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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include "../MemoryX.h"
#include <set>
#include "../MemoryX.h"
#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/tglbtn.h>
class wxCheckBox;
class wxChoice;
class wxDialog;
class wxListBox;
class wxWindow;
#include "audacity/ConfigInterface.h"
#include "audacity/EffectInterface.h"
#include "../Experimental.h"
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
#include "../SelectedRegion.h"
#include "../Shuttle.h"
#include "../Internat.h"
#include "../widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#include "../Track.h"
class ShuttleGui;
2015-06-09 19:00:54 +00:00
#define BUILTIN_EFFECT_PREFIX wxT("Built-in Effect: ")
2015-07-03 04:20:21 +00:00
class AudacityProject;
class LabelTrack;
class SelectedRegion;
class TimeWarper;
class EffectUIHost;
2015-07-03 04:20:21 +00:00
class Track;
class TrackList;
class TrackFactory;
class WaveTrack;
// TODO: Apr-06-2015
// TODO: Much more cleanup of old methods and variables is needed, but
// TODO: can't be done until after all effects are using the NEW API.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API Effect /* not final */ : public wxEvtHandler,
public EffectClientInterface,
public EffectUIClientInterface,
public EffectHostInterface
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// public methods
// Used by the outside program to determine properties of an effect and
// apply the effect to one or more tracks.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// The constructor is called once by each subclass at the beginning of the program.
// Avoid allocating memory or doing time-consuming processing here.
virtual ~Effect();
// IdentInterface implementation
wxString GetPath() override;
wxString GetSymbol() override;
wxString GetName() override;
wxString GetVendor() override;
wxString GetVersion() override;
wxString GetDescription() override;
// EffectIdentInterface implementation
EffectType GetType() override;
wxString GetFamily() override;
bool IsInteractive() override;
bool IsDefault() override;
bool IsLegacy() override;
bool SupportsRealtime() override;
bool SupportsAutomation() override;
// EffectClientInterface implementation
bool SetHost(EffectHostInterface *host) override;
int GetAudioInCount() override;
int GetAudioOutCount() override;
int GetMidiInCount() override;
int GetMidiOutCount() override;
sampleCount GetLatency() override;
sampleCount GetTailSize() override;
void SetSampleRate(sampleCount rate) override;
sampleCount SetBlockSize(sampleCount maxBlockSize) override;
bool IsReady() override;
bool ProcessInitialize(sampleCount totalLen, ChannelNames chanMap = NULL) override;
bool ProcessFinalize() override;
sampleCount ProcessBlock(float **inBlock, float **outBlock, sampleCount blockLen) override;
bool RealtimeInitialize() override;
bool RealtimeAddProcessor(int numChannels, float sampleRate) override;
bool RealtimeFinalize() override;
bool RealtimeSuspend() override;
bool RealtimeResume() override;
bool RealtimeProcessStart() override;
sampleCount RealtimeProcess(int group,
float **inbuf,
float **outbuf,
sampleCount numSamples) override;
bool RealtimeProcessEnd() override;
bool ShowInterface(wxWindow *parent, bool forceModal = false) override;
bool GetAutomationParameters(EffectAutomationParameters & parms) override;
bool SetAutomationParameters(EffectAutomationParameters & parms) override;
bool LoadUserPreset(const wxString & name) override;
bool SaveUserPreset(const wxString & name) override;
wxArrayString GetFactoryPresets() override;
bool LoadFactoryPreset(int id) override;
bool LoadFactoryDefaults() override;
// EffectUIClientInterface implementation
void SetHostUI(EffectUIHostInterface *host) override;
bool PopulateUI(wxWindow *parent) override;
bool IsGraphicalUI() override;
bool ValidateUI() override;
bool HideUI() override;
bool CloseUI() override;
bool CanExportPresets() override;
void ExportPresets() override;
void ImportPresets() override;
bool HasOptions() override;
void ShowOptions() override;
// EffectHostInterface implementation
double GetDefaultDuration() override;
double GetDuration() override;
wxString GetDurationFormat() override;
virtual wxString GetSelectionFormat() /* not override? */; // time format in Selection toolbar
void SetDuration(double duration) override;
bool Apply() override;
void Preview() override;
wxDialog *CreateUI(wxWindow *parent, EffectUIClientInterface *client) override;
wxString GetUserPresetsGroup(const wxString & name) override;
wxString GetCurrentSettingsGroup() override;
wxString GetFactoryDefaultsGroup() override;
virtual wxString GetSavedStateGroup() /* not override? */;
// ConfigClientInterface implementation
bool HasSharedConfigGroup(const wxString & group) override;
bool GetSharedConfigSubgroups(const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval = wxEmptyString) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval = 0) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval = false) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, sampleCount & value, sampleCount defval = 0) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value) override;
bool SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const sampleCount & value) override;
bool RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(const wxString & group) override;
bool RemoveSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key) override;
bool HasPrivateConfigGroup(const wxString & group) override;
bool GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval = wxEmptyString) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval = 0) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval = false) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval = 0.0) override;
bool GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, sampleCount & value, sampleCount defval = 0) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value) override;
bool SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const sampleCount & value) override;
bool RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(const wxString & group) override;
bool RemovePrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key) override;
// Effect implementation
// NEW virtuals
virtual PluginID GetID();
virtual bool Startup(EffectClientInterface *client);
virtual bool Startup();
virtual bool GetAutomationParameters(wxString & parms);
virtual bool SetAutomationParameters(const wxString & parms);
virtual wxArrayString GetUserPresets();
virtual bool HasCurrentSettings();
virtual bool HasFactoryDefaults();
virtual wxString GetPreset(wxWindow * parent, const wxString & parms);
virtual bool IsBatchProcessing();
virtual void SetBatchProcessing(bool start);
/* not virtual */ void SetPresetParameters( const wxArrayString * Names, const wxArrayString * Values ) {
if( Names ) mPresetNames = *Names;
if( Values ) mPresetValues = *Values;
// Returns true on success. Will only operate on tracks that
// have the "selected" flag set to true, which is consistent with
// Audacity's standard UI.
/* not virtual */ bool DoEffect(wxWindow *parent, double projectRate, TrackList *list,
TrackFactory *factory, SelectedRegion *selectedRegion,
bool shouldPrompt = true);
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// Realtime Effect Processing
/* not virtual */ bool RealtimeAddProcessor(int group, int chans, float rate);
/* not virtual */ sampleCount RealtimeProcess(int group,
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
int chans,
float **inbuf,
float **outbuf,
sampleCount numSamples);
/* not virtual */ bool IsRealtimeActive();
virtual bool IsHidden();
// protected virtual methods
// Each subclass of Effect overrides one or more of these methods to
// do its processing.
// Called once each time an effect is called. Perform any initialization;
// make sure that the effect can be performed on the selected tracks and
// return false otherwise
virtual bool Init();
// If necessary, open a dialog to get parameters from the user.
// This method will not always be called (for example if a user
// repeats an effect) but if it is called, it will be called
// after Init.
virtual bool PromptUser(wxWindow *parent);
// Check whether effect should be skipped
// Typically this is only useful in automation, for example
// detecting that zero noise reduction is to be done,
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// or that normalisation is being done without Dc bias shift
// or amplitude modification
virtual bool CheckWhetherSkipEffect() { return false; }
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Actually do the effect here.
virtual bool Process();
virtual bool ProcessPass();
virtual bool InitPass1();
virtual bool InitPass2();
virtual int GetPass();
// clean up any temporary memory
virtual void End();
// Most effects just use the previewLength, but time-stretching/compressing
// effects need to use a different input length, so override this method.
virtual double CalcPreviewInputLength(double previewLength);
// The Effect class fully implements the Preview method for you.
// Only override it if you need to do preprocessing or cleanup.
virtual void Preview(bool dryOnly);
virtual void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S);
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow();
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow();
virtual bool EnableApply(bool enable = true);
virtual bool EnablePreview(bool enable = true);
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
virtual void EnableDebug(bool enable = true);
// No more virtuals!
// The Progress methods all return true if the user has cancelled;
// you should exit immediately if this happens (cleaning up memory
// is okay, but don't try to undo).
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0
bool TotalProgress(double frac);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, for the current track
// (when doing one track at a time)
bool TrackProgress(int whichTrack, double frac, const wxString & = wxEmptyString);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, for the current track group
// (when doing stereo groups at a time)
bool TrackGroupProgress(int whichGroup, double frac, const wxString & = wxEmptyString);
int GetNumWaveTracks() { return mNumTracks; }
int GetNumWaveGroups() { return mNumGroups; }
// Calculates the start time and selection length in samples
void GetSamples(WaveTrack *track, sampleCount *start, sampleCount *len);
void SetTimeWarper(TimeWarper *warper);
TimeWarper *GetTimeWarper();
// Previewing linear effect can be optimised by pre-mixing. However this
// should not be used for non-linear effects such as dynamic processors
// To allow pre-mixing before Preview, set linearEffectFlag to true.
void SetLinearEffectFlag(bool linearEffectFlag);
// Most effects only need to preview a short selection. However some
// (such as fade effects) need to know the full selection length.
void SetPreviewFullSelectionFlag(bool previewDurationFlag);
// Use this if the effect needs to know if it is previewing
bool IsPreviewing() { return mIsPreview; }
// Most effects only require selected tracks to be copied for Preview.
// If IncludeNotSelectedPreviewTracks(true), then non-linear effects have
// preview copies of all wave tracks.
void IncludeNotSelectedPreviewTracks(bool includeNotSelected);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Use these two methods to copy the input tracks to mOutputTracks, if
// doing the processing on them, and replacing the originals only on success (and not cancel).
2015-07-03 04:20:21 +00:00
void CopyInputTracks(); // trackType = Track::Wave
void CopyInputTracks(int trackType);
// For the use of analyzers, which don't need to make output wave tracks,
// but may need to add label tracks.
class AddedAnalysisTrack {
friend Effect;
AddedAnalysisTrack(Effect *pEffect, const wxString &name);
AddedAnalysisTrack(const AddedAnalysisTrack&) PROHIBITED;
AddedAnalysisTrack() {}
// So you can have a vector of them
AddedAnalysisTrack(AddedAnalysisTrack &&that);
LabelTrack *get() const { return mpTrack; }
// Call this to indicate successful completion of the analyzer.
void Commit();
// Destructor undoes the addition of the analysis track if not committed.
Effect *mpEffect{};
LabelTrack *mpTrack{};
// Set name to given value if that is not empty, else use default name
std::shared_ptr<AddedAnalysisTrack> AddAnalysisTrack(const wxString &name = wxString());
// For the use of analyzers, which don't need to make output wave tracks,
// but may need to modify label tracks.
class ModifiedAnalysisTrack {
friend Effect;
(Effect *pEffect, const LabelTrack *pOrigTrack, const wxString &name);
ModifiedAnalysisTrack(const ModifiedAnalysisTrack&) PROHIBITED;
// So you can have a vector of them
ModifiedAnalysisTrack(ModifiedAnalysisTrack &&that);
LabelTrack *get() const { return mpTrack; }
// Call this to indicate successful completion of the analyzer.
void Commit();
// Destructor undoes the modification of the analysis track if not committed.
Effect *mpEffect{};
LabelTrack *mpTrack{};
movable_ptr<Track> mpOrigTrack{};
// Set name to given value if that is not empty, else use default name
ModifiedAnalysisTrack ModifyAnalysisTrack
(const LabelTrack *pOrigTrack, const wxString &name = wxString());
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// If bGoodResult, replace mWaveTracks tracks in mTracks with successfully processed
// mOutputTracks copies, get rid of old mWaveTracks, and set mWaveTracks to mOutputTracks.
// Else clear and DELETE mOutputTracks copies.
void ReplaceProcessedTracks(const bool bGoodResult);
// Use this to append a NEW output track.
Track *AddToOutputTracks(std::unique_ptr<Track> &&t);
// protected data
// The Effect base class will set these variables, some or all of which
// may be needed by any particular subclass of Effect.
ProgressDialog *mProgress; // Temporary pointer, NOT deleted in destructor.
double mProjectRate; // Sample rate of the project - NEW tracks should
// be created with this rate...
double mSampleRate;
TrackFactory *mFactory;
TrackList *mTracks; // the complete list of all tracks
TrackList *mOutputTracks; // used only if CopyInputTracks() is called.
double mT0;
double mT1;
double mF0;
double mF1;
TimeWarper *mWarper;
wxArrayString mPresetNames;
wxArrayString mPresetValues;
int mPass;
// UI
wxDialog *mUIDialog;
wxWindow *mUIParent;
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
int mUIResultID;
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
sampleCount mSampleCnt;
// type of the tracks on mOutputTracks
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
int mOutputTracksType;
// Used only by the base Effect class
void CommonInit();
void CountWaveTracks();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Driver for client effects
bool ProcessTrack(int count,
ChannelNames map,
WaveTrack *left,
WaveTrack *right,
sampleCount leftStart,
sampleCount rightStart,
sampleCount len);
// private data
// Used only by the base Effect class
wxWindow *mParent;
bool mIsBatch;
bool mIsLinearEffect;
bool mPreviewWithNotSelected;
bool mPreviewFullSelection;
bool mIsSelection;
double mDuration;
wxString mDurationFormat;
bool mIsPreview;
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
bool mUIDebug;
wxArrayPtrVoid mIMap;
wxArrayPtrVoid mOMap;
int mNumTracks; //v This is really mNumWaveTracks, per CountWaveTracks() and GetNumWaveTracks().
int mNumGroups;
// For client driver
EffectClientInterface *mClient;
int mNumAudioIn;
int mNumAudioOut;
float **mInBuffer;
float **mOutBuffer;
float **mInBufPos;
float **mOutBufPos;
sampleCount mBufferSize;
sampleCount mBlockSize;
int mNumChannels;
wxArrayInt mGroupProcessor;
int mCurrentProcessor;
wxCriticalSection mRealtimeSuspendLock;
int mRealtimeSuspendCount;
const static wxString kUserPresetIdent;
const static wxString kFactoryPresetIdent;
const static wxString kCurrentSettingsIdent;
const static wxString kFactoryDefaultsIdent;
friend class EffectManager;// so it can call PromptUser in support of batch commands.
friend class EffectRack;
friend class EffectUIHost;
friend class EffectPresetsDialog;
// FIXME: Remove this once all effects are using the NEW dialog
#define ID_EFFECT_PREVIEW ePreviewID
// Base dialog for regular effect
class AUDACITY_DLL_API EffectDialog /* not final */ : public wxDialog
// constructors and destructors
EffectDialog(wxWindow * parent,
const wxString & title,
int type = 0,
int additionalButtons = 0);
void Init();
bool TransferDataToWindow() override;
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override;
bool Validate() override;
// NEW virtuals:
virtual void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S);
virtual void OnPreview(wxCommandEvent & evt);
virtual void OnOk(wxCommandEvent & evt);
int mType;
int mAdditionalButtons;
class EffectUIHost final : public wxDialog,
public EffectUIHostInterface
// constructors and destructors
EffectUIHost(wxWindow *parent,
Effect *effect,
EffectUIClientInterface *client);
virtual ~EffectUIHost();
bool TransferDataToWindow() override;
bool TransferDataFromWindow() override;
int ShowModal() override;
bool Initialize();
void OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent & evt);
void OnErase(wxEraseEvent & evt);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & evt);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent & evt);
void OnApply(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void DoCancel();
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent & evt);
2015-04-22 20:55:58 +00:00
void OnDebug(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnMenu(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnEnable(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnPlay(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnRewind(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnFFwd(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnPlayback(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnCapture(wxCommandEvent & evt);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void OnUserPreset(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnFactoryPreset(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnDeletePreset(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnSaveAs(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnImport(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnExport(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnOptions(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnDefaults(wxCommandEvent & evt);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void UpdateControls();
wxBitmap CreateBitmap(const char *xpm[], bool up, bool pusher);
void LoadUserPresets();
void InitializeRealtime();
void CleanupRealtime();
AudacityProject *mProject;
wxWindow *mParent;
Effect *mEffect;
EffectUIClientInterface *mClient;
wxArrayString mUserPresets;
bool mInitialized;
bool mSupportsRealtime;
bool mIsGUI;
bool mIsBatch;
wxButton *mApplyBtn;
wxButton *mCloseBtn;
wxButton *mMenuBtn;
wxButton *mPlayBtn;
wxButton *mRewindBtn;
wxButton *mFFwdBtn;
wxCheckBox *mEnableCb;
wxButton *mEnableToggleBtn;
wxButton *mPlayToggleBtn;
wxBitmap mPlayBM;
wxBitmap mPlayDisabledBM;
wxBitmap mStopBM;
wxBitmap mStopDisabledBM;
bool mEnabled;
bool mDisableTransport;
bool mPlaying;
bool mCapturing;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
SelectedRegion mRegion;
double mPlayPos;
bool mCancelled{};
class EffectPresetsDialog final : public wxDialog
EffectPresetsDialog(wxWindow *parent, Effect *effect);
virtual ~EffectPresetsDialog();
wxString GetSelected() const;
void SetSelected(const wxString & parms);
void SetPrefix(const wxString & type, const wxString & prefix);
void UpdateUI();
void OnType(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnOk(wxCommandEvent & evt);
void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent & evt);
wxChoice *mType;
wxListBox *mPresets;
wxArrayString mFactoryPresets;
wxArrayString mUserPresets;
wxString mSelection;
// Utility functions
inline float TrapFloat(float x, float min, float max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
inline double TrapDouble(double x, double min, double max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
inline long TrapLong(long x, long min, long max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
// Helper macros for defining, reading and verifying effect parameters
#define Param(name, type, key, def, min, max, scale) \
static const wxChar * KEY_ ## name = (key); \
static const type DEF_ ## name = (def); \
static const type MIN_ ## name = (min); \
static const type MAX_ ## name = (max); \
static const type SCL_ ## name = (scale);
#define PBasic(name, type, key, def) \
static const wxChar * KEY_ ## name = (key); \
static const type DEF_ ## name = (def);
#define PRange(name, type, key, def, min, max) \
PBasic(name, type, key, def); \
static const type MIN_ ## name = (min); \
static const type MAX_ ## name = (max);
#define PScale(name, type, key, def, min, max, scale) \
PRange(name, type, key, def, min, max); \
static const type SCL_ ## name = (scale);
#define ReadParam(type, name) \
type name; \
if (!parms.ReadAndVerify(KEY_ ## name, &name, DEF_ ## name, MIN_ ## name, MAX_ ## name)) \
return false;
#define ReadBasic(type, name) \
type name; \
wxUnusedVar(MIN_ ##name); \
wxUnusedVar(MAX_ ##name); \
wxUnusedVar(SCL_ ##name); \
if (!parms.ReadAndVerify(KEY_ ## name, &name, DEF_ ## name)) \
return false;
#define ReadAndVerifyEnum(name, list) \
int name; \
if (!parms.ReadAndVerify(KEY_ ## name, &name, DEF_ ## name, list)) \
return false;
#define ReadAndVerifyInt(name) ReadParam(int, name)
#define ReadAndVerifyDouble(name) ReadParam(double, name)
#define ReadAndVerifyFloat(name) ReadParam(float, name)
#define ReadAndVerifyBool(name) ReadBasic(bool, name)
#define ReadAndVerifyString(name) ReadBasic(wxString, name)