Move Identifier, TaggedIdentifier, some type aliases to Identifier.h

This commit is contained in:
Paul Licameli 2021-05-22 10:25:46 -04:00
parent 300b2a1739
commit 5a516a7999
5 changed files with 86 additions and 854 deletions

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@ -50,234 +50,14 @@
#include <wx/debug.h> // for wxASSERT
#include <wx/string.h> // type used in inline function and member variable
#include "../../../src/Identifier.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: I'd imagine this header may be replaced by other public headers. But,
// to try and minimize more changes to the base code, we can use this
// until proper public headers are created for the stuff in here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// An explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see.
// String manipulations are discouraged, other than splitting and joining on
// separator characters.
// Wherever GET is used to fetch the underlying wxString, there should be a
// comment explaining the need for it.
class Identifier
Identifier() = default;
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxString &str) : value{ str } {}
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxChar *str) : value{ str } {}
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const char *str) : value{ str } {}
// Copy construction and assignment
Identifier( const Identifier & ) = default;
Identifier &operator = ( const Identifier& ) = default;
// Move construction and assignment
Identifier( wxString && str )
{ value.swap( str ); }
Identifier( Identifier && id )
{ swap( id ); }
Identifier &operator= ( Identifier&& id )
if ( this != &id )
value.clear(), swap( id );
return *this;
// Implements moves
void swap( Identifier &id ) { value.swap( id.value ); }
// Convenience for building concatenated identifiers.
// The list must have at least two members
// (so you don't easily circumvent the restrictions on interconversions
// intended in TaggedIdentifier below)
Identifier(std::initializer_list<Identifier> components, wxChar separator);
bool empty() const { return value.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return value.size(); }
size_t length() const { return value.length(); }
// Explicit conversion to wxString, meant to be ugly-looking and
// demanding of a comment why it's correct
const wxString &GET() const { return value; }
std::vector< Identifier > split( wxChar separator ) const;
wxString value;
// Comparisons of Identifiers are case-sensitive
inline bool operator == ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return x.GET() == y.GET(); }
inline bool operator != ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(x == y); }
inline bool operator < ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return x.GET() < y.GET(); }
inline bool operator > ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return y < x; }
inline bool operator <= ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(y < x); }
inline bool operator >= ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return !(x < y); }
namespace std
template<> struct hash< Identifier > {
size_t operator () ( const Identifier &id ) const // noexcept
{ return hash<wxString>{}( id.GET() ); }
// This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Read
inline bool wxFromString(const wxString& str, Identifier *id)
{ if (id) { *id = str; return true; } else return false; }
// This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Write
inline wxString wxToString( const Identifier& str ) { return str.GET(); }
// Template parameter allows generation of different TaggedIdentifier classes
// that don't interconvert implicitly
// The second template parameter determines whether comparisons are case
// sensitive; default is case sensitive
template<typename Tag, bool CaseSensitive = true >
class TaggedIdentifier : public Identifier
using TagType = Tag;
using Identifier::Identifier;
TaggedIdentifier() = default;
// Allowed for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
// Prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) = delete;
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) = delete;
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) = delete;
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) = delete;
// Allow implicit conversion to this class from un-tagged Identifier,
// but not from; resolution will use other overloads above if argument
// has a tag
TaggedIdentifier(const Identifier &str) : Identifier{ str } {}
// Conversion to another kind of TaggedIdentifier
template<typename String, typename = typename String::TagType>
String CONVERT() const
{ return String{ this->GET() }; }
// Comparison of a TaggedIdentifier with an Identifier is allowed, resolving
// to one of the operators on Identifiers defined above, but always case
// sensitive.
// Comparison operators for two TaggedIdentifiers, below, require the same tags
// and case sensitivity.
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator == (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
static_assert( std::is_same< Tag1, Tag2 >::value && b1 == b2,
"TaggedIdentifiers with different tags or sensitivity are not comparable" );
// This test should be eliminated at compile time:
if ( b1 )
return x.GET(). Cmp ( y.GET() ) == 0;
return x.GET(). CmpNoCase ( y.GET() ) == 0;
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator != (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(x == y); }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator < (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
static_assert( std::is_same< Tag1, Tag2 >::value && b1 == b2,
"TaggedIdentifiers with different tags or sensitivity are not comparable" );
// This test should be eliminated at compile time:
if ( b1 )
return x.GET(). Cmp ( y.GET() ) < 0;
return x.GET(). CmpNoCase ( y.GET() ) < 0;
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator > (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return y < x; }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator <= (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(y < x); }
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator >= (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
{ return !(x < y); }
namespace std
template<typename Tag, bool b > struct hash< TaggedIdentifier<Tag, b> >
: hash< Identifier > {};
\brief type alias for identifying a Plugin supplied by a module, each module
defining its own interpretation of the strings, which may or may not be as a
file system path
using PluginPath = wxString;
using PluginPaths = std::vector< PluginPath >;
// A key to be passed to wxConfigBase
using RegistryPath = wxString;
using RegistryPaths = std::vector< RegistryPath >;
class wxArrayStringEx;
// File extensions, not including any leading dot
using FileExtension = wxString;
using FileExtensions = wxArrayStringEx;
using FilePath = wxString;
using FilePaths = wxArrayStringEx;
// Identifies a menu command or macro.
// Case-insensitive comparison
struct CommandIdTag;
using CommandID = TaggedIdentifier< CommandIdTag, false >;
using CommandIDs = std::vector<CommandID>;
// Holds a msgid for the translation catalog and may hold a closure that
// captures formatting arguments

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@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ list( APPEND SOURCES

src/Identifier.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Paul Licameli split from Internat.cpp
#include "Identifier.h"
#include <wx/arrstr.h> // for wxSplit
std::initializer_list<Identifier> components, wxChar separator )
if( components.size() < 2 )
wxASSERT( false );
auto iter = components.begin(), end = components.end();
value = (*iter++).value;
while (iter != end)
value += separator + (*iter++).value;
std::vector< Identifier > Identifier::split( wxChar separator ) const
auto strings = ::wxSplit( value, separator );
return { strings.begin(), strings.end() };

View File

@ -2,78 +2,35 @@
Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Leland Lucius
Paul Licameli split from Types.h
Copyright (c) 2014, Audacity Team
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef __AUDACITY_TYPES_H__
#define __AUDACITY_TYPES_H__
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <wx/debug.h> // for wxASSERT
#include <wx/string.h> // type used in inline function and member variable
#include <wx/string.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: I'd imagine this header may be replaced by other public headers. But,
// to try and minimize more changes to the base code, we can use this
// until proper public headers are created for the stuff in here.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// An explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see.
// String manipulations are discouraged, other than splitting and joining on
// separator characters.
// Wherever GET is used to fetch the underlying wxString, there should be a
// comment explaining the need for it.
class Identifier
//! An explicitly nonlocalized string, not meant for the user to see.
/*! String manipulations are discouraged, other than splitting and joining on separator characters.
Wherever GET is used to fetch the underlying wxString, there should be a comment explaining the need for it.
class AUDACITY_DLL_API Identifier
Identifier() = default;
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxString &str) : value{ str } {}
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const wxChar *str) : value{ str } {}
// Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
//! Allow implicit conversion to this class, but not from
Identifier(const char *str) : value{ str } {}
// Copy construction and assignment
@ -95,10 +52,9 @@ public:
// Implements moves
void swap( Identifier &id ) { value.swap( id.value ); }
// Convenience for building concatenated identifiers.
// The list must have at least two members
// (so you don't easily circumvent the restrictions on interconversions
// intended in TaggedIdentifier below)
//! Convenience for building concatenated identifiers.
/*! The list must have at least two members (so you don't easily circumvent the restrictions on
interconversions intended in TaggedIdentifier below) */
Identifier(std::initializer_list<Identifier> components, wxChar separator);
@ -106,8 +62,7 @@ public:
size_t size() const { return value.size(); }
size_t length() const { return value.length(); }
// Explicit conversion to wxString, meant to be ugly-looking and
// demanding of a comment why it's correct
//! Explicit conversion to wxString, meant to be ugly-looking and demanding of a comment why it's correct
const wxString &GET() const { return value; }
std::vector< Identifier > split( wxChar separator ) const;
@ -116,7 +71,7 @@ private:
wxString value;
// Comparisons of Identifiers are case-sensitive
//! Comparisons of Identifiers are case-sensitive
inline bool operator == ( const Identifier &x, const Identifier &y )
{ return x.GET() == y.GET(); }
@ -143,17 +98,16 @@ namespace std
// This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Read
//! This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Read
inline bool wxFromString(const wxString& str, Identifier *id)
{ if (id) { *id = str; return true; } else return false; }
// This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Write
//! This lets you pass Identifier into wxFileConfig::Write
inline wxString wxToString( const Identifier& str ) { return str.GET(); }
// Template parameter allows generation of different TaggedIdentifier classes
// that don't interconvert implicitly
// The second template parameter determines whether comparisons are case
// sensitive; default is case sensitive
//! Template generates different TaggedIdentifier classes that don't interconvert implicitly
/*! The second template parameter determines whether comparisons are case
sensitive; default is case sensitive */
template<typename Tag, bool CaseSensitive = true >
class TaggedIdentifier : public Identifier
@ -164,39 +118,41 @@ public:
using Identifier::Identifier;
TaggedIdentifier() = default;
// Allowed for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
//! Copy allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
//! Move allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
//! Copy allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier& ) = default;
//! Move allowed only for the same Tag class and case sensitivity
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier&& ) = default;
// Prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
//! Copy prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) = delete;
TaggedIdentifier( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Move prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) = delete;
TaggedIdentifier( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Copy prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) = delete;
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( const TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>& ) PROHIBITED;
//! Move prohibited for other Tag classes or case sensitivity
template< typename Tag2, bool b >
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) = delete;
TaggedIdentifier& operator= ( TaggedIdentifier<Tag2, b>&& ) PROHIBITED;
// Allow implicit conversion to this class from un-tagged Identifier,
// but not from; resolution will use other overloads above if argument
// has a tag
/*! Allow implicit conversion to this class from un-tagged Identifier,
but not from; resolution will use other overloads above if argument has a tag */
TaggedIdentifier(const Identifier &str) : Identifier{ str } {}
// Conversion to another kind of TaggedIdentifier
//! Explicit conversion to another kind of TaggedIdentifier
template<typename String, typename = typename String::TagType>
String CONVERT() const
{ return String{ this->GET() }; }
// Comparison of a TaggedIdentifier with an Identifier is allowed, resolving
// to one of the operators on Identifiers defined above, but always case
// sensitive.
// Comparison operators for two TaggedIdentifiers, below, require the same tags
// and case sensitivity.
/*! Comparison of a TaggedIdentifier with an Identifier is allowed, resolving
to one of the operators on Identifiers, but always case sensitive.
Comparison operators for two TaggedIdentifiers require the same tags and case sensitivity. */
template< typename Tag1, typename Tag2, bool b1, bool b2 >
inline bool operator == (
const TaggedIdentifier< Tag1, b1 > &x, const TaggedIdentifier< Tag2, b2 > &y )
@ -264,533 +220,17 @@ using RegistryPaths = std::vector< RegistryPath >;
class wxArrayStringEx;
// File extensions, not including any leading dot
//! File extension, not including any leading dot
using FileExtension = wxString;
using FileExtensions = wxArrayStringEx;
using FilePath = wxString;
using FilePaths = wxArrayStringEx;
// Identifies a menu command or macro.
// Case-insensitive comparison
struct CommandIdTag;
//! Identifies a menu command or macro. Case-insensitive comparison
using CommandID = TaggedIdentifier< CommandIdTag, false >;
using CommandIDs = std::vector<CommandID>;
// Holds a msgid for the translation catalog and may hold a closure that
// captures formatting arguments
// Different string-valued accessors for the msgid itself, and for the
// user-visible translation with substitution of captured format arguments.
// Also an accessor for format substitution into the English msgid, for debug-
// only outputs.
// The msgid should be used only in unusual cases and the translation more often
// Implicit conversions to and from wxString are intentionally disabled
class AUDACITY_DLL_API TranslatableString {
enum class Request;
template< size_t N > struct PluralTemp;
// A special string value that will have no screen reader pronunciation
static const TranslatableString Inaudible;
// A multi-purpose function, depending on the enum argument; the string
// argument is unused in some cases
// If there is no function, defaults are empty context string, no plurals,
// and no substitutions
using Formatter = std::function< wxString(const wxString &, Request) >;
TranslatableString() {}
// Supply {} for the second argument to cause lookup of the msgid with
// empty context string (default context) rather than the null context
explicit TranslatableString( wxString str, Formatter formatter )
: mFormatter{ std::move(formatter) }
mMsgid.swap( str );
// copy and move
TranslatableString( const TranslatableString & ) = default;
TranslatableString &operator=( const TranslatableString & ) = default;
TranslatableString( TranslatableString && str )
: mFormatter( std::move( str.mFormatter ) )
mMsgid.swap( str.mMsgid );
TranslatableString &operator=( TranslatableString &&str )
mFormatter = std::move( str.mFormatter );
mMsgid.swap( str.mMsgid );
return *this;
bool empty() const { return mMsgid.empty(); }
// MSGID is the English lookup key in the message catalog, not necessarily
// for user's eyes if the locale is some other.
// The MSGID might not be all the information TranslatableString holds.
// This is a deliberately ugly-looking function name. Use with caution.
Identifier MSGID() const { return Identifier{ mMsgid }; }
wxString Translation() const { return DoFormat( false ); }
// Format as an English string for debugging logs and developers' eyes, not
// for end users
wxString Debug() const { return DoFormat( true ); }
// Warning: comparison of msgids only, which is not all of the information!
// This operator makes it easier to define a std::unordered_map on
// TranslatableStrings
friend bool operator == (
const TranslatableString &x, const TranslatableString &y)
{ return x.mMsgid == y.mMsgid; }
friend bool operator != (
const TranslatableString &x, const TranslatableString &y)
{ return !(x == y); }
// Returns true if context is NullContextFormatter
bool IsVerbatim() const;
// Capture variadic format arguments (by copy) when there is no plural.
// The substitution is computed later in a call to Translate() after msgid is
// looked up in the translation catalog.
// Any format arguments that are also of type TranslatableString will be
// translated too at substitution time, for non-debug formatting
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &Format( Args &&...args ) &
auto prevFormatter = mFormatter;
this->mFormatter = [prevFormatter, args...]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter );
case Request::Format:
case Request::DebugFormat:
default: {
bool debug = request == Request::DebugFormat;
return wxString::Format(
str, TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter ),
debug ),
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( args, debug )...
return *this;
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &&Format( Args &&...args ) &&
return std::move( Format( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
// Choose a non-default and non-null disambiguating context for lookups
// (but this is not fully implemented)
// This is meant to be the first of chain-call modifications of the
// TranslatableString object; it will destroy any previously captured
// information
TranslatableString &Context( const wxString &context ) &
this->mFormatter = [context]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return context;
case Request::DebugFormat:
return DoSubstitute( {}, str, context, true );
case Request::Format:
return DoSubstitute( {}, str, context, false );
return *this;
TranslatableString &&Context( const wxString &context ) &&
return std::move( Context( context ) );
// Append another translatable string; lookup of msgids for
// this and for the argument are both delayed until Translate() is invoked
// on this, and then the formatter concatenates the translations
TranslatableString &Join(
TranslatableString arg, const wxString &separator = {} ) &;
TranslatableString &&Join(
TranslatableString arg, const wxString &separator = {} ) &&
{ return std::move( Join( std::move(arg), separator ) ); }
TranslatableString &operator +=( TranslatableString arg )
Join( std::move( arg ) );
return *this;
// Implements the XP macro, which specifies a second msgid, a list
// of format arguments, and which of those format arguments selects among
// messages; the translated strings to select among, depending on language,
// might actually be more or fewer than two. See Internat.h.
template< size_t N >
PluralTemp< N > Plural( const wxString &pluralStr ) &&
return PluralTemp< N >{ *this, pluralStr };
// Translated strings may still contain menu hot-key codes (indicated by &)
// that wxWidgets interprets, and also trailing ellipses, that should be
// removed for other uses.
enum StripOptions : unsigned {
// Values to be combined with bitwise OR
MenuCodes = 0x1,
Ellipses = 0x2,
TranslatableString &Strip( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) &;
TranslatableString &&Strip( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) &&
{ return std::move( Strip( options ) ); }
// non-mutating, constructs another TranslatableString object
TranslatableString Stripped( unsigned options = MenuCodes ) const
{ return TranslatableString{ *this }.Strip( options ); }
wxString StrippedTranslation() const { return Stripped().Translation(); }
static const Formatter NullContextFormatter;
// Construct a TranslatableString that does no translation but passes
// str verbatim
explicit TranslatableString( wxString str )
: mFormatter{ NullContextFormatter }
mMsgid.swap( str );
friend TranslatableString Verbatim( wxString str );
enum class Request {
Context, // return a disambiguating context string
Format, // Given the msgid, format the string for end users
DebugFormat, // Given the msgid, format the string for developers
static const wxChar *const NullContextName;
friend std::hash< TranslatableString >;
static wxString DoGetContext( const Formatter &formatter );
static wxString DoSubstitute(
const Formatter &formatter,
const wxString &format, const wxString &context, bool debug );
wxString DoFormat( bool debug ) const
{ return DoSubstitute(
mFormatter, mMsgid, DoGetContext(mFormatter), debug ); }
static wxString DoChooseFormat(
const Formatter &formatter,
const wxString &singular, const wxString &plural, unsigned nn, bool debug );
template< typename T > static const T &TranslateArgument( const T &arg, bool )
{ return arg; }
// This allows you to wrap arguments of Format in std::cref so that they
// are captured (as if) by reference rather than by value
template< typename T > static auto TranslateArgument(
const std::reference_wrapper<T> &arg, bool debug )
-> decltype(
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( arg.get(), debug ) )
{ return TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( arg.get(), debug ); }
static wxString TranslateArgument( const TranslatableString &arg, bool debug )
{ return arg.DoFormat( debug ); }
template< size_t N > struct PluralTemp{
TranslatableString &ts;
const wxString &pluralStr;
template< typename... Args >
TranslatableString &&operator()( Args&&... args )
// Pick from the pack the argument that specifies number
auto selector =
std::template get< N >( std::forward_as_tuple( args... ) );
// We need an unsigned value. Guard against negative values.
auto nn = static_cast<unsigned>(
std::max<unsigned long long>( 0, selector )
auto plural = this->pluralStr;
auto prevFormatter = this->ts.mFormatter;
this->ts.mFormatter = [prevFormatter, plural, nn, args...]
(const wxString &str, Request request) -> wxString {
switch ( request ) {
case Request::Context:
return TranslatableString::DoGetContext( prevFormatter );
case Request::Format:
case Request::DebugFormat:
bool debug = request == Request::DebugFormat;
return wxString::Format(
prevFormatter, str, plural, nn, debug ),
TranslatableString::TranslateArgument( args, debug )...
return std::move(ts);
wxString mMsgid;
Formatter mFormatter;
inline TranslatableString operator +(
TranslatableString x, TranslatableString y )
return std::move(x += std::move(y));
using TranslatableStrings = std::vector<TranslatableString>;
// For using std::unordered_map on TranslatableString
// Note: hashing on msgids only, which is not all of the information
namespace std
template<> struct hash< TranslatableString > {
size_t operator () (const TranslatableString &str) const // noexcept
const wxString &stdstr = str.mMsgid.ToStdWstring(); // no allocations, a cheap fetch
using Hasher = hash< wxString >;
return Hasher{}( stdstr );
// Allow TranslatableString to work with shift output operators
template< typename Sink >
inline Sink &operator <<( Sink &sink, const TranslatableString &str )
return sink << str.Translation();
// Require calls to the one-argument constructor to go through this
// distinct global function name. This makes it easier to locate and
// review the uses of this function, separately from the uses of the type.
inline TranslatableString Verbatim( wxString str )
{ return TranslatableString( std::move( str ) ); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A native 64-bit integer...used when referring to any number of samples
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class sampleCount
using type = long long;
static_assert(sizeof(type) == 8, "Wrong width of sampleCount");
sampleCount () : value { 0 } {}
// Allow implicit conversion from integral types
sampleCount ( type v ) : value { v } {}
sampleCount ( unsigned long long v ) : value ( v ) {}
sampleCount ( int v ) : value { v } {}
sampleCount ( unsigned v ) : value { v } {}
sampleCount ( long v ) : value { v } {}
// unsigned long is 64 bit on some platforms. Let it narrow.
sampleCount ( unsigned long v ) : value ( v ) {}
// Beware implicit conversions from floating point values!
// Otherwise the meaning of binary operators with sampleCount change
// their meaning when sampleCount is not an alias!
explicit sampleCount ( float f ) : value ( f ) {}
explicit sampleCount ( double d ) : value ( d ) {}
sampleCount ( const sampleCount& ) = default;
sampleCount &operator= ( const sampleCount& ) = default;
float as_float() const { return value; }
double as_double() const { return value; }
long long as_long_long() const { return value; }
size_t as_size_t() const {
wxASSERT(value >= 0);
wxASSERT(static_cast<std::make_unsigned<type>::type>(value) <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
return value;
sampleCount &operator += (sampleCount b) { value += b.value; return *this; }
sampleCount &operator -= (sampleCount b) { value -= b.value; return *this; }
sampleCount &operator *= (sampleCount b) { value *= b.value; return *this; }
sampleCount &operator /= (sampleCount b) { value /= b.value; return *this; }
sampleCount &operator %= (sampleCount b) { value %= b.value; return *this; }
sampleCount operator - () const { return -value; }
sampleCount &operator ++ () { ++value; return *this; }
sampleCount operator ++ (int)
{ sampleCount result{ *this }; ++value; return result; }
sampleCount &operator -- () { --value; return *this; }
sampleCount operator -- (int)
{ sampleCount result{ *this }; --value; return result; }
type value;
inline bool operator == (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return a.as_long_long() == b.as_long_long();
inline bool operator != (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return !(a == b);
inline bool operator < (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return a.as_long_long() < b.as_long_long();
inline bool operator >= (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return !(a < b);
inline bool operator > (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return b < a;
inline bool operator <= (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return !(b < a);
inline sampleCount operator + (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return sampleCount{ a } += b;
inline sampleCount operator - (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return sampleCount{ a } -= b;
inline sampleCount operator * (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return sampleCount{ a } *= b;
inline sampleCount operator / (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return sampleCount{ a } /= b;
inline sampleCount operator % (sampleCount a, sampleCount b)
return sampleCount{ a } %= b;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function returning the minimum of a sampleCount and a size_t,
// hiding the casts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline size_t limitSampleBufferSize( size_t bufferSize, sampleCount limit )
std::min( sampleCount( bufferSize ), std::max( sampleCount(0), limit ) )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Supported sample formats
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum sampleFormat : unsigned
//! The increasing sequence of these enum values must correspond to the increasing data type width
//! These values persist in saved project files, so must not be changed in later program versions
int16Sample = 0x00020001,
int24Sample = 0x00040001,
floatSample = 0x0004000F,
//! Two synonyms for previous values that might change if more values were added
narrowestSampleFormat = int16Sample,
widestSampleFormat = floatSample,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Provide the number of bytes a specific sample will take
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define SAMPLE_SIZE(SampleFormat) (SampleFormat >> 16)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic pointer to sample data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef char *samplePtr;
typedef const char *constSamplePtr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The type for plugin IDs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef wxString PluginID;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Supported channel assignments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
// Use to mark end of list
ChannelNameEOL = -1,
// The default channel assignment
// From this point, the channels follow the 22.2 surround sound format
} ChannelName, *ChannelNames;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// some frequently needed forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
using EnumValueSymbol = ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
using NumericFormatSymbol = EnumValueSymbol;
using VendorSymbol = ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
using EffectFamilySymbol = ComponentInterfaceSymbol;
#endif // __AUDACITY_TYPES_H__

View File

@ -278,28 +278,6 @@ TranslatableStrings Msgids( const std::vector<EnumValueSymbol> &strings )
return Msgids(, strings.size() );
// Find a better place for this?
#include "audacity/Types.h"
std::initializer_list<Identifier> components, wxChar separator )
if( components.size() < 2 )
wxASSERT( false );
auto iter = components.begin(), end = components.end();
value = (*iter++).value;
while (iter != end)
value += separator + (*iter++).value;
std::vector< Identifier > Identifier::split( wxChar separator ) const
auto strings = ::wxSplit( value, separator );
return { strings.begin(), strings.end() };
const wxChar *const TranslatableString::NullContextName = wxT("*");
const TranslatableString::Formatter