finally solved day 20 part 2
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

This commit is contained in:
Ben Harris 2021-11-28 15:58:31 -05:00
parent b94a8bb120
commit 990fcc8027
Signed by: ben
GPG Key ID: 4E0AF802FFF7960C
3 changed files with 263 additions and 142 deletions

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public class DayTests
// [DataRow(typeof(Day17), "293", "1816")] // this one takes too long and i don't want to bother optimizing it // [DataRow(typeof(Day17), "293", "1816")] // this one takes too long and i don't want to bother optimizing it
[DataRow(typeof(Day18), "12918250417632", "171259538712010")] [DataRow(typeof(Day18), "12918250417632", "171259538712010")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day19), "160", "357")] [DataRow(typeof(Day19), "160", "357")]
//[DataRow(typeof(Day20), "21599955909991", "")] [DataRow(typeof(Day20), "21599955909991", "2495")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day21), "2436", "dhfng,pgblcd,xhkdc,ghlzj,dstct,nqbnmzx,ntggc,znrzgs")] [DataRow(typeof(Day21), "2436", "dhfng,pgblcd,xhkdc,ghlzj,dstct,nqbnmzx,ntggc,znrzgs")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day22), "32856", "33805")] [DataRow(typeof(Day22), "32856", "33805")]
[DataRow(typeof(Day23), "36542897", "562136730660")] [DataRow(typeof(Day23), "36542897", "562136730660")]

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@ -5,158 +5,254 @@ namespace aoc2020;
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public sealed class Day20 : Day public sealed class Day20 : Day
{ {
private readonly List<Tile> _allPermutations;
private readonly List<Tile> _topLefts;
public Day20() : base(20, "Jurassic Jigsaw") public Day20() : base(20, "Jurassic Jigsaw")
{ {
public override string Part1()
var puzzlePieces = ParsePiecesFromInput(Input.ToArray());
var connections = FindConnections(puzzlePieces);
var cornerIds = connections
.Select(pair => (piece: pair.Key, nrConnections: pair.Value.Count))
.Where(connection => connection.nrConnections == 2)
.Select(connection => connection.piece.Id);
return $"{cornerIds.Aggregate((double)1, (curr, next) => curr * next)}";
public override string Part2()
var puzzlePieces = ParsePiecesFromInput(Input.ToArray());
var connections = FindConnections(puzzlePieces);
var puzzle = ComposePuzzle(connections);
var lines = ExtractImagesFromPuzzle(puzzle);
var numberSeaMonsters = TagSeaMonsters(lines);
var numberWaves = lines.Select(l => l.Count(c => c == '#')).Sum();
return $"{numberWaves - numberSeaMonsters * 15}";
private static IEnumerable<PuzzlePiece> ParsePiecesFromInput(string[] input)
var pieces = new List<PuzzlePiece>();
const int pieceHeight = 12;
for (var i = pieceHeight; i <= input.Length + 1; i += pieceHeight)
var lBound = i - pieceHeight;
var uBound = i - 1;
return pieces;
private static Dictionary<PuzzlePiece, List<PuzzlePiece>> FindConnections(IEnumerable<PuzzlePiece> puzzlePieces)
var sides = new Dictionary<string, PuzzlePiece>();
var connections = new Dictionary<PuzzlePiece, List<PuzzlePiece>>();
void AddConnection(PuzzlePiece p1, PuzzlePiece p2)
if (!connections.ContainsKey(p1)) connections.Add(p1, new List<PuzzlePiece>());
if (!connections.ContainsKey(p2)) connections.Add(p2, new List<PuzzlePiece>());
foreach (var piece in puzzlePieces)
foreach (var (original, flipped) in piece.SidesWithFlippedPaired.Value)
if (sides.ContainsKey(original))
var otherPiece = sides[original];
AddConnection(piece, otherPiece);
else if (sides.ContainsKey(flipped))
var otherPiece = sides[flipped];
AddConnection(piece, otherPiece);
sides.Add(original, piece);
sides.Add(flipped, piece);
return connections;
private static IEnumerable<PuzzlePiece[]> ComposePuzzle(Dictionary<PuzzlePiece, List<PuzzlePiece>> connections)
var sideSize = (int)Math.Sqrt(connections.Count);
var unprocessed = connections.Keys.ToHashSet();
// step 0: initialize puzzle array
var puzzle = new PuzzlePiece[sideSize][];
for (var i = 0; i < puzzle.Length; i++) puzzle[i] = new PuzzlePiece[sideSize];
// step1: take one of the angles (this will be our 0,0) and find its true orientation/side
var angle = connections.First(x => x.Value.Count == 2).Key;
puzzle[0][0] = RotatePieceToMatch00Position(angle, connections);
// step2: fill the first column
for (var i = 1; i < puzzle.Length; i++)
var previousPiece = puzzle[i - 1][0];
var bottomPiece = connections[previousPiece]
.Where(p => unprocessed.Contains(p))
.First(p => p.AllSidesWithFlipped.Value.Contains(previousPiece.BottomSide.Value));
puzzle[i][0] = bottomPiece.TransformSoTopMatchesWith(previousPiece.BottomSide.Value);
// step3: fill each row using the first value as starting point
foreach (var t in puzzle)
for (var c = 1; c < t.Length; c++)
var previousPiece = t[c - 1];
var rightPiece = connections[previousPiece]
.Where(p => unprocessed.Contains(p))
.First(p => p.AllSidesWithFlipped.Value.Contains(previousPiece.RightSide.Value));
t[c] = rightPiece.TransformSoLeftMatchesWith(previousPiece.RightSide.Value);
return puzzle;
private static char[][] ExtractImagesFromPuzzle(IEnumerable<PuzzlePiece[]> puzzle)
const int pieceHeight = 10;
var lines = new List<string>(); var lines = new List<string>();
var tiles = new List<Tile>();
var currentTileId = 0;
foreach (var line in Input) foreach (var t in puzzle)
if (line.StartsWith("Tile ")) for (var line = 1; line < pieceHeight - 1; line++)
{ lines.Add(t.Aggregate("", (current, t1) => current + t1.GetLine(line)[1..^1]));
currentTileId = int.Parse(line.Split(' ', ':')[1]);
else if (line == "")
tiles.Add(new(currentTileId, lines.Select(l => l.ToCharArray()).ToArray()));
if (lines.Any()) tiles.Add(new(currentTileId, lines.Select(l => l.ToCharArray()).ToArray())); return lines.Select(line => line.ToCharArray()).ToArray();
_allPermutations = tiles.SelectMany(t => t.AllPermutations()).ToList();
_topLefts = _allPermutations
.Where(t => !_allPermutations.Any(t2 => t.TileId != t2.TileId && t.LeftId == t2.RightId) &&
!_allPermutations.Any(t2 => t.TileId != t2.TileId && t.TopId == t2.BottomId))
} }
private int Roughness(Tile arg) private static PuzzlePiece RotatePieceToMatch00Position(
PuzzlePiece angle,
IReadOnlyDictionary<PuzzlePiece, List<PuzzlePiece>> connections)
{ {
var seaMonster = new[] var conn1 = connections[angle][0];
{ var conn2 = connections[angle][1];
" # ",
"# ## ## ###",
" # # # # # # "
}.Select(s => s.ToArray()).ToArray();
const int seaMonsterWidth = 20; var angleSides = angle.Sides.Value.ToHashSet();
const int seaMonsterHeight = 3; var connectionsSides = conn1.SidesWithFlippedPaired.Value
const int seaMonsterTiles = 15; .Concat(conn2.SidesWithFlippedPaired.Value)
.SelectMany(t => new[] { t.Item1, t.Item2 });
var placedTiles = new Dictionary<(int x, int y), Tile>(); angleSides.ExceptWith(connectionsSides);
bool NotPlaced(Tile tile) => placedTiles!.Values.All(t => t.TileId != tile.TileId); return angle.RotateUntilSidesCorrespondToTopLeft(angleSides);
char Grid(int i, int j) => placedTiles![(i / 8, j / 8)].Pixels[j % 8 + 1][i % 8 + 1];
bool HasSeaMonster((int x, int y) location)
for (var j = 0; j < seaMonsterHeight; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < seaMonsterWidth; i++)
if (seaMonster![j][i] == ' ') continue;
if (Grid(location.x + i, location.y + j) != '#') return false;
return true;
placedTiles[(0, 0)] = arg;
int x = 1, y = 0;
while (true)
placedTiles.TryGetValue((x - 1, y), out var left);
placedTiles.TryGetValue((x, y - 1), out var top);
if (left == null && top == null) break;
var firstMatch = _allPermutations
.Where(t => (left is null || t.LeftId == left.RightId) &&
(top is null || t.TopId == top.BottomId))
if (firstMatch is not null)
placedTiles[(x, y)] = firstMatch;
x = 0;
var gridWidth = placedTiles.Keys.Max(t => t.x) + 1;
var gridHeight = placedTiles.Keys.Max(t => t.y) + 1;
var seaMonsterCount = Enumerable.Range(0, gridWidth * 8 - seaMonsterWidth)
.SelectMany(_ => Enumerable.Range(0, gridHeight * 8 - seaMonsterHeight), (i, j) => (i, j))
if (seaMonsterCount == 0) return 0;
var roughness = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < gridHeight; j++)
for (var i = 0; i < gridWidth; i++)
if (Grid(x, y) == '#')
return roughness - seaMonsterCount * seaMonsterTiles;
} }
public override string Part1() => private static int TagSeaMonsters(char[][] lines)
$"{_topLefts.Select(t => t.TileId).Distinct().Aggregate(1L, (acc, next) => acc * next)}";
public override string Part2() =>
$"{_topLefts.Select(Roughness).First(r => r > 0)}";
private record Tile(int TileId, char[][] Pixels)
{ {
private const int Size = 10; var images = new List<char[][]> { lines };
internal int TopId => GetId(z => (z, 0)); lines = lines.Rotate();
internal int BottomId => GetId(z => (z, Size - 1)); images.Add(lines);
internal int LeftId => GetId(z => (0, z)); lines = lines.Rotate();
internal int RightId => GetId(z => (Size - 1, z)); images.Add(lines);
lines = lines.Rotate();
lines = lines.FlipHorizontally();
lines = lines.Rotate();
lines = lines.Rotate();
lines = lines.Rotate();
private int GetId(Func<int, (int x, int y)> selector) => Enumerable.Range(0, Size) return images.Select(CountSeaMonstersInImage).Sum();
.Select((c, i) => (Pixels[c.x][c.y] == '#' ? 1 : 0) << i)
.Aggregate(0, (acc, next) => acc | next);
private Tile RotateClockwise() => Transform((x, y, newPixels) => newPixels[x][Size - 1 - y] = Pixels[y][x]);
private Tile Flip() => Transform((x, y, newPixels) => newPixels[y][Size - 1 - x] = Pixels[y][x]);
private Tile Transform(Action<int, int, char[][]> transformFunc)
var newPixels = Enumerable.Repeat(false, Size).Select(_ => new char[Size]).ToArray();
for (var y = 0; y < Size; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < Size; x++)
transformFunc(x, y, newPixels);
return new(TileId, newPixels);
internal IEnumerable<Tile> AllPermutations()
var tile = this;
for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
yield return tile;
if (i == 4) tile = Flip();
else if (i == 8) yield break;
tile = tile.RotateClockwise();
public string Format() => $"Tile {TileId}:\n{string.Join("\n", Pixels.Select(p => new string(p)))}";
} }
private static int CountSeaMonstersInImage(char[][] lines)
const string pattern = @"(?<=#.{77})#.{4}#{2}.{4}#{2}.{4}#{3}(?=.{77}#.{2}#.{2}#.{2}#.{2}#.{2}#)";
var singleLine = lines.Aggregate("", (curr, next) => curr + new string(next));
var matches = Regex.Matches(singleLine, pattern);
return matches.Count;
private class PuzzlePiece
public readonly long Id;
private readonly char[][] _piece;
private readonly Lazy<string> _topSide;
public readonly Lazy<string> RightSide;
public readonly Lazy<string> BottomSide;
private readonly Lazy<string> _leftSide;
public readonly Lazy<string[]> Sides;
public readonly Lazy<HashSet<string>> AllSidesWithFlipped;
public readonly Lazy<(string, string)[]> SidesWithFlippedPaired;
public static PuzzlePiece CreatePieceFromString(string[] pieceWithId)
var id = long.Parse(pieceWithId[0][5..^1]);
var piece = pieceWithId[1..].Select(x => x.ToCharArray()).ToArray();
return new PuzzlePiece(id, piece);
private PuzzlePiece(long id, char[][] piece)
Id = id;
_piece = piece;
_topSide = new Lazy<string>(() => new string(piece[0]));
RightSide = new Lazy<string>(() => new string(piece.Select(line => line[^1]).ToArray()));
BottomSide = new Lazy<string>(() => new string(piece[^1].Reverse().ToArray()));
_leftSide = new Lazy<string>(() => new string(piece.Select(line => line[0]).Reverse().ToArray()));
Sides = new Lazy<string[]>(() => new[]
{ _topSide.Value, RightSide.Value, BottomSide.Value, _leftSide.Value });
SidesWithFlippedPaired = new Lazy<(string, string)[]>(() => CalculateSidesWithFlipped(this));
AllSidesWithFlipped = new Lazy<HashSet<string>>(() => CalculateAllSidesWithFlipped(this));
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => obj is PuzzlePiece piece && Id == piece.Id;
public override int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(Id);
public override string ToString() => Id.ToString();
public PuzzlePiece TransformSoTopMatchesWith(string sideToMatch) =>
TransformSoSideMatchesWith(new string(sideToMatch.Reverse().ToArray()), p => p._topSide.Value);
public PuzzlePiece TransformSoLeftMatchesWith(string sideToMatch) =>
TransformSoSideMatchesWith(new string(sideToMatch.Reverse().ToArray()), p => p._leftSide.Value);
private PuzzlePiece TransformSoSideMatchesWith(string sideToMatch, Func<PuzzlePiece, string> getSide)
var side = getSide(this);
if (side == sideToMatch) return this;
return Sides.Value.ToHashSet().Contains(sideToMatch)
? Rotated().TransformSoSideMatchesWith(sideToMatch, getSide)
: Flipped().TransformSoSideMatchesWith(sideToMatch, getSide);
public PuzzlePiece RotateUntilSidesCorrespondToTopLeft(IReadOnlySet<string> sides) =>
sides.Contains(_leftSide.Value) && sides.Contains(_topSide.Value)
? this
: Rotated().RotateUntilSidesCorrespondToTopLeft(sides);
private PuzzlePiece Rotated() => new(Id, _piece.Rotate());
private PuzzlePiece Flipped() => new(Id, _piece.FlipHorizontally());
public string GetLine(int l) => new(_piece[l]);
private static (string, string)[] CalculateSidesWithFlipped(PuzzlePiece piece) =>
new (string, string)[]
(piece._topSide.Value, new string(piece._topSide.Value.Reverse().ToArray())),
(piece.RightSide.Value, new string(piece.RightSide.Value.Reverse().ToArray())),
(piece.BottomSide.Value, new string(piece.BottomSide.Value.Reverse().ToArray())),
(piece._leftSide.Value, new string(piece._leftSide.Value.Reverse().ToArray())),
private static HashSet<string> CalculateAllSidesWithFlipped(PuzzlePiece piece) =>
piece.Sides.Value.Concat(piece.Sides.Value.Select(s => new string(s.Reverse().ToArray()))).ToHashSet();

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@ -14,7 +14,32 @@ public static class Extensions
/// </summary> /// </summary>
/// <param name="stopwatch"></param> /// <param name="stopwatch"></param>
/// <returns></returns> /// <returns></returns>
public static double ScaleMilliseconds(this Stopwatch stopwatch) => 1_000 * stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency; public static double ScaleMilliseconds(this Stopwatch stopwatch) =>
1_000 * stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
public static bool Contains(this Range range, int i) => i >= range.Start.Value && i <= range.End.Value; public static bool Contains(this Range range, int i) => i >= range.Start.Value && i <= range.End.Value;
/// <summary>
/// Given an array, it returns a rotated copy.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">The two dimensional jagged array to rotate.</param>
public static T[][] Rotate<T>(this T[][] array)
var result = new T[array[0].Length][];
for (var i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
result[i] = new T[array.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].Length; j++)
result[i][j] = array[array.Length - j - 1][i];
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Given a jagged array, it returns a diagonally flipped copy.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="array">The two dimensional jagged array to flip.</param>
public static T[][] FlipHorizontally<T>(this IEnumerable<T[]> array) =>
array.Select(x => x.Reverse().ToArray()).ToArray();
} }