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# Building Audacity
## Prerequisites
* **python3** >= 3.5
* **conan** >= 1.32.0
* **cmake** >= 3.16
* A working C++ 14 compiler
### Conan
[The best way to install Conan is `pip`.](
To install Conan on Windows:
$ pip install conan
To install Conan on macOS and Linux:
$ sudo pip3 install conan
Alternatively, on macOS, Conan is available from `brew`.
### CMake
On Windows, please use the [prebuilt binaries](
On macOS, the easiest way to install CMake is `brew install cmake`.
On Linux, `cmake` is usually available from the system package manager.
### Windows
We build Audacity using [Microsoft Visual Studio 2019]( In order to build Audacity **Desktop development with C++** workload is required.
As we require only C++14 - MSVC 2017 should work just fine too.
### MacOS
We build Audacity using XCode 12. However, it is likely possible to build it with XCode 7.
### Linux
We use GCC 9, but any C++14 compliant compiler should work.
On Debian or Ubuntu, you can install everything required using the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake git python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install conan
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libasound2-dev libavformat-dev libjack-jackd2-dev uuid-dev
## Building on Windows
1. Clone Audacity from the Audacity GitHub project.
For example, in the **git-bash** run:
$ git clone
2. Open CMake GUI.
Set the **Where is the source code** to the location where Audacity was cloned.
Set **Where to build the binaries** to the location you want to place your build in. It is preferred that this location is not within the directory with the source code.
3. Press **Configure**. You can choose which version of Visual Studio to use and the platform to build for in the pop-up. We support **x64** and **Win32** platforms. The **x64** platform is a default option. Press **Finish** to start the configuration process.
4. After successful configuration, you will see `Configuring done` in the last line of the log. Press **Generate** to generate the Visual Studio project.
5. After you see "Generating done", press **Open Project** to open the project in Visual Studio.
6. Select "Build -> Build Solution".
7. You can now run and debug Audacity!
Generally, steps 1-5 are only needed the first-time you configure. Then, after you've generated the solution, you can open it in Visual Studio next time. If the project configuration has changed, the IDE will invoke CMake internally.
> Conan Center provides prebuilt binaries only for **x64**. Configuring the project for Win32 will take much longer, as all the 3rd party libraries will be built during the configuration.
## macOS
1. Clone Audacity from the Audacity GitHub project.
$ git clone
2. Configure Audacity using CMake:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -GXcode -T buildsystem=1 ../audacity
3. Open Audacity XCode project:
$ open Audacity.xcodeproj
and build Audacity using the IDE.
Steps 1 and 2 are only required for first-time builds.
Alternatively, you can use **CLion**. If you chose to do so, open the directory where you have cloned Audacity using CLion and you are good to go.
At the moment we only support **x86_64** builds. It is possible to build using AppleSilicon hardware but **mad** and **id3tag** should be disabled:
cmake -GXCode -T buildsystem=1 -Daudacity_use_mad="off" -Daudacity_use_id3tag=off ../audacity
## Linux & Other OS
1. Clone Audacity from the Audacity GitHub project.
$ git clone
2. Configure Audacity using CMake:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -Daudacity_use_ffmpeg=loaded ../audacity
By default, Debug build will be configured. To change that, pass `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release` to CMake.
3. Build Audacity:
$ make -j`nproc`
4. Testing the build:
Adding a "Portable Settings" folder allows Audacity to ignore the settings of any existing Audacity installation.
$ cd bin/Debug
$ mkdir "Portable Settings"
$ ./audacity
5. Installing Audacity
$ cd <build directory>
$ sudo make install
## Advanced
### CMake options
You can use `cmake -LH` to get a list of the options available (or use CMake GUI or `ccmake`). The list will include documentation about each option. For convenience, [here is a list]( of the most notable options.
### Building using system libraries
On Linux it is possible to build Audacity using (almost) only the libraries provided by the package manager. Please, see the list of required libraries [here](linux/
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
-Daudacity_use_ffmpeg=loaded \
-Daudacity_lib_preference=system \
-Daudacity_obey_system_dependencies=On \
There are a few cases when the local library build is preferred:
1. **wxWidgets**: While Audacity on **Linux** uses vanilla version of wxWidgets, we **require** that version **3.1.3** is used. This version is not available in most of the distributions.
2. **portaudio-v19**: Audacity currently uses [some private APIs](, so using system portaudio is not yet possible.
3. **vamp-host-sdk**: Development packages are not available in Ubuntu 20.04.
4. **libnyquist** & **portmixer**: Libraries are not available in Ubuntu 20.04.
5. **sqlite3** & **libsmbs**: Libraries are very outdated in Ubuntu 20.04.
It is not advised to mix system and local libraries, except for the list above. `ZLib` is a very common dependency; it is possible to mix system and local libraries in one build. However, we advise against doing so.
There is a [`Dockerfile`](linux/build-environment/Dockerfile) that can be used as an example of how to build Audacity using system libraries:
$ docker build -t audacity_linux_env .\linux\build-environment\
$ docker run --rm -v ${pwd}:/audacity/audacity/ -v ${pwd}/../build/linux-system:/audacity/build -it audacity_linux_env
To find system packages, we rely on `pkg-config`. There are several packages that have broken `*.pc` or do not use `pkg-config` at all. For the docker image - we handle this issue by installing the correct [`pc` files](linux/build-environment/pkgconfig/).