableName}=${${_variableName}}" )
include( PrintProperties )
print_properties( TARGET "wxWidgets" )