
145 lines
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Org Mode

#+TITLE: Bake-Bread, a bread baker
#+AUTHOR: Case Duckworth
This is a literate org file that'll generate It's got features like [[][pandoc]] templating, poor-person's wiki-fying, manpage generation, and (stretch goal!) gemini and gopher output as well. I'm going to try to do this in as little "programming" as possible -- just =make=, =sh=, and =pandoc=, I hope.
* Index.html
First things first, we need to generate the site index, good old =/index.html=. That should be easy enough from a markdown source, plus a template.
A note: There are a few Make variables we'll be defining those later on in this file (see [[*Variables]]), but of course earlier in the resulting Makefile. /Tangling!/
#+NAME index_recipe
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(O)/index.html: $(T_CRUST)
$(PANDOC) $< --template=$(T_CRUST) -o $@
* Pages
There are a couple of pages that should be easy to get to on, for example, =/join=, =/about=, and =/donate=. They should all look pretty similar to =/index.html=, so their recipes do, too.
A note: I /could/ do something fancy here, I'm sure, but my Make is rusty so I'm manually specifying each recipe. I will fix it later, or merge requests are welcome!
#+NAME pages_recipe
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
$(O)/join/index.html: $(T_CRUST)
$(PANDOC) $< --template=$(T_CRUST) -o $@
$(O)/about/index.html: $(T_CRUST)
$(PANDOC) $< --template=$(T_CRUST) -o $@
$(O)/donate/index.html: $(T_CRUST)
$(PANDOC) $< --template=$(T_CRUST) -o $@
* Cookbook
Here's the fun part: a "cookbook" for bakers to add their own stuff to get listed on We're also going to put docs here, like the Manifesto, etc. I might have to route /docs to /cookbook, just so we don't break links.
** TODO decide between these two possibilities
*** ~/.cookbook file
In each user's =$HOME=, we'll look for a file called =.cookbook=, with the following format:
white bread bread.html
cookies cookies.html
*** ~/cookbook/ directory
In each user's =$HOME=, we'll look for files in a directory called =cookbook=. If those files end in we'll run them through =pandoc= and sanitize the output HTML, wrap it in =<article>= tags, and dump it in a template page. If it's =.html= we'll just ... wrap it in =<article>= and dump it in there. Hm.. I guess we should sanitize it as well.
* Publish
After everything is built, we can publish the site to =/var/www/=. First, though, we'll back up the current site, just in case of data loss.
Oh, and of course, =publish= is a =.PHONY= target. Let's specify that.
#+NAME publish_recipe
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
.PHONY: publish
publish: O/*
$(RSYNC) $(P)/ /bread/site_backups/$$(date %FT%T)/
$(RSYNC) --delete $(O)/ $(P)
* Variables
** Makefile
There are a couple of variables we need to define for the Makefile to work.
*** Build and publish directories
The build directory is like a staging area, getting the sources ready for moving to the publish directory in the [[*Publish][publish]] rule.
#+NAME var_build
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
O = build
P = /var/www
*** Templates
These are the various templates we'll pass to =pandoc= to generate We've got a general, "crust" one for basic pages, as well as an "crumb" one for individual articles in a river-of-news style page (like =/news=).
#+NAME var_templates
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
T_CRUST = crust.templ.html
T_CRUMB = crumb.templ.html
*** Pandoc invocation
So that I don't have to remember the =pandoc= invocation every time I invoke it, here it is in a (couple of) variables.
#+NAME var_pandoc
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
PANDOC_BIN = /usr/bin/pandoc
PANDOC_OPT = --from=markdown --to=html
*** Rsync invocation
Since I call =rsync= more than once, I'm popping its invocation in a variable.
#+NAME var_rsync
#+BEGIN_SRC makefile
RSYNC_BIN = /usr/bin/rsync
RSYNC_OPT = --archive --verbose --compress --progress
* Templates
** =crust.templ.html=
The crust is the outside of the bread, and it's the outside of a breadpage. It's what makes the page displayable by a browser.
#+NAME template_crust
#+begin_src html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="a collaborative bread-positive space">
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="">
<!-- TODO ^ load font locally -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/S/breadpunk.css">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/S/breadpunk.png">
<div id="header">
<div class="nav">
<!-- TODO -->
<marquee id="users">
<!-- TODO -->
<div id="main">
<div class="header">
<div id="footer">
** =crumb.templ.html=
The crumb is ... the inside. It's the tasty soft middle that makes the bread interesting. We'll wrap our content in the crumb before stuffing all the different ones in the crust. Maybe this should've been burritopunk. Hm.