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# ChatSharp
A C# library for chatting on an IRC (Internet Relay Protocol) network.
Supports a lot of RFC 1459 and a little of 2812.
## Example Usage
var client = new IrcClient("", new IrcUser("ChatSharp", "ChatSharp"));
client.ConnectionComplete += (s, e) => client.JoinChannel("#botwar");
client.ChannelMessageReceived += (s, e) =>
var channel = client.Channels[e.PrivateMessage.Source];
if (e.PrivateMessage.Message == ".list")
channel.SendMessage(string.Join(", ", channel.Users.Select(u => u.Nick)));
else if (e.PrivateMessage.Message.StartsWith(".ban "))
if (!channel.UsersByMode['@'].Contains(client.User))
channel.SendMessage("I'm not an op here!");
var target = e.PrivateMessage.Message.Substring(5);
client.WhoIs(target, whois => channel.ChangeMode("+b *!*@" + whois.User.Hostname));
while (true) ; // Waste CPU cycles
## Compiling
dotnet build -c Release
You'll receive binaries in `ChatSharp/bin/Release/netstandard2.1`. ChatSharp has no dependencies.
## Support
Open an [issue]( describing your problem.
## Development / Contributing
ChatSharp is developed with the following workflow:
1. Nothing happens for weeks/months/years
2. Someone needs it to do something it doesn't already do
3. That person implements that something and submits a pull request
4. Repeat
If it doesn't have a feature that you want it to have, add it! The code isn't that scary.