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Raw Normal View History

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli
#include <wx/cursor.h>
#include "widgets/OverlayPanel.h"
class ViewInfo;
class AudacityProject;
class TrackPanelCell;
class TrackPanelGroup;
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class TrackPanelNode;
struct TrackPanelMouseEvent;
struct TrackPanelMouseState;
class UIHandle;
using UIHandlePtr = std::shared_ptr<UIHandle>;
// This class manages a panel divided into a number of sub-rectangles called
// cells, that each implement hit tests returning click-drag-release handler
// objects, and other services.
// It has no dependency on the Track class.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API CellularPanel : public OverlayPanel {
CellularPanel(wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint & pos,
const wxSize & size,
ViewInfo *viewInfo,
// default as for wxPanel:
long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNO_BORDER);
~CellularPanel() override;
// Overridables:
virtual AudacityProject *GetProject() const = 0;
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// Get the root object defining a recursive subdivision of the panel's
// area into cells
virtual std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelNode> Root() = 0;
virtual wxRect FindRect(const TrackPanelCell &cell) = 0;
// Structure and functions for generalized visitation of the subdivision
struct Visitor {
virtual ~Visitor();
virtual void VisitCell( const wxRect &rect, TrackPanelCell &cell );
virtual void BeginGroup( const wxRect &rect, TrackPanelGroup &group );
virtual void EndGroup( const wxRect &rect, TrackPanelGroup &group );
// Most general visit
void Visit( Visitor &visitor );
// Easier visit when you care only about cells
using SimpleCellVisitor =
std::function< void( const wxRect &rect, TrackPanelCell &cell ) >;
void VisitCells( const SimpleCellVisitor &visitor );
// Easier visits when you want to visit each node once only
using SimpleNodeVisitor =
std::function< void( const wxRect &rect, TrackPanelNode &node ) >;
void VisitPreorder( const SimpleNodeVisitor &visitor );
void VisitPostorder( const SimpleNodeVisitor &visitor );
virtual TrackPanelCell *GetFocusedCell() = 0;
virtual void SetFocusedCell() = 0;
virtual void ProcessUIHandleResult
(TrackPanelCell *pClickedCell, TrackPanelCell *pLatestCell,
unsigned refreshResult) = 0;
virtual void UpdateStatusMessage( const wxString & ) = 0;
// Whether this panel keeps focus after a click and drag, or only borrows
// it.
virtual bool TakesFocus() const = 0;
// Find cell by coordinate
struct FoundCell {
std::shared_ptr< TrackPanelCell > pCell;
wxRect rect;
FoundCell FindCell(int mouseX, int mouseY);
UIHandlePtr Target();
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std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelCell> LastCell() const;
bool IsMouseCaptured();
wxCoord MostRecentXCoord() const;
void HandleCursorForPresentMouseState(bool doHit = true);
bool HasEscape();
bool CancelDragging( bool escaping );
void DoContextMenu( TrackPanelCell *pCell = nullptr );
void ClearTargets();
void Visit(
const wxRect &rect, const std::shared_ptr<TrackPanelNode> &node,
Visitor &visitor );
bool HasRotation();
bool ChangeTarget(bool forward, bool cycle);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent & event);
void OnCaptureLost(wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & event);
void OnCaptureKey(wxCommandEvent & event);
void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnKeyUp(wxKeyEvent & event);
void OnSetFocus(wxFocusEvent & event);
void OnKillFocus(wxFocusEvent & event);
void OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent & event);
void HandleInterruptedDrag();
void Uncapture( bool escaping, wxMouseState *pState = nullptr );
bool HandleEscapeKey(bool down);
void UpdateMouseState(const wxMouseState &state);
void HandleModifierKey();
void HandleClick( const TrackPanelMouseEvent &tpmEvent );
void HandleWheelRotation( TrackPanelMouseEvent &tpmEvent );
void HandleMotion( wxMouseState &state, bool doHit = true );
void HandleMotion
( const TrackPanelMouseState &tpmState, bool doHit = true );
void Leave();
ViewInfo *mViewInfo;
// To do: make a drawing method and make this private
wxMouseState mLastMouseState;
struct State;
std::unique_ptr<State> mState;