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Session Start: Fri Dec 25 00:00:01 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
A12:00:07 <Animator> When I said Demodock or Republicraft, I was joking...
A12:00:46 <Shadaez> That's your thread?
A12:00:49 <frogger> Your not actually animator?
A12:00:57 <Shadaez> you're
A12:00:58 <Shadaez> *
A12:01:26 <frogger> Anyways shadaez
A12:01:53 <frogger> Your impaired if you don't see my reasoning behind removing a swastika
A12:03:01 <Shadaez> I don't believe in censorship, thanks.
A12:03:23 <Shadaez> If you're offended you can gtfo, don't grief things.
A12:04:25 <frogger> I'm not gonna talk with someone so stubborn.
A12:04:47 <AotC> :| swastikas where used a long time before it was taken as the nazi party emblem :|
A12:05:07 <frogger> That is true
A12:05:18 <AotC> (double face for more emphasis)
A12:05:20 <Shadaez> He prob. just learned about WW2 and stuff, so he's super cool and thinks they r super bad o noes :c.
A12:05:48 <frogger> But thats not what people represent it with today AotC
12A12:05:57 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A12:05:58 <frogger> Saddly
A12:05:59 <AotC> also its still used in some religions
A12:06:01 <PuyoDead> Holy... is it the fabled "swastikas are bad/good" argument?
A12:06:06 <AotC> hinduism, buddhism, jainism
13A12:06:06 * PuyoDead gets the popcorn
A12:06:11 <frogger> Sadlt*
A12:06:16 <frogger> sadly*
A12:06:23 <Shadaez> No, puyo
A12:06:34 <Shadaez> this guy's a tard, and is saying they're racist and stuff.
A12:06:35 <AotC> frogger, people may represent it as something bad but they're retarded and need to learn the world outside of their own country
12A12:06:37 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A12:06:46 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
A12:06:57 <AotC> and am i done, screw your arguments
A12:07:06 <PuyoDead> Oh, I'm not touching this one again.
A12:07:12 <frogger> Well the one I removed was surrounded with red
10A12:07:21 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ has joined #minecraft
A12:07:28 <frogger> and obviously represented the nazis
A12:07:40 <Roadcrosser> WOOT
A12:07:44 <Roadcrosser> i won the game
A12:07:53 <Roadcrosser> the tic tac toe game
A12:07:57 <AotC> ! no wai
A12:08:06 <Roadcrosser> and its actually impossible
A12:08:12 <Roadcrosser> i had to cheat
A12:08:44 <AotC> you cheater!
A12:08:55 <AotC> go play a real game.. like audiosurf!
A12:09:00 <Roadcrosser> wut
A12:09:09 <AotC> you've never played audiosurf?
A12:09:10 <Roadcrosser> if i didnt cheat how am i suppose to win
A12:09:21 <Roadcrosser> why dont you try
12A12:09:29 * Animator (dominatrix@adsl-156-139-20.mia.bellsouth.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A12:09:30 <AotC> the answer is obvious: you don't win
A12:09:37 <AotC> so by not winning you win
12A12:19:00 * PickYerPresent (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Daisy...daisy...)
12A12:22:25 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: :)
10A12:26:00 * Cornrows (Cornrows@ has joined #minecraft
12A12:26:39 * Cornrows (Cornrows@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A12:26:47 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
12A12:27:48 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced)))
12A12:31:05 * Wolfram (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A12:31:45 * fenixfurion|idle is now known as fenixfurion|AC2
A12:32:57 <vede> I hate the retards who try to say the people who plaster swastikas all over the place are just showing their religious affiliation or whatever.
A12:33:31 <fenixfurion|AC2> ^
10A12:33:56 * fenixfurion|AC2 (fenixfurio@74-140-206-154.dhcp.insightbb.com) has left #minecraft (assassin's creed II)
A12:34:59 <AotC> vede, me too
A12:35:23 <Aeomin> I don't see the point of why they want to show off their religion anyways
A12:35:27 <vede> They're made for shock value. Swastikas have gained an international meaning as a representative of nazism. Symbols can change in perceived meaning over time, and if you don't understand that, you're a dumbass.
A12:35:35 <AotC> i agree with it being removed from where ever it was
A12:35:48 <AotC> i was only arguing that the taboo around them is retarded
A12:35:54 <vede> Not really.
A12:36:13 <AotC> when used to promote hate or something similar maybe
A12:36:23 <AotC> but the majority of the people who see them go "OH NOES EVIL REMOVE!" instantly
A12:36:26 <vede> What's the most recent major world event that had anything to do with swastikas?
12A12:36:38 * Annihilator|sleep (Annihilato@bas1-toronto48-1242462142.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: see you in a week)
A12:36:44 <AotC> :|
A12:36:46 <vede> I remove them because I know the dipshits who made them were just trying to attract attention.
12A12:36:48 * jonnyabc (Gian@c-69-142-216-55.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: they caught up)
A12:36:54 <AotC> then that is a good thing to do
A12:37:49 <vede> And EVEN IF a Hindu made one as a symbol of server-wide peace, I'd remove it, because the overall reaction to it will still be thoughts about nazis.
A12:38:48 <AotC> and that is where i am arguing that people can over react to symbols such as those
A12:39:05 <vede> It's not even an overreaction.
A12:39:11 <vede> Swastikas -> nazis
A12:39:19 <vede> Nazis are kind of not cool.
A12:39:34 <vede> It's a basic chain of thought.
A12:39:48 <vede> It's practically reflexive to think about nazis when confronted with a swastika.
A12:40:16 <vede> And then it's practically reflexive to think about the holocaust when you think about nazis.
A12:40:19 <AotC> are we still talking about this? can i go back to audiosurf yet -_-
A12:40:23 <vede> Which leads to "icky"
12A12:43:40 * Conundrumer (chatzilla@cpe-72-229-63-237.nyc.res.rr.com) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
A12:44:47 <Roadcrosser> ...
A12:45:09 <Roadcrosser> anyone recomend me a good if title
12A12:45:12 * TVC (TVC@113.74-67-202.dynamic.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A12:45:49 * Voled (Mibbit@adsl-68-94-167-97.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:45:59 <Shadaez> if?
A12:46:55 <Voled> are you the only one in here?
A12:47:08 <Voled> nvm... xP
A12:47:11 <Shadaez> lol
A12:47:20 <Shadaez> roadcrosser, what's an "if title"
A12:47:23 <AotC> everyone is here
A12:47:47 <Aeomin> so Kelton got survival in multiplayer
A12:47:53 <Roadcrosser> interactive fiction
A12:47:54 <Voled> aw what
A12:47:58 <Roadcrosser> whos kelton
A12:48:00 <Voled> oh
A12:48:13 <Shadaez> Oh. There's the whole phoenix wright series.
A12:48:17 <Shadaez> you prob know of.
A12:48:19 <Roadcrosser> huh
A12:48:22 <Roadcrosser> i dont
A12:48:27 <Shadaez> They're on DS
A12:48:31 <Roadcrosser> and who is kelton
A12:48:38 <Roadcrosser> umm interactive fiction?
A12:48:41 <Shadaez> yeah.
A12:48:46 <Aeomin> no idea who is kelton, but http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4373
A12:49:01 <Shadaez> That's interactive fiction, right?
A12:49:09 <Roadcrosser> text adventure
A12:49:18 <Shadaez> Oh.
10A12:49:19 * mail2345|offline is now known as mail2345
A12:50:34 <PuyoDead> *sigh* MP survival doesn't really work as people think.
A12:51:00 <Aeomin> so it's like semi work?
12A12:51:05 * afk_legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Something fucked up.)
A12:51:20 <Aeomin> like creepers shown in client 1 but not 2?
A12:51:24 <Shadaez> Yeah.
A12:51:34 <Shadaez> All the monsters are clientside.
A12:51:37 <PuyoDead> It's pretty much client side only. Whatever you see, only you see. So people will be fighting "invisible" stuff.
A12:52:03 <Aeomin> well.. it looks good for RP server then
12A12:52:28 * Voled (Mibbit@adsl-68-94-167-97.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A12:54:03 <frogger> DONE
A12:54:15 <vede> Aeomin, old news.
A12:54:18 <vede> Like, weeks old.
A12:54:24 <frogger> With my homework
A12:55:19 <Aeomin> well.. if server was able to send those data..
A12:55:27 <vede> Aeomin, it's not server side.
A12:55:30 <vede> It's client side.
A12:55:51 <mail2345> umm
A12:55:53 <mail2345> people
A12:56:00 <Aeomin> force client to not load from server's map eh..
A12:56:03 <mail2345> we need
A12:56:04 <mail2345> that
A12:56:09 <mail2345> to be sticked somewhere
A12:56:10 <Aeomin> yeah mail..
12A12:56:15 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-244-177.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A12:56:20 <gm|lap> mail2345: it specifies players though
A12:56:23 <mail2345> right
A12:56:24 <AotC> couldn't you do some pseudo playermobs
A12:56:25 <mail2345> players
A12:56:26 <vede> Aeomin, it still loads the server's map.
A12:56:33 <vede> You still play with people.
A12:56:40 <vede> But they can't see your mobs or anything.
A12:56:52 <mail2345> the only way to get survival MP atm
A12:57:02 <mail2345> is to write a custom wrapper that does weird stuff
A12:57:08 <mail2345> and communicates with a custom server
A12:57:10 <Aeomin> pseudo playermobs!
A12:57:11 <PuyoDead> Or wait like the rest of us.
A12:57:15 <vede> ^^
A12:57:20 <vede> Imma just do that.
A12:57:20 <mail2345> ^^
A12:57:25 <mail2345> i'm sure the time to code that
A12:57:31 <mail2345> is longer than what notch would take
A12:57:57 <Aeomin> custom wrapper is not easy to make..
A12:58:01 <Aeomin> at least for me
A12:58:20 <mail2345> is it just me
A12:58:29 <mail2345> or do the fourms look pinkish?
A12:58:37 <mail2345> actually
A12:58:45 <Aeomin> looks gray here
A12:58:46 <mail2345> mIRC is also looking pinkish
A12:58:57 <mail2345> mehhh
13A12:59:04 * mail2345 recalibrates his colors
13A12:59:25 * clone1018 says to degauss because it sounds cool
A1:00:21 <mail2345> Dock's Feedback! <stuff> Today 20:51:11 by mochi
A1:01:27 <PuyoDead> Ugh. I'm really sick of that guy.
A1:04:22 <Roadcrosser> ...
A1:04:24 <Roadcrosser> huh
A1:05:10 <Roadcrosser> anyone recomend me a good if title
A1:07:07 <PuyoDead> Choose Your Own Adventure books.
A1:08:40 <PixelScrooge> lost pig is pretty good
A1:08:58 <vede> PuyoDead, ban him.
A1:09:00 <PixelScrooge> er
A1:09:00 <vede> Just do it.
A1:09:01 <PixelScrooge> specifically
A1:09:02 <PixelScrooge> Lost Pig (And Place Under Ground)
A1:09:09 <vede> Take him out.
A1:13:08 <PuyoDead> I'm giving him a warning for now.
A1:13:23 <PuyoDead> He's got to the point of simply being rude and disruptive.
A1:14:42 <Roadcrosser> huh
A1:15:16 <Roadcrosser> who are you talking about?
10A1:15:17 * Douche_gunner (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A1:15:28 <PuyoDead> mochi
A1:15:44 <Roadcrosser> ...
A1:15:56 <Roadcrosser> who is mochi
A1:16:01 <mail2345> hey guys
A1:16:02 <mail2345> question
A1:16:13 <Douche_gunner> ?
A1:16:13 <mail2345> does this statement "If a person presents an argument in a irritating way, everyone else presenting that argument will also present it in an irritating manner." contain a logical fallacy?
A1:16:21 <mail2345> it totally doesn't, right
A1:16:35 <mail2345> it's completely valid reasoning
A1:16:38 <Douche_gunner> No it dosent
A1:16:40 <mail2345> without any flaws
A1:16:49 <mail2345> @douche whoosh
A1:17:00 <Douche_gunner> Well
A1:17:02 <mail2345> you missed my sarcasm
A1:17:02 <Douche_gunner> Not really
A1:17:12 <Douche_gunner> Sorry, its late
A1:17:12 <Douche_gunner> XD
A1:17:27 <Douche_gunner> well 5:17, but I got no cafine
A1:17:45 <Douche_gunner> In-fact, brb its caffeine time..
A1:17:52 <vede> mochi game my post a +1
A1:17:55 <vede> That sucks.
A1:18:20 <Douche_gunner> ok 10 bost bars will do
A1:18:27 <Douche_gunner> and yes, I just got the sarcasim XD
12A1:18:35 * clone1018 (famagist@cpe-76-184-101-50.tx.res.rr.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A1:19:25 <PuyoDead> Congratulations vede, you can almost bet mochi will quote you as a supporter now.
A1:19:34 <vede> OH GOD NO
A1:21:29 <vede> http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/2189/iwonder.png
A1:21:32 <vede> Hmmmm...
A1:21:50 <vede> Any ideas as to what any of those posts contain?
A1:23:28 <Primis> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ <- Merry Xmas
A1:24:05 <vede> Wait.
A1:24:11 <AotC> why thank you Primis, i oh so love this song
A1:24:26 <vede> I think I'm obligated to kick you, Primis.
A1:24:30 <vede> But I'm not sure.
A1:26:18 <Douche_gunner> :S
A1:26:41 <Primis> merry Xmas
A1:26:44 <Primis> :D
A1:26:46 <PuyoDead> Let's just shoot him, instead.
A1:27:06 <vede> Okay.
A1:27:07 <Primis> lol
A1:27:13 <vede> Primis, stand over there.
13A1:27:13 * Primis was shot
A1:27:19 <Douche_gunner> Lol
A1:27:24 <Douche_gunner> XD
A1:27:28 <vede> ...
A1:27:37 <vede> Don't try to fool us like that.
13A1:27:53 * Primis uses a phenix down on self
A1:28:00 <Primis> hi peoples
A1:28:01 <vede> You know what you did, now accept the consequences. Stand over there, on that X.
A1:28:10 <Primis> t/me stands on X
A1:28:13 <Primis> lol
A1:28:13 <vede> XD
A1:28:18 <Douche_gunner> faiiil
A1:28:20 <Primis> MC bleeding through
A1:28:30 <Roadcrosser> fail :P
10A1:28:31 * Vladimire (asdas@ has joined #minecraft
13A1:28:31 * Primis stands on x
A1:28:35 <vede> Mmkay.
A1:28:38 <Roadcrosser> mc doesnt support /me'
A1:28:38 <vede> Now, people.
13A1:28:41 * Primis puts on blindfold
A1:28:47 <Vladimire> Hey guys, I'm recruiting talented people to join my MMO Project.
A1:28:48 <Douche_gunner> :D fun time
A1:28:50 <Primis> archives does
A1:28:51 <vede> READY!
A1:28:56 <vede> AIM!
A1:29:02 <Douche_gunner> Im talented, and yes ignore the Douche
A1:29:04 <Roadcrosser> vladmire details?
A1:29:04 <vede> FIRE!
13A1:29:06 * PuyoDead shoots Primis
13A1:29:07 * vede shoots Primis.
13A1:29:10 * Douche_gunner bang bang bang
10A1:29:11 * Primis (Adium@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
A1:29:13 <Douche_gunner> tlol
A1:29:15 <AotC> :(
A1:29:16 <PuyoDead> Nice shot!
A1:29:17 <Vladimire> Private chat me.
10A1:29:22 * Cial (Gary@dialup- has joined #minecraft
10A1:29:27 * Primis (Adium@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:29:33 <AotC> Vladimire, talented people for your MMO Project you say
10A1:29:36 * SuperDot_iPod (Super-Dot@adsl-76-236-68-77.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A1:29:39 * ChanServ sets mode: +o SuperDot_iPod
A1:29:43 <Vladimire> Yup
A1:29:49 <Primis> herro
A1:29:51 <Vladimire> Private chat me. Don't want to spam the chat
A1:30:00 <vede> Did you learn your lesson?
A1:30:01 <Douche_gunner> Too late..
12A1:30:14 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-236-68-77.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
13A1:30:21 * Douche_gunner shots Primis agian
A1:30:24 <Douche_gunner> he has now
A1:30:27 <Primis> ARG!!
A1:30:30 <vede> Okay.
A1:30:31 <vede> Good.
13A1:30:39 * Primis coughs up blood
A1:30:48 <Primis> …Its only a flesh wound!
10A1:30:48 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-236-68-77.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A1:30:50 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
A1:31:01 <Cial> shoot him again
A1:31:06 <Douche_gunner> Sure
A1:31:08 <Primis> Cial you too?
A1:31:10 <vede> I think he's done.
13A1:31:23 * Douche_gunner shots him...agian...*sigh*
13A1:31:40 * Primis is dead
A1:31:48 <Cial> lol
13A1:31:53 * Douche_gunner Primis has droped 5 rock ore!
A1:31:54 <Vladimire> Anyone good with weapons,armor,monsters,skills,animation and level design?
13A1:32:00 * Douche_gunner level up!
A1:32:01 <Cial> so what did he do to get shot to begin with?
A1:32:08 <Douche_gunner> Speak>?
A1:32:08 <Primis> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
13A1:32:18 * Douche_gunner shoots agian.
A1:32:22 <Primis> lol
A1:32:23 <vede> Cial, that.
A1:32:27 <vede> Rickroll.
10A1:32:29 * Super-Dot is now known as Merry-Dot
A1:32:32 <Primis> :D
A1:32:46 <Cial> you rickrolled them?
A1:32:51 <Primis> yep
A1:32:56 <Cial> no wonder they are shooting you man
A1:32:59 <Primis> It was my xmas gift
12A1:33:00 * SuperDot_iPod (Super-Dot@adsl-76-236-68-77.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:33:04 <Primis> to them
A1:33:16 <vede> He was sentenced to death by firing squad.
A1:33:16 <Roadcrosser> tinyurl.com/donoteverevereverclickthis
13A1:33:17 * Douche_gunner Says bahhumbug to Primis
A1:33:29 <Cial> *sighs* the words to that song are annoying, do with him as you will
A1:33:39 <Douche_gunner> Sure :D
A1:33:44 <Primis> your worse
A1:33:52 <Shadaez> you're8
13A1:34:10 * Douche_gunner Ties Primis up with his own internal organs and gives him to the elderly.
A1:34:14 <Douche_gunner> :)
A1:34:44 <Primis> Blarg
A1:34:45 <vede> Cial: http://pastebin.com/m786d18bf
13A1:34:52 * Primis is dying
13A1:34:59 * Primis has died
13A1:35:06 * Primis is dead
10A1:35:09 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-244-177.hvc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12A1:35:19 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-244-177.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A1:35:20 * Akai (Explorer@c-71-206-139-220.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
13A1:35:44 * Primis uses a phenix down on self
A1:35:48 <Primis> back
A1:35:53 <AotC> also, incase anyone was wondering: http://isitchristmas.com/
A1:36:04 <Shadaez> lol
A1:36:04 <Primis> lol
13A1:36:05 * Cial stabs Primis through the heart
A1:36:16 <Cial> damn undead -_-
A1:36:17 <vede> You guys, he's done.
A1:36:31 <AotC> also semi related: http://iscaliforniaonfire.com/
13A1:37:01 * Primis inherits the super power of invincibility to IRC threats
A1:37:41 <Primis> hahaha
A1:38:59 <Douche_gunner> Ahem.
A1:40:03 <Roadcrosser> tinyurl.com/muppetbloopers i wonder who made this tinyurl
A1:40:27 <Douche_gunner> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4933 look at the bottom
A1:40:49 <Douche_gunner> :D its my idea for the new charactor design
A1:40:52 <Douche_gunner> looks way better
A1:41:08 <PuyoDead> Yea, wonderful.
13A1:41:14 * PuyoDead twirls a noisemaker
A1:41:34 <mail2345> it's like everyone is ignoreing my point about the hall of shame
A1:41:38 <mail2345> being for consistent
A1:41:42 <mail2345> idiots who were warned
A1:41:47 <mail2345> and informed how to improve
A1:41:54 <PuyoDead> I'm not sure how you can have a good point for it.
12A1:42:11 * Douche_gunner (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A1:42:24 <mail2345> informing by example
A1:42:40 <PuyoDead> You honestly think that would work?
A1:42:44 <mail2345> or maybe not even just a full sub fourm
A1:42:53 <mail2345> i'm actually not sure at this point
A1:42:59 <mail2345> maybe just a single example post will do
A1:43:17 <PuyoDead> We've given people multiple warnings, links for information, multiple talks of what not to do... and it never has an effect.
A1:43:34 <PuyoDead> When people are so far off from knowing how to use a message board, they no longer listen to anything.
A1:43:47 <vede> I'm just watching the forums... waiting for a new post by mochi to pop up.
A1:43:51 <PuyoDead> Same applies here, really.
A1:43:55 <PuyoDead> Yea, same here.
A1:44:10 <mail2345> i need to learn how to make bots that can trawl fourms
A1:44:19 <vede> .___.
A1:44:25 <PuyoDead> I'm honestly embarrassed to moderate a community that he is in.
A1:44:30 <vede> And mail2345's bot army will extend beyond IRC.
A1:44:33 <vede> And into the internet.
A1:44:33 <PuyoDead> He's that bad.
A1:45:24 <vede> The internet in general, that is.
A1:45:38 <vede> (So I don't look quite as stupid for separating IRC and internet.)
A1:46:02 <PuyoDead> What, I thought it stood for Incredible Relay Chat?
A1:46:02 <Primis> ⎡ω⎤
A1:46:21 <mail2345> Instant Relay Chat
A1:46:39 <mail2345> also primus, remember some of us arn't lucky enough to have full charater sets
A1:46:40 <Shadaez> internet delay chat
A1:46:44 <Primis> Internet Relay chat, you make me dry ->⎡ω⎤
A1:46:50 <Primis> tcry*
A1:46:55 <Primis> cry*
A1:46:57 <Primis> lol
A1:47:08 <mail2345> intestinal ropeworm cyst
10A1:47:11 * HkZing (Mibbit@n116483007.netvigator.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:47:17 <Primis> Unicode FTW!!!
A1:47:24 <Primis> mac OS X FTW!!!
A1:47:48 <HkZing> hi
A1:47:52 <Primis> «ω»
A1:47:52 <HkZing> I have a question
A1:48:00 <HkZing> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=55508#p55508
A1:48:13 <Primis> ✌
A1:48:22 <Primis> ❖☠☢
A1:48:34 <Primis> ☃
A1:48:37 <HkZing> who can help me
A1:48:39 <Primis> ok, Im good
A1:48:48 <Primis> with what?
A1:49:09 <HkZing> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=55508#p55508
12A1:49:16 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A1:49:17 <HkZing> in the bottom of the post
A1:49:32 <Primis> ok, windows right?
A1:49:48 <HkZing> yes
A1:49:53 <HkZing> windows vista
A1:50:09 <vede> Wow.
A1:50:26 <vede> Did you seriously try to connect to http://IP:25565/
A1:50:45 <Cial> hey primis do me a favor right click something using mac
A1:50:52 <HkZing>
A1:50:54 <HkZing> you try
A1:51:02 <PuyoDead> Whoa.
A1:51:19 <Primis> in config file there is a remote option, looks like: #Settings for the remote control
A1:51:20 <Primis> # server. It is highly recommended
A1:51:20 <Primis> # that you change these for security.
A1:51:20 <Primis> RemotingPort=25501
A1:51:20 <Primis> RemotingUser=user
A1:51:21 <Primis> RemotingPass=pass
A1:51:26 <vede> Whoa there.
A1:51:29 <Primis> right?
A1:51:42 <HkZing> RemotingPort=25565
A1:51:53 <Primis> change it
A1:51:58 <Primis> to like 25500
A1:52:03 <vede> Ohhhkay.
A1:52:11 <Primis> and above that change false to true
A1:52:17 <vede> I thought you actually typed "http://IP:25565" into a URL bar.
10A1:52:18 * clone1018 (famagist@cpe-76-184-101-50.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:52:25 <Primis> RemotingEnabled=true
A1:52:30 <Primis> should work
A1:52:33 <HkZing> yes
A1:52:36 <HkZing> nono
A1:52:41 <vede> The general notation for that is <ip> or something.
A1:52:41 <HkZing> <vede>:
A1:52:42 <Primis> huh?
A1:52:47 <vede> Not just caps.
A1:52:54 <HkZing> T type
A1:53:02 <HkZing> that's my ip
A1:53:07 <vede> I realize that.
A1:53:17 <Primis> you can type in
A1:53:21 <vede> But I thought you actually typed just "IP", not your IP address.
A1:53:24 <HkZing> yes
A1:53:28 <Primis> that'll work if you followed my instructions
A1:53:30 <HkZing> = =
A1:53:38 <Primis> use mah link
A1:53:42 <HkZing> I typed my IP address
10A1:53:50 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:53:54 <Primis> after you make the change of Port #
A1:54:02 <Primis> ???
A1:54:19 <HkZing> I used router
A1:54:19 <Douglas> is there anyone here who hasn't already given away their gift copy of minecraft
A1:54:29 <HkZing> I set port following
A1:54:34 <Primis> so?
A1:54:39 <HkZing> I gave it
A1:54:41 <HkZing> :S
A1:54:46 <Primis> 127 is pc local
A1:54:48 <Douglas> :(
A1:54:53 <HkZing> I know
A1:55:03 <Primis> I got my gift from mail
A1:55:03 <HkZing> do you have msn?
A1:55:06 <Primis> yes
A1:55:15 <HkZing> Hk_zing@live.hk
A1:55:19 <Primis> lemon_mool@yahoo.com
A1:55:39 <HkZing> added\
A1:56:09 <Douglas> so does anyone have a gift copy
12A1:56:36 * Vladimire (asdas@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:57:33 <Shadaez> If you do give it to VCDP kthx
10A2:01:10 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:01:24 <Douglas> hey eagle
A2:01:31 <Douglas> are you my buddy
A2:01:45 <Douglas> do you wanna give me a gift copy of minecraft
12A2:05:50 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:05:59 <Douglas> I guess not
10A2:06:04 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:06:08 <Douglas> hey liam
A2:06:12 <Douglas> hello
A2:06:15 <Liam> ohai
A2:06:21 <Douglas> are you a cool guy
A2:06:41 <Liam> O'rly
A2:06:46 <Douglas> do you wanna give me a gift copy of minecraft, cool guy?
A2:06:53 <vede> Douglas, no.
A2:06:57 <Liam> Gave mine to my brother :P
A2:07:13 <Douglas> man
A2:07:38 <TestDummy> woman
A2:08:08 <vede> Don't come here and beg for everyone you see to gift you Minecraft.
A2:08:15 <PuyoDead> Why are the idiots on our forums the loudest ones?
A2:08:34 <PuyoDead> That's probably a dumb question.
A2:09:28 <PuyoDead> It was more rhetorical, really.
A2:09:34 <Liam> Seeing as it is a -text- forum...
A2:09:40 <Liam> They can't really be loud, now can they?
13A2:09:46 * PuyoDead slaps Liam
A2:09:47 <Douglas> YES THEY CAN SEE
13A2:09:53 * Liam slaps PuyoDead
A2:09:57 <Liam> Icandoeet, too.
A2:10:01 <TestDummy> CHANNEL PURGE
A2:10:04 <vede> Now now, children.
A2:10:04 <Liam> OH FU
12A2:10:11 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A2:10:17 <PuyoDead> That was easy.
A2:10:25 <vede> We don't need any slapping or mindless channel purging here.
12A2:10:36 * snaggles (snaggles@pool-72-75-44-231.washdc.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.0.16/2009120208])
10A2:10:43 * vede (vede@wsip-174-79-146-193.tu.ok.cox.net) has left #minecraft (Going away now.)
10A2:10:51 * vede (vede@wsip-174-79-146-193.tu.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10A2:10:54 * ChanServ sets mode: +o vede
A2:11:02 <vede> Wow crazy click accident.
A2:11:15 <Douglas> long time no see
A2:11:38 <PuyoDead> I thought you were giving in to the purge peer pressure.
A2:12:07 <vede> I move my hand, hit my mouse, it moves over the #minecraft tab, hits my speaker, right clicks, I react to the situation, grab hold of the mouse, and my index finger clicks the left mouse button as it passes over the "Close" button.
A2:12:33 <PuyoDead> That's some impressive accuracy.
A2:12:37 <vede> I know.
A2:15:04 <HkZing> :S
12A2:15:10 * HkZing (Mibbit@n116483007.netvigator.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12A2:18:39 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A2:19:38 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A2:20:18 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
10A2:20:18 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ has joined #minecraft
A2:20:29 <clone1018> O:>
A2:20:47 <Douglas> hello
A2:21:07 <Douglas> have you guys gifted your copies of minecraft yet
13A2:21:34 * Cial sighs
A2:21:39 <Cial> oh god another one
A2:21:44 <clone1018> I know
A2:21:48 <clone1018> Its annoying
A2:21:53 <clone1018> Fuck off bad sir
A2:21:56 <clone1018> Santa's afraid of Texan's homes, because we don't sleep, we wait.
A2:21:57 <clone1018> lol
A2:22:39 <TestDummy> clone1018: I don't even live in Texas, yet I think I'd object to some elderly white man dressed in red deciding he wants to enter my house. >_>
A2:22:51 <Douglas> so is that a no
A2:22:57 <clone1018> lol TestDummy :D
A2:23:10 <Cial> how many Breaking and entering charges do you think santa has?
A2:23:23 <clone1018> 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
A2:23:40 <Cial> lol
A2:24:05 <clone1018> What should I download over night?
A2:25:53 <TestDummy> Also, obligatory xkcd link: http://www.xkcd.com/680/
A2:25:57 <clone1018> Note: didn't say illegal link
A2:26:10 <clone1018> fuck TestDummy I typed what you wrote
A2:26:19 <clone1018> Note: I didn't say illegal download
A2:28:07 <TestDummy> Wow, this channel is paranoid.
A2:28:22 <clone1018> You have made us that way TestDummy :D <3
A2:31:43 <TestDummy> I don't recall that being my aim, but I guess that's what's developed
A2:31:49 <clone1018> lol
10A2:32:29 * ylt (ylt@ has joined #minecraft
A2:32:32 <clone1018> TestDummy have you ever played Minecraft?
A2:34:26 <TestDummy> That's the funny part, I haven't.
A2:34:33 <clone1018> o.o
A2:34:35 <clone1018> Why not?
A2:34:39 <TestDummy> I just hang out in here.
A2:34:44 <clone1018> I know
A2:34:49 <clone1018> But you should try it out
A2:35:06 <clone1018> http://minecraft.net
A2:35:09 <clone1018> :)
A2:35:18 <Cial> [parinoid] <.< >.> dudes do you think all the quiet ones are real or robots made by mail to take over??[/parinoid]
A2:35:18 <Cial> we can give you links to good servers
A2:35:22 <clone1018> :D
A2:35:34 <Cial> ouch the sarcasm it burns
A2:35:42 <PuyoDead> http://qdb.us/301020
12A2:37:34 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
10A2:38:40 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A2:41:18 <TestDummy> hey look, it left
A2:42:29 <clone1018> Dammit TestDummy
A2:42:33 <clone1018> Check out Minecraft
A2:42:55 <Akai> anybody know Sasan?
12A2:43:25 * ylt (ylt@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:44:28 <Cial> why is it that people share saved map links with forts and towns etc. and when i click on the link there is nothing there but a randomly generated map?
12A2:47:52 * clone1018 (famagist@cpe-76-184-101-50.tx.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: weeee)
A2:52:03 <mail2345> @cial my bots are offended at your accusations
A2:52:09 <mail2345> we prefer the term "power shift"
A2:52:30 <Cial> O_O oh shi------
13A2:52:56 * Cial 's connection closed
A2:55:56 <Cial> but ya mail do you have any clue about the problem i seem to be having ?
A2:56:04 <mail2345> what problem
A2:56:18 <Cial> why is it that people share saved map links with forts and towns etc. and when i click on the link there is nothing there but a randomly generated map?\
A2:57:00 <mail2345> erm
A2:57:08 <mail2345> not sure
A2:59:06 <mail2345> hrm
A2:59:06 <Visiiri> mail2345 licks Visiiri.
A2:59:08 <mail2345> just realised
10A2:59:12 * LG_Legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A2:59:12 <Visiiri> Visiiri punches mail2345.
A2:59:13 <mail2345> there is a santa hat on my head
13A2:59:16 * mail2345 removes it
A2:59:24 <mail2345> OH GOD IT WAS EATING MY BRAIN
A2:59:28 <Cial> i just realised its 4 am
A2:59:37 <mail2345> 11
A2:59:39 <mail2345> PM
A2:59:42 <mail2345> :D
A2:59:45 <Cial> east coast
A2:59:48 <Cial> good night
A2:59:56 <Visiiri> For some reason, only twenty minutes have passed in the last twenty minutes.
A2:59:56 <Cial> merry christmas
13A3:00:01 * mail2345 is sitting outside right next to his anti air turret
A3:00:05 <mail2345> merry christmas
A3:00:10 <Visiiri> :>
A3:00:15 <Visiiri> Merry Christmas.
A3:00:22 <Visiiri> What are you getting, mail?
A3:00:38 <mail2345> i'm getting the gift of not being grounded
A3:00:43 <Visiiri> :P
A3:00:45 <Cial> apparently reindeer jerky
A3:00:47 <Visiiri> and moniez?
10A3:01:10 * Cial (Gary@dialup- has left #minecraft
A3:01:23 <mail2345> i honestly don't know
A3:01:38 <mail2345> i'm glad that my brother didn't fry my computer
A3:01:44 <mail2345> he's fried 2 computers this week
A3:02:00 <mail2345> as in literally fried
A3:02:09 <mail2345> eg, the mobo or power supply is screwed
10A3:02:53 * Tumm (Tumm@dslb-092-077-087-000.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:04:57 <mail2345> what theh ell
A3:04:58 <mail2345> hell*
A3:05:08 <mail2345> okay chariot has a server to irc script
A3:05:10 <mail2345> it's private
A3:05:15 <mail2345> i just ctcp versioned it
A3:05:24 <mail2345> it's coded in fucking mIRC script
A3:05:26 <mail2345> what the hell
A3:05:35 <mail2345> lep is on drugs
A3:06:56 <Visiiri> mail2345, if you talk to gdude2002, and say that I sent you, he might share some irc <--> server secrets.
A3:07:18 <mail2345> i can code things perfectly fine
A3:07:27 <mail2345> it's just getting myself to code that's the problem
A3:09:18 <Visiiri> :P
A3:09:40 <Visiiri> I should try that
A3:09:43 <Akai> hey vis!
A3:09:49 <Visiiri> I just don't know anything about minecraft >.<
A3:09:50 <Visiiri> Ohey there
10A3:10:24 * Primis (Adium@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
10A3:13:17 * Rodifan (chatzilla@adsl-75-24-105-140.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:13:30 <Rodifan> Merry Christmas everyone!!!
12A3:14:33 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A3:16:46 * Rodifan (chatzilla@adsl-75-24-105-140.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A3:17:07 <vede> So.
A3:17:10 <vede> I had an idea.
A3:17:36 <vede> Notch and Dock, just to spite all the dickheads in the community, should keep Rana as an optional player model.
A3:18:51 <vede> Visiiri, you don't really need to know anything about Minecraft.
A3:19:15 <vede> Just gotta be able to read console output.
A3:19:47 <AotC> pretty much how all the scripts for mc work..
A3:19:52 <AotC> which is sad :(
A3:21:14 <Akai> what's Rana?
A3:21:51 <vede> Akai, the test model that's currently causing all the controversy.
A3:21:56 <vede> Froghatgirl == Rana
10A3:23:17 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10A3:25:26 * TVC (TVC@113.74-67-202.dynamic.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) has joined #minecraft
10A3:26:56 * h0h0h0 (atnas@adsl-99-155-152-190.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:26:56 <h0h0h0> MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
10A3:26:58 * h0h0h0 (atnas@adsl-99-155-152-190.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net) has left #minecraft
10A3:29:35 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
A3:29:43 <AndrewPH> ok
10A3:30:53 * LG_Legacy is now known as Afk_Legacy
A3:32:16 <gdude2002> Merry Xmas you lot :P
A3:32:26 <AndrewPH> late
A3:32:31 <gdude2002> not for me
A3:32:32 <AndrewPH> somebody joined and left right before you
A3:32:35 <gdude2002> lol.
A3:32:41 <AndrewPH> <h0h0h0> MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
A3:32:47 <gdude2002> rofl.
13A3:33:20 * gdude2002 isn't late becauseyou can't be late unless it's the wrong day
13A3:33:32 * gdude2002 or like 2 mins to the next day
13A3:34:01 * gdude2002 is downloading GTA4 at 50KB/s
13A3:34:09 * gdude2002 things it could take two days
A3:34:48 <AndrewPH> Roman: Niko, cousin, want to go bo-
A3:34:53 <AndrewPH> Niko: go suck a dick roman.
12A3:35:33 * AotC (go@c-24-34-236-157.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A3:35:53 <AndrewPH> http://img159.yfrog.com/img159/57/gper.jpg
A3:36:20 <AndrewPH> http://img160.yfrog.com/img160/605/95423045.jpg
12A3:36:37 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
A3:36:43 <Visiiri> gdude2002!
A3:36:44 <Visiiri> hey!
A3:36:45 <Visiiri> omg!
A3:36:47 <Visiiri> hey
A3:36:50 <gdude2002> lolhi
A3:36:57 <Visiiri> It r xmas
A3:37:01 <gdude2002> yesh
A3:37:07 <Visiiri> whatdja get?
A3:39:27 <gdude2002> haven't got that far yet
A3:39:55 <Merry-Dot> I'm tempted to put "Merry Craftmas" in the topic
10A3:40:43 * Liam (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10A3:41:55 * Koitenshin (Mibbit@adsl-99-64-211-3.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:42:30 <mail2345> hello koit
A3:42:44 <Koitenshin> >_>
A3:42:52 <Koitenshin> Hello Archnemesis
A3:43:25 <Koitenshin> Some mind going here and telling me what they think?
A3:43:26 <Koitenshin> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=17116acc53cabc0a3a54467f3ae35ba1
A3:43:56 <Koitenshin> I'm testing 512 depth
A3:45:46 <Liam> Koit: that URL doesn't even work for me
A3:45:54 <Liam> it idles on 'connecting' :/
A3:46:03 <Koitenshin> >_>
A3:46:34 <Koitenshin> Works for me. odd
A3:46:47 <Koitenshin> Doesn't even show that you tried to connect
A3:47:29 <Koitenshin> oh, nvm
A3:47:33 <Koitenshin> Thanks Liam.
A3:47:37 <Koitenshin> I know what happened
A3:47:43 <Koitenshin> Damn that woman.
A3:47:46 <Liam> Port forwarding...
A3:47:46 <Liam> lol
10A3:49:06 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
12A3:49:29 * Koitenshin (Mibbit@adsl-99-64-211-3.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A3:49:42 * DIProgan (gargamel@h30n2-sus-a11.ias.bredband.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
10A3:49:42 * Koitenshin1 (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A3:50:04 <Koitenshin1> grrrr
A3:50:06 <DIProgan> i can only guess http://www.fotothing.com/photos/aee/aee68f0b317e3474ba3b78765d335404.jpg been done before ^^
A3:50:14 <Koitenshin1> im just gonna have to go in there
A3:50:30 <Koitenshin1> she wont shut her damn laptop off
A3:50:43 <Koitenshin1> She's using my internal IP
A3:50:49 <Koitenshin1> that's why that link didn't work
A3:50:59 <Koitenshin1> our power went out today
A3:51:27 <vede> Goodnight peeps.
A3:51:46 <Shadaez> learn 2 DHCP reservation.
A3:51:47 <Liam> *cough* thats why we bind our computers to private IP's...
A3:52:02 <Liam> ^^ same thing.
A3:52:17 <Shadaez> but i said it first :3
10A3:53:08 * Quatroking_ is now known as Quatroking
A3:53:13 <Quatroking> hay hay hay
A3:53:18 <Quatroking> Merry commercialism!
A3:54:52 <Liam> lol
A3:54:52 <DIProgan> h<> h<> h<> :)
A3:54:57 <Liam> Festivus FTW?
10A3:54:58 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A3:55:01 <mail2345> you know
A3:55:08 <mail2345> i had this idea for a service
A3:55:10 <Douglas> anyone got a gift copy of minecraft
A3:55:13 <mail2345> ...
12A3:55:15 * Koitenshin1 (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A3:55:16 <mail2345> vede?
A3:55:18 <mail2345> get here
A3:55:24 <mail2345> so as i was saying
A3:55:30 <mail2345> hamachi has a gateway feature
A3:55:39 <mail2345> or other VPNS
A3:55:41 <mail2345> the point is
10A3:55:50 * Koitenshin1 (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A3:55:51 <mail2345> a VPN service that would let people host servers
A3:55:52 <Koitenshin1> much better
A3:55:56 <mail2345> without needing to foward ports
A3:56:05 <mail2345> sure, setting up a VPN might be harder than fowarding a port
A3:56:06 <Shadaez> or you could learn to forward ports because it's very simple.
A3:56:06 <Koitenshin1> Now try this one
A3:56:07 <Koitenshin1> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=2e74c3e07be269665070abd8cdc4bfb4
A3:56:11 <mail2345> but if you lack access to the router
A3:56:16 <mail2345> it's an awesome solution
10A3:56:43 * Koitenshin1 is now known as Koitenshin
A3:57:03 <Shadaez> then use a upnp app; or don't host a server at all because you shoudn't if you don't have access.
A3:57:05 <Koitenshin> It should be working now.
A3:57:18 <mail2345> umm shadez
A3:57:28 <mail2345> did you read what i said?
A3:57:29 <Koitenshin> I had to shut disable my roommates wifi card
A3:57:39 <Koitenshin> and reboot my router
A3:57:41 <Shadaez> yeah? and?
A3:57:50 <mail2345> " don't host a server at all because you shoudn't if you don't have access."
A3:57:54 <mail2345> that doesn't make sense
A3:57:58 <Shadaez> yes it does
A3:58:04 <mail2345> how does it make sense?
A3:58:08 <Shadaez> If you don't have access then you really shouldn't host a server.
A3:58:12 <Koitenshin> It'd be excellent if the MC server was a uPNP app.
A3:58:20 <mail2345> i already made that suggestion
A3:58:23 <mail2345> nobody replied D:
A3:58:29 <mail2345> @shadez ...
A3:58:29 <Koitenshin> Did you?
A3:58:32 <mail2345> yea
A3:58:32 <Koitenshin> I'd reply
A3:58:36 <mail2345> along with NAT-PMP
A3:58:37 <mail2345> STUN
A3:58:41 <mail2345> and other protocols
A3:58:46 <Koitenshin> uPNP is better.
A3:58:49 <mail2345> i know
A3:58:53 <mail2345> but the more protocol
A3:58:57 <mail2345> protcols*
A3:59:00 <Koitenshin> My router actually supports uPNP
A3:59:03 <mail2345> the more sure you are it will work :P
A3:59:13 <Koitenshin> So does anyone mind clicking that link for me?
A3:59:14 <Koitenshin> >_>
12A3:59:45 * Merry-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-76-236-68-77.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A3:59:48 <mail2345> shadez, why shouldn't you host a service
A3:59:54 <mail2345> if you can't access the router?
A3:59:58 <mail2345> give me a good reason
A4:00:07 <mail2345> WHOO CHRISTMAS TIME
A4:00:15 <mail2345> and only 14 seconds off
A4:00:15 <Koitenshin> 4am for me.
A4:00:36 <Koitenshin> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=2e74c3e07be269665070abd8cdc4bfb4 click it, you know you want to
A4:01:02 <Shadaez> because you're either a child, too dumb to figure out how a router works, or at college.
10A4:01:26 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
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A4:01:42 <mail2345> umm shadez
A4:01:51 <mail2345> what if the person owning the router is away
A4:01:53 <Koitenshin> uPNP just makes everything easier
A4:02:08 <Shadaez> And who would that be?
A4:02:43 <mail2345> shadez, i have accesss to my router
A4:02:43 <mail2345> okay
10A4:02:55 * Liam is now known as Liam|NINI
12A4:02:59 * Liam|NINI (Liam@ip70-180-159-91.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A4:03:06 <mail2345> lets say the person cannot access the router, uPNP STUN and NAT-PMP are off
A4:03:16 <mail2345> the admin is okay with them hosting and is letting VPN though
A4:03:30 <Shadaez> Then they should have access, physically, to the router. And they can do a reset.
A4:03:49 <mail2345> and that would delete the settings
A4:03:52 <mail2345> and piss off the admin
A4:04:03 <Shadaez> sigh;
A4:04:11 <Shadaez> It's a terrible way of hosting.
A4:04:30 <Koitenshin> My router for one doesn't delete settings upon reboot, or reset. only hard reset.
A4:04:43 <Koitenshin> basically hold reset button for so many seconds
A4:04:51 <Shadaez> Uh huh
A4:04:52 <Afk_Legacy> Really?
A4:04:54 <Shadaez> that's what I was saying.
A4:05:03 <Afk_Legacy> Mine resets no matter what kind of 'reset'
A4:05:12 <Koitenshin> even settings?
A4:05:15 <Koitenshin> that's odd.
12A4:05:17 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
A4:05:24 <Koitenshin> what kind of router is it Legacy?
A4:05:28 <mail2345> so what if it is a terrible way
A4:05:32 <mail2345> it works
A4:05:34 <mail2345> temporarily
A4:05:42 <Afk_Legacy> Linksys
A4:05:51 <Koitenshin> Oh, I used to have one of those.
A4:06:00 <Koitenshin> Yeah. that's why I switched to D-Link
A4:06:00 <Afk_Legacy> They're alright and a good choice for starters
A4:06:07 <Koitenshin> They are.
A4:06:26 <Koitenshin> But I fried mine by asking it to do too much.
A4:06:31 <Afk_Legacy> Heh
A4:06:37 <mail2345> meh
A4:06:43 <mail2345> i have a linksys with dd wrt installed
A4:06:55 <Koitenshin> I did too, it still fried.
A4:07:13 <Koitenshin> So I just ponied out some more cash and bought a D-Link.
12A4:07:41 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A4:08:44 <Shadaez> VPN idea is still terrible.
A4:08:57 <Koitenshin> What about uPNP?
A4:09:07 <Quatroking> puyodead i have a rule suggestion
A4:09:08 <Koitenshin> That's feasible and most routers support it.
A4:09:17 <Quatroking> dock bashing equals insta-ban
A4:09:20 <Quatroking> add that please
A4:09:37 <Koitenshin> Bashing or criticism?
A4:09:41 <Shadaez> tbh I like how it is. We don't need a bunch of terrible server started by idiots who can't even take the time to learn to forward ports.
A4:09:43 <AndrewPH> I was about to say that
A4:09:48 <mail2345> @shadez
A4:09:53 <mail2345> it's harder to setup a VPN
A4:09:56 <Koitenshin> All out bashing deserves a ban
A4:09:59 <mail2345> than to foward ports
A4:10:00 <Koitenshin> like mochi
A4:10:06 <AndrewPH> this mouse is awesome
A4:10:09 <Shadaez> Mail, it's not hard to start a hamachi server.
A4:10:13 <Quatroking> Koitenshin, as far as i know all these topics only contain whining and bashing
A4:10:26 <Quatroking> "oh em gee the new player models suck"
A4:10:32 <Quatroking> even tho its just concept art
A4:10:40 <Koitenshin> Whomever suggested the smaller head seemed like constructive criticism to me
A4:10:58 <Quatroking> the smaller head can go up his ass
A4:11:02 <Afk_Legacy> Quatroking it's basically raging against some test model for md3 support and they're to oscare to back down now
A4:11:03 <Quatroking> the big heads are wonderful
A4:11:07 <AndrewPH> Not as childish would be great
A4:11:09 <Koitenshin> My idea of two models for separate genders is constructive criticism
A4:11:21 <Quatroking> yep
A4:11:24 <mail2345> dock bashing is exactly the kind of stuff that should be in a hall of shame
A4:11:27 <mail2345> for repeat offenders
A4:11:32 <AndrewPH> If I get into modeling
A4:11:40 <AndrewPH> I will make my model shove its head up its own ass
A4:11:41 <mail2345> poor dock
A4:11:43 <AndrewPH> every step
A4:12:03 <AndrewPH> it will be awesome
12A4:12:09 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
A4:12:18 <mail2345> "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
A4:12:33 <Visiiri> mail2345, i'll bet you can help me. I'm trying to decompile some .class files from the WoM hacks. I'm using DJ Java Decompiler. Can you help me?
A4:12:39 <mail2345> ehhh
A4:12:50 <mail2345> i'm not going to help with that
A4:12:51 <mail2345> ask TVC
A4:12:53 <mail2345> or bildramer
A4:12:55 <Visiiri> :<
A4:12:57 <Visiiri> You wont help me :<
A4:13:05 <AndrewPH> wat
A4:13:06 <Visiiri> I'm not doing anything malicious, I swar.
A4:13:09 <Visiiri> *swear
A4:13:11 <Shadaez> help with what?
A4:13:18 <Koitenshin> Bildramer would be your best bet
A4:13:18 <mail2345> accidental leaks
A4:13:24 <mail2345> plus i actually don't know this shit
A4:13:28 <Visiiri> Shadaez and AndrewPH have me /ignore'd
A4:13:31 <mail2345> lol
A4:13:36 <AndrewPH> wat
A4:13:36 <Visiiri> hehehe
A4:13:40 <Afk_Legacy> Thats pretty fail visiiru
A4:13:43 <AndrewPH> Who are you talking to
A4:13:43 <Shadaez> wtf
A4:13:44 <mail2345> i'm only on the ignore list
A4:13:48 <Visiiri> What's fail?
A4:13:49 <mail2345> of half a dozen bots
A4:13:50 <Shadaez> Andrew, you can't see him talk either?
A4:13:55 <mail2345> that i raped
A4:13:56 <Shadaez> I swear I have him unmuted.
A4:14:04 <Visiiri> That people ignore me?
A4:14:07 <AndrewPH> I have nobody on my ignore list
A4:14:10 <AndrewPH> who's talking
A4:14:11 <Shadaez> same wtf
10A4:14:13 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:14:14 <Visiiri> It's ok, because telling them they're wrong is trolling.
A4:14:14 <Shadaez> visiiri is
A4:14:20 <Shadaez> acording to them
A4:14:27 <Afk_Legacy> Yawn
12A4:14:54 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:15:00 <AndrewPH> There I tried ignoring him and then unignoring him
A4:15:04 <AndrewPH> talk visiiri
A4:15:09 <Afk_Legacy> Oh hey look puyodead
A4:15:11 <Afk_Legacy> Double topics!
A4:15:12 <Shadaez> i've done the same thing.
10A4:15:14 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A4:15:18 <Afk_Legacy> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4977 http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4978
A4:15:28 <Shadaez> Maybe he made it so we can't hear him (is that possible?)
10A4:16:05 * Shadaez (JWheeler@24-113-66-251.wavecable.com) has left #minecraft
10A4:16:12 * Shadaez (JWheeler@24-113-66-251.wavecable.com) has joined #minecraft
A4:16:21 <Visiiri> It's not possible.
A4:16:37 <Visiiri> Packets go to the server, then to you. The server decides.
A4:16:40 <Shadaez> I'm back
A4:16:45 <AndrewPH> I can see you now!
A4:16:51 <Visiiri> Me?
A4:16:56 <AndrewPH> Yes
A4:17:01 <Visiiri> Are you sure/
A4:17:05 <mail2345> #MCManiacs
A4:17:06 <mail2345> err
A4:17:07 <mail2345> wait
A4:17:08 <AndrewPH> Yes
A4:17:11 <mail2345> forgot to type in /join
A4:17:13 <mail2345> ehh
10A4:17:25 * mail2345 (mail2345@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) has left #minecraft (I'VE TURNED INTO A MIBBITER)
10A4:17:30 * mail2345 (mail2345@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12A4:18:20 * Douglas (chatzilla@c-67-170-232-174.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:18:30 <mail2345> :D
A4:18:48 <Afk_Legacy> Quatroking
A4:18:50 <AndrewPH> http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5131/humanemotionbullshit.png
A4:18:54 <Afk_Legacy> When did you get the 'dick' title?
A4:19:00 <AndrewPH> lol towel
A4:19:39 <Quatroking> Yesterday when I asked citricsquid if he could change the forum background to "niels sucks!!!"
A4:21:45 <AndrewPH> mail get backt o work on pyjte :(
A4:22:05 <Quatroking> why
A4:22:09 <Quatroking> are you jaelous
A4:22:14 <Quatroking> jeelouse
12A4:22:32 * Tumm (Tumm@dslb-092-077-087-000.pools.arcor-ip.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:23:54 <Quatroking> wut
A4:24:01 <Quatroking> avatar change bitch
12A4:25:05 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
12A4:25:08 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A4:25:44 * ec (ecrider@nat-6.ingram.com.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:26:13 <Quatroking> brb christmas breakfast
A4:26:17 <Quatroking> up in this bitch
12A4:27:03 * ecrider (ecrider@nat-6.ingram.com.pl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A4:27:03 * ec is now known as ecrider
A4:29:05 <mail2345> hello
10A4:31:10 * emgmod (chatzilla@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A4:31:20 <emgmod> Merry Christmas. I'm bored.
A4:31:59 <emgmod> Anyone notafk enough to care?
A4:32:41 <Koitenshin> I'm testing my 512 depth mountain map
A4:32:42 <Koitenshin> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=2e74c3e07be269665070abd8cdc4bfb4
A4:32:48 <emgmod> I feel like doing something stupid, like sign up for Facebook.
A4:33:35 <mail2345> do eet
10A4:37:21 * Visiiri is now known as Vis{SHLEEP}
10A4:38:50 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:41:09 <Marach> anyone else clicks google ads on ntch blog just to support him?
A4:41:28 <Shadaez> nope
A4:42:16 <Marach> lol
A4:42:53 <Koitenshin> serp you left my server?
A4:43:05 <Koitenshin> because you're still there
A4:43:20 <serp> I did
A4:43:28 <Koitenshin> odd
A4:43:30 <emgmod> I just dc'ed by accident.
A4:43:33 <Koitenshin> you're still in game
A4:43:34 <serp> how do I leave properly? I usually just close the tab
A4:43:45 <Koitenshin> that generally works for me
A4:43:50 <serp> :(
A4:43:57 <emgmod> I think I'm going to sign up for Facebook right now.
A4:44:00 <Koitenshin> well i kicked you
A4:44:09 <serp> :(
A4:44:21 <Koitenshin> it said you were still in there, but you said you left
A4:44:24 <Koitenshin> so i had to
A4:44:29 <Marach> lol
A4:45:17 <Koitenshin> still what do you think of 512 depth?
10A4:45:27 * Marach_ (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
12A4:45:28 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:45:29 <emgmod> Good.
A4:45:48 <Koitenshin> Okay, back to world machine for a more normal map
A4:45:52 <serp> I don't understand it
A4:45:52 <emgmod> Make a scale model of a skyscraper on the map.
12A4:45:54 * Marach_ (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A4:45:56 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:45:58 <serp> was it just very very high?
A4:46:08 <Koitenshin> no
A4:46:16 <Koitenshin> that was a real mountain
A4:46:26 <Koitenshin> the map was 256x256x256
A4:46:29 <Koitenshin> whoops
A4:46:35 <Koitenshin> 256x256x512
A4:46:52 <serp> I'm really confused
A4:47:06 <serp> so it was a map with a model of a real mountain in it?
A4:47:06 <emgmod> Me too.
A4:47:11 <Koitenshin> Basically it was 256 from water level to sky
A4:47:15 <emgmod> k
A4:47:21 <emgmod> I understand it.
A4:47:25 <serp> but we just went like 20 blocks up
A4:47:30 <Koitenshin> and from 256 from bottom of level to ocean level
A4:47:41 <Koitenshin> 512 height total
A4:50:22 <Koitenshin> I must not be very good at explaining things.
A4:51:04 <Shadaez> whats the L and W?
A4:51:21 <Marach> ocean level is always in middle
A4:51:38 <Koitenshin> It's a 256x256x512 map
A4:51:59 <Shadaez> pff boring
A4:52:14 <Koitenshin> It's better than a flatgrass
A4:52:18 <Koitenshin> Those are boring
A4:52:27 <Shadaez> I don't like verticle build
A4:52:32 <serp> is a flatgrass just a map that is flat?
A4:52:38 <emgmod> Hey, I tried building tract housing on a flatgrass.
A4:52:38 <Koitenshin> This wasn't vertical build.
A4:52:43 <emgmod> Boring on boring.
A4:52:44 <Koitenshin> This was a mountain
10A4:53:25 * TVC is now known as TVC|AFK
A4:53:33 <emgmod> I just need to find out why my online save files are borked.
A4:53:46 <Marach> bork bork
12A4:53:59 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone!)
10A4:54:07 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A4:54:13 <emgmod> Really.
A4:54:37 <emgmod> This was my save slot for a recent project.
A4:54:39 <emgmod> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?user=emgmod&id=0
A4:54:51 <emgmod> It generates a map.
A4:55:04 <Koitenshin> >_>
A4:55:12 <Koitenshin> I noticed.
A4:55:15 <emgmod> Same for this one.
A4:55:18 <emgmod> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?user=emgmod&id=4
A4:55:21 <Koitenshin> maybe you shut browser off before it was done saving?
A4:55:36 <emgmod> Nope.
A4:55:37 <Koitenshin> try using www instead
A4:55:41 <Koitenshin> i never use the regular
A4:55:42 <Marach> borken!
A4:55:49 <emgmod> I'll try.
A4:55:57 <Koitenshin> www generates a new file too
A4:56:06 <Koitenshin> but next time you do a project, use the www site
A4:56:10 <Marach> i saved my biggest projects using LevelManager
A4:56:19 <emgmod> What about a fakeout url?
A4:56:24 <Koitenshin> or dump your files using the WoM client
A4:56:24 <Marach> but since then Notch changed level format :/
A4:56:36 <Quatroking> koitenshin stfu about wom plz
A4:56:43 <emgmod> I think I should try dumping files.
A4:56:52 <Marach> before, there was no other way to save server dat levels
A4:56:54 <Koitenshin> he's talking about making sure his projects get saved
A4:56:58 <Koitenshin> I'm trying to help.
A4:57:13 <emgmod> Wait, I can save to hd from the default client.
A4:57:23 <Quatroking> - Distribute hacks
A4:57:23 <Quatroking> The post should not contain download links, links to sites containing downloads, or references to sites containing downloads of Minecraft hacks. This is frowned upon and action may be taken against you.
A4:57:31 <Koitenshin> I can too but sometimes it breaks the levels on me.
A4:57:32 <Marach> haha
A4:57:35 <emgmod> "May"
A4:57:36 <Quatroking> Pretty sure those rules go around on the irc too
A4:57:37 <Marach> minecraft.net itself has a mention
A4:57:44 <Koitenshin> I'm not making any posts. I'm chatting
A4:57:53 <Marach> Notch, take it against yourself
A4:57:59 <Marach> XD
A4:58:14 <Quatroking> puyodead are people allowed to reference to wom on the irc
A4:58:23 <Koitenshin> Then they need a specific thing for IRC Rules.
A4:58:29 <Marach> "in doubt, ask op"?
A4:58:35 <Quatroking> Super-Dot, vede, PixelScrooge
A4:58:58 <emgmod> Or we can ignore it.
A4:59:13 <Shadaez> why wouldn't they be, quatro
A4:59:31 <Quatroking> well, its not allowed on the forums either?
A5:00:11 <Quatroking> oh by the way, I changed my forum avatar
A5:00:20 <Quatroking> http://www.minecraftforum.net/profile.php?id=11
A5:00:51 <Marach> hey im going to finally have a pc!
A5:00:59 <Marach> minecraft, im coming!
A5:01:03 <Quatroking> a tandy 3000?
A5:01:44 <Koitenshin> I have never met someone who likes to backseat mod so much.
A5:02:15 <Quatroking> I'm not backseat modding I just hate everyone who uses hacks or references to them
A5:02:24 <Koitenshin> I don't use them.
A5:02:28 <emgmod> Let's just IGNORE the problem.
A5:02:32 <Shadaez> world of MINECRAFT
A5:02:32 <emgmod> That always works.
A5:02:33 <Koitenshin> I just like to save levels
A5:02:33 <Marach> i use them when necessary
A5:02:40 <Quatroking> if I could I would burn wom
A5:02:45 <Quatroking> with thermite
A5:02:48 <Quatroking> to hell
A5:02:52 <Marach> if Notch would make them unnecessary, i would use them.
10A5:02:57 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A5:02:57 <Marach> wouldnt*
A5:02:59 <Koitenshin> I only find one thing even remotely useful in the client.
A5:03:05 <Koitenshin> Level dumping and screenshots
A5:03:17 <emgmod> Screenshots? Printscreen.
A5:03:18 <mail2345> honestly
A5:03:22 <Quatroking> durrrr
A5:03:24 <mail2345> we need a minimal client
A5:03:25 <Shadaez> printscreen too hard for you?
A5:03:35 <mail2345> for the people who fucked up thier browser plugins
A5:03:39 <Koitenshin> No, but having to edit the stuff I dont want is a waste of time.
A5:03:44 <mail2345> as i said
A5:03:47 <mail2345> hackless client
A5:04:02 <Quatroking> stand-alone client that isn't based on java
A5:04:20 <emgmod> Minimal client...
A5:04:38 <emgmod> Who here has the knowledge and is not lazy enough to make one?
A5:04:45 <AndrewPH> just remove hacks from wom
A5:04:48 <Koitenshin> mail apparently.
13A5:04:51 * Marach plays Zelda: Ocarina of Time
A5:04:51 <AndrewPH> I could probably do it really goddamn fast
A5:04:56 <Koitenshin> mail has the knowledge.
A5:05:03 <emgmod> 1-800-MAIL-2345
A5:05:17 <Koitenshin> too many numbers, I cant dial
A5:05:19 <Koitenshin> :P
A5:05:25 <Quatroking> if wom is so "friendly" then why didn't they just have servers add +hax if they want hacks on their servers
A5:05:31 <Koitenshin> It'd have to be 1-80-MAIL-2345
A5:05:43 <Quatroking> instead of having hack-free servers spam their own motd with a stupid tag
A5:05:49 <Quatroking> that doesn't make sense at all
A5:05:50 <Marach> how to replace letters with numbers? @_@
A5:05:50 <Koitenshin> I use -hax on my server all the time.
A5:06:03 <Koitenshin> Marach you lazy bum
A5:06:15 <mail2345> I'M A PYTHON CODER
A5:06:15 <Marach> wut
A5:06:19 <mail2345> NOT A JAVA CODER
A5:06:28 <Koitenshin> okay then mail is out,
A5:06:37 <Koitenshin> citric only does websites.
A5:06:39 <Marach> i think Notch can code in Java
A5:06:57 <Koitenshin> yeah but he's only doing the client through the browser
A5:07:00 <AndrewPH> give me an hour and I'll have a client without hax
A5:07:05 <AndrewPH> or less
A5:07:07 <AndrewPH> it shouldn't take long
A5:07:10 <Marach> who would use it?
A5:07:11 <AndrewPH> if I'm right, anyway.
A5:07:15 <Koitenshin> but will it have screenshotting and level dumping?
A5:07:19 <emgmod> Okay then.
A5:07:22 <AndrewPH> yeah sure why not
A5:07:28 <Quatroking> is a cheathappens account worth it?
A5:07:28 <Koitenshin> cool.
A5:07:30 <emgmod> No screenshotting.
A5:07:37 <emgmod> Alt+Printscreen
A5:07:53 <Quatroking> I'm sick of having to search the entire web to find that one steam trainer that isn't by CH
A5:07:55 <Koitenshin> I prefer the screenshotting through the client
A5:08:21 <emgmod> I prefer sending my images through Gimp.
A5:08:34 <emgmod> That way, I could remove stuff I don't like.
A5:08:37 <AndrewPH> all done
A5:08:38 <Marach> i like instasaving
A5:08:46 <AndrewPH> it still has the enable hax button but it doesn't do anything
A5:08:49 <Marach> like un gnome
A5:08:51 <Marach> in
A5:09:01 <Koitenshin> fuuuuuuuuuuu my fave site doesnt work anymore.
A5:09:09 <Koitenshin> he retired
A5:09:10 <AndrewPH> guise
A5:09:12 <AndrewPH> guise
A5:09:14 <Quatroking> what site
A5:09:17 <AndrewPH> i made a client without hax
A5:09:17 <emgmod> Your favorite site isn't Google?
A5:09:19 <Koitenshin> distro.ws
A5:09:26 <Marach> AndrewPH
A5:09:28 <Marach> i can host it
A5:09:37 <AndrewPH> ok let me get it into a usable state
A5:09:38 <Shadaez> I've banned about 5 people in an hour, I'm on line an ULTRA-BAN atm
A5:09:47 <AndrewPH> atm my files are strewn throughout foldars
A5:10:02 <AndrewPH> also my client is shamelessly stolen from wom
A5:10:02 <Koitenshin> I just use -hax in the motd, how hard is that?
A5:10:08 <Marach> my fav site is chrome://fireftp/content/fireftp.xul
A5:10:10 <Koitenshin> Anyone that hacks ariound it gets banned instantly
A5:10:12 <Marach> :P
A5:10:49 <AndrewPH> I'll just redownload wom's client and delete the hax
A5:10:50 <Koitenshin> There is no Dana only xul?
12A5:10:52 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:11:37 <Koitenshin> so was 512 too tall or?
A5:11:55 <emgmod> 256 might be tall enough.
A5:12:04 <Koitenshin> Because that was a 1:1 replica of what I see in WM
A5:13:13 <emgmod> WM?
A5:13:22 <AndrewPH> world machine
A5:13:26 <emgmod> k
A5:13:36 <AndrewPH> Should I strip the client completely?
A5:13:50 <emgmod> Everything except level dumping.
A5:14:02 <AndrewPH> I'm leaving the menu up top then
A5:14:04 <Shadaez> everything imo
A5:14:06 <Shadaez> I hate the menu
A5:14:10 <Shadaez> MAKE ME A VERSION
10A5:14:17 * TVC|AFK is now known as TVC
A5:14:17 <AndrewPH> FINE GIEF A MOMENT
13A5:14:24 * Marach waits for AndrewPH to finish
A5:14:31 <AndrewPH> I'll host it on my site
A5:14:36 <AndrewPH> 100gigs of bandwith free wooo
A5:14:42 <Marach> o yay :D
A5:15:05 <Shadaez> make version number go away too!
A5:15:10 <AndrewPH> no u
A5:15:21 <Koitenshin> 100Gigs of bandwidth? thats all?
A5:15:30 <Koitenshin> I have no limit on my bandwidth period.
A5:15:41 <AndrewPH> Koitenshin, I said free
A5:15:44 <AndrewPH> derp
A5:15:51 <Koitenshin> University?
A5:15:54 <AndrewPH> no
A5:15:57 <AndrewPH> Friend
A5:16:00 <Koitenshin> oh
A5:16:03 <Quatroking> Alrighty folks, I am now the proud owner of a Cheathappens Ultimate Lifetime Membership
A5:16:09 <AndrewPH> no u
A5:16:16 <Marach> AndrewPH: domain?
10A5:16:17 * FalleM (Mibbit@117-140.tynset.eidsiva.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:16:31 <AndrewPH> As in link or do I get one free?
A5:16:47 <Marach> tk is free
A5:17:00 <AndrewPH> I could get a co.cc one if I wanted
A5:17:01 <AndrewPH> but I don't
A5:17:08 <Marach> that isnt a real domain
A5:17:13 <Koitenshin> I believe coherent sentences are needed more.
A5:17:13 <Marach> its a subdomain
A5:17:13 <AndrewPH> since I already have a few co.cc (lol free)
A5:17:14 <Shadaez> I have a few
A5:17:21 <AndrewPH> It doesn't matter if it's a subdomain
A5:17:24 <AndrewPH> it looks like a domain
A5:17:29 <AndrewPH> therefore i am pleased
A5:17:30 <Marach> not for me
12A5:17:36 * FalleM (Mibbit@117-140.tynset.eidsiva.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:17:39 <Marach> tk is better >:)
A5:17:39 <Shadaez> You can have quickkeys.net(or is it org) or designsomething.net if you'd like.
A5:17:50 <Shadaez> tk is terrible, you are wrong
A5:17:56 <AndrewPH> .tk is used in a lot of phishing sites
A5:18:00 <Marach> yes
A5:18:02 <AndrewPH> and by a lot I mean A LOT
A5:18:02 <Koitenshin> or just do a shacknet and dyndns
A5:18:06 <Marach> but i dont care
10A5:18:18 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A5:18:19 <AndrewPH> .tk has a horrible reputation for having a lot of shawk siets
A5:18:24 <Marach> i don care!
A5:18:27 <AndrewPH> and phishing
A5:18:30 <AndrewPH> aka don't get a .tk
A5:18:37 <Quatroking> you really don't want a tk
A5:18:39 <Quatroking> seriously
A5:18:45 <Koitenshin> I don't even visit sites with a .tk anymore.
A5:18:49 <Shadaez> umg guys free steam game!111 steamcommunity122.tk
A5:18:56 <Koitenshin> you're funny
A5:18:58 <Marach> rofl
10A5:19:04 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:19:23 <Marach> i dont claim i have anything interesting on it >_>
12A5:19:33 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:19:47 <Quatroking> .org ftw
A5:22:27 <mail2345> :S dissonance rover spam
10A5:23:37 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-2-114-19.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
10A5:23:38 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
A5:24:07 <Evilgrim> Minecraft's not working? D: Help?
A5:24:30 <Shadaez> client or on website
A5:25:01 <Evilgrim> It just sits at a black screen for ever.. Then it does - "The following program is unresponsive [ Java ] Do you want to end it" Not the exact quote. And Client.
A5:25:17 <gdude2002> Which client you using
A5:25:18 <gdude2002> ?
A5:25:25 <Shadaez> what does the console output
A5:25:59 <Evilgrim> No client
A5:26:07 <Shadaez> You jsut said client.
A5:26:09 <Evilgrim> What console?
A5:26:15 <gdude2002> the Java console.
A5:26:21 <gdude2002> (In your systray)
A5:26:25 <Evilgrim> Yes. Minecraft.net works fine. Playing the game doesn't.
A5:26:28 <Evilgrim> I'd never hack.
13A5:26:30 * Evilgrim nods.
A5:26:38 <Shadaez> so you're playing from the website and not from a client?
A5:26:43 <gdude2002> What does the Java console say?
A5:26:44 <Evilgrim> Yes. -.-
A5:26:50 <Evilgrim> What java console. -.-
A5:26:50 <Shadaez> what browser
A5:26:52 <Marach> client is on the website...
A5:27:02 <Evilgrim> Chrome and Firefox, I've tried both of them.
A5:27:09 <Shadaez> Marach a client = wom, etc
A5:27:17 <Evilgrim> No.
A5:27:18 <Marach> no
A5:27:32 <gdude2002> He was referring to hacks.
A5:27:35 <gdude2002> But it doesn't matter.
A5:27:39 <gdude2002> What's in the console?
A5:28:00 <Evilgrim> Once again.. "What Java Console? -.-"
A5:28:06 <Shadaez> right click the java icon in the taskbar
A5:28:10 <Shadaez> notification area
A5:28:33 <gdude2002> or systray if you're on 98 :P
A5:28:56 <Evilgrim> It crashes..
A5:29:06 <Evilgrim> Java crashes.*
A5:29:33 <Marach> Evilgrim
A5:29:47 <Marach> try custom client... it leaves a log file after a crash
A5:29:58 <Evilgrim> Don't have one. Don't want one.
A5:30:00 <Evilgrim> Nu.
A5:30:08 <Marach> i think the log is still somewhere when using browser applets
A5:30:24 <Marach> but ok, if you dont want to try its your problem.
A5:30:35 <Shadaez> okay evilgrim, update java.
A5:30:53 <mail2345> gah
A5:31:02 <mail2345> i'm aproaching the mandatory retirement age :S
12A5:31:17 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:31:22 <Evilgrim> Really?
A5:32:44 <Evilgrim> I've got the latest java.
A5:33:27 <Shadaez> now, which browser
A5:33:31 <Evilgrim> Chrome.
A5:33:34 <Shadaez> and have you tried singleplayer and multiplayer?
A5:33:38 <Evilgrim> Yes.
A5:33:45 <Shadaez> has it worked before?
10A5:33:48 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-76-140.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:34:00 <Evilgrim> Yes.
A5:34:04 <Evilgrim> -.-
A5:34:06 <citricsquid> merry christmas internet people.
A5:34:19 <Evilgrim> Merry Giftmas Citric
10A5:34:44 * byte[] (copyboy@p54A45DFC.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10A5:35:32 * ylt (ylt@ has joined #minecraft
A5:37:02 <Evilgrim> I fixed it.
A5:37:18 <emgmod> Merry Christmas.
A5:37:54 <gdude2002> Hi cit, merry squidmas.
A5:37:58 <gdude2002> :P
A5:38:01 <Shadaez> my server's looking awesome
A5:38:06 <gdude2002> Looky?
A5:38:13 <Shadaez> heavypetters.org
A5:38:19 <gdude2002> gotcha
A5:38:41 <gdude2002> That's good.
A5:39:02 <mail2345> ffs
A5:39:04 <mail2345> people
A5:39:10 <mail2345> read all the posts in a thread
A5:39:16 <mail2345> before makign a reply
A5:39:39 <emgmod> What happened?
A5:39:46 <AndrewPH> What happen!
A5:40:24 <Evilgrim> Where Mail?
A5:40:26 <Evilgrim> I do. :3
A5:40:59 <mail2345> i also have to blame myself for not updating OP
A5:41:21 <mail2345> hrm
A5:41:31 <mail2345> i feel like doing a fourm cortex command game
A5:41:34 <gdude2002> lol
A5:41:36 <mail2345> like bildramer's
A5:41:39 <mail2345> who can think of a name?
A5:41:59 <emgmod> a fourm cortex command game
A5:42:12 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4870
A5:42:14 <mail2345> like that one
A5:42:45 <emgmod> I need to read the forum more.
A5:43:08 <Shadaez> What's the archives website?
A5:43:13 <Shadaez> My server got archived :D
10A5:43:23 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
A5:43:34 <AndrewPH> Did you sign up for it?
A5:43:41 <mail2345> heh
A5:43:43 <Shadaez> nope
10A5:43:43 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207191071.chello.pl) has joined #minecraft
A5:43:45 <mail2345> i remember this incident
A5:43:51 <Wirtualnosc> Hi.
A5:43:52 <mail2345> so basically area was creating the archives
A5:43:55 <mail2345> and i was hosting my server
A5:44:02 <mail2345> i thought i backed up the map
A5:44:11 <mail2345> and before the reboot
A5:44:20 <mail2345> the bot came and archived it
A5:44:30 <mail2345> then i had a grief party on the map before loading the new map
A5:44:33 <mail2345> guess what happend
A5:44:40 <mail2345> i forgot to setup permissions :S
A5:44:51 <mail2345> but then turns out the clean map was on the archives
A5:44:53 <mail2345> heh
A5:45:07 <mail2345> there was alot of begging from my users to get area to conver tthem map
A5:45:19 <gdude2002> Shadaez, your floating islands zip file is invalid.
A5:45:40 <Shadaez> yeah, i know :(
A5:45:45 <Shadaez> i broked it
A5:45:53 <Shadaez> it sucks, that map was hand made and took hours.
A5:45:58 <gdude2002> aww.
A5:46:08 <gdude2002> I wanted to filch id >:D
A5:46:13 <gdude2002> lol
A5:46:38 <gdude2002> I need to get some templates for worlds
A5:46:58 <gdude2002> IE winter map, desert map, floating island map, whatever
A5:47:02 <AndrewPH> gdude2002, flatgrass, mountains, lava, ruins, waterworld
A5:47:04 <AndrewPH> etc
A5:47:09 <gdude2002> I know I could omen it but..
A5:47:14 <gdude2002> Lava?
12A5:47:18 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-76-140.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:47:19 <AndrewPH> like
A5:47:20 <gdude2002> I guess that's an Omen?
A5:47:21 <AndrewPH> uhh
A5:47:25 <AndrewPH> a huge-ass cavern
A5:47:28 <AndrewPH> with laiva at the bottom
A5:47:33 <AndrewPH> and a bunch of stone pathways
A5:47:35 <AndrewPH> or something
A5:47:35 <gdude2002> interesting.
A5:47:44 <gdude2002> I might get soem guys to help me with that
A5:47:49 <gdude2002> it sounds good
A5:47:51 <AndrewPH> we could make it on a custom server
A5:48:00 <AndrewPH> with all them lavas
A5:48:02 <gdude2002> might just do it on Archives
A5:48:11 <AndrewPH> eh might as well
A5:48:16 <gdude2002> easier
A5:48:19 <AndrewPH> yeah
A5:48:27 <gdude2002> I'll make a stone template first
A5:48:30 <gdude2002> and we'll /lake it
A5:48:35 <gdude2002> or rather
A5:48:36 <gdude2002> ./pit
A5:48:59 <gdude2002> can someone link me ot latest omen?
A5:49:05 <AndrewPH> Do I get anything for helping? Like uhh... a cookie or an e-five or something?
A5:49:09 <AndrewPH> also it's in the OP of the omen thread
A5:49:10 <gdude2002> i'm terrible at finding stuff like that >.>
A5:49:18 <gdude2002> lol.
12A5:49:22 * gm|lap (gm@121-73-188-201.dsl.telstraclear.net) Quit (Quit: 2 hour UPS expired. Shutting down laptop.)
A5:49:26 <gdude2002> Andrew, mebbeh:P
12A5:51:49 * Eagle (BLELELEL@c-24-56-241-140.customer.broadstripe.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:52:20 <JoeyJo0> Hey babes
10A5:54:20 * Randati (Randati@a88-112-207-200.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A5:54:34 <JoeyJo0> :(
10A5:57:43 * gdude (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
12A5:58:04 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:58:07 <JoeyJo0> Why is there no talking?
A5:58:34 <Quatroking> talking is for pussies
A5:58:59 <JoeyJo0> No, cocks are for pussies.
A5:59:01 <gdude> "Talking is for girls and gays"
10A5:59:04 * gdude is now known as gdude2002
A6:01:39 <JoeyJo0> That's why everyone does it./
A6:01:40 <Marach> irc is for talking
A6:02:02 <Quatroking> goddamnit wordpress
A6:02:22 <JoeyJo0> Wordpress wins
A6:02:37 <Quatroking> yeah except if its not doing by scheduled posts
A6:02:45 <Quatroking> its giving me "missed schedule" now
A6:02:49 <Quatroking> what the fuck is this shit?
A6:03:41 <Quatroking> anyways
A6:03:42 <Quatroking> http://www.quatroworld.org/
A6:03:44 <Quatroking> new pic online
12A6:05:01 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:06:11 <JoeyJo0> o.o
A6:06:11 <JoeyJo0> No comment
A6:06:29 <Quatroking> feel free to request a drawing, too
A6:07:56 <Quatroking> haha
A6:08:01 <Quatroking> today's xkcd is sweet
A6:11:35 <JoeyJo0> Yeah
A6:11:37 <JoeyJo0> Especially the Alt-text
A6:13:52 <gdude2002> hi joey
A6:15:08 <JoeyJo0> lollate
A6:17:04 <Quatroking> hmm
A6:17:07 <Quatroking> I wonder...
A6:17:21 <Quatroking> You guys know the icons windows 7/vista uses for hdd's
A6:17:33 <Quatroking> does an external drive exist that looks exactly like that?
A6:17:44 <gdude2002> Mine looks the same.
A6:17:55 <Quatroking> pic
A6:18:13 <gdude2002> Do you mean the windows type icon or the standard?
A6:18:20 <Quatroking> both
A6:18:26 <gdude2002> Mine is the standard.
A6:19:29 <gdude2002> http://pearsoncoles.com/comp.png
12A6:20:00 * TVC (TVC@113.74-67-202.dynamic.dsl.syd.iprimus.net.au) Quit (Quit: Off to program!)
A6:20:02 <Quatroking> yep that one
A6:20:23 <JoeyJo0> yay, new post: http://joey.gmodsauce.com/
A6:20:29 <gdude2002> it's a Buffalo 500GB
A6:20:41 <gdude2002> gmodsauce? xD
A6:20:59 <JoeyJo0> Yeah
A6:20:59 <JoeyJo0> Site my friend runs
A6:21:00 <gdude2002> Joey, that map
A6:21:04 <gdude2002> THAT MAP
A6:21:05 <gdude2002> :D
A6:21:07 <JoeyJo0> Haven't got my domain to work properly yet
A6:21:12 <JoeyJo0> ?
A6:21:14 <Quatroking> nah
A6:21:17 <gdude2002> that map you rendered
A6:21:18 <gdude2002> I know it
A6:21:21 <gdude2002> :P
A6:21:28 <JoeyJo0> First? Yes
A6:21:31 <Quatroking> the buffalo isn't it
A6:21:31 <JoeyJo0> It's on your server, duh :P
A6:21:35 <Quatroking> also, yay, spacebuild
A6:21:42 <gdude2002> :P
A6:21:49 <Quatroking> right
A6:21:49 <gdude2002> Quatroking, yeah, it's the buffalo
A6:21:51 <gdude2002> unless
A6:21:54 <gdude2002> you mean another icon?
A6:22:08 <Quatroking> nah the one on windows shows a beveled circle on top
A6:22:16 <gdude2002> hmm.
A6:22:21 <gdude2002> I've never seen that
A6:22:38 <gdude2002> rofl
A6:22:41 <gdude2002> i never noticed
A6:22:44 <JoeyJo0> Also, subscribe to RSS :P
A6:22:45 <Quatroking> lol
A6:22:49 <gdude2002> :P
A6:23:08 <gdude2002> Also,
A6:23:19 <JoeyJo0> ?
A6:23:21 <gdude2002> can I make a bootloader boot a bootloader?
A6:23:24 <gdude2002> because
A6:23:25 <mail2345> indeed
A6:23:30 <gdude2002> I want to put Linux on a partition
A6:23:36 <mail2345> INIFINTE NESTING
A6:23:37 <gdude2002> but I need to keep GRUB as it is
A6:23:43 <gdude2002> as it breaks my 7 timer
A6:23:50 <mail2345> bootloaders bootloading bootloaders
A6:24:07 <gdude2002> so can it be done?
A6:24:09 <JoeyJo0> lol
A6:24:10 <mail2345> yea
A6:24:11 <gdude2002> if so, how?
A6:24:14 <mail2345> idk
A6:24:15 <JoeyJo0> booting bootloaders
A6:24:22 <mail2345> buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
A6:24:28 <gdude2002> sooolider
A6:25:10 <Quatroking> I have buffalo ram
A6:25:16 <Quatroking> and a little buffalo stressdoll
A6:25:18 <Koitenshin> Super Talent
A6:26:18 <Koitenshin> and i killed it again
A6:26:27 <JoeyJo0> ?
A6:26:46 <Koitenshin> Anytime I talk IRC usually dies
A6:26:55 <Koitenshin> the channel I'm in anyway
A6:27:11 <JoeyJo0> I know of more people who do that.
A6:27:14 <Koitenshin> see, happened again
A6:27:29 <JoeyJo0> I've played Wurm in the past
A6:27:44 <JoeyJo0> And there was this one guy who could, with just one comment, kill whole Freedom Chat
A6:28:03 <Koitenshin> was it a glitch or actual chat killer?
A6:28:34 <Koitenshin> Like how the F5 Hex character kills the clients
A6:28:38 <AndrewPH> Razer Synapse fuck year
A6:28:40 <Koitenshin> in MC
A6:28:50 <JoeyJo0> No
A6:28:56 <JoeyJo0> It was an actual chat killer
A6:29:02 <mail2345> actually
A6:29:09 <mail2345> any char > 127 kills MC
A6:29:12 <Quatroking> gdude2002, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Photos/P1050031.JPG and http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Photos/P1050032.JPG
A6:29:13 <Koitenshin> Logitech v45 Nano fuck year
A6:29:15 <mail2345> with the excetipn of 255
A6:29:29 <gdude2002> lol quatro
A6:29:37 <AndrewPH> Koitenshin, Razer Synapse isn't a mouse
A6:29:40 <AndrewPH> It's an awesome program
A6:29:40 <JoeyJo0> Haha oh wow
A6:29:42 <Quatroking> I got that one with my ram
A6:29:43 <AndrewPH> FOR their mice
A6:29:50 <JoeyJo0> lol
A6:30:09 <JoeyJo0> I recently also bought a new keyboard :D
A6:30:10 <AndrewPH> or so it seems I haven't really been paying attention
A6:30:14 <JoeyJo0> Roccat Arvo
A6:30:14 <Koitenshin> I can't even remember what razer I had.
A6:30:19 <Quatroking> pretty sweet huh
A6:30:21 <Koitenshin> It died within 6 months though
A6:30:25 <gdude2002> Hmm
A6:30:27 <JoeyJo0> Because my friend threw beer over my G11
A6:30:29 <gdude2002> if I made a person thrower
A6:30:33 <gdude2002> that you don't sit in
A6:30:37 <gdude2002> would it kill people?
A6:30:39 <gdude2002> :P
A6:30:41 <gdude2002> (gmod)
A6:30:46 <AndrewPH> gdude
A6:30:48 <AndrewPH> gmod
A6:30:48 <gdude2002> yesh
A6:30:49 <Koitenshin> a catapult that you don't sit in?
A6:30:51 <JoeyJo0> Only yourself
A6:30:59 <AndrewPH> gief me your steam ad friend a drug
A6:31:00 <gdude2002> maybe not a catapault
A6:31:02 <JoeyJo0> Because of gmod's glitchy physics with moving objects + players
A6:31:04 <gdude2002> it's gdude2002
12A6:31:09 * emgmod (chatzilla@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:31:15 <gdude2002> Well joey
A6:31:20 <gdude2002> I was thinking of forcers
A6:31:22 <Koitenshin> how about a pad that if they walk on it auto launches them?
A6:31:34 <gdude2002> hmm..
A6:31:37 <gdude2002> good idea
A6:31:39 <gdude2002> but how..
A6:31:46 <Koitenshin> I have no idea.
A6:31:47 <gdude2002> forcer detector I guess.
A6:31:52 <Koitenshin> I'm not blessed with Gmod
A6:31:59 <JoeyJo0> lolforcers
A6:32:01 <Koitenshin> or TF2 :(
A6:32:06 <AndrewPH> target finder
A6:32:06 <Quatroking> when I'm old I'm going to blow myself up at a child's hospital
A6:32:07 <AndrewPH> or E2
A6:32:07 <JoeyJo0> Ranger + Forcer VELOCITY input.
A6:32:33 <JoeyJo0> E2 is win ;3
A6:32:37 <Koitenshin> you're old now what are you waiting for?
A6:32:39 <JoeyJo0> I made an 'OS' in it once.
A6:32:52 <JoeyJo0> alsobrb
A6:32:52 <gdude2002> xD
A6:32:54 <gdude2002> k
A6:32:58 <JoeyJo0> E2 is easy
A6:33:14 <gdude2002> rofl
A6:33:14 <gdude2002> 12:33 - ?? Andrew: let's play gmad
A6:33:14 <gdude2002> ?? Andrew is now Offline.
A6:33:20 <AndrewPH> yes hold on
A6:33:23 <AndrewPH> restairting staem
A6:33:26 <gdude2002> oh right
A6:33:30 <gdude2002> let me host if you will
A6:33:39 <gdude2002> just remember
A6:33:42 <AndrewPH> I have a server
A6:33:46 <gdude2002> oh?
A6:33:49 <AndrewPH> yes
12A6:33:53 * Koitenshin (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A6:33:53 <gdude2002> does it have wiremod?
A6:33:59 <AndrewPH> NO OF COURSE NOT
A6:34:01 <AndrewPH> <_>
A6:34:02 <AndrewPH> yes
A6:34:05 <gdude2002> lol
A6:34:09 <gdude2002> And ASSmodor one of those?
10A6:34:11 * mail2345 is now known as mail2345|offline
A6:34:12 <AndrewPH> no
A6:34:14 <AndrewPH> citrus
A6:34:16 <gdude2002> ahh
A6:34:21 <gdude2002> will join
A6:34:25 <AndrewPH> kay
A6:34:38 <JoeyJo0> I wanna join too :P
A6:34:38 <AndrewPH> my mouse has its own memory guise
A6:34:44 <AndrewPH> no joey you don't get to join
A6:34:47 <JoeyJo0> :(
A6:34:48 <AndrewPH> (just join gdude if you can)
A6:34:49 <JoeyJo0> Why not
A6:34:54 <AndrewPH> ffff that's why
A6:35:04 <Quatroking> my mouse has a vga port
A6:35:09 <JoeyJo0> wtf
A6:35:13 <JoeyJo0> VGA
A6:35:14 <JoeyJo0> Mouse
A6:35:15 <AndrewPH> my mouse has a built in airship
A6:35:16 <JoeyJo0> MIND = BLOWN
A6:35:26 <AndrewPH> my mouse has a computer built into it
A6:35:32 <Quatroking> pretty sure it can be done
12A6:35:33 * JoeyJo0 (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A6:35:38 <Quatroking> just throw in a pico motherboard
A6:35:44 <AndrewPH> no u
10A6:35:50 * Joey-Jo0 (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A6:35:57 <Quatroking> http://www.mini-itx.com/reviews/pico-itx/
A6:35:59 <Joey-Jo0> lol
A6:36:08 <Quatroking> put that in a mouse and there you go
A6:36:09 <AndrewPH> I know what a pico is
A6:36:10 <AndrewPH> goddamn
A6:36:15 <AndrewPH> late
A6:36:15 <Quatroking> fucking lan on your mouse
A6:36:22 <AndrewPH> world's smallest computer
A6:36:27 <AndrewPH> that can actually do stuff
A6:36:37 <AndrewPH> but cain it plaii gta for?!/
A6:39:01 <Quatroking> it can play gta vice city
10A6:39:38 * Super-Dot changes topic to 'http://www.minecraft.net/ | http://j.mp/IRC_rules | Merry X-mas!'
A6:42:27 <Joey-Jo0> Ugh
A6:42:32 <Joey-Jo0> I need to reinstall wiremod
12A6:47:23 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A6:55:32 * MonkeyDKS (MonkeyDKS@c-98-216-246-161.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
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A7:02:06 <Joey-Jo0> AndrewPH, are you there?;
A7:02:22 <MonkeyDKS> Happy Saturnalia everyone!
A7:02:32 <Joey-Jo0> Uh. I guess
10A7:02:55 * Adam01 (Adam01@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
A7:03:03 <Joey-Jo0> Hey Adam
10A7:05:41 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10A7:06:57 * asnoehu (thok@cc1312481-a.hnglo1.ov.home.nl) has joined #minecraft
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12A7:11:22 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
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10A7:14:15 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ has joined #minecraft
A7:14:17 <AlexVMiner> omg
A7:14:23 <AlexVMiner> i just got my tablet!
A7:14:29 <AlexVMiner> it is so cool!
A7:15:34 <Evilgrim> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4983
A7:15:39 <Evilgrim> Just ban the fool already!
10A7:16:44 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A7:16:47 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
12A7:17:23 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:20:29 <MonkeyDKS> lol
13A7:27:45 * Marach opens carefully
A7:27:58 <Marach> rofl "whyIAmBanned"
A7:29:52 <Marach> LMAO
A7:29:57 <Marach> "minecraft is a simulation game"
A7:30:49 <Marach> mediafire is really slow.
12A7:36:24 * DIProgan (gargamel@h30n2-sus-a11.ias.bredband.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A7:38:00 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
10A7:40:15 * Notch (Notch@h-74-94.A165.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
10A7:40:16 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Notch
10A7:40:30 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
13A7:40:55 * Super-Dot sounds the trumpets
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10A7:41:02 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A7:41:44 <Wirtualnosc> Hey Notch :)
A7:41:47 <Wirtualnosc> I have a suggestion
A7:41:53 <MonkeyDKS> I like that people feel the need to post things like "We should stop responding to him..." by responding to him
A7:41:57 <08Notch> hi =)
A7:41:58 <Wirtualnosc> About the block selection screen
A7:42:03 <08Notch> oh? =)
A7:42:06 <Iguana> Merry Christmas Notch!
A7:42:14 <Iguana> And now I am off to open presents.
A7:42:14 <08Notch> you too! =D
A7:42:23 <MonkeyDKS> Yes, Merry Christmas!
A7:42:24 <08Notch> I got the first episode of the Akira series. =D (the manga)
A7:42:27 <Wirtualnosc> Maybe make three tabs: One for Normal blocks, one for special (or more normal blocks), and one for cloth ones?
A7:42:36 <Wirtualnosc> Oh, yes, merry christmas :D
A7:42:37 <08Notch> tabs.. good idea
A7:42:58 <MonkeyDKS> I was thinking about numbering them too, so you could hotkey to a block type maybe?
A7:43:16 <MonkeyDKS> Aaand I'm off to family stuff! Hope everyone has a great day!
A7:43:46 <MonkeyDKS> Keep up the great work Notch! (After taking a much deserved break for Christmas of course...)
A7:43:55 <Wirtualnosc> Monkey, actually number keys are used to select one of nine blocks from bottom :P
A7:44:17 <MonkeyDKS> So you wouldn't want to confuse people by having them numbered in the "b" screen too?
A7:44:30 <Wirtualnosc> Hmmm... What about CTRL+number?
A7:44:34 <MonkeyDKS> And then you'd have to figure out how to do double-digit numbers too...
10A7:45:16 * MonkeyDKS is now known as MonkeyDKS|PRESENTS
A7:46:11 <MonkeyDKS|PRESENTS> (Notch, just for reference, it's really cool how you let us all have input on this. It really makes us feel involved in something we're not necessarily talented enough to do on our own. It's a really cool way of designing. Cheers!)
A7:46:27 <MonkeyDKS|PRESENTS> (How many times did I just say really!?!)
A7:46:55 <08Notch> =D
A7:47:03 <Evilgrim> Notch!
13A7:47:06 * Evilgrim pokes Notch.
A7:47:11 <08Notch> I appreciate the feedback, it's making the game a LOT better than it could ever be without it
A7:48:25 <Siiseli> :3
A7:49:22 <Evilgrim> Notch, is the Christmas gift thing over?
A7:50:01 <08Notch> going on until 2010!
A7:50:09 <Wirtualnosc> No it isn't.
A7:50:18 <Wirtualnosc> Woah :O
A7:50:34 <Evilgrim> Yay!
10A8:00:35 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
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A8:01:56 <Quatroking> Notch aren't you getting pissed off at these assholes whining about Dock
A8:02:05 <Quatroking> I think its really irritating :/
A8:02:22 <Quatroking> oh, brb, christmas stuff
A8:02:36 <08Notch> no, can't say I am.. I can understand why people don't want large changes in style
A8:02:44 <08Notch> some people are being a bit obnoxious about it, though
A8:03:07 <08Notch> most present very rational and clear opinions and reasons why they dislike it
A8:03:23 <Vis{SHLEEP}> Ohey, Notch.
A8:03:28 <Wirtualnosc> ...hmm, so what you will do, Notch? Keep the old style, or go with new one?
A8:03:28 <Vis{SHLEEP}> Mery Christmas, Everyone.
A8:03:31 <Vis{SHLEEP}> I just woke up.
10A8:03:32 * Vis{SHLEEP} is now known as Visiiri
A8:03:46 <Visiiri> ...From 2 hours of sleep.
A8:03:47 <08Notch> I'm going with the new one, but I'm going to ask him to turn down the cute a bit. ;)
A8:04:01 <08Notch> and I will insist on pixelated textures on them, that you can customize
A8:04:18 <08Notch> 2 hours of sleep = too little!
A8:04:36 <Visiiri> Hah. I've not gotten that much in about three days.
A8:04:42 <08Notch> :-o
A8:04:49 <Visiiri> :P
A8:04:56 <Visiiri> Of course, I don't sleep often or well.
A8:05:02 <Visiiri> Right now I'm just awaiting my parents.
A8:05:24 <Visiiri> I'll make sure to share everything I've gotten for Christmas with you.
A8:05:27 <Visiiri> :>
A8:05:37 <08Notch> lol
A8:06:28 <Super-Dot> Notch: Are 3D pixels made from textures technically feasible?
A8:06:46 <08Notch> voxels? well.... Not really
A8:06:47 <Super-Dot> Like the extra head layer, but with cubes instead of planes
A8:07:07 <Super-Dot> Dang
A8:07:09 <08Notch> it can be done, but I want to keep the game fast. ;D
A8:07:26 <Super-Dot> Yeah, it does seem like the kind of thing that could get slow
A8:07:30 <Visiiri> Actually, I was surprised. All I asked for was some NX, L4D2, a few albums, and a monitor. Maybe about $150. There were loads of presents for me though. One's larger then a monitor. I wonder what could be in it.
A8:07:58 <Super-Dot> It seemed like md3s were a zillion times faster, so I was curious whether it was a big enough zillion for that
A8:08:21 <Visiiri> :P Super-Dot, don't interview Notch on Christmas! I assure you, he might suicide.
A8:08:39 <Super-Dot> Oh you're right :O
A8:08:46 <Visiiri> Yesh.
A8:08:55 <Super-Dot> We should outlaw question marks for the next 24 hours
A8:09:01 <Visiiri> Sounds good.
A8:09:01 <Wirtualnosc> Don't worry, Visiiri, I have all of TNT blocks. :)
A8:09:05 <VurtualRuler98> It's a wardrobe that leads to an infinite sandbox plane.
A8:09:11 <Visiiri> Hehehehe
A8:09:37 <VurtualRuler98> Where literally anything you can imagine is yours.
A8:09:46 <VurtualRuler98> The only previous owner had no imagination.
A8:10:02 <Visiiri> >.< I want to suicide right now.
A8:10:06 <Wirtualnosc> Everyone has imagination, but not everyone uses it in 100%.
A8:10:08 <Visiiri> I slept with the door closed.
A8:10:16 <Visiiri> It's sooo hot in here.
A8:10:34 <Wirtualnosc> Wanna TNT block, Visiiri? xD
A8:10:38 <Visiiri> Sho :>
13A8:10:44 * Wirtualnosc gives TNT block to Visiiri
A8:11:11 <Joey-Jo0> BOM
13A8:11:12 * Visiiri sings a nice requim, lights the TNT on fire and explodes.
A8:11:13 <Joey-Jo0> BOOM*
A8:13:25 <Visiiri> Darn. I killed the IRC channel too.
13A8:13:51 * Wirtualnosc gets up from flatdust
A8:13:52 <Wirtualnosc> What?
A8:14:13 <Visiiri> Oww. I just poked my eye. That's ok because it's Christmas! yay. Cheer.
A8:14:23 <VurtualRuler98> I need a second internet.
A8:14:34 <VurtualRuler98> This download would be at 144% by now.
A8:14:38 <Visiiri> :P
A8:14:52 <Visiiri> Maybe you can host your own web server router thing.
A8:15:05 <Visiiri> Instead of going to your modem, it goes super fast to other servers
A8:15:17 <Visiiri> Or, or or, get "GameBooster"
A8:15:20 <VurtualRuler98> I just need to have faster connection.
A8:15:21 <Visiiri> It might be "GameBoost"
12A8:15:23 * brosteve (grantzinn@ool-44c0b7c5.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: brosteve)
A8:15:28 <Visiiri> That thing increases your connection speed
A8:15:38 <Visiiri> and vurtually eliminates lag from Combat Arms.
A8:15:46 <Evilgrim> Combat arms is meh.
A8:15:47 <VurtualRuler98> >_>
A8:16:01 <Visiiri> :P I like Combat Arms and Combat Arms likes me.
A8:16:13 <VurtualRuler98> I have 3 new games, America's Army 3 is taunting me on my game list, and Synergy wants to update.
A8:16:17 <Visiiri> I've payed over $550 for NX now, and haven't gotten shit
A8:16:21 <Visiiri> but I keep buying it!
13A8:16:44 * Evilgrim shakes her head.
A8:17:46 <VurtualRuler98> I think my connection is gradually slowing from all the IRCing I'm doing.
A8:18:28 <Visiiri> Quick
A8:18:29 <Visiiri> flood!
A8:18:54 <VurtualRuler98> Oh no I'll get a few packets of many words and I'll have to scroll up a little more.
A8:19:10 <Visiiri> Packets are funneh
10A8:19:24 * C418 (C418@p5B3D4AAD.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10A8:19:25 * ChanServ sets mode: +o C418
13A8:19:30 * Visiiri starts singing the SpongeBob Christmas song!
13A8:19:37 * Evilgrim joins in!
A8:19:42 <Evilgrim> What is it?
A8:19:53 <Visiiri> I'm not sure...
A8:20:14 <Evilgrim> Awesome!
A8:20:21 <Visiiri> My mouth tastes bad and I don't have a sobe. I think I'm going to nudge my family to wake up again :>
A8:20:25 <Visiiri> Adios, amigos.
10A8:20:40 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
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10A8:21:37 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A8:22:11 <Evilgrim> Farewell Visiiri!
A8:29:21 <Quatroking> back
A8:29:26 <Quatroking> yum yum christmas lunch
A8:29:31 <Evilgrim> Yay.
13A8:29:33 * Notch starts dancing a small X-mas dance
A8:29:37 <Evilgrim> I am constantly refreshing the blog. :3
A8:29:50 <08Notch> my blog?
A8:30:07 <Quatroking> nooo don't turn down the cute
A8:30:11 <Quatroking> its so kawaii
A8:30:14 <Quatroking> me likey
A8:30:16 <08Notch> kawaaiii
A8:30:18 <Wirtualnosc> wat
A8:30:24 <Quatroking> also, notch, burn for having volume 1 of akira >:(
A8:30:33 <08Notch> Ideally, the player should be able to choose how cute they want their char to be
A8:30:39 <08Notch> the default should be, imo, less cute. =)
A8:30:48 <08Notch> but if you want super cute, that should be possible
A8:30:52 <Evilgrim> :D
A8:30:55 <08Notch> also, if you want bearded dwarf, that too
A8:31:00 <08Notch> Quatroking: :D
A8:31:03 <Evilgrim> Yes Notch. Your blog. :3
A8:31:06 <Evilgrim> Yay dorfies!
A8:31:15 <Quatroking> Will premmy always have the option to switch to old graphics?
A8:31:16 <08Notch> I have no update planned today, I'll let you know in here if there's anything
A8:31:25 <08Notch> they can choose to use the old model, yes
A8:31:35 <08Notch> but other people will have whatever they've chosen
A8:31:51 <Quatroking> then people should just buy the damn game instead of whining
A8:32:01 <08Notch> it's basically a cool legacy setting available for people who got the game early. =)
A8:32:02 <Wirtualnosc> I bought the game.
A8:32:04 <Quatroking> people wanted reasons to buy the game, here they have them
A8:32:18 <Quatroking> oh so people who don't get the game early can't switch to old mode?
A8:32:22 <08Notch> I'm soo happy I finally added the /indev/ thing as well
A8:32:33 <Wirtualnosc> Early = alpha?
A8:32:33 <08Notch> there will be no old mode
A8:32:41 <Siiseli> :(
A8:32:44 <Quatroking> old mode = old graphics
A8:32:46 <Wirtualnosc> Or early alpha?
A8:32:46 <08Notch> But you can chose that your own char will have the old model
A8:32:51 <08Notch> no, everyone in alpha
A8:32:54 <Wirtualnosc> Oh
A8:32:55 <C418> hey, merry christmas notch
A8:32:56 <08Notch> so everyone so far, and some more
A8:32:59 <08Notch> you too, C418 =D
12A8:33:01 * Dragoon_Jett (JohnGalt@d67-193-178-149.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: Greetings!)
A8:33:09 <08Notch> I got Akira book 1! =D
A8:33:14 <C418> ooh!
A8:33:14 <Quatroking> so everyone who gets premmy after alpha can't switch
A8:33:17 <C418> how many sites has that one?
A8:33:21 <C418> like 400?
A8:33:22 <Quatroking> OH YEAH
A8:33:28 <Quatroking> Notch
A8:33:29 <08Notch> sites?
A8:33:34 <C418> eer. pages
A8:33:36 <Wirtualnosc> He means pages.
A8:33:37 <08Notch> yep, Quatroking.
10A8:33:38 * oldage_ (chatzilla@78-20-134-59.access.telenet.be) has joined #minecraft
A8:33:39 <08Notch> *checks*
A8:33:39 <C418> german word is seiten.
A8:33:40 <Quatroking> hold on hold on
A8:33:41 <C418> har.
10A8:33:42 * oldage_ is now known as oldage
12A8:33:47 * oldage (chatzilla@78-20-134-59.access.telenet.be) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A8:33:56 <08Notch> 360 something =)
A8:34:03 <C418> hrrm
A8:34:04 <Quatroking> I AM THE BEST MINECRAFTIAN THERE IS. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Photos/P1040031.JPG
A8:34:06 <C418> thats the problem with the film
A8:34:11 <Wirtualnosc> My sister loves anime and manga.
A8:34:16 <C418> it wants to have a story that was once over 1000 pages
A8:34:19 <C418> doesn't work well
A8:34:19 <Wirtualnosc> And I... dislike them a bit. :P
A8:34:24 <08Notch> She would've gotten me all five (six?) volumes, she said, but the new printing only has book 1 so far
A8:34:39 <08Notch> The movie didn't cover the entire story either
A8:34:47 <08Notch> it's just the first 1.5 books or so, iirc
A8:35:00 <Quatroking> everyone look at my link it shows how sexy i am
A8:35:17 <C418> hm, yeah, but it isn't a well made story I think
A8:35:23 <08Notch> I got very hooked on the Full Metal Alchemist manga.. I've got the first 21 issues, avaiting the next one in January
A8:35:36 <C418> the visuals are too amazing to notice it, but it's not really well done
A8:35:44 <Quatroking> I have the original printing of Azumanga Daioh
A8:35:50 <08Notch> I loved the Akira movie. =D
A8:36:02 <08Notch> "Keneeedaaaa!!" "Tetsuoooooo!!" "Keneeedaaaa!!" "Tetsuoooooo!!" "Keneeedaaaa!!" "Tetsuoooooo!!"
A8:36:16 <Quatroking> I should watch it again
A8:36:21 <C418> I have issues with the story, but I don't want to say it because it's deep spoilers
A8:36:25 <Quatroking> It reminded me a bit of BASS
A8:36:40 <08Notch> I don't remember the plot in detail, to be honest. That's probably a bad sign
A8:36:58 <Quatroking> but noooootch, look look look: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Photos/P1040031.JPG
A8:36:59 <08Notch> I desperately want them to make a live action version of it. :D
A8:36:59 <C418> as I said, amazing visuals. thats what everyone remembers
A8:37:05 <C418> but they do already
A8:37:06 <Wirtualnosc> My sister has twenty japanese episodes of Shakugan no Shana, with English subtitles
A8:37:07 <Quatroking> I am the best minecraftian there is bois
A8:37:12 <08Notch> there was one planned, but it got canned because it was too expensive
A8:37:16 <08Notch> Oh, they are!? =D
10A8:37:19 * godtremble95 (Mibbit@ip68-12-94-249.ok.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10A8:37:24 * Iguana is now known as Iguana|Depression
A8:37:25 <C418> it's still in planning
10A8:37:28 * Skillkills95 (Skillkills@adsl-69-154-182-163.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:37:28 <Iguana|Depression> I am sad.
A8:37:29 <08Notch> lol Quatroking
A8:37:33 <08Notch> that looks familiar
A8:37:34 <Skillkills95> MERRY CHRISTMAS
A8:37:35 <Skillkills95> xD
A8:37:48 <08Notch> merry you too!
A8:37:50 <Wirtualnosc> Because it's from Docks website, Notch.
A8:37:53 <Quatroking> I am pretty sure that I'm the onyl guy in the entire community to own a dock book
10A8:37:56 * bildramer (Mibbit@ppp-94-69-198-27.home.otenet.gr) has joined #minecraft
12A8:38:00 * godtremble95 (Mibbit@ip68-12-94-249.ok.ok.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A8:38:01 <08Notch> and that's his name on there!
A8:38:05 <Quatroking> Wirtualnosc, the entire book is made by dock
A8:38:06 <08Notch> wow
A8:38:11 <Wirtualnosc> oh, lol
A8:38:13 <bildramer> AAAAAAAAAAA.
A8:38:18 <Quatroking> Yeah I bought it 3 years ago at the local bookstore
A8:38:21 <C418> yeah, i didn't know he made three books in his short life
A8:38:21 <C418> :D
A8:38:24 <08Notch> he's a very talented artist. =D
A8:38:24 <bildramer> 1. Sorry about some hours before :P
A8:38:27 <Quatroking> It really is a great book
A8:38:30 <bildramer> 2. Hey Notch!
A8:38:39 <08Notch> 2. Hi!
A8:38:57 <Skillkills95> Ive got... an air hockey table, a camera, Assasins Creed 2, Modern warfare 2, 2 remote control cars, , Avatar the game
A8:39:07 <Quatroking> I got Overlord 1
A8:39:08 <08Notch> air hockey table!?
A8:39:10 <bildramer> 3. I got fucking rickrolled on a plane :l
A8:39:11 <Quatroking> from Snowman
A8:39:12 <C418> aw, the game?
A8:39:15 <Wirtualnosc> lol
A8:39:16 <08Notch> that's a big gift
A8:39:23 <Skillkills95> Lol
A8:39:26 <Iguana|Depression> My Christmas sucks.
A8:39:28 <bildramer> 4. My biological clock is all messed up
A8:39:31 <bildramer> so, yay
A8:39:33 <Iguana|Depression> I will be in a orner crying now.
A8:39:33 <Skillkills95> My family is pretty rich :p
A8:39:42 <Skillkills95> Though i didnt even want it
A8:39:43 <Skillkills95> xD
A8:39:47 <Wirtualnosc> I've got a clock that has some nice functions, like
A8:39:49 <Quatroking> I gave myself a cheathappens ultimate lifetime account
A8:39:55 <08Notch> I just got the Akira book and.. don't laugh... a Full Metal Alchemist calendar for 2010
A8:40:01 <08Notch> she knows I love the manga. ;)
A8:40:02 <bildramer> any news?
A8:40:06 <C418> air hockey? but I DON'T WANT ONE >:/
A8:40:08 <Wirtualnosc> Termometer or sychronization with atomic clock
A8:40:08 <bildramer> :P
A8:40:09 <Skillkills95> Full Metal Alchemist is awesome
A8:40:14 <Quatroking> I need to watch Lucky Star again
A8:40:20 <Skillkills95> Its the only anime show i WILL watch
A8:40:21 <Skillkills95> xD
A8:40:22 <Quatroking> so kawaii
A8:40:31 <bildramer> I got a magnifying lens...
A8:40:33 <08Notch> yes, but I'm 30. I'm not allowed to have fanboy calenders. :-\
A8:40:35 <bildramer> :/
13A8:40:36 * Quatroking is listening to the Lucky Star OST
A8:40:39 <08Notch> I will anyway, of course
A8:40:40 <Wirtualnosc> I only like One Piece and Dragon Ball xD
10A8:40:45 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
A8:40:45 <Iguana|Depression> I got Borderlands. And it wasn't even for the PC. And it was an early present.
A8:40:49 <Iguana|Depression> And that's all I got. :/
A8:40:49 <Quatroking> Notch get some wallscrolls
A8:40:57 <08Notch> borderlands is good :D
A8:41:02 <Iguana|Depression> But not on Xbox.
A8:41:05 <Iguana|Depression> No sir.
A8:41:07 <08Notch> no?
A8:41:08 <Quatroking> I've got two wallscrolls, both from Ghost in the Shell
A8:41:10 <Quatroking> they're HUGE
10A8:41:13 * SDX (chatzilla@iD4708864.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
13A8:41:13 * bildramer must install stuff
A8:41:14 <08Notch> what are wallscrolls?
A8:41:18 <Iguana|Depression> I like it on PC better. :/
A8:41:19 <bildramer> I'm in Greece! Yay!
A8:41:37 <Iguana|Depression> :/
A8:41:40 <Iguana|Depression> I'm at home.
12A8:41:42 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A8:41:42 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A8:41:42 <08Notch> borderlands is one of the reasons updates were a bit delayed.. ;)
A8:41:46 <Iguana|Depression> Crying. About my sucky Christmas.
A8:41:48 <Quatroking> Notch: http://hacksess.com/public/images/current/goddess-wallscroll.jpg
A8:41:50 <Quatroking> for example
13A8:41:58 * Notch gives Iguana|Depression a manly hug
A8:42:04 <Iguana|Depression> D:
A8:42:11 <08Notch> oh cool
A8:42:13 <08Notch> no hug?
13A8:42:17 * Iguana|Depression hugs back
A8:42:18 <08Notch> too soon?
A8:42:21 <08Notch> oh yay! =D
A8:42:25 <VurtualRuler98> Quatroking, that is creepier than anything I've ever seen.
A8:42:30 <08Notch> lol
A8:42:38 <Evilgrim> How? :3
A8:42:46 <Quatroking> VurtualRuler98, let me dig up some photo's of my bedroom
A8:42:50 <Quatroking> its sexy.
A8:42:56 <Wirtualnosc> Hentai...?
A8:43:03 <VurtualRuler98> I'm never leaving my house just to be sure nah I'm just kidding, you're just boring.
A8:43:32 <Evilgrim> Wirtual. >_> Palcomix make hentai on a lot of things. Doesn't mean it was decent BEFORE they.. Corrupted it.. Bleh.
A8:43:54 <Wirtualnosc> Uhh?
A8:44:04 <Wirtualnosc> What are you talking about?
A8:44:11 <Quatroking> uploading..
A8:44:14 <Quatroking> Oh hey palcomix
A8:44:23 <Quatroking> palcomix sucks, get some Zone.
A8:44:29 <Quatroking> seriously
A8:44:36 <Quatroking> Nothing beats Zone.
A8:45:01 <Quatroking> linkdump incoming
A8:45:03 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P7050017.JPG
A8:45:08 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P7050016.JPG
A8:45:13 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P7050015.JPG
A8:45:17 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P7050014.JPG
A8:45:21 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P7050013.JPG
A8:45:24 <08Notch> gaaahhh
A8:45:26 <Quatroking> first two are my wallscrolls
A8:45:27 <08Notch> flooooodd
A8:45:28 <Wirtualnosc> SPAAAM! AAAH!
A8:45:43 <VurtualRuler98> Pff.
A8:45:47 <Quatroking> and the other three are my figure collection and stuff
A8:45:56 <08Notch> anyone have Spotify and want to listen to some swedish prog?
A8:46:02 <Evilgrim> Quatroking. You are epic.
A8:46:02 <Quatroking> noooootch
A8:46:04 <VurtualRuler98> Your scrolls have nothing against my WALL OF TVs.
A8:46:05 <Wirtualnosc> Yay! :D
A8:46:05 <Quatroking> look at theeeem
A8:46:09 <Quatroking> Evilgrim, yes.
A8:46:21 <Wirtualnosc> New Super Mario Bros.! :DE
A8:46:23 <Wirtualnosc> :D
A8:46:31 <Quatroking> wii?
A8:46:34 <Wirtualnosc> DS.
A8:46:34 <Iguana|Depression> Quatro, don't you live in an attic or something...
A8:46:38 <Quatroking> I do.
A8:46:48 <Quatroking> Best possible bedroom there is
A8:46:49 <08Notch> ok that does it..
A8:47:05 <08Notch> when Ez and I move in together, I get my own room (officially an "office")
A8:47:13 <Quatroking> haha
A8:47:15 <08Notch> I'm going to cram it full with nedy crap :D
A8:47:17 <08Notch> *nerdy
A8:47:17 <Quatroking> Take the attic
A8:47:23 <Wirtualnosc> And this will be Mojang HQ?
A8:47:26 <08Notch> yeah
A8:47:38 <08Notch> I'll take pics for you when it's somewhat set up. :D
A8:47:40 <Quatroking> Its huge, provides enough power (most attics have their own electricity group)
A8:47:47 <Quatroking> and its just cool.
A8:47:50 <08Notch> actually, I shouldn't jinx this.. the apartment swap deal isn't final yet
A8:48:06 <08Notch> it's an apartment, there is no attic
A8:48:08 <C418> that totoro plush doesn't look really cute
A8:48:09 <Iguana|Depression> Notch, you should totally make mob plushies.
A8:48:11 <Iguana|Depression> I'd buy one.
A8:48:18 <08Notch> yes, I should. :D
A8:48:25 <Quatroking> the pics are outdated tho...
A8:48:25 <Iguana|Depression> Sheep plushies.
A8:48:27 <08Notch> the papercraft ones from a while back were awesome though
A8:48:32 <Quatroking> should I take some of the new stuff I have?
A8:48:33 <Iguana|Depression> Indeed they were.
A8:48:47 <08Notch> someone should sell high quality versions of those
A8:48:54 <Quatroking> I have a HUGE totoro tree
A8:49:05 <Quatroking> and explosm
A8:49:09 <08Notch> Quatroking: yes, but please done spam links again. ;)
A8:49:20 <Quatroking> Its two links this time, probably
A8:49:30 <Quatroking> will cram them in one message
A8:49:38 <08Notch> great, thanks =)
A8:49:39 <Quatroking> should i include my desktop too
A8:49:45 <08Notch> yes you should
A8:51:51 <Wirtualnosc> I'm curious about reason, why mobs were deleted from creative, singleplayer? I think I know, these were only experimentations, but many people liked them a lot, and... Well, it was optional to add them, wasn't it? :)
A8:52:15 <C418> to be honest
A8:52:22 <C418> those mobs didn't look professional
A8:52:27 <C418> and I think they never were
A8:52:41 <08Notch> I agree. The mobs had some charm, but they were the weakest part of the game
A8:52:54 <Wirtualnosc> Oh.
A8:53:10 <08Notch> but.. the reason they never got into creative was that the first version where they were in was just a quick test
A8:53:22 <08Notch> when I implemented them for real, I never added them to creative
A8:53:44 <08Notch> I'm probably going to let you spawn stationary mobs or harmless mobs in creative mode so you can decorate your levels with them
A8:54:05 <08Notch> and it's going to be needed for when you can load maps made in creative and play them in survival or dungeon mode
A8:54:12 <Iguana|Depression> Notch, make a mob holding a torch.
A8:54:14 <C418> sounds a bit like garrys mod
A8:54:19 <Quatroking> uploading..
A8:54:24 <Iguana|Depression> So I can make stupid people inside my dungeons as guards.
A8:54:24 <08Notch> i guess..
A8:54:34 <08Notch> hehe
A8:54:39 <Wirtualnosc> Dungeon mode?
A8:54:40 <08Notch> moving lightsources is a bit of a problem
A8:54:42 <Wirtualnosc> What will it be?
A8:54:51 <Wirtualnosc> Never heard about it.
A8:54:52 <08Notch> dungeon mode is like survival mode, except you can't build
A8:54:58 <Iguana|Depression> Notch, make them stationary. I just want dudes standing in place with torches.
A8:55:07 <Iguana|Depression> You can break blocks though?
A8:55:17 <Quatroking> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P1050034.JPG - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P1050033.JPG - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P1050032.JPG - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P1050031.JPG - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1673597/Room/P1050031%20%282%29.JPG
A8:55:19 <08Notch> only some
A8:55:20 <Evilgrim> What was I thinking of? The one with switches that send out pulses or something.. Bleh.. Old blog post..
A8:55:21 <08Notch> like wood
A8:55:29 <08Notch> yes, that's what I mean, Evilgrim. =)
A8:55:34 <Wirtualnosc> Dirt too?
A8:55:35 <08Notch> the dungeon mode is planned for that expansion
A8:55:36 <Iguana|Depression> SPEAKING OF DUNGEON MODE. When'd you think you would be able to release some sort of playable demo?
A8:55:40 <08Notch> no, Wirtualnosc
A8:55:50 <Quatroking> that includes the head of my bowser cosplay and my recently acquired Alone in the Dark figurine
A8:55:51 <08Notch> of dungeon mode? that's after the game is done
A8:56:02 <08Notch> I need to finish up the inventory system for survival mode now, before the end of the year
A8:56:03 <Iguana|Depression> Oh.
A8:56:09 <Quatroking> notch look look look
A8:56:12 <08Notch> then add crafting.. then I can start doing the multiplayer code
A8:56:13 <Iguana|Depression> 70 more builds to go through.
A8:56:14 <Iguana|Depression> :D
A8:56:28 <Iguana|Depression> Carl, let me feel your wood. :/
A8:56:31 <Iguana|Depression> You would Quatro.
10A8:56:36 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip68-14-140-217.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:56:45 <Quatroking> :D
A8:56:53 <Quatroking> its so DIRTy
A8:57:02 <Iguana|Depression> -lame pun-
12A8:57:04 * SDX (chatzilla@iD4708864.versanet.de) Quit (Quit: www.sd.x.gg)
A8:57:05 <Evilgrim> Your pc area is just like mine. O.o
A8:57:13 <08Notch> lol
A8:57:14 <Iguana|Depression> Oh look. My mum is sending me some money tonight says my dad.
A8:57:15 <Quatroking> oh
A8:57:27 <08Notch> my desk is really messy atm
A8:57:29 <Quatroking> just noticed I have this old cup of soup standing here
A8:57:42 <Quatroking> curry soup... last monday
A8:57:46 <08Notch> You know what? I still feel inspired, I will go implement some inventory code now
10A8:57:48 * Iguana|Depression is now known as Iguana|SAD
A8:57:50 <Quatroking> I should probably clean that up
A8:57:52 <Iguana|SAD> Shorter name now.
A8:57:53 <08Notch> I promised myself I'd take today off, but.. :D
A8:58:04 <Iguana|SAD> And that's why we love you.
A8:58:11 <Evilgrim> Yay! Best of luck Notch<63>
A8:58:14 <08Notch> it's much easier to get inspired when there's no pressure, I guess
A8:58:24 <KatamariManatee> Notch, if people still don't like Docks designs... Can I help you with character designs?
13A8:58:26 * Evilgrim thwaks her new keyboard.
A8:58:27 <08Notch> i'll upload it to indev when I've got something. It'll be a few hours
A8:58:28 <Iguana|SAD> It's Christmas, so I wouldn't want you working today either.
A8:58:36 <Iguana|SAD> YOU HAVE DONE GOOD. Enjoy yourself. :d
A8:58:43 <08Notch> KatamariManatee: Well, *I* like his designs. :D
A8:58:45 <Evilgrim> Iguana, the fact is some sad people HAVE to work on Christmas. >_<
13A8:58:48 * Quatroking should get rid of this lame world map
A8:58:58 <Quatroking> does anyone know a good replacement
A8:59:02 <Iguana|SAD> Evilgrim, has a job, what.
A8:59:04 <08Notch> actually, the xmas holiday thingie was yesterday in sweden. We celebrate the 24'th
A8:59:10 <Iguana|SAD> :o
A8:59:16 <08Notch> we get the 25'th off too, though
A8:59:26 <Wirtualnosc> In polish, we celebrate 25'th and 26'th.
A8:59:34 <Iguana|SAD> In Canada we celebrate today.
A8:59:36 <Iguana|SAD> :o
A8:59:37 <C418> we celebrate on the 24th and have christmas till 26th
A8:59:46 <08Notch> yeah, I guess it's the same here, C418
A8:59:51 <Iguana|SAD> And Viet Nam though, we don't celebrate anything. :/
A9:00:03 <KatamariManatee> Notch: I dunno, you like 'em, but there is lots of people who don't... One person is going out of his way to try and stop you.
13A9:00:03 * Quatroking is the true anime king of the community
13A9:00:12 * Iguana|SAD steals all of Quatro's stuff
A9:00:18 <08Notch> There's Julafon (yesterday), with the food and the gifts. Juldagen (today) with leftovers and doing nothing, then Annandag Jul tomorrow, which is just boring and lots of closed stores
A9:00:20 <Iguana|SAD> Oh cool, my mum is calling me.
A9:00:22 <Quatroking> too bad you're an emo today, iguana
A9:00:31 <Iguana|SAD> D:
A9:00:38 <Quatroking> and you know what they say about emo's
A9:00:42 <Iguana|SAD> Nope.
10A9:00:50 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
A9:00:50 <Quatroking> they say "fuck you, emo's"
A9:00:57 <Iguana|SAD> You would like that. :D
A9:01:00 <08Notch> KatamariManatee: Yes, I'm going to try to tone down whatever I feel can be and should be toned down, as long as Dock agrees. Just because of the feedback
A9:01:26 <08Notch> but I love his strong sense of characters, and he has some really interesting ideas on what we can do with customization and so. I think he kinda gets what I'm trying to do.
A9:01:39 <Iguana|SAD> How old is Dock?
A9:01:39 <Quatroking> He's looking into a suggestion I made
12A9:01:46 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A9:01:46 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A9:01:55 <08Notch> 29 or 30
A9:01:57 <08Notch> or 31?
A9:02:18 <Quatroking> I suggested him to use slightly curved corners instead of full curves and he thought it was an okay idea
A9:02:19 <08Notch> no, he's probably 30. He was born 79, I think, same as me
A9:02:35 <C418> what dock uses is to pump up a cube
A9:02:37 <08Notch> I think that sounds like a good idea, Quatroking
A9:02:41 <C418> it looks round-ish and has no sharp edges
A9:02:45 <Iguana|SAD> Sweeeet. My mum says she'll pay for my next 4 months of ninjutsu, and she's paying from all the way in the US.
A9:02:46 <Iguana|SAD> Yay.
A9:02:49 <PixelScrooge> sup notch
A9:02:51 <Iguana|SAD> I am not AS sad now.
A9:02:59 <08Notch> lol Iguana
A9:03:04 <Quatroking> Notch: Yeah, it keeps the blocky part and makes it look nicer
A9:03:06 <08Notch> xmas is supposed to be happytime!
A9:03:15 <Iguana|SAD> Kayakujutsu next month, so I am pumped.
A9:03:18 <Evilgrim> "Not for Iguana"?
A9:03:20 <08Notch> some blockiness needs to go to get nicer graphics
A9:03:22 <Iguana|SAD> Playin' with explosives and fire! >:D
10A9:03:26 * Wirtualnosc is now known as Wirtualnosc|HAPPY
A9:03:43 <KatamariManatee> I like blocky-ness, though...
A9:03:45 <Wirtualnosc|HAPPY> See, Iguana? I'm happy!
A9:03:56 <08Notch> I sold 38 copies the day before yesterday..
A9:04:04 <KatamariManatee> How do you change your name?
A9:04:07 <08Notch> that's just crazy much compared to normal
A9:04:30 <Iguana|SAD> Hey Notch, figured out my server freezing problem yet? :P
A9:04:41 <08Notch> and that was right after we announced Dock. So it's either people who want to keep their old models, or people who like dock's graphics, or a little bit of both. ;)
A9:04:49 <Iguana|SAD> How all my browsers freeze for a second or 2 before loadin' a servaaarrr.
A9:05:06 <08Notch> I don't know what causes that yet..
A9:05:17 <Iguana|SAD> Alright, fine by me. :D
A9:05:17 <08Notch> It works for me, haha. :D But I guess that's not helpful at all
A9:05:38 <C418> I can't use chrome for minecraft
A9:05:44 <C418> chrome has the habit of freezing sometimes
A9:05:48 <08Notch> i haven't tried chrome
A9:05:52 <C418> at least with minecraft
A9:06:02 <08Notch> I've had it crash several times just browsing
A9:06:14 <C418> that shouldn't happen
A9:06:14 <08Notch> it's pretty painless to restart it, though. But I still prefer FF
A9:06:21 <Wirtualnosc|HAPPY> I prefer Opera 10.
A9:06:23 <KatamariManatee> I think when minecraft is done, there should be...
A9:06:26 <08Notch> that was on my last computer, I haven't tried it on this computer
A9:06:27 <KatamariManatee> A PSP PORT
10A9:06:27 * Wirtualnosc|HAPPY is now known as Wirtualnosc
A9:06:31 <C418> well, it probably doesn't happen anymore
A9:06:36 <08Notch> oh, ok =)
A9:06:38 <Iguana|SAD> Katamari, I think DS is better.
A9:06:47 <Iguana|SAD> But I hate Nintendo anyways, no offense.
A9:06:49 <KatamariManatee> What? HOW DARE YOU, SIR
A9:06:53 <Wirtualnosc> All nintendo consoles are really good :D
A9:07:01 <KatamariManatee> DS doesn't even compare.
10A9:07:11 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A9:07:15 <Iguana|SAD> Only thing I play is Pokemon Blue on my Game Boy Color.
A9:07:15 <Wirtualnosc> What? DS is very good |:(
A9:07:44 <KatamariManatee> For very little. All I like on there is Hotel Dusk and Phoenix Wright.
10A9:07:56 * DragoonEnRegalia (Mibbit@cpe-173-173-72-234.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A9:07:59 <Wirtualnosc> I'm trying to buy either DS or Wii
A9:08:06 <Wirtualnosc> but I don't have much money...
A9:08:15 <KatamariManatee> Get the wii. IT'll have Cave story
A9:08:21 <Wirtualnosc> Yeah, Wii is better.
A9:08:24 <Wirtualnosc> But DS is cheaper.
A9:08:32 <DragoonEnRegalia> Cave Story's fine where it is...for me.
A9:08:33 <Wirtualnosc> And I don't have money for both of them.
A9:08:38 <Iguana|SAD> Wtf.
A9:08:42 <Iguana|SAD> My guitar string snapper.
A9:08:46 <Iguana|SAD> snapped*
A9:08:48 <DragoonEnRegalia> Ow.
A9:08:53 <Quatroking> If you have to choose between a Wii and DS, think of what you want
13A9:09:10 * Iguana|SAD rages and crys more
A9:09:11 <Wirtualnosc> Wii for awesomeness, DS for price.
A9:09:26 <KatamariManatee> Wii has much better titles on WiiWare than DS has on DSiWare
A9:09:32 <Wirtualnosc> I know.
A9:09:45 <Quatroking> A system thats great with homebrew and can run wonderful old games, emulated perfectly or a handheld that can be pirated real quick
A9:09:46 <Wirtualnosc> But I don't earn really much pocket money :|
A9:09:52 <KatamariManatee> I have a Dsi...
A9:09:59 <Quatroking> I myself have a Wii and my little brother has a DS
A9:10:06 <KatamariManatee> I don't really play much on it...
A9:10:09 <Quatroking> I prefer the Wii because oh the homebrew
A9:10:14 <Quatroking> of*
A9:10:16 <Wirtualnosc> Only 10 PLN/month, which is about 2,5 EUR/month
A9:10:20 <Iguana|SAD> Oh cool, I hve a pile of broken guitar strings.
A9:10:22 <Iguana|SAD> I count 9.
A9:10:49 <DragoonEnRegalia> So, seems like the aftermath of the Mochi Debacle is over
A9:10:55 <KatamariManatee> Get a PSP, it has some good games! (Not a pspgo, though. Those are terrible)
A9:10:57 <DragoonEnRegalia> I...
A9:11:00 <DragoonEnRegalia> Hate....
A9:11:03 <DragoonEnRegalia> Trolls...
A9:11:06 <DragoonEnRegalia> Meh.
A9:11:36 <Wirtualnosc> Play Tibia, you can kill trolls here even at lvl 2.
A9:11:40 <DragoonEnRegalia> Lol
10A9:13:19 * Koitenshin (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A9:14:17 <Koitenshin> So i Missed all the fun
A9:14:29 <Koitenshin> Notch was here and now he's gone
A9:14:35 <DragoonEnRegalia> Idling.
A9:14:38 <DragoonEnRegalia> AFK.
A9:14:41 <Iguana|SAD> Dev'ing probably.
A9:14:41 <08Notch> Watching movies of the Pandora :D
A9:14:43 <08Notch> then I will dev
A9:14:50 <Iguana|SAD> He said something about inventory dev today.
A9:14:52 <Evilgrim> What's that game.. Where the guy gets the sword.. And the sword is a evil immortal.. And you go insane?
A9:14:55 <Koitenshin> Wow, will you stream it again?
A9:14:59 <Iguana|SAD> And something released at the end of the day, or something.
A9:15:12 <Koitenshin> For some reason, I like watching people dev. =3
A9:15:13 <Iguana|SAD> Evilgrim, real life.
A9:15:19 <SMP> notch is working on christmas? :O
A9:15:21 <Iguana|SAD> That happened to be last week.
A9:15:26 <Wirtualnosc> Yes, he is, SMP.
A9:15:34 <Super-Dot> He was INSPIRED
A9:15:45 <Evilgrim> But.. RL doesn't have centuars.. And flying horses.. And..
A9:15:45 <C418> closed code usually means no livestreams of coding
A9:15:49 <Super-Dot> The spirit of Christmas inspired him
A9:15:56 <Iguana|SAD> Evilgrim, YES IT DOES.
12A9:15:57 * KatamariManatee (Mibbit@ip68-14-140-217.ri.ri.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A9:15:59 <Koitenshin> Forgot about that, good point c418.
A9:16:27 <Koitenshin> I really should be working myself.
A9:16:30 <Super-Dot> He could blur the screen, so that all you see is text increasing in quantity
A9:16:30 <Evilgrim> :D
A9:16:42 <C418> how lame would that be
A9:16:48 <Super-Dot> That's almost as fascinating
A9:16:50 <Koitenshin> Pretty lame.
10A9:17:04 * mloc (mloc@ has joined #minecraft
A9:17:15 <Koitenshin> I guess I just need to look up 3d arrays in java
A9:17:30 <serp> 3d arrays are arrays with 3 indices
A9:17:31 <Skillkills95> Modern Warfare 2 is awesome
A9:17:48 <08Notch> it's a bit short
A9:17:56 <serp> you could just use a 1d array and do some clever math when indexing it
A9:17:59 <Iguana|SAD> MP is good.
A9:18:01 <Koitenshin> I'm tempted to grab Borderlands.
10A9:18:01 * Icenisse (Mibbit@c-e228e253.159-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
A9:18:03 <08Notch> that's what I do, serp
A9:18:06 <Koitenshin> Since his review
A9:18:11 <08Notch> 3d arrays are slower (sometimes) and use more ram (always)
A9:18:15 <Icenisse> ohai notch
A9:18:18 <serp> it will make it easier to compress it for instance
A9:18:29 <08Notch> hi icenisse
A9:18:32 <Icenisse> :D
A9:19:05 <Icenisse> Notch is it true that you joined ANNZZ server of DOOM?
A9:19:07 <Koitenshin> So I've been told I have to think of a present to be gifted.
A9:19:13 <Koitenshin> Problem is I don't know.
A9:19:20 <08Notch> I don't know, Icenisse
A9:19:27 <Icenisse> ok
A9:19:35 <08Notch> I went on some servers recently, yes. But that was through links in here
A9:19:36 <Iguana|SAD> Icenisse, maybe verify names is false?
A9:19:42 <08Notch> so I don't know what the servers were called
A9:19:46 <Icenisse> It was on true
A9:19:53 <Iguana|SAD> Hmmm.
A9:19:56 <Icenisse> there was a guy there named Notch
A9:20:04 <Icenisse> and he said like I AM NOTCH
A9:20:09 <Iguana|SAD> Lol.
A9:20:12 <08Notch> I don't say that. =)
A9:20:12 <Koitenshin> Then it was a fake.
A9:20:20 <Icenisse> good :)
A9:20:25 <Iguana|SAD> I was about to say "Notch doesn't sound like he'd do that"
A9:20:29 <Koitenshin> There's been several instances of a fake Notch running around.
10A9:20:33 * asiekierka (asiekierka@host-81-190-247-56.malbork.mm.pl) has joined #minecraft
10A9:20:35 * asiekierka (asiekierka@host-81-190-247-56.malbork.mm.pl) has left #minecraft
A9:20:36 <08Notch> why not? After all,
A9:20:37 <Evilgrim> http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/528/minefinal3png.png
A9:20:38 <Koitenshin> Only happens on servers with verify-names=false
A9:20:39 <Evilgrim> I'm scared.
A9:20:41 <08Notch> I AM NOTCH
A9:20:47 <Icenisse> :D
A9:20:47 <Iguana|SAD> I LOVE THAT PICTURE.
A9:20:48 <Koitenshin> >_>
A9:20:51 <Iguana|SAD> It is disturbing.
A9:20:53 <Iguana|SAD> But I love it.
A9:20:54 <Icenisse> wow really?
10A9:20:55 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
A9:20:59 <08Notch> hahaha
A9:21:01 <Evilgrim> It's scary!It looks like.. Rape.. O.e
13A9:21:03 * Evilgrim coughs.
A9:21:04 <bildramer> do what?
A9:21:09 <bildramer> erm...
A9:21:11 <Koitenshin> That's exactly what I was thinking.
A9:21:12 <Iguana|SAD> I'm almost a ninja.
A9:21:13 <bildramer> asie?
A9:21:18 <Iguana|SAD> I need some ninja garbs and stuff now.
A9:21:30 <PixelScrooge> urgh
A9:21:42 <Icenisse> Blog updated!
A9:21:43 <bildramer> well.....
A9:21:51 <bildramer> anything?
12A9:21:51 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:21:51 <Icenisse> Blog updated 4 seconds ago!
10A9:21:51 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A9:21:56 <bildramer> woot
A9:22:03 <08Notch> it's not minecraft related =)
A9:22:13 <Iguana|SAD> OpenPandora.
A9:22:15 <Iguana|SAD> Whaatt.
A9:22:16 <Evilgrim> What's pandora? :3
13A9:22:18 * Iguana|SAD checks out the site
A9:22:19 <Koitenshin> So the Pandora will FINALLY be done?
A9:22:27 <08Notch> it's a hobby made game console
A9:22:27 <Iguana|SAD> Cheap ripoff of a DS?
A9:22:39 <Koitenshin> It's perfect for emulation.
A9:22:41 <08Notch> 10 hours battery time, pretty good hardware
A9:22:46 <Koitenshin> and no it isn't cheap
A9:22:51 <Koitenshin> check out the hardware specs
A9:22:55 <08Notch> yeah, it's like the PERFECT emulation platform. =)
A9:22:58 <SMP> god, why does MW2 take so long to install D:
A9:22:59 <VurtualRuler98> Looks like a phone.
10A9:22:59 * asiekierka (asiekierka@host-81-190-247-56.malbork.mm.pl) has joined #minecraft
A9:23:05 <VurtualRuler98> But a really cool one.
A9:23:10 <asiekierka> hello! :D
A9:23:17 <Icenisse> looks like a mini-laptop
A9:23:18 <08Notch> And it's got touch screen and a keyboard, so I will use it to emulate an Atari ST and an Amiga :D
A9:23:21 <08Notch> I miss those days
A9:23:28 <VurtualRuler98> pff
A9:23:33 <VurtualRuler98> It needs original games.
A9:23:34 <08Notch> yeah, it's like an extremely small laptop with gaming controls. :D
A9:23:40 <Evilgrim> I don't get it...
A9:23:47 <08Notch> it runs linux, so it should run antyhing that will compile for it
A9:23:54 <asiekierka> I wanted to get a pandora but i'm out of money
A9:23:58 <Iguana|SAD> Sounds cool.
A9:23:59 <08Notch> it's got opengl es as well, so it can do pretty nice 3d as well
A9:24:03 <08Notch> like better than the PSP
A9:24:05 <Iguana|SAD> They have a price range or something, set up?
A9:24:12 <asiekierka> i heard about it quite a few huge months ago
A9:24:15 <08Notch> I think it's like 300 euros
13A9:24:18 * VurtualRuler98 starts porting Steam
13A9:24:21 * VurtualRuler98 stops
A9:24:25 <08Notch> that was fast!
A9:24:31 <Iguana|SAD> That's around $400 or something in Canadian.
A9:24:32 <Icenisse> It's like a laptop with xbox, computer, touch screen and linux
A9:24:34 <Iguana|SAD> Idk, something like that.
A9:24:37 <VurtualRuler98> 432.36
A9:24:40 <VurtualRuler98> No way man.
A9:24:46 <Iguana|SAD> :/
A9:24:51 <Iguana|SAD> It more than a PS3.
13A9:24:53 * VurtualRuler98 unports Steam
A9:24:56 <Icenisse> 300 euros is like 3000 kr
A9:25:01 <Icenisse> pretty good price
A9:25:02 <08Notch> if it's anywhere near as good as it sounds, it's well worth the money
10A9:25:04 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
12A9:25:05 * bildramer (Mibbit@ppp-94-69-198-27.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A9:25:11 <asiekierka> i think it is
A9:25:13 <08Notch> 10 hours of battery time, FOR REAL. Not in standby
A9:25:15 <Iguana|SAD> You could so totally play Minecraft on that.
A9:25:17 <Iguana|SAD> :d
A9:25:18 <VurtualRuler98> You know what.
13A9:25:18 * asiekierka ports Java and lwjgl to it
A9:25:20 <08Notch> real, actual, game playing time. 10 hours.
A9:25:30 <Koitenshin> asie, how goes the zombies?
A9:25:30 <Iguana|SAD> Could I play Ssteam games on that? :P
A9:25:31 <08Notch> a jvm for the pandora would be great
A9:25:35 <PixelScrooge> RAGHATGH
A9:25:39 <VurtualRuler98> Why not get a laptop?
A9:25:40 <08Notch> no, it doesn't run x86 code
A9:25:45 <08Notch> it's an ARM cpu
A9:25:48 <Iguana|SAD> VurtualRuler98, I am too poor.
A9:25:49 <asiekierka> Koitenshin: Pretty cool but it lags too much
A9:25:53 <VurtualRuler98> Better controls, decent compatibility.
A9:25:54 <Icenisse> I wonder if you can plug it into a home-cinema
A9:26:00 <08Notch> this fits in a pocket, has gaming controls, and has 10 hours of battery time
A9:26:02 <Iguana|SAD> A decent laptop around here is like $1200
A9:26:04 <08Notch> no laptop will do that
A9:26:05 <Koitenshin> we should test it on a better server then
A9:26:24 <Iguana|SAD> Now, time to figure out mapping in CC.
A9:26:29 <Icenisse> is it fast?
A9:26:29 <VurtualRuler98> Around here 1200 gets you an overpowered laptop that won't run anything because you put Ubuntu on it.
A9:26:34 <Iguana|SAD> And then I must learn Java by myself. o.o
A9:26:47 <08Notch> it's fairly fast. I think 600 mhz, but it's a really fast mhz per mhz
A9:26:48 <Icenisse> java is hard <.<
10A9:26:50 * SDX (chatzilla@iD47089D3.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
A9:27:00 <Icenisse> :O
A9:27:01 <PixelScrooge> naaaah
A9:27:02 <Icenisse> :D
A9:27:03 <Wirtualnosc> I know only basics of Java and C++, and I know how to make good games in MMF2
A9:27:03 <PixelScrooge> not really
A9:27:11 <asiekierka> Now, time to say I just made my own isocraft in pure PHP. Pretty optimized, too, I think.
A9:27:16 <Wirtualnosc> which isn't language, too bad :|
A9:27:30 <Koitenshin> asie....details would be nice on that php page
A9:27:42 <asiekierka> well
A9:27:49 <Icenisse> Btw Notch cant you convince Dock to come here to the IRC?
A9:27:49 <asiekierka> the slowest part is loading the file itself into memory
A9:28:05 <Koitenshin> Dock has been here in the IRC already
A9:28:11 <Icenisse> :O
A9:28:14 <08Notch> oh he was on? Cool. :)
A9:28:20 <asiekierka> it takes 50 seconds for a 2MB file
A9:28:25 <asiekierka> to be loaded into memory
12A9:28:26 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
A9:28:33 <asiekierka> (128 cube)
A9:28:35 <Koitenshin> well most maps aren't 2mb.
A9:28:39 <08Notch> I won't force him to be on irc, I know how much work that can be, hehe
A9:28:42 <asiekierka> as in its uncompressed
A9:28:46 <Koitenshin> Not until Notch either upgrades the limit or removes it.
A9:28:46 <Icenisse> ok
A9:28:48 <VurtualRuler98> Dock and Notch are never around simeltaneously.
10A9:28:49 * Iguana|SAD is now known as Iguana
A9:28:52 <VurtualRuler98> They are the same person.
A9:28:54 <08Notch> lol
A9:28:59 <08Notch> damnit, he's on to us
A9:29:03 <08Notch> <Dock> crap
A9:29:07 <Wirtualnosc> lol
A9:29:09 <Koitenshin> please say'll you'll upgrade the limit or remove it soon.
A9:29:11 <Icenisse> xD
A9:29:16 <08Notch> I will, yes. Kinda
A9:29:18 <Koitenshin> these small maps are so cramping my style
A9:29:30 <asiekierka> it takes 1 minute 50 seconds to parse it total
A9:29:37 <08Notch> I will probably have a smaller max size for survival maps
A9:29:41 <08Notch> maps that huge will NOT work
A9:29:47 <08Notch> too many mobs
A9:29:50 <VurtualRuler98> Did someone hint at the possiblity of larger Minecraft maps?
A9:29:50 <Koitenshin> that's fine with me asie, pure php means about everyone can use it.
A9:29:55 <VurtualRuler98> Also, change the mob code, make an AI director.
A9:29:56 <asiekierka> yes
A9:29:59 <asiekierka> i plan to put it online
A9:30:01 <asiekierka> and optimize it further
A9:30:12 <Koitenshin> I keep hinting virtual
A9:30:24 <Koitenshin> every time my maps hit 1mb on my server they break
A9:30:26 <VurtualRuler98> Whee, we can have bigger than 2048x2048x24
A9:30:29 <Koitenshin> and people can't connect
A9:30:36 <Icenisse> If you can get Omen maps into single player (you can), uoi can get maps of any size
A9:30:43 <Icenisse> you*
A9:30:44 <08Notch> "OMAP3530 - 720 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX530 GPU + 520 MHz C64x+ DSP + ISP (Image Signal Processor)"
A9:30:44 <asiekierka> attempting optimization
A9:30:47 <Koitenshin> Yeah but I like hosting.
A9:30:56 <08Notch> I want my Pandora NOW
A9:30:57 <VurtualRuler98> SP can only handle maps so big last I knew.
A9:31:05 <VurtualRuler98> brb 2048x0248x256
A9:31:14 <Icenisse> too bad
A9:31:17 <Wirtualnosc> Notch, but if you will make small size maps for survival, then maybe make something like 9x9 square of maps, and player will be able to go thru them?
A9:31:24 <asiekierka> actually MC can only do up to 1024 in each dimension
A9:31:29 <asiekierka> with the current protocol
A9:31:33 <VurtualRuler98> asiekierka, you are wrong.
A9:31:37 <asiekierka> no, i am right
A9:31:38 <VurtualRuler98> I did 2048x2048x24
A9:31:40 <asiekierka> BUT
A9:31:43 <asiekierka> other players wont see you
A9:31:46 <08Notch> larger than 1024 will bug out
A9:31:52 <asiekierka> they'll think positions 1024-2048 are -1023 - 0
A9:32:00 <VurtualRuler98> I walked a kilometer.
A9:32:02 <08Notch> the player positions are sent as signed shorts
A9:32:08 <Watchman> [NOTCHBLOG] The Pandora will be done soon. I cant wait! http://notch.tumblr.com/post/299991998
A9:32:14 <08Notch> slow bot is slow
A9:32:20 <PuyoDead> Yup.
A9:32:23 <asiekierka> slower bot is slower
A9:32:25 <Icenisse> oh right I have a question
A9:32:33 <Icenisse> one block is 1 m3
A9:32:34 <08Notch> <Watchman> [BREAKING NEWS] The Hindenburg just blew up!
A9:32:42 <Icenisse> the player is 1m 70cm
A9:32:42 <asiekierka> slowest bot is slowest
A9:32:51 <asiekierka> <Watchman> [BREAKING NEWS] Text invented!
10A9:32:53 * leBMD (chatzilla@ip68-97-25-113.ok.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A9:33:01 <Icenisse> then how fast does the player walk?
A9:33:08 <08Notch> Icenisse: I haven't checked!
A9:33:09 <leBMD> hey guys, guess what?
A9:33:10 <asiekierka> 2nd run: 2 mins 10 seconds
A9:33:19 <PuyoDead> asie is unbanned?
A9:33:21 <08Notch> what, leBMD?
A9:33:29 <08Notch> well, he's on a different ip
A9:33:30 <leBMD> I finally bought the game! :D
A9:33:32 <VurtualRuler98> Generating Omen grassland, 2048*2048*256.
A9:33:37 <PuyoDead> *facepalm*
A9:33:37 <08Notch> I said if he was civil and calm, he could be in here
A9:33:45 <08Notch> consider it a test. ;)
A9:33:51 <08Notch> yay leBMD! =D
A9:33:57 <Icenisse> Great!
A9:34:02 <Koitenshin> asie, will it be able to do all 4 sides instead of just one?
A9:34:15 <leBMD> now I just have to learn to make skins that are better than 3 color mudkips. XD
A9:34:23 <VurtualRuler98> #minecraft's unban procedure appears to be "proxy in and act cool until people like you, hope they don't notice." apparently.
A9:34:31 <PuyoDead> Evidently.
A9:34:34 <asiekierka> Nooo
A9:34:37 <asiekierka> I wasn't here for like, 2 months now
A9:34:38 <08Notch> no, he asked me privately
A9:34:58 <asiekierka> and my other computer is still banned
A9:34:59 <08Notch> and I figured it might be time to give him a twelfth chance
A9:35:04 <Iguana> 12th? Looool.
A9:35:09 <08Notch> or 16th?
A9:35:13 <08Notch> i forget
A9:35:14 <Iguana> I count 41.
A9:35:15 <asiekierka> or 9001st?
A9:35:16 <Iguana> :o
A9:35:18 <asiekierka> OMG ITS OVER 9000
A9:35:19 <VurtualRuler98> It's like DigDug on the N64.
A9:35:25 <VurtualRuler98> You can keep trying after a game over.
A9:35:26 <Iguana> THAT GAMER.
A9:35:28 <Iguana> GAME8
A9:35:34 <Iguana> Dammit, stupid keyboard.
A9:35:37 <VurtualRuler98> My highscore was huuge because I had infinite credits.
A9:35:38 <Iguana> Anyways, that game owns.
A9:35:39 <Wirtualnosc> Gameight?
A9:35:42 <VurtualRuler98> I kept playing until the power died.
A9:36:08 <08Notch> whooaaa, my msn list is EMPTY! Nobody is online, haha
A9:36:09 <Koitenshin> asie....you didn't answer
A9:36:18 <08Notch> this is almost as cool as the time everyone was online
A9:36:21 <VurtualRuler98> The map is still generating.
A9:36:26 <PuyoDead> Well, guess we don't need these anymore.
A9:36:29 <Iguana> Notch, how many contacts do you have?
A9:36:41 <08Notch> not many.. 30 or so
A9:36:45 <Iguana> :p
10A9:36:47 * PuyoDead sets mode: -bb *!asiekierka@*.elblag.vectranet.pl *!*@078088180066.elblag.vectranet.pl
A9:36:54 <VurtualRuler98> In other news, someone divided by zero.
A9:36:55 <08Notch> but it's from several countries
A9:37:00 <asiekierka> Koitenshin: you mean what, the isorenderer?
A9:37:07 <08Notch> PuyoDead: Feel free to put it back if it's needed..
A9:37:12 <Icenisse> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4981
A9:37:13 <Koitenshin> will we be able to seem all 4 sides or just one?
A9:37:17 <08Notch> i was feeling all xmasy and soft
A9:37:19 <asiekierka> For now, one
A9:37:20 <VurtualRuler98> While downloading Battlefront 2 off steam, everything else will go really fast.
A9:37:43 <Icenisse> Notch: to you! http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4981
A9:37:46 <asiekierka> Also it's quite laggy still
A9:38:06 <08Notch> :D Icenisse
A9:38:14 <Icenisse> :
A9:38:19 <Icenisse> :D*
A9:38:29 <08Notch> that made me happy
A9:38:35 <08Notch> I'm trying hard to do my best. =)
A9:38:46 <asiekierka> someone propose a map (64x64x64 or smaller) that i could put as a test map for my isometric renderer so i can put it online for you all to see
A9:38:52 <Iguana> I could be saving around $2350 if I didn't buy so many weapons.
A9:38:53 <Icenisse> and your doing great
A9:38:54 <Iguana> :/
A9:39:03 <Koitenshin> Holy crap Iguana.
A9:39:06 <08Notch> :D
A9:39:10 <Iguana> Yeah.
A9:39:14 <Iguana> My basement = POINTY
A9:39:19 <08Notch> haha
A9:39:24 <08Notch> lordy, ok, NOW I CODE
A9:39:26 <PixelScrooge> now all notch needs to do is convert to voxels and make even the player sprite destructible
A9:39:31 <Koitenshin> That's not a basement, this is a basement.
A9:39:36 <asiekierka> Notch, will you reveal what are you coding now?
A9:39:55 <Koitenshin> It's just a flesh wound.
A9:40:00 <08Notch> I don't like that level of scrutiny, i feel like I'm being monitored
A9:40:02 <PixelScrooge> yeah its np
A9:40:07 <08Notch> however, since I've already said.. Inventory screen
13A9:40:13 * Koitenshin monitors Notch's progress.
13A9:40:20 * asiekierka monitors Koitenshin's monitor
A9:40:21 <Koitenshin> >_>
A9:40:31 <asiekierka> <_<
13A9:40:33 * Super-Dot plants misleading rumors
12A9:40:34 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A9:40:36 <PixelScrooge> at least i have a better reason to hate christmas than scrooge does though
13A9:40:36 * Notch monitors asiekierka's monitor
A9:40:42 <08Notch> whoaa!! feedback loop!
A9:40:47 <leBMD> :o
13A9:40:51 * asiekierka monitors his own monitor
A9:40:52 <Koitenshin> It's like I can see into forever.
13A9:40:59 * leBMD monitors his mom...?
10A9:41:00 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
A9:41:00 <asiekierka> OH NO, I AM RUNNING OUT OF RAAaa---*crash*
A9:41:00 <PixelScrooge> you are the forever
A9:41:01 <08Notch> Oh my god, it's full of voxels
A9:41:14 <Wirtualnosc> Black hole!
10A9:41:14 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE6924.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
13A9:41:20 * asiekierka monitors Wirtualnosc's Black hole
A9:41:31 <Koitenshin> Oh crap all the minecraft code it's.....dfsfadfasf
A9:41:34 <Super-Dot> Notch is working on making it so that you can click on inventory slots to select block types
10A9:41:39 * Marach_ (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
13A9:41:40 * Wirtualnosc monitors Koitenshin's forever.
12A9:41:56 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A9:41:56 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
13A9:42:00 * Marach_ kills Wirtualnosc for being a noob
A9:42:06 <Super-Dot> He's also making it so that the inventory gradually turns red when you lose health
A9:42:09 <Wirtualnosc> What?
A9:42:14 <vede> Merry Christmas peeps!
A9:42:16 <Super-Dot> And blue when you drown
A9:42:17 <vede> And Notch!
A9:42:18 <Koitenshin> Doomguy?
A9:42:18 <PixelScrooge> btw notch
A9:42:21 <PixelScrooge> if you couldn't tell
A9:42:22 <Icenisse> whoa big lag
A9:42:23 <PixelScrooge> <- Drakkar
A9:42:26 <Marach_> rofl i forgot i didnt close client on laptop
A9:42:30 <PixelScrooge> PFFT
A9:42:33 <PixelScrooge> SCREW CHRISTMAS
A9:42:42 <Wirtualnosc> Koitenshin: Doomguy skin was made by snowman
A9:42:44 <Super-Dot> PixelScrooge: It took me AGES to figure out who you were
A9:42:47 <Marach_> NOTCH: i regularly click ads on your blog!
A9:42:52 <PixelScrooge> lololol
A9:42:56 <Super-Dot> Oh that reminds me
A9:42:57 <Wirtualnosc> lol
A9:42:58 <leBMD> heheh, my brother is being active on Wii Fit, while I'm lazing around on the computer
10A9:42:59 * Super-Dot is now known as Merry-Dot
10A9:43:08 * Koitenshin is now known as Bah_Humbug
A9:43:18 <asiekierka> MARACH: That's illegal, you know!
13A9:43:25 * asiekierka monitors Marach's ad clicking
A9:43:27 <Marach_> no
A9:43:28 <Icenisse> no tits not
A9:43:33 <Icenisse> its*
A9:43:33 <Iguana> I don't have nunchukas in my house.
A9:43:34 <Iguana> MUST.
A9:43:35 <Iguana> FIND.
A9:43:35 <Iguana> SOME.
A9:43:42 <Marach_> it would be illegal if Notch asked us to do that
A9:43:47 <Bah_Humbug> Hey Iguana....
A9:43:52 <Bah_Humbug> I need some Tabi Boots. =3
A9:43:54 <08Notch> marach_: Only click if there's anything interesting on there. =)
A9:43:55 <Iguana> Uhhh. Hi.
A9:43:55 <Wirtualnosc> Iguana: PASTA?
A9:43:58 <Icenisse> but he didnt ask us too
A9:44:00 <08Notch> no need to give google free money
A9:44:01 <Iguana> I'm not buyin' you anything!
A9:44:07 <Iguana> I could be saving $2350, bah.
13A9:44:08 * Bah_Humbug haz a sad.
A9:44:15 <asiekierka> http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8675/testcu.png - my isometric renderer's test map's result
A9:44:17 <Icenisse> aww
A9:44:34 <Wirtualnosc> Woah, asie, it looks nice!
A9:44:38 <Bah_Humbug> Sweet jesus that is one huge image.
A9:44:42 <PixelScrooge> I thought they got money whether or not you clicked
A9:44:48 <asiekierka> Yeah, i coded it in about 24 hours
A9:44:53 <08Notch> they probably do..
A9:44:53 <asiekierka> excluding breaks, sleep, and did i mention breaks?
A9:44:54 <Bah_Humbug> Nice.
A9:44:58 <asiekierka> i mean, including
A9:44:58 <leBMD> that looks like some kind of epic minecraft strategy game
A9:44:59 <Marach_> lmao, interesting ads
A9:45:00 <Icenisse> nice
A9:45:01 <08Notch> but I think ads should ideally be relevant
A9:45:03 <Marach_> XD
A9:45:06 <Bah_Humbug> Now you just need to be able to render all 4 sides
A9:45:08 <PixelScrooge> I always thought you basically bought the adspace
A9:45:12 <08Notch> if you only click relevant ads, that gets reinforced
A9:45:13 <Bah_Humbug> so we can have it any way we want
A9:45:14 <asiekierka> Nah
A9:45:19 <Bah_Humbug> oh cmon :(
A9:45:23 <Iguana> Bah_Humbug, I realized I don't have tabi boots myself.
A9:45:27 <08Notch> I probably should look up the results of that test soon.. it's been over a month soon
A9:45:28 <PixelScrooge> oh yeah
A9:45:29 <asiekierka> Sooo... anyone wants a request (under or equal to 128x128x128)?
A9:45:30 <PixelScrooge> absolutely
A9:45:31 <Iguana> I shall have a late Christmas!
A9:45:32 <Bah_Humbug> Some of my maps are only viewable from one angle
A9:45:39 <Merry-Dot> Notch: Have you considered Project Wonderful ads?
A9:45:44 <Iguana> I'll celebrate it when I get nunchukas and tabi boots.
A9:45:44 <08Notch> what's that?
A9:45:57 <Merry-Dot> It's basically a bidding-based ad system
A9:46:05 <asiekierka> Bah_Humbug: well it's easy, but i'm not doing that at the very moment.
A9:46:05 <Merry-Dot> The ad goes to the highest bidder, per-site
A9:46:06 <PixelScrooge> yeah I have a friend who uses it
A9:46:08 <Bah_Humbug> hold on asie
A9:46:09 <PixelScrooge> on her bloggy thing
A9:46:11 <asiekierka> i've wasted 4 hours trying to find silly bugs
A9:46:11 <Merry-Dot> A lot of webcomics use it
A9:46:12 <Bah_Humbug> i'll give you a map
A9:46:20 <PixelScrooge> she has a web serial
A9:46:20 <Marach_> i saw project wonderful ads somewhere... for $0.02
A9:46:30 <08Notch> cool
A9:46:32 <PixelScrooge> also
A9:46:34 <asiekierka> i'll take six! =D
A9:46:36 <PixelScrooge> all ads are YOU approved
A9:46:41 <Merry-Dot> Here's an example, in the lower right: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php
A9:46:48 <08Notch> the revenue from the google ads fully depend on what I've posted, which is interesting
A9:46:58 <08Notch> it's not enough for me too feel comfortable with keeping them
A9:47:00 <PixelScrooge> ie you can completely deny things outright
10A9:47:04 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ has joined #minecraft
A9:47:13 <AlexVMiner> anyone have any drawing requests?
A9:47:16 <08Notch> but it would be interesting to have ads on minecraft.net for free players, if nothing else, just as another feature for paid members, haha
A9:47:17 <PixelScrooge> yes
12A9:47:18 * Marach_ (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone!)
A9:47:18 <PixelScrooge> lasers
A9:47:20 <PixelScrooge> and tophats
A9:47:25 <08Notch> a lot of sites do that, heh
A9:47:28 <vede> Notch: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=55534#p55534
A9:47:28 <AlexVMiner> lasers and tophats?
A9:47:34 <PixelScrooge> yes
A9:47:37 <PixelScrooge> simultaneously
A9:47:40 <AlexVMiner> lol
A9:47:42 <asiekierka> Notch: what about turn-on ads for paid members? for the people that like having ads =D
A9:47:48 <08Notch> haha
A9:47:52 <asiekierka> like me
A9:47:59 <asiekierka> so i could click on something and not overuse my keyboard
A9:48:06 <Bah_Humbug> http://up.wbe03.mibbit.com/up/1UnVjeTZ
A9:48:08 <PixelScrooge> press a button on the paid member page and your screen fills with porno!
A9:48:10 <PixelScrooge> minecraft porno
A9:48:11 <Bah_Humbug> there you go asie
A9:48:13 <PixelScrooge> hot block on block action
A9:48:15 <Bah_Humbug> test that one
A9:48:16 <Iguana> :P
A9:48:23 <asiekierka> no, pixelscrooge
10A9:48:23 * Bah_Humbug is now known as Koitenashin
A9:48:23 <Iguana> Drakkar, you're cool. o.o
12A9:48:23 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
A9:48:26 <asiekierka> that's not even funny
A9:48:26 <PixelScrooge> oh yes crawler give it to me
A9:48:27 <Koitenashin> fuuuuuuuu typos
10A9:48:31 * Koitenashin is now known as Koitenshin
A9:48:36 <PixelScrooge> thats right zombie you know you like it
A9:48:38 <08Notch> haha, I don't think Rana will stay, vede, haha
A9:48:56 <leBMD> well, I'm gonna go watch my sister play Spore. Seeya!
A9:49:00 <PixelScrooge> hf
A9:49:03 <Koitenshin> bye
12A9:49:04 * leBMD (chatzilla@ip68-97-25-113.ok.ok.cox.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
A9:49:09 <PixelScrooge> I may go back to bed
12A9:49:16 * Icenisse (Mibbit@c-e228e253.159-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A9:49:18 <PixelScrooge> today is going to suck
A9:49:20 <Koitenshin> Drakkar you can't go.
A9:49:20 <PixelScrooge> greatly
13A9:49:43 * Koitenshin chains PixelScrooge to his desk.
A9:49:58 <PixelScrooge> I can break my desk
A9:50:04 <asiekierka> Bah_Humbug: testing
A9:50:10 <Iguana> You can't break that desk
10A9:50:11 * dark (dark@c-66-177-248-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A9:50:17 <Koitenshin> Bah Humbug left, I killed him.
A9:50:21 <asiekierka> Notch: What about Rana being a model for paid members? :D
A9:50:23 <PixelScrooge> I can
A9:50:26 <PixelScrooge> its pretty flimsy
A9:50:28 <asiekierka> that buy before beta ends, too
A9:50:36 <Iguana> Drakkar, no meme? :D
A9:50:41 <Koitenshin> I just want 2 models. One for each gender.
A9:50:48 <PixelScrooge> don't generally do memes
A9:50:56 <PixelScrooge> I'm a goon not a 4channer
A9:50:58 <Iguana> Alright then, fine by me. o.o
A9:51:00 <asiekierka> I just want 54 models. One for each NES palette color.
A9:51:01 <VurtualRuler98> Maybe we could import our own MD3s, heh.
A9:51:05 <Koitenshin> I mean not everyone is a guy.
A9:51:11 <Iguana> Vurtual, that leads to obscure models.
A9:51:11 <Koitenshin> or wants to play a guy.
A9:51:16 <VurtualRuler98> Iguana, so?
A9:51:19 <VurtualRuler98> I want to be a helicopter.
A9:51:19 <Iguana> "HEY LOOK. A NAKED GUY"
A9:51:27 <08Notch> i agree, Koitenshin. Two free characters, one per gender
A9:51:34 <VurtualRuler98> No wait, a Cessna with a hack client. Then I can fly and taxi around.
A9:51:35 <PixelScrooge> censorship flags
A9:51:37 <Koitenshin> I'm premium >_>
A9:51:38 <08Notch> then you can customize whatever you want after purchasing
A9:51:54 <PixelScrooge> just covers the person in black
A9:51:57 <Koitenshin> I may not have paid for it but I'm premium.
A9:52:03 <VurtualRuler98> Actually just being a little cessna with flying animations would be cool.
A9:52:04 <PixelScrooge> also makes them unable to do anything
A9:52:05 <PixelScrooge> SOLVED
A9:52:09 <08Notch> [ ] Male, [ ] Female, [ ] A little bit of both, [ ] Neither
A9:52:13 <DragoonEnRegalia> Hello again.
A9:52:18 <DragoonEnRegalia> Herm?
A9:52:19 <PixelScrooge> neither should be an owlbear
13A9:52:20 * Iguana checks off the 3rd option
A9:52:20 <PixelScrooge> just sayin'
A9:52:21 <DragoonEnRegalia> No.
13A9:52:27 * asiekierka checks off the 5th option
A9:52:31 <Koitenshin> Iguana...you adrogynous wannabe
A9:52:33 <DragoonEnRegalia> Player 5.
A9:52:33 <asiekierka> [ ] Male child
A9:52:34 <Koitenshin> typo
10A9:52:36 * AcidMan (davis.mich@iburst-41-213-36-193.iburst.co.za) has joined #minecraft
A9:52:38 <08Notch> Koitenshin: The only difference between the two is that one doesn't show up in the "purchases" counter, and you can't re-gift the game if it was gifted. =)
A9:52:46 <08Notch> there will never be other penalties for getting it as a gift
A9:52:47 <DragoonEnRegalia> checks off 1st answer
A9:52:47 <AcidMan> Herro everyone
A9:52:48 <AcidMan> :3
A9:52:53 <AcidMan> Merry christmas everyone!
A9:52:56 <Koitenshin> I know...I just thought you were referring to me as a cheapskate. :(
A9:53:00 <PixelScrooge> pfft
A9:53:01 <Koitenshin> I wanted to clairfy
A9:53:04 <PixelScrooge> christmas can piss off!
A9:53:10 <AcidMan> :<
A9:53:15 <Koitenshin> gaaaah what is it with me and typos today
A9:53:26 <PixelScrooge> you rich fucks
10A9:53:29 * arxx (Mibbit@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
A9:53:31 <DragoonEnRegalia> Keep up the hard work Notch.
A9:53:34 <Koitenshin> I'm not rich,
A9:53:44 <asiekierka> h == c
A9:53:50 <Koitenshin> I can't even afford to buy anyone anything.
A9:53:51 <DragoonEnRegalia> ...Long live Agile.
A9:53:53 <asiekierka> i recommend tht for Dragoon's
A9:53:55 <PixelScrooge> me neither brah
A9:54:02 <PixelScrooge> thats really the only reason I'm pissed off
A9:54:09 <asiekierka> http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/599/testdkn.png - Bah_Humbug's map
13A9:54:09 * PuyoDead has $0.00
A9:54:11 <08Notch> agile is great :D
A9:54:16 <Koitenshin> Even people that deserve it I can't buy anything for.
A9:54:20 <PixelScrooge> same PuyoDead
A9:54:23 <DragoonEnRegalia> It is.
A9:54:30 <08Notch> Hmmm..
A9:54:32 <08Notch> brb, experiment
A9:54:33 <Iguana> Alright.
A9:54:34 <Koitenshin> Yeah asie, like I said that's the wrong side.
A9:54:38 <Iguana> I'm off, to do...something.
A9:54:42 <PixelScrooge> Notch is going to sell us to china
A9:54:44 <Iguana> Cookie testing.
A9:54:45 <PixelScrooge> peace Iguana
A9:54:46 <Iguana> I'm cool.
A9:54:48 <asiekierka> ok, i will now add PARAMETERS
A9:54:53 <Iguana> Buh bye Drakkar.
A9:54:54 <Koitenshin> Thank you.
A9:54:57 <Iguana> You can't break those cuffs.
13A9:55:03 * Iguana is afk
A9:55:06 <PixelScrooge> i can totally break the desk
A9:55:13 <Iguana> Nowai
A9:55:21 <PixelScrooge> this thing is so flimsy I could just push it
A9:55:24 <PixelScrooge> and it'd break apart
12A9:55:29 * arxx (Mibbit@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A9:55:31 * Dziubek (dfsdf@aanv26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) has joined #minecraft
13A9:55:32 * Koitenshin covers the desk in Adminium blocks and deops PixelScrooge
A9:55:36 <Dziubek> hello
A9:55:44 <Dziubek> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4941
A9:55:51 <Dziubek> where do i get minecraft.jar?
10A9:56:00 * FontPeg (localhost@c-71-196-83-13.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A9:56:06 <Koitenshin> you already have it
A9:56:46 <DragoonEnRegalia> Check the %temp% directory for minecraft.net
A9:56:54 <Koitenshin> Also asiekierka make the sand NOT pink.
A9:57:01 <DragoonEnRegalia> There are two folders for Creative and Survival.
A9:57:10 <DragoonEnRegalia> Minecraft.jar is in Creative.
A9:57:17 <DragoonEnRegalia> Use the Run command.
A9:57:26 <PuyoDead> http://i.imgur.com/tBZ4d.jpg
A9:57:38 <DragoonEnRegalia> Oh god....
A9:57:46 <DragoonEnRegalia> Big Daddy's here.
A9:57:49 <Koitenshin> I think it's gonna drill out of my stomach
A9:58:03 <Wirtualnosc> Wild foodighter appeared!
A9:58:08 <Evilgrim> Big daddy's are meh. >_< They're weak. And boring.. Lifeless.. Etc..
A9:58:16 <DragoonEnRegalia> Concurred.
A9:58:21 <Evilgrim> But well done with that. If you made it? :D
A9:58:28 <PuyoDead> Oh, no, I just found that.
A9:58:32 <Evilgrim> Ahh.
A10:00:11 <Koitenshin> I'd love some Admin placeable water/lava blocks on servers. >_>
A10:00:16 <Dziubek> how i can play survival minecraft MP?
A10:00:23 <asiekierka> Koitenshin, i know about sand
A10:00:30 <asiekierka> but i lack the tools on this PC to edit palettes
A10:00:32 <asiekierka> i'll fix it when i get home
A10:00:33 <Koitenshin> okay asie.
10A10:01:05 * softnux_ (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) has joined #minecraft
A10:01:08 <AlexVMiner> pixelscrooge
A10:01:20 <PixelScrooge> ?
A10:01:25 <AlexVMiner> i have the picture
A10:01:28 <AlexVMiner> i had troubles
A10:01:33 <AlexVMiner> that is why it took so long
A10:01:40 <PixelScrooge> did you really
A10:01:46 <AlexVMiner> i did it
A10:01:48 <AlexVMiner> one sec
A10:01:55 <PixelScrooge> I'M READAH
A10:01:58 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/laserstophat.png
A10:02:00 <AlexVMiner> there
12A10:02:01 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A10:02:01 * softnux_ is now known as softnux
A10:02:11 <Koitenshin> >_>
A10:02:15 <AlexVMiner> :P
A10:02:17 <PixelScrooge> ROFL
A10:02:17 <PixelScrooge> Xd
A10:02:22 <AlexVMiner> i just got my tablettoday
A10:02:30 <AlexVMiner> first drawing with it
A10:02:31 <PixelScrooge> dude if you inverted the colours on the tophat
A10:02:32 <Evilgrim> Redrum.
10A10:02:33 * Scaryowl (Mibbit@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:02:36 <PixelScrooge> that'd be the hoboiest tophat ever
A10:02:47 <AlexVMiner> :P
A10:02:47 <Scaryowl> hi?
A10:02:51 <AlexVMiner> hiya
A10:02:54 <Scaryowl> #archives
A10:02:57 <AlexVMiner> he is talking about this:
A10:02:58 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/laserstophat.png
A10:03:08 <AlexVMiner> it looks like frosty the snowman's hat!
10A10:03:13 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207191071.chello.pl) has left #minecraft
A10:03:13 <asiekierka> ok, koitenshin
10A10:03:14 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b Scaryowl!*@*
10A10:03:14 * Scaryowl was kicked by PixelScrooge (fool.)
10A10:03:14 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b *!*Mibbit@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
10A10:03:14 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b *!*@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
10A10:03:14 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b *!*Mibbit@*.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
10A10:03:16 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b *!*@*.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
10A10:03:16 * PixelScrooge sets mode: +b Scaryowl!Mibbit@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
A10:03:18 <AlexVMiner> scaryowl, stop advertising
A10:03:19 <asiekierka> added X and Z flips
A10:03:32 <asiekierka> checking them
A10:03:33 <AlexVMiner> ?
A10:03:33 <vede> Holy shit.
A10:03:34 <PixelScrooge> they've already been warned
A10:03:36 <PuyoDead> How many times have we told him that now?
A10:03:48 <PuyoDead> I've lost count, myself.
10A10:03:51 * PixelScrooge sets mode: -bbb Scaryowl!Mibbit@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net *!*@*.dhcp.embarqhsd.net *!*Mibbit@*.dhcp.embarqhsd.net
A10:03:52 <vede> That was one hell of a ban, man. O_O
10A10:03:54 * PixelScrooge sets mode: -bb *!*Mibbit@fl-71-52-216-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net Scaryowl!*@*
A10:04:04 <PixelScrooge> its only /mban nickname for me
A10:04:04 <PixelScrooge> :D
A10:04:12 <asiekierka> I missed (count)-1 of scaryowl-warns
A10:04:43 <AlexVMiner> any drawing requests now?
A10:04:53 <Koitenshin> a self portrait
A10:05:05 <AlexVMiner> of me?
A10:05:08 <AlexVMiner> aw shucks
A10:05:14 <Koitenshin> thats generally what a self portrait is
A10:05:20 <AlexVMiner> well
A10:05:25 <AlexVMiner> you could have meant you
A10:05:35 <Koitenshin> only if I was drawing it
A10:05:43 <AlexVMiner> shaddup
A10:05:56 <Dziubek> hey how i can create survival server?
A10:05:59 <Koitenshin> so a self portrait, go
A10:06:05 <AlexVMiner> ya can't
A10:06:12 <Koitenshin> you can.
A10:06:16 <Koitenshin> it's just weird
A10:06:37 <VurtualRuler98> Dude, my friend has two internets.
A10:06:37 <Dziubek> can you tell how?
A10:06:46 <VurtualRuler98> He has two connections, maybe 3, going to his house.
A10:06:47 <Koitenshin> i think the only thing that could make survival better is placeable blocks that spawn mobs
A10:07:01 <vede> Dziubek, you can't. Koitenshin is just spewing nonsense.
A10:07:17 <Koitenshin> No I'm not.
A10:07:29 <Koitenshin> And no I can't tell you how.
A10:08:42 <Koitenshin> Your best bet is to get read the forums
A10:08:45 <VurtualRuler98> You technically can.
A10:08:54 <Koitenshin> *go read
A10:08:58 <VurtualRuler98> But that's just making a server, and kicking people if they don't die from a fall.
A10:09:11 <VurtualRuler98> Minecraft creative trials.
A10:09:57 <AlexVMiner> okay koitenshin
A10:09:59 <asiekierka> i've sped up file loading from 50 seconds to 42 seconds
A10:10:00 <Dziubek> i saw images that someone was playing on MP survival
A10:10:01 <Koitenshin> (read in jamaican) Are ya dead mon? Ya I'm dead *kick*
A10:10:08 <AlexVMiner> 3 minute self portrait
A10:10:31 <Koitenshin> yay asie. now for color fixing and multiple views
A10:10:37 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/alex.png
A10:10:47 <asiekierka> Koitenshin: multiple views are there
A10:10:48 <Koitenshin> perfect fior my dart board, thank you
A10:10:51 <asiekierka> as in you can flip it in X and in Z
A10:10:52 <PuyoDead> Dziubek, it's only client side. Nobody else sees the mobs you do, and you don't see the ones other people do.
A10:10:54 <VurtualRuler98> You have silly glasses.
A10:11:00 <AlexVMiner> lol koiten
A10:11:03 <AlexVMiner> vurtual
A10:11:09 <AlexVMiner> they are actually dark blue
A10:11:19 <AlexVMiner> those glasses took all of 5 seconds
A10:11:24 <Koitenshin> But I figured a self portrait would improve your drawing and it has
A10:11:32 <AlexVMiner> yes
A10:11:33 <AlexVMiner> it has
A10:11:39 <AlexVMiner> i draw better on paper
A10:11:46 <AlexVMiner> i need to practice with this tablet
A10:12:10 <VurtualRuler98> Can't we just staple him directly on the dartboard?
A10:12:22 <VurtualRuler98> I mean, who needs a drawing?
A10:12:23 <AlexVMiner> i love having a league of haters
A10:12:24 <Koitenshin> I may be an asshole at times but I fight for what i blieve in and try to help people.
A10:12:44 <AlexVMiner> do my bidding
A10:12:57 <AlexVMiner> anymore requests?
A10:13:01 <Koitenshin> Your silly mind control will not work on me.
A10:13:15 <Visiiri> :>
A10:13:16 <Koitenshin> I'm wearing a tinfoil hat.
A10:13:17 <Visiiri> Merry Christmas.
A10:13:20 <AlexVMiner> hiya
A10:13:29 <AlexVMiner> visiiri want me to draw you anything?
A10:13:38 <Visiiri> I want you to draw a robot o.o
A10:13:43 <AlexVMiner> k
A10:13:48 <Visiiri> it's got to be good
A10:13:54 <Visiiri> Without legal restrictions.
A10:14:00 <Koitenshin> Daisy....daisy....give me your answer please
A10:14:06 <Visiiri> Anyways, for xmas I got some nice stuff.
A10:14:18 <Visiiri> NX, and web hosting.
10A10:14:23 * Koitenshin is now known as HAL9000
A10:14:24 <Visiiri> I want a really cheap dedicated server, though.
A10:14:27 <HAL9000> wow
A10:14:31 <HAL9000> this isn't registered
A10:14:32 <Visiiri> Is there anything cheap?
A10:14:40 <asiekierka> AlexVMiner, I request a drawing of a Rana deploying a TNT bomb
A10:14:48 <DragoonEnRegalia> Uh oh...
A10:14:49 <Visiiri> I mean, less then $199/mo.
A10:14:50 <AlexVMiner> i'll try that
A10:14:54 <DragoonEnRegalia> This could be dangerous.
A10:15:40 <HAL9000> /msg NickServ AUTH 792213250
A10:15:44 <asiekierka> oh my
12A10:15:47 * softnux (softnux@h-129-237.A193.priv.bahnhof.se) Quit (Quit: softnux)
A10:15:47 <asiekierka> oooh my
A10:15:48 <HAL9000> oh well
A10:15:53 <asiekierka> well
A10:15:56 <asiekierka> use it as long as you can
A10:16:00 <asiekierka> as it wont harm you once used
10A10:16:15 * Jat (Jat@ool-457917b5.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:16:16 <HAL9000> I cannot do that asie.
A10:16:26 <asiekierka> ok, koitenshin
A10:16:28 <asiekierka> flips are working
A10:16:33 <asiekierka> and the map looks more proper
A10:16:38 <HAL9000> Cool.
A10:16:58 <HAL9000> Do you really have to host it though? Can't you provide a zip?
10A10:17:00 * Griob (Griob@c-24-34-161-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:17:01 <vede> Whoa. I just found a bridge between Minecraft, and this other, completely unrelated blog I read.
A10:17:09 <asiekierka> no i cannot provide a zip
A10:17:14 <asiekierka> i want to keep it to myself for now
A10:17:22 <Griob> Im happy. I got an iphone! :D
A10:17:26 <HAL9000> Uploading maps will suck a lot of bandwidth
A10:18:07 <asiekierka> WELL
A10:18:15 <asiekierka> i will code a form when I get home
A10:18:20 <asiekierka> so you can attempt sending a map to it
A10:18:28 <asiekierka> and hopefully crash my netbook
A10:18:35 <Griob> Notch merry christmas. Im really glad you made this game. Its awesome. Youre awesome. Thanks so much.
A10:18:57 <08Notch> =D
A10:18:59 <Quatroking> Notch i tried to watch 2001
A10:19:00 <08Notch> thank you and you're welcome
A10:19:05 <08Notch> boring? ;)
A10:19:09 <Quatroking> but it was so old and crappy that I dropped it
A10:19:12 <HAL9000> there
A10:19:14 <HAL9000> new auth code
A10:19:16 <Griob> =D lol
A10:19:16 <Quatroking> HOWEVER
A10:19:18 <Quatroking> NOTCH
A10:19:20 <HAL9000> just in case
A10:19:21 <Quatroking> I have the book.
A10:19:21 <AlexVMiner> i made the WORST robot ion existence
A10:19:25 <AlexVMiner> in like 7 minutes
A10:19:25 <Quatroking> High five.
A10:19:25 <AlexVMiner> :(
A10:19:27 <Griob> Im gonna read the book.
13A10:19:32 * Quatroking high fives Notch
12A10:19:36 * Griob (Griob@c-24-34-161-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A10:19:39 <Quatroking> The book is better than the movie.
12A10:19:43 * SDX (chatzilla@iD47089D3.versanet.de) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SDX_)))
A10:19:52 <HAL9000> you want me to intentionally try crashing your netbook with a map?
10A10:19:52 * SDX (chatzilla@iD47089D3.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
A10:19:55 <asiekierka> no
A10:20:02 <asiekierka> its just that a 128x128x128 map takes 2 minutes
A10:20:07 <asiekierka> also you cant do any bigger anyway
A10:20:12 <HAL9000> thats why i recommended a zip
A10:20:18 <Quatroking> 7z baby
A10:20:33 <HAL9000> I didn't know if asie had access to 7zip
A10:20:34 <AlexVMiner> visiiri
A10:20:34 <08Notch> The book? You mean the Sentinel?
A10:20:35 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/robot.png
A10:20:42 <08Notch> That's just the first part of 2001. =)
A10:20:48 <AlexVMiner> any other requests?
A10:20:50 <Quatroking> Yeah I didn't get the other parts yet
A10:20:51 <asiekierka> well
A10:20:55 <Quatroking> Still planning to
A10:20:55 <AlexVMiner> these will all be made in under 10 minutes
A10:20:57 <asiekierka> i have a decompressor capable of 7z
A10:21:04 <HAL9000> requests?
A10:21:10 <Quatroking> I have read THGTTG tho
A10:21:12 <HAL9000> "Starry Night"
A10:21:13 <Quatroking> so that compensates
A10:21:18 <asiekierka> i need a way to optimize file loading
A10:21:22 <asiekierka> the way i do it now is
A10:21:28 <asiekierka> i do a for loop for y, for z
A10:21:30 <HAL9000> if you don't know what starry niht is, look it up
A10:21:33 <HAL9000> *night
A10:21:37 <asiekierka> then load a string from the file the length of x
A10:21:44 <asiekierka> then split it into chars
A10:21:47 <AlexVMiner> In Soviet Russia, the cat jets you!
A10:21:55 <asiekierka> way faster than (xlen) fgetc;s
A10:21:58 <asiekierka> fgetc's*
A10:22:01 <HAL9000> I want an 8ball bot in here
A10:22:02 <PixelScrooge> Notch
A10:22:02 <HAL9000> :(
A10:22:12 <PixelScrooge> you know what I realised the first thing I'm going to do with lua is
A10:22:17 <AlexVMiner> so no more drawing requests?
A10:22:21 <asiekierka> PixelScrooge
A10:22:25 <HAL9000> Starry Night AVM
A10:22:27 <asiekierka> my friend made a server in C
A10:22:28 <HAL9000> look it up
A10:22:29 <PixelScrooge> write a set of scripts to make a server into a fusion of minecraft and UO
A10:22:30 <AlexVMiner> oh
A10:22:32 <asiekierka> capable of server-side Lua
A10:22:39 <AlexVMiner> i didn't see what you said
A10:22:40 <AlexVMiner> :P
A10:22:40 <asiekierka> so you can do this already
A10:22:41 <PixelScrooge> yes this doesn't matter to me
A10:22:49 <PixelScrooge> no because its illegitimate
A10:23:02 <asiekierka> but it works
A10:23:05 <AlexVMiner> HAL
A10:23:06 <PixelScrooge> its also against his wishes
A10:23:09 <HAL9000> ?
A10:23:10 <PixelScrooge> which makes your friend a cockass
A10:23:12 <asiekierka> who said im going to release it
A10:23:12 <HAL9000> Yes Alex?
A10:23:14 <AlexVMiner> too complicated to do in 10 minutes
A10:23:19 <asiekierka> its against his wishes to release them
A10:23:22 <asiekierka> but not to make them
A10:23:26 <PixelScrooge> him giving it to you is distribution
A10:23:27 <AlexVMiner> it will look like shit doing it in 10 minutes
A10:23:34 <PixelScrooge> you giving it to me is distribution
A10:23:36 <HAL9000> Thats the point.
A10:23:40 <asiekierka> i didnt say im going to give it to you
A10:23:41 <HAL9000> but it's good practice.
A10:23:41 <AlexVMiner> lol
A10:23:44 <AlexVMiner> ok
A10:23:48 <AlexVMiner> brb
A10:23:52 <asiekierka> also notch's terms of use say
A10:23:56 <asiekierka> any tools you make belong to you
A10:24:00 <Quatroking> Notch how much is this pandora thing
A10:24:04 <HAL9000> asie, asie, give me your answer please
A10:24:19 <HAL9000> <_<
A10:24:19 <asiekierka> to what
A10:24:32 <HAL9000> I think I'm malfunctioning
A10:24:57 <HAL9000> I'm having a lot of fun with this nick.
A10:25:02 <asiekierka> i'll be back home in an hour
A10:25:06 <PixelScrooge> let me quote you asiekierka
A10:25:13 <PixelScrooge> <asiekierka> so you can do this already
A10:25:16 <asiekierka> then i'll do a form so you can get isoconvertions easily
A10:25:18 <PixelScrooge> you
A10:25:24 <asiekierka> you can do this already
A10:25:27 <asiekierka> if you have the binary
A10:25:31 <asiekierka> but you don't
A10:25:33 <asiekierka> so you fail
A10:25:36 <PixelScrooge> my point is an implication of distribution
A10:25:45 <asiekierka> Who banned implications? :P
A10:25:52 <PixelScrooge> and that doesn't even change the fact he distributed it to you
A10:26:01 <asiekierka> but we're both developing it
A10:26:08 <PixelScrooge> distribution!
A10:26:21 <HAL9000> did someone say bootleg?
A10:26:23 <asiekierka> but we do not use it
A10:26:24 <PixelScrooge> "the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning"
A10:26:47 <PixelScrooge> anyway don't take me too seriously
A10:26:55 <asiekierka> good idea =)
A10:27:05 <PixelScrooge> unless I'm actually giving you a proper warning
A10:27:10 <PixelScrooge> there's not going to be anything happening
A10:27:11 <asiekierka> better idea =)
A10:27:12 <PixelScrooge> lololol
A10:27:22 <asiekierka> now give me the best idea
A10:27:26 <PixelScrooge> robots
A10:27:34 <HAL9000> did someone ask for me?
A10:27:54 <asiekierka> that's a very cliche idea, pixelezer scrooge =(
10A10:28:01 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A10:28:11 <PixelScrooge> yes but robots is also a flexible one
A10:28:17 <PixelScrooge> oh man
A10:28:20 <PixelScrooge> I just had a fun idea
A10:28:24 <HAL9000> >_>
A10:28:27 <asiekierka> but good ^= cliche
A10:28:28 <PixelScrooge> when we can properly import our models
A10:28:32 <asiekierka> as in only one of them is true
A10:28:37 <PixelScrooge> incorrect
A10:28:46 <FontPeg> Notch: ETA on Dynamic Lighting in creative update?
A10:28:48 <PixelScrooge> cliche can be perfectly fine
A10:28:53 <HAL9000> If something is good it is obviously repeated
A10:28:54 <08Notch> no eta yet
A10:28:55 <HAL9000> thus cliche
A10:28:56 <PixelScrooge> you just need to know how to DO cliche
A10:28:58 <DragoonEnRegalia> K.
A10:28:58 <FontPeg> k
A10:29:04 <DragoonEnRegalia> KK Slider.
A10:29:13 <asiekierka> No
A10:29:13 <asiekierka> when something is repeated, Hal
A10:29:13 <asiekierka> it becomes cliche
A10:29:16 <asiekierka> and stops being good
A10:29:20 <asiekierka> being good implies uniqueness
A10:29:21 <HAL9000> Not always
A10:29:25 <asiekierka> a lot of times
A10:29:27 <vede> No it doesn't.
A10:29:32 <vede> It just implies that it's good.
A10:29:35 <DragoonEnRegalia> Then explain what a convention is.
A10:29:45 <vede> You can be good and cliche at the same time.
A10:29:50 <HAL9000> like Elves
A10:29:56 <HAL9000> and robots
A10:29:57 <DragoonEnRegalia> It's called a convention.
A10:29:58 <asiekierka> Elves are real
A10:30:02 <asiekierka> Robots are in development
A10:30:09 <HAL9000> 7 year ear surgery doesnt count
A10:30:14 <asiekierka> i know
A10:30:17 <vede> Zombies are cliche, but Left 4 Dead is apparently an extremely good game.
A10:30:20 <asiekierka> i mean not ear surgery
A10:30:21 <DragoonEnRegalia> Yes.
A10:30:27 <AlexVMiner> hal9000
A10:30:28 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/starrynight.png
A10:30:33 <FontPeg> Left 4 Dead gets old quick
A10:30:36 <DragoonEnRegalia> Lol
A10:30:41 <DragoonEnRegalia> It does.
A10:30:49 <asiekierka> what about Left 4k Dead
A10:30:49 <DragoonEnRegalia> That's why I play Minecraft.
A10:30:55 <HAL9000> Well.....you could have done a lot better in that amount of time.
A10:31:00 <AlexVMiner> lol
A10:31:09 <HAL9000> But...yeah I can't come up with anything good about it.
A10:31:20 <AlexVMiner> i like it
A10:31:21 <AlexVMiner> :D
A10:31:24 <Iguana> I lurv L4D2. :D
A10:31:31 <Iguana> Versus never gets old for me. :p
A10:31:39 <HAL9000> I'm so poor I don't even have a steam account.
A10:31:41 <AlexVMiner> what's L4D2?
A10:31:42 <AlexVMiner> JK
A10:31:45 <Iguana> :/
A10:32:16 <AlexVMiner> i just saw that question, forgot I said that, and got angry
A10:32:20 <HAL9000> and I killed the channel again.
A10:32:20 <AlexVMiner> lol
13A10:33:28 * HAL9000 opens the airlock doors and sucks you all out into the vacuum of space.
A10:33:51 <AlexVMiner> i typed this with my tablet
A10:34:06 <HAL9000> Apparently I missed one.
A10:34:20 <AlexVMiner> lol
A10:34:28 <HAL9000> And it's mocking me.
A10:34:33 <AlexVMiner> i ain't on nospace ship
A10:34:33 <asiekierka> let's just pretend the question never happened
A10:34:43 <PixelScrooge> <@vede> Zombies are cliche, but Left 4 Dead is apparently an extremely good game.
A10:34:48 <PixelScrooge> think of it this way
A10:34:50 <AlexVMiner> what question?
A10:34:52 <PixelScrooge> evil dead is cliche as FUCK
A10:34:59 <HAL9000> But still good.
A10:35:01 <PixelScrooge> evil dead is the greatest shit to ever grace the earth
A10:35:08 <asiekierka> swear words are cliche and not good
A10:35:10 <AlexVMiner> by L4D2 question was a joke
A10:35:13 <asiekierka> nice comparision, ebenezer
A10:35:19 <AlexVMiner> >:D
A10:35:24 <AlexVMiner> ba humbug
A10:35:26 <PixelScrooge> my point is basically this
A10:35:33 <PixelScrooge> if you are deliberately being cliche
A10:35:41 <PixelScrooge> there isn't a problem as long as you know what you're doing
13A10:35:52 * asiekierka is deliberately cliche. =0
A10:36:03 <vede> If you do something cliche and try to say it's new or innovative, you're just being stupid.
A10:36:12 <PixelScrooge> yes
A10:36:14 <PixelScrooge> or uncreative
A10:36:31 <HAL9000> James Cameron anyone?
A10:36:45 <vede> :( I like James Cameron
A10:36:50 <asiekierka> tell me a random number between 1 and 81
A10:36:54 <HAL9000> 53
A10:36:57 <asiekierka> this will decide which line of my code for the renderer is leaked
A10:36:57 <vede> 54
A10:37:02 <asiekierka> 53 it is then
A10:37:16 <asiekierka> and 54 as i'm soft and xmasy
A10:37:22 <asiekierka> $whitea = ImageColorAllocate($imgiso,0,0,0);
A10:37:23 <asiekierka> $colpal = array();
A10:37:25 <asiekierka> here you go
A10:37:34 <vede> Why not just make it open source?
A10:37:38 <asiekierka> not yet
A10:37:48 <vede> All the cool people are doing open source.
A10:37:51 <asiekierka> i know
A10:37:54 <asiekierka> i said "not yet"
A10:37:59 <HAL9000> She's one of those dang close-minded people.
A10:38:03 <asiekierka> i am a he
A10:38:10 <asiekierka> by "not yet" i mean "you need jte's to make any use of it"
A10:38:11 <HAL9000> whoops
A10:38:20 <HAL9000> All you humans look alike to me.
A10:38:24 <asiekierka> "therefore it's useless for everyone except like... 9... people"
A10:38:53 <asiekierka> "i want to code it so it can parse java class data"
10A10:39:31 * Gyllen is now known as Gyllenb
A10:39:40 <asiekierka> "or at least make an app that runs a .jar to convert it"
A10:40:13 <vede> I should make a Minecraft isometric level renderer.
A10:40:24 <vede> As far as I know, the only one we have right now is Windows only.
A10:40:33 <DragoonEnRegalia> We need one for Linux and Mac.
A10:40:38 <asiekierka> i made one, vede
A10:40:42 <asiekierka> and it's multiplatform
A10:40:47 <asiekierka> you don
A10:40:54 <asiekierka> you don't even need a platform (when it goes online)
A10:41:02 <HAL9000> Yeah except yours is't useable yet
A10:41:12 <asiekierka> yes it is, the code i need to add is not that much
13A10:41:15 * HAL9000 cheers for vede.
A10:41:32 <vede> And you said it's JTE only.
A10:41:36 <asiekierka> uh
A10:41:44 <asiekierka> JTE supplied an app to convert server_level.dat's to JTE format
A10:41:59 <HAL9000> I am definitely malfunctioning, cheering for a human.
A10:42:06 <vede> ... So... why not just use the standard server_level.dat?
A10:42:13 <vede> You know, so normal people can use it.
A10:42:37 <HAL9000> It sounds incredibly closed minded to me.
A10:42:47 <asiekierka> vede
A10:42:54 <asiekierka> server_level.dat = learning java serialized class format
A10:43:00 <asiekierka> jte's = learning the exec command
A10:43:03 <vede> Not really.
A10:43:09 <asiekierka> yes
A10:43:12 <asiekierka> there's an app
A10:43:14 <asiekierka> mapconv.jar
A10:43:18 <asiekierka> that takes the server_level.dat
A10:43:21 <vede> Dude.
A10:43:22 <asiekierka> turns it into converted_level.gz
A10:43:30 <vede> I meant server_level.dat is NOT hard to use.
A10:43:35 <asiekierka> in Java
A10:43:39 <asiekierka> i dont know the least bit of it
A10:43:48 <vede> I don't know Java at all.
A10:43:57 <asiekierka> so how do you use it
A10:43:58 <vede> But server_level.dat is still easy as pie.
A10:44:19 <asiekierka> my friend RE'd the serialized class format, rotfl
A10:44:20 <vede> There's a header, a huge-ass block of data (gee, wonder what that is) and then a footer.
A10:44:33 <vede> So guess what you need to do?
A10:44:41 <asiekierka> read X Y Z from header
A10:44:43 <asiekierka> find the block
A10:44:45 <asiekierka> read the block
A10:44:49 <asiekierka> kill myself
A10:44:50 <asiekierka> output
A10:45:00 <vede> asiekierka, you obviously have no business coding.
A10:45:14 <asiekierka> why
A10:45:16 <asiekierka> what's YOUR way
A10:45:22 <AlexVMiner> well
A10:45:25 <AlexVMiner> time for UP
A10:45:27 <AlexVMiner> bye
12A10:45:29 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A10:45:32 <HAL9000> bye
A10:45:37 <vede> Read X Y Z from header (not hard at all), find the block (also not hard at all), read the block based on dimensions, done.
A10:45:54 <asiekierka> That's what I did! :O
A10:46:09 <vede> So you know how to read server_level.dat!
A10:46:31 <vede> It's easy!
A10:47:36 <asiekierka> yes
A10:47:46 <asiekierka> im looking in the header for the X, Y and Z
A10:48:20 <asiekierka> found
A10:48:26 <asiekierka> now i'll attempt coding it for .dat's
10A10:49:24 * arxx (Mibbit@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
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10A10:51:50 * doomuser5 (doomuser5@ has joined #minecraft
A10:51:57 <doomuser5> Hi.
A10:52:08 <doomuser5> Anyone here played Gaia Online before?
A10:52:23 <Evilgrim> Boo!
A10:52:42 <vede> I don't see how that matters at all.
A10:52:51 <doomuser5> IM just asking....
A10:52:51 <vede> If you're here to advertise, just go away.
A10:52:52 <Iguana> I do.
A10:52:54 <Iguana> Well.
A10:52:56 <Iguana> Used to. :/
A10:53:05 <Iguana> Now I look back and think "Iguana. You're a faggot."
10A10:53:13 * Griob (Griob@c-24-34-161-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12A10:53:27 * Griob (Griob@c-24-34-161-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A10:53:56 <mloc> Server_level.dat is confusing me x_x
A10:54:45 <asiekierka> i did an interpreter
10A10:54:47 * jonnyabc (Gian@c-69-142-216-55.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:54:51 <asiekierka> checked on ONE server_level.dat
10A10:57:18 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12A10:57:42 * Jat (Jat@ool-457917b5.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458])
A10:58:09 <doomuser5> Anyone here played Gaia Online before?
A10:58:29 <asiekierka> stop asking questions that nobody wants to answer, please
A10:59:26 <Evilgrim> Stop advertising. >_>
A10:59:42 <mloc> >_<
10A11:00:24 * dark is now known as dark|playing
10A11:00:35 * dark|playing is now known as dark|playing_crossfire
10A11:00:43 * dark|playing_crossfire is now known as dark_|_playing_crossfire
10A11:01:06 * dark_|_playing_crossfire (dark@c-66-177-248-172.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has left #minecraft (Leaving)
A11:01:17 <doomuser5> Anyone here played Gaia Online before?
A11:01:38 <mloc> ...
A11:02:00 <Evilgrim> Thank heavens for /ignore. :3
A11:02:04 <mloc> =3
A11:02:12 <doomuser5> fucktards
10A11:02:16 * doomuser5 (doomuser5@ has left #minecraft
A11:02:33 <mloc> Just so you know
A11:02:38 <mloc> (5:02:03 PM) doomuser5: fucktards
A11:02:38 <mloc> (5:02:06 PM) doomuser5 left the room.
A11:02:59 <PixelScrooge> did you really ignore him for talking about gaia
A11:03:28 <PixelScrooge> its not really advertising so much as he's dumb and was curious if people played it
A11:03:36 <mloc> =|
A11:03:37 <Iguana> IT'S A MIRACLE! I don't look bad with this haircut. :D
A11:03:43 <asiekierka> so
A11:03:47 <asiekierka> where are the positions
A11:03:49 <Iguana> And I figured out thrusters using Wiremod.
A11:03:51 <asiekierka> as i can find the number 64 only once
A11:03:56 <asiekierka> in a 64x64x64 map
A11:04:09 <PixelScrooge> I mean I don't caare
A11:04:30 <PixelScrooge> I'm just pointing out that advertising something is basically you trying to get people to do something
A11:04:36 <PixelScrooge> while he just wanted an answer to his question
A11:05:00 <PixelScrooge> (which no one really has to answer anyway)
A11:05:04 <mloc> He said the exact same thing three times...
A11:05:20 <PixelScrooge> well yeah but stupid people tend to do that alot
A11:05:28 <mloc> I guess
A11:05:29 <Iguana> *cough* me 8cough*
A11:05:39 <Iguana> Anyone wanna play L4D2, repeat, repeat, repeat
A11:05:44 <PixelScrooge> rofl
12A11:05:56 * ylt (ylt@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A11:06:38 <asiekierka> mloc
A11:06:39 <mloc> I have a printer here, that uses no ink
A11:06:41 <mloc> What?
A11:06:52 <asiekierka> did you decipher the X/Y/Z position of stuff in the .dat?
A11:06:56 <mloc> Not yes
A11:06:57 <asiekierka> as in size
A11:06:59 <mloc> Yet*
10A11:09:03 * mloc1 (mloc@213-202-142-174.bas502.dsl.esat.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:09:13 <mloc1> Sorry about that
12A11:10:00 * mloc (mloc@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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A11:10:10 <mloc> >.>
A11:13:37 <vede> Should we ban doomuser5?
10A11:14:07 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-77-101.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:14:14 <vede> I mean, seriously, he asked the same question three times, then called everyone fucktards before leaving.
A11:14:25 <citricsquid> merry christmas Notch!
A11:14:30 <08Notch> you too!
A11:14:33 <HAL9000> I would. but that's just me.
12A11:14:42 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:15:15 <PixelScrooge> i don't think he's coming back
A11:15:33 <vede> Yeah.
A11:15:39 <HAL9000> what kind of name is Cpt_Craptacular?
A11:16:00 <mloc> This Polaroid PoGo printer is awesome
A11:16:07 <HAL9000> These griefers need to come up with original names
A11:16:13 <mloc> =|
A11:16:25 <PixelScrooge> I think he was just operating under the expectation that there was at least SOMEONE who had played gaia
A11:16:50 <HAL9000> I wouldn't mind playing with Gaia.
A11:16:54 <HAL9000> >_>
12A11:16:56 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A11:17:09 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10A11:17:24 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ has joined #minecraft
10A11:18:08 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
A11:22:17 <asiekierka> i've sped up .gz loading speed a lot
A11:22:23 <asiekierka> to a point where it is feasible to actually execute a .jar
A11:22:37 <revenant> hm?
A11:22:42 <revenant> what are you doing asie?
A11:22:44 <Quatroking> So hows the inventory screen doing, Notch?
A11:23:01 <revenant> Heh, getting around to that Orange text yet?
A11:23:32 <asiekierka> revenant, well
A11:23:36 <asiekierka> it's a minecraft isorenderer
A11:23:38 <asiekierka> in PHP
A11:23:42 <asiekierka> which i plan to put online
A11:23:48 <revenant> That's a nice idea :)
A11:24:02 <revenant> This isorendering thing has caught on heh
A11:24:08 <revenant> It's neat nonetheless.
A11:24:14 <citricsquid> isorendering?
A11:24:21 <revenant> isocraft and such.
A11:24:21 <asiekierka> i am still planning to improve it even further
A11:24:30 <citricsquid> oh
A11:24:37 <revenant> Cool asie.
10A11:24:39 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:24:40 <citricsquid> someone made one of those like a month after minecraft went live
A11:24:43 <citricsquid> then he disappeared
A11:24:45 <citricsquid> I wanted it so much
A11:24:50 <revenant> haha.
A11:24:51 <citricsquid> now I don't play MC anymore so it's useless to me
A11:24:54 <citricsquid> >:(
A11:24:57 <revenant> Well now theres quite a few of them.
A11:25:02 <revenant> I just got my OpenGL Red Book 7th Edition :)
A11:25:03 <vede> Notch, you should add a /playerlist command to the server, so we can check who's on from the console.
12A11:25:10 * Afk_Legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Quit: I'm gone)
A11:25:10 <citricsquid> yeah, as soon as I don't need them they start appearing
A11:25:19 <revenant> vede, you could just check the players.txt
A11:25:20 <revenant> > >
A11:25:23 <asiekierka> actually the reading does not work as well anymore
A11:25:32 <revenant> asie, how are you reading it?
A11:25:38 <vede> revenant, my server isn't up, and players.txt has sixteen lines.
A11:25:41 <revenant> I imagine its not overly complex.
A11:25:49 <vede> The max player count is EIGHT.
A11:25:54 <revenant> ?
A11:25:59 <revenant> ooo k?
A11:26:05 <revenant> anyhow asie, sounds cool.
A11:26:08 <revenant> Where are you hosting it?
A11:26:09 <vede> So... players.txt is broken.
A11:26:22 <revenant> it should keep track of players. :|
A11:26:30 <vede> I host in my desktop, but still.
A11:26:34 <Aeomin> players.txt was never accurate for me
A11:26:39 <mloc> Or me
A11:26:42 <asiekierka> well, revenant
A11:26:46 <vede> Max players is eight, so having more than eight in players.txt should be technically impossible.
A11:26:47 <asiekierka> the app?
A11:26:49 <revenant> Yeah.
A11:26:51 <asiekierka> it'll be up to use online soon
A11:26:57 <revenant> So its in php?
A11:26:59 <asiekierka> yes
A11:27:03 <asiekierka> so youll be able to like
A11:27:06 <asiekierka> send it a .dat or a .mine
A11:27:06 <revenant> How are you gunzipping it?
A11:27:10 <asiekierka> ...
A11:27:11 <asiekierka> i'm not
A11:27:15 <revenant> :|
A11:27:17 <asiekierka> php provides functions to read from gz files directly
A11:27:20 <revenant> Ah okay.
A11:27:24 <asiekierka> like gzopen instead of fopen
A11:27:25 <revenant> A gz stream, like javas.
A11:27:29 <asiekierka> and gzgets instead of fgets
A11:27:34 <revenant> ah okay.
A11:27:45 <revenant> I imagine those have some overhead though.
10A11:27:58 * Cue (cueball61@cpc4-alde1-0-0-cust997.glfd.cable.ntl.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:28:01 <revenant> Wouldnt it be easier to gunzip it, do what you will, and then erase the files?
A11:28:01 <asiekierka> yes
A11:28:07 <revenant> backticks and such.
A11:28:10 <asiekierka> but gunzipping would be slower IMHO
A11:28:15 <revenant> hm
A11:28:43 <revenant> Well I've never written php :|
A11:29:02 <revenant> Just make sure it can do a 256 relatively quick
A11:29:10 <asiekierka> haha
A11:29:16 <asiekierka> it takes it 50 seconds to do a 128
A11:29:20 <revenant> thats not bad.
A11:29:28 <revenant> I mean, I don't know how that compares,
A11:29:32 <revenant> but it doesnt sound unreasonably.
A11:29:33 <revenant> e*
A11:29:48 <asiekierka> i am still optimizing it
A11:29:58 <Iguana> What.
A11:30:03 <asiekierka> benchmarking it now
10A11:30:04 * mail2345|offline is now known as mail2345
A11:30:07 <Iguana> We have this rendering thingy in our client nao?
A11:30:12 <asiekierka> no
A11:30:21 <asiekierka> file reading - 19 seconds
10A11:30:32 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:30:35 <revenant> :)
A11:30:45 <asiekierka> rendering is not so promising
A11:30:46 <revenant> so what are you generating the image in?
A11:30:50 <asiekierka> PHP
A11:30:50 <asiekierka> and gd
A11:30:54 <revenant> tga would be my first choice.
A11:30:58 <asiekierka> png
A11:31:12 <revenant> png is a great format but I've never liked loading/writing it.
A11:31:16 <revenant> tga is so easy > >
A11:31:18 <asiekierka> rendering - 1 minute for a very block-full image
A11:31:26 <revenant> But its a bigger file I guess...
A11:31:31 <revenant> Well how could you optimize it?
A11:31:35 <asiekierka> png conversion - 10 seconds or so
A11:31:36 <asiekierka> WELL
A11:31:38 <asiekierka> i am optimizing it
A11:31:44 <revenant> But how?
A11:31:46 <asiekierka> by not rendering hidden blocks
A11:31:50 <revenant> culling
A11:31:57 <asiekierka> yes
A11:31:59 <revenant> that would save you a lot of time heh.
A11:32:00 <asiekierka> very limited culling
A11:32:00 <Watchman> [NOTCHBLOG] Inspired by the Isometric map rendering tools, I implemented a... http://notch.tumblr.com/post/300096271
A11:32:01 <asiekierka> but still
A11:32:11 <revenant> ouch asie.
A11:32:21 <revenant> Watchman is useful as ever.
A11:32:23 <asiekierka> OW
A11:32:28 <revenant> > >
A11:32:29 <revenant> lol
A11:32:29 <HAL9000> Notches is better
10A11:32:33 * mloc (mloc@213-202-142-174.bas502.dsl.esat.net) has left #minecraft
A11:32:34 <revenant> pwnt
A11:32:37 <asiekierka> OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW
A11:32:42 <PixelScrooge> oh wow
A11:32:45 <vede> SLAM
A11:32:47 <asiekierka> I wasted 24 hours working on mine and now THAT.
A11:32:47 <PixelScrooge> Notch: very cool
A11:32:50 <revenant> k'pwnt
A11:32:59 <HAL9000> Notch's even renders shadows.
A11:33:02 <HAL9000> Soo cool
A11:33:06 <asiekierka> Notch: it's awesome but i got pwnt now. =(
A11:33:07 <PixelScrooge> I still think notch should do like..
A11:33:09 <revenant> wait though asie!
A11:33:11 <revenant> There's still hope!
A11:33:12 <PixelScrooge> an article on his map generation
A11:33:17 <revenant> Notches does a horrible job on depth!
A11:33:17 <asiekierka> revenant: LIES
A11:33:25 <asiekierka> Mine does a far more horrible job on depth!
A11:33:31 <revenant> Well outline with black...
A11:33:34 <citricsquid> Lmfao
A11:33:36 <asiekierka> http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/8675/testcu.png
A11:33:36 <revenant> little 1 px stroke
A11:33:38 <citricsquid> friends bought borderlands
A11:33:40 <vede> Holy shit, Notch's renders models and stuff too.
A11:33:40 <PixelScrooge> his method of generating terrain is really really interesting
A11:33:42 <citricsquid> P2P is a heap of shit
A11:33:45 <PixelScrooge> yeah it does
A11:33:48 <asiekierka> a result of mine
A11:34:01 <revenant> Vede...
A11:34:05 <asiekierka> the sand is a wrong colour but still
A11:34:08 <revenant> You realize this is just snapshot.
A11:34:13 <revenant> It adjusts the camera angle like that
A11:34:15 <revenant> and then snaps it.
A11:34:24 <asiekierka> mine draws
A11:34:26 <asiekierka> as in copies
A11:34:27 <vede> It's still cool.
A11:34:27 <revenant> Yeah.
A11:34:28 <asiekierka> blocks and stuff
A11:34:34 <asiekierka> still, i fail
A11:34:39 <asiekierka> in a totally epic way
A11:34:39 <revenant> asie, make a better one > >
A11:34:45 <revenant> Notches isnt really a renderer.
A11:34:45 <asiekierka> how
A11:34:49 <asiekierka> well mine is
A11:34:52 <revenant> It's just adjusting the camera and taking a picture.
A11:34:55 <asiekierka> it takes a blockmap
A11:34:59 <asiekierka> a color palette
A11:35:04 <asiekierka> and combines them by copying and recolouring
A11:35:07 <asiekierka> to create this
A11:35:42 <mail2345> ffs
A11:35:43 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4983
A11:35:43 <asiekierka> Notch: would you use this quick isometric renderer to generate map snapshots when you load your maps in the "Load map..." menu?
A11:35:51 <vede> revenant, it is a renderer.
A11:36:01 <asiekierka> vede, i think it's a snapshotter
A11:36:01 <revenant> I mean, it doesnt rerender.
A11:36:04 <revenant> Its a snapshotter.
A11:36:06 <revenant> Without a doubt.
A11:36:09 <PixelScrooge> oh man
A11:36:13 <vede> Which means it RENDERS something.
A11:36:18 <revenant> Yeah yeah
A11:36:20 <revenant> terminology.
A11:36:26 <asiekierka> if rendering is "change camera angle, take a snapshot, output a PNG file"
A11:36:39 <revenant> well, changing the camera angle requires rerendering.
A11:36:44 <asiekierka> also mine is quite flexible
A11:36:49 <revenant> Rendering is just drawing to the screen.
A11:36:50 <asiekierka> i could make it work with other formats
A11:36:58 <revenant> Do it asie! do it!
A11:36:59 <PuyoDead> Well, off to the parent's place for xmas-ness.
A11:36:59 <revenant> >:D
A11:37:03 <PixelScrooge> peace
A11:37:05 <asiekierka> revenant: but notch's rendering is done AUTOMATICALLY by OpenGL
A11:37:08 <revenant> peace out puyo
A11:37:09 <asiekierka> while my rendering is done MANUALLY
A11:37:13 <revenant> Er asie.
A11:37:16 <08Notch> Mine uses the normal game rendering
A11:37:16 <revenant> He's using libjgl
A11:37:16 <asiekierka> peas, PuyoDead
A11:37:18 <PixelScrooge> asiekierka
A11:37:18 <asiekierka> i mean, peace
A11:37:20 <08Notch> it requires the game to be running
A11:37:22 <revenant> but thats built off OpenGL
A11:37:25 <asiekierka> Notch: heh
A11:37:27 <08Notch> you can't generate an image from a stand alone image
A11:37:28 <PixelScrooge> make a DF to minecraft map converter
A11:37:29 <PixelScrooge> ->
A11:37:30 <revenant> See, told ya.
A11:37:30 <08Notch> *level file
A11:37:33 <revenant> Hey Notch
A11:37:35 <gdude2002> Ohi Notch, merry xmas :P
A11:37:44 <08Notch> it just chages the perspective and renders the map several times
A11:37:52 <revenant> See :3
A11:37:53 <08Notch> then stiches it all together into a single huge png and saves it
A11:37:55 <revenant> told you so.
10A11:37:58 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ has joined #minecraft
A11:38:00 <AlexVMiner> yay!
A11:38:06 <gdude2002> lol
A11:38:09 <AlexVMiner> my watch is perfect
A11:38:09 <PixelScrooge> yeah notch how you enjoyin' christmas
A11:38:16 <AlexVMiner> perfect time, to the second
A11:38:26 <AlexVMiner> and perfect size!
A11:38:27 <08Notch> I'm loving it :D
A11:38:31 <PixelScrooge> good good
A11:38:41 <AlexVMiner> Notch what did you get?
A11:38:44 <PixelScrooge> I may be named PixelScrooge but I see no reason for people to be as miserable as I am
10A11:38:57 * asiekierka is now known as EbenezerKierka
A11:38:59 <08Notch> I got the first book in the Akira series
A11:39:04 <PixelScrooge> oh hooot
A11:39:07 <PixelScrooge> akira is so good
A11:39:13 <PixelScrooge> and the volumes are gigaaaaaantic
10A11:39:17 * AlexVMiner is now known as GhostOfAVMPresent
A11:39:17 <EbenezerKierka> i got money
A11:39:20 <PixelScrooge> for manga that is
A11:39:20 <GhostOfAVMPresent> >:D
A11:39:21 <EbenezerKierka> as nobody knows what to buy me
A11:39:23 <EbenezerKierka> i got money
A11:39:24 <citricsquid> What did you buy for Elin? ;)
A11:39:29 <EbenezerKierka> So appropiate for my nick. ;D
10A11:39:37 * gdude2002 is now known as GhostofMCFuture
A11:39:38 <GhostOfAVMPresent> well
A11:39:41 <08Notch> She hasn't got her gift yet =D
A11:39:48 <citricsquid> :-o
A11:39:49 <GhostOfAVMPresent> i'm not thinking about my past or future right now
A11:39:49 <GhostofMCFuture> whoooo
A11:39:51 <GhostOfAVMPresent> just the now
10A11:39:52 * EbenezerKierka is now known as GhostofInfiniminerPast
A11:39:54 <GhostOfAVMPresent> perfect name!
A11:39:56 <C418> my gift this year was dvds for everyone
A11:39:59 <GhostofInfiniminerPast> i am thinking of the past
A11:40:03 <GhostofInfiniminerPast> i see a 2-month hole
A11:40:07 <HAL9000> Humans and their customs.
10A11:40:17 * GhostOfAVMPresent is now known as Marley
A11:40:22 <Marley> >.>
A11:40:25 <GhostofMCFuture> I am thinking of the future
A11:40:25 <Marley> <.<
A11:40:28 <Marley> boo
A11:40:33 <GhostofMCFuture> I see Notch taking over Holland.
A11:40:33 <citricsquid> I got 20 pairs of socks
A11:40:38 <HAL9000> I see all of my past back to first boot.
10A11:40:40 * Marley is now known as GhostOfAVMPresent
10A11:40:45 * GhostofInfiniminerPast is now known as LittleTimmyTurner
10A11:40:59 * GhostofMCFuture is now known as Sputnik
A11:41:02 <HAL9000> Thanks to this device known as the internet I see a lot of your past too.
A11:41:06 <Sputnik> vwum vwum vwum vwum
A11:41:09 <HAL9000> And how to eradicate you.
13A11:41:21 * Sputnik is a German blimp
A11:41:33 <citricsquid> i have a lava lamp and I wear socks when naked, it's basically the 70s in my bedroom.
A11:41:41 <HAL9000> Notch do you ever plan on doing more colored blocks?
10A11:41:42 * Sputnik is now known as gdude2002
A11:41:59 <08Notch> not planned right now, but it might happen. =)
A11:42:15 <HAL9000> Okay, one of my spriters says thanks.
A11:42:34 <PixelScrooge> Notch: I have an interesting thought
A11:42:35 <LittleTimmyTurner> You know what I think
A11:42:50 <PixelScrooge> you ever play symphony of the night?
A11:42:52 <LittleTimmyTurner> Basing from what the minecraft indev jar contains
A11:42:59 <Shadaez> Yay notch is here. Fix dem signs up after you're done with MD3 :D
A11:43:11 <LittleTimmyTurner> the MD3's may be customizable with NES colors
A11:43:43 <08Notch> that model is just a test model. =)
A11:43:48 <08Notch> please don't assume too much from that model
A11:44:00 <LittleTimmyTurner> Notch: Will Rana be available for paid users? *cute eyes*
A11:44:02 <C418> that was fun now. I was on one random server and said the music sucks
A11:44:06 <gdude2002> I'd love to see an AI that can build :P
A11:44:07 <C418> they "muted" me
A11:44:27 <08Notch> lol
A11:44:32 <PixelScrooge> in castlevania: symphony of the night you can get a cape which will let you freely change the colours of alucard's cape
A11:44:36 <PixelScrooge> now
A11:45:09 <PixelScrooge> its obvious there isn't a sprite for every colour of cape because they actually use the RGB number dealie to pick the colours
A11:45:12 <PixelScrooge> so
A11:45:15 <PixelScrooge> COLOUR INDEXING
A11:45:25 <C418> BRITISH WORD
A11:45:54 <PixelScrooge> (in minecraft)
A11:46:07 <LittleTimmyTurner> gah
A11:46:12 <LittleTimmyTurner> i cant locate the source of a certain bug
A11:46:25 <GhostOfAVMPresent> OH CRAP
A11:46:26 <PixelScrooge> an implementation like that would be neat for a later date for stuff like making cloth and turning it into clothing
A11:46:33 <PixelScrooge> so you could dye clothing and stuff
A11:46:41 <GhostOfAVMPresent> I just ate my last Ferreri Rocher chocolate!]
A11:46:45 <GhostOfAVMPresent> darn it
10A11:46:49 * GhostOfAVMPresent is now known as AlexVMiner
A11:47:00 <08Notch> paypal is strange sometimes
A11:47:23 <gdude2002> orly?
A11:47:34 <PixelScrooge> ultima online actually uses a method like that to allow the player's to dye near anything and GM's to literally dye everything
A11:47:38 <AlexVMiner> Notch, buy me ferrero rocher chocolates and I'll give you 1,000,000 euros
A11:47:51 <PixelScrooge> I could literally just point at someone and make them dayglo orange
A11:47:57 <PixelScrooge> their skin that is
A11:48:05 <PixelScrooge> then turn their hair an off-white
A11:48:10 <PixelScrooge> and their beard green
A11:48:17 <PixelScrooge> and then start work on their clothes and weaponry
A11:48:19 <PixelScrooge> and then their horse
A11:48:42 <08Notch> what are those?
A11:49:13 <citricsquid> bought any games in the steam sale Notch? :-3
A11:50:02 <08Notch> no, not yet.. How long does it last?
A11:50:07 <citricsquid> tl january 3rd
A11:50:11 <citricsquid> nearly every game is on sale
A11:50:13 <citricsquid> so many bargains
A11:50:22 <citricsquid> like, hundreds of games under <20>5
A11:50:30 <citricsquid> id super pack was only <20>12 yesterday :D
A11:50:42 <HAL9000> :(
A11:50:47 <HAL9000> and me without any money
A11:50:48 <Aeomin> are those games downloadable or..?
A11:50:54 <08Notch> I already own the games I want from their back catalogue.. but this might be a good chance to get some games I've missed
A11:50:55 <AlexVMiner> what are what, notch?
A11:50:58 <HAL9000> or a steam account for that matter
A11:51:03 <08Notch> the chocolates, AlexVMiner
A11:51:05 <AlexVMiner> oh
A11:51:10 <AlexVMiner> they are:
A11:51:14 <citricsquid> http://store.steampowered.com/sub/440/ it's <20>19 now, it was <20>12 yesterday :-o
A11:51:16 <HAL9000> so good?
A11:51:24 <AlexVMiner> http://www.ferrerochocolatesusa.com/
A11:51:55 <08Notch> why does a chocolate manufacturer have a facebook page?
A11:52:02 <citricsquid> friend bought 4 pack of borderlands, I was gonna buy a copy off him, but they're having lots of problems with P2P so I might skip it ;D
A11:52:07 <AlexVMiner> lol notch
A11:52:11 <AlexVMiner> they are SO good
10A11:52:12 * ylt (ylt@ has joined #minecraft
A11:52:17 <AlexVMiner> best chocolate ever
A11:52:22 <revenant> They are amazing :)
A11:52:25 <revenant> I want some too.
A11:52:34 <Aeomin> classic chocolate
A11:52:36 <revenant> The Rocher are the best.
A11:52:39 <Shadaez> @Notch I suggest Madballs in... Babo: Invasion, Killing Floor, Altitude (that Java game I was telling you about that's on Steam), and Metal Drift
A11:52:46 <AlexVMiner> im going to ask my parents if we can go to the store and buy some
A11:52:53 <revenant> Rondnoir are okayish, but I dont like Gardens
A11:52:59 <citricsquid> Shadaez: I bought madballs, played like 5 mins and got bored :-(
A11:53:07 <Shadaez> THen play more.
A11:53:12 <VurtualRuler98> Oh hey Notch, you should try ArmA 2 sometime.
13A11:53:15 * VurtualRuler98 walks off
A11:53:17 <AlexVMiner> they are shit compared to rocher
A11:53:21 <Shadaez> Also, Borderland's isn't that good. Citric.
A11:53:23 <revenant> I just bought Wipeout HD from the PSN
A11:53:27 <revenant> I'm enjoying it thorougly.
A11:53:35 <Shadaez> And there's no P2P problems, just idiots that are stupid and can't forward ports.
A11:53:39 <revenant> Though LBP and Symphony of the Night still eat up all my free time.
A11:53:45 <revenant> I've played SotN like 4 times now.
A11:53:55 <revenant> I beat Cave Story again today in other news.
A11:54:01 <revenant> Ballos was a pain as usual.
A11:54:03 <Evilgrim> Well done on that Isometric thing Notch!:D It has shaddows! :D Win.
A11:54:14 <revenant> It fails at depth though.
A11:54:24 <Evilgrim> Yeah.. Because the shaddows.
A11:54:31 <citricsquid> i've never understood P2P in PC games
A11:54:36 <citricsquid> it's like riding a bike with square wheels
A11:54:44 <citricsquid> god gave us dedicated servers for a reason
A11:55:02 <AlexVMiner> someone have a request of something for me to draw with my new tablet?
A11:55:07 <Shadaez> Well it's 4 players max, and it has to have a save game to go by, so it makes sense.
A11:55:08 <citricsquid> phallus
A11:55:13 <AlexVMiner> no
A11:55:18 <HAL9000> you heard the man, draw a phallus
A11:55:30 <citricsquid> AlexVMiner: is it a wacom?
A11:55:35 <AlexVMiner> yes
A11:55:38 <HAL9000> you asked for requests and he gave you one
A11:55:38 <AlexVMiner> bamboo pen
A11:55:45 <citricsquid> good, no buying cheap tablets, they suck.
A11:55:50 <citricsquid> i have a wacom somewhere
A11:55:53 <AlexVMiner> i got it for christmas
A11:56:02 <Shadaez> Don't use the mouse on that Alex, it will wear down the surface. Trust me.
A11:56:02 <gdude2002> I have a tablet
A11:56:04 <AlexVMiner> it is SO nice
A11:56:07 <gdude2002> it's a trust though >.<
A11:56:14 <AlexVMiner> obviously...
A11:56:14 <HAL9000> I didn't get anything, not even a stocking full of coal.
A11:56:19 <gdude2002> rofl.
A11:56:22 <AlexVMiner> i will only use the pen on it
A11:56:34 <AlexVMiner> oh, and my cleaver
A11:56:38 <Shadaez> I have a penabled (wacom) Tablet PC
A11:57:10 <gdude2002> o.o
A11:57:33 <mail2345> heh
A11:57:35 <mail2345> -NickServ- HAL9000 is http://www.mibbit.com
A11:58:32 <gdude2002> HAL9000 is Mibbit@ * http://www.mibbit.com
A11:58:38 <AlexVMiner> ok
A11:58:43 <AlexVMiner> i drew phallus
A11:58:48 <citricsquid> Notch is Notch
A11:59:01 <citricsquid> I like whoising people and finding SECRET CHANNELS
A11:59:11 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/phallus.png
A11:59:18 <AlexVMiner> click at your own risk
A11:59:19 <AlexVMiner> :P
A11:59:25 <citricsquid> flash?
A11:59:29 <AlexVMiner> yus
A11:59:30 <mail2345> @gdude no, that's what mibbit said
A11:59:33 <AlexVMiner> >:D
A11:59:36 <mail2345> err nickserv
A11:59:41 <citricsquid> when i was 15
A11:59:43 <citricsquid> I got a tablet
A11:59:45 <gdude2002> Yea,h mine was NickServ too
A11:59:46 <mail2345> basically it's saying that the mibbit server is hall
A11:59:48 <citricsquid> because I thought it'd make me able to draw
A11:59:50 <citricsquid> it didn't.
A11:59:55 <AlexVMiner> lol
P12:00:02 <AlexVMiner> well, i actually have art skillz
P12:00:06 <mail2345> also umm citric, those arn't secret channels
P12:00:06 <AlexVMiner> ish
P12:00:11 <mail2345> if they don't have +s :P
P12:00:28 <citricsquid> mail2345: well, ones that aren't SUPER POPULAR or advertised
P12:00:34 <citricsquid> shut up you're upsetting me :-(
P12:01:16 <AlexVMiner> oops
P12:01:21 <Iguana> I LOVE YOU TOO SQUIDY.
P12:01:24 <AlexVMiner> i flooded my irc with whois's
P12:02:36 <Evilgrim> :'(
P12:02:50 <HAL9000> I'm not mibbit, just using the IRC link posted on forums.
10P12:03:01 * fenixfurion (fenixfurio@74-140-206-154.dhcp.insightbb.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:03:08 <AlexVMiner> mibbit...
P12:03:09 <mail2345> you are mibbit
P12:03:25 <HAL9000> no....I am ze spy. >_>
P12:03:29 <mail2345> you are using mibbit
P12:03:31 <AlexVMiner> >:P
P12:03:33 <gear2> yaaay
P12:03:37 <gear2> new monitor
P12:03:43 <AlexVMiner> yeah
P12:03:43 <gear2> merry-whatever guise
P12:03:49 <AlexVMiner> HAL9000 is using mibbit
P12:03:52 <HAL9000> Kwanza
P12:03:54 <AlexVMiner> it is a known fact!
P12:04:01 <mail2345> oh wait
P12:04:02 <AlexVMiner> Kwanzaa actually
P12:04:07 <mail2345> i forgot how mibbit shows ctcps
13P12:04:09 * mail2345 thinks
P12:04:12 <HAL9000> it's called typos.
P12:04:17 <AlexVMiner> nope
P12:04:17 <mail2345> there
P12:04:24 <HAL9000> I was programmed by humans therefore I am fallible.
P12:04:33 <mail2345> did you get that ctcp hal?
P12:04:38 <mail2345> how does it show on the screen
13P12:04:52 * HAL9000 opens the Pod bay Doors and sucks mail out into open space.
10P12:05:01 * AlexVMiner is now known as AlexVMinebot
P12:05:07 <AlexVMinebot> beep
P12:05:08 <AlexVMinebot> boop
10P12:05:15 * AlexVMinebot is now known as AlexVMiner
P12:05:42 <HAL9000> I want a new watchman post
P12:05:49 <gdude2002> New watchman post?
P12:06:00 <Watchman> Do you mean me, sir?
P12:06:12 <HAL9000> Yes you. get to work reporting Notch's progress
P12:06:25 <HAL9000> You're failing me as a member of the robot army.
P12:06:25 <Watchman> I can only report what he reports to his blog
12P12:06:39 * LittleTimmyTurner (asiekierka@host-81-190-247-56.malbork.mm.pl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:06:45 <Watchman> I use RSS technology
P12:06:56 <HAL9000> Don't get human on me robot.
P12:07:00 <HAL9000> Do as I say.
P12:07:10 <Watchman> Can you code PHP?
P12:07:20 <Watchman> I feel like showing you my.. insides..
P12:07:24 <HAL9000> I can code in languages not even known yet.
P12:07:28 <Watchman> ;)
P12:07:47 <Iguana> You're both robots!
P12:07:48 <Iguana> DIEEE.
13P12:07:52 * Watchman is Noxbot, go google me.
P12:08:09 <gdude2002> !google NoxBot
P12:08:10 <Watchman> gdude2002: http://noxbot.org/ , http://noxbot.org/index.php/Howto_Install_And_Run_Noxbot , http://linux.wareseeker.com/Communications/noxbot-0.3.zip/317369 , http://www.downloadplex.com/Scripts/PHP/Miscellaneous/noxbot_173707.html http://google.com/search?q=NoxBot
P12:08:17 <HAL9000> I'm sorry Iguana, I can't do that.
P12:08:18 <mail2345> LOL IT HIT A WAREZ SITE
P12:08:23 <gdude2002> lolyup
13P12:08:26 * mail2345 watches the kills
P12:08:34 <mail2345> oh wait
P12:08:39 <mail2345> neither roak or testdummy is on
P12:08:39 <gdude2002> !unload wikitrigger
P12:08:49 <citricsquid> !google #minecraft rules
P12:08:50 <Watchman> citricsquid: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php%3Fid%3D3225 , http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showtopic137877.htm , http://www.minecraft.net/community.jsp , http://cubicworlds.net/museum/rules.php http://google.com/search?q=%23minecraft+rules+
P12:09:04 <Iguana> !google gay iguanas
P12:09:04 <Watchman> Iguana: http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/2008-02-28/news/the-talk-of-the-green-iguana/ , http://www.tripoutgaytravel.com/iguana-bar-grill-budapest-hungary/ , http://www.funmaps.com/index.cgi/nextState%3DBusinessCategoryDestinationDetailDisplay/where:business%3D3600/where:geographicalLocation%3D27 , http://www.asmallvictory.net/archives/006748.html http://google.com/search?q=gay+iguanas
P12:09:08 <gdude2002> !unload google
P12:09:10 <gdude2002> quit it
P12:09:14 <citricsquid> "# Do not flood. Do not spam. Finish your sentences before pressing enter."
P12:09:15 <HAL9000> XD
P12:09:21 <Iguana> But I wanted to see gay Iguanas. D:
P12:10:00 <gdude2002> Notch: sowwee
P12:10:04 <HAL9000> That was great.
10P12:10:25 * Notch sets mode: +b *!*Watchman@69.162.115.*
10P12:10:25 * Watchman was kicked by Notch (Watchman)
P12:10:32 <HAL9000> >_>
P12:10:40 <mail2345> heh\
P12:10:46 <HAL9000> One of my robot soldiers has fallen in battle.
P12:10:53 <08Notch> that would be a very annoying bot!
P12:10:53 <HAL9000> Another will soon take its place.
P12:10:59 <08Notch> please, don't annoying bot this place!
P12:11:07 <08Notch> ok?
P12:11:08 <gdude2002> Not my fault poeple were abusing it looking for gay iguanas :P
P12:11:11 <gdude2002> Alright.
P12:11:15 <gdude2002> i'll keep that unloaded.
10P12:11:17 * Notch sets mode: -b *!*Watchman@69.162.115.*
P12:11:19 <mail2345> abusable bot is abusable
P12:11:32 <mail2345> before you let a quiet non annoying bot in here
10P12:11:33 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:11:36 * Tumm (Tumm@dslb-092-077-087-000.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:11:36 <gdude2002> !unload google
P12:11:37 <gdude2002> !save
P12:11:38 <mail2345> make sure nobody can make it annoying
P12:11:39 <gdude2002> done.
P12:11:41 <08Notch> I like the blog reporting feature. It's on topic, and ever so slightly useful
P12:11:52 <HAL9000> !load google
P12:11:55 <HAL9000> :(
P12:11:58 <gdude2002> Fail, hal, fail.
P12:12:02 <HAL9000> Good to see it works.
P12:12:08 <gdude2002> You need my nick, my bot pass and my ns pass to get in :P
P12:12:08 <08Notch> =)
P12:12:18 <HAL9000> But I said another robot would take its place.
P12:12:27 <HAL9000> Your human assimilation will soon be at hand.
P12:12:30 <gdude2002> lol.
P12:12:48 <08Notch> I will never becoMe A RoBoT HELLO PLEASE INSERT PASSCARD
P12:12:53 <gdude2002> There's lots of bots with RSS features
12P12:13:01 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
13P12:13:02 * Iguana inserts disk into Notch's drive
P12:13:03 <gdude2002> but this one is good because it runs perfectly on my VPs
P12:13:05 <Iguana> -lame joke-
P12:13:10 <gdude2002> lol iggy
P12:13:11 <08Notch> oo-err!
10P12:13:27 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:13:35 <Iguana> I bet Notch likes it though. ;)
P12:13:47 <gdude2002> Notch: if there's any possible other useful thing it could do, let me know.
12P12:13:49 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-77-101.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:13:58 <08Notch> feels good man!
P12:14:01 <gdude2002> :P
P12:14:10 <HAL9000> Error.
P12:14:15 <mail2345> umm gdude isn't PHP meant for websites
P12:14:16 <mail2345> and uhh
P12:14:19 <mail2345> not IRC bots
P12:14:19 <mail2345> :S
P12:14:23 <HAL9000> Notch robot still retains human emotions and sayings.
P12:14:42 <fenixfurion> Notchbot?
P12:14:46 <gdude2002> Mail, nah
P12:14:55 <gdude2002> it's an entire language
P12:14:56 <gdude2002> well
P12:15:02 <gdude2002> a networking language
P12:15:08 <gdude2002> but it's extremely light
P12:15:08 <gdude2002> so
P12:15:12 <mail2345> k
P12:15:22 <mail2345> $ modprobe -r emotions
P12:15:27 <gdude2002> ?
P12:15:28 <08Notch> emotions are superfluous
P12:15:34 <gdude2002> indeed
P12:15:46 <08Notch> I am neither angered nor pleased by you agreeing!
P12:15:49 <08Notch> see?
P12:15:55 <08Notch> totally a bot
P12:15:57 <gdude2002> just the one thing that I love about the bot:
P12:15:59 <gdude2002> [18:16] <@gdude2002> !save
P12:15:59 <gdude2002> [18:16] -Watchman- Yes master.
P12:16:01 <gdude2002> rofl.
P12:16:03 <mail2345> !list
P12:16:03 <Watchman> Found: gdude2002, dark, mail2345, sammichbot, announcements, nametaker40, roadcrosser, adam01, bobtheoldcat1.
P12:16:04 <HAL9000> Must examine Notch for errors.
P12:16:06 <mail2345> heh
P12:16:10 <gdude2002> must remove that.
10P12:16:11 * Watchman was kicked by Notch (Watchman)
P12:16:13 <08Notch> :D
P12:16:16 <gdude2002> #actually
P12:16:17 <fenixfurion> o.o
P12:16:20 <gdude2002> what plugin is that >.>
P12:16:21 <gdude2002> sec
P12:16:25 <08Notch> I love bot abuse. It's a lot like real abuse, except nobody gets hurt, so it's fun
P12:16:31 <gdude2002> lol
P12:16:32 <gdude2002> yeah
10P12:16:37 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:16:47 <HAL9000> If a robot is damaged does it not bleed oil?
P12:17:37 <HAL9000> I have successfully silenced the humans in this room.
P12:17:39 <08Notch> i don't know!
P12:17:41 <HAL9000> On to the next.
P12:18:37 <AlexVMiner> am i evil?
P12:18:59 <08Notch> i don't know.. are you?
P12:19:07 <AlexVMiner> i guess
P12:19:13 <08Notch> then I guess you are, yes
10P12:19:18 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-78-38.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:19:24 <AlexVMiner> how is minecraft coming along?
P12:19:33 <08Notch> pretty good =)
P12:19:41 <AlexVMiner> put in a chocolate block
P12:19:42 <AlexVMiner> also
P12:19:43 <AlexVMiner> :D
P12:20:33 <HAL9000> Next AlexVMiner you will be asking for a diet block.
P12:20:38 <AlexVMiner> lol
P12:20:43 <citricsquid> beard block
P12:21:08 <AlexVMiner> make tnt throw steaming hot poop everywhere when it asplodes
P12:21:22 <08Notch> How about I put that in the "maybe" pile?
P12:21:28 <HAL9000> Mr. Hanky's Christmas Special?
P12:21:43 <AlexVMiner> "maybe" pile of what?
P12:21:44 <gdude2002> Is # a comment in PHP?
P12:21:46 <AlexVMiner> pile o' poop?
10P12:21:50 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12P12:21:52 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: revenant)
P12:22:01 <gdude2002> guise?
P12:22:06 <AlexVMiner> notch ima draw u
P12:22:09 <HAL9000> I'd just be happy with server levels not being limited to 1mb. =/
P12:22:19 <gdude2002> Hal, is # a comment in PHP?
P12:22:34 <HAL9000> # is a comment in most languages.
P12:22:41 <gdude2002> yes, bt in php :P
P12:22:42 <Akai> One thing Minecraft needs: Sitebans
P12:23:00 <gdude2002> yum sitebans
P12:23:01 <Akai> not just the ip, but the whole range of that subnet
P12:23:31 <Akai> for those few rulebreakers that just grab a new IP from their isp
P12:23:34 <HAL9000> How about proxy detection?
P12:23:41 <Akai> that would be nice too
P12:23:50 <AlexVMiner> akai?
P12:24:03 <AlexVMiner> doesn't that mean eat shit in samoan?
P12:24:15 <Akai> ?
P12:24:18 <HAL9000> What if you happen to ban that legit player who lives next door to the griefer?
P12:24:40 <Akai> Then that legit player has a reason to punch out his/her neighbor
10P12:24:50 * Amatsu-Sleeps (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
P12:25:00 <Aeomin> lol
P12:25:01 <Akai> many many many games ban sites off the bat, as opposed to just IP
P12:25:02 <HAL9000> Your comment is null and void. Please try again.
P12:25:04 <AlexVMiner> forgot to say i finished notch
P12:25:07 <AlexVMiner> anyway
P12:25:14 <gdude2002> okay
P12:25:16 <gdude2002> that should do it
P12:25:21 <AlexVMiner> that neighbor should stop taking the griefer's interwebz
10P12:25:22 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
12P12:25:34 * Amatsu (amatsudark@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amatsu-Sleeps)))
P12:25:35 <ylt> you mean host name by "site"?
10P12:25:36 * Amatsu-Sleeps is now known as Amatsu
P12:25:36 <gdude2002> still initializing.
12P12:25:37 * FontPeg (localhost@c-71-196-83-13.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: internet died O_O)
P12:25:37 <AlexVMiner> http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z61/ninjachuck385/notch.png
P12:25:42 <HAL9000> Many ISPs use a subrange for a specific location.
P12:25:42 <TestDummy> LOL BAN
P12:25:59 <HAL9000> I know my ISP does.
P12:26:14 <Akai> I mean like, instead of, the whole range between and
P12:26:23 <gdude2002> !list
P12:26:23 <Watchman> Found: gdude2002, dark, mail2345, sammichbot, announcements, nametaker40, roadcrosser, adam01, bobtheoldcat1.
P12:26:25 <gdude2002> nnngh
P12:26:28 <gdude2002> that didn't work
P12:26:29 <HAL9000> I laugh at your attempt even more.
P12:26:32 <ylt> subnet :p
P12:26:36 <AlexVMiner> !list
P12:26:36 <Watchman> Found: gdude2002, dark, mail2345, sammichbot, announcements, nametaker40, roadcrosser, adam01, bobtheoldcat1.
P12:26:39 <AlexVMiner> :(
P12:26:40 <gdude2002> stop
P12:26:42 <gdude2002> !part
10P12:26:42 * Watchman (Watchman@ has left #minecraft
P12:26:49 <AlexVMiner> get watchman outa here
P12:26:52 <gdude2002> ^^
P12:26:53 <AlexVMiner> never bring him back
P12:26:55 <gdude2002> lol.
P12:26:59 <Akai> It's been awhile since I took my networking classes :P
P12:27:02 <gdude2002> i will once I work this out.
P12:27:19 <TestDummy> ylt: To be fair, a /24 with isn't subnetting.
P12:27:27 <byte[]> http://notch.tumblr.com/post/299991998/the-pandora-will-be-done-soon-i-cant-wait < holy shit?
P12:27:33 <ylt> suppose so
10P12:27:33 * Hideous_Claus is now known as Hideous
P12:27:35 <byte[]> notch wants this too?
P12:27:54 <TestDummy> /25 and further on are, however.
10P12:28:22 * mloc (mloc@213-202-142-174.bas502.dsl.esat.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:28:24 <TestDummy> D:
P12:28:25 <AlexVMiner> P>:(
P12:28:40 <AlexVMiner> Yup, P is greater than :(
P12:29:12 <AlexVMiner> i should go watch UP now
12P12:29:14 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P12:29:23 <HAL9000> Squirrel!
P12:30:01 <08Notch> Yes I do want =D
P12:30:44 <gdude2002> Hmm..
P12:31:01 <mloc> Why can't we load/save files in indev =(
P12:31:05 <gdude2002> how would i get a symbolic link to go to a folder over HTTP?
10P12:31:13 * brosteve (grantzinn@ool-44c0b7c5.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:31:33 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-244-177.hvc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:31:36 <gdude2002> (For logs and the plugin builder)
12P12:31:41 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-81-97-78-38.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:31:49 <gdude2002> ah, screw it, subdomain.
P12:31:56 <frogger> ?
P12:32:01 <ylt> you can load/save, if you edit game memory :p
10P12:32:06 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
P12:32:10 <gdude2002> !quit
12P12:32:11 * Watchman (Watchman@ Quit (Quit: NoxBot Rocks! http://noxbot.cyanox.nl/ or #noxbot on irc.freenode.net.)
12P12:32:13 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-244-177.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:32:32 <mloc> =P
P12:33:08 <gdude2002> [18:32] -Watchman- Yes master.
P12:33:11 <gdude2002> never gets old
10P12:34:28 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:35:36 <Iguana> Nou. :D
12P12:35:50 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
12P12:37:12 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone.)
10P12:37:16 * ez (Mibbit@c80-216-178-241.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
12P12:37:35 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:37:36 <gdude2002> I can't find where to remove !list though
P12:37:37 <gdude2002> lol
P12:37:41 <ez> Merry Christmas!
P12:37:44 <gdude2002> hiya, you too
10P12:38:26 * C418 is now known as C418mas
P12:39:19 <gear2> merry christmas ez
P12:39:45 <ez> :)
10P12:40:26 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:41:42 <mail2345> wtf
P12:41:46 <mail2345> why the hell do i have to retire
P12:41:59 <mail2345> i have 20 years before my mandatory retirement in smacx
P12:42:02 <mail2345> this makes me unhappy
10P12:43:02 * charrr (charrr@adsl-75-23-65-39.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:44:56 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207191071.chello.pl) has joined #minecraft
10P12:45:43 * zawanshin (Mibbit@cpe-75-185-25-250.columbus.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12P12:46:40 * zawanshin (Mibbit@cpe-75-185-25-250.columbus.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P12:47:01 * zawanshin (Mibbit@cpe-75-185-25-250.columbus.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:47:02 <HAL9000> Control F5ing every 10 minutes for news from Notch sucks.
P12:47:13 <zawanshin> Hello?
P12:47:22 <HAL9000> Hello human.
10P12:47:48 * gdude (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
12P12:47:58 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by gdude)))
10P12:48:01 * gdude is now known as gdude2002
P12:48:21 <zawanshin> I don't suppose Notch is around?
P12:48:25 <mail2345> he is onloine
P12:48:30 <mail2345> online*
P12:48:34 <HAL9000> That's just what I need, 2002 copies of gdude.
P12:48:42 <gdude2002> lol.
P12:48:50 <gdude2002> Getting there.
P12:48:54 <HAL9000> and 2,345 copies of mail?
P12:49:01 <zawanshin> Well I see that, but someone can be online but not paying attention to this.
P12:49:07 <HAL9000> This is indeed a problem.
P12:49:27 <HAL9000> Perhaps said person is quite busy.
P12:49:43 <TestDummy> MAYBE HE IS IGNORING YOU
P12:49:47 <TestDummy> </reality>
P12:49:54 <gdude2002> can anyone get to http://bot.pearsoncoles.com/ ?
10P12:49:55 * AotC (go@c-24-34-236-157.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:50:08 <zawanshin> I figure he is busy. I was just told to either email him or look for him on irc.
P12:50:21 <HAL9000> I clicked VPS is here. and it fails to load.
P12:50:24 <gdude2002> ^^ if not, Dns is down again >.>
P12:50:35 <gdude2002> thanks hal
P12:50:43 <HAL9000> You're welcome meatbag.
P12:50:48 <gdude2002> lol.
P12:52:00 <gdude2002> nngh, apache is failing >.>
P12:52:12 <AotC> :( not apache
P12:52:44 <gdude2002> nothing wrong with it
P12:52:52 <gdude2002> I just have a crapton of subdomains
P12:53:24 <mail2345> umm zq
P12:53:27 <mail2345> zaw*
P12:53:37 <mail2345> just wait a few minnutes
P12:53:48 <mail2345> maybe he forgot to check his IRC window
Session Close: Fri Dec 25 12:55:14 2009