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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
Martyn Shaw
\class Effect
\brief Base class for many of the effects in Audacity.
\class EffectDialog
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
\brief New (Jun-2006) base class for effects dialogs. Likely to get
greater use in future.
#include "../Audacity.h"
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/tglbtn.h>
#include <wx/hashmap.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include "audacity/ConfigInterface.h"
#include "Effect.h"
#include "../AudioIO.h"
#include "../Mix.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
#include "../toolbars/ControlToolBar.h"
#include "../widgets/AButton.h"
#include "../widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#include "../ondemand/ODManager.h"
#include "TimeWarper.h"
#if defined(EXPERIMENTAL_REALTIME_EFFECTS) && defined(__WXMAC__)
#include <wx/mac/private.h>
// public static methods
double Effect::sDefaultGenerateLen = 30.0;
wxString Effect::StripAmpersand(const wxString& str)
wxString strippedStr = str;
strippedStr.Replace(wxT("&"), wxT(""));
// ! is used for hiding effects, and should not affect sort order.
strippedStr.Replace(wxT("!"), wxT(""));
return strippedStr;
// public methods
// Legacy (or full blown effect)
mParent = NULL;
mClient = NULL;
mWarper = NULL;
mTracks = NULL;
mOutputTracks = NULL;
mOutputTracksType = Track::None;
mDuration = 0.0;
mNumTracks = 0;
mNumGroups = 0;
mProgress = NULL;
mRealtimeSuspendCount = 1; // Effects are initially suspended
// Can change effect flags later (this is the new way)
// OR using the old way, over-ride GetEffectFlags().
mNumAudioIn = 0;
mNumAudioOut = 0;
mInBuffer = NULL;
mOutBuffer = NULL;
mInBufPos = NULL;
mOutBufPos = NULL;
mBufferSize = 0;
mBlockSize = 0;
mNumChannels = 0;
if (mWarper != NULL)
delete mWarper;
// EffectIdentInterface implementation
EffectType Effect::GetType()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetType();
if (mFlags & HIDDEN_EFFECT)
return EffectTypeNone;
if (mFlags & INSERT_EFFECT)
return EffectTypeGenerate;
if (mFlags & PROCESS_EFFECT)
return EffectTypeProcess;
if (mFlags & ANALYZE_EFFECT)
return EffectTypeAnalyze;
wxASSERT( true );
return EffectTypeNone;
PluginID Effect::GetID()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetID();
return wxString::Format(wxT("LEGACY_EFFECT_ID_%d"), GetEffectID());
wxString Effect::GetPath()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetPath();
return wxEmptyString;
wxString Effect::GetName()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetName();
return GetEffectIdentifier();
wxString Effect::GetVendor()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetVendor();
return _("Audacity");
wxString Effect::GetVersion()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetVersion();
return wxT("Various");
wxString Effect::GetDescription()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetDescription();
return GetEffectIdentifier();
wxString Effect::GetFamily()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetFamily();
return _("Audacity");
bool Effect::IsInteractive()
if (mClient)
return mClient->IsInteractive();
return GetEffectName().EndsWith(wxT("..."));
bool Effect::IsDefault()
if (mClient)
return mClient->IsDefault();
return (mFlags & BUILTIN_EFFECT) != 0;
bool Effect::IsLegacy()
if (mClient)
return false;
return true;
bool Effect::SupportsAutomation()
if (mClient)
return mClient->SupportsAutomation();
return SupportsChains();
// EffectHostInterface implementation
double Effect::GetDuration()
if (mT1 > mT0)
return mT1 - mT0;
if (mClient->GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate)
return sDefaultGenerateLen;
return 0;
bool Effect::SetDuration(double seconds)
mDuration = seconds;
return true;
bool Effect::Apply()
// This is absolute hackage...but easy
// It should callback to the EffectManager to kick off the processing
GetActiveProject()->OnEffect(GetID(), true);
return true;
void Effect::Preview()
wxDialog *Effect::CreateUI(wxWindow *parent, EffectUIClientInterface *client)
EffectUIHost *dlg = new EffectUIHost(parent, this, client);
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// We want the effects windows on the Mac to float above the project window
// but still have normal modal dialogs appear above the effects windows and
// not let the effect windows fall behind the project window.
// This seems to accomplish that, but time will be the real judge.
WindowRef windowRef = (WindowRef) dlg->MacGetWindowRef();
WindowGroupRef parentGroup = GetWindowGroup((WindowRef) ((wxFrame *)wxGetTopLevelParent(parent))->MacGetWindowRef());
ChangeWindowGroupAttributes(parentGroup, kWindowGroupAttrSharedActivation, kWindowGroupAttrMoveTogether);
SetWindowGroup(windowRef, parentGroup);
if (dlg->Initialize())
return dlg;
delete dlg;
return NULL;
wxString Effect::GetUserPresetsGroup(const wxString & name)
wxString group = wxT("UserPresets");
if (!name.IsEmpty())
group += wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR + name;
return group;
wxString Effect::GetCurrentSettingsGroup()
return wxT("CurrentSettings");
wxString Effect::GetFactoryDefaultsGroup()
return wxT("FactoryDefaults");
// ConfigClientInterface implementation
bool Effect::GetSharedConfigSubgroups(const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfigSubgroups(GetID(), group, subgroups);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, sampleCount & value, sampleCount defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const sampleCount & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(const wxString & group)
return PluginManager::Get().RemoveSharedConfigSubgroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::RemoveSharedConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key)
return PluginManager::Get().RemoveSharedConfig(GetID(), group, key);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(const wxString & group, wxArrayString & subgroups)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(GetID(), group, subgroups);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, wxString & value, const wxString & defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, int & value, int defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, bool & value, bool defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, float & value, float defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, double & value, double defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::GetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, sampleCount & value, sampleCount defval)
return PluginManager::Get().GetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value, defval);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const wxString & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const int & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const bool & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const float & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const double & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::SetPrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key, const sampleCount & value)
return PluginManager::Get().SetPrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key, value);
bool Effect::RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(const wxString & group)
return PluginManager::Get().RemovePrivateConfigSubgroup(GetID(), group);
bool Effect::RemovePrivateConfig(const wxString & group, const wxString & key)
return PluginManager::Get().RemovePrivateConfig(GetID(), group, key);
// Effect implementation
bool Effect::Startup(EffectClientInterface *client)
// Let destructor know we need to be shutdown
mClient = client;
// Set host so client startup can use our services
if (!mClient->SetHost(this))
// Bail if the client startup fails
mClient = NULL;
return false;
mNumAudioIn = mClient->GetAudioInCount();
mNumAudioOut = mClient->GetAudioOutCount();
int flags = PLUGIN_EFFECT;
switch (mClient->GetType())
case EffectTypeGenerate:
case EffectTypeProcess:
case EffectTypeAnalyze:
case EffectTypeNone:
// Nothing to set
return true;
bool Effect::GetAutomationParameters(wxString & parms)
if (mClient)
EffectAutomationParameters eap;
if (!mClient->GetAutomationParameters(eap))
return false;
return eap.GetParameters(parms);
ShuttleCli shuttle;
shuttle.mbStoreInClient = false;
if (!TransferParameters(shuttle))
return false;
parms = shuttle.mParams;
return true;
bool Effect::SetAutomationParameters(const wxString & parms)
if (mClient)
EffectAutomationParameters eap;
return mClient->SetAutomationParameters(eap);
ShuttleCli shuttle;
shuttle.mParams = parms;
shuttle.mbStoreInClient = true;
return TransferParameters(shuttle);
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
wxString Effect::GetEffectName()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetName();
return wxT("DummyIdentifier");
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
wxString Effect::GetEffectIdentifier()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetName();
return wxT("DummyIdentifier");
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
wxString Effect::GetEffectAction()
if (mClient)
return _("Applying ") + mClient->GetName();
return wxT("DummyName");
bool Effect::DoEffect(wxWindow *parent, int flags,
double projectRate,
TrackList *list,
TrackFactory *factory,
SelectedRegion *selectedRegion, wxString params)
double t0 = selectedRegion->t0();
double t1 = selectedRegion->t1();
wxASSERT(t0 <= t1);
if (mOutputTracks)
delete mOutputTracks;
mOutputTracks = NULL;
mFactory = factory;
mProjectRate = projectRate;
mParent = parent;
mTracks = list;
mT0 = t0;
mT1 = t1;
mF0 = selectedRegion->f0();
mF1 = selectedRegion->f1();
wxArrayString Names;
if( mF0 != SelectedRegion::UndefinedFrequency )
if( mF1 != SelectedRegion::UndefinedFrequency )
SetPresetParameters( &Names, NULL );
// Note: Init may read parameters from preferences
if (!Init())
return false;
// If a parameter string was provided, it overrides any remembered settings
// (but if the user is to be prompted, that takes priority)
if (!params.IsEmpty())
ShuttleCli shuttle;
shuttle.mParams = params;
if( !TransferParameters( shuttle ))
_("Could not set parameters of effect %s\n to %s."),
return false;
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Don't prompt user if we are dealing with a
// effect that is already configured, e.g. repeating
// the last effect on a different selection.
if ((flags & CONFIGURED_EFFECT) == 0)
if (!PromptUser())
return false;
bool returnVal = true;
bool skipFlag = CheckWhetherSkipEffect();
if (skipFlag == false)
mProgress = new ProgressDialog(StripAmpersand(GetEffectName()),
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
returnVal = Process();
delete mProgress;
mProgress = NULL;
if (mOutputTracks)
delete mOutputTracks;
mOutputTracks = NULL;
if (returnVal)
selectedRegion->setTimes(mT0, mT1);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
return returnVal;
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
bool Effect::Init()
return true;
bool Effect::PromptUser()
return PromptUser(mParent);
bool Effect::PromptUser(wxWindow *parent, bool forceModal)
if (mClient)
bool res = mClient->ShowInterface(parent, forceModal);
// Really need to clean this up...should get easier when
// all effects get converted.
if (!res || (SupportsRealtime() && !forceModal))
// Return false to force DoEffect() to skip processing since
// this UI has either been shown modeless or there was an error.
return false;
return true;
// All legacy effects should have this overridden
bool Effect::Process()
if (!mClient)
return false;
bool isGenerator = mClient->GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate;
bool bGoodResult = true;
mInBuffer = NULL;
mOutBuffer = NULL;
sampleCount prevBufferSize = 0;
mBufferSize = 0;
mBlockSize = 0;
TrackListIterator iter(mOutputTracks);
int count = 0;
bool clear = false;
Track* t = iter.First();
for (t = iter.First(); t; t = iter.Next())
if (t->GetKind() != Track::Wave || !t->GetSelected())
if (t->IsSyncLockSelected())
t->SyncLockAdjust(mT1, mT0 + mDuration);
WaveTrack *left = (WaveTrack *)t;
WaveTrack *right;
sampleCount len;
sampleCount leftStart;
sampleCount rightStart;
if (!isGenerator)
GetSamples(left, &leftStart, &len);
len = 0;
leftStart = 0;
mNumChannels = 1;
right = NULL;
rightStart = 0;
if (left->GetLinked() && mNumAudioIn > 1)
right = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();
if (!isGenerator)
GetSamples(right, &rightStart, &len);
clear = false;
mNumChannels = 2;
// Let the client know the sample rate
// Get the block size the client wants to use
sampleCount max = left->GetMaxBlockSize() * 2;
mBlockSize = mClient->GetBlockSize(max);
// Calculate the buffer size to be at least the max rounded up to the clients
// selected block size.
prevBufferSize = mBufferSize;
mBufferSize = ((max + (mBlockSize - 1)) / mBlockSize) * mBlockSize;
// If the buffer size has changed, then (re)allocate the buffers
if (prevBufferSize != mBufferSize)
// Get rid of any previous buffers
if (mInBuffer)
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
if (mInBuffer[i])
delete [] mInBuffer[i];
delete [] mInBuffer;
delete [] mInBufPos;
// Always create the number of input buffers the client expects even if we don't have
// the same number of channels.
mInBufPos = new float *[mNumAudioIn];
mInBuffer = new float *[mNumAudioIn];
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
mInBuffer[i] = new float[mBufferSize];
// We won't be using more than the first 2 buffers, so clear the rest (if any)
for (int i = 2; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mBufferSize; j++)
mInBuffer[i][j] = 0.0;
// Get rid of any previous buffers
if (mOutBuffer)
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
if (mOutBuffer[i])
delete [] mOutBuffer[i];
delete [] mOutBuffer;
delete [] mOutBufPos;
// Always create the number of output buffers the client expects even if we don't have
// the same number of channels.
mOutBufPos = new float *[mNumAudioOut];
mOutBuffer = new float *[mNumAudioOut];
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
// Output buffers get an extra mBlockSize worth to give extra room if
// the plugin adds latency
mOutBuffer[i] = new float[mBufferSize + mBlockSize];
// (Re)Set the input buffer positions
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
mInBufPos[i] = mInBuffer[i];
// (Re)Set the output buffer positions
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
mOutBufPos[i] = mOutBuffer[i];
// Clear unused input buffers
if (!right && !clear && mNumAudioIn > 1)
for (int j = 0; j < mBufferSize; j++)
mInBuffer[1][j] = 0.0;
clear = true;
// Go process the track(s)
bGoodResult = ProcessTrack(count, left, right, leftStart, rightStart, len);
if (!bGoodResult)
if (mOutBuffer)
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
delete [] mOutBuffer[i];
delete [] mOutBuffer;
delete [] mOutBufPos;
mOutBuffer = NULL;
mOutBufPos = NULL;
if (mInBuffer)
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
delete [] mInBuffer[i];
delete [] mInBuffer;
delete [] mInBufPos;
mInBuffer = NULL;
mInBufPos = NULL;
return bGoodResult;
bool Effect::ProcessTrack(int count,
WaveTrack *left,
WaveTrack *right,
sampleCount leftStart,
sampleCount rightStart,
sampleCount len)
bool rc = true;
// Give the plugin a chance to initialize
// For each input block of samples, we pass it to the effect along with a
// variable output location. This output location is simply a pointer into a
// much larger buffer. This reduces the number of calls required to add the
// samples to the output track.
// Upon return from the effect, the output samples are "moved to the left" by
// the number of samples in the current latency setting, effectively removing any
// delay introduced by the effect.
// At the same time the total number of delayed samples are gathered and when
// there is no further input data to process, the loop continues to call the
// effect with an empty input buffer until the effect has had a chance to
// return all of the remaining delayed samples.
sampleCount inLeftPos = leftStart;
sampleCount inRightPos = rightStart;
sampleCount outLeftPos = leftStart;
sampleCount outRightPos = rightStart;
sampleCount inputRemaining = len;
sampleCount delayRemaining = 0;
sampleCount curBlockSize = 0;
sampleCount curDelay = 0;
sampleCount inputBufferCnt = 0;
sampleCount outputBufferCnt = 0;
bool cleared = false;
WaveTrack *genLeft = NULL;
WaveTrack *genRight = NULL;
sampleCount genLength = 0;
bool isGenerator = mClient->GetType() == EffectTypeGenerate;
bool isProcessor = mClient->GetType() == EffectTypeProcess;
if (isGenerator)
genLength = left->GetRate() * mDuration;
delayRemaining = genLength;
cleared = true;
// Create temporary tracks
genLeft = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(left->GetSampleFormat(), left->GetRate());
if (right)
genRight = mFactory->NewWaveTrack(right->GetSampleFormat(), right->GetRate());
// Call the effect until we run out of input or delayed samples
while (inputRemaining || delayRemaining)
// Still working on the input samples
if (inputRemaining)
// Need to refill the input buffers
if (inputBufferCnt == 0)
// Calculate the number of samples to get
inputBufferCnt = mBufferSize;
if (inputBufferCnt > inputRemaining)
inputBufferCnt = inputRemaining;
// Fill the input buffers
left->Get((samplePtr) mInBuffer[0], floatSample, inLeftPos, inputBufferCnt);
if (right)
right->Get((samplePtr) mInBuffer[1], floatSample, inRightPos, inputBufferCnt);
// Reset the input buffer positions
for (int i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
mInBufPos[i] = mInBuffer[i];
// Calculate the number of samples to process
curBlockSize = mBlockSize;
if (curBlockSize > inputRemaining)
// We've reached the last block...set current block size to what's left
curBlockSize = inputRemaining;
inputRemaining = 0;
// Clear the remainder of the buffers so that a full block can be passed
// to the effect
sampleCount cnt = mBlockSize - curBlockSize;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j < cnt; j++)
mInBufPos[i][j + curBlockSize] = 0.0;
// Might be able to use up some of the delayed samples
if (delayRemaining)
// Don't use more than needed
if (delayRemaining < cnt)
cnt = delayRemaining;
delayRemaining -= cnt;
curBlockSize += cnt;
// We've exhausted the input samples and are now working on the delay
else if (delayRemaining)
// Calculate the number of samples to process
curBlockSize = mBlockSize;
if (curBlockSize > delayRemaining)
curBlockSize = delayRemaining;
delayRemaining -= curBlockSize;
// From this point on, we only want to feed zeros to the plugin
if (!cleared)
// Reset the input buffer positions
for (int i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
mInBufPos[i] = mInBuffer[i];
// And clear
for (int j = 0; j < mBlockSize; j++)
mInBuffer[i][j] = 0.0;
cleared = true;
// Finally call the plugin to process the block
mClient->ProcessBlock(mInBufPos, mOutBufPos, curBlockSize);
return false;
// Bump to next input buffer position
if (inputRemaining)
for (int i = 0; i < mNumChannels; i++)
mInBufPos[i] += curBlockSize;
inputRemaining -= curBlockSize;
inputBufferCnt -= curBlockSize;
// Get the current number of delayed samples and accumulate
if (isProcessor)
sampleCount delay = mClient->GetLatency();
curDelay += delay;
delayRemaining += delay;
// If the plugin has delayed the output by more samples than our current
// block size, then we leave the output pointers alone. This effectively
// removes those delayed samples from the output buffer.
if (curDelay >= curBlockSize)
curDelay -= curBlockSize;
curBlockSize = 0;
// We have some delayed samples, at the beginning of the output samples,
// so overlay them by shifting the remaining output samples.
else if (curDelay > 0)
curBlockSize -= curDelay;
for (int i = 0; i < wxMin(mNumAudioOut, mNumChannels); i++)
memmove(mOutBufPos[i], mOutBufPos[i] + curDelay, SAMPLE_SIZE(floatSample) * curBlockSize);
curDelay = 0;
outputBufferCnt += curBlockSize;
if (outputBufferCnt < mBufferSize)
// Bump to next output buffer position
for (int i = 0; i < wxMin(mNumAudioOut, mNumChannels); i++)
mOutBufPos[i] += curBlockSize;
// Output buffers have filled
if (isProcessor)
// Write them out
left->Set((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[0], floatSample, outLeftPos, outputBufferCnt);
if (right)
right->Set((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[1], floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
else if (isGenerator)
genLeft->Append((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[0], floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (genRight)
genRight->Append((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[1], floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
// Reset the output buffer positions
for (int i = 0; i < wxMin(mNumAudioOut, mNumChannels); i++)
mOutBufPos[i] = mOutBuffer[i];
// Bump to the next track position
outLeftPos += outputBufferCnt;
outRightPos += outputBufferCnt;
outputBufferCnt = 0;
// "ls" and "rs" serve as the input sample index for the left and
// right channels when processing the input samples. If we flip
// over to processing delayed samples, they simply become counters
// for the progress display.
inLeftPos += curBlockSize;
inRightPos += curBlockSize;
if (mNumChannels > 1)
if (TrackGroupProgress(count, (inLeftPos - leftStart) / (double) len))
rc = false;
if (TrackProgress(count, (inLeftPos - leftStart) / (double) len))
rc = false;
// Put any remaining output
if (outputBufferCnt)
if (isProcessor)
left->Set((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[0], floatSample, outLeftPos, outputBufferCnt);
if (right)
right->Set((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[1], floatSample, outRightPos, outputBufferCnt);
else if (isGenerator)
genLeft->Append((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[0], floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (genRight)
genRight->Append((samplePtr) mOutBuffer[1], floatSample, outputBufferCnt);
if (isGenerator)
// Transfer the data from the temporary tracks to the actual ones
SetTimeWarper(new StepTimeWarper(mT0 + genLength, genLength - (mT1 - mT0)));
left->ClearAndPaste(mT0, mT1, genLeft, true, true, GetTimeWarper());
delete genLeft;
if (genRight)
right->ClearAndPaste(mT0, mT1, genRight, true, true, GetTimeWarper());
delete genRight;
// Allow the plugin to cleanup
return rc;
void Effect::End()
bool Effect::TotalProgress(double frac)
int updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(frac) :
return (updateResult != eProgressSuccess);
bool Effect::TrackProgress(int whichTrack, double frac, wxString msg)
int updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(whichTrack + frac, (double) mNumTracks, msg) :
return (updateResult != eProgressSuccess);
bool Effect::TrackGroupProgress(int whichGroup, double frac)
int updateResult = (mProgress ?
mProgress->Update(whichGroup + frac, (double) mNumGroups) :
return (updateResult != eProgressSuccess);
void Effect::GetSamples(WaveTrack *track, sampleCount *start, sampleCount *len)
double trackStart = track->GetStartTime();
double trackEnd = track->GetEndTime();
double t0 = mT0 < trackStart ? trackStart : mT0;
double t1 = mT1 > trackEnd ? trackEnd : mT1;
#if 0
if (GetType() & INSERT_EFFECT) {
t1 = t0 + mDuration;
if (mT0 == mT1) {
// Not really part of the calculation, but convenient to put here
bool bResult = track->InsertSilence(t0, t1);
wxASSERT(bResult); // TO DO: Actually handle this.
if (t1 > t0) {
*start = track->TimeToLongSamples(t0);
sampleCount end = track->TimeToLongSamples(t1);
*len = (sampleCount)(end - *start);
else {
*start = 0;
*len = 0;
void Effect::SetTimeWarper(TimeWarper *warper)
if (mWarper != NULL)
delete mWarper;
mWarper = NULL;
wxASSERT(warper != NULL);
mWarper = warper;
TimeWarper *Effect::GetTimeWarper()
wxASSERT(mWarper != NULL);
return mWarper;
// private methods
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Use these two methods to copy the input tracks to mOutputTracks, if
// doing the processing on them, and replacing the originals only on success (and not cancel).
// Copy the group tracks that have tracks selected
void Effect::CopyInputTracks(int trackType)
// Reset map
mOutputTracks = new TrackList();
mOutputTracksType = trackType;
//iterate over tracks of type trackType (All types if Track::All)
TrackListOfKindIterator aIt(trackType, mTracks);
t2bHash added;
for (Track *aTrack = aIt.First(); aTrack; aTrack = aIt.Next())
// Include selected tracks, plus sync-lock selected tracks for Track::All.
if (aTrack->GetSelected() ||
(trackType == Track::All && aTrack->IsSyncLockSelected()))
Track *o = aTrack->Duplicate();
void Effect::AddToOutputTracks(Track *t)
// If bGoodResult, replace mTracks tracks with successfully processed mOutputTracks copies.
// Else clear and delete mOutputTracks copies.
void Effect::ReplaceProcessedTracks(const bool bGoodResult)
wxASSERT(mOutputTracks != NULL); // Make sure we at least did the CopyInputTracks().
if (!bGoodResult) {
// Processing failed or was cancelled so throw away the processed tracks.
mOutputTracks->Clear(true); // true => delete the tracks
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Reset map
//TODO:undo the non-gui ODTask transfer
TrackListIterator iterOut(mOutputTracks);
Track *x;
size_t cnt = mOMap.GetCount();
size_t i = 0;
for (Track *o = iterOut.First(); o; o = x, i++) {
// If tracks were removed from mOutputTracks, then there will be
// tracks in the map that must be removed from mTracks.
while (i < cnt && mOMap[i] != o) {
Track *t = (Track *) mIMap[i];
if (t) {
mTracks->Remove(t, true);
// This should never happen
wxASSERT(i < cnt);
// Remove the track from the output list...don't delete it
x = iterOut.RemoveCurrent(false);
Track *t = (Track *) mIMap[i];
if (t == NULL)
// This track is a new addition to output tracks; add it to mTracks
// Replace mTracks entry with the new track
mTracks->Replace(t, o, false);
// Swap the wavecache track the ondemand task uses, since now the new
// one will be kept in the project
if (ODManager::IsInstanceCreated()) {
ODManager::Instance()->ReplaceWaveTrack((WaveTrack *)t,
(WaveTrack *)o);
// No longer need the original track
delete t;
// If tracks were removed from mOutputTracks, then there may be tracks
// left at the end of the map that must be removed from mTracks.
while (i < cnt) {
Track *t = (Track *) mIMap[i];
if (t) {
mTracks->Remove((Track *)mIMap[i], true);
// Reset map
// Make sure we processed everything
wxASSERT(iterOut.First() == NULL);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// The output list is no longer needed
delete mOutputTracks;
mOutputTracks = NULL;
mOutputTracksType = Track::None;
void Effect::CountWaveTracks()
mNumTracks = 0;
mNumGroups = 0;
TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);
Track *t = iter.First();
while(t) {
if (!t->GetSelected()) {
t = iter.Next();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
if (t->GetKind() == Track::Wave) {
if (!t->GetLinked())
t = iter.Next();
float TrapFloat(float x, float min, float max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
else if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
double TrapDouble(double x, double min, double max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
else if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
long TrapLong(long x, long min, long max)
if (x <= min)
return min;
else if (x >= max)
return max;
return x;
2013-02-15 00:24:43 +00:00
double Effect::CalcPreviewInputLength(double previewLength)
return previewLength;
wxString Effect::GetPreviewName()
return _("Pre&view");
bool Effect::SupportsRealtime()
if (mClient)
return mClient->SupportsRealtime();
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeInitialize()
if (mClient)
mHighGroup = -1;
return mClient->RealtimeInitialize();
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeFinalize()
if (mClient)
return mClient->RealtimeFinalize();
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeSuspend()
if (mClient)
if (mClient->RealtimeSuspend())
return true;
return false;
bool Effect::RealtimeResume()
if (mClient)
if (mClient->RealtimeResume())
return true;
return false;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
sampleCount Effect::RealtimeProcess(int group,
int chans,
float rate,
float **inbuf,
float **outbuf,
sampleCount numSamples)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// The caller passes the number of channels to process and specifies
// the number of input and output buffers. There will always be the
// same number of output buffers as there are input buffers.
// Effects always require a certain number of input and output buffers,
// so if the number of channels we're curently processing are different
// than what the effect expects, then we use a few methods of satisfying
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// the effects requirements.
float **clientIn = (float **) alloca(mNumAudioIn * sizeof(float *));
float **clientOut = (float **) alloca(mNumAudioOut * sizeof(float *));
float *dummybuf = (float *) alloca(numSamples * sizeof(float));
sampleCount len = 0;
int ichans = chans;
int ochans = chans;
int gchans = chans;
int indx = 0;
int ondx = 0;
if (group == 0)
mCurrentGroup = 0;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// Call the client until we run out of input or output channels
while (ichans > 0 && ochans > 0)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// If we don't have enough input channels to accomodate the client's
// requirements, then we replicate the input channels until the
// client's needs are met.
if (ichans < mNumAudioIn)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
if (indx == ichans)
indx = 0;
clientIn[i] = inbuf[indx++];
// All input channels have been consumed
ichans = 0;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// Otherwise fullfil the client's needs with as many input channels as possible.
// After calling the client with this set, we will loop back up to process more
// of the input/output channels.
else if (ichans >= mNumAudioIn)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
gchans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioIn; i++, ichans--, gchans++)
clientIn[i] = inbuf[indx++];
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// If we don't have enough output channels to accomodate the client's
// requirements, then we provide all of the output channels and fulfill
// the client's needs with dummy buffers. These will just get tossed.
if (ochans < mNumAudioOut)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
if (i < ochans)
clientOut[i] = outbuf[i];
clientOut[i] = dummybuf;
// All output channels have been consumed
ochans = 0;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// Otherwise fullfil the client's needs with as many output channels as possible.
// After calling the client with this set, we will loop back up to process more
// of the input/output channels.
else if (ochans >= mNumAudioOut)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < mNumAudioOut; i++, ochans--)
clientOut[i] = outbuf[ondx++];
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// If the current group hasn't yet been seen, then we must
// add a new processor to handle this channel (sub)group
if (mCurrentGroup > mHighGroup)
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
mClient->RealtimeAddProcessor(gchans, rate);
mHighGroup = mCurrentGroup;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
// Finally call the plugin to process the block
len = 0;
sampleCount maxBlock = mClient->GetBlockSize(numSamples);
for (sampleCount block = 0; block < numSamples; block += maxBlock)
sampleCount cnt = (block + maxBlock > numSamples ? numSamples - block : maxBlock);
len += mClient->RealtimeProcess(mCurrentGroup, clientIn, clientOut, cnt);
for (int i = 0 ; i < mNumAudioIn; i++)
clientIn[i] += cnt;
for (int i = 0 ; i < mNumAudioOut; i++)
clientOut[i] += cnt;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
return len;
return 0;
bool Effect::IsRealtimeActive()
return mRealtimeSuspendCount == 0;
void Effect::Preview(bool dryOnly)
if (mNumTracks==0) // nothing to preview
wxWindow* FocusDialog = wxWindow::FindFocus();
if (gAudioIO->IsBusy())
// Mix a few seconds of audio from all of the tracks
double previewLen = 6.0;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/EffectsPreviewLen"), &previewLen);
2013-02-15 00:24:43 +00:00
WaveTrack *mixLeft = NULL;
WaveTrack *mixRight = NULL;
double rate = mProjectRate;
double t0 = mT0;
2013-02-15 00:24:43 +00:00
double t1 = t0 + CalcPreviewInputLength(previewLen);
if (t1 > mT1)
t1 = mT1;
// Generators can run without a selection.
if (!GeneratorPreview() && (t1 <= t0))
bool success = ::MixAndRender(mTracks, mFactory, rate, floatSample, t0, t1,
&mixLeft, &mixRight);
if (!success) {
// Save the original track list
TrackList *saveTracks = mTracks;
// Build new tracklist from rendering tracks
mTracks = new TrackList();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
if (mixRight) {
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Update track/group counts
// Reset times
t0 = mixLeft->GetStartTime();
t1 = mixLeft->GetEndTime();
double t0save = mT0;
double t1save = mT1;
mT0 = t0;
mT1 = t1;
// Apply effect
bool bSuccess(true);
if (!dryOnly) {
// Effect is already inited; we call Process, End, and then Init
// again, so the state is exactly the way it was before Preview
// was called.
mProgress = new ProgressDialog(StripAmpersand(GetEffectName()),
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
_("Preparing preview"),
pdlgHideCancelButton); // Have only "Stop" button.
bSuccess = Process();
delete mProgress;
mProgress = NULL;
// Restore original selection
mT0 = t0save;
mT1 = t1save;
if (bSuccess)
WaveTrackArray playbackTracks;
WaveTrackArray recordingTracks;
// Probably not the same tracks post-processing, so can't rely on previous values of mixLeft & mixRight.
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);
mixLeft = (WaveTrack*)(iter.First());
mixRight = (WaveTrack*)(iter.Next());
if (mixRight)
2013-02-15 00:24:43 +00:00
t1 = wxMin(mixLeft->GetEndTime(), t0 + previewLen);
NoteTrackArray empty;
// Start audio playing
int token =
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
gAudioIO->StartStream(playbackTracks, recordingTracks,
NULL, rate, t0, t1, NULL);
if (token) {
int previewing = eProgressSuccess;
mProgress = new ProgressDialog(StripAmpersand(GetEffectName()),
_("Previewing"), pdlgHideCancelButton);
while (gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(token) && previewing == eProgressSuccess) {
previewing = mProgress->Update(gAudioIO->GetStreamTime() - t0, t1 - t0);
while (gAudioIO->IsBusy()) {
delete mProgress;
mProgress = NULL;
else {
wxMessageBox(_("Error while opening sound device. Please check the playback device settings and the project sample rate."),
_("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, FocusDialog);
if (FocusDialog) {
delete mOutputTracks;
mOutputTracks = NULL;
mTracks->Clear(true); // true => delete the tracks
delete mTracks;
mTracks = saveTracks;
Round 3 of realtime changes. This gets meter type VST effects working again by extending the The master now maintains his own internal buffers and sums (mixes) all playing tracks into those buffers. The buffers are then fed into the VST effect that is presented to the user. This allows the effect to provide feedback to the user if it support it. Such effects may display meters or clipping indicators. Several issues with treading have also been corrected (hopefully ;-)). These showed up mostly on Linux, but could have happened on the others as well. The realtime support is no longer limited to 2 channels per logical track. Once support for more channels is added, this should be ready for it. The rack dialog can now be toggled via the edit toolbar button. It doesn't stay pressed because the closing of the dialog would have to be communicated back to the toolbar. As the rack is updated with new or removed effects or active state changed, all effects in the active list were shutdown and all effects in the updated list were initialized. This now shuts down only the effects no longer in the list and initializes only new ones. The rack now uses wxBitmapButton instead of Audacity's AButton. The AButton has a timing issue that prevents it from being deleted while processing the click event. I looked into it, but gave up and switched to the wxBitmapButton. Unfortunately, there's a problem with the wxBitmapButton as least on my setup here. Either the bitmaps are being scaled or antialiased. Will have to get feedback on this. I finally figured out why some VSTs didn't seem to do anything in realtime, at least in my case anyway. I've installed a lot of demo VSTs and while they work in "batch/offline" mode, some of them will not work in realtime since vendors tend to remove automation as one of the demo limitations. More changes coming shortly...
2014-11-03 06:48:54 +00:00
int Effect::GetAudioInCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetAudioInCount();
return 0;
int Effect::GetAudioOutCount()
if (mClient)
return mClient->GetAudioInCount();
return 0;
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectDialog, wxDialog)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_OK, EffectDialog::OnOk)
EffectDialog::EffectDialog(wxWindow * parent,
const wxString & title,
int type,
int flags,
int additionalButtons)
: wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, flags)
mType = type;
mAdditionalButtons = additionalButtons;
void EffectDialog::Init()
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsCreating);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
long buttons = eOkButton;
if (mType == PROCESS_EFFECT || mType == INSERT_EFFECT)
buttons |= eCancelButton;
if (mType == PROCESS_EFFECT)
buttons |= ePreviewButton;
/// This is a virtual function which will be overridden to
/// provide the actual parameters that we want for each
/// kind of dialog.
void EffectDialog::PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & WXUNUSED(S))
bool EffectDialog::TransferDataToWindow()
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsSettingToDialog);
return true;
bool EffectDialog::TransferDataFromWindow()
ShuttleGui S(this, eIsGettingFromDialog);
return true;
bool EffectDialog::Validate()
return true;
void EffectDialog::OnPreview(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
void EffectDialog::OnOk(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(event))
// On wxGTK (wx2.8.12), the default action is still executed even if
// the button is disabled. This appears to affect all wxDialogs, not
// just our Effects dialogs. So, this is a only temporary workaround
// for legacy effects that disable the OK button. Hopefully this has
// been corrected in wx3.
if (FindWindowById(wxID_OK)->IsEnabled() && Validate() && TransferDataFromWindow())
// EffectPanel
class EffectPanel : public wxScrolledWindow
EffectPanel(wxWindow *parent)
: wxScrolledWindow(parent,
virtual ~EffectPanel()
// ============================================================================
// wxWindow implementation
// ============================================================================
virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const
// Only accept focus if we're not a GUI host.
// This assumes that any effect will have more than one control in its
// interface unless it is a GUI interface. It's a fairly safe assumption.
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
return GetChildren().GetCount() > 2;
return GetChildren().GetCount() > 1;
// EffectUIHost
#include <wx/arrimpl.cpp>
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
#include "../../images/Effect.h"
kDummyID = 30000,
kSaveAsID = 30001,
kImportID = 30002,
kExportID = 30003,
kDefaultsID = 30004,
kOptionsID = 30005,
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
kUserPresetsDummyID = 30006,
kDeletePresetDummyID = 30007,
kMenuID = 30100,
kPowerID = 30101,
kPlayID = 30102,
kRewindID = 30103,
kFFwdID = 30104,
kPlaybackID = 30105,
kCaptureID = 30106,
kUserPresetsID = 31000,
kDeletePresetID = 32000,
kFactoryPresetsID = 33000,
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(EffectUIHost, wxDialog)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_APPLY, EffectUIHost::OnApply)
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL, EffectUIHost::OnCancel)
EVT_BUTTON(kMenuID, EffectUIHost::OnMenu)
EVT_BUTTON(kPowerID, EffectUIHost::OnPower)
EVT_BUTTON(kPlayID, EffectUIHost::OnPlay)
EVT_BUTTON(kRewindID, EffectUIHost::OnRewind)
EVT_BUTTON(kFFwdID, EffectUIHost::OnFFwd)
EVT_MENU(kSaveAsID, EffectUIHost::OnSaveAs)
EVT_MENU(kImportID, EffectUIHost::OnImport)
EVT_MENU(kExportID, EffectUIHost::OnExport)
EVT_MENU(kOptionsID, EffectUIHost::OnOptions)
EVT_MENU(kDefaultsID, EffectUIHost::OnDefaults)
EVT_MENU_RANGE(kUserPresetsID, kUserPresetsID + 999, EffectUIHost::OnUserPreset)
EVT_MENU_RANGE(kDeletePresetID, kDeletePresetID + 999, EffectUIHost::OnDeletePreset)
EVT_MENU_RANGE(kFactoryPresetsID, kFactoryPresetsID + 999, EffectUIHost::OnFactoryPreset)
EffectUIHost::EffectUIHost(wxWindow *parent,
Effect *effect,
EffectUIClientInterface *client)
: wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, effect->GetName(),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER)
mParent = parent;
mEffect = effect;
mClient = client;
mInitialized = false;
mPowerOn = true;
if (mInitialized)
if (mClient)
mClient = NULL;
// ============================================================================
// EffectUIHost implementation
// ============================================================================
bool EffectUIHost::Initialize()
wxBoxSizer *vs = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
wxBoxSizer *hs = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
EffectPanel *w = new EffectPanel(this);
// Try to give the window a sensible default/minimum size
w->SetMinSize(wxSize(wxMax(600, mParent->GetSize().GetWidth() * 2/3),
mParent->GetSize().GetHeight() / 2));
w->SetScrollRate(0, 20);
mPlaying = gAudioIO->IsStreamActive(); // not exactly right, but will suffice
mCapturing = gAudioIO->IsStreamActive() && gAudioIO->GetNumCaptureChannels() > 0;
wxPanel *bar = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY);
wxBoxSizer *bs = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
mMenuBtn = new wxBitmapButton(bar, kMenuID, CreateBitmap(effect_menu_xpm, true, false));
SetLabelAndTip(mMenuBtn, _("&Manage effect"));
mOnBM = CreateBitmap(effect_on_xpm, true, false);
mOffBM = CreateBitmap(effect_off_xpm, true, false);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
mOffDisabledBM = CreateBitmap(effect_off_disabled_xpm, true, false);
mPowerBtn = new wxBitmapButton(bar, kPowerID, mOnBM);
SetLabelAndTip(mPowerBtn, _("P&ower On"));
bs->Add(5, 5);
mPlayBM = CreateBitmap(effect_play_xpm, true, false);
mPlayDisabledBM = CreateBitmap(effect_play_disabled_xpm, true, false);
mStopBM = CreateBitmap(effect_stop_xpm, true, false);
mStopDisabledBM = CreateBitmap(effect_stop_disabled_xpm, true, false);
mPlayBtn = new wxBitmapButton(bar, kPlayID, mPlayBM);
SetLabelAndTip(mPlayBtn, _("&Play/Stop"));
mRewindBtn = new wxBitmapButton(bar, kRewindID, CreateBitmap(effect_rewind_xpm, true, true));
mRewindBtn->SetBitmapDisabled(CreateBitmap(effect_rewind_disabled_xpm, true, true));
SetLabelAndTip(mRewindBtn, _("Skip &backward"));
mFFwdBtn = new wxBitmapButton(bar, kFFwdID, CreateBitmap(effect_ffwd_xpm, true, true));
mFFwdBtn->SetBitmapDisabled(CreateBitmap(effect_ffwd_disabled_xpm, true, true));
SetLabelAndTip(mFFwdBtn, _("Skip &forward"));
// All done...generate and set the accelerator table
wxSizer *s = CreateStdButtonSizer(this, eApplyButton | eCloseButton, bar);
mApplyBtn = (wxButton *) FindWindowById(wxID_APPLY);
mCloseBtn = (wxButton *) FindWindowById(wxID_CANCEL);
hs->Add(w, 1, wxEXPAND);
vs->Add(hs, 1, wxEXPAND);
if (!mClient->PopulateUI(w))
return false;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
(w->GetChildren().GetCount() > 2 ? w : FindWindowById(wxID_APPLY))->SetFocus();
(w->GetChildren().GetCount() > 1 ? w : FindWindowById(wxID_APPLY))->SetFocus();
// Initialize the effect realtime processing
if (!mEffect->RealtimeInitialize())
return false;
mInitialized = true;
return true;
void EffectUIHost::OnClose(wxCloseEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
if (mInitialized)
mInitialized = false;
mClient = NULL;
void EffectUIHost::OnApply(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
if (!mClient->ValidateUI())
if (IsModal())
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mInitialized)
mInitialized = false;
#if !defined(__WXGTK__)
void EffectUIHost::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
if (mInitialized)
mInitialized = false;
if (IsModal())
#if !defined(__WXGTK__)
void EffectUIHost::OnMenu(wxCommandEvent & evt)
wxMenu *menu = new wxMenu();
wxMenu *sub;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mUserPresets.GetCount() == 0)
menu->Append(kUserPresetsDummyID, _("User Presets"))->Enable(false);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
sub = new wxMenu();
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mUserPresets.GetCount(); i < cnt; i++)
sub->Append(kUserPresetsID + i, mUserPresets[i]);
menu->Append(0, _("User Presets"), sub);
wxArrayString factory = mClient->GetFactoryPresets();
sub = new wxMenu();
sub->Append(kDefaultsID, _("Defaults"));
if (factory.GetCount() > 0)
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = factory.GetCount(); i < cnt; i++)
wxString label = factory[i];
if (label.IsEmpty())
label = _("None");
sub->Append(kFactoryPresetsID + i, label);
menu->Append(0, _("Factory Presets"), sub);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mUserPresets.GetCount() == 0)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
menu->Append(kDeletePresetDummyID, _("Delete Preset"))->Enable(false);
sub = new wxMenu();
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mUserPresets.GetCount(); i < cnt; i++)
sub->Append(kDeletePresetID + i, mUserPresets[i]);
menu->Append(0, _("Delete Preset"), sub);
menu->Append(kSaveAsID, _("Save As..."));
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
menu->Append(kImportID, _("Import..."))->Enable(mClient->CanExport());
menu->Append(kExportID, _("Export..."))->Enable(mClient->CanExport());
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
menu->Append(kOptionsID, _("Options..."))->Enable(mClient->HasOptions());
sub = new wxMenu();
sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Type: %s"), mEffect->GetFamily().c_str()));
sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Name: %s"), mEffect->GetName().c_str()));
sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Version: %s"), mEffect->GetVersion().c_str()));
sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Vendor: %s"), mEffect->GetVendor().c_str()));
sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Description: %s"), mEffect->GetDescription().c_str()));
// sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Audio In: %d"), mEffect->GetAudioInCount()));
// sub->Append(kDummyID, wxString::Format(_("Audio Out: %d"), mEffect->GetAudioOutCount()));
menu->Append(0, _("About"), sub);
wxRect r = FindWindowById(kMenuID)->GetParent()->GetRect();
PopupMenu(menu, wxPoint(r.GetLeft(), r.GetBottom()));
delete menu;
void EffectUIHost::OnPower(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
mPowerOn = !mPowerOn;
if (mPowerOn)
void EffectUIHost::OnPlay(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
AudacityProject *p = GetActiveProject();
if (mPlaying)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
mPlayPos = gAudioIO->GetStreamTime();
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (p->mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t0() != mRegion.t0() ||
p->mViewInfo.selectedRegion.t1() != mRegion.t1())
mRegion = p->mViewInfo.selectedRegion;
mPlayPos = mRegion.t0();
if (mPlayPos > mRegion.t1())
mPlayPos = mRegion.t1();
p->GetControlToolBar()->PlayPlayRegion(mPlayPos, mRegion.t1());
void EffectUIHost::OnRewind(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mPlaying)
double seek;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SeekShortPeriod"), &seek, 1.0);
double pos = gAudioIO->GetStreamTime();
if (pos - seek < mRegion.t0())
seek = pos - mRegion.t0();
mPlayPos = mRegion.t0();
void EffectUIHost::OnFFwd(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mPlaying)
double seek;
gPrefs->Read(wxT("/AudioIO/SeekShortPeriod"), &seek, 1.0);
double pos = gAudioIO->GetStreamTime();
if (mRegion.t0() < mRegion.t1() && pos + seek > mRegion.t1())
seek = mRegion.t1() - pos;
// It allows to play past end of selection...probably useless
mPlayPos = mRegion.t1();
void EffectUIHost::OnPlayback(wxCommandEvent & evt)
mPlaying = evt.GetInt() != 0;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
if (mPlaying)
mRegion = GetActiveProject()->mViewInfo.selectedRegion;
mPlayPos = mRegion.t0();
void EffectUIHost::OnCapture(wxCommandEvent & evt)
mCapturing = evt.GetInt() != 0;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnUserPreset(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
int preset = evt.GetId() - kUserPresetsID;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnFactoryPreset(wxCommandEvent & evt)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
mClient->LoadFactoryPreset(evt.GetId() - kFactoryPresetsID);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnDeletePreset(wxCommandEvent & evt)
wxString preset = mUserPresets[evt.GetId() - kDeletePresetID];
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
int res = wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Are you sure you want to delete \"%s\"?"), preset.c_str()),
_("Delete Preset"),
if (res == wxYES)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnSaveAs(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
wxTextCtrl *text;
wxString name;
wxDialog dlg(this, wxID_ANY, wxString(_("Save Preset")));
ShuttleGui S(&dlg, eIsCreating);
S.StartHorizontalLay(wxALIGN_LEFT, 0);
text = S.AddTextBox(_("Preset name:"), name, 30);
while (true)
int rc = dlg.ShowModal();
if (rc != wxID_OK)
name = text->GetValue();
if (mUserPresets.Index(name) == wxNOT_FOUND)
wxMessageBox(_("Preset already exists"),
_("Save Preset"),
void EffectUIHost::OnImport(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
void EffectUIHost::OnExport(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnOptions(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::OnDefaults(wxCommandEvent & WXUNUSED(evt))
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
wxBitmap EffectUIHost::CreateBitmap(const char *xpm[], bool up, bool pusher)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
wxMemoryDC dc;
wxBitmap pic(xpm);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
wxBitmap mod(pic.GetWidth() + 6, pic.GetHeight() + 6);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
#if !defined(__WXMAC__)
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
wxColour newColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BACKGROUND);
#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
wxColour newColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
int offset = 3;
if (pusher)
if (!up)
offset += 1;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
dc.DrawBitmap(pic, offset, offset, true);
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
return mod;
// We use an accelerator table in addition to the normal "&" mnemonic
// so that they work on Windows and accelerators on OSX and
// the wxBitmapButton under GTK didn't seem to like the mnemonics.
// On Windows, this also keeps the focus from jumping to the associated
// button, forcing keyboard users to have to constantly TAB back to the
// control they were on. This problem appears to be related to the use
// of wxBitmapButton and how it is currently implemented in wx2.8.12.
// I'm hoping that when we transition to wx3 all of this can go away.
void EffectUIHost::SetLabelAndTip(wxBitmapButton *btn, const wxString & label, bool setAccel)
if (btn != NULL)
int pos = label.Find(wxT('&'));
if (pos != wxNOT_FOUND && pos < label.Length() - 1)
wxChar c = wxToupper(label[pos + 1]);
if (setAccel)
mAccels.Add(wxAcceleratorEntry(wxACCEL_ALT, c, btn->GetId()));
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
btn->SetToolTip(wxStripMenuCodes(label) + wxT(" (ALT+") + c + wxT(")"));
wxAcceleratorEntry *entries = new wxAcceleratorEntry[mAccels.GetCount()];
for (size_t i = 0, cnt = mAccels.GetCount(); i < cnt; i++)
entries[i] = mAccels[i];
SetAcceleratorTable(wxAcceleratorTable(mAccels.GetCount(), entries));
delete [] entries;
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
void EffectUIHost::UpdateControls()
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
Resolves reported bugs and (most) recommendations All: Export/Import now disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Options disabled if the Effect (family) doesn't support it Standarized on "Latency compensation" instead of "Buffer delay compensation" Correct loading/saving of factory default settings Fixed "Mannage" to be "Manage" Removed conditional code since we're keeping the transport buttons Play bases state on actual playback status Play no longer monkeys with selection Play will now start from where it left off IF: The user stops the playback via the Effect Stop button If the user wants to restart from the beginning of the selection then the user can click Rewind while stopped. Rewind will not go past start of selection (sorry Steve ;-)) If Rewind is clicked while not playing, playback will next start at beginning of selection. Fast Forward will stop at end of selection However, if FFwd is clicked while not playing, it will put playback at the end of selection and the next time the user clicks the Effect play button, playback will continue from the end of selection to the end of track. Deleting a preset now prompts user to confirm Button faces should now look a little better Bypass (should we rename that???) button now grays when disabled Audio Units: Corrected all user visible "AudioUnit" strings to be "Audio Unit" Removed unneeded "Buffer Size" in settings dialog Only uses latency if user said it was okay Ladspa: Added settings dialog to allow control of latency usage Removed unused "user selectable" buffer size Only use latency if user wants it Refresh controls when presets are loaded VST: Removed unused "Rescan at startup" setting Propogate parameter loads to slave effects
2014-12-04 06:10:27 +00:00
mPlayBtn->SetBitmapLabel(mPlaying ? mStopBM : mPlayBM);
mPlayBtn->SetBitmapDisabled(mPlaying ? mStopDisabledBM : mPlayDisabledBM);
if (mPowerOn)
SetLabelAndTip(mPowerBtn, _("P&ower Off"), false);
SetLabelAndTip(mPowerBtn, _("P&ower On"), false);
void EffectUIHost::LoadUserPresets()
mEffect->GetPrivateConfigSubgroups(mEffect->GetUserPresetsGroup(wxEmptyString), mUserPresets);