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Session Start: Mon Aug 17 00:00:01 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
A12:00:16 <PuyoDead> which is completely unnecessary
A12:00:19 <mail2345|semi-afk> eh
A12:00:42 <mail2345|semi-afk> anyway, it now only does that if you ask in a /msg
A12:00:53 <PuyoDead> that's acceptable
A12:00:57 <mail2345|semi-afk> like ./msg Usefulbot title <url>
A12:04:44 <mail2345|semi-afk> along with calc
A12:05:51 <TheOne> know what site I find most useful?
A12:05:56 <PuyoDead> google?
A12:06:08 <TheOne> colse
A12:06:26 <TheOne> close*
A12:06:38 <TheOne> http://lmgtfy.com
10A12:07:22 * GMAmatsu is now known as Amatsu
A12:07:41 <Nalok> I wish the forums were up
A12:09:08 <mail2345|semi-afk> send citric some money
10A12:10:21 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A12:11:48 <mail2345|semi-afk> lots of money
10A12:12:29 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4FA7.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10A12:12:33 * ChanServ sets mode: +o C418
A12:15:24 <mail2345|semi-afk> hello
A12:15:36 <mail2345|semi-afk> btw, I silenced usefulbot
10A12:17:56 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-243-93-145.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A12:17:57 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
A12:18:12 <Super-Dot> "back soon" :O
A12:19:12 <mail2345|semi-afk> poor octopus: http://www.reefcentral.com/vid/bluering/bluering_content.html
A12:19:34 <LG_Legacy> Speaking of octopus
A12:19:41 <LG_Legacy> How many of you have actually sent money to the squid?
A12:20:10 <PuyoDead> I would, if I could
A12:20:14 <mail2345|semi-afk> same
A12:20:48 <LG_Legacy> Huh you know, i got this odd feeling we're in this circle
A12:21:08 <PuyoDead> problem is, I need to get one of those job things, first
A12:21:35 <LG_Legacy> Puyo, me, mail, unknownx, quatroking, annihilatorbeta, and i think someone else.
A12:22:22 <mail2345|semi-afk> holy fucking christ
A12:22:35 <UnknownX> I never gave him money :(
A12:22:38 <mail2345|semi-afk> a bmp of a 3MB png takes 100x the sie
A12:22:39 <Jeffman12> I made a lava pit and someone made a mess of my server
A12:22:43 <mail2345|semi-afk> jeez
A12:22:50 <UnknownX> The only way i could have is if i mailed it to him
A12:23:09 <UnknownX> Or were you not talking about the money
A12:23:38 <mail2345|semi-afk> my last three lines were about hte retardedness of bmp
A12:24:08 <Super-Dot> I think it's cuz bmp is uncompressed
A12:24:27 <Super-Dot> Which is useful sometimes
A12:24:54 <Super-Dot> But it means that it's really silly to use bmp as a default save format in an image editor
A12:25:56 <mail2345|semi-afk> *ahem paint*
A12:27:46 <AnnihilatorBeta> night
A12:27:50 <mail2345|semi-afk> night
A12:28:16 <AnnihilatorBeta> i feel loved by your reply
A12:28:30 <AnnihilatorBeta> bye <3
12A12:28:36 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: i love you too hon)
10A12:32:31 * ModernOrganizedJewry (heyhey.mam@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:33:35 <Super-Dot> All are loved in the Minecraft kingdom
12A12:34:24 * Maulrus (heyhey.mam@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A12:36:30 <Towel> Any idea where I can find the song from Minecraft?
12A12:37:10 * ModernOrganizedJewry (heyhey.mam@ip24-252-94-236.no.no.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A12:37:42 * mail2345|semi-afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A12:40:35 <Drakkar> ask C418
A12:40:41 <Drakkar> @ Towel
A12:40:43 <UnknownX> Somewhere in your temp folders
A12:40:52 <Drakkar> or that
A12:41:16 <LG_Legacy> No you're a towel
10A12:44:48 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A12:46:49 <UnknownX> Towel
A12:47:44 <UnknownX> C:\Users\UnknownX\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
A12:47:55 <UnknownX> Just replace UnknownX with your user
A12:48:04 <UnknownX> IF you have vista
A12:51:26 <Blade`Skydancer> I swear, if I find the IP of whoever the fuck keeps hitting Yggdrasil. . .
A12:51:40 <Blade`Skydancer> I'm going to go over to their house with a big knife, and kill mommy and daddy.
A12:51:42 <Towel> Thanks.
A12:51:50 <Blade`Skydancer> Then I'm gonna' peel off their skin and make a funny hat.
A12:52:04 <UnknownX> Your going to rip out their heart and rape their brains
A12:54:28 <Blade`Skydancer> Then I'm gonna' take out my huge ding-dong and shove it up your *doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*
12A12:54:59 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A12:55:46 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A12:59:40 <Nalok> GOD IS A POPSTAR!
A1:02:25 <TheOne> omen needs a tree maker
10A1:07:49 * MOO (chatzilla@c-71-57-110-255.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:08:06 <UnknownX> Thats nice
A1:08:38 <Nalok> Someone should make a white cloth skin
A1:08:47 <Nalok> Be perfect for snow maps
A1:12:09 <UnknownX> Hello MOO
A1:17:04 <UnknownX> Its very quiet :(
A1:17:17 <MOO> moo
A1:18:01 <UnknownX> >:( i don't want any milk
A1:18:25 <TheOne> Beef, it's whats for dinner
A1:18:37 <Siiseli> i WANT BEEF
A1:18:37 <Siiseli> oops
A1:18:39 <Siiseli> caps
12A1:19:49 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4FA7.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
A1:22:17 <UnknownX> I think moo died :(
A1:25:09 <toast> TheOne: u
A1:25:27 <TheOne> what toast?
A1:25:30 <toast> Hi!
10A1:25:40 * mail2345|semi-afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:25:45 <mail2345|semi-afk> hello
A1:25:49 <TheOne> hey
12A1:26:40 * toast (cocks@CPE002078cab8d1-CM000f9faa73a8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Why all the hate, guys)
12A1:28:03 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A1:28:51 * H4X (custom@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A1:29:07 <mail2345|semi-afk> ...
A1:29:16 <TheOne> indeed
A1:30:46 <mail2345|semi-afk> anyone on besides me and theone?
A1:31:20 <MOO> yo
A1:31:30 <UnknownX> Me
A1:31:45 <mail2345|semi-afk> cool
10A1:32:07 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:32:25 <Keegs> hallo
A1:32:32 <TheOne> hey
A1:33:00 <mail2345|semi-afk> hello
A1:33:14 <MOO> im a cow
10A1:33:16 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:34:16 <mail2345|semi-afk> hmm
A1:34:31 <TheOne> ?
A1:34:41 <mail2345|semi-afk> i think your an alt of someone,MOO, I reconinze the "New Now Know How"
A1:35:20 <MOO> im not
10A1:35:33 * H4X (custom@ has joined #minecraft
12A1:35:35 * Cyanide (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A1:35:40 <mail2345|semi-afk> hmm. strange, you and someone else picked the same * "" thing
A1:35:45 <mail2345|semi-afk> oh well
A1:35:49 <mail2345|semi-afk> given that htere are about
A1:36:20 <mail2345|semi-afk> a good amount of users, there might be a coincidental clash
A1:37:06 <mail2345|semi-afk> oh wait
A1:37:11 <mail2345|semi-afk> ./facepalm
A1:37:20 <mail2345|semi-afk> that's the defulat for chatzila
A1:37:23 <UnknownX> new now know how is the default
A1:37:25 <MOO> yea
A1:37:55 <mail2345|semi-afk> cool, CC finally loaded
10A1:38:24 * Amatsu is now known as Amatsu-Sleep
A1:38:51 <UnknownX> Me and MOO just lost at UNO :(
A1:39:16 <Keegs> They need to do something about these stupid griefers with hacks (While giving Owners the option to enable flying and speed for reg users)
A1:39:27 <Keegs> (without hacks)
A1:39:30 <mail2345|semi-afk> whine too wom
A1:39:41 <mail2345|semi-afk> after they made the hacks public
A1:39:47 <mail2345|semi-afk> well
A1:39:55 <Keegs> Good art went to hell
A1:40:04 <Keegs> and buildings
12A1:40:57 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A1:43:41 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:45:15 <Siiseli> no
A1:45:17 <Siiseli> caps off
A1:45:17 <Siiseli> :|
A1:45:21 <Nalok> :/
A1:45:24 <Nalok> No U
A1:45:26 <Nalok> :D
A1:46:54 <Nalok> Seriously someone should do that
10A1:47:25 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12A1:47:35 * Kinhoshi (Error404@243-228.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:47:45 <Siiseli> :<
12A1:47:59 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
A1:48:22 <mail2345|semi-afk> it's easy
A1:48:43 <mail2345|semi-afk> it's just that no-one feels like making it for you
12A1:49:22 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A1:49:25 * Dudebro (chatzilla@adsl-68-94-22-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:49:39 <Dudebro> gentlemen.
A1:49:46 <Nalok> But I is teh sucks at skin making
A1:50:02 <Nalok> Also, MENTELGEN
12A1:50:12 * spadge (spadge@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A1:52:50 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
10A1:53:27 * doohan (doohan@client-81-107-68-41.bmly.adsl.virgin.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:53:33 <Marach> oww randati is out :/
A1:54:42 <Dudebro> any idea when the forums will be back up?
A1:54:57 <Dudebro> Other than soon?
A1:55:08 <Marach> not soon
A1:55:35 <Dudebro> Thank you.
A1:55:48 <Nalok> lol
10A1:56:05 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:57:34 <mail2345|semi-afk> true
A1:57:45 <mail2345|semi-afk> citric has been perpetually extending the date
A1:57:55 <mail2345|semi-afk> therefore, we must give him more money
A1:58:53 <Nalok> What an fag
A1:59:15 <Dudebro> Why did I laugh so hard at "an fag"?
A1:59:49 <Nalok> because it should be a fag but I sed an
A2:00:11 <Dudebro> Brilliant.
A2:00:57 <Nalok> Also because it's true
A2:00:59 <Nalok> :D
12A2:01:02 * MOO (chatzilla@c-71-57-110-255.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
10A2:01:03 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
12A2:04:04 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:04:19 <mail2345|semi-afk> only when citric gets lots and lots of money, then the foumrs will be back'
A2:04:30 <mail2345|semi-afk> after the thousand mark or so
12A2:05:28 * Dudebro (chatzilla@adsl-68-94-22-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
A2:05:33 <UnknownX> Where did MOO go :'(
12A2:06:02 * mail2345|semi-afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: well, look at the time)
10A2:07:00 * Nalok is now known as Nalok_Asleep
A2:08:04 <Towel> Fuck I hate griefers.
A2:08:14 <Marach> make a private server
A2:08:22 <UnknownX> :'( my hand is burning
A2:08:34 <Marach> you dont have 2 of them for no reason
A2:08:46 <UnknownX> Gay bottle
10A2:10:14 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A2:10:34 <TheOne> oh hey, were under a sever thunderstorm warning...
A2:10:38 <TheOne> fun
12A2:17:08 * Towel (Mibbit@c-98-250-4-255.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A2:17:18 * Towel (Mibbit@c-98-250-4-255.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10A2:25:22 * Foa (chatzilla@c-98-248-47-122.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:25:33 <offset> doohan, need any more images? :)
A2:27:16 <Foa> Cool Skin. http://animatorhost.org/public/altair-0eePurpleRank2ndTopxmtn.png
12A2:27:21 * Foa (chatzilla@c-98-248-47-122.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A2:32:58 * doohan (doohan@client-81-107-68-41.bmly.adsl.virgin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A2:36:11 * liq3 (liquidman3@ has joined #minecraft
A2:37:56 <offset> liq3, 99 >:)
A2:38:13 <liq3> 99?
A2:38:15 <liq3> ah. >:(
A2:39:47 <offset> 800 food stores, should be fine
A2:39:50 <liq3> lol.
A2:39:53 <liq3> boos?
A2:40:02 <offset> P.Helm
A2:40:05 <offset> mostly
A2:40:10 <liq3> i mean, how much alcohol? :P
A2:40:16 <offset> 40
A2:40:19 <liq3> lol.
A2:40:54 <offset> 1 Barrel/Caravan usually suffices
A2:40:57 <liq3> i have like 150 food, and 350 drinks. :P
12A2:41:20 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:41:37 <liq3> i'm not worried though, i have farms producing non-stop. Whenever they're in season for plaanting, they fill up because I have like 4 farmers. <3
A2:42:12 <offset> yep
12A2:42:33 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A2:46:02 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12A2:52:38 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: www.lgteam.tk)
12A2:53:08 * Jeffman12 (Jeffman12@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
10A3:04:20 * DragonRift (dragonrift@S010600226b5e58f0.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
10A3:04:44 * triddin_ (triddin@ has joined #minecraft
10A3:05:34 * mib_whf3s3 (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:05:44 <mib_whf3s3> hello
12A3:05:56 * mib_whf3s3 (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A3:07:07 * triddin (triddin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A3:07:22 * triddin_ is now known as triddin
10A3:09:05 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A3:10:12 <Super-Dot> Every time I look at this channel and the last message is someone saying "hello", the person has already left
A3:10:26 <liq3> lol.
10A3:10:26 * smk (Mibbit@dsl-hkibrasgw1-feb6f900-158.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #minecraft
A3:10:33 <liq3> it's because we're so afk? :P
A3:10:47 <Super-Dot> I don't think it would bother me so much if they said something like "habbadaeotshakmaaaaaaaagooooo"
12A3:10:52 * testvan (testvan@97-123-59-236.albq.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A3:10:57 <Super-Dot> Since that doesn't require a response
A3:11:03 <Marach> hello
A3:11:08 <Super-Dot> An unreplied hello is sort of sad
10A3:11:11 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has left #minecraft
A3:11:17 <Super-Dot> Goodb—
10A3:11:20 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A3:11:26 <Marach> just kidding :)
A3:11:34 <Super-Dot> Goodbye D:
12A3:14:20 * smk (Mibbit@dsl-hkibrasgw1-feb6f900-158.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A3:16:30 <Marach> ...
10A3:17:46 * testvan (testvan@97-123-17-32.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:22:38 <Marach> "Player blocked due to low FPS"
A3:22:50 <Marach> i feel i will begin to cry
A3:24:32 <liq3> Marach: What?
10A3:26:34 * mib_pnujcd (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:26:45 <mib_pnujcd> hey
A3:26:52 <liq3> HELLO
A3:26:56 <mib_pnujcd> im trying to play mine craft
A3:27:05 <mib_pnujcd> but i kepp getting this error
A3:27:55 <mib_pnujcd> Fatal error occured (5): null
A3:28:32 <mib_pnujcd> when i try to download the packages
A3:29:13 <mib_pnujcd> help?
A3:30:14 <ChJees> Hmm, fun
12A3:30:19 * mib_pnujcd (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A3:30:32 <ChJees> Yay, Null pointer exception!
10A3:31:56 * mib_milhb7 (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:34:24 <liq3> No idea why.
A3:34:47 <Marach> clear java cache...
A3:35:04 <Marach> go to control panel
A3:35:07 <Marach> click java
A3:35:28 <UnknownX> Clearitclearitclearit
A3:35:45 <Marach> click settings
A3:35:48 <Marach> and clear everything
A3:35:49 <mib_milhb7> its fixed
A3:36:17 <UnknownX> Where is citricsquid :'(
A3:36:40 <UnknownX> He said the client was supposed to pay him yesterday
A3:37:00 <UnknownX> For that naked dancing video
10A3:39:06 * Tich (richondriu@78-22-224-209.access.telenet.be) has joined #minecraft
A3:39:19 <Tich> Hi peoples
12A3:39:35 * mib_milhb7 (Mibbit@S01060014bf893eca.nb.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A3:39:57 <UnknownX> I've got major internet-fu
10A3:40:22 * TheOne (TheOne@ has left #minecraft (Leaving)
10A3:40:39 * Cue (cueball61@bl8-61-210.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
12A3:46:38 * Arf (a@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A3:46:49 <Marach> randati coome
A3:46:58 <Marach> people need you
A3:47:09 <Marach> do it for the humanity
A3:48:08 <UnknownX> I'm browsing the forums
A3:48:18 <Marach> lol?
A3:49:03 <UnknownX> What?
A3:50:29 <Marach> what forums
A3:50:43 <UnknownX> brb
12A3:51:11 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A3:52:12 <Marach> Premium-only Server is griefed xD
10A3:52:30 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A3:52:44 <UnknownX> Minecraft forums
A3:52:55 <Marach> webarchive?
A3:53:14 <Marach> real thing is still down
A3:53:35 <Super-Dot> UnknownX, you have access to the forums? :O
A3:53:41 <UnknownX> Yes
A3:53:45 <Super-Dot> Could you give us a LINK?!? :O
12A3:53:56 * Towel (Mibbit@c-98-250-4-255.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A3:55:23 <UnknownX> Hold on firefox is being gay >:(
A3:55:44 <Marach> wayback machine returns no results...
10A3:57:37 * Malcovent (malcoventa@host86-133-8-189.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
12A3:57:44 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A3:57:48 <Marach> lol
A3:58:47 <Malcovent> lol indeed.
10A3:59:07 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A3:59:19 <UnknownX> Wayback machine doesn't work at all
A3:59:32 <UnknownX> I haven't seen one page cached by it
A3:59:35 <Marach> ungay your firefox!
A3:59:47 <UnknownX> What?
A3:59:53 <Marach> back to the conversation... LINK!
A4:00:09 <Marach> forums!
A4:00:29 <UnknownX> No!
A4:00:33 <UnknownX> Its mine
A4:00:35 <UnknownX> :(
A4:00:47 <UnknownX> Citricsquid says not to
12A4:01:06 * triddin (triddin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:01:40 <Marach> he is not here
A4:02:09 <UnknownX> If i give it to you it will make you really want the forums
A4:02:24 <Marach> i already do
A4:02:27 <UnknownX> And citricsquid will be dinged like crazy
A4:02:35 <Marach> i dont care
A4:02:44 <UnknownX> And we may have a C-day
A4:02:53 <Marach> what?
10A4:02:57 * TheOne (TheOne@ks-138-210-223-223.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:02:58 <Tich> citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid ding ding ding ding
A4:03:04 <UnknownX> Tich..
A4:03:09 <UnknownX> citricsquid isn't here
A4:03:10 <Tich> :)
A4:03:22 <Tich> I know, but now he's being dinged like crazy
A4:03:32 <Marach> anyone here played Unreal Tournament?
A4:03:34 <Tich> let's just hope the forums are back sooner then we think
A4:03:37 <UnknownX> How do you ding someone who isn't here?
A4:03:49 <Tich> I still have the 2004 version lying around
A4:03:57 <UnknownX> I have 2003
A4:03:58 <Tich> say there name
A4:04:07 <Marach> ima making DM-Curse minecraft remake
A4:04:11 <Tich> you need 2003 to play 2004 so
A4:04:18 <UnknownX> If they are not here
A4:04:21 <Marach> i dont need 2003 to play 2004
A4:04:31 <Tich> to install it you do D:
A4:04:36 <Super-Dot> citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid citricsquid
A4:04:37 <UnknownX> Ohhhh snap!
A4:04:39 <Marach> i didnt
A4:04:49 <Marach> i just bought it and installed it
A4:04:51 <Tich> Well I did
A4:04:52 <UnknownX> The forums are great
A4:04:54 <Super-Dot> (ding)
A4:04:58 <Marach> ding
A4:05:02 <Tich> but then again I have the collectors edition of 2004
A4:05:13 <Marach> editor's choice?
A4:05:25 <Marach> my remake is finished in 50%
A4:05:35 <Marach> i make it on private server
A4:05:50 <Marach> Randati runs it but HE IS NOT HERE neither his server!!!
10A4:05:55 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
A4:06:00 <Marach> waiting hurts
A4:06:01 <UnknownX> Who wants the real link to the forums
12A4:06:05 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A4:06:06 <Marach> me
A4:06:15 <UnknownX> >:)
A4:06:22 <UnknownX> What will you do for me?
A4:06:35 <Marach> show you my unfinished remake
A4:06:41 <UnknownX> I don't care
A4:06:43 <Tich> I want the link
A4:06:47 <UnknownX>
A4:06:47 <Marach> by giving a link to a priv server
A4:06:58 <UnknownX> Take the dang cache >:(
A4:07:05 <Marach> google -_-
A4:07:08 <UnknownX> :)
A4:07:27 <UnknownX> I used it to find dexter and adura's admin scripts
A4:07:33 <UnknownX> and got free voice
A4:07:43 <Marach> but links dont work xD
A4:07:49 <UnknownX> They do
A4:08:01 <UnknownX> You need the firefox add-on
A4:08:18 <UnknownX> Or your going to have to continuously search google
A4:08:45 <UnknownX> But google bans you if you click too fast
A4:08:51 <UnknownX> for about 30 seconds
A4:08:52 <Super-Dot> I wonder if there's a site that frames Google Cache so that you don't have to do that
A4:09:14 <UnknownX> Super-Dot: I've been trying to find an automated google cache displayer
A4:09:20 <UnknownX> If its not availible
A4:09:26 <UnknownX> available*
12A4:10:05 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:10:14 <UnknownX> But the one that is automated consistently bothers me with a java error
A4:10:22 <UnknownX> >:(
10A4:10:29 * smn`offline is now known as smn
10A4:11:15 * Malcovent (malcoventa@host86-133-8-189.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) has left #minecraft
10A4:12:12 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:13:02 <Super-Dot> Which one is that?
A4:13:13 <UnknownX> err...
A4:13:21 <UnknownX> I dont remember
A4:13:42 <Super-Dot> Ah well
A4:13:57 <UnknownX> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9355
A4:14:05 <UnknownX> That one is flawed
A4:15:03 <Marach> im too lazy
10A4:15:03 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
10A4:15:54 * Towel (Mibbit@c-98-250-4-255.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:16:09 <Towel> Griefers should die.
A4:16:17 <Marach> yea
A4:16:56 <liq3> Towel: No, they should be taught. :/
12A4:17:10 * TheOne (TheOne@ks-138-210-223-223.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (Quit: Need a reboot...)
12A4:19:31 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12A4:19:51 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A4:24:07 * TheOne (TheOne@ks-138-210-223-223.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
12A4:24:58 * Tich (richondriu@78-22-224-209.access.telenet.be) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A4:27:52 * Towel (Mibbit@c-98-250-4-255.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A4:28:00 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A4:28:06 <UnknownX> citricsquid!
A4:28:07 <UnknownX> darn
A4:28:18 <Super-Dot> citricsquiiiiiiiiid~
A4:28:31 <UnknownX> Lets do the squid groove
A4:30:35 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:30:45 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:30:50 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:30:56 <UnknownX> citricsquid said he was going to ask notch if it was ok if he could op and voice people
A4:30:59 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:31:03 <UnknownX> so i can have my voice back
A4:31:04 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:31:06 <UnknownX> :'(
12A4:31:11 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:31:18 <UnknownX> ;)
A4:31:27 <UnknownX> >:(
A4:31:27 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:31:37 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:31:40 <UnknownX> :|
A4:31:45 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:31:53 <Super-Dot> It's the squid groove
A4:31:53 <UnknownX> :?
A4:32:09 <UnknownX> All i see is a person
A4:32:26 <Super-Dot> I'll make it go faster
A4:32:34 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:32:45 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:32:49 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:32:56 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:33:01 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:33:09 <Super-Dot> o(<
A4:33:16 <Super-Dot> oK
A4:33:20 <Super-Dot>
A4:33:43 <Super-Dot> See, it's a squid propelling itself
A4:34:00 <Super-Dot> It looks better if the K isn't serifed
10A4:34:09 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-29.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10A4:34:12 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
A4:34:13 <Super-Dot> :O
A4:34:20 <Super-Dot> The squid groove worked!
A4:34:42 <citricsquid> the ripples in the air awoke me.
A4:34:49 <Siiseli> Super-Dot, that's kind of annoying
A4:34:58 <Super-Dot> Sorry
A4:35:04 <Super-Dot> I'll use pastebin next time
A4:35:11 <Siiseli> thanksies
A4:36:11 <UnknownX> Citricsquid where is the client and your money?
A4:36:45 <UnknownX> Did you not dance well enough?
10A4:37:06 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:37:38 <Marach> i cant connect to my server
A4:37:49 <UnknownX> verify-names=false
A4:37:56 <UnknownX> But then your server is doomed
A4:38:02 <Marach> trying
A4:38:09 <citricsquid> Still not emailed me back, I'll whip him with my tentacles.
A4:38:54 <UnknownX> http://www.reefcentral.com/vid/bluering/bluering_content.html
A4:38:58 <UnknownX> Run!
A4:39:17 <citricsquid> :(
A4:39:27 <Marach> still cant connect
A4:39:45 <UnknownX> What address are you connecting with?
A4:40:05 <Marach> the one in externalurl.txt
A4:40:45 <UnknownX> Try ip=
A4:40:51 <UnknownX> (Or something like that)
A4:41:03 <citricsquid> when the forums are back I'll give premium to the user who can write the best tutorial for running your own server that covers all erorrs.
A4:41:15 <Marach> noooooo
A4:41:20 <UnknownX> Well that excludes me
A4:41:21 <Marach> i already have!
A4:41:25 <UnknownX> I have premium
A4:41:36 <UnknownX> GL finding someone to do it
A4:42:07 <UnknownX> But guess who will be one of the ones trying
12A4:42:10 * Peroggi (Perogi@S0106001cf0fcecf9.ok.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
A4:42:13 <UnknownX> Bob_Ross
A4:42:15 <UnknownX> :)
A4:42:28 <UnknownX> I'm going to laugh if he makes it
A4:42:45 <UnknownX> And then you have to buy premium for him
A4:43:00 <TheOne> I would but I'm a bit lazy
10A4:43:01 * Bossman (Bossman-DJ@ has joined #minecraft
A4:43:13 <Marach> heelp
A4:43:26 <UnknownX> I already told you what to do
A4:43:33 <smn> Bob_Ross is a pretty cool guy. eh hates anything but internet explorer and doesn't afraid of anything.
A4:43:50 <UnknownX> Hes a major annoying troll
A4:44:01 <Marach> nothing helps...
A4:44:08 <TheOne> Marach: can you connect using http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?ip=
A4:44:09 <smn> true words there, sir
A4:44:17 <citricsquid> oh smn :3
A4:44:21 <UnknownX> Wait..
A4:44:24 <Marach> tried only xD
A4:44:28 <UnknownX> SMN isn't offline!?
A4:44:39 <smn> let me check
A4:44:42 <UnknownX> Marach i told you to use that
12A4:44:49 * Bossman (Bossman-DJ@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A4:44:55 <smn> seems i'm very much online!
A4:45:03 <UnknownX> This is the first time i've ever seen you type
A4:45:09 <citricsquid> holy fuck
A4:45:10 <smn> good stuff
A4:45:14 <citricsquid> this video is nasty :(
A4:45:22 <UnknownX> The one i sent you?
A4:45:29 <citricsquid> no, one posted on a forum
A4:45:34 <UnknownX> Oh
A4:45:38 <smn> repost! >:)
A4:45:38 <citricsquid> this guy is karating a mentally challenged black guy
A4:45:40 <Marach> server says my name is /127.0.1 !
A4:45:43 <citricsquid> and then he kicks him to the floor
A4:45:46 <citricsquid> and stamps his head open
A4:45:47 <smn> wat tha
A4:45:49 <citricsquid> and he can't breath :(
A4:45:50 <Marach> ./
A4:45:57 <Marach> and illegal name :)
A4:46:08 <Marach> im logged in
A4:46:19 <smn> why okay, i changed my mind about that whole... repost... thingy there
A4:46:43 <citricsquid> yeah, it's clearly not appropriate D:
A4:47:17 <Marach> turned of verify names...
A4:47:25 <Marach> works
A4:47:37 <UnknownX> I told you to turn that off >:(
A4:48:00 <Marach> why i have illegal name with it turned on?
A4:48:15 <UnknownX> Because your name is a rapist
A4:48:23 <Marach> its Marach
A4:48:35 <UnknownX> Marach is a name of a rapist
A4:48:41 <citricsquid> Marach: because of the way the server works, it communicates outside the network, causes problems.
A4:49:06 <Marach> ok server works offline, but i cant connect to it online...
A4:49:38 <UnknownX> Have you ported your forts?
A4:49:45 <Marach> i disconnected to a router, now im direct
A4:49:55 <Marach> forts xD
A4:50:47 <UnknownX> I declare that citricsquid whip his client with hi tentacles
A4:50:50 <UnknownX> his*
A4:52:03 <Marach> port checker says 25565 is closed
A4:52:29 <TheOne> firewall?
A4:52:40 <TheOne> doh, ment antivirus?
A4:53:14 <Marach> turned off...
A4:53:20 <Marach> still closed
A4:53:30 <TheOne> windows firewall?
A4:53:38 <Marach> turned off
A4:53:44 <TheOne> hmm...
A4:53:46 <Marach> already
A4:54:31 <TheOne> foward both udp and tcp? (think thats right)
A4:54:51 <Marach> i have a direct connection
A4:55:00 <Marach> just disconnected to a router
A4:56:01 <TheOne> ok I'm missing something here
A4:56:59 <Marach> ISP Aster (sometimes mistyped as DisAster xD )
A4:57:13 <UnknownX> (<
A4:57:18 <UnknownX> Go pacman go!
A4:58:06 <Marach> oww
A4:58:54 <TheOne> so you can connect?
A4:59:01 <Marach> no
A4:59:21 <UnknownX> >:)
A4:59:24 <Marach> IP -, if that does matter
A4:59:31 <TheOne> are you on the same vomputer as the server?
A4:59:41 <TheOne> computer*
A4:59:53 <Marach> yes
A5:00:34 <TheOne> then you should be able to connect to your server using http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?ip=
A5:00:57 <Marach> i am
A5:01:08 <TheOne> so whats the problem?
A5:01:29 <Marach> can you try to connect?
A5:01:36 <TheOne> whats the name?
A5:01:48 <Marach> wait its not yet up
A5:02:18 <Marach> now
A5:02:25 <Marach> "Marach is testing"
A5:02:54 <TheOne> nope, your ports are messed up
A5:03:52 <TheOne> now just to check, have you forworded your port
A5:04:13 <Marach> i disconnected to a router! i have direct connection now
A5:04:21 <Marach> try again now
A5:04:43 <TheOne> still no
A5:05:04 <TheOne> so your straight from your pc to the net, nothing in between?
A5:05:19 <Marach> i think so :)
A5:05:24 <Marach> a modem
A5:05:32 <Marach> not router
10A5:06:12 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
A5:06:18 <Marach> twice as big as router with some blinking lights
A5:06:21 <TheOne> I don't think you have to allow the port through a modem or not, cam anyone else?
A5:07:19 <TheOne> and I know thats a messed up sentence but I'm running on little sleep...
A5:07:51 <TheOne> you might check and see if you don't have to allow the port through the modem
A5:08:22 <TheOne> If I remember right, I had to with mine even though I'm going through a router
A5:08:56 <Marach> im currently googling it
A5:12:05 <Marach> no one had a problem like that
A5:12:27 <Marach> im screwed :/
A5:12:33 <UnknownX> TheOne: Not to complain, but uks seems a little ignorant
A5:12:58 <TheOne> if its about my server catch me over at #theonelava
A5:13:19 <UnknownX> :/
A5:13:25 <Marach> seems like ALL ports are locked, i cant create servers for any games, p2p is terribly slow WTF?
A5:13:40 <TheOne> sorry, I get a bit on edge with a lack of sleep
A5:13:59 <Marach> wtf...
A5:14:11 <TheOne> but your right unknownx
A5:14:25 <Marach> now i have to wait for Randati to run his priv...
A5:14:42 <UnknownX> He/she accused me of building a tower around the lava timer to block it
A5:14:51 <TheOne> so all your ports are locked? cant be
A5:14:52 <UnknownX> But i was in the corner
A5:15:01 <UnknownX> and so uks just flooded me
A5:15:02 <Marach> tell me which one to test
A5:16:21 <TheOne> uh...
A5:16:39 <Marach> locked - 21, 25, 80, 143, 25565
A5:16:50 <Marach> any else?
10A5:17:06 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ has joined #minecraft
A5:17:06 <Marach> write me a script to test all of them
A5:17:08 <Marach> :)
A5:17:11 <Quatroking> hai
A5:17:15 <Quatroking> me is back home
A5:17:29 <Marach> but what is the cause of this
A5:17:50 <Marach> wait gtg
A5:17:55 <Marach> back in 20 minutes
10A5:17:59 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has left #minecraft
A5:19:09 <Quatroking> NEW BLOGPOAST
A5:19:25 <citricsquid> Looks like activision/infinityward took the CoD1 master server down :(
A5:19:40 <citricsquid> shut up quatro, no caps.
A5:19:53 <Quatroking> everything on my site is ran by my ass
A5:19:59 <Quatroking> lowercase?
10A5:20:06 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
10A5:20:29 * Marach is now known as Marach|afk
12A5:20:37 * TheOne (TheOne@ks-138-210-223-223.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (Quit: Bad net connection again)
A5:20:45 <Super-Dot> As in your ass does everything on your site, or things need to be approved by your ass before they go up on the site?
A5:20:53 <Super-Dot> Your wording is ambiguous
A5:21:00 <Quatroking> my ass generates 110% of the content
A5:21:24 <UnknownX> So we're all staring at shit posts
A5:21:36 <Quatroking> haven't you noticed how the propaganda posters are in red tints
10A5:21:40 * TheOne (TheOne@ks-138-210-223-223.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:21:46 <Quatroking> it burns when I shit
A5:21:50 <Quatroking> thats right I have ass problems
13A5:22:01 * Quatroking farts
A5:23:06 <Quatroking> I need to add some more graphics to my site.
A5:23:13 <Quatroking> anyone got suggestions?
A5:24:01 <Super-Dot> Notch, striking various heroic poses
A5:24:58 <Quatroking> nah
A5:25:15 <Quatroking> notch would make hostgator close my account due to server overloads
A5:25:59 <Quatroking> brb shop time
A5:26:01 <Quatroking> and poopy
10A5:38:09 * Tich (richondriu@78-22-224-209.access.telenet.be) has joined #minecraft
A5:38:15 <Tich> hi agen
10A5:41:37 * Real (Real@ has joined #minecraft
12A5:41:42 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A5:53:36 * Adura (Adura@bas2-toronto21-1242310150.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
A5:59:24 <citricsquid> hello!
A5:59:48 <TheOne> Hi!
A6:00:39 <Marach|afk> What's happening: I connect to internet directly, but ports are locked.
A6:00:46 <Marach|afk> My question: WTF?
A6:01:05 <citricsquid> port 80 won't be
A6:01:22 <Marach|afk> it is
10A6:01:45 * Marach|afk is now known as Marach
A6:02:03 <Marach> no firewall, no router
10A6:04:34 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad034c5.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:04:41 <Jakkarra> Howdy, Y'all
A6:04:46 <citricsquid> yo
A6:05:53 <Jakkarra> www.minerwars.com
A6:06:25 <Jakkarra> who else is even here?
A6:06:30 <Jakkarra> just you, citric?
A6:06:40 <citricsquid> lots of people, just not talking.
10A6:07:11 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
12A6:07:20 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:07:54 <Tich> hi again again
A6:08:06 <Tich> there's always lots of people not talking
A6:08:19 <citricsquid> they'll talk if you say something interesting.
A6:09:19 <Jakkarra> looked at minerwars?
A6:09:25 <Jakkarra> it look pretty sweet
A6:09:42 <Marach> TheOne, if i make you a new lava survival map, will you use it?
A6:10:06 <TheOne> what are you thinking of for a map?
A6:10:09 <Marach> my idea is to flood layer by layer, automatically
A6:10:21 <Marach> lava starts at ceiling and splits
A6:10:35 <Marach> with dillerent "fuse" times will flood higher and higer areas
A6:10:37 <Jakkarra> when the dungeon mode comes out, lava survival will be a LOT easier
A6:10:39 <Marach> different*
A6:10:41 <TheOne> I'd have to see the map
A6:10:45 <Marach> ok
A6:10:51 <Marach> building :)
A6:10:52 <TheOne> and I know
A6:11:20 <Jakkarra> 'twill be epic/
A6:11:22 <Tich> I want my laptop back, it can run Minecraft and theOne's server more easily
A6:12:00 <Tich> But flooding level by level would be more awesome
A6:12:15 <Marach> making
12A6:12:47 * Evil-Ville (hurfdurf@cs78249077.pp.htv.fi) Quit (Quit: yare yare daze)
A6:13:27 <Marach> what do you want its size to be?
A6:13:45 <Tich> HUGE
A6:13:51 <Marach> TheOne?
A6:14:01 <TheOne> oh right
A6:14:05 <TheOne> 64x64x64
A6:14:12 <Marach> ok
A6:14:31 <citricsquid> minerwars looks like EvE
A6:14:43 <Tich> EVE Online isn't fun
13A6:15:34 * Quatroking is back
A6:15:38 <Quatroking> okay guys I'm ack
A6:15:40 <Quatroking> back*
A6:16:13 <Quatroking> 6 liters of Dr. Pepper, two cups of curry noodles, hot salsa and a bag of dipper dorito's
A6:17:00 <Jakkarra> that sounds delicious
A6:17:07 <Jakkarra> except for the curry noodles
A6:17:10 <Quatroking> I just bought all of that
A6:17:12 <Jakkarra> id have got chow mein
A6:17:18 <Quatroking> curry noodles are the best curry noodles ever
A6:17:28 <Quatroking> well
A6:17:47 <Quatroking> I have two bags of instant noodles with DUCK
A6:18:16 <Jakkarra> i should go get some doritos
A6:18:19 <Jakkarra> ...
A6:19:43 <Quatroking> dorito's are a must
A6:20:32 <Jakkarra> yes, yes they are
A6:20:42 <Jakkarra> i liek them with mild salsa
A6:20:48 <Jakkarra> not because hot is too hot
A6:20:52 <Quatroking> i prefer hot salsa
A6:20:52 <Jakkarra> i just like mild
12A6:21:07 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-243-93-145.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
A6:21:10 <Quatroking> i like to make own salsa once in a while
12A6:21:20 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:21:21 <Quatroking> blenders are the best invention ever
12A6:23:16 * Real (Real@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A6:23:54 <Jakkarra> ^^
A6:23:58 <Jakkarra> i has blender
A6:24:11 <Jakkarra> its usually used for "milkshakes" though
A6:24:13 <Jakkarra> not be me
A6:24:47 <Quatroking> I once put ice and syrup together in the blender and it seriously fucked up so I put it back in the freezer and a day later I had syrup ice
A6:25:05 <Quatroking> SO
A6:25:05 <Quatroking> STICKY
A6:26:47 <Marach> i want admin-air!
A6:26:59 <Marach> cant be replaced by a block by a normal player
A6:27:22 <Tich> admin air
A6:27:25 <Tich> admin water
A6:27:28 <Jakkarra> admin.... air....
A6:27:30 <Tich> and admin lava
A6:27:31 <Jakkarra> ???
A6:27:34 <Quatroking> I want admin air
10A6:27:37 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:27:40 <Jakkarra> WTF?
A6:27:43 <Jakkarra> admin AIR???
A6:27:45 <Quatroking> so normal players will choke to death
A6:27:52 <Jakkarra> thers no damage yet
A6:27:57 <Quatroking> meh
A6:27:58 <Jakkarra> or health
A6:28:03 <Tich> yes
A6:28:46 <Tich> You know what minecraft needs the most
A6:28:50 <Tich> the most of all
A6:29:00 <Tich> that's hats
A6:29:02 <Tich> yes HATS
A6:29:16 <Quatroking> uh
A6:29:18 <Quatroking> dude
A6:29:20 <Tich> You aren't a respectable person without a nice tophat
A6:29:29 <Quatroking> Tich
A6:29:31 <Tich> A huge one
A6:29:35 <Jakkarra> i require a top-hat
A6:29:37 <Jakkarra> ot bowler
A6:29:43 <Jakkarra> actually
A6:29:46 <Jakkarra> im the Don,
A6:29:47 <Jakkarra> meh
A6:29:48 <Quatroking> Tich, keep up with the latest trends, damnit
A6:29:49 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdiN-SatPa8&feature=player_embedded
A6:29:51 <Jakkarra> i need a fedora!
A6:30:00 <Tich> Actually that's just armor
A6:30:04 <Tich> not really a hat
A6:30:06 <Tich> :(
A6:30:14 <Quatroking> meh
A6:30:15 <Jakkarra> can be used for hats too
A6:30:18 <Jakkarra> and hair
A6:30:25 <Tich> not my insane top hat idea
A6:30:28 <Quatroking> I pity the fool who doesn't bring mohawks
A6:30:32 <citricsquid> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w60Sxop5I38
A6:31:03 <Quatroking> is that polak music?
A6:31:10 <Quatroking> or pakistani pop
A6:32:28 <Tich> Brilliant idra
A6:32:30 <Tich> idea
A6:33:16 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxfuy3zMOZI
A6:33:35 <Quatroking> african people in six flags
A6:33:39 <Quatroking> lololol
A6:34:02 <Marach> i can set spawn point outside the map xD
A6:34:05 <Tich> I'll work on my single player game some more later
A6:34:28 <Tich> lol
A6:34:34 <Tich> what happens then?
A6:35:15 <Marach> youre like trappen in solid blocks
A6:35:19 <Marach> trapped*
A6:35:57 <Jakkarra> then you just re-spawn
A6:36:05 <Jakkarra> and you becomeon top of them
A6:36:07 <Marach> yes
A6:36:39 <Jakkarra> yarp
A6:38:42 <smn> mijn god we gaan dood!!! :D
12A6:38:45 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A6:38:55 <Quatroking> a dutchfag?
A6:38:58 <Quatroking> in MY irc?
A6:39:02 <Quatroking> oh snap
A6:39:39 <Tich> Kill him
13A6:39:59 * Quatroking loads his glock
A6:40:11 <Tich> I refuse to speak your language
A6:40:57 <Tich> I want Glaswegian or nothing
A6:41:38 <Quatroking> derrek is joining the army
A6:41:59 <Tich> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?user=Tich&id=0
A6:42:09 <Tich> mah work in progress
12A6:43:03 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-29.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (serenity.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
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A6:43:26 <Quatroking> looks good
10A6:43:56 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-29.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
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10A6:43:56 * lobster (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
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10A6:43:56 * excelsior.esper.net sets mode: +oo citricsquid Siiseli
A6:43:58 <Quatroking> netsplit FUCK YEAH
A6:44:01 <citricsquid> best netsplit ever
A6:44:38 <Tich> I am working on finishing the sky passage thing which will go everywhere
A6:46:00 <TheOne> lol
10A6:46:08 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A6:46:22 <Tich> And the space invaders castle I built on citrics' flatgrass first, but it got griefed, so I finally rebuilt it
A6:46:23 <TheOne> hey
12A6:46:44 * geekahedron (djbroadben@cpe-24-59-240-169.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:47:23 <citricsquid> http://filebox.me/files/d6wvgykra_netsplit.jpg
A6:47:26 <citricsquid> :D
A6:47:57 <Quatroking> hmm
A6:48:07 <Quatroking> I didnt' had so many
A6:48:11 <liq3> citricsquid: btw, you're the one who got netsplit. :P
A6:48:18 <LKA> uh
A6:48:25 <LKA> liq3: that's what a netsplit basically is
A6:48:39 <citricsquid> so I got disconnected also?
A6:48:41 <LKA> the people who get split are basically thrown into ANOTHER DIMENSION
A6:48:48 <liq3> LKA: I know!
A6:48:51 <LKA> ;_;
A6:48:53 <Marach> rulez
A6:48:54 <Quatroking> citricsquid, you got disconnected, yes
A6:48:58 <citricsquid> awww
A6:49:06 <Tich> lol richondriu
A6:49:11 <LKA> kondreiu
A6:49:14 <citricsquid> So I see everyone wgho disconnected BEFORE me?
A6:49:15 <citricsquid> who*
A6:49:20 <liq3> Nah.
A6:49:26 <LKA> nah. it's not like that
A6:49:28 <liq3> I think that was everyone who wasn't netsplit with you.
A6:49:31 <LKA> yeah
A6:49:31 <venn177> Woo
A6:49:34 <venn177> I didn't disconnect
A6:49:36 <venn177> +1 ego
A6:49:45 <Tich> I'm still here
10A6:49:50 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
10A6:49:51 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE633F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
A6:49:51 <Quatroking> serenity and excelsior fucked up
A6:49:53 <liq3> venn177: yes you did, you got netsplit ;P
12A6:50:05 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:50:09 <citricsquid> so who didn't get netsplit? How do you tell...
A6:50:16 <Tich> and we all are on excelsior methinks
A6:50:17 <liq3> citric: everyone who you saw disconnect.
A6:50:18 <liq3> xD
A6:50:24 <Quatroking> so anyways
A6:50:26 <venn177> I didn't
A6:50:28 <Quatroking> Derrek joined the army
A6:50:36 <Tich> what army?
A6:50:46 <Quatroking> the QWE
A6:50:47 <liq3> Tich: Does it matter?
A6:50:51 <liq3> Armies are for losers. :/
A6:50:55 <Quatroking> Quatroworld Empire's army
A6:51:10 <Tich> I have an army of evil gremlins
A6:51:15 <Quatroking> liq3 you're just jealous because you don't have one
A6:51:32 <liq3> Quatroking: I don't NEED one. >:)
A6:51:44 <Tich> but they have such huge libido's I can't get them to do anything else then procreate poop and eat
A6:51:49 <Quatroking> thats not a good argument
A6:51:50 <Quatroking> you see
A6:51:59 <Quatroking> armies can be used to fuck up countires for no reason
A6:52:04 <Quatroking> countries*
A6:52:09 <Tich> I choose Belgium
A6:52:09 <liq3> ...
A6:52:14 <liq3> i.e. grief countries?
A6:52:16 <Quatroking> for example, the USA
A6:52:28 <Tich> FRANCE
A6:52:32 <Quatroking> france is full of homosexuals
A6:52:35 <liq3> So you want to inflict massive pain and suffering on people Quatro?
A6:52:43 <Quatroking> only the people I don't like
A6:52:43 <Tich> WHo doesn't
A6:52:49 <liq3> Tich: me.
A6:52:51 <Quatroking> like the kid in the shop this morning
A6:53:12 <Quatroking> he was SO
A6:53:13 <Quatroking> GODDAMN
A6:53:13 <Quatroking> FAT
A6:53:28 <Quatroking> the kind of fat that really pisses you off
A6:53:32 <liq3> Quatroking: Don't you think he's already hurting himself enough?
A6:53:36 <Quatroking> you know, with 58 chins and shit
A6:53:39 <Tich> he ate other people in a past life
A6:53:42 <Quatroking> HE WAS EATING
10A6:53:43 * Quatroking was kicked by citricsquid (I'm fat.)
10A6:53:51 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ has joined #minecraft
A6:53:56 <Quatroking> lol citricsquid is fat
A6:53:57 <liq3> citric, how fat?
A6:54:04 <Tich> You're not fat, you're just big boned
A6:54:06 <Quatroking> there's a difference
A6:54:12 <citricsquid> I'm underweight actually, but I wanted to abuse my power.
A6:54:16 <liq3> lol.
A6:54:24 <Tich> Mmmmmm power
A6:54:29 <Quatroking> >:(
A6:54:38 <liq3> Tich: wrong kind of power. D:
A6:54:40 <citricsquid> I don't watch porn, I just look at my name "@citricsquid".
A6:54:53 <liq3> ...
A6:54:57 <Tich> I don't watch porn, I watch pictures of myself
A6:54:58 <Quatroking> you have the "oh god I'm so fat but I don't care om nom nom hahaha i'm eating all the time" kind of fat and you have the "i'm fat, thats it." kind of fat
A6:55:08 <liq3> what's that rule? the one about porn fetishes for everything.
A6:55:23 <citricsquid> a fetish for being an IRC op!
A6:55:33 <liq3> Quatroking: Do them a favor, and give them as much food as they want. In a few months/years they'll be dead. ;]
A6:55:39 <Tich> How do you call for phone sex like that
A6:55:58 <Quatroking> they're fucking up our planet by eating so much
A6:56:01 <Tich> asking: "pretend you are a server and you make me op on you."
A6:56:09 <liq3> Quatroking: no, the people who provide the food is.
A6:56:17 <liq3> Although I agree fat people are stupid for being fat.
A6:56:18 <citricsquid> "Hello, sex line!" "I have joined your channel." "Channel sets mode +o you" "oh baby I like that."
A6:56:22 <Quatroking> in highschool there was a kid who was SO FAT that he leaned against a door and the window in the door broke
A6:56:34 <liq3> ...
A6:56:39 <liq3> did he die?
A6:56:41 <Tich> Not very sexy
10A6:56:43 * spadge (spadge@ has joined #minecraft
A6:56:45 <Quatroking> no he was eating
A6:56:47 <citricsquid> I don't mind fat people who understand they're fat and don't care.
A6:56:48 <liq3> :(
A6:56:54 <citricsquid> I hate fat people who are all
A6:56:56 <citricsquid> IT'S NOT MY FAULT
A6:56:57 <spadge> puyodead: you here?
A6:56:58 <liq3> "Fat kid eats cake. +10 health"
A6:57:03 <Quatroking> citricsquid: exactly
A6:57:08 <Tich> You should just get a black hole for a stomach
A6:57:10 <Tich> like me
A6:57:27 <liq3> Tich: Gasp, I have one too!
A6:57:28 <citricsquid> I can eat ANYTHING and put on hardly any weight
A6:57:28 <Quatroking> that fat kid always claimed that he did american football
A6:57:34 <citricsquid> I eat crap all day and I'm still underweight
A6:57:41 <citricsquid> not done excercise since like, 2 years ago
A6:57:44 <liq3> citric: probably eating the wrong kind of crap.
A6:57:51 <Quatroking> while he couldn't even run because his ankles couldn't support his weight
A6:57:52 <Tich> no
A6:57:54 <citricsquid> liq3: burgers and sweets! D:
A6:57:58 <Tich> I have that too
A6:58:05 <liq3> citric: who makes the burgers?
A6:58:06 <Quatroking> how the hell can you do american football without running
A6:58:24 <Tich> You simply roll accross the field
A6:58:27 <citricsquid> liq3: mcdonalds andddddddddddddd the wimpy!
A6:58:32 <liq3> Quatroking: He just stands there, and everyone is too scared/disguisted to go near hiM? :P
A6:58:35 <Tich> and you flatten anyone you come accross
A6:58:46 <Quatroking> liq3: he probably rolls around like Tich said
A6:58:46 <liq3> citric: how often?
A6:58:52 <liq3> hehe, rolling fat boy.
A6:59:01 <liq3> rofl.
A6:59:01 <Quatroking> it happened a few times that he just completely random fell over because he was too fat
A6:59:05 <Tich> He get's his mum to roll him everywhere
A6:59:14 <citricsquid> liq3: uh, no idea, I'll start tracking what I eat :D
A6:59:17 <liq3> lol.
13A6:59:19 * citricsquid checks if a website exists for it
A6:59:28 <Tich> he probably can't go to the first floor because the floor might collapse
A6:59:34 <citricsquid> I must do at least 4k calories a day, probably more.
A6:59:41 <Quatroking> citricsquid you can't put widgets in your food
A6:59:52 <liq3> citricsquid: because this guy did an experiment, eating nutin but mcdonalds for a month. Put on huge amounts of weight.
A6:59:59 <Quatroking> oh I've seen that guy
A7:00:01 <citricsquid> I've seen the film :D
10A7:00:02 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A7:00:05 <liq3> yeh.
A7:00:06 <Quatroking> what was it called again?
A7:00:10 <citricsquid> supersize me
A7:00:11 <liq3> Super-size me.
A7:00:13 <Quatroking> YES
A7:00:17 <Tich> You know
A7:00:25 <liq3> Damn film should be compulsory viewing in school.
A7:00:37 <Tich> if you order everything off the McDonalds menu, they'll still try to sell you stuff
A7:00:43 <Tich> greedy bastards
A7:01:16 <Quatroking> liq3: well, they actually viewed the film during biology here
A7:01:30 <liq3> yeh.
A7:01:31 <liq3> peh.
A7:01:35 <liq3> one class out of thousands. :P
A7:01:39 <Quatroking> the fat kid kept crying because he was so hungry and we weren't allowed to eat
A7:01:45 <Quatroking> during the movie
A7:01:45 <liq3> LOL?
A7:01:48 <Quatroking> fucking fatass
A7:01:54 <liq3> You tease him right?
A7:02:00 <Quatroking> duh
A7:02:04 <citricsquid> There was a fat girl in my class at school
A7:02:07 <citricsquid> her name was abigail
A7:02:07 <Quatroking> once he tried to hit me but he fell
A7:02:11 <citricsquid> I made up the best name ever,.
A7:02:15 <citricsquid> a big whale.
A7:02:17 <citricsquid> knotfunny:(
A7:02:18 <Quatroking> lmao
A7:02:34 <citricsquid> It was funny when I was 15 :(
A7:02:55 <liq3> Ugh, what's kinda scary is that Gabe Newell is fat. :9
A7:02:55 <liq3> :(
A7:03:00 <liq3> He's the CEO of Valve.
A7:03:22 <citricsquid> CDE*
A7:03:27 <liq3> CDE?
A7:03:31 <Quatroking> gabe newell is the fattest developer ever
A7:03:31 <citricsquid> chief donut eater
A7:03:32 <citricsquid> lololollolo
A7:03:33 <Quatroking> probably
A7:03:36 <liq3> lol.
A7:03:43 <liq3> Quatroking: Hell yeh.
A7:03:51 <liq3> Every other dev i've seen is a skinny.
A7:03:54 <liq3> Well, skinny.
A7:03:58 <Quatroking> well I've seen some fat ones
A7:04:00 <liq3> or just normal sized.
A7:04:02 <citricsquid> Notch isn't skinny!
A7:04:02 <Quatroking> but fuck, gabe newell
A7:04:08 <liq3> Notch is normal sized!
A7:04:08 <liq3> :>P
A7:04:10 <liq3> :P
A7:04:14 <Quatroking> you could feed china with his body
A7:04:18 <liq3> lol.
A7:04:35 <citricsquid> I've never understood why people care if they're fat or skinny.
A7:04:43 <Quatroking> and still have enough leftovers that could destroy the atmosphere if it would be burnt
A7:04:58 <Quatroking> technically I have overweight but I look skinny
A7:05:00 <Quatroking> heh
A7:05:06 <liq3> citric: being fat is unhelathy.
A7:05:11 <liq3> It's as bad as smoking.
A7:05:17 <citricsquid> liq3: So is alcohol.
A7:05:23 <citricsquid> I meant from a person POV.
A7:05:24 <Tich> who trusts the whole BMI conspiracy anyway
A7:05:26 <liq3> citric: point?
A7:05:31 <citricsquid> like "you're a shit person because you're fat"
12A7:05:32 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:05:37 <liq3> Tich: BMI?
A7:05:42 <liq3> citric: Not shit, just stupid.
A7:05:44 <Tich> Body Mass Index
10A7:05:46 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A7:05:47 <citricsquid> BMI doesn't work
A7:05:57 <citricsquid> my BMI varies between 17 and 19 daily :D
A7:06:01 <liq3> rofl.
A7:06:03 <Tich> 20- is underweight and 25+ is overweight or something
A7:06:11 <citricsquid> liq3: Yeah, but some people are naturally larger than others.
A7:06:15 <liq3> Yeh BMI isn't really accurate.
A7:06:20 <citricsquid> 18.5 is underweight :)
A7:06:22 <liq3> You gotta get proper measurements done.
A7:06:24 <Tich> but BMI doesn't take into account the density of your muscles or the proportions of your body
A7:06:45 <Quatroking> people shouldn't have things like "every friday french fries"
A7:06:47 <liq3> Tich: Yes. Proper measurements can be done to find fat percentage. :P
A7:06:56 <Tich> I have longer legs then average but a normal torso
A7:07:00 <Quatroking> I eat fries once a month or something
A7:07:05 <Tich> And I'm classified as underweight
A7:07:07 <liq3> Quatroking: They shouldn't have junk food full stop.
A7:07:13 <liq3> It does NOTHING for your body.
A7:07:20 <liq3> Most of the time it just hurts it.
A7:07:22 <Quatroking> they shouldn't have television
A7:07:27 <Quatroking> it does NOTHING for your body
A7:07:31 <liq3> ...
A7:07:32 <Tich> I love my TV
A7:07:33 <Tich> :(
A7:07:37 <liq3> Quatroking: terrible example.
A7:07:39 <LKA> television is horrible
13A7:07:40 * Tich hugs TV
A7:07:45 <Quatroking> they shouldn't have computers
A7:07:51 <Tich> OH snap
A7:07:57 <Quatroking> it does nothing for your body
A7:07:58 <Tich> I'll burn mine right away
A7:08:03 <Quatroking> in fact it causes RSI
A7:08:06 <Quatroking> :O
13A7:08:10 * Tich will be right back (bringing gas)
A7:08:16 <citricsquid> That's like saying cars are bad they will kill you
A7:08:20 <citricsquid> just because some people get RSI
A7:08:21 <liq3> Quatroking: done being a troll?
A7:08:23 <citricsquid> doesn't mean everyone does.
A7:08:34 <Tich> I agree, we should remove warning labels off everything
A7:08:47 <Quatroking> liq3: i'm sayign the same thing like you do
A7:08:53 <liq3> Quatroking: No you're not.
A7:08:57 <Quatroking> i am.
A7:09:08 <liq3> No. food is a source required by the body to give it energy and nutrients.
A7:09:09 <citricsquid> No you're not Quatroking.
A7:09:14 <liq3> TV is an entertainment system.
A7:09:17 <liq3> Thy're completely different.
A7:09:22 <Quatroking> there's nothing wrong with junkfood, as long as you eat it just ONCE IN A WHILE
A7:09:25 <Tich> Let survival of the smartest do it's role
A7:09:41 <liq3> Quatroking: no, even a little bit of junk food is unhealthy.
A7:09:41 <citricsquid> Quatroking: whenever you eat it the effects will be negative
A7:09:48 <citricsquid> but if you eat it once in a while they won't be as noticable.
A7:09:51 <liq3> Also, junk food is extremely redundent. There's plenty of healthy food that tastes INSANELY good.
A7:09:57 <Tich> dirt, the most safest food source
A7:10:04 <Marach> tlike?
A7:10:06 <Quatroking> >:(
A7:10:08 <Tich> dirt
A7:10:10 <liq3> Berries.
A7:10:14 <citricsquid> liq3: I like healthy food but takes time to make :D
A7:10:17 <citricsquid> pasta is awesome though
A7:10:23 <liq3> Berries are awesome. <3
A7:10:26 <liq3> Cherries for example.
A7:10:31 <Tich> dirt is very cheap
A7:10:34 <Tich> it's everywhere
A7:10:36 <Quatroking> just eat varied, helps a lot
A7:10:39 <liq3> They're healthy, and taste awesome. :P
A7:10:53 <liq3> citric: yeh, pasta is pretty awesome. It's pretty much bread too.
A7:10:58 <Tich> Who goes to McDonalds anyway
A7:11:03 <Marach> its plenty of it on newly generated maps
A7:11:09 <liq3> Tich: I haven't been to McDonalds for like a year.
A7:11:10 <Marach> Tich
A7:11:26 <Quatroking> today I'm eating curry chicken, tomorrow spaghetti carbonara, the day after tomorrow I'm eating bami
A7:11:28 <citricsquid> pasta is so awesome it has it's own IRC channel
A7:11:33 <Tich> Go to a real French Fries maker thingie restaurant
A7:11:47 <liq3> Tich: Or even better, make your own chips.
A7:11:49 <Quatroking> belgium fries are shit
A7:11:59 <Tich> You are shit D:
A7:12:00 <Quatroking> they're too thick
A7:12:13 <citricsquid> belgium is such an awesome place.
A7:12:16 <Tich> Actually I don't like the really thin ones
A7:12:25 <Quatroking> they call their butts poop
A7:12:31 <Quatroking> "go sit on your poop!"
A7:12:43 <Quatroking> they really do
A7:12:53 <Tich> I never do
A7:13:07 <Quatroking> are you from belgium
A7:13:16 <Tich> What if I said I was Belgian and I never used that phrase
A7:13:27 <Quatroking> then you were probably from south belgium
A7:13:30 <Tich> I just pretend to be from the UK
A7:13:35 <Tich> I'm from the west
10A7:13:37 * ojii (ojii@96-114.203-62.cust.bluewin.ch) has joined #minecraft
A7:13:40 <Quatroking> ._.
A7:13:49 <Tich> Not the strange Antwerp place
A7:14:14 <Quatroking> there's the flemings and the french-speakers
A7:14:22 <Quatroking> the flemings say poop instead of butt
A7:14:22 <Tich> where it's full of people with their head in stuck in their ass
A7:14:35 <Tich> Actually that's the east of Flanders
A7:14:40 <Tich> west is the coolest
A7:14:49 <Tich> west side man
A7:14:58 <Quatroking> west side motherfucker
A7:15:22 <Tich> West-Flanders > the rest
A7:15:24 <Tich> D:
A7:15:43 <Tich> Because no one else can understand anything we say
A7:15:46 <Tich> ANYTHING
A7:16:10 <Tich> Actually I don't really care, I wish I was from Glasgow
A7:16:27 <citricsquid> staffford > all
A7:16:29 <citricsquid> stafford*
A7:16:46 <citricsquid> http://www.disabledholidayinfo.org.uk/images/staff.JPG
A7:16:57 <citricsquid> http://www.disabledholidayinfo.org.uk/images/staf%20trail.JPG
A7:17:03 <citricsquid> http://www.disabledholidayinfo.org.uk/images/staff%20art.JPG
A7:17:04 <citricsquid> :D
A7:17:34 <Quatroking> what is it?
A7:17:46 <Tich> A city for disabled people
A7:18:19 <liq3> wow.
A7:18:23 <liq3> What kind of disabled people?
A7:18:28 <liq3> like the normal kind?
A7:19:27 <Quatroking> retardam?
A7:19:51 <Tich> quadriplegiville
A7:20:11 <Jakkarra> Doritos get!
10A7:20:57 * Kinhoshi (Error404@243-228.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A7:21:00 <Tich> I wonder what I should build next in my single player game
A7:21:13 <Marach> what is it?
A7:21:20 <Tich> maybe a village
A7:21:32 <Marach> what are you building
A7:21:37 <Tich> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?user=Tich&id=0
A7:21:42 <citricsquid> wahey, mother is working tonight.
A7:21:42 <Tich> I have this
A7:21:44 <Marach> ok
A7:21:57 <Tich> I am building the sky passage system
A7:22:06 <Tich> But I don't want to finish it yet
A7:22:23 <Tich> And a village would take up too much space
A7:22:25 <Tich> I think
A7:22:27 <Marach> now im building a lava survival mp map
A7:22:32 <citricsquid> griefigriefgrief
A7:22:45 <Marach> and why you call it a "game"?
A7:22:51 <Tich> go right ahead :( I'll kill you later and pee on you
A7:23:24 <Tich> I call it a game because, ahmmmmmm, I durno
A7:23:36 <Marach> i can play it right now
A7:23:42 <Marach> i will give you feedback later
A7:23:52 <Marach> now i have a server and a client running...
A7:23:54 <Tich> I have only finished three things
A7:24:05 <Marach> and 2 clients have both 0 fls
A7:24:06 <Tich> my tower of doom (which is ulgy
A7:24:08 <Marach> fps
A7:24:16 <Tich> lol
A7:24:23 <TheOne> ouch
A7:24:50 <TheOne> I can run my server and have 2 clients open no problem
A7:24:55 <Tich> And my castle of space invaders, and I larger version of the bunker I build on TheOne's server
A7:25:05 <Marach> TheOne still making the map
A7:25:23 <TheOne> cool
10A7:25:29 * geekahedron (djbroadben@rrcs-208-125-110-34.nys.biz.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A7:25:38 <Tich> this computer is crap, barely can run one client, and I'm afraid of TheOne's lava
A7:25:51 <TheOne> lol
A7:26:04 <Tich> because it murders my PC's computing power
A7:26:15 <Tich> (technicly my fathers but I annexed it for now)
A7:26:27 <TheOne> lol
A7:26:53 <citricsquid> "The use of software for development purposes is highest during the morning and again around 3 PM. Developers appear to become less productive after 4 PM when usage decreases quite a bit in favor of office tasks and entertainment."
A7:27:12 <TheOne> Well I'm running 64bit, quad core with 6gb of ram
A7:27:25 <Marach> right now i have 60 fps on my map
A7:27:32 <Marach> but its 64^3
A7:27:40 <TheOne> ah
A7:31:07 <Tich> It's time to go and spy on other people's maps
10A7:38:44 * r4dio (radioactiv@host10-250-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #minecraft
A7:38:50 <r4dio> sphat
12A7:39:59 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
10A7:41:46 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
12A7:42:30 * Cue (cueball61@bl8-61-210.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A7:48:55 * maurits150 (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A7:51:13 <maurits150> Hey, does anyone know how many max-players a server can handle with 2304Mbit/s upload?
A7:51:31 <citricsquid> 32 is the max allowed
A7:51:38 <citricsquid> also you have 2gbit, wat
A7:51:39 <maurits150> Ok, thanks.
A7:51:51 <Marach> World of Minecraft has 64
A7:51:59 <citricsquid> Do you mean 2304kb/s?
A7:52:02 <citricsquid> Marach: custom server
A7:52:03 <maurits150> whoops, yea
A7:52:07 <maurits150> Sorry..
A7:52:08 <Marach> i know :)
A7:52:13 <citricsquid> maurits150: :P
A7:52:23 <Tich> I just got an idea from Marach's server
A7:52:34 <Tich> well single player thing
A7:52:46 <Tich> am gonna make a maze
A7:52:57 <Tich> and fill it with a mob
A7:53:39 <maurits150> Oh and eh, what's the purpose of max-connections?
A7:54:00 <maurits150> In the server.properties file. ^
A7:54:03 <Marach> i dont know
A7:54:05 <Marach> dont change it
A7:54:14 <maurits150> hmm ok
A7:54:14 <Marach> i fyo change it, it will just go back to 3
A7:54:17 <Marach> if you*
A7:54:28 <liq3> i think it's max connections from one IP
A7:54:36 <Tich> probably
A7:55:48 <maurits150> hmm.. so if I change it to 0 then I won't be able to connect. I'm gonna test that..
A7:56:00 <Marach> no!
A7:56:05 <Marach> tit will change back to 3
A7:56:07 <Marach> it*
A7:56:14 <Marach> no matter what you set
A7:56:16 <maurits150> lol alright
A7:56:17 <Marach> check it
A7:56:24 <Marach> try
A7:56:40 <maurits150> haha
A7:56:50 <maurits150> Connection lost
A7:56:51 <maurits150> To many connection!
A7:57:02 <Marach> strange
A7:57:32 <maurits150> and it works if I change it to 1
A7:57:37 <TheOne> Well I just found out something new
A7:58:05 <TheOne> you can only have so many mobs at a time
A7:58:19 <maurits150> I can't join in 2 different browsers on this server now, with max-connections=1
A7:58:25 <maurits150> now it should work if i change it to two
A7:58:52 <TheOne> so max connections from an address?
A7:59:44 <citricsquid> per IP.
12A8:01:26 * maurits150 (chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A8:02:15 * mib_2stzdv49 (Mibbit@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
10A8:02:28 * mib_2stzdv49 is now known as Iguana
10A8:04:27 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4FA7.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10A8:04:29 * ChanServ sets mode: +o C418
A8:05:32 <Iguana> Anyone here listen to I See Stars?
A8:05:59 <peerkoel> nope, still listening to Epica
A8:06:10 <Iguana> =(
10A8:06:18 * gea1 (Administra@ has joined #minecraft
A8:06:21 <citricsquid> prodigy 4 life
A8:06:31 <gea1> o_O
A8:06:35 <gea1> compuserve?
A8:06:37 <Iguana> I'm searching all of those up
10A8:06:41 * gea1 is now known as gear|work
A8:06:58 <citricsquid> I wasn't that impressed by their new album :(
A8:07:12 <Quatroking> thunder is my favorite
A8:07:19 <Iguana> Lightning is better.
A8:07:30 <Quatroking> brb gotta pet my cat
A8:07:35 <Quatroking> it returned from holiday
A8:07:37 <Iguana> NO, GIMME
10A8:07:39 * Isak (smilenerd@cpe-70-122-64-144.hot.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A8:07:40 <Iguana> I WANT YOUR CAT
10A8:07:41 * maurits150 (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A8:07:51 <Isak> Hey peoples.
A8:07:59 <Iguana> Hellllllloooo.
A8:08:00 <peerkoel> Hey Isaks
A8:08:01 <Iguana> Good morning.
A8:08:01 <Quatroking> yes, my cat goes on vacation whenever she likes
A8:08:04 <maurits150> ok, max-connections defines now many connections you can have from one IP.
A8:08:04 <Marach> hey
A8:08:15 <Quatroking> she drives a red pickup
A8:08:21 <Marach> randati is out whole day...
A8:08:23 <citricsquid> maurits150: We already knew that D:
A8:08:33 <Iguana> I learned yesterday!
A8:08:36 <Iguana> :D
A8:08:45 <Isak> I has very sore throat
A8:08:46 <Isak> D:
A8:08:51 <maurits150> I didn't know that yet and perhaps some other people don't either.
A8:09:00 <citricsquid> maurits150 :)
A8:09:10 <Iguana> My server was up for a whole 24 hours now! =D
A8:09:12 <Quatroking> yo dawg, i heard you like minecraft so we put a minecraft client in your minecraft client so you can play minecraft while playing minecraft!
A8:09:13 <Iguana> Or maybe 20....
A8:09:20 <peerkoel> did you know that the server always reverts the value to 3 when starting up?
A8:10:03 <maurits150> no because it doesn't.
A8:10:07 <Isak> Citric... Stop wasting time on IRC and get some MUNNIES for the FORUMZ
A8:10:10 <Isak> >:P
A8:10:21 <testvan> u giev monies
A8:10:24 <Iguana> Rob a bank.
A8:10:26 <Iguana> Or something.
A8:10:28 <Isak> Yeah.
A8:10:31 <Isak> Rob a bank.
A8:10:31 <Iguana> Or accept money from me.
A8:10:42 <citricsquid> got $150 to spare Iguana?
A8:10:52 <Iguana> Yes actually.
A8:10:58 <Isak> I have a few thousand
A8:10:59 <peerkoel> \o/
A8:11:01 <Iguana> Same.
A8:11:03 <peerkoel> go go give
A8:11:04 <citricsquid> moneyplease@samryan.co.uk kthanx
A8:11:09 <Isak> But I really don't want to waste it on a gamingforum.
A8:11:14 <Iguana> Is that srsly the real address?
A8:11:18 <citricsquid> yep lmao
A8:11:21 <Isak> XD
A8:11:24 <testvan> fucking rich niggas
A8:11:32 <Iguana> RACIST
A8:11:34 <peerkoel> if you don't want to waste is, invest it in a gamingforum
A8:11:34 <Iguana> BAN
A8:11:53 <citricsquid> but yeah, don't send me anything iguana. Silly person.
A8:11:57 <Iguana> I'll give you $5 only because of the name of the email!
A8:12:14 <peerkoel> then get a job citricsquid (one that actually pays)
A8:12:20 <Iguana> Lol
A8:12:21 <citricsquid> peerkoel: :(
A8:12:31 <testvan> i have a yob
A8:12:31 <Iguana> Forums will be up next month I bet
A8:12:32 <Iguana> Lol
A8:12:43 <Quatroking> maurits150 is probably a little Dutch
A8:12:49 <Quatroking> :O
A8:12:52 <Quatroking> how awful
A8:13:01 <maurits150> Yea xD
A8:13:08 <maurits150> I am dutch
A8:13:09 <peerkoel> oh hey in fact, I could use a webdever citricsquid
A8:13:16 <Iguana> Can anyone make a zombie skin for me? =9
A8:13:19 <Iguana> I need one...
A8:13:20 <Quatroking> thats the worst thing ever maurits150
A8:13:28 <citricsquid> peerkoel: Whatcha need? :-D
A8:13:31 <Quatroking> I hope you'll get over it
A8:13:36 <Iguana> My zombie skin right now is an infected mob turned zombie...I NEED ZOMBIE SKIN NAO
A8:13:41 <peerkoel> someone to debug an IE bug
A8:13:44 <Marach> testing my lava survival!
A8:13:45 <peerkoel> are you brave enough?
A8:13:50 <citricsquid> ie
A8:13:51 <maurits150> exept that my english accent is shit when I talk it, it's not that bad.
13A8:13:52 * citricsquid runs away
A8:14:02 <peerkoel> I thought that might happen
A8:14:24 <TheOne> under what name marach?
A8:14:26 <Quatroking> maurits150: its "except", not "exept"
A8:14:40 <citricsquid> peerkoel: IE makes web dev scary.
A8:14:55 <peerkoel> it's not a HTML thing
A8:15:18 <peerkoel> not even CSS
A8:15:25 <citricsquid> js?
A8:15:26 <maurits150> hehe, who gives a shit ,this is an IRC channel
A8:15:35 <peerkoel> no, it has to do with dynamic download links
A8:15:43 <peerkoel> IE won't download, FF is happy to
A8:16:09 <citricsquid> :(
A8:16:26 <peerkoel> still running away?
A8:16:40 <citricsquid> with my tentacles in the air.
13A8:16:55 * peerkoel imagines Zoidberg impersonation
A8:17:01 <Quatroking> maurits150: spacebar goes after the ,
A8:17:09 <Quatroking> not in front
A8:17:12 <Quatroking> >:D
13A8:18:05 * TheOne thinks The Internet Is Serious Business
A8:18:19 <TheOne> couldn't resist
A8:18:21 <peerkoel> so is coffee trade
A8:18:24 <Iguana> ...
A8:18:26 <ChJees> Hmm, what to do? Play games or program stuff?
A8:18:30 <ChJees> Can't decide :P
A8:18:39 <citricsquid> second.
A8:18:47 <peerkoel> 2nd that second
A8:19:25 <ChJees> Program what is the next thing to decide ;p
A8:19:32 <maurits150> @Quatroking: "Not" starts with a capital letter, not a lower case letter.
A8:19:32 <Iguana> Can somebody send me some popular skins on Minecraft...I want to make a Minecraft sig for forums! =D
A8:19:40 <peerkoel> program world peace
10A8:19:45 * citricsquid2 (sam@client-81-97-77-171.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:19:51 <ChJees> peerkoel, nueeeks
A8:19:56 <Quatroking> meh
A8:20:07 <Quatroking> grammarnazi
A8:20:12 <peerkoel> sure, go program a nuke
A8:20:14 <maurits150> @Quatroking: And sentences end with a dot.
A8:20:32 <peerkoel> maurits150: no they don't.
12A8:20:32 * spadge (spadge@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
A8:20:40 <Quatroking> They end with points.
A8:20:49 <ChJees> No, with TITS
A8:20:50 <Iguana> Periods more like it.
A8:20:58 <Iguana> You would say that!
A8:21:04 <gear|work> no, periods end a menstrual cycle
A8:21:10 <Iguana> NOU
A8:21:12 <maurits150> haha
12A8:21:40 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-29.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:21:42 <Quatroking> actually
10A8:21:47 * citricsquid2 is now known as citricsquid
A8:21:48 <Quatroking> Maurits is right, they do end with dots.
A8:21:53 <Quatroking> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop
10A8:21:55 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
A8:22:05 <Quatroking> "A full stop or period (.) (sometimes stop, full point, or dot) is the punctuation mark commonly placed at the end of several different types of sentences in English and many other languages."
A8:22:17 <citricsquid> How do I change my IRC password? Mines rather... insecure.
A8:22:17 <maurits150> Yeah. Thanks for clearing that up.
A8:22:45 <Iguana> I like guillemets better. They're beast.
A8:23:21 <peerkoel> citricsquid: #help - for general help with IRC, scripting, etc.
A8:23:22 <TheOne> ./ns set password yournewpassword
A8:23:23 <Quatroking> HOLLAND SUCKS
A8:23:28 <Quatroking> It really does.
A8:23:30 <maurits150> Your mother sucks.
A8:23:31 <TheOne> that should be it
A8:23:42 <ChJees> Food is awesome!
A8:23:50 <Quatroking> Holland still sucks dick tho
A8:23:56 <Quatroking> srsly.
A8:24:14 <maurits150> Alright holland sucks, now who the fuck cares.
13A8:24:21 * peerkoel does
A8:24:22 <citricsquid> cheers guiez :3
A8:24:24 <maurits150> Holland*
A8:24:35 <citricsquid> my password is nolonger "lolpassword"!
A8:24:46 <peerkoel> lolsquid
A8:24:52 <peerkoel> amirite?
A8:24:59 <citricsquid> lolkoel
A8:25:00 <citricsquid> amirite?
A8:25:03 <peerkoel> :o
A8:25:09 <Quatroking> I'm going back in time so I can steal your name on esper
A8:25:11 <Quatroking> >:D
A8:25:23 <citricsquid> oh noes
A8:25:25 <peerkoel> now my password is not lolkoel \o/
A8:25:29 <Quatroking> ctcp my ass Maurits
A8:25:50 <Iguana> Lolwut.
A8:25:55 <maurits150> Lol
A8:26:04 <maurits150> Nice CPU Speed.
A8:26:14 <Quatroking> wut
A8:26:16 <Iguana> Me? =IO
A8:26:22 <maurits150> === CTCP version reply “xchat 2.8.6-2 Windows Vista [Intel/2,83GHz]” from Quatroking
A8:26:33 <Quatroking> thats a quadcore, for your information
A8:26:43 <maurits150> Yea, you have the same CPU as me.
A8:26:43 <gear|work> what was alexminer's password? pokemon14 or something? lol.
A8:26:53 <maurits150> Except that I've overclocked it to 3GHz.
A8:26:56 <Quatroking> I normally have it overclocked to 3GHZ tho
A8:26:59 <Quatroking> lmao
A8:27:01 <maurits150> Hah.
A8:27:06 <gear|work> <.<
A8:27:15 <gear|work> you guys are like butt mats
A8:27:17 <gear|work> mates*
A8:27:27 <Quatroking> My butt is at work
A8:27:40 <Quatroking> working his ass off to create new content
A8:27:41 <ChJees> Guise, tell me a Utility that HASN'T been created for Minecraft :3
A8:27:48 <Marach> TheOne, sorry, but my lava survival doesnt work like planned...
A8:27:55 <Marach> lava expansion is too random
A8:28:13 <TheOne> ah got ya
A8:28:16 <Marach> and fuses are too inaccurate
A8:28:34 <TheOne> lol
A8:28:37 <Quatroking> ChJees: an utility to create spheres in a map real-time
A8:28:42 <ChJees> o_O
A8:28:57 <Marach> i can still show you but i doubt you will want to use it
A8:28:58 <Quatroking> Same goes for squares.
A8:29:03 <gear|work> create an ai bot
A8:29:13 <TheOne> its ok
A8:29:36 <ChJees> Sounds like waste of time for me :P. Because of my lack of skills in 3D :p
A8:29:45 <TheOne> I've gotten 3 new mabs in the last 6 hours
A8:29:55 <TheOne> maps*
12A8:30:36 * Iguana (Mibbit@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12A8:30:58 * maurits150 (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
A8:31:06 <gear|work> i wonder waht we'll see from camp notch this week
A8:31:14 <gear|work> HPs maybe?
10A8:31:49 * Randati (nn@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A8:32:25 <testvan> health packets
A8:32:26 <geekahedron> HPs?
A8:32:38 <LKA> heaven punishers
A8:32:45 <geekahedron> heroin pushers
A8:33:08 <peerkoel> hmm
A8:33:31 <citricsquid> hairy peni--
A8:33:32 <peerkoel> you pick up a heroin needle ingame and the red-blue 3D view is toggled on \o/
A8:34:22 <peerkoel> no kids, I'm kidding, drugs are bad mmkay
12A8:34:25 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE633F.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:34:33 <r4dio> marach
A8:34:34 <r4dio> are u here?
A8:35:08 <testvan> horno
A8:35:09 <citricsquid> Hey guys, have you met my boyfriend Peter Koeleman?
A8:35:22 <Quatroking> he's fat
A8:35:24 <Quatroking> just like YOU
A8:35:27 <Quatroking> HAHAHAAA
A8:35:45 <r4dio> lol
A8:37:59 <peerkoel> you should start a breakfast club together
A8:38:13 <Quatroking> HEY STEVEN
A8:38:16 <Quatroking> you SUUUUCK
A8:38:17 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn8OWZyKIoU
A8:38:33 <Quatroking> seriously that guy got problems
A8:38:42 <citricsquid> staged.
A8:38:49 <r4dio> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sMFN69l_ZY
A8:39:03 <Quatroking> its not staged
A8:39:11 <Quatroking> go look at part 4
A8:39:12 <Quatroking> uh
A8:39:13 <Quatroking> part 3
A8:39:14 <citricsquid> quite obviously they are. Just like boxxy was fake.
A8:39:26 <Quatroking> look at part 3
A8:39:30 <Quatroking> it has his parents
A8:39:32 <citricsquid> Seen it
A8:39:37 <citricsquid> where he hits the car?
A8:39:38 <Quatroking> and the guy goes all crazy about a truck
A8:39:42 <Quatroking> Yeah
A8:39:52 <citricsquid> It looks so staged.
A8:39:59 <citricsquid> I mean really, would ANYONES parents fo that?
A8:40:01 <citricsquid> do*
A8:40:09 <Marach> ok here
A8:40:11 <Quatroking> it has his parents in that vid so I doubt it
A8:40:20 <citricsquid> Quatroking: so?
A8:40:21 <Marach> Randati AT LAST
A8:40:30 <Marach> i waited for you 6 hours
13A8:40:31 * peerkoel is off to get some liquorice and chocolate
A8:40:37 <citricsquid> peerkoel: good choice.
A8:40:43 <Marach> r4dio, what?
A8:40:47 <peerkoel> liquorice allsorts hmm
A8:40:56 <citricsquid> Quatroking: Seen how many cars they have? THere's like, $500,000 of cars there
A8:41:03 <citricsquid> they'd not give him a $500 shitty truck
A8:41:04 <Quatroking> true
A8:41:05 <citricsquid> when they can afford that
A8:41:15 <Quatroking> they sound like total hillbillies by the way
A8:41:33 <Quatroking> "I payed a foo hondred bucks for dat car"
A8:41:45 <citricsquid> if it was legit, parents would at least try and stop him :|
A8:42:06 <Quatroking> well
A8:42:17 <Quatroking> its america
A8:42:51 <Quatroking> but yeah, you could be right
A8:42:57 <Quatroking> his annoying voice sounds familliar
A8:43:17 <citricsquid> Also, surely if he's willing to smash up cars and guitars, he'd hit the guy with the camera?
A8:43:37 <Quatroking> meh
A8:43:40 <citricsquid> sounds like pruane2forever D:
A8:43:44 <Quatroking> its funny tho
A8:43:58 <citricsquid> yeah :D
10A8:46:00 * osici (osici@dhcp19-52.physics.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
A8:46:09 <Quatroking> holy shit I found Notch on youtube
A8:46:12 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc54-DeZ43I&feature=related
A8:46:17 <Quatroking> its notch!!
A8:46:35 <citricsquid> god that video is awful
A8:46:37 <citricsquid> lame acting.
A8:46:39 <Quatroking> it is
A8:46:49 <Quatroking> notch needs to learn how to act good
A8:46:54 <citricsquid> yes
A8:47:00 <citricsquid> let's boycott minecraft.
A8:47:18 <Quatroking> SO THATS WHY THE FORUM IS DOWN
A8:47:22 <Quatroking> YOU SONUVE
A8:47:24 <Quatroking> SONUVA
A8:47:27 <Quatroking> DAAAAYM
A8:47:47 <citricsquid> forums down because I hate uoi.
A8:47:51 <Quatroking> okk
A8:48:04 <citricsquid> you*
A8:49:59 <venn177> Hmm
10A8:57:26 * kaboomarang (hollerjimm@pool-71-188-130-246.aubnin.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:57:43 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGEkOR-LGyE
A8:57:49 <Quatroking> the onion news is fucking awesome
10A8:58:17 * kaboomarang (hollerjimm@pool-71-188-130-246.aubnin.fios.verizon.net) has left #minecraft
10A8:59:47 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE633F.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
A9:02:14 <PuyoDead> oh snap, AK2i fix for DSi 1.4!
10A9:03:01 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A9:03:13 <Quatroking> wut
12A9:04:23 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:05:27 <gear|work> wat
A9:05:34 <gear|work> i need a new flash card for my DS
A9:05:55 <gear|work> i won one in a contest and it doesnt want to update its firmware properly
A9:06:05 <Quatroking> lol, contest?
A9:06:08 <r4dio> m3 ds real is the best
A9:06:15 <gear|work> yes contest
A9:06:29 <gear|work> i had one to begin with, and i won another in some shitty art contest
A9:06:33 <gear|work> on gbatemp.net
A9:06:41 <Quatroking> what kind of contest promotes copyright infrignment
A9:06:45 <Quatroking> ah, I see
A9:09:11 <PuyoDead> oh man, I can update, AND and flipnote
A9:09:18 <PuyoDead> err, second and = get
10A9:09:29 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
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10A9:20:56 * iPope (Mibbit@host86-137-42-181.range86-137.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecraft
A9:21:59 <geektoo> does anyone have a download link for cMss
A9:22:21 <UnknownX> I just said "half of the maps will flood when the lava comes"
A9:22:28 <UnknownX> I feel really dirty
12A9:22:39 * ojii (ojii@96-114.203-62.cust.bluewin.ch) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A9:22:43 <UnknownX> .-.
A9:23:01 <UnknownX> www.worldofminecraft.tumblr.com
12A9:23:42 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad034c5.bb.sky.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:23:44 <geektoo> sweet
10A9:25:01 * chrstfer (notch@dsl-209-105-140-178.berk.taconic.net) has joined #minecraft
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A9:26:51 <peerkoel> hmm nice weather + a good walk + tasty groceries = yeah baby!
A9:27:30 <geektoo> cryzed's site moved around
A9:27:40 <geektoo> and URI for the script changed
A9:27:48 <geektoo> and the link on WoM is invalid
10A9:29:38 * iron_penguin (chatzilla@c-69-141-212-204.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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A9:30:40 <chrstfer> huh
A9:31:29 <gear|work> huh
A9:31:32 <geektoo> uhu
10A9:32:13 * Marach (Mibbit@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has left #minecraft
A9:33:13 <geektoo> now ... is there some documentation for it?
12A9:35:15 * chrstfer (notch@dsl-209-105-140-178.berk.taconic.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A9:37:05 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad034c5.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
A9:37:20 <Jakkarra> YYYo
A9:37:30 <geektoo> heyo
10A9:38:24 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
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A9:47:47 <gear|work> IM SO HUNGRY
A9:48:07 <ChJees> I ate a big fat slab of pizza recently
A9:48:20 <ChJees> And am now drinking lemon tea :3
12A9:50:05 * peerkoel (peerkoel@cp541388-b.tilbu1.nb.home.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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10A10:05:36 * Nalok_Asleep is now known as Nalok
A10:12:39 <Nalok> ...
A10:13:53 <gear|work> ...
A10:15:57 <Siiseli> ...
10A10:16:10 * LucanC (IceChat7@86-42-223-204-dynamic.b-ras1.cld.dublin.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
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10A10:17:55 * Visiiri (macrocks@ has joined #minecraft
A10:17:58 <Visiiri> OHAI
A10:18:10 <Visiiri> ...
A10:18:12 <Visiiri> Hello?
12A10:18:23 * Tich (richondriu@78-22-224-209.access.telenet.be) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A10:18:49 <geektoo> hi
A10:19:01 <geektoo> any python gurus
12A10:19:15 * Garctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A10:19:35 * Menen (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A10:19:45 <Menen> PEW PEW
A10:19:53 <Menen> PEW PEW
A10:19:54 <Menen> PEW
A10:20:23 <Menen> FIRE TORPETOS
A10:20:27 <Menen> BOOOM BOOMB
A10:20:42 <Menen> Ok im done
10A10:20:51 * Menen (Mibbit@ has left #minecraft
A10:22:28 <Visiiri> Geek, ask AERA
A10:22:31 <Visiiri> He's a guru.
A10:22:39 <Visiiri> Cryzed alsdo is, but he's not on.
A10:22:49 <Quatroking> seriously, for fucks sake guys
A10:22:52 <Quatroking> I hate you all
A10:22:58 <Visiiri> Why do you hate me?
A10:22:58 <Quatroking> just FYI
A10:23:01 <Visiiri> What did I do?
A10:23:04 <Visiiri> XI
A10:23:07 <Quatroking> you lived
A10:23:10 <Visiiri> D:
A10:23:13 <Visiiri> Sorry.
12A10:23:14 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
13A10:23:16 * Visiiri grabs a kinfe.
13A10:23:21 * Visiiri jabs the knife into his temple.
A10:23:22 <aera> I suppose I'm a python guru these days
A10:23:26 <Visiiri> :D
A10:23:27 <Visiiri> See.
A10:23:29 <Visiiri> Help geek.
A10:23:42 <aera> geektoo: do you need help?
A10:23:45 <Visiiri> while I clean all this sierra mist off my keyboard.
A10:24:50 <Visiiri> Aera, Are you going to open-source your server script?
A10:26:46 <aera> Visiiri: yes, once MC hits beta
A10:26:50 <aera> that's Notch's wish
A10:27:37 <r4dio> awsum
A10:29:54 <geektoo> Traceback (most recent call last):
A10:29:54 <geektoo> File "cmss.py", line 420, in <module> main()
A10:29:54 <geektoo> File "cmss.py", line 376, in main
A10:29:54 <geektoo> server = MinecraftServer(subprocess.Popen(COMMAND, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE))
A10:29:54 <geektoo> File "C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 595, in __init__ errread, errwrite)
A10:29:56 <geektoo> File "C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 804, in _execute_child startupinfo)
A10:29:56 <geektoo> WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
A10:30:19 <geektoo> can you help that?
A10:30:22 <Visiiri> http://www.minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=Visiiri
A10:30:28 <Visiiri> lol. That's my nose ^^^
A10:32:04 <aera> geektoo: it's trying to launch either a file that doesn't exist or load a DLL that doesn't exist
A10:32:12 <aera> it's more a Windows error than a python one
A10:32:17 <geektoo> ok
10A10:32:24 * woodenwindows (Mibbit@174-20-61-68.mpls.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:32:31 <geektoo> what file is it looking for
A10:32:45 <aera> I have no idea
A10:32:52 <aera> ask whoever wrote the script
A10:33:04 <geektoo> i haven't seen cryzed in weeks
A10:33:27 <geektoo> server = MinecraftServer(subprocess.Popen(COMMAND, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE))
A10:33:35 <geektoo> is the line that's trigerring the error
A10:34:10 <aera> so presumably COMMAND
A10:34:13 <aera> is what doesn't exist
10A10:35:31 * mib_d6y2ui (Mibbit@ool-182ee691.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:35:35 <geektoo> oh, i got it
A10:35:39 <geektoo> the 64-bit thing
A10:35:41 <geektoo> COMMAND = ("java", "-cp", "minecraft-server.jar", "com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer")
A10:35:51 <geektoo> i need to point to the right java
12A10:35:52 * mib_d6y2ui (Mibbit@ool-182ee691.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A10:36:19 * osici (osici@dhcp19-52.physics.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
A10:37:56 <citricsquid> almost out of water :(
A10:39:15 <aera> citricsquid: water? you're going to dehydrate?
A10:40:00 <citricsquid> aera: bottled. I ran out of money so I can't buy normal drinks (dr pepper and coke) so I'm stuck on bottled water because that's all my mum will buy. Tap water tastes crap, not cold enough.
A10:40:05 <citricsquid> only got 2 bottles left :(
A10:40:22 <geektoo> aera which server script is yours?
A10:40:23 <citricsquid> so yes, I will probably dehydrate and die.
A10:41:32 <aera> citricsquid: eek!
A10:41:52 <aera> geektoo: I don't make a script, but a custom server. It's called The Archives, look it up on the server list
A10:42:36 <citricsquid> I have some relentless in the fridge leftover from a lan party, but I don't like the smell of it so I'm too scared to try it :D
A10:42:46 <citricsquid> geektoo: it's the best custom server yet ;)
A10:43:04 <geektoo> okay i know of it
A10:43:16 <geektoo> are the worlds hosted on different servers?
A10:43:37 <geektoo> or threads, or just made to look like different servers
A10:43:42 <aera> geektoo: no all... 101 run simultaenously on the name machine
A10:43:45 <aera> *same
A10:44:45 <aera> citricsquid: also, may I suggest chilling tap water in the bottles? It'll taste better then :)
10A10:45:05 * jollykkk (jollykkk@ has joined #minecraft
A10:45:21 <citricsquid> ...that's actually a good idea. No idea why I didn't think of that. I'll go and put a few bottles in, see what it's like. thanks ;D
A10:45:34 <jollykkk> !list
A10:47:41 <citricsquid> Donem 3 bottles of tap water in the fridge!
A10:47:56 <citricsquid> I might mix the bottles up and see if I can tell the difference.
A10:48:13 <aera> i don't _guarantee_ it'll taste better, but often the "niceness" of bottled water is just the temperature
10A10:48:57 * jollykkk (jollykkk@ has left #minecraft
10A10:51:27 * Randatl (nn@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
12A10:52:28 * Randati (nn@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:54:30 <Quatroking> is "If only I... ...had joined the Empire" a good sentence
A10:54:37 <Quatroking> as in, does it lack grammar
A10:54:45 <citricsquid> looks fine to me.
13A10:54:49 * citricsquid failed english.
A10:54:49 <Siiseli> looks fine
A10:55:15 <Quatroking> alright then, in that case I have some new content
A10:55:36 <Quatroking> but first
A10:55:41 <Quatroking> foody
10A10:55:54 * Marach (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A10:56:55 <Marach> randati, set pm window, i cant here
A10:57:39 <geektoo> sweet
10A10:58:26 * Randatl is now known as Randati
A10:59:21 <gear|work> i thing "if only i had.... joined the empire" rolls a little better
A10:59:28 <gear|work> think*
12A10:59:33 * r4dio (radioactiv@host10-250-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A10:59:34 * Visiiri is now known as Visiiri|CombatArms
10A11:02:25 * Marach (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has left #minecraft
12A11:08:16 * liq3 (liquidman3@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A11:14:53 * Darkebrz (Darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:15:10 <Darkebrz> WOW
A11:15:11 <Darkebrz> Wow
A11:15:22 <Darkebrz> My fucking computer didn't come with a fucking XP disk
A11:16:24 <peerkoel> then you're probably not the only one
A11:16:34 <lobster> because it's usually a sucking XP disk
A11:16:40 <Darkebrz> Or a backup disc of any kind
10A11:17:05 * x266 (x266@CPE00179a4ea1f6-CM001868e7e028.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
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A11:17:46 <gear|work> lol
A11:17:58 <gear|work> a sucking disk
A11:18:14 <Darkebrz> So
A11:18:21 <Darkebrz> I guess I can't format
A11:18:23 <Darkebrz> Like I wanted to
A11:18:55 <citricsquid> download and burn to a blank CD?
A11:19:17 <Darkebrz> Download what
A11:19:29 <Darkebrz> Microsoft XP?
A11:19:49 <citricsquid> no, a ham sandwich.
A11:19:53 <citricsquid> yes, windows XP.
A11:20:08 <Darkebrz> Yeah...
A11:20:23 <Darkebrz> You can't just download XP then burn it to a disk
A11:20:44 <citricsquid> yes you can, if you don't mind being illegal.
A11:20:49 <Darkebrz> I do mind
A11:20:53 <PuyoDead> which is terribly easy to find
A11:20:58 <offset> When you buy the computer demand the OS disk, you paid for it...
A11:21:10 <citricsquid> Darkebrz: You legally own the operating system, there's no problem with it.
A11:21:24 <Darkebrz> citricsquid: Im more afraid of the possible virus
A11:21:27 <Darkebrz> I already got infected
A11:21:27 <citricsquid> Sure it's technically legally wrong, but morally there's no problem so I don't se why you'd be against it :)
A11:21:33 <PuyoDead> there's nothing to worry about there
A11:21:42 <PuyoDead> in fact, there's far LESS to worry about with that
A11:21:44 <citricsquid> Darkebrz: use your brain when finding a copy and you'll be fine.
A11:21:51 <offset> Just make sure you grab your key if you don't have the sticker :)
A11:22:02 <Darkebrz> >_>
A11:22:22 <Darkebrz> Sorry
A11:22:25 <Darkebrz> Its just really annoying
A11:22:37 <PuyoDead> if you got it in a store, then of course it did
A11:22:43 <Darkebrz> That's how my mom got it so cheap
A11:23:06 <PuyoDead> what store would sell a PC without windows pre-installed?
A11:23:06 <citricsquid> There's still a way to find the key, I've seen it mentioned somewhere.
A11:23:09 <Darkebrz> Well
A11:23:10 <Nalok> :/
A11:23:18 <Darkebrz> It didn't come with any disks
A11:23:25 <PuyoDead> disc
A11:23:33 <offset> Heaps of programs that'll grab the keys
A11:23:38 <PuyoDead> true
A11:23:43 <Darkebrz> Okay
10A11:23:44 * Amatsu-Sleep is now known as Amatsu
A11:23:49 <offset> RockXP off the top of my head
A11:23:53 <Nalok> How much longer till the forums are up?
A11:24:05 <gear|work> magic jelly bean as well
A11:24:07 <PuyoDead> every time someone asks, another day is added
A11:24:07 <citricsquid> Nalok: No definite answer, just wait.
A11:24:08 <gear|work> is another key grabber
A11:24:13 <gear|work> as weird as it sounds
A11:24:13 <PuyoDead> so... 2015
A11:24:47 <Nalok> What kinda shit job pays weeks after you were supposed to be?
A11:24:48 <gear|work> but yea just download an XP iso
A11:25:05 <PuyoDead> there's also http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/product_cd_key_viewer.html
A11:25:08 <gear|work> i have a library of XP disks
A11:25:16 <gear|work> professional, OEMs, name it
A11:25:28 <offset> Steal an action pack did we...
A11:25:29 <citricsquid> Nalok: It's called freelance.
A11:25:43 <Nalok> :/
A11:25:50 <Nalok> It still sucks
A11:25:57 <Darkebrz> The controls of Big Bang Mini are starting to piss me off
A11:26:15 <PuyoDead> that game is... mediocre
A11:26:15 <offset> Darkebrz, install Win7 instead :D
A11:26:27 <Darkebrz> Why
12A11:26:47 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4FA7.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:26:50 <PuyoDead> because win7 works very well (surprisingly)
A11:27:26 <offset> Idle around 330mb fresh install - works for me
A11:27:41 <Darkebrz> Anyways
10A11:27:55 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4CE7.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10A11:27:56 * ChanServ sets mode: +o C418
A11:28:02 <Darkebrz> My computer silently works on extremelly important scientific experiments while it is idle <3
10A11:28:10 * Darkebrz is now known as C417
A11:28:32 <citricsquid> Darkebrz: Please stop with the silly names.
A11:28:37 <C417> ?
10A11:28:43 * C417 was kicked by C418 (C417)
A11:28:48 <gear|work> hahahah
A11:28:57 <offset> has folding actually worked towards curing anything?
10A11:29:03 * criticsquid (Darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
13A11:29:06 * criticsquid is going to be banned
10A11:29:17 * criticsquid was kicked by citricsquid (Seriously, stop it.)
10A11:29:54 * criticaloctopus (Darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:29:55 <criticaloctopus> OKAY
A11:29:56 <PuyoDead> he has entirely too much of an obsession with that
A11:29:59 <criticaloctopus> There is nothing wrong with this
A11:30:07 <PuyoDead> why are you so damn obessed with spoofing?
A11:30:14 <criticaloctopus> This is no longer spoofing
A11:30:20 <citricsquid> Just put your name as darkebr and get it over with.
10A11:30:27 * criticaloctopus is now known as darkebr
A11:30:32 <darkebr> k
A11:30:44 <geektoo> darke is your server back
A11:30:56 <darkebr> Why wouldn't it be
A11:30:59 <darkebr> Ask mail
A11:31:09 <geektoo> last i knew it was hacked and griefed to death
A11:31:16 <darkebr> meh
A11:31:22 <darkebr> I told mail to reset it to a normal map
10A11:31:55 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
A11:32:08 <darkebr> Guess not
A11:32:35 <darkebr> It will be reset when he gets back on
10A11:35:21 * LKA is now known as YoukaiJesus
12A11:36:56 * MoDx- (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
A11:38:08 <darkebr> See?
A11:38:12 <darkebr> If I dont do anything
A11:38:17 <darkebr> Nothing happens
A11:38:19 <darkebr> Hmmm
10A11:38:22 * darkebr is now known as Notch
A11:38:27 <Notch> Its protected!
10A11:38:29 * Notch is now known as Darke
10A11:38:29 * Darke was kicked by citricsquid (the fuck?)
10A11:38:39 * Darke (Darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:38:42 <Darke> Hm?
A11:38:49 <Darke> I was just seeing how he protected it
A11:39:04 <Darke> If by immed or 20 seconds
A11:39:40 <UnknownX> 20 seconds
A11:39:43 <UnknownX> I would know
13A11:40:17 * Darke looks left
13A11:40:20 * Darke looks right
A11:40:25 <Darke> Hehehe
10A11:40:32 * Darke is now known as UnknownY
A11:40:41 <UnknownX> >:(
A11:40:42 <PuyoDead> *facepalm*
A11:40:48 <PuyoDead> you have serious issues
A11:41:07 <UnknownY> Why?
10A11:41:07 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04A11:41:07 KuroBit has the same ISP district as high6.
10A11:41:08 * citricsquid sets mode: +b *!*@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
A11:41:10 <PuyoDead> idiocy being a large one
A11:41:13 <UnknownX> Don't mess with me foo'
10A11:41:13 * UnknownY was kicked by citricsquid (You were told.)
A11:41:26 <citricsquid> He can come back in a day.
A11:42:40 <PuyoDead> IRC etiquette, some just have no idea what it is
A11:42:59 <offset> It's not hard, they just need to calm down
A11:43:04 <UnknownX> there are some really talented people out there
A11:43:15 <citricsquid> he was told at least 3 times, wtf.
A11:43:33 <offset> yeah, they're really hyperactive for some reason...
A11:44:02 <UnknownX> omg kirby put pikachu in the oven and killed pit
A11:44:11 <UnknownX> I'm scared
A11:44:20 <PuyoDead> not to mention the countless times he's done that before
A11:44:39 <Nalok> wut
A11:46:56 <gear|work> seriously
A11:47:01 <gear|work> keyboards need a "lol" key
A11:47:36 <fydo> some keyboards do
A11:48:01 <gear|work> do need
10A11:48:04 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
A11:48:38 <citricsquid> wouldn't be hard to make would it?
A11:48:52 <gear|work> nope
A11:49:16 <offset> macro in AutoHotkey?
A11:49:39 <offset> or a dedicated physical button =d
A11:50:05 <Quatroking> well
13A11:50:12 * PuyoDead uses his electronics engieering super powers to make a lol key... which he would never use anyway
A11:50:17 <Quatroking> get a maximus LCD keyboard and make one
A11:50:23 <citricsquid> my G15 has customizable keys, yeah!
A11:50:36 <citricsquid> I had a "/teleport " key before, for minecraft.
A11:51:17 <gear|work> i was a phyiscal lol key
A11:51:21 <fydo> a funny trick would be to bind "<space>lol<enter>" to the enter key
A11:51:32 <peerkoel> lol
A11:51:37 <peerkoel> hey that works
A11:51:38 <citricsquid> haha
A11:51:39 <fydo> and let the mayhem ensue on your friend/coworker's computer
A11:51:47 <citricsquid> if you had a key that did "<enter> D:<enter>"
A11:51:52 <citricsquid> you could call the Visiiri key.
A11:51:57 <PuyoDead> hah
A11:54:52 <PuyoDead> Flipnotes is neato
A11:55:12 <offset> Anyone have a Dell ultrasharp 24" - mixed reviews :d
A11:56:07 <fydo> at work I have 2x Dell 2208WFP
A11:56:14 <fydo> they are decent
A11:56:24 <citricsquid> Dell monitors are beautiful, I have a digimate :(
A11:56:58 <citricsquid> http://www.digimate.co.uk/photo/product/L-2249WD-Fron.jpg
A11:57:02 <fydo> I prefer Samsung over everything when it comes to monitors
A11:57:05 <offset> Most of the bad reviews are written in pigeon english, might get one
A11:57:54 <offset> Likewise, all of the TV's in the house are Samsung
A11:57:58 <fydo> I'm saving my pennies for two of the new Samsung 23" monitors with 2ms refresh rate
A11:58:11 <fydo> so pretty :)
A11:58:15 <citricsquid> I don't know whether to save for 3 x 22" or 2 x 24" :(
A11:58:21 <offset> never had a samsung die on me yet :)
10A11:58:39 * fleshBasedProcessor (chatzilla@72-161-144-176.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:58:41 <fydo> offset: me too, my TV is samsung as well :)
12A11:59:08 * softnux (softnux@81-226-208-157-no24.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: softnux)
10A11:59:29 * Shawn_Smick (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
12A11:59:36 * fleshBasedProcessor (chatzilla@72-161-144-176.dyn.centurytel.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A11:59:46 * Shawn_Smick is now known as Firehand94
10P12:05:06 * Adammm (Mibbit@adsl-69-223-185-234.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P12:07:03 * Adammm (Mibbit@adsl-69-223-185-234.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:07:46 <offset> Dark blames me for his viruses because he downloaded RockXP off the first link in google he found...
10P12:07:49 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:07:49 Haggle has the same ISP district as chewy.
P12:07:54 <offset> This person upsets me t_t
P12:10:18 <PuyoDead> what a doofus
12P12:10:21 * Blade`Skydancer (blade98037@pool-71-112-195-166.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P12:10:24 * KuroBit_ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:10:24 KuroBit_ has the same ISP district as high6.
P12:11:03 <Firehand94> i wish there was more then one ocean build server
12P12:11:03 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P12:11:07 * KuroBit_ is now known as KuroBit
P12:12:01 <citricsquid> I just realised, I've had a white desktop for the past 19 days.
10P12:12:10 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:12:52 <PuyoDead> hah
P12:12:55 <gear|work> classy
P12:13:08 <gear|work> i finally changed the default xp desktop
P12:13:14 <gear|work> because i had been too lazy
P12:13:35 <gear|work> http://www.c4isbad.com/i/rings_low.jpg
P12:14:08 <citricsquid> My desktop was http://filebox.me/files/9si31vp8y_desktopminecraftpreview.jpg for a good few months.
P12:14:59 <gear|work> i need to get an extra monitor
P12:15:03 <gear|work> i have two at work
12P12:15:03 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:15:05 <gear|work> and im spoiled
P12:15:14 <citricsquid> I have 2 and it isn't enough. I need 3 :(
P12:15:26 <PuyoDead> I need a kvm
10P12:15:35 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:15:39 <geektoo> for what
P12:15:49 <PuyoDead> this second pc sitting next to me, doing nothing
10P12:15:51 * Saer (Saer@c-68-60-135-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:16:26 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
12P12:18:27 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10P12:18:38 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:19:33 * KuroBit_ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:19:33 KuroBit_ has the same ISP district as high6.
12P12:19:59 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P12:20:03 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P12:20:07 * MysteryGuy (mgserver@bl14-110-67.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
10P12:20:14 * KuroBit_ is now known as KuroBit
P12:20:29 <citricsquid> I really hate people on the internet.
P12:20:46 <citricsquid> On a forum some guy said that the forum background was #24272B.
P12:20:51 <citricsquid> So I told him it's actually #25272D
P12:21:04 <citricsquid> and proved that it was his exporting that changed #24272B into #25272D
P12:21:17 <citricsquid> and he's saying that the forum background is actually #24272B.
P12:21:20 <citricsquid> I hate people.
P12:21:30 <C418> but thats very trivial
12P12:21:33 * Firehand94 (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
12P12:21:37 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-171.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * gear|work (Administra@ Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * kraffztr (kraffs@c-8ffbe253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * Deiz (swh@76-10-140-179.dsl.teksavvy.com) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * IsNotchOn (IsNotchOn@ Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * Dilt|Eee (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:21:37 * lobster (michielbiq@ Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * venn177 (bitchtits@cpe-173-171-176-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * aezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * postlogic (postlogic@luke.ifi.uio.no) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * Siiseli (siiseli@kapsi.fi) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * H4X (custom@ Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * MikeStar (MikeStar@blk-103-246-210.eastlink.ca) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * yoshibot (kit@pool-173-57-122-26.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
12P12:22:14 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
10P12:22:14 * mooogle (skylerschu@pool-173-65-88-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:22:14 Haggle has the same ISP district as chewy.
10P12:22:14 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-171.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * gear|work (Administra@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * H4X (custom@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * aezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * yoshibot (kit@pool-173-57-122-26.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * venn177 (bitchtits@cpe-173-171-176-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * lobster (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * postlogic (postlogic@luke.ifi.uio.no) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Dilt|Eee (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * MikeStar (MikeStar@blk-103-246-210.eastlink.ca) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * IsNotchOn (IsNotchOn@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Deiz (swh@76-10-140-179.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * kraffztr (kraffs@c-8ffbe253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * Siiseli (siiseli@kapsi.fi) has joined #minecraft
10P12:22:14 * excelsior.esper.net sets mode: +oo citricsquid Siiseli
P12:22:14 <citricsquid> my life is very trivial.
10P12:22:14 * ChanServ sets mode: -o citricsquid
10P12:22:14 * kalanosh (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P12:22:14 <citricsquid> also that was a fun netsplit.
10P12:22:14 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:22:14 <UnknownX> afk
10P12:22:14 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P12:22:16 <Quatroking> New comic online: http://www.quatroworld.org/2009/08/17/if-only-i/
P12:22:22 <Quatroking> or, more to say, propagandaaa
10P12:22:29 * Visiiri|CombatArms is now known as Visiiri
P12:22:30 <Haggle> Maybe he's color blind.
P12:22:36 <Visiiri> What was that mass kick jizz?
P12:22:40 <citricsquid> "Using the method that I use, that is, employment of #24272B and transformation to a .gif format, and given that the old pre-redesign background color continues to work as a legitimate facsimile of the forum's BG color, the background color can legitimately be said to exist as #24272B, while at the same time, just as legitimately existing as #25272D. It seems pretty simple to me, honestly."
P12:23:03 <FNugget> [12:21] -Global- Hi everyone, we need to do a little rerouting, please stand by and forgive us for the netsplits!
P12:23:11 <citricsquid> Visiiri: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
P12:23:11 <FNugget> gj Visiiri
P12:23:18 <Visiiri> Ohok
P12:23:23 <Visiiri> gj?
P12:23:25 <Visiiri> For what?
P12:23:28 <Visiiri> I wasn't here >.>
P12:23:29 <FNugget> good job
P12:23:41 <Visiiri> Good job? For what? I wasn't here >.>
10P12:25:37 * smn is now known as smn`offline
P12:25:41 <PuyoDead> hmm, so, I've been hearing talk of yet another free mmorpg, Shaiya, so I decided "what the hell, I'll try out a free game"
P12:25:47 <Quatroking> someone look at my new propaganda please
P12:26:01 <PuyoDead> upon startup, "A game hack has been found". it shuts down. so much for that idea
P12:26:13 <ChJees> Blah
P12:26:21 <fydo> heh
P12:27:23 <MysteryGuy> Do the forums work yet?
10P12:27:39 * PrinceOfFire59 (chatzilla@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:27:43 <PuyoDead> topic
P12:27:46 <PrinceOfFire59> hey all
P12:27:58 <Quatroking> citricsquid, you seriously need to take action with your client
P12:28:07 <citricsquid> Quatroking: No I don't, shut up.
P12:28:12 <Quatroking> tell him that you need the money quick because your family needs to be fed
P12:28:24 <Quatroking> that you have 5901 kids, nearly starving
P12:28:24 <citricsquid> Business doesn't work like that.
P12:28:28 <citricsquid> go back to being 15, please.
P12:28:34 <Quatroking> >:(
10P12:28:47 * scanlonman (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:29:02 <Quatroking> Well then
P12:29:09 <Quatroking> at least take a look at my new propaganda
P12:29:16 <Quatroking> it has skullz
P12:29:48 <citricsquid> so, uh, how do we join?
P12:29:48 <offset> I like the drawing
12P12:29:52 * MysteryGuy (mgserver@bl14-110-67.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:29:55 <Quatroking> I dunno.
P12:30:02 <Visiiri> LETS DO THIS
12P12:30:42 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P12:30:48 * osici (osici@dhcp19-52.physics.ox.ac.uk) Quit (Quit: osici)
P12:33:11 <kalanosh> an is a funtion used before vowel SOUNDS so unicorn or UFO produce a Y-sounds like young our unicorn of UFO so its "A UFO" not "AN UFO" :) hi quatroking
P12:33:30 <Quatroking> go burn
12P12:33:35 * Nalok (gdhammerbo@pool-71-176-175-78.hgrtmd.east.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:33:49 <kalanosh> lol
P12:33:56 <kalanosh> its should be easy to correct
P12:34:37 <gear|work> did quatro have a grammar fail?
P12:34:48 <citricsquid> quatro has worse grammar than me.
10P12:35:25 * liq3 (liquidman3@ has joined #minecraft
P12:35:31 <citricsquid> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lS7VFDIlvo
P12:35:35 <ChJees> Where is the Reddit Public server :s
P12:35:44 <ChJees> Or what the heck it's name was
P12:36:05 <Quatroking> there, refresh the page.
P12:37:19 <kalanosh> same
P12:37:27 <Quatroking> goddamnit it won't update the file
P12:38:25 <kalanosh> http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7682/97215891.png
P12:38:33 <kalanosh> i updated it for you
P12:38:34 <kalanosh> :)
10P12:39:13 * mib_q90icd (Mibbit@p5B374DAE.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:39:43 <Quatroking> oh, no wonder it didn't update
P12:39:52 <Quatroking> wrong folder
P12:39:58 <fydo> kalanosh: if you pronounce UFO as a word rather than an acronym, then it works. "An 'oofo'" :)
10P12:40:17 * Amatsu-Othercomp (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
12P12:40:32 * Amatsu-Othercomp (amatsudark@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:40:38 <kalanosh> your correct
P12:40:44 <fydo> YOU'RE!!!
P12:40:44 <kalanosh> but you follow common practice
P12:40:51 <fydo> hehe
P12:40:53 <kalanosh> common practice is U-F-O
P12:40:57 <fydo> yep, true
P12:41:07 <kalanosh> lol im not publishing my chats ona website :)
12P12:41:17 * scanlonman (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: ANIME)
10P12:41:27 * scanlonman (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
12P12:41:38 * mib_q90icd (Mibbit@p5B374DAE.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P12:41:41 * Amatsu-Othercomp (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
P12:42:10 <Quatroking> refresh
12P12:42:20 * Miclee (miclee1@CPE001839f2360a-CM0012c99a3e00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P12:42:35 * Dudebro (chatzilla@adsl-68-94-22-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:42:39 <gear|work> ive become a jquery mastard!
Session Close: Mon Aug 17 12:42:45 2009
Session Start: Mon Aug 17 12:42:45 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
15P12:42:45 * Disconnected
10P12:43:49 * Rejoined channel #minecraft
10P12:43:49 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; back soon.'
10P12:43:49 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-86-25-243-61.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Sun Aug 16 16:02:58
P12:43:55 <Dudebro> how the shit do I porward mah forts?
P12:44:08 <Dusicyon> portforward.com
P12:44:20 <Dudebro> I went to port forward and selected my router, but idk what to do after that
P12:44:27 <Quatroking> read the page
P12:44:28 <Quatroking> ZING
P12:44:47 <kalanosh> true story
P12:44:57 <Quatroking> cool story bro
P12:45:21 <kalanosh> portforward...is very straightforward....no pun intended
P12:45:28 <Quatroking> HAHAHA
P12:45:32 <Quatroking> OH GOD
10P12:45:32 * KuroBit_ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:45:32 KuroBit_ has the same ISP district as high6.
P12:45:34 <Quatroking> YOUR SO FUNNY
P12:45:36 <Quatroking> HAAAA
P12:45:41 <Quatroking> LOLOLOL
P12:45:47 <Quatroking> eh, nah.
12P12:46:03 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:46:03 <PuyoDead> can I just ignore every other line Quatro sends? is that possible?
P12:46:10 <Quatroking> gawd, my b-day is in 3 weeks
P12:46:12 <offset> I think he needs a forced chill out :D
10P12:46:14 * KuroBit_ is now known as KuroBit
P12:46:20 <Quatroking> puyodead I fucking hate you.
P12:46:33 <gear|work> wow
P12:46:38 <PuyoDead> aww, that makes me feel special
P12:46:42 <gear|work> so i ahd this project some time ago
P12:46:44 <Quatroking> Well, you are special
P12:46:47 <gear|work> to cover one of my walls
P12:46:48 <PuyoDead> thanks, Quatry
P12:46:53 <gear|work> with floppy disks
P12:47:08 <kalanosh> covering walls with floppy disk = virgin
P12:47:11 <gear|work> and my boss brings me a box of floppies today from cleaning his mothers office or something
P12:47:11 <Quatroking> You're welcome, puyodeady
P12:47:17 <Quatroking> daddy?
P12:47:21 <gear|work> windows 95 install disks
P12:47:23 <gear|work> awesome.
P12:47:24 <PuyoDead> not yet
P12:47:26 <citricsquid> I have quatro on ignore anyway, haha.
P12:47:26 <Dudebro> what fort do I porward?
P12:47:35 <Quatroking> citricsquid is a pussy
P12:47:41 <PuyoDead> 25565
P12:47:47 <gear|work> kalanosh: im saving myself for my second marriage
P12:47:48 <Quatroking> citricsquid sleeps with his mother
P12:47:52 <Quatroking> NAKED
P12:47:53 <gear|work> not even my first wife gets to hit this
P12:48:07 <Visiiri> AH
P12:48:12 <Quatroking> gear|work: how many floppies?
P12:48:13 <Visiiri> wait- is he or his mum naked?
P12:48:16 <citricsquid> gear|work: married and on the internet?!
P12:48:18 <Quatroking> visiiri: both
P12:48:19 <gear|work> lol
P12:48:24 <Visiiri> D:
P12:48:27 <gear|work> well for the wall i need about 1000 floppies
P12:48:37 <gear|work> he gave me about 100 just now
P12:48:38 <citricsquid> Visiiri: who's mum?
P12:48:53 <Visiiri> Yours
P12:49:01 <citricsquid> >:( who said that?
P12:49:03 <Visiiri> <Quatroking> citricsquid sleeps with his mother
P12:49:03 <Visiiri> <Quatroking> NAKED
P12:49:06 <Visiiri> :P
P12:49:08 <gear|work> http://assets.knowyourmeme.com/i/1582/original/picard-facepalm.jpg
P12:49:09 <Quatroking> your mom
P12:49:24 <Quatroking> Thats for "ignoring" me
P12:49:40 <citricsquid> Visiiri: I should probably unignore him so he can't get away with that.
10P12:50:22 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad034c5.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:50:22 <Quatroking> lol
P12:50:22 <Jakkarra> Hay Guaiz!
P12:50:22 <Quatroking> citricsquid
P12:50:22 <Jakkarra> ?
P12:50:22 <citricsquid> Jakkarra hi!
P12:50:22 <Jakkarra> yaaaaay
10P12:50:22 * KuroBit_ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:50:22 KuroBit_ has the same ISP district as high6.
P12:50:22 <Jakkarra> i notice notch are on
P12:50:22 <Jakkarra> at least
P12:50:22 <Quatroking> he's not on.
P12:50:23 <Jakkarra> the utility says so
P12:50:24 <citricsquid> http://graveindustries.com:8080/IsNotchOn/IsNotchOn no he isn't!
P12:50:34 <Quatroking> uh
P12:50:38 <Quatroking> it says he is on.
P12:50:39 <Jakkarra> it LIES
P12:50:42 <KuroBit_> yeah...
P12:50:46 <citricsquid> It must be because of the netsplit.
P12:50:46 <Quatroking> Oh dear.
P12:50:50 <PuyoDead> maybe Darke broke it
P12:50:56 <Visiiri> Ahahaha
P12:51:24 <Visiiri> KURO WINS. IF YOU WANT A SKIN, ASK HIM. Yeah. He recieved my word of recomendation, thanks to his AMAZING Timeshift skin :D
10P12:51:41 * KuroBit__ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P12:51:41 KuroBit__ has the same ISP district as high6.
P12:51:41 <Quatroking> I make my own, thanks.
P12:51:55 <citricsquid> http://rmbls.net/#164956988
12P12:51:58 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:52:04 <offset> provide examples of "amaszing skins" :D
10P12:52:09 * KuroBit__ is now known as KuroBit
P12:52:15 <Quatroking> hey citricsquid, do you think I should disable the last.fm thingie on my site?
P12:53:20 <Quatroking> it feels like it slows down the loading
12P12:53:20 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P12:53:20 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:53:20 <citricsquid> not having forum sucks :'(
P12:53:20 <Quatroking> unignore me you cunt >:(
P12:53:29 <Quatroking> visiiri yell at citricsquid to ignore me
12P12:53:43 * KuroBit_ (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:54:00 <Quatroking> or I'll reveal all of your secret photos of kids
P12:54:54 <Visiiri> lol
P12:54:56 <Visiiri> citric
P12:54:58 <Visiiri> unignore quatro
P12:55:07 <citricsquid> no he's a twat.
P12:55:10 <gear|work> hes whining and its annoying!
P12:55:12 <ChJees> lol Quatro
P12:55:12 <Visiiri> or he'll reveal all of your secret photos of kids
P12:55:25 <Quatroking> visiiri you're a dick
P12:55:29 <Visiiri> What?
P12:55:30 <Quatroking> fyi
P12:55:32 <Visiiri> I did what you said!
P12:55:34 <Visiiri> WDF
P12:55:40 <Visiiri> That's it.
P12:55:43 <Visiiri> I'm ignoring you too.
P12:55:49 <Quatroking> I don't even know what wdf means
13P12:55:51 * PuyoDead fires up the ignor-o-tron
13P12:55:53 * ChJees raeps Quatroking
P12:55:53 <Quatroking> to be honest
P12:56:15 <citricsquid> I just signed up to a dating site without realising
P12:56:15 <Quatroking> i'm going to ignore * so EVERYONE will be ignored
P12:56:15 <citricsquid> wat
P12:56:20 <Quatroking> take that, you suckersss
P12:56:30 <citricsquid> btw quatro I was never ignoring you.
P12:56:31 <ChJees> :P
P12:56:37 <Visiiri> pwnt
P12:56:47 <Visiiri> :D
P12:56:51 <Visiiri> I ignored ChanServ
P12:56:56 <Quatroking> awesome, now I'm seeing nothing but myself
P12:57:03 <Quatroking> sweet
P12:57:03 <citricsquid> can I ignore myself?
P12:57:09 <ChJees> Try it?
P12:57:19 <citricsquid> Added citricsquid!*@* to ignore list
P12:57:23 <citricsquid> nah, doesn't ignore it :(
P12:57:24 <ChJees> Blah
P12:57:30 <Quatroking> so anyways, citricsquid, do you think I should disable the last.fm thingie on my site
P12:57:31 <ChJees> "Added ChJees!*@* to ignore list"
P12:57:33 <ChJees> :3
P12:58:06 <PuyoDead> http://imgur.com/CQSQf.jpg
P12:58:08 <Quatroking> it seems to slow down the load
P12:58:18 <Quatroking> LMAO
P12:59:04 <Quatroking> heh, mclovin
P12:59:21 <Quatroking> Source: http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vistahardware/thread/720108ee-0a9c-4090-b62d-bbd5cb1a7605
P12:59:22 <citricsquid> brilliant
P1:00:01 <ChJees> o_O
P1:00:17 <ChJees> Heavy magnetism!
P1:00:51 <ChJees> The ratio is: 0:0
P1:00:52 <ChJees> :D
12P1:01:35 * scanlonman (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: scanlonman)
12P1:01:40 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:02:23 * yihff (anonymous@99-184-199-115.lightspeed.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P1:02:45 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:02:48 <Quatroking> microsoft people... lol.
10P1:02:55 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P1:02:55 Haggle has the same ISP district as chewy.
P1:03:14 <ChJees> Eh?
13P1:03:28 * ChJees raeos Quatroking some more
13P1:03:35 * Quatroking slaps ChJees
P1:03:48 <ChJees> You liek it
P1:03:59 <Quatroking> I'm going to freenode guys
P1:04:03 <Quatroking> wish me luck
P1:04:19 <ChJees> Break your neck
P1:05:01 <citricsquid> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UMWhJsd0JE
P1:05:09 <PuyoDead> better than esper.net, if you ask me
P1:05:19 <C418> what do you have against esper.net?
P1:05:26 <C418> it's one of the best irc servers I am on
12P1:06:04 * Amatsu-Othercomp (amatsudark@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P1:06:19 <liq3> There's a diff between IRC serrvers besides the people?
P1:06:35 <PuyoDead> only the no nick changing while in moderated channels, is all
P1:06:43 <PuyoDead> otherwise, it's just fine
P1:06:54 <C418> eh?
P1:07:01 <C418> never knew about that thing
P1:07:05 <liq3> Heh. Just to me, all IRC servers are basically identical, just different peeps.
P1:07:14 <PuyoDead> only if you aren't oped/voiced
P1:07:14 <C418> oh, me for example
P1:07:16 <C418> I hate euirc
P1:07:22 <C418> it's a terrible and slow network
P1:07:23 <PuyoDead> small annoyance, really, it's just weird
P1:07:45 <Visiiri> Is mail on?
P1:07:50 <Visiiri> Nope.
P1:07:50 <PuyoDead> gamesurge was wretched for a long time
12P1:08:15 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P1:08:18 <Visiiri> Does anyone have mails premium only server script?
P1:08:26 <PuyoDead> it's got better over the years, but when it first became gamesurge, it was amazing to stay connected longer than 30 minutes
10P1:08:35 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P1:09:12 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P1:10:20 <Visiiri> Ohey
P1:10:33 <Visiiri> What's goin on?
P1:10:33 <kalanosh> that link with the data increase
P1:10:49 <kalanosh> does data really increase the weight of computers?
P1:10:56 <kalanosh> ive never noticed, i use a desktop
P1:11:05 <kalanosh> anyways great read tahnks for the link
P1:11:13 <PuyoDead> yes, but it's really 1KB = 2.7 metric tons
P1:11:14 <Visiiri> It can't be more than a feather, i'm sure.
P1:11:15 <AnnihilatorBeta> whhat
P1:11:35 <Visiiri> "metric tons"
P1:11:54 <PuyoDead> sounds fancier
P1:11:56 <Visiiri> Could you put that in a ratio to the computers weight?
P1:12:02 <Visiiri> Just for a standard laptop
P1:12:09 <Visiiri> When it's full
P1:12:12 <Visiiri> to when it's empty?
P1:12:13 <PuyoDead> 9835670135709135671:1
P1:12:19 <Visiiri> hahahahahahaha
P1:12:20 <Visiiri> Yeah
P1:12:23 <Visiiri> You'll feel that one.
P1:12:40 <PuyoDead> so will the earth
P1:12:44 <Visiiri> Oh yes
P1:12:47 <Visiiri> D:
P1:12:51 <gear|work> my laptop has gotten really heavy
P1:12:55 <gear|work> i got a lot of fat girl porn
P1:13:01 <Visiiri> hahaha
P1:13:01 <Jakkarra> i r back
P1:13:08 <Visiiri> Our computers are getting so heavy
P1:13:12 <Jakkarra> global warming is due to Chuck norris
P1:13:16 <Visiiri> that they are changing the earths orbit
P1:13:20 <Jakkarra> he is working out
P1:13:27 <Visiiri> and soon we will spin so fast we all fall off D:
P1:13:32 <Jakkarra> this causes himself to heat up
P1:13:37 <Jakkarra> heating thwe world
P1:14:02 <Jakkarra> how do i become a mod on the IRC?
P1:14:09 <KuroBit> luckily he uses most of the heat to power the sun
P1:14:14 <Visiiri> On this channle?
P1:14:16 <Visiiri> You don't.
P1:14:18 <Visiiri> BUT
P1:14:23 <AnnihilatorBeta> but
P1:14:33 <gear|work> but
P1:14:33 <KuroBit> But
P1:14:38 <Jakkarra> yeas?
P1:14:42 <Visiiri> on a different channle, an OP or creator of the channle has to type /halfop Jakkarra
P1:14:43 <AnnihilatorBeta> emphasis on but
P1:14:44 <gear|work> oh nothing
P1:14:47 <Visiiri> I beleive it's half...
P1:14:57 <Jakkarra> k
P1:15:05 <Visiiri> I'm not entirely sure though.
10P1:15:49 * Peroggi (Perogi@S0106001cf0fcecf9.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:16:28 <kalanosh> chuck norris jokes = your 12 to 15 years old
10P1:16:35 * Amatsu2 (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
12P1:16:48 * kalanosh (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
12P1:17:11 * Amatsu2 (amatsudark@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P1:17:18 <KuroBit> lol sorry
P1:17:18 <Visiiri> HEY
P1:17:21 <Visiiri> I'm fifteen :<
P1:17:26 <Visiiri> Oh wait no
P1:17:28 <liq3> kalanosh: That's inaccurate.
P1:17:29 <AnnihilatorBeta> kalanosh is terrible
P1:17:33 <Visiiri> I've been sixteen for two weeks :D
P1:17:37 <AnnihilatorBeta> at making remarks
P1:17:38 <AnnihilatorBeta> huh
P1:17:56 <Visiiri> zomg
P1:18:05 <AnnihilatorBeta> wat
P1:18:07 <Visiiri> I would cut off my testicles to hear that noise again
P1:18:10 <Visiiri> I just burped
P1:18:17 <Visiiri> with some sierra mist in my mouth
P1:18:26 <Visiiri> and it was an "oooaaahhh"
P1:18:35 <Visiiri> with a tremelo on :D
P1:18:42 <liq3> I don't think you'd be able to if you cut them off. ;]
P1:18:48 <Visiiri> hahahaha
P1:18:50 <Visiiri> ^^win
12P1:18:53 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:19:25 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:19:43 <Visiiri> I'm going to set up a server.
P1:19:46 <Visiiri> Anyone want to help?
P1:20:22 <liq3> you need help?
12P1:20:23 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:20:42 <Visiiri> No.
10P1:20:43 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P1:20:43 KuroBit has the same ISP district as high6.
P1:20:48 <Visiiri> But a couple OP's would be nice.
P1:21:24 <gear|work> i dont know how people have trouble setting up servers
12P1:22:19 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:22:22 <peerkoel> do you want to run your own piratebay? get in line with the 2000 other leechers http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5053827
10P1:23:24 * citricsquid2 (sam@client-86-25-242-194.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:23:28 <gear|work> fucking epic
10P1:23:42 * Zachariasmith (Mibbit@67-225-35-35.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) has joined #minecraft
P1:23:51 <Zachariasmith> sup guys!
12P1:23:57 * citricsquid (sam@client-81-97-77-171.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:23:59 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:24:30 <Zachariasmith> anyone here?
P1:25:19 <C418> oh, it's that bloke who doesn't believe that you-know-who's back
P1:25:21 <C418> WHAT
P1:25:35 <Zachariasmith> ???
P1:25:57 <Zachariasmith> i dont know who who is back?
P1:26:27 <Visiiri> Who you don't know is back
P1:26:49 <Zachariasmith> he who i dont know? i dont think i know him :P
P1:26:59 <Visiiri> You know who he is back
P1:27:03 <Visiiri> Who back he is youknow.
P1:27:22 <Zachariasmith> i know that you know who i dont know is back
P1:27:33 <Visiiri> Back I am you know who i am back
P1:27:40 <Eagle> Know back is you he you.
12P1:27:52 * citricsquid2 (sam@client-86-25-242-194.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P1:27:53 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-242-194.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:27:55 <Zachariasmith> i know i am confused
10P1:27:57 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P1:28:00 <Zachariasmith> :D
P1:28:20 <Zachariasmith> hey citric
P1:28:22 <Visiiri> hahaha me too
P1:28:24 <Visiiri> Ohai
P1:28:26 <citricsquid> yo
P1:29:00 <AnnihilatorBeta> hello
P1:29:07 <Eagle> Who is this citricsquid fellow.
P1:29:19 <citricsquid> he sounds gay
P1:29:24 <AnnihilatorBeta> yeah
P1:29:26 <Eagle> What a fag.
P1:29:44 <Eagle> I heard that he still doesn't have enough money to get the forums back up.
P1:29:53 <citricsquid> really? he should die.
P1:29:56 <AnnihilatorBeta> i heard he spent all his money on an ufo
P1:30:13 <Isak> Annihilator...
P1:30:18 <Zachariasmith> i heard the ufo didnt even work
P1:30:20 <Isak> You annihiliated the joke
P1:30:34 <AnnihilatorBeta> what
12P1:30:34 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
P1:30:40 <Eagle> Isak you haven't read the comic have you?
P1:30:48 <Isak> comix were
P1:30:49 <Isak> :D
P1:30:54 <AnnihilatorBeta> isak
P1:30:55 <AnnihilatorBeta> you suck
P1:31:01 <Isak> Thank you.
P1:31:03 <Isak> :D
10P1:31:13 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P1:31:13 KuroBit has the same ISP district as high6.
P1:31:14 <Zachariasmith> isak is a professional vacume
P1:31:20 <Isak> ahahahhaha
P1:31:21 <Zachariasmith> sucking is good
P1:31:31 <Eagle> *vacuum
P1:31:36 <AnnihilatorBeta> yes
P1:31:44 <Isak> Okay, I'm going AFK again
P1:31:45 <Isak> Goodbye.
P1:31:51 <Zachariasmith> bye
P1:31:53 <AnnihilatorBeta> kbye
P1:32:26 <Eagle> So anyways
P1:32:31 <Eagle> This citricsquid guy
P1:32:33 <Eagle> who is he
P1:32:42 <AnnihilatorBeta> i think he's a critic
P1:32:42 <Zachariasmith> a nub
P1:32:50 <Zachariasmith> hes kalamari
P1:32:57 <Zachariasmith> with lemons!
P1:33:02 <Visiiri> Alright.
P1:33:04 <Visiiri> I'm making a map
P1:33:12 <Visiiri> It will be 1/4 mountain build
P1:33:16 <Visiiri> then 1/4 ocean build
P1:33:20 <Visiiri> 1/4 flatgrass
P1:33:21 <Visiiri> :D
P1:33:25 <Zachariasmith> cool
P1:33:28 <Visiiri> What should I do with the other 1/4
P1:33:30 <AnnihilatorBeta> and the other 1/4? std?
P1:33:35 <Visiiri> std?
P1:33:39 <Zachariasmith> make it a admin only area
P1:33:43 <Zachariasmith> with a big wall
P1:33:44 <Visiiri> hell no
P1:33:48 <AnnihilatorBeta> they call it 'standard'
P1:33:52 <Visiiri> ohok
P1:33:54 <Visiiri> I can't
P1:33:54 <AnnihilatorBeta> i don't
P1:33:59 <Visiiri> I have to gen the mountians
P1:34:01 <peerkoel> make it a big lava pit
P1:34:10 <Visiiri> Lava build?
P1:34:16 <Eagle> Make the other 1/4 a huge complicated spawn prison.
P1:34:21 <peerkoel> :D
P1:34:27 <peerkoel> that'll keep griefers away?
P1:34:34 <Visiiri> I don't mind griefers.
P1:34:43 <Visiiri> This is the last server I'm going to have that is griefable
P1:34:45 <AnnihilatorBeta> surround the whole area with opcrete and make them think that's the whole map
12P1:34:54 * Dudebro (chatzilla@adsl-68-94-22-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P1:35:26 <Visiiri> why?
P1:35:30 <Visiiri> Should I do a dessert?
P1:35:34 <Visiiri> I want a basic map
P1:35:41 <Visiiri> No fancy griefproof jizz
P1:35:47 <Eagle> Dessert?
P1:35:47 <Zachariasmith> dessert might be cool
P1:35:57 <Eagle> Make it an icecream palace
P1:36:01 <Visiiri> D:
P1:36:01 <Eagle> Since it's dessert
P1:36:11 <Visiiri> FKUC SPEALLNGI
10P1:36:13 * IceFlinger (IceChat7@CPE000c413a1e8f-CM0019474a9860.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P1:36:19 <Eagle> With chocolate fudge as the ceiling
10P1:36:20 * IceFlinger (IceChat7@CPE000c413a1e8f-CM0019474a9860.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has left #minecraft
P1:36:22 <AnnihilatorBeta> mmm desserts
P1:36:29 <Visiiri> Dessert or snow?
P1:36:41 <Zachariasmith> snow is cooler
P1:36:45 <Zachariasmith> :P
P1:36:45 <Eagle> Vanilla Icecream kind of looks like snow anyways
P1:36:48 <Visiiri> Snow it is
P1:36:50 <Zachariasmith> hehehe get it
P1:36:51 <Visiiri> but it will be fat
P1:36:51 <Eagle> I'm still saying dessert
P1:36:58 <Zachariasmith> snow cool!?
P1:37:00 <AnnihilatorBeta> hehehehe i getit
P1:37:02 <Eagle> Lollipop trees
P1:37:04 <Zachariasmith> hehehe
P1:37:08 <AnnihilatorBeta> hehehehehe
P1:37:22 <Eagle> Icecream is also cool
P1:37:26 <mooogle> lolz why does it say that notch is on ifhe isnt?
P1:37:27 <Eagle> It even has ice in the name
P1:37:28 <mooogle> if he*
P1:37:33 <AnnihilatorBeta> well duhr
P1:37:37 <Eagle> He's a spah
P1:37:39 <Zachariasmith> whoa looks like pokemon gold and silver are getting ds remakes!
P1:37:42 <Zachariasmith> cool
P1:37:49 <Eagle> That's old news. :P
P1:37:54 <Zachariasmith> really
P1:38:02 <Eagle> Yes.
P1:38:02 <mooogle> YAH RLY
P1:38:03 <Zachariasmith> how come no one told me!?1
P1:38:08 <Zachariasmith> aww lame
P1:38:17 <Eagle> I'm saying that screw pokemon remakes. SCRIBBLENAUTS YEAH.
P1:38:21 <mooogle> retard ruby and stupid sapphire.
P1:38:38 <Eagle> Scribblenauts!
P1:38:38 <mooogle> fuck yeah, scribblenauts!
P1:38:46 <mooogle> cant wait for it.
P1:38:52 <venn177> fffffff
13P1:38:58 * venn177 yawns
P1:39:03 <AnnihilatorBeta> uck
P1:39:05 <PuyoDead> that game is going to be magnificent
P1:39:19 <Zachariasmith> scribblenauts is the shit
P1:39:20 <AnnihilatorBeta> hopefully it doesn't die like the rest
P1:39:30 <PuyoDead> huh?
P1:39:41 <Eagle> Made by the same people as Drawn to Life and that game sucked. :P
P1:39:49 <mooogle> yes it did.
P1:40:00 <PuyoDead> yea, it was pretty... underwhelming
P1:40:01 <Zachariasmith> but scribble nauts is awesome
P1:40:11 <Zachariasmith> check some of the videos for it
12P1:40:13 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P1:40:15 <Zachariasmith> u can make haggis
P1:40:27 <Eagle> ?
P1:40:47 <fydo> scribblenauts needs a way to update over the net when new words and memes are released
10P1:40:52 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:41:07 <Eagle> Scribblenauts needs local wireless connection sandbox mode.
P1:41:20 <Eagle> sandbox multiplayer
P1:41:21 <Zachariasmith> yeah
P1:42:01 <Zachariasmith> god vs cuthulo :P
P1:42:06 <PuyoDead> I really wonder how much info they aren't giving out
P1:42:11 <PuyoDead> cthulu?
P1:42:19 <AnnihilatorBeta> well it doesn't have blood
P1:42:25 <Zachariasmith> yeah however u spell that
P1:42:29 <AnnihilatorBeta> and characters poof when they die?
P1:42:35 <Zachariasmith> soo?
P1:42:54 <Zachariasmith> good games dont need blood
P1:43:02 <AnnihilatorBeta> what about the poof part
P1:43:18 <Zachariasmith> what do enimies do in legend of zelda
P1:43:29 <Eagle> It's a nintendo game
P1:43:33 <Eagle> Of course it isn't going to have blood
P1:43:40 <AnnihilatorBeta> of course
P1:43:46 <AnnihilatorBeta> whoever thought of that must be dumb
P1:43:48 <Zachariasmith> yeah thats beside the point
P1:43:52 <PuyoDead> that hasn't applied since the 90's
P1:44:07 <Zachariasmith> sure it has
P1:44:08 <AnnihilatorBeta> . i'm not dumb :(
P1:44:11 <Zachariasmith> zack and wiki
P1:44:18 <PuyoDead> madworld
P1:44:26 <Zachariasmith> that game has poofs and its awesome
P1:44:30 <DragonRift> morning everyone
P1:44:36 <Eagle> Hello.
P1:44:41 <PuyoDead> something like madworld wouldn't have existed in the 90's
P1:44:47 <PuyoDead> but now they allow stuff like that
P1:45:22 <Eagle> Madworld is like the Wii is trying to get people to say "GOD YES WII IS SO HARDCOOOOORE" even though it's just one game.
P1:45:32 <PuyoDead> no more heroes
P1:45:41 <Eagle> I've never played that. :/
P1:45:53 <PuyoDead> it's just as much (if not more) violent
P1:45:59 <Eagle> Well then,
P1:46:01 <Eagle> Two games.
P1:46:28 <PuyoDead> point being, nintendo simply didn't allow anything close to that during the snes days
P1:46:45 <PuyoDead> they would censor alcohol, violence, crosses, tons of weird things
P1:46:46 <Eagle> Well most game systems didn't do that either.
10P1:47:00 * Jaska (Jaska@ has joined #minecraft
P1:47:22 <Zachariasmith> games and movies get more violent the more we get accustomed to it
P1:47:35 <AnnihilatorBeta> they didn't censor hitler's exploding head
P1:47:41 <Zachariasmith> now a days u can show boobs in a 14A movie pretty much
P1:47:58 <PuyoDead> only in the public eye
P1:48:09 <AnnihilatorBeta> they need more exploding head moments
P1:48:41 <DragonRift> Zachariasmith: your not related to the evil Zacharias family in alberta are you?
10P1:48:58 * Kawete (Kawete@ALagny-152-1-27-180.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #minecraft
P1:49:09 <Zachariasmith> no im not
P1:49:14 <Kawete> Hi
P1:49:17 <Zachariasmith> last time i checked :P
P1:49:25 <Eagle> <AnnihilatorBeta> they didn't censor hitler's exploding head
P1:49:29 <Eagle> I remember that game. :O
P1:49:42 <DragonRift> is your name Zacharias or Zacharia?
P1:49:51 <Kawete> how can i restart a server ? without build
P1:50:00 <Zachariasmith> my acctuall name is zachary
P1:50:03 <AnnihilatorBeta> zacharias mith?
P1:50:07 <Zachariasmith> i just use zacharia
P1:50:13 <DragonRift> kk
P1:50:17 <Zachariasmith> on the internets
P1:50:20 <Kawete> how can i restart a server ? without build
P1:50:23 <Eagle> Kawete you mean restart the map?
P1:50:26 <DragonRift> kk
P1:50:32 <fydo> DragonRift: hey hey
P1:50:32 <Kawete> no with a new map
P1:50:42 <Eagle> Delete the server_level.dat
P1:50:47 <Eagle> And start the server again
P1:50:47 <DragonRift> there is a evil group of family called zacharias in alberta
P1:50:52 <DragonRift> child beaters
P1:50:53 <Eagle> It'll generate a new map
P1:50:54 <DragonRift> mollesters
P1:50:55 <DragonRift> etc
P1:50:59 <Zachariasmith> creepy
P1:51:02 <DragonRift> yea
P1:51:08 <AnnihilatorBeta> let's burn them down
P1:51:14 <Zachariasmith> yeah in in saskatchewan not alberta
P1:51:19 <DragonRift> i like your attitude
P1:51:21 <DragonRift> respect
P1:51:22 <DragonRift> :)
P1:51:29 <Kawete> k Eagle thank you very much
P1:51:30 <Visiiri> Ugh
P1:51:33 <Visiiri> This takes a LONG time
P1:51:37 <Zachariasmith> likewise man
P1:51:37 <Eagle> No problem.
12P1:51:40 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:51:54 <Kawete> Eagle we can choose the map Oo ?
P1:52:01 <Eagle> ?
P1:52:06 <Visiiri> Dammit
P1:52:09 <Visiiri> Locked up omen
P1:52:10 <Visiiri> D:
P1:52:15 <Eagle> Did you save the map you had before you built on it?
P1:52:33 <Eagle> Because if you have a map you made change the name to server_level.dat
P1:52:38 <Kawete> no
10P1:52:38 * UD (userud@a91-154-120-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
10P1:52:47 * mooogle (skylerschu@pool-173-65-88-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has left #minecraft
P1:52:53 <UD> I think I just encountered a bug
P1:53:24 <lobster_MB> do tell
P1:53:28 <Eagle> ... Tell us?
P1:53:36 <Kawete> (i've some problems with english =p)
P1:53:53 <Kawete> hm, we dont know how to change the map
12P1:54:17 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: Plotty)
P1:54:32 <DragonRift> Zachariasmith: you do game dev?
P1:54:46 <Zachariasmith> i might be getting into some :D
P1:54:54 <Zachariasmith> not really though currently
P1:55:36 <DragonRift> guess what I have been making?
P1:55:36 <UD> Oh right, so the bug
P1:55:36 <UD> I'm on a sandy beach
P1:55:36 <Zachariasmith> shark week!?!
P1:55:36 <DragonRift> a 3d mmo game creation system
P1:55:36 <UD> And then I stack one sand block on the beach
P1:55:38 <Zachariasmith> hmmm... interesting
P1:55:44 <DragonRift> very
P1:55:54 <UD> Then, I accidentally spawn a sandblock next to the sandblock right above the water
P1:55:56 <Zachariasmith> do make models for it or are they premade
P1:55:59 <UD> The sandblock falls into water
P1:55:59 <Zachariasmith> ?
P1:56:00 <DragonRift> all gameplay mechanics is using lua
P1:56:08 <UD> And then suddenly, the sealevel rises by 1
P1:56:13 <DragonRift> we have a collada importer
P1:56:19 <gear|work> UD: that only happens in single player
P1:56:19 <Zachariasmith> kk
P1:56:19 <UD> ah
P1:56:19 <gear|work> it also works with lava
P1:56:24 <UD> wtfk
P1:56:48 <Zachariasmith> neat
P1:56:59 <UD> So I suppose notch is working on it
P1:57:08 <DragonRift> we use a hybrid deferred and forward rendering system
10P1:57:10 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
P1:57:23 <DragonRift> with hdr
P1:57:26 <DragonRift> all shader driven
P1:57:39 <Zachariasmith> u have a site for it?
P1:57:41 <DragonRift> dyanmic scaling multithreading technology for multicores
P1:57:48 <DragonRift> www.ragecomm.com
P1:57:53 <DragonRift> not anything public yet
P1:57:57 <DragonRift> #ragecomm
P1:57:59 <DragonRift> on this server
P1:58:24 <Zachariasmith> k
P1:58:40 <Zachariasmith> is collada good?
10P1:58:52 * Naven (Mibbit@p4FD4DADF.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:59:03 <DragonRift> its used for having good porability between modeling apps
P1:59:13 <DragonRift> we do all our modeling in max/maya/zbrush
P1:59:18 <Zachariasmith> brb
10P1:59:37 * doohan (doohan@client-86-27-136-196.winn.adsl.virgin.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:59:37 <DragonRift> kk
12P2:00:07 * PuyoDead (Joe@cpe-24-210-151-151.woh.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:01:59 * UD (userud@a91-154-120-203.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has left #minecraft
P2:03:14 <Zachariasmith> k back
12P2:03:31 * offset (vodnikstei@124-169-173-124.dyn.iinet.net.au) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:03:32 <Zachariasmith> yeah im thinking of getting into zbrush a bit maybe
10P2:03:44 * Marach (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
P2:03:46 <Visiiri> Ugh.
P2:03:51 <Visiiri> 3D floodfills take forever
P2:04:06 <Visiiri> and I'm just doing 25 at a time
P2:04:14 <Visiiri> in water :<
12P2:04:25 * doohan (doohan@client-86-27-136-196.winn.adsl.virgin.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:04:41 * Firehand94 (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P2:07:37 <Zachariasmith> k im gonna go eat
P2:07:40 <Zachariasmith> byebye
12P2:07:55 * Zachariasmith (Mibbit@67-225-35-35.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P2:11:12 <peerkoel> what byte value is glass?
10P2:11:40 * dinosaurdemon1 (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P2:11:43 * Jeffman12 (Jeffman12@adsl-75-15-121-51.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:11:45 <Marach> sry wiki is down ;]
P2:11:53 <Jeffman12> Is there something like a script enforcer?
12P2:12:02 * dinosaurdemon (matt@c-71-227-132-82.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P2:12:03 <peerkoel> I thought some fanatic might know :)
P2:12:03 <fydo> peerkoel: I'd guess "sharp"
P2:12:11 <peerkoel> I C
P2:12:13 <fydo> peerkoel: it'll hurt your teeth to byte it.
13P2:12:31 * peerkoel smacks fydo with the lolhammer
P2:12:33 <Marach> everything useful was on wiki and forums...
P2:12:34 <Daidoji> heh, anyone try playing with the Omen cave generator
P2:12:37 <Daidoji> http://ilm.johnnythemidget.com/image/thecave.jpg
P2:12:46 <Daidoji> makes for some...impressive things if you scale it up
10P2:13:07 * Katnipz (Mibbit@dsl-67-158-169-99.fairpoint.net) has joined #minecraft
12P2:13:17 * Katnipz (Mibbit@dsl-67-158-169-99.fairpoint.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:13:43 <Jeffman12> That's one BA cave
P2:15:23 <Daidoji> it seems to ignore ore deposits so you're left with some pretty neat little ore bridges
12P2:19:55 * Firehand94 (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
P2:20:13 <Visiiri> Ugh
P2:20:18 <Visiiri> This is taking forever.
P2:20:41 <Visiiri> I have everything done but adding the stone under the flatgrass and the stone under the snow.
P2:21:59 <Visiiri> I'm flood filling the dirt now.
P2:22:09 <Visiiri> It will take a while longer.
10P2:22:16 * Elwebbaro (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P2:22:23 <Jeffman12> So, if I don't really want anyone using noclip in my server, is there anything I can do about it?
P2:22:42 <Eagle> Tell them not to do it.
P2:22:45 <Eagle> If they refuse
P2:22:49 <Eagle> Kick/ipban them. :P
P2:22:53 <Eagle> Easy as that.
P2:22:53 <peerkoel> except write a lot of code around the server, no
P2:23:04 <Jeffman12> I mean, I don't mind the flying around, just going through blocks
P2:23:37 <Eagle> Wait until Notch releases a new update for the server software.
P2:23:49 <Eagle> He said he's going to try to get rid of the hacks in the next update.
P2:23:57 <Marach> collect some ops spying every new player
10P2:24:19 * ojii (ojii@96-114.203-62.cust.bluewin.ch) has joined #minecraft
P2:24:24 <Jeffman12> Well, I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I had the whole trusted system
10P2:24:42 * mib_0prpd6 (Mibbit@p5B374DAE.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:24:44 <Marach> on cryzed's it was working
P2:24:47 <peerkoel> spying on users is a must
P2:24:53 <peerkoel> and it's fun to do
P2:25:07 <Jeffman12> I don't have all day, and neither do my ops, though
P2:25:25 <peerkoel> you could take the server down when no ops are around
10P2:25:28 * klobot (Mibbit@chello212186012142.tirol.surfer.at) has joined #minecraft
P2:25:36 <peerkoel> or you can firewall it off
P2:25:56 <Jeffman12> Well, I turn it off when I go to bed, but that's because I want to keep it from overheating
P2:25:57 <klobot> hi
P2:26:03 <Jeffman12> One of the fans on the case is out
12P2:26:52 * Gaviarctica (teemuc_93@a91-154-252-184.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P2:27:10 <gear|work> either way
P2:27:17 <gear|work> theres not much you can do to stop hacks atm
10P2:27:45 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:28:30 <KatamariManatee> The notch is on thing lied to me :(
P2:29:19 <Marach> notch probably wont update neither client or server before the new mode is released
P2:29:48 <gear|work> on the contrary
P2:30:08 <gear|work> he said we'd get the extra layer of skin for the glasses/hair
P2:30:16 <gear|work> lol..
10P2:30:17 * Adam01 (Mibbit@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
P2:30:24 <Adam01> Hi
P2:30:25 <KatamariManatee> I wish I knew when...
P2:31:11 <Jeffman12> Is cMss the mod that lets you have trusted/non-trusted users?
12P2:31:31 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-242-194.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P2:31:32 <Marach> no
P2:31:40 <Marach> unless you modify it
P2:31:55 <Jeffman12> I don't know python
12P2:31:57 * Adam01 (Mibbit@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:32:04 <Marach> ive seen some cmss modifications
P2:32:19 <Jeffman12> I learned darkhorse, and then found out it was unpopular.
P2:32:34 <gear|work> ive never even heard of darkhorse
P2:32:42 <Jeffman12> See what I mean?
P2:33:01 <gear|work> o_O
P2:33:33 <gear|work> i cant even find a wiki for it
P2:34:14 <Jeffman12> Never made it to the age of the wiki
P2:34:39 <KatamariManatee> Why do they call it darkhorse?
P2:34:44 <gear|work> something so obscure that not even wiki references it
P2:34:47 <gear|work> thats news
P2:34:55 <Jeffman12> New, or old?
P2:35:10 <Jeffman12> Why do they call it python?
P2:35:15 <Jeffman12> I assume it's just a name
P2:35:24 <KatamariManatee> Because of Monty Python
P2:36:21 <gear|work> An important goal of the Python developers is making Python fun to use. This is reflected in the origin of the name (based on the television series Monty Python's Flying Circus)
P2:36:57 <geektoo> i was having fun with python earlier
P2:37:08 <gear|work> see?
P2:37:27 <KatamariManatee> I wish I could have fun with python, but I'm no good at scripting...
10P2:37:28 * gear|work (Administra@ has left #minecraft
P2:37:28 <Jeffman12> So there is a reason...
P2:37:52 <KatamariManatee> Yet surprisingly, I get the basics of circut boards.
10P2:37:53 * Amatsu2 (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
P2:37:55 <Visiiri> Haha!
P2:38:05 <Visiiri> One more flood fill to complete
P2:38:08 <Visiiri> then my map is done D:
P2:38:12 <Visiiri> It will take a while though.
10P2:38:12 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-241-42.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10P2:38:15 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P2:38:21 <yoshibot> python is interactive and fun to use indeed :3
P2:38:25 <Visiiri> It has to process over four million blocks
P2:38:28 <Marach> why D: ?
P2:38:40 <Visiiri> Marach, at em?
P2:38:42 <Visiiri> **me?
P2:39:07 <KatamariManatee> I looked at some tutorials for python, and.... it didn't go over so well
10P2:39:13 * rosetta (Rosetta@ has joined #minecraft
P2:39:18 <Visiiri> Hahaha
P2:39:18 <KatamariManatee> Tried to learn java, got angry.
P2:39:25 <Visiiri> It doesn't look hard at all.
P2:39:29 <yoshibot> :<
P2:39:30 <Visiiri> I could easily figure it out.
P2:39:44 <KatamariManatee> To me, it looks wierd.
P2:39:59 <KatamariManatee> And my dad said I would like it.
P2:40:05 <KatamariManatee> *wouldn't
P2:40:25 <mib_0prpd6> go through this 15 minutes interactive ruby tutorial then you can learn python in another 15 minutes: http://tryruby.hobix.com , it's not hard to switch from Ruby to Python and the other way around, they share a lot of concepts
P2:41:12 <KatamariManatee> I've only ever been able to learn Visual Basic :(
P2:43:36 <klobot> 2 hours ago i bought the game but i still can not change my skin :(
12P2:43:38 * Amatsu2 (amatsudark@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P2:43:49 * Amatsu2 (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
10P2:44:46 * Elwebbaro is now known as Elwebbaro`afk
P2:45:22 <Visiiri> Klobot, do you know how?
P2:45:27 <Visiiri> If not, log in then out.
P2:45:44 <Visiiri> **If so,**
P2:46:27 <KatamariManatee> Actually, I guess this Ruby stuff is pretty easy...
P2:46:49 <Marach> i consider learning a scripting language
P2:46:56 <klobot> i tried but i doesnt work :/
P2:47:14 <Marach> managed, in general
12P2:47:39 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-241-42.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P2:49:51 <Visiiri> YES! IT'S DONE! Who wants to join me in my server :D?
P2:50:29 <Marach> i think java
P2:50:43 <Marach> visiiri whats on it?
P2:50:51 <Visiiri> it's fourths
P2:50:57 <Visiiri> flatgras
P2:50:59 <Visiiri> flatsnow
P2:51:02 <Visiiri> mountain build
P2:51:06 <Visiiri> ocean build
P2:51:27 <peerkoel> 512x512?
P2:51:32 <Marach> that has to be big
P2:51:34 <Visiiri> Yessir.
P2:51:35 <Visiiri> It is.
10P2:51:56 * Elwebbaro`afk is now known as Elwebbaro
P2:52:19 <Marach> is java hard?
P2:52:29 <mib_0prpd6> Nope
P2:52:34 <Marach> thats bad
P2:52:43 <peerkoel> only if done properly
P2:53:58 <Visiiri> So anyone want to join me :<?
P2:54:01 <Visiiri> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=f6ca4dce664b3b82c796e5cd76181a8e
P2:54:32 <peerkoel> on my way
10P2:54:40 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-240-237.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
10P2:54:43 * ChanServ sets mode: +o citricsquid
P2:54:49 <peerkoel> shh there he is
13P2:55:26 * Marach is quiet
12P2:56:14 * Elwebbaro (chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:56:16 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:56:26 <peerkoel> Visiiri fix yer stuffs I can't connect
10P2:56:32 * Arf (a@ has joined #minecraft
P2:56:35 <Visiiri> what
P2:56:35 <Visiiri> I can
P2:56:39 <Visiiri> my ports are open...
P2:56:43 <peerkoel> can anyone else?
P2:56:44 <Visiiri> Hold on
13P2:56:52 * peerkoel holds on
P2:57:05 <Visiiri> I have two ports open for minecraft
P2:57:11 <Visiiri> Let me change it to one
P2:58:47 <Visiiri> Try now
13P2:59:28 * peerkoel tries
P3:00:05 <Visiiri> Did it work?
P3:00:57 <peerkoel> can connect with telnet
P3:01:02 <peerkoel> the client doesn't log in
P3:01:17 <peerkoel> which is odd to say the least
P3:01:23 <Visiiri> SO...
P3:01:53 <peerkoel> clearing cache .. retrying
P3:02:26 <Visiiri> Bobo
P3:02:35 <Visiiri> I know I binged you.
P3:02:35 <Visiiri> Will you help?
10P3:02:52 * r4dio (radioactiv@host10-250-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #minecraft
P3:03:05 <Visiiri> Ohey
P3:03:07 <r4dio> hi
P3:03:15 <Visiiri> I need your help.
P3:03:20 <r4dio> my help?
P3:03:31 <Visiiri> Join "[ViS]Fourths Build"
P3:03:31 <Visiiri> Tell me if you can
P3:03:36 <r4dio> ok
P3:03:54 <peerkoel> it's probably java over here that's stuck
P3:04:10 <r4dio> stays on connecting
P3:06:16 <Marach> r4dio you misset a UT match
P3:06:16 <Visiiri> I messed it up
P3:06:16 <Marach> missed
P3:06:16 <Visiiri> let me change
P3:06:16 <r4dio> lol
P3:06:16 <Marach> randati is a good opponent
P3:06:16 <r4dio> wait
P3:06:16 <r4dio> ut or minecraft?lol
P3:06:16 <Marach> utmap is made in 75%
P3:06:16 <r4dio> so , visiiri?
P3:06:17 <peerkoel> Visiiri I get the splash screen now
P3:06:37 <peerkoel> I guess our calculators are wide apart on the nets
10P3:06:53 * Marach1 (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
12P3:06:54 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4CE7.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de)
P3:06:59 <Marach1> #j wom
P3:07:06 <Marach1> ow
P3:07:19 <Visiiri> Did it work?
12P3:07:24 * geekahedron (djbroadben@rrcs-208-125-110-34.nys.biz.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:07:32 <r4dio> visiiri?
P3:07:43 <Marach1> sry client crashed... again
P3:07:49 <r4dio> your server stays on Connectin'
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> splash?
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> Did it crash?
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> Ah
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> Yeah
12P3:08:28 * Marach (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> :<
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> One more try
P3:08:28 <Visiiri> Yeah?
P3:08:38 <Marach1> lol
10P3:08:45 * Marach1 is now known as Marach
P3:08:58 <r4dio> ..
P3:09:34 <Marach> long ping timeouts
P3:09:39 <peerkoel> Visiiri kill your torrents and webcam!
12P3:09:42 * mib_0prpd6 (Mibbit@p5B374DAE.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P3:09:47 <Visiiri> Right now
P3:09:47 <Visiiri> Connect right now
P3:09:47 <KuroBit> same for me
P3:09:47 <Visiiri> Hmmm...
P3:09:53 <peerkoel> can't connect here
12P3:10:25 * Jakkarra (Jakkarra@5ad034c5.bb.sky.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:10:49 <r4dio> me2
P3:11:11 <Visiiri> So what could my problem be?
P3:11:11 <Visiiri> Aera
P3:11:11 <Visiiri> Aera
P3:11:11 <KuroBit> have you ever hosted?...
P3:11:11 <Visiiri> Loads of times
P3:11:11 <KuroBit> lol
P3:11:11 <Visiiri> I don't have torrents or webcams D:
P3:11:14 <DragonRift> anyone here do online game development?
P3:11:15 <DragonRift> :p
P3:11:21 <Visiiri> Hmm.
P3:11:23 <aera> Visiiri: yes? yes?
P3:11:24 <peerkoel> I've lost connection to the server
P3:11:45 <DragonRift> no, the server has lost connection to you! *laugh*
P3:11:47 <r4dio> omg kaoss rocks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owkeBOcC-AQ&feature=channel
10P3:12:00 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207100077.chello.pl) has joined #minecraft
10P3:12:09 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207100077.chello.pl) has left #minecraft
P3:12:28 <Marach> xD
P3:12:52 <Marach> in soviet russia server connects to you xD
P3:13:08 <r4dio> i want a kaoss pad :(
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> This server isn't my biggest.
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> what could it be?
P3:14:24 <KuroBit> what if you tried hosting a different map?
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> I can connect...
P3:14:24 <KuroBit> if that works, it's something to do with your map, otherwise it's something to do with the internet
12P3:14:24 * Haggle (HaggleHagg@c-66-229-233-220.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P3:14:24 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> Ohey
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> I need a hand from you
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> and you seem to be smart
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> I can connect to my server
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> they can't
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> BUT
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> my ports are open
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> AND
P3:14:24 <Visiiri> I connect through the external url
P3:15:44 <aera> hrm, no idea what's causing that then
P3:15:53 <aera> url?
P3:18:30 <peerkoel> <Visiiri> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=f6ca4dce664b3b82c796e5cd76181a8e
10P3:18:52 * Chapman (Chapman@5e02fb06.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
P3:20:18 <aera> Visiiri: looks like your heartbeat isn't working from where I'm sitting
P3:20:25 <aera> the main MC server doesn't know yours exists
P3:20:41 <Marach> gtg ;/
12P3:20:41 * Marach (marach@86-209-N1.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: DSOrganize IRC)
12P3:22:54 * rosetta (Rosetta@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Jaska (Jaska@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Visiiri (macrocks@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * testvan (testvan@97-123-17-32.albq.qwest.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Genisi (what@adsl-99-131-40-132.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * kryptn (kryptn@ip68-102-111-204.ks.ok.cox.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-38-12.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Chapman (Chapman@5e02fb06.bb.sky.com) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * klobot (Mibbit@chello212186012142.tirol.surfer.at) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Jeffman12 (Jeffman12@adsl-75-15-121-51.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * PrinceOfFire59 (chatzilla@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * liq3 (liquidman3@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * kraffztr (kraffs@c-8ffbe253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Deiz (swh@76-10-140-179.dsl.teksavvy.com) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * IsNotchOn (IsNotchOn@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * Dilt|Eee (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:54 * lobster (michielbiq@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * venn177 (bitchtits@cpe-173-171-176-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * aezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * postlogic (postlogic@luke.ifi.uio.no) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * Siiseli (siiseli@kapsi.fi) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * H4X (custom@ Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * MikeStar (MikeStar@blk-103-246-210.eastlink.ca) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * yoshibot (kit@pool-173-57-122-26.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P3:22:55 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (roc.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
10P3:24:19 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Chapman (Chapman@5e02fb06.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
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10P3:25:48 * Jaska (Jaska@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P3:25:48 KuroBit has the same ISP district as high6.
10P3:25:48 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * liq3 (liquidman3@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * PrinceOfFire59 (chatzilla@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-38-12.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P3:25:48 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
10P3:25:48 * kryptn (kryptn@ip68-102-111-204.ks.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Genisi (what@adsl-99-131-40-132.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * testvan (testvan@97-123-17-32.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Visiiri`aFK (macrocks@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Hideous_ (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * H4X (custom@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * aezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * yoshibot (kit@pool-173-57-122-26.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * venn177 (bitchtits@cpe-173-171-176-80.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * lobster (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * postlogic (postlogic@luke.ifi.uio.no) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Dilt|Eee (Dilt_Eee@ip68-225-73-116.no.no.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * MikeStar (MikeStar@blk-103-246-210.eastlink.ca) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * IsNotchOn (IsNotchOn@ has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Deiz (swh@76-10-140-179.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * kraffztr (kraffs@c-8ffbe253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * Siiseli (siiseli@kapsi.fi) has joined #minecraft
10P3:25:48 * excelsior.esper.net sets mode: +oo Drakkar Siiseli
12P3:25:59 * DragonRift (dragonrift@S010600226b5e58f0.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:26:04 <r4dio> whatthefuck
P3:26:31 <fydo> r4dio: agreed
P3:26:38 <fydo> r4dio: what's up?
P3:26:55 <r4dio> a cow stole my tv
12P3:27:25 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P3:28:28 <r4dio> so i can't see a film on the tv
12P3:31:00 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P3:31:29 * r4dio (radioactiv@host10-250-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P3:32:46 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P3:33:48 * woodenwindows (Mibbit@174-20-61-68.mpls.qwest.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P3:34:46 * Randati (nn@a88-112-205-124.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Quit: 12( www.nnscript.com 12:: NoNameScript 4.22 12:: www.esnation.com 12))
10P3:36:40 * ZomBuster (zombuster@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
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10P3:41:20 * geekahedron (djbroadben@ has joined #minecraft
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12P3:42:07 * calzoneman (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P3:42:25 * citricsquid sets mode: -b *!*chatzilla@*.lv.lv.cox.net
10P3:43:31 * citricsquid sets mode: -b *!*@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com
10P3:43:40 * Darkebrz (Darkebrz@24-247-83-244.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P3:43:43 <Darkebrz> Yay!
P3:43:44 <Darkebrz> Sorry
10P3:47:34 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:48:37 <vede> Hey peeps.
P3:48:40 <Darkebrz> Hello
12P3:49:16 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P3:49:17 * killer2329 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:49:28 <Darkebrz> Im finally getting help with my infection <3
12P3:50:03 * klobot (Mibbit@chello212186012142.tirol.surfer.at) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Session Close: Mon Aug 17 15:52:46 2009
Session Start: Mon Aug 17 16:32:13 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
10P4:32:13 * Now talking in #minecraft
10P4:32:13 * Topic is 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | Keep it clean, keep it nice. Spamming nonsense can go in another channel. | Forums are down; back soon.'
10P4:32:13 * Set by citricsquid!sam@client-86-25-243-61.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net on Sun Aug 16 16:02:58
10P4:32:15 * Veronika (person@cpe-075-178-087-124.ec.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P4:32:16 <Quatroking> YOUR SO CONFUSING
P4:32:18 <Visiiri> Evidence for what?
P4:32:18 <Quatroking> GOD
P4:32:23 <citricsquid> YOU COULD HAVE MADE IT UP
P4:32:30 <citricsquid> "I am gay and like cake on my face"
P4:32:37 <citricsquid> SEE THAT'S NOT EVIDENCE!
P4:33:12 <citricsquid> god quatro.
P4:33:12 <Quatroking> no, thats the truth
P4:33:12 <Quatroking> lololol
P4:33:12 <citricsquid> lolo
P4:33:18 <Visiiri> Who wrote that super minecrafters thing?
P4:33:35 <citricsquid> llink?
P4:33:43 <Visiiri> I don't have it.
P4:33:45 <Quatroking> all this violence is makin' me want to smash a bro!!
P4:33:49 <Visiiri> You know.. the good minecrafters shit
13P4:33:53 * Quatroking runs towards Citricsquid
P4:34:05 <Quatroking> oh you mean the whitelist
13P4:34:10 * Visiiri sticks his foot out and trips Quatro
P4:34:13 <Visiiri> Yes.
P4:34:22 <Visiiri> ...
P4:34:25 <Visiiri> maybe
P4:34:25 <Quatroking> i ran through your leg
P4:34:35 <Visiiri> No
P4:34:36 <Visiiri> You fell
P4:34:43 <ChJees> Rape is the best action at Quatroking.
P4:35:04 <Quatroking> get out of the closet
P4:35:06 <Quatroking> damnit
P4:35:11 <Visiiri> *dammit
P4:35:20 <Quatroking> dummit
P4:35:26 <Visiiri> dumbnit
P4:35:49 <Visiiri> That's it.
P4:35:58 <Visiiri> I'm going to have to... make forums now.
P4:36:32 <ChJees> It would be fun to play in Space in Minecraft :P
P4:36:38 <ChJees> Where Air is a "Liquid"
P4:36:41 <UnknownX> .sdrow t'nera esohT
P4:37:01 <Visiiri> Chjees... that's possible
P4:37:04 <Visiiri> In an admin script...
P4:37:07 <Visiiri> EASILY
P4:37:33 <UnknownX> ChJees just edit the textures
P4:37:40 <ChJees> Being outside Air = Countdown timer for death :P
P4:37:48 <UnknownX> turn the water invisible and place it all over the map
P4:37:55 <UnknownX> oh nevermind
P4:38:00 <UnknownX> You can't
P4:38:01 <UnknownX> hahaha
P4:38:25 <ChJees> DF style Liquids would be perfect for this :3
P4:38:38 <Visiiri> Editing textures is client side
P4:38:38 <Visiiri> BUT
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> You can make air a liquid
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> Sorce 1: Aera
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> aera
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> aera
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> aera
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> :D
P4:38:58 <Visiiri> Beeping him :D
P4:39:37 <Visiiri> ugh
P4:39:38 <Visiiri> he's not here
10P4:39:38 * Visiiri is now known as BLWECH
P4:39:57 <UnknownX> BLWECH is gay
12P4:45:00 * Kawete (Kawete@ALagny-152-1-27-180.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr) Quit (Quit: Good Bye)
12P4:54:27 * Naven (Mibbit@p4FD4DADF.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P4:54:45 * Hideous_ is now known as Hideous
10P4:55:04 * klobot (Mibbit@chello212186012142.tirol.surfer.at) has joined #minecraft
P4:55:43 <klobot> hi
10P4:57:25 * Isak (smilenerd@cpe-70-122-64-144.hot.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12P4:57:32 * Isak (smilenerd@cpe-70-122-64-144.hot.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P4:58:16 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) has joined #minecraft
12P4:58:27 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P4:58:37 <liq3> God, what's with people obsessing over the newer RTS games? :(
P4:59:32 <Eagle> Not a fan of RTS games.
P5:00:20 <fydo> omgomg rts
P5:00:49 <klobot> hey can someone help me ? i bought the game but i still cant change my skin : /
P5:01:32 <Quatroking> mail notch
P5:01:54 <Quatroking> and he'll fix it as soon as he reads the mail
P5:01:55 <klobot> at notch@majong.com ?
P5:02:00 <Quatroking> yeah
P5:02:17 <Quatroking> unless you're unlucky and he's busy getting his beard in model
P5:02:22 <Quatroking> that takes a week or two
P5:02:24 <klobot> ok i did that 4 hours ago maybe he is not homexD
10P5:03:02 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10P5:03:23 * TheOne is now known as TheOne-afk
10P5:06:03 * Cyanide (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:07:06 <Darkebrz> Wait
P5:07:08 <Darkebrz> What the hell
P5:07:22 <Darkebrz> My home page changed from one Kim Possible song to another 0_0
P5:07:51 <klobot> kim possible what ? xD
P5:08:03 <Darkebrz> Naked Mole Rap
10P5:08:06 * ONI (Mibbit@d47-69-137-33.col.wideopenwest.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:08:20 <ONI> allo
P5:08:29 <Darkebrz> Hello griefer
P5:09:11 <Eagle> :O
P5:10:05 <citricsquid> klobot: You still here?
10P5:10:09 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P5:10:16 <klobot> yes
P5:10:22 <citricsquid> http://minecraft.net/skin/
P5:10:26 <citricsquid> what happens when you go there?
P5:10:51 <Stargoat> minecraft porn
P5:11:10 <klobot> ---You need to buy the game to be able to change your skin. ----
P5:11:12 <Darkebrz> HOT MOB ON MOB SEX
P5:11:19 <citricsquid> klobot: Were you logged in with your account when you paid?
P5:11:29 <klobot> jop
P5:11:41 <citricsquid> and did you pay with funds or an echeque?
P5:12:02 <klobot> pay pal
P5:12:24 <citricsquid> yeah, but did the transaction go through or is it an echeque payment?
P5:12:52 <testvan> nycka
P5:13:19 <ONI> apparently theres still people who think I greif
P5:13:34 <Darkebrz> Yes there is
P5:13:39 <testvan> shut up griefer
P5:13:57 <Darkebrz> This^^
P5:14:13 <klobot> oh hmm dont know xD its the pay pal acc of my father, hmm but maybe this is the prob
P5:14:35 <ONI> and this is why I don't go to random servers anymore
P5:14:45 <Darkebrz> </sarcasm>
P5:14:54 <citricsquid> klobot: Log into the paypal accout and check that the transaction says "Completed".
P5:14:57 <citricsquid> account*
P5:15:15 <klobot> yes its completed
P5:16:03 <citricsquid> okay, well when you email Notch include your account name and the paypal transaction number :) It'll make it easier for him to sort it.
P5:16:26 <klobot> ok , thx man for your help ;)
P5:16:27 <citricsquid> Wait, did you try logging out and back in and clearing your cache? :)
P5:16:45 <klobot> yes
P5:17:10 <citricsquid> okay then, sounds like one of those purchases that fall through the cracks. Notch normally sorts them when he wakes up, so it'll be done by tomorrow :)
10P5:17:15 * JavaGuest535 (JavaGuest5@c-24-8-163-24.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:17:21 <JavaGuest535> how soon
12P5:17:22 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P5:17:44 <citricsquid> JavaGuest535: citricsoon.
P5:19:39 <JavaGuest535> ??
10P5:19:52 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:20:02 <geekahedron> hey
P5:20:10 <ONI> Hey Geek
P5:20:16 <geekahedron> does anyone know how to run the skintest locally
P5:20:16 <Keegs> Visiiri?
P5:20:18 <Darkebrz> Hello ONI the griefer
P5:20:29 <BLWECH> keegs?
P5:20:32 <BLWECH> oh
10P5:20:34 * BLWECH is now known as Visiiri
P5:20:37 <Visiiri> lol
P5:20:39 <Darkebrz> geekahedron: I can probably find a way
P5:20:40 <Keegs> :P
P5:20:42 <testvan> just took a dump
P5:20:43 <testvan> fyi
P5:20:45 <Keegs> stupid smiely
P5:20:50 <Visiiri> hahaha
P5:20:57 <Visiiri> TY
P5:21:51 <testvan> YW
10P5:23:50 * Flyboy (nicholas.j@prx9.tnz.myschools.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:24:02 <Flyboy> Notch?
P5:24:06 <Flyboy> Damn
P5:24:13 <Flyboy> That website lied to me
P5:24:21 <ChJees> I don't think he is up at Midnight :p
P5:24:37 <Flyboy> http://graveindustries.com:8080/IsNotchOn/IsNotchOn
P5:24:40 <ChJees> Sleep is a good thing to have :D
P5:25:00 <Flyboy> Meh, occasionaly
10P5:25:07 * Bradness (chatzilla@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:25:17 <JavaGuest535> is there anything like minecraft other than infiminer
10P5:25:17 * PuyoDead (Joe@cpe-24-210-151-151.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:25:26 <Flyboy> Hey Puyo
P5:25:45 <ChJees> I hope we will get Survival Mode this year :D
P5:26:01 <Flyboy> Course we will
P5:26:02 <ONI> I'm not allowed to talk either apparently
P5:26:14 <Flyboy> Haven't you been watching notch's vids
P5:26:20 <Flyboy> he made ZOMBEHS
P5:26:26 <Flyboy> and SKELETONS
P5:26:31 <testvan> smoke some weed poo some poo drink a brew spend a dolla or two
P5:26:31 <testvan> BBM in your face
P5:26:31 <klobot> where did notch come from ?
10P5:26:31 * find (find@cm-24-121-39-202.lakehavasu.az.npgco.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:26:31 <find> hey
P5:26:35 <Eagle> Infiniminer came first you know
P5:26:35 <find> minecraft is better though ;)
P5:27:15 <Visiiri> pwtn
P5:27:15 <Eagle> And then Notch made Minecraft because he wanted a more sandboxy Infiniminer
12P5:27:15 * Glacial (Mito@pool-173-78-80-34.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P5:27:15 <Visiiri> ChJees
P5:27:15 <Visiiri> Premiums will be testing it by sept. 4
P5:27:15 <find> I hope he finishes survival mode this month :O
P5:27:15 <Eagle> <Visiiri> Premiums will be testing it by sept. 4
P5:27:15 <Visiiri> Sept. 4 will be tests
P5:27:15 <testvan> when is diablo 3 come out
P5:27:15 <find> Sweet
P5:27:15 <find> Good thing I bought premium earlier
P5:27:28 <Flyboy> Yay
P5:28:04 <ONI> 19 days til survival
P5:28:20 <Cyanide> Did Notch ever say how testing will be set up?
P5:28:28 <Eagle> testvan December 21 2012.
P5:28:28 <Visiiri> What?
P5:28:28 <Eagle> You'll get to play it for a full twenty minutes and then the world ends.
P5:28:28 <Eagle> :/
P5:28:28 <testvan> awe teal'c lip quiver
P5:28:28 <Eagle> Okay so
P5:28:28 <Eagle> I don't know what you just said
P5:28:30 <Visiiri> he saild he'll have it tested before he leaves
P5:28:32 <testvan> leaves where
P5:28:32 <Eagle> In the front yeard
P5:28:32 <Eagle> *yard
P5:28:32 <Eagle> Go rake them.
P5:28:32 <testvan> nope live in desert
P5:28:41 <find> Probasbly a special server
P5:28:41 <testvan> aug 31 is in two weeks!?!?1
P5:28:44 <find> only premiums can join
P5:28:56 <find> @cyanide
P5:31:32 <Bradness> Anyone admin on "The Archives"?
12P5:32:05 * Flyboy (nicholas.j@prx9.tnz.myschools.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P5:32:15 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:32:19 <Bradness> IsNotchOn
P5:32:21 <Bradness> =O
P5:33:11 <testvan> isnotchon.notch
P5:33:32 <Saer> hey
P5:33:35 <Saer> someone
P5:33:38 <testvan> who would like a one on one chat experience with testvan
P5:33:42 <Saer> whoever is resposible for the archives
P5:33:45 <Saer> there are some morons
P5:33:47 <Saer> spamming it
12P5:34:49 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P5:35:00 * find (find@cm-24-121-39-202.lakehavasu.az.npgco.com) has left #minecraft
12P5:35:03 * klobot (Mibbit@chello212186012142.tirol.surfer.at) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P5:35:59 * JavaGuest535 (JavaGuest5@c-24-8-163-24.hsd1.co.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: One small step for Java, one giant leap for IRC.)
12P5:40:56 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Visiiri (macrocks@ Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * testvan (testvan@97-123-17-32.albq.qwest.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Jaska (Jaska@ Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * rosetta (Rosetta@ Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-38-12.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * kryptn (kryptn@ip68-102-111-204.ks.ok.cox.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
12P5:40:56 * Genisi (what@adsl-99-131-40-132.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) Quit (excelsior.esper.net serenity.esper.net)
10P5:41:41 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) has joined #minecraft
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10P5:41:41 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * Visiiri (macrocks@ has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * testvan (testvan@97-123-17-32.albq.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
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10P5:41:41 * kryptn (kryptn@ip68-102-111-204.ks.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P5:41:41 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
10P5:41:41 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-38-12.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:41:41 * serenity.esper.net sets mode: +o Drakkar
P5:41:47 <testvan> wo
P5:43:40 <Darkebrz> netsplit
P5:43:47 <testvan> nigger what
P5:44:06 <Darkebrz> nigger break
P5:44:06 <PuyoDead> let me say it in a language he understands...
P5:44:15 <PuyoDead> lrn2internet
12P5:44:22 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242461901.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:44:29 <testvan> nigga dont be like that
12P5:44:32 * gamerman (chatzilla@cblmdm24-53-171-190.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
P5:44:36 <UnknownX> internet2lern
10P5:44:37 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P5:44:58 * TheOne-afk is now known as TheOne
P5:44:59 <PuyoDead> oh, sorry, that was a bit inaccurate
P5:45:05 <PuyoDead> lrn2irc
P5:45:31 <TheOne> netsplits are fun to watch...
P5:45:38 <testvan> lrn2suckmyniggercock
P5:46:11 <Darkebrz> SHIT
P5:46:23 <LG_Legacy> Testvan don't be a nub
P5:46:42 <testvan> ive been idling in IRC since 93'
P5:47:03 <testvan> dropppping rhymes the entire time
10P5:48:06 * triddin (triddin@ has joined #minecraft
P5:48:12 <geekahedron> hmm
P5:48:45 <ONI> Rhyme fail
P5:49:30 <testvan> griefer
P5:50:33 <ONI> really
P5:50:52 <testvan> ive never heard of you
P5:53:50 <ONI> so why are you accusing me of shit
P5:53:53 <LG_Legacy> Onis a common person around minecraft.
P5:54:09 <Darkebrz> Allnaturalx is complete bullshit
P5:54:17 <LG_Legacy> Why?
P5:54:20 <Darkebrz> MAA
P5:54:23 <LG_Legacy> I might dislike him, but meh.
10P5:54:25 * killer239 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12P5:54:30 * killer239 (Mibbit@c-68-43-123-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:56:13 <PuyoDead> awesome. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=920892
12P5:57:34 * osici (osici@stav225.univ.ox.ac.uk) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P5:58:36 * ojii (ojii@96-114.203-62.cust.bluewin.ch) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P6:01:25 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279295624.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P6:01:31 <TheOne> Ok, got a question/idea about cMss... Anyone around that could help?
P6:01:37 <AnnihilatorBeta> k
P6:01:47 <AnnihilatorBeta> speak
P6:02:06 <TheOne> Could you make a random number picker say between 1 and 10
P6:02:21 <TheOne> then have it pull the restore command with that number?
P6:03:10 <Darkebrz> New comic time
P6:03:21 <AnnihilatorBeta> friggin finally
P6:03:29 <Darkebrz> I have been very busy
P6:03:36 <AnnihilatorBeta> theone
P6:03:39 <geekahedron> you could, sure
P6:03:46 <AnnihilatorBeta> use random.randint(a,b)
P6:03:59 <TheOne> hmm
P6:04:12 <AnnihilatorBeta> a >= x >= b
P6:04:19 <AnnihilatorBeta> er
P6:04:22 <AnnihilatorBeta> or the other way around
P6:04:30 <AnnihilatorBeta> whatever, you get the point
P6:04:34 <TheOne> ya
P6:04:34 <Veronika> What's cMss?
P6:04:54 <AnnihilatorBeta> cryzed's msomethingstuff
P6:05:02 <AnnihilatorBeta> it's a minecraft server script
P6:05:16 <Eagle> cryzed's Minecraft server script
P6:05:17 <Eagle> :O
P6:05:33 <AnnihilatorBeta> exactly
P6:05:42 <AnnihilatorBeta> damnit i just said it didn't i
12P6:06:29 * Cyanide (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P6:06:37 * Forte (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P6:07:18 * Forte is now known as Cyanide
10P6:08:14 * Teffen (opera@c-68-61-164-172.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P6:08:31 * Arf is now known as Arf|Homework
P6:08:33 <Teffen> How would I go about getting a server that allows placement of lava and water?
12P6:09:21 * rosetta (Rosetta@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:10:27 <Eagle> One does not exist.
P6:10:57 <Teffen> untrue
P6:11:02 <Eagle> Well, a releasable one doesn't exist.
P6:11:09 <Teffen> go on
P6:11:10 <Eagle> You won't find a download for it.
P6:11:17 <Eagle> JTE's does that.
12P6:11:21 * liq3 (liquidman3@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:11:22 <Eagle> But he isn't allowed to release it.
P6:11:24 <testvan> did you know: Osama Bin Laden is mostly just water?
P6:11:30 <Teffen> yeah people are quite protective of their code
P6:11:39 <Eagle> JTE WANTS to release it.
P6:11:53 <Eagle> But Notch/Zuriki or whatever won't let him.
P6:11:56 <Teffen> why?
P6:12:20 <Eagle> It allows free users to do things that only premium server's will be able to do in the future
P6:12:28 <Teffen> ah
P6:12:29 <Teffen> I can program, I just need a step in the right direction
P6:12:40 <Eagle> I'd go and try to contact JTE somehow.
P6:12:52 <Eagle> He doesn't come onto here anymore though. :/
P6:13:16 <Darkebrz> aera also has a custom server
P6:13:21 <Darkebrz> With water physics
12P6:14:10 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P6:15:09 <Veronika> Well if you're bored, you could always decompile and reverse engineer the original server code, then write wrappers to extend and modify the behavior of the original software.
P6:15:13 <ONI> WoM is custom
P6:16:00 <Darkebrz> aera has the best custom server IMO
P6:16:04 <Darkebrz> A network of different worlds
P6:16:10 <Darkebrz> With portals and water physics
P6:17:39 <geekahedron> idk
P6:17:47 <geekahedron> the functionality of the wom server is pretty impressive
P6:18:13 <Darkebrz> Why?
P6:18:20 <PuyoDead> I'd easily put the water physics and multiple maps far above the little bit wom has
P6:18:26 <Darkebrz> As far as I can see, The Archives has everything WoM has and much much more
P6:18:28 <geekahedron> tile histories and per-user undo functionality, in-game block copying and tile filling
P6:18:36 <geekahedron> does andrew's do that
P6:18:40 <Darkebrz> Yep
P6:18:47 <Darkebrz> Dunno about tile histories
P6:18:57 <Darkebrz> Well
P6:19:03 <Darkebrz> Now that I look at it
P6:19:09 <Darkebrz> It doesnt have the undo thing :/
P6:19:09 <PuyoDead> JTE's does most of that, actually
P6:19:22 <Darkebrz> But still, the thing about WoM is simply how LARGE it is
P6:19:26 <Darkebrz> Er
P6:19:28 <geekahedron> that's the nicest thing about wom I think
P6:19:29 <Darkebrz> The Archives
P6:19:41 <Darkebrz> It has like, 50 different maps linked with portals
P6:19:46 <geekahedron> you don't need separate worlds and super-tight restrictions
P6:19:53 <Darkebrz> Er
P6:19:59 <TheOne> ok, that takes care of the random... now to make it op only...
P6:20:01 <Darkebrz> WoM has super tight restrictions
P6:20:03 <geekahedron> you can have a quasi-public "flatgrass" server without worry of griefing
P6:20:20 <geekahedron> signing up on the website it not supertight
P6:20:22 <Darkebrz> You can't even build unless you file some sort of application
P6:20:26 <geekahedron> and it's really superfluous
P6:20:33 <Darkebrz> Its still a hastle
10P6:20:34 * dobleburguer (Mibbit@201-11-202-225.pltce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) has joined #minecraft
P6:20:36 <geekahedron> you could have it open to public
P6:20:44 <PuyoDead> considering how griefed wom is, I really don't see the "antigrief" doing much
12P6:20:45 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:20:48 <geekahedron> since you can undo any grief
P6:20:53 <geekahedron> um
P6:20:59 <geekahedron> where is it griefed?
P6:21:06 <PuyoDead> last time I went there, it was a mess
P6:21:15 <PuyoDead> granted, that was about a week ago
12P6:21:17 * Cue (cueball61@bl7-212-213.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P6:21:26 <geekahedron> the guest area maybe, if there were no admins readily available
P6:21:47 <geekahedron> which can all be undone step-by-step from server logs, and the entire guest area resets periodically
P6:21:56 <geekahedron> ... this isn't intended to be a pro-WoM rant :P
P6:22:06 <PuyoDead> that's exactly what it is :P
P6:22:10 <geekahedron> just saying, the anti-grief is pretty robust and I haven't seen anything like it elsewhere
P6:22:26 <PuyoDead> anti griefing is an excellent thing, no doubt
P6:23:17 <Teffen> woah woah woah
P6:23:22 <Teffen> I don't care which is the best
P6:23:27 <Teffen> I just need a slice of that pie
12P6:23:30 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P6:23:35 <PuyoDead> you'll have to make it yourself
P6:23:54 <ONI> I like pie
P6:24:03 <ONI> you needed to know that
P6:24:11 <TheOne> Pie>cake
10P6:25:54 * LG_Legacy (LGLegacy@71-82-103-142.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P6:29:08 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:31:53 <Eagle> Cake>Pie
P6:32:32 <PuyoDead> false
P6:32:36 <Eagle> True
P6:32:52 <PuyoDead> exactly
P6:33:04 <Eagle> I meant my statement was true.
P6:33:09 <PuyoDead> too late
P6:33:11 <Eagle> Nope.
P6:33:14 <Eagle> Cake>Pie.
P6:33:14 <PuyoDead> I win!
P6:33:17 <Eagle> :V
P6:33:58 <geekahedron> mmm pie
P6:35:56 <Veronika> Anyone happen to know what 3D library the client was written in?
P6:38:10 <testvan> dildo3d
10P6:39:47 * x266 (x266@CPE00179a4ea1f6-CM001868e7e028.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
12P6:40:02 * x266 (x266@CPE00179a4ea1f6-CM001868e7e028.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P6:40:10 * TheOne is now known as TheOne-afk
P6:42:45 <Daidoji> it tells right in the box
P6:43:09 <Daidoji> jogl
10P6:43:58 * Summoner (dolan96@cpe-71-74-156-92.neo.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:44:02 <Summoner> Is Aera
P6:44:03 <Summoner> here
P6:44:07 <Summoner> Andrew you here?
P6:44:10 <Summoner> erg
P6:44:20 <Summoner> Bj is crazy
P6:44:27 <Summoner> hes banning me for "rageing" when im not
P6:44:30 <Summoner> ..
P6:44:33 <Summoner> well
10P6:44:35 * Summoner (dolan96@cpe-71-74-156-92.neo.res.rr.com) has left #minecraft
P6:44:50 <Eagle> He was here for a whole 20 seconds
P6:44:59 <Eagle> Very impatient. :P
P6:45:38 <AnnihilatorBeta> obviously ragequitter
P6:45:40 <LG_Legacy> BWARARFGK *Destroys mouse*
P6:45:45 <LG_Legacy> Hm..
P6:45:54 <Eagle> If you op somebody named "BJ" you're bound to get some unfair bans. :P
P6:46:41 <LG_Legacy> Heh
P6:46:46 <Drakkar> Veronika its like
P6:46:48 <Drakkar> IWFJIW
P6:46:49 <AnnihilatorBeta> is bj a paid member
P6:46:49 <Drakkar> or something
P6:46:49 <Drakkar> :D
P6:47:05 <LG_Legacy> I think i've seen bj before
P6:47:07 <Veronika> Wha? Custom engine or something?
P6:47:21 <Drakkar> no
P6:47:40 <testvan> BJ bJ bJ
P6:48:07 <LG_Legacy> Someones going to make some kind of 'Mushroom/badger' song out of the word BJ and add a dancing penis.
P6:48:49 <LG_Legacy> Bj x12, Jail bait jail bait, repeat. Rappppeeee, rapppeeee Ohhh rappppeeee..
P6:48:56 <LG_Legacy> >_>
P6:48:59 <LG_Legacy> It could happen
P6:49:08 <Eagle> LG
P6:49:11 <Eagle> Stop talking.
P6:49:12 <Eagle> :P
P6:49:15 <LG_Legacy> Lol
P6:49:19 <Eagle> XD
P6:49:22 <LG_Legacy> I have a odd mind, hush.
P6:50:37 <testvan> gobble my goo
10P6:50:49 * sleepinator (awelkirjlk@c-71-236-216-209.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:51:00 <LG_Legacy> No you're a towel.
10P6:51:02 * sleepinator is now known as stupinator
P6:51:24 <UnknownX> I'm going to bed
P6:51:26 <UnknownX> Bye
12P6:51:27 * UnknownX (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
P6:51:43 <stupinator> guys
P6:51:51 <stupinator> 2 griefers just destroyed my server.
P6:52:03 <stupinator> if you want their names to ban them, query me
P6:52:25 <testvan> nah griefers r cool w/ me
P6:52:48 <stupinator> well for people who don't have greif protection in their servers
P6:52:50 <stupinator> :/
P6:53:21 <LG_Legacy> Actually
P6:53:24 <LG_Legacy> It's better to say them
P6:53:58 <stupinator> k
P6:54:03 <Eagle> Just say them here. :P
P6:54:21 <stupinator> pattihrafn and halliman2
P6:54:28 <testvan> testvan1 and testvan2
P6:54:34 <LG_Legacy> Halliman, i never did trust him.
P6:54:49 <stupinator> him and patti destroyed my server
P6:54:49 <Darkebrz> New comic is done
P6:54:54 <Darkebrz> Will be up in a minute
P6:55:16 <stupinator> anyone know why the forums are down?
P6:55:26 <Eagle> Citric didn't pay for the server
P6:55:26 <testvan> cause nigga didnt pay the billz
P6:55:47 <Darkebrz> Quatroking: The site font looks screwy
P6:55:59 <Quatroking> I'm messing with it
P6:56:02 <citricsquid> Eagle: :D
P6:56:06 <Darkebrz> K
P6:56:07 <Darkebrz> Well
P6:56:08 <Eagle> :O
P6:56:13 <Darkebrz> Has anyone else joined Quatroworld?
P6:56:27 <stupinator> oh geeze
P6:56:32 <stupinator> that's too bad :/
P6:56:49 <Darkebrz> Shit
P6:56:57 <Darkebrz> I lost the link to the page to edit my blog 0_0
P6:57:04 <stupinator> does anyone have a server script they could upload then? or a link to one that's already uploaded?
P6:57:33 <stupinator> can't deal with these greifers, and I'm sure there's a better way then banning them after-the-fact
P6:57:34 <Eagle> The only server script I have is cMss. :P
P6:57:47 <stupinator> yea, but the download link is on the forums :/
P6:58:03 <Eagle> cMss doesn't have grief protection
P6:58:14 <stupinator> oh :(
P6:58:20 <Quatroking> darke: wait, you mean your own blog or mine?
P6:58:21 <Darkebrz> No script has grief protection
P6:58:23 <Darkebrz> My blog
P6:58:30 <Eagle> Except the one portal server
P6:58:31 <Darkebrz> Chrome got wiped for some reason
P6:58:49 <Quatroking> I don't see anything wrong with it.
P6:58:54 <testvan> suck on a dick
P6:58:54 <Darkebrz> no
P6:58:56 <Darkebrz> I don'
P6:59:00 <Darkebrz> don't have the link
P6:59:17 <Quatroking> eh?
P6:59:19 <Eagle> Testvan I think you forgot to look at the topic of the channel
P6:59:22 <Darkebrz> To the blog edit thing
P6:59:23 <LG_Legacy> ?
P6:59:34 <testvan> sorry i have tourettes
P6:59:36 <Quatroking> oh you mean the admin panel
P6:59:40 <Eagle> Mhmm.
P6:59:44 <Darkebrz> correct
P6:59:47 <LG_Legacy> Tourettes is a vocal isn't it?
P7:00:02 <testvan> its all kinds of tics
P7:00:03 <PuyoDead> it's also not limited to profanity
P7:00:19 <LG_Legacy> Hrm..
10P7:00:46 * scanlonman_ (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P7:01:20 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
04P7:01:20 KuroBit has the same ISP district as high6.
P7:01:20 <Eagle> Yeah see now he's just being an ass.
P7:01:23 <PuyoDead> my /ignore is twitching
P7:01:29 <stupinator> lol
P7:02:03 <LG_Legacy> Yeah i knew he was just a troll before this
P7:02:22 <LG_Legacy> Siiseli or CitricSquid you there?
P7:02:24 <PuyoDead> surprised he's been here this long, to be honest
P7:02:26 <citricsquid> yes
P7:02:39 <LG_Legacy> Whats your thoughts on testvan?
P7:02:46 <citricsquid> hes minecraft royalty.
P7:02:52 <stupinator> o.O
P7:02:52 <PuyoDead> hah
P7:02:52 <LG_Legacy> Less sarcasm
P7:02:55 <vede> Ooh ooh I have thoughts on testvan.
P7:03:03 <stupinator> B&?
P7:03:13 <Eagle> We all have thoughts on testvan
P7:03:44 <stupinator> pretty sure those thoughts are similar too
P7:04:04 <testvan> hahah
P7:04:12 <testvan> im the stupid duke testvan of minecraft
P7:04:35 <Eagle> He's pretty good at building but he's also crazy. And swears at us. And himself.
P7:04:42 <stupinator> the stupid duke?
P7:04:50 <PuyoDead> yea, /ignore is in order
P7:04:59 <testvan> words are just abstract constructions of letter they dont really mean anything
P7:05:03 <stupinator> sounds like you're a dog then test
P7:05:14 <stupinator> so quit saying them :D
P7:05:25 <ONI> I made cookie pie
P7:05:26 <AnnihilatorBeta> and stop reading those words okay hon
P7:05:33 <testvan> im just saying censorship only brings bad things
P7:05:53 <PuyoDead> you're an idiot.
P7:05:56 <Eagle> Words have tons of meaning testvan
P7:05:58 <ONI> Like 1984
P7:05:59 <stupinator> like what? people being respectful?
P7:06:03 <PuyoDead> and I didn't set my /ignore fast enough
P7:06:06 <Eagle> "I'm going to the store" means I'M GOING TO THE STORE.
P7:06:18 <stupinator> Eagle is correct.
P7:06:18 <Eagle> Tons of meaning right there.
P7:06:19 <ONI> LEAVE THEN!
P7:06:25 <testvan> not if i think it doesnt mean that owned
P7:06:40 <ONI> I can make up meanings for things
P7:06:45 <Darkebrz> New comec
P7:06:45 <stupinator> then you would be stupid ^v^
P7:06:47 <PuyoDead> you've got quite a few years to go on that one
P7:06:48 <Darkebrz> http://darke.quatroworld.org/
P7:07:00 <PuyoDead> you're on the right track, but you're not there yet
P7:07:01 <ONI> we have been shmakledorfed!
P7:07:15 <ONI> means we got fucked over
P7:07:17 <Eagle> You have yet to prove that words don't have meaning ONI.
P7:07:28 <Eagle> You infact just helped us by saying that you can create meaning
10P7:07:31 * citricsquid sets mode: +m
P7:07:35 <citricsquid> no being twats plx
10P7:07:38 * citricsquid sets mode: -m
P7:07:44 <citricsquid> play nicely
P7:07:44 <testvan> ya guys
P7:07:45 <stupinator> lol :D
P7:07:45 <PuyoDead> *facepalm*
P7:07:46 <Eagle> :P
P7:07:48 <ONI> I just felt like saying that
P7:07:49 <PuyoDead> wow.
13P7:07:50 * citricsquid has no idea why he clicked moderate.
P7:08:11 <ONI> No arguement behind it
P7:08:16 <testvan> what citric and I are saying is just be nicer in the future thanks
P7:08:24 <Eagle> 'K.
P7:08:26 <ONI> I could but that would take effort
P7:08:27 <citricsquid> yes be nice to sir testvan :(
P7:08:36 <Eagle> But he's not nice to us. ):
P7:08:42 <vede> I refuse to be nice to testvan.
P7:08:42 <PuyoDead> this is a joke, right?
P7:08:53 <testvan> no
P7:08:57 <Quatroking> sup folks
P7:09:05 <ONI> I refuse to be nice to ONI
P7:09:05 <Eagle> <testvan> suck on a dick
P7:09:13 <Eagle> I cannot see why we should be nice to testvan
P7:09:26 <testvan> i wasnt saying it TO anyone i was just saying it
P7:09:31 <PuyoDead> so we allow trolling here now, eh?
P7:09:31 <ONI> I hate ONI
P7:09:32 <citricsquid> So yeah, everyone be nice.
P7:09:41 <citricsquid> PuyoDead: only if it's testvan!
P7:09:43 <Quatroking> I'm the best guy ever
P7:09:47 <Quatroking> I should get a certificate for it
P7:09:49 <PuyoDead> if that's the case, allow me to be the first "ragequit"
P7:09:50 <Eagle> I second Quatroking
P7:09:54 <testvan> haha
10P7:09:55 * PuyoDead (Joe@cpe-24-210-151-151.woh.res.rr.com) has left #minecraft (Leaving)
P7:09:58 <testvan> hahahaha
P7:09:59 <citricsquid> wat
P7:10:00 <Eagle> He wasn't the first.
P7:10:01 <citricsquid> :(
P7:10:09 <stupinator> o.O
P7:10:10 <citricsquid> I was joking, didn't want puyo to leave :(
P7:10:17 <vede> <testvan>lrn2suckmyniggerdick
P7:10:19 <Eagle> Oh hey Puyo's name is Joe.
P7:10:19 <testvan> social dawrinismz im stronger
P7:10:21 <Quatroking> I also have fifteenhundred trophies
P7:10:24 <Darkebrz> http://darke.quatroworld.org/
P7:10:28 <Darkebrz> :D:D:D:D:D:D
P7:10:31 <Quatroking> they're all emmy's
P7:10:41 <Eagle> Darke your name is Grant.
P7:10:47 <Eagle> Also you're a floating head
P7:10:53 <Eagle> How do you type? D:
12P7:11:02 * Jaska (Jaska@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:11:02 <ONI> I'm ONI and I am the
12P7:11:22 * citricsquid (sam@client-86-25-240-20.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Quit: RAGEQUIT)
P7:11:22 <Quatroking> eagle: wifi
P7:11:29 <Eagle> In his brainz?
P7:11:32 <Quatroking> yes
P7:11:35 <Eagle> Awesome.
P7:11:48 <Quatroking> Its fucking hilarious when the microwave goes on
P7:11:54 <Eagle> ... XD
P7:12:46 <Darkebrz> Eagle: Did you even see the whole comic?
P7:12:56 <Eagle> The one below it?
P7:13:04 <Darkebrz> ?
P7:13:12 <Darkebrz> Im talking about the one I just uploaded
P7:13:14 <Eagle> Oh right the last panel
P7:13:27 <Eagle> You also have the ability to spontaniously grow a body. :O
P7:13:31 <Darkebrz> Lol
P7:13:32 <Eagle> That is so awesome.
10P7:13:37 * unknownczar (chatzilla@76-219-107-227.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:13:39 <Darkebrz> Look at the monitor :P
P7:13:47 <AnnihilatorBeta> why does it remind me of calvin&hobbes
P7:14:09 <Eagle> Why not?
P7:15:43 <Quatroking> good god
P7:15:46 <Quatroking> a virus?
P7:15:53 <Quatroking> Dude
P7:15:54 <ONI> He grew a body so he could go tubing
P7:16:02 <Quatroking> looks like you're fucking stoned
P7:16:17 <ONI> maybe its both
10P7:17:29 * Jat (Mibbit@modemcable037.28-130-66.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #minecraft
12P7:19:27 * Teffen (opera@c-68-61-164-172.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Teffen)
P7:20:29 <Quatroking> guys
P7:20:32 <Quatroking> http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/40692/8847528
P7:20:49 <ONI> lol
P7:20:58 <Darkebrz> >_>
12P7:21:32 * geekahedron (djbroadben@ Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
10P7:22:30 * geekahedron (djbroadben@ has joined #minecraft
12P7:25:34 * geekahedron (djbroadben@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P7:26:26 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) has joined #minecraft
10P7:26:38 * Dusicyon (IceChat7@h69-131-88-179.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) has left #minecraft
P7:27:06 <testvan> omak
12P7:29:56 * H4X (custom@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P7:29:56 * H4X (custom@ has joined #minecraft
P7:29:56 <ONI> allo
P7:30:05 <Quatroking> olla
P7:30:40 <ONI> backwards
10P7:30:51 * liq3 (liquidman3@ has joined #minecraft
P7:31:23 <Eagle> olla=hola?
P7:31:37 <Quatroking> guys guys
P7:31:39 <Quatroking> I almost forgot to tell you all
P7:31:44 <ONI> Maybe its HOLLA!
P7:31:48 <Quatroking> I've seen a freakin' FALLIN' STAR
P7:31:56 <Eagle> Like
P7:31:56 <ONI> I did that once
P7:32:00 <Eagle> The star was falling
P7:32:10 <Eagle> A star in space suddenly succumbed to gravity?
P7:32:14 <Quatroking> as in, "zoom!"
P7:32:22 <Quatroking> and I did a wish
P7:32:26 <ONI> Did it fall on you
P7:32:31 <Eagle> Did it come true?
P7:32:33 <Quatroking> nah
P7:32:38 <Quatroking> I dunno
P7:32:47 <Eagle> One time I wished that potato chips were real
P7:32:49 <Quatroking> my wishes are rather complicated
P7:32:50 <Eagle> And it came true
P7:33:06 <ONI> My Wishes usually involve cookies
P7:33:09 <Quatroking> the last wish I did took about 3 years to come true
P7:33:34 <ONI> because I like cookies
P7:33:45 <Eagle> One time I wished that humans evolved a different path so that they had two eyes instead of one
P7:33:47 <Eagle> And it came true
P7:33:58 <Quatroking> one time me and my cousin watched tv
P7:33:59 <Quatroking> and
P7:34:02 <Quatroking> my cousin died
P7:34:11 <Eagle> Did you make a wish
P7:34:18 <Quatroking> yeah
P7:34:22 <Quatroking> we went bowling
P7:34:24 <Quatroking> and
P7:34:25 <Quatroking> i won
P7:34:27 <Quatroking> :D
P7:34:31 <ONI> The thing about death is that you are no longer alive
P7:34:33 <Eagle> Wow
12P7:34:47 * ChJees (jespr@81-234-87-168-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:34:48 <Quatroking> once I was walking down the street
P7:34:50 <Quatroking> and
P7:34:57 <Quatroking> a car passed by
P7:35:10 <ONI> and killed your cousin?
P7:35:11 <Quatroking> and
P7:35:13 <Quatroking> it died
P7:35:16 <Quatroking> no the car died
P7:35:24 <Eagle> once I was walking to my house
P7:35:24 <Eagle> and
P7:35:27 <ONI> Was your cousin in the car?
P7:35:28 <Eagle> I went home
P7:35:39 <Quatroking> oni: my cousin was busy driving his cab
P7:35:46 <ONI> Was your cousin at your house?
P7:35:50 <Quatroking> once I went to the supermarket
P7:35:52 <Quatroking> and
P7:35:56 <Quatroking> it died
P7:36:05 <ONI> once I went to Canada
P7:36:06 <Quatroking> so I went to the snackbar instead
P7:36:07 <Quatroking> and
P7:36:17 <Quatroking> it died
P7:36:28 <Quatroking> I died a long time ago, actually.
12P7:36:29 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE633F.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
P7:36:38 <ONI> I was never Alive
P7:36:46 <Quatroking> With a capital A
P7:36:49 <Quatroking> :D
P7:36:54 <ONI> yeP
P7:37:24 <ONI> raNdOm caPs is fUn
P7:37:44 <Eagle> I'm Still Alive.
P7:37:57 <ONI> really?
P7:38:01 <ONI> thats wierd
P7:38:12 <ONI> The Apocolypse happened a while ago
P7:38:21 <ONI> a couple times actually
10P7:39:12 * geekahedron (djbroadben@cpe-24-59-240-169.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:39:58 <ONI> I know you
P7:40:05 <Eagle> Yeah remember 12/21/12?
P7:40:07 <Eagle> No wait
P7:40:16 <ONI> tand 6/6/6
P7:40:20 <Eagle> You guys have a linear perception of time
P7:40:21 <Eagle> Sorry
P7:40:31 <ONI> Y2K
P7:40:55 <Saer> CHAOS
P7:40:56 <ONI> I'm used to pressing t before typing now
P7:41:03 <ONI> is a cool guy
P7:41:13 <ONI> met him once
P7:41:20 <ONI> he has a nice car
P7:41:46 <ONI> its an old Cadilac
10P7:42:49 * Jeffman12 (Jeffman12@adsl-75-15-121-51.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:42:50 <Veronika> Hey guys check this hilarious new video out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItugh-fFgg
P7:42:56 <Jeffman12> I just found out an awesome glitch
12P7:42:59 * triddin (triddin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P7:43:07 <Quatroking> guys
P7:43:08 <Quatroking> guys
P7:43:11 <Quatroking> I just realized
P7:43:11 <LG_Legacy> WHAT
P7:43:16 <Quatroking> I'm dead.
12P7:43:18 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ Quit (Quit: I'm off, kthxbai)
P7:43:23 <ONI> I knew that
P7:43:41 <ONI> I accidently shot you
P7:44:53 <Jeffman12> Anyone know about how you can make a vertical tube to keep water/lava in and then climb up the outside of it like a ladder?
P7:45:42 <ONI> Checkerbord the tube
P7:45:43 <LG_Legacy> Make a vertical tube, and then make a staircase
P7:46:22 <Darkebrz> Then have sponged in the walls
P7:46:34 <LG_Legacy> If you're really good.
P7:46:38 <LG_Legacy> You can sponge a WaterVator
P7:46:54 <Jeffman12> But if someone griefs you're screwed
P7:47:20 <Veronika> How does the watervator work?
P7:47:25 <ONI> Unless you killed physics
P7:47:30 <ONI> tthe poor guy
P7:47:42 <Jeffman12> True, but who wants to get rid of that?
P7:47:51 <LG_Legacy> Huh... i wonder
P7:48:23 <Jeffman12> And the sponge method takes up a lot of space, right?
P7:48:58 <Jeffman12> This takes up 5 cells per level, and then a cap on top and on bottom
10P7:49:26 * Evil-Ville (hurfdurf@cs78249077.pp.htv.fi) has joined #minecraft
10P7:49:29 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Evil-Ville
P7:49:57 <Jeffman12> Mind you, it IS a glitch and may be fixed eventually.
P7:50:06 <Darkebrz> What is a glitch?
P7:50:17 <ONI> infinite water
P7:50:24 <Darkebrz> Not a glitch
P7:50:55 <Jeffman12> Yeah, that doesn't have anything to do with what I'm talking about
P7:50:58 <Eagle> Infinite water isn't a glitch. O.o
P7:51:09 <Eagle> Notch just didn't implement finite water.
P7:51:24 <Darkebrz> DESKTOP SHOWOFF TIME!
P7:51:39 <Darkebrz> http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/8/22901510385-orig.jpg
P7:52:05 <Jeffman12> So, if anyone wants to see this amazing feet of glitch/engineering
P7:52:11 <Daidoji> it's not a glitch that's just how sponge works
P7:52:23 <Jeffman12> I didn't use sponges at all
P7:52:24 <Eagle> That looks like the zune theme but it's BLUE.
P7:52:29 <Eagle> What is this
P7:52:43 <Darkebrz> Its the media center theme <3
P7:52:46 <Jat> holy crap you still have the original unsteamed halflife 1 installed?
P7:52:47 <Eagle> Darke explain yourself
P7:52:48 <Eagle> Wait what
P7:53:08 <Eagle> You can make desktop shortcuts from Steam you know Jat. :P
P7:53:12 <Daidoji> I still have master of magic 'installed'
P7:53:19 <Daidoji> in the same folder for the last 15 years
P7:53:27 <Darkebrz> www.uploadscreenshot.com
P7:53:30 <Darkebrz> POST YOUR DESKTOPS!
P7:53:31 <Daidoji> mind you I've moved the folder from pc to pc
P7:53:36 <LG_Legacy> I will later
P7:53:40 <LG_Legacy> When i get my skin back
P7:53:46 <Jeffman12> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=6d917e843afa639f7a85335e48df01a3 if you want to see what I'm talking about.
P7:53:59 <Jat> oh i was kinda wondering if it was a steam shortcut... i really wasnt sure if you could do that or not :|
P7:54:09 <Darkebrz> Yes
P7:54:19 <Darkebrz> Because I also have the orignal unsteamed version of HL2 also :/
P7:54:44 <Daidoji> my originaly hl1 was steamed on an account I forgot the password to
10P7:54:50 * Daroh (Daroh@cpc1-midd1-0-0-cust399.midd.cable.ntl.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:54:57 <Jat> there was an unsteameed version of hl2?...
P7:54:57 <Daidoji> I mean I put my hl1 cd key into steam and it tied it to that account
P7:55:08 <Daidoji> oh not hl2
P7:55:10 <Daidoji> hl1
P7:55:20 <Jat> darkebrz said he has hl2 unsteamed
P7:55:29 <AnnihilatorBeta> pirate
P7:55:32 <Eagle> http://img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/8/22901550145-orig.jpg <- My desktop. :P
P7:55:33 <Darkebrz> I was joking
P7:55:33 <Jat> oh
P7:55:40 <Darkebrz> It is steam
P7:55:50 <Daidoji> I still have the original steam client that adrian FINOL gave me (lol namedroppin)
P7:56:24 <Daidoji> all it did at that time was let you add friends and chat while playing hl or cs
P7:56:28 <Jat> what is oecake? it looks delicious
P7:56:31 <AnnihilatorBeta> cave story!
P7:56:33 <Jat> oh i see
P7:56:36 <Jat> its oekake...
P7:56:43 <Eagle> A liquid physics simulator Jat.
P7:56:49 <Daidoji> let me tell you about my cave story
P7:56:50 <Jat> oh
P7:56:51 <AnnihilatorBeta> point of view is a good mod
P7:56:56 <Jat> i thought it was oekake software haha
P7:57:06 <AnnihilatorBeta> let me tell you about the game i played when i was young
P7:57:08 <Daidoji> http://ilm.johnnythemidget.com/image/thecave.jpg
P7:57:47 <AnnihilatorBeta> wowgold
P7:58:46 <Eagle> More people post your desktops. >:O
P7:59:00 <Jeffman12> Anyways
P7:59:31 <ONI> http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn247/Jerek/Desktop.jpg mine
P7:59:51 <ONI> old though
P7:59:58 <Eagle> Sure is a fuzzy wallpaper.
P8:00:20 <ONI> wasn't meant to be a wallpaper
12P8:00:21 * Bradness (chatzilla@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027])
P8:00:26 <ONI> I just liked the pic
12P8:02:00 * Cyanide (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P8:02:12 * Cyanide (Mibbit@71-14-180-111.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:02:28 <Jat> you shouldnt be using more than none antivirus program at a time
P8:02:32 <Jat> i mean one
P8:02:48 <LG_Legacy> Threatfire + Avast = No conflicts
P8:02:59 <Jeffman12> Hey, cyanide, the vertical shaft you dug into that cave, I turned it into a new elevator using a glitch I just found out about
P8:03:08 <Jat> theres norton there
P8:03:29 <LG_Legacy> So liek, theses sponges here... they can stop water OH EHM GEE WHAT A GLITCH EH?
10P8:03:30 * Daroh (Daroh@cpc1-midd1-0-0-cust399.midd.cable.ntl.com) has left #minecraft
P8:03:32 <Jat> and antivir
P8:03:46 <Jeffman12> I told you, I used no sponges at all
P8:04:18 <Jeffman12> In fact, I used lava because someone could grief it by putting sponges nearby.
P8:04:36 <LG_Legacy> I was being sarcastic
12P8:04:50 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279295624.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P8:05:03 <ONI> Jat I only have Avira
P8:05:05 <Eagle> I'm a little hungry, but I have no snack foods in the house. :/
P8:05:09 <LG_Legacy> Avira is nice
P8:05:13 <Jeffman12> That's quite apparent
10P8:05:26 * Bradness (bradness@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:05:38 <ONI> Norton is just a scan
P8:06:09 <testvan> hey oni
P8:06:17 <ONI> hey
P8:06:22 <Jat> you can get a scan only norton application?
P8:06:27 <testvan> i dont think ur a griefer
P8:06:45 <ONI> It came with the computer so I don't know
P8:06:51 <Jat> oh ok lol
P8:06:56 <ONI> but it asks me to get full norton
P8:08:55 <Jeffman12> Is there a way to change the color of the sky with omen or some other map editor?
P8:09:25 <Eagle> Nope.
P8:09:37 <testvan> hacker
P8:09:38 <Eagle> It'd be cool if there was. Then I could have a red sky during Lava Survival.
P8:09:57 <Jeffman12> I was actually planning on making something remotely based off of char
P8:10:11 <Jeffman12> From starcraft
P8:10:29 <Jeffman12> Because playing a game with 'craft' in the title makes me think of that.
P8:12:04 <Jat> char?
12P8:14:11 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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10P8:17:03 * Darkebrz is now known as Test
10P8:17:44 * Test is now known as God
10P8:17:53 * God is now known as Jesus
10P8:19:07 * Jesus is now known as aera`
10P8:19:22 * Bradness_ (bradness@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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10P8:20:00 * Bradness_ is now known as Bradness
P8:20:01 <testvan> im sad
10P8:20:21 * aera` is now known as Final
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10P8:20:55 * Final_Fantasy is now known as Darkebrz
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10P8:42:52 * maurits150 (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P8:43:05 <ONI> hello
10P8:44:07 * Moujave (triddin@ has joined #minecraft
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10P8:57:47 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:58:15 <Keegs> Anyone know why UD's Server is down?
12P8:59:08 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) Quit (roc.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
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P8:59:11 <Darkebrz> WOOOP
P8:59:13 <Darkebrz> NETSPLIT
P8:59:16 <Darkebrz> SO EXCITING
10P8:59:20 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
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10P8:59:20 * aezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
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10P8:59:20 * excelsior.esper.net sets mode: +oo Evil-Ville Siiseli
P8:59:21 <Eagle> CRAZY FUN.
P8:59:22 <Darkebrz> Wow
P8:59:25 <Darkebrz> THAT IS SO EXCITING
P9:00:34 <Visiiri> YES
P9:00:38 <Visiiri> WHy was I not kicked?
P9:00:41 <Visiiri> Any informations?
P9:01:18 <LG_Legacy> Oh..
P9:01:25 <Veronika> Has to do with which EsperNet server you were connected to.
P9:01:31 <LG_Legacy> 21:57 -Global- Sorry for the trouble everyone, we need to do a little rerouting, so there will be netsplits in a moment.
P9:01:34 <Veronika> It will never look like YOU were kicked. Just like other people were kicked,
P9:02:19 <Visiiri> ohok
10P9:03:31 * Plotty (plotmaster@d67-193-188-108.home3.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:04:31 <Jat> and i understand why now that it has been explained to me! :D
P9:04:45 <Darkebrz> google is so complicated
12P9:04:59 * Keegs (Mibbit@24-180-148-91.dhcp.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P9:05:00 <Darkebrz> It would be much better if I just typed in something and it took me to the wikipedia page
12P9:05:10 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P9:05:57 <LG_Legacy> 'I'm feeling lucky'
P9:06:10 <Darkebrz> Doesn't always work
P9:08:05 <LG_Legacy> I'M FEELING LUCKY: 'porn'
10P9:08:39 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:09:00 <Jat> "wikipedia <your subject here>" im feeling lucky
P9:09:42 <ONI> I'm feeling lucky WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!
P9:09:56 <vede> Or, if you use Firefox and it has that Google search bar in the top right corner, you can replace it with a Wikipedia search bar.
P9:10:24 <Darkebrz> That still requires 2 click
P9:10:27 <Darkebrz> *clicks
P9:10:28 <vede> ...
P9:10:30 <vede> Right.
P9:10:41 <fydo> Darkebrz: push enter after you have typed your search term
P9:10:49 <fydo> 1 click
P9:11:07 <vede> I assume having to click to open your web browser is a tedious, unnecessary exercise?
10P9:11:15 * YoukaiJesus is now known as LKA
P9:11:18 <Jat> isnt there an extension that lets you just click on something and go to the wikipedia page?
P9:11:29 <vede> TOO MANY CLICKS
P9:11:47 <fydo> Jat: yeah, it's called <a href="http://wikipedia.org">Click Here</a>
P9:11:53 <Jat> perhaps one that brings up the wikipedia page of everything your mouse moves over on a page?
P9:12:13 <vede> ZERO CLICKZ
P9:12:19 <fydo> vede: mouse gestures!
10P9:13:21 * TheOne-afk is now known as TheOne
P9:13:50 <Veronika> So what is the average age of Minecraft players?
P9:15:09 <Eagle> Probably 9
P9:15:11 <Eagle> :P
P9:16:42 <vede> I guess... 19.
12P9:16:52 * betasword (chatzilla@c-67-175-203-230.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P9:17:07 <vede> Extremely accurate...
P9:17:12 <vede> Determined by fair die roll.
P9:18:23 <Darkebrz> Hm
P9:18:25 <Darkebrz> I am 13 :D
P9:18:26 <vede> Most of these folks here are... what? 14-24?
P9:18:40 <TheOne> 19
P9:18:45 <KatamariManatee> I'm 14
P9:18:50 <vede> i r 15
P9:18:55 <vede> loolooloo
P9:19:48 <Darkebrz> Vede
P9:19:53 <Darkebrz> I am filing a complaint about you
P9:19:57 <vede> D:
P9:20:02 <vede> But why?
P9:20:14 <Darkebrz> Before I can focus on the ignorance that abounds in Vede's ramblings, I must qualify Vede's character, his sources, and even his personal frame of mind towards me. Let us note first of all that Vede teaches workshops on voyeurism. Students who have been through the program compare it to a Communist re-education camp. If you've read any of the detestable slop that he has concocted, you'll sincerely recall his description of his
P9:20:14 <Darkebrz> plan to inspire a recrudescence of slovenly fatuity. If you haven't read any of it, well, all you really need to know is that Vede's half-measures are based on a technique I'm sure you've heard of. It's called "lying". It is clear from what I have already written that when you tell Vede's foot soldiers that Vede is crazier than a road lizard, they begin to get fidgety and their eyes begin to wander. They really don't care. Th
P9:20:15 <Darkebrz> ey have no interest in hearing that if this letter did nothing else but serve as a beacon of truth, it would be worthy of reading by all right-thinking people. However, this letter's role is much greater than just to navigate a safe path between the Scylla of Vede's satanic schemes and the Charybdis of fascism.
P9:20:19 <Darkebrz> It's not necessarily the case, as Vede maintains, that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all utterly justified. On the contrary, Vede loves getting up in front of people and telling them that clever one-liners are a valid substitute for actual thinking. He then boasts about how he'll move rotten, unimaginative incendiarism from the disloyal
P9:20:24 <Darkebrz> fringe into a realm of respectability before you know it. It's all part of the media spectacle that is Vede. Of course, he soaks it up and wallows in it like a pig in mud. Speaking of pigs and mud, Vede's positions are a house of mirrors. How are we to find the opening that leads to freedom? I'll tell you the answer in a moment. But first, let me just say that contrary to my personal preferences, I'm thinking about what's bes
P9:20:28 <vede> Oh my gosh dark holy crap.
P9:20:29 <Darkebrz> t for all of u
P9:20:31 <Darkebrz> Augh
P9:20:33 <Darkebrz> My fingers hurts
P9:20:34 <TheOne> What is this a book?
P9:20:35 <Darkebrz> HURTZ
P9:20:42 <Darkebrz> It is a complaint
P9:21:00 <TheOne> wow...
P9:22:00 <Jat> where id dyou get this text?
P9:22:06 <Darkebrz> I wrote it
P9:22:06 <Darkebrz> http://elbertf.com/ie6ify/
P9:22:10 <Darkebrz> FUCKING AWESOME
10P9:22:54 * AnnihilatorBeta (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1279295624.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P9:23:09 <Darkebrz> HOLY SHIT
P9:23:48 <vede> Did you write that all for me?
P9:23:53 <Darkebrz> I did
P9:24:05 <vede> It's nice to know someone cares.
P9:24:10 <vede> Thank you, darkebrz.
P9:24:17 <AnnihilatorBeta> what
P9:24:40 <vede> ...
P9:26:05 <TheOne> http://pastebin.com/f736b4455
P9:26:48 <vede> And witty one-liners make a GREAT substitute for actual thought.
12P9:27:25 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip98-179-180-215.ri.ri.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P9:27:32 <Jat> thats what she said!
P9:27:58 <vede> ...
P9:28:05 <vede> Jat, I'm filing a complaint.
P9:28:19 <Jat> i expect one as good as the one darkebrz gave you
P9:28:28 <Jat> and not the same one but with my name in place of yours
P9:29:09 <vede> Before I can focus on the ignorance that abounds in Jat's ramblings, I must first note that Jat is a fascist douchebag.
P9:30:05 <Darkebrz> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXh-i6UrFAg
P9:30:05 <vede> ...
P9:30:39 <Jat> :|
P9:36:20 <vede> Okay, back to watching House now.
P9:36:27 <vede> Goodbye peeps/fascist douchebags.
P9:37:46 <Jat> bye
10P9:38:47 * Fonzi_254 (Mibbit@CPE-121-219-58-25.vic.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
P9:39:13 <Fonzi_254> Can someone help me with cMss
12P9:39:16 * Chapman (Chapman@5e02fb06.bb.sky.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P9:39:47 <Fonzi_254> I need help with Cmss
10P9:40:28 * Blade`Skydancer (blade98037@c-98-203-218-182.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:40:54 <TheOne> I'd get you a link but I have no idea what it would be
10P9:41:03 * mooogle (skylerschu@pool-173-65-88-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:41:25 <Jat> what is cmss?
P9:41:29 <Jat> i am too lazy to google
P9:41:31 <Fonzi_254> Idk
P9:41:42 <Jat> then why do you need help with it?
P9:41:54 <TheOne> Crayzed custom minecraft server software
P9:42:01 <Jat> oh ok
P9:42:24 <Jat> wait there is a publicly available custom minecraft server?
P9:42:37 <TheOne> its not a coustom server
P9:42:52 <TheOne> its a server script that adds to the core server
P9:42:59 <Jat> oh ok
P9:43:08 <Jat> well whats the problem?
P9:43:49 <TheOne> Fonzi wants to use it but I don't have a link for it since the forums are down
P9:44:34 <Jat> oh ok
P9:44:44 <Fonzi_254> Can u help me?
P9:45:22 <Fonzi_254> :)
P9:45:32 <Fonzi_254> Can anyone help me!?
P9:45:46 <Darkebrz> Wow
P9:45:47 <Darkebrz> google.org
P9:45:53 <Darkebrz> Wtf?
P9:46:30 <Fonzi_254> I googel it and nothin there helps me!
P9:46:39 <TheOne> http://cryzed.de/?page_id=197
12P9:46:44 * Veronika (person@cpe-075-178-087-124.ec.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P9:46:47 <geekahedron> that
P9:46:59 <Fonzi_254> Ty
10P9:50:29 * mib_sktcot (Mibbit@71-88-40-2.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
12P9:53:54 * KuroBit (chatzilla@c-24-34-144-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022])
10P9:54:06 * Fonzi_254 (Mibbit@CPE-121-219-58-25.vic.bigpond.net.au) has left #minecraft
10P9:55:03 * fleshBasedProcessor (chatzilla@d35-23.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net) has joined #minecraft
12P9:56:53 * mib_sktcot (Mibbit@71-88-40-2.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P9:57:39 * mooogle (skylerschu@pool-173-65-88-8.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) has left #minecraft
12P10:02:30 * Blade`Skydancer (blade98037@c-98-203-218-182.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:02:44 * Blade`Skydancer (blade98037@c-98-203-218-182.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:07:56 * Arf|Homework is now known as Arf
P10:08:22 <TheOne> well that was fun
P10:08:32 <Blade`Skydancer> Oh?
P10:08:42 <TheOne> standard size map doing lava fall
P10:08:54 <TheOne> guess what happened?
P10:09:14 <Blade`Skydancer> . . .Is there a publically -- heh, nice -- available server script which does like in WoM servers, preventing blocks from being created/destroyed outside a certain area for people who are "guests"?
P10:09:49 <Eagle> Nope.
P10:10:07 <Blade`Skydancer> Damn. 'cause that'd be great to use on Yggdrasil, it's been hit *again*.
P10:10:14 <Blade`Skydancer> All of its Hell was *flooded*.
10P10:12:01 * Skywars (Mibbit@adsl-67-126-229-14.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:12:22 <Skywars> NOTCH IS HERE I SMELL IT
12P10:12:42 * Skywars (Mibbit@adsl-67-126-229-14.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P10:12:43 <Jat> lol D:
10P10:12:54 * Skywars (Mibbit@adsl-67-126-229-14.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:13:04 * triddin (triddin@ has joined #minecraft
P10:13:17 <Jat> i think that it would be possible to do such things without using a custom server however it would require some fancy packet screwing and i dont use linux which seems to be what most of that kind of software is targetted for
12P10:13:20 * Skywars (Mibbit@adsl-67-126-229-14.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P10:13:53 <Jat> you could also basically create kind of a custom client that way without actually modifying the client itself
P10:14:21 <Darkebrz> Oh my god
P10:14:24 <Darkebrz> My friend is awesome
12P10:14:38 * scanlonman_ (taylor@66-227-211-200.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: scanlonman_)
P10:16:27 <Jat> why?
12P10:16:54 * ONI (Mibbit@d47-69-137-33.col.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P10:21:47 * Kinhoshi (Error404@243-228.97-97.tampabay.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P10:36:37 * pimpmasta (Mibbit@adsl-232-12-151.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:40:41 * liq3 (liquidman3@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:44:22 <TheOne> Be nice when they get the bugs worked out again...
P10:45:44 <Jat> of what?
12P10:45:49 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:46:36 * Arg (chatzilla@d58-104-81-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10P10:50:18 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P10:50:18 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
10P10:50:19 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Drakkar
10P10:51:52 * NotEagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:53:33 * Genisi|afk (what@adsl-99-131-40-132.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:53:49 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P10:54:09 * Genisi (what@adsl-99-131-40-132.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:56:36 * mail2345|semi-afk (gerard.mai@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P10:56:52 <mail2345|semi-afk> well, I'm glad useful is still logging
P10:57:15 <TheOne> hey
P10:57:26 <mail2345|semi-afk> hello
P10:57:41 <TheOne> Had a thought this afternoon
P10:58:15 <TheOne> make a random number picker that ties into the restore command
P10:59:35 <mail2345|semi-afk> and voterestore
P10:59:41 <mail2345|semi-afk> to load a diffrent map everytime
P11:00:02 <TheOne> Ya I'm keeping that in mind
P11:00:07 <LG_Legacy> Voterestore..
P11:00:12 <TheOne> but one step at a time
P11:00:14 <LG_Legacy> That will cause alot of trouble sometimes
P11:00:48 <TheOne> Isn't anything ever simple... but your right
P11:02:29 <TheOne> well I have the random bit working so its a start...
12P11:06:44 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P11:07:24 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P11:07:24 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
P11:07:25 <Darkebrz> 4chan=down
10P11:07:26 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Drakkar
12P11:07:35 * Drakkar (Rubber.Tan@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P11:07:37 <Siiseli> Darkebrz, fucking finally
P11:07:41 <Darkebrz> Lol
P11:07:46 <Darkebrz> What do you mean?
P11:07:53 <Siiseli> most retarded place ever
P11:08:05 <Darkebrz> Er
P11:08:10 <Darkebrz> You are thinking of /b/
P11:08:20 <mail2345|semi-afk> sure
P11:08:22 <mail2345|semi-afk> that your ip
P11:08:24 <mail2345|semi-afk> isp*
P11:08:26 <Darkebrz> Yes
P11:08:30 <mail2345|semi-afk> is not being retarded?
P11:08:31 <Darkebrz> My friend also cannot view it
P11:08:39 <Darkebrz> And both of us were looking at it minutes ago
P11:08:42 <Darkebrz> Well
P11:08:44 <Darkebrz> He was
P11:08:58 <mail2345|semi-afk> hmm strange
P11:09:03 <mail2345|semi-afk> not the usual error
P11:09:26 <Darkebrz> Its down for you?
P11:09:27 <Darkebrz> Anyways
P11:09:27 <mail2345|semi-afk> ahh new ip
P11:09:30 <Darkebrz> Reset my server
10P11:10:09 * Drakkar (RubberTank@ip98-167-158-35.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
04P11:10:09 Drakkar has the same ISP district as bomb.
10P11:10:11 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Drakkar
P11:10:34 <Siiseli> it's down for me too so no isp crap
P11:11:09 <mail2345|semi-afk> http://status.4chan.org/
13P11:11:44 * mail2345|semi-afk purges DNS cache*
P11:12:18 <Darkebrz> That was 2 weeks ago
P11:12:21 <mail2345|semi-afk> ohh
P11:12:23 <mail2345|semi-afk> nvm
P11:12:30 <mail2345|semi-afk> need to look at dates more
12P11:12:54 * pimpmasta (Mibbit@adsl-232-12-151.asm.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P11:13:43 <mail2345|semi-afk> hmm. i actually havn't witnessed a full attack on a building from the outside from start to finish
P11:13:53 <mail2345|semi-afk> in ud yet untill now
P11:13:54 <Darkebrz> ???
10P11:13:56 * Genisi|afk is now known as Genisi
P11:13:59 <Darkebrz> Anyways
P11:14:01 <Darkebrz> RESET MY SERVER
P11:14:03 <Jat> whats ud?
P11:14:25 <mail2345|semi-afk> map reset or purge ban/admin
P11:14:31 <Darkebrz> Maprest
P11:15:40 <mail2345|semi-afk> anyway, I just lost the game
P11:15:55 <Jat> what game?
P11:16:08 <Darkebrz> The GAme
P11:16:10 <Darkebrz> DAMMIT
P11:16:11 <Darkebrz> I lost it
P11:16:44 <mail2345|semi-afk> http://www.losethegame.com/
P11:16:57 <Jat> oh i thought you were actually playing a game
P11:16:58 <TheOne> And now I lost it
P11:17:01 <Jat> by the way what is ud?
P11:17:06 <mail2345|semi-afk> congrats on losing, #minecraft.
P11:17:13 <mail2345|semi-afk> urban dead
P11:18:59 <Jat> oh ok
P11:19:03 <Jat> is that that browser thing?
P11:20:18 <LG_Legacy> I still am playing Phun
P11:21:53 <mail2345|semi-afk> I just had to lol at one DRLFF thread. "How do I remove time limit"
P11:22:08 <mail2345|semi-afk> I'm suprised that didn't get the asker a ban.
10P11:25:18 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-243-93-145.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P11:25:20 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
10P11:27:15 * PixelSith64 (pixelsith@71-217-3-156.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
12P11:32:19 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-38-12.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P11:33:00 <mail2345|semi-afk> quiet channel is quiet
P11:33:39 <Super-Dot> No it isn't
P11:33:44 <Jat> im hungry
P11:34:25 <mail2345|semi-afk> i'm gonna get back to scanning usefulbot's logs
10P11:35:16 * Daidoji (hurf@208-114-33-100.dyn.hsi.pldi.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:36:51 <mail2345|semi-afk> hmm, so far not really much interesting except serinity and explicor are netsplitting again
P11:37:57 <mail2345|semi-afk> also no notch
P11:37:57 <Darkebrz> mail2345|semi-afk: RESET
P11:37:57 <Darkebrz> IT NOW
P11:37:59 <Darkebrz> And wipe everything else
P11:38:01 <Darkebrz> bans and ops
P11:38:03 <Blade`Skydancer> Wow, Sorcery's splitting too.
P11:38:31 <mail2345|semi-afk> crap
P11:38:32 <NotEagle> Usefulbot is a mouthful for a name
P11:38:42 <NotEagle> You need to name it something that is easy to remember
P11:38:44 <mail2345|semi-afk> i need to start up stfp
P11:38:48 <NotEagle> And yet a catchy name.
P11:39:01 <mail2345|semi-afk> usefulbot isn't really that hard to remeber
P11:39:07 <Jat> cupcakebot
P11:39:09 <NotEagle> MineBot
P11:39:11 <Darkebrz> Okay
P11:39:17 <Darkebrz> Dont forget to wipe everything
P11:39:28 <mail2345|semi-afk> rouge op much
P11:39:35 <NotEagle> But Usefulbot is still a mouthful.
P11:39:36 <Darkebrz> Nah
P11:39:39 <Darkebrz> Just griefing
P11:39:47 <Darkebrz> And I want to start fresh
10P11:40:09 * DragonRift (dragonrift@S010600226b5e58f0.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:40:14 <NotEagle> BotBot
P11:40:21 <Darkebrz> DO IT OR I KILL YOU
P11:40:22 <DragonRift> ?
P11:40:24 <NotEagle> Nowait
P11:40:29 <NotEagle> Just "Bot"
P11:41:04 <Jat> justbot
10P11:41:12 * mail2345|semi-afk is now known as Bot
P11:41:14 <NotEagle> JusticeBot
P11:41:15 <Bot> hmm
P11:41:16 <Darkebrz> BOT
P11:41:17 <Bot> not taken
P11:41:22 <Darkebrz> GET RID OF IT
P11:41:23 <Darkebrz> NOW
10P11:41:24 * Bot is now known as mail2345|semi-afk
P11:41:26 <mail2345|semi-afk> ?
P11:41:26 <Darkebrz> DELETE
P11:41:28 <Darkebrz> EVERYTHING
P11:41:31 <Darkebrz> My server
P11:41:48 <NotEagle> Darkebrz sounds like he's trying to hide something... >.>
P11:41:54 <NotEagle> >.>
P11:41:55 <NotEagle> <.<
P11:41:56 <Darkebrz> I am already sending big black men to your house
P11:42:00 <Darkebrz> You better hurry up
P11:42:00 <mail2345|semi-afk> i'm temped to look
P11:42:06 <mail2345|semi-afk> as my server has a login delay
P11:42:14 <Darkebrz> ONLY TIES
P11:42:19 <Jat> haha
P11:42:22 <NotEagle> Oh yikes
P11:42:28 <NotEagle> Mail rape is imminent
P11:42:34 <NotEagle> Might want to read faster. :O
P11:42:46 <Darkebrz> Also they come in a white car
P11:42:51 <Darkebrz> Just for shits and giggles
P11:42:53 <mail2345|semi-afk> happy
P11:43:01 <mail2345|semi-afk> server just got a sigint
P11:43:45 <Darkebrz> O shit
P11:43:49 <Darkebrz> I just got word from them
P11:43:55 <Darkebrz> They say that they are drinking Pepsi
P11:43:57 <Darkebrz> Those pricks
P11:44:13 <Darkebrz> They are obviously sissys
P11:44:20 <Darkebrz> And will probably be unable to harm you
12P11:44:31 * PixelSith64 (pixelsith@71-217-3-156.tukw.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P11:44:33 <NotEagle> But they're black and naked.
P11:44:35 <Darkebrz> Instead I have sent big black albino men to your house
P11:44:36 <NotEagle> Which means raep.
P11:44:51 <Darkebrz> They will be arriving by bycicles
P11:44:57 <Darkebrz> And will be wearing codpieces
P11:45:10 <NotEagle> Those old fashioned bicycles
P11:45:16 <NotEagle> With the really huge frong wheel
P11:45:19 <Darkebrz> YES
P11:45:20 <NotEagle> *front
P11:45:59 <Darkebrz> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cod-Piece_by_Wendelin_Boeheim.jpg
P11:46:00 <Darkebrz> Wow
P11:46:08 <Darkebrz> Wikipedia, I can't believe you just owned me like that
P11:46:54 <mail2345|semi-afk> server back
P11:46:56 <mail2345|semi-afk> diffrent port
P11:47:06 <mail2345|semi-afk> thanks to java not dropping the port
P11:47:07 <mail2345|semi-afk> again
10P11:47:25 * cupcakes (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P11:47:38 <mail2345|semi-afk> mmm
P11:47:40 <mail2345|semi-afk> food
P11:47:56 <cupcakes> =_=
P11:48:04 <cupcakes> is h4x in here?
10P11:48:09 * cupcakes is now known as f00thePirate
P11:48:26 <Darkebrz> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=15e18b99bdba4414449f0f9fbfe29246
P11:48:27 <Darkebrz> GOGOGOG
13P11:48:33 * mail2345|semi-afk eats f00thePirate
P11:48:40 <mail2345|semi-afk> tastes like cupcake
P11:49:25 <NotEagle> Dude you just ate a pirate
P11:49:32 <NotEagle> He's got like a sword or something
P11:49:36 <NotEagle> Probably
P11:49:51 <Darkebrz> Cutlass
P11:49:55 <mail2345|semi-afk> i made sure to remove the bones and shit
P11:49:56 <NotEagle> And a wooden leg
P11:50:04 <NotEagle> You'll get splinters
P11:50:07 <mail2345|semi-afk> it's like eating a fish
P11:50:08 <NotEagle> Inside you
P11:50:30 <Darkebrz> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=15e18b99bdba4414449f0f9fbfe29246
P11:50:30 <Darkebrz> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=15e18b99bdba4414449f0f9fbfe29246
P11:50:31 <Darkebrz> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=15e18b99bdba4414449f0f9fbfe29246
P11:50:33 <Darkebrz> SPAMSPAMSPAM
12P11:50:39 * Arf (a@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P11:50:46 <NotEagle> Look what you did.
P11:50:50 <NotEagle> You made Arf quit.
P11:50:51 <Darkebrz> ;_;
P11:50:55 <NotEagle> I hope you're happy.
P11:50:55 <Darkebrz> Im sorry Arf
P11:51:00 <NotEagle> He can't hear you
P11:51:02 <NotEagle> Since he quit
10P11:51:07 * NotEagle is now known as Eagle
P11:51:20 <Darkebrz> BLELELEL
P11:51:21 <Darkebrz> ?
P11:51:25 <Eagle> :P
P11:52:09 <Darkebrz> BLELELEL?
P11:52:19 <Jat> does unicode have emoitons?
P11:52:20 <Eagle> I have no idea either.
P11:52:23 <Jat> emoticons
P11:52:26 <Eagle> @Darke
12P11:52:34 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P11:53:00 <Super-Dot> I think Unicode has happy and sad faces
P11:53:08 <Jat> but does it have anything else?
P11:53:15 <Jat> i know it has a snowman
P11:53:18 <Jat> but that doesnt really count
10P11:53:24 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P11:53:36 <Eagle> Are you saying that snowmen have no emotions?
P11:53:49 <Eagle> Racist much? >:O
P11:53:50 <mail2345|semi-afk> There. Added a little help thing on the whois.
P11:54:05 <Eagle> Also it's name should be Bot.
P11:54:12 <Eagle> Or JusticeBot. For justice.
P11:54:15 <mail2345|semi-afk> oh, right forgot that
12P11:54:38 * UsefulBot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P11:54:41 <Jat> well one of the problems with the snowman ascii character is that its so detailed that its almost impossible to tell thats its even a snowman at normal font sizes
P11:54:49 <Jat> i mean unicode not ascii
P11:54:59 <Eagle> Now you're saying that all snowmen look alike?
P11:55:06 <Darkebrz> Link to snowman?
10P11:55:07 * Bot (mail2345@cpe-70-95-131-103.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P11:55:07 <Eagle> Racism. >:O
P11:55:11 <mail2345|semi-afk> hi bot
P11:55:19 <mail2345|semi-afk> bot plugin_list
P11:55:19 <Bot> Plugins [ AutoJoin, 8ball, PageRank, ISupport2, URLTitle, Cache, TrafficRank, PlugMan, Calc, BotTraffic, DCC2, Whois2, Logger, Connector, CTCP ]
P11:55:28 <Eagle> Oh hey it has 8ball.
P11:55:31 <mail2345|semi-afk> yes
P11:55:41 <Eagle> !8ball?
P11:55:41 <mail2345|semi-afk> only on /msg and /notice to avoid spam
P11:55:45 <Eagle> Ah.
P11:56:06 <Jat> http://unicodesnowmanforyou.com/
P11:56:20 <mail2345|semi-afk> ?
P11:56:22 <Eagle> All snowmen wear hats?
P11:56:23 <mail2345|semi-afk> ...
P11:56:29 <mail2345|semi-afk> irc is breaking ?
P11:56:29 <Eagle> This is all so much racism Jat.
P11:56:36 <Eagle> You should be ashamed.
P11:56:36 <mail2345|semi-afk> hehe lol
P11:56:51 <Jat> D:<
P11:57:04 <Eagle> It's like saying that all Asians wear glasses
P11:57:08 <mail2345|semi-afk> hye wait, if you copy the ?, it turns into a snowman
P11:57:11 <Jat> and are good at math
P11:57:20 <Eagle> Jat! >:O
P11:57:22 <Jat> its supposed to be a snowman without copying anything
P11:57:49 <mail2345|semi-afk> well, mIRC renders it wrong
P11:57:55 <Jat> i think its part of a weather set because i think there are also an umbrela and a cloud and a sun and mabe some rain
P11:57:57 <Jat> or something
P11:58:13 <Jat> and maybe a snowflake
P11:58:35 <Jat> probably intended for use in cell phones for things like saying what the weather is
P11:58:41 <Jat> using text
P11:59:11 <Eagle> A snowman's only job is to show weather? Jesus Jat.
10P11:59:23 * kalanosh (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
P11:59:24 <Eagle> It's a snowman and you assume that it's there to explain weather.
P11:59:40 <Eagle> Racism at it's finest.
Session Close: Tue Aug 18 00:00:00 2009