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Session Start: Wed Dec 30 00:00:00 2009
Session Ident: #minecraft
A12:00:06 <PuyoDead> You can also try /solid
A12:00:11 <vurtual> or /op NAME in the console.
A12:00:19 <PuyoDead> Either way, those should all work.
A12:00:19 <AndrewPH> there's no / in console
A12:00:24 <vurtual> then "op NAME"
A12:00:39 <its_rena_tastic> okay, that did it! :D
A12:00:43 <vurtual> But the / won't kill you. Minecraft's rendering isn't a shield that stops the / from becoming a sword strike.
A12:00:45 <its_rena_tastic> thanks guys. ^-^
A12:00:52 <PuyoDead> No problem.
A12:01:19 <its_rena_tastic> but another thing..how do i make it one large landscape, a flat area? D:
A12:01:48 <PuyoDead> Short answer: Download a flatgrass map. Long answer: Make one in Omen.
A12:02:33 <AndrewPH> The long answer lets you change the dimensions of it, though, so it's generally the better choice
A12:02:53 <its_rena_tastic> okay, and just worldofwarcraft.net or whatever for Omen?
A12:03:08 <AndrewPH> http://minecraftforum.net/
A12:03:10 <PuyoDead> Err, no.
A12:03:12 <AndrewPH> Should be in the mapping section
A12:03:21 <its_rena_tastic> ah.
A12:03:31 <PuyoDead> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=80
A12:03:57 <its_rena_tastic> thanks. ^-^
A12:04:10 <its_rena_tastic> and a spawn jail..hehehehee. well at least i figured that out. i hope. XD
A12:04:55 <AndrewPH> Are you greyscare by any chance?
10A12:05:08 * lobstar (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
A12:05:08 <AndrewPH> greyscar*
A12:05:33 <Animator> Hey Puyo.
A12:05:33 <its_rena_tastic> no, im its_rena_tastic on Minecraft, im not a member of the minecraft forums though. D:
A12:05:35 <its_rena_tastic> why?
A12:05:45 <Animator> Didn't you give your gift to Duke 2.0?
A12:05:45 <AndrewPH> Ah
A12:05:52 <AndrewPH> Because Greyscar is a friend of mine
A12:05:54 <PuyoDead> He never responded.
A12:06:00 <AndrewPH> and he acts really similarly to you
A12:06:01 <Animator> Send it to him.
A12:06:03 <PuyoDead> Ended up giving it to Siiseli.
10A12:06:05 * PixelEater_ (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:06:06 <Animator> Aw.
12A12:06:10 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A12:06:11 <AndrewPH> Although he is waaaay more timid.
A12:06:29 <its_rena_tastic> oh.
A12:06:42 <PuyoDead> I was going to, but I sent him that email a few weeks ago, and never heard back.
10A12:06:44 * Trace_Leven (Mibbit@75-32-236-213.lightspeed.rnpsca.sbcglobal.net) has left #minecraft
A12:06:55 <its_rena_tastic> is that a..bad thing that he is more timid? am i too..idk, rash or mean? D:
12A12:07:04 * PixelEater_ (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A12:07:06 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:07:12 <AndrewPH> No no no
A12:07:17 <AndrewPH> He's just rediculously timid
A12:07:20 <its_rena_tastic> k. :)
A12:07:36 <its_rena_tastic> just do 'run omen"?
10A12:08:16 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
A12:08:26 <AndrewPH> Should be
A12:09:06 <its_rena_tastic> k.
A12:10:37 <its_rena_tastic> what are the most preferred dimensions?
A12:10:44 <Animator> 56th.
A12:10:49 <AndrewPH> powers of 2
A12:10:53 <Animator> It's my favorite dimension. :D
A12:10:58 <its_rena_tastic> .-.
A12:11:00 <AndrewPH> y is the height
A12:11:10 <AndrewPH> z and x are the width and length
A12:11:31 <its_rena_tastic> i'll just go with the default for now...lol.
A12:11:33 <AndrewPH> 256x128x256 is a pretty good size for a flatgrass
A12:11:35 <Archanos> lol nerds
A12:11:37 <AndrewPH> or that works
A12:11:43 <AndrewPH> Archanos, lol nerde
A12:11:53 <Archanos> >nerde
A12:11:59 <Archanos> what
A12:12:04 <its_rena_tastic> clicked okay, now what? :/
A12:12:08 <AndrewPH> Now you wait
A12:12:13 <its_rena_tastic> for?
A12:12:14 <AndrewPH> It's making a blank map
A12:12:18 <AndrewPH> It sometimes takes a while
A12:12:24 <Archanos> 256 is the best
A12:12:28 <vurtual> pff
A12:12:31 <vurtual> 8x8x8 forever
A12:12:34 <its_rena_tastic> oh..i did a flat map. :/
A12:12:38 <AndrewPH> vurtual, 4x4x4
A12:12:39 <Archanos> too bad my 256 had 64 instead of 128
A12:12:43 <Archanos> ;-;
A12:12:46 <AndrewPH> 4x4x4 is the best
A12:13:16 <its_rena_tastic> restart server maybe? it said it created the map... :/
A12:13:30 <vurtual> Actually 32x32x32 is cool, along with 64x32x64.
A12:13:51 <vurtual> I'm gonna see what playing on a 32x16x32 is like.
A12:14:04 <Aeomin> i'm making 32 32 16 =p
A12:14:35 <AndrewPH> Yeah restart the server
A12:14:43 <AndrewPH> otherwise it will save over the map
A12:14:45 <AndrewPH> Oh
A12:14:47 <AndrewPH> save the map
A12:14:47 <AndrewPH> derp
A12:15:48 <AndrewPH> Anyway brb
10A12:16:07 * Alexander (Mibbit@CPE0007954aacaa-CM000a7363c1d6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
A12:16:17 <Alexander> weird
A12:16:41 <vurtual> Map is so tiny, it's hillarious.
A12:16:52 <its_rena_tastic> lol.
A12:16:59 <Alexander> why is it that in the indev version
A12:17:07 <Alexander> if you make a torch, put a tnt on top
A12:17:15 <Alexander> delete the torch, wait a few seconds, and delete the tnt
A12:17:20 <Alexander> a layer of wood covers the map
A12:17:22 <vurtual> Alexander, put a TNT in the air, delete it.
A12:17:25 <vurtual> Blow your mind.
A12:17:31 <vurtual> TNT floodfills the layer below.
A12:17:35 <vurtual> You don't need a torch.
A12:17:49 <Alexander> Oh ;3
A12:17:54 <its_rena_tastic> ...the map didnt load. ;-;
A12:17:56 <Alexander> Why, though?
A12:18:02 <vurtual> Because Notch is testing it.
A12:18:28 <vurtual> Is there a mapgen that can make a map that say, has mountains leading into wherever at one side, or have a coast, or something?
A12:19:35 <AndrewPH> what
A12:19:35 <Archanos> man its impossible to play servers with those illegal text spammers
A12:19:58 <its_rena_tastic> D:
A12:19:59 <PuyoDead> "indev". There ya go.
A12:20:06 <its_rena_tastic> you could always play my map.. X3
A12:20:12 <its_rena_tastic> but the blank one didn't load... :/
A12:20:26 <AndrewPH> Archanos, I could always add you to the allowed list of my private server and you could play there
A12:20:56 <Animator> Link me to your server.
A12:20:57 <vurtual> I want to take a tiny map, and make multiple maps that look stitched together blocks of the tiny one, and maybe use a custom software to link them like a world map.
A12:21:00 <Animator> I want to be amused.
A12:21:02 <Archanos> oh that could work
A12:21:12 <Archanos> im just trying to play theone's server now and hnngh
A12:21:20 <Archanos> every second every gets booted
A12:21:47 <AndrewPH> Your ign is Archanos right?
A12:22:21 <Archanos> yes
A12:22:25 <vurtual> Wait, we get our own personal IGN site now? I can have guides and reviews WHENEVER I WANT!?
A12:22:34 <Archanos> lol ign suck
A12:23:26 <Aeomin> it sucks when have the idea but can't make it right in game
A12:25:42 <Archanos> i dont really get that too often
A12:26:17 <Aeomin> 90% here
A12:26:59 <its_rena_tastic> how would i load the blank map? ;-;
12A12:27:28 * Alexander (Mibbit@CPE0007954aacaa-CM000a7363c1d6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A12:28:20 * Jat (Jat@ool-457917b5.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
12A12:29:01 * its_rena_tastic (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12A12:33:48 * Animator (merrychris@adsl-144-246-226.mia.bellsouth.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A12:42:27 * Digmaster (Digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: brb, booting into ubuntu to achally code. Stupid windows :()
12A12:44:18 * sdgsdfg (Mibbit@216-164-4-108.c3-0.eas-ubr14.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12A12:45:09 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A12:47:57 * Jat (Jat@ool-457917b5.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.3/20090824101458])
12A12:49:41 * ecrider (ecrider@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A12:50:24 * ecrider (ecrider@ has joined #minecraft
12A12:50:32 * Adura (Adura@bas2-toronto21-1242351531.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12A12:50:40 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A12:51:03 * Adura (Adura@bas2-toronto21-1242351531.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
10A12:51:53 * Gyllen (asda@c83-255-133-114.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
10A12:53:11 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-69-154-190-86.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
A12:53:31 <Skillkills> Anybody know if minecraft takes artificial keystrokes?
12A12:53:47 * ecrider (ecrider@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A12:53:53 <TestDummy> As opposed to keystrokes that aren't artificial?
A12:54:15 <Skillkills> Im talking about things like macros
A12:54:43 <Skillkills> You make a macro to move your character and it either works or doesnt
A12:55:21 <Skillkills> depending on if the game takes the keys that the macro supplies
10A12:56:53 * ecrider (ecrider@ has joined #minecraft
10A12:58:58 * gordenfreechmen (Mibbit@70-8-144-148.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined #minecraft
12A1:00:09 * jonnyabc (Gian@c-69-142-216-55.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: they caught up)
12A1:00:15 * ecrider (ecrider@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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10A1:00:52 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A1:00:55 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
A1:00:56 <HAL9000> i dont think it will see a difference betwen a keyboard strok and vk_a
12A1:00:59 * JoeyJo0 (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A1:01:07 <HAL9000> ore whatever you use
A1:01:10 <HAL9000> *or
10A1:01:41 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has left #minecraft
10A1:02:54 * Golden (ghmorris15@ip72-193-89-211.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:04:57 <Skillkills> Well for some reason i made one and it doesnt seem to want to move my character, i can turn head, and type using it though
A1:05:35 <Skillkills> Maybe notch made it so you can do everything with a macro except move..
A1:05:40 <Skillkills> Like
A1:06:10 <Skillkills> if (typing) {allow wasd} else {dont}
A1:07:03 <gordenfreechmen> gml i am presuming
10A1:07:15 * Digmaster1 (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12A1:08:07 * JJames19119 (cole19119@pool-173-64-178-31.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A1:11:09 <Digmaster1> damn it just booted into ubuntu and firefox has stopped working
A1:13:07 <Skillkills> gml?
12A1:15:57 * Digmaster1 (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A1:19:48 * JJames19119 (cole19119@pool-173-64-178-31.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
10A1:27:52 * |Mastria| (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
10A1:28:57 * nenechii (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12A1:29:54 * Ylle (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A1:33:19 <vurtual> Game Maker Language looks nothing like that.
10A1:33:21 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:33:38 <vurtual> I don't think ifs are even in ().
12A1:35:10 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A1:37:13 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-69-154-190-86.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A1:37:21 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-65-68-75-221.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
10A1:43:07 * Baca (Mibbit@ip68-224-71-48.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:43:25 <Super-Dot> ()s are optional
12A1:43:59 * Baca (Mibbit@ip68-224-71-48.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A1:44:52 * questions (Mibbit@c-69-143-75-54.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A1:45:17 <questions> hello
A1:46:03 <questions> how is everyone? can i help with anything
A1:47:00 <questions> is anyone even up?
A1:48:07 <questions> woooow you can read everything everyone ever said thats coool
12A1:50:20 * questions (Mibbit@c-69-143-75-54.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A1:53:06 * HkZing (Mibbit@n1164823091.netvigator.com) has joined #minecraft
A1:53:33 <HkZing> hello
10A1:54:05 * HkZing (Mibbit@n1164823091.netvigator.com) has left #minecraft
12A1:54:21 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A1:55:18 * HkZing (Mibbit@n1164823091.netvigator.com) has joined #minecraft
12A1:56:04 * HkZing (Mibbit@n1164823091.netvigator.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12A2:02:53 * |Mastria| (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
10A2:03:16 * Lugnut1206 (Mibbit@66-206-83-32.airspeedinternet.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:03:26 <Lugnut1206> Hello.
A2:03:53 <Lugnut1206> I am thouroughly convinced my computer is a piece of s***
A2:03:59 <Lugnut1206> Java doesn' run/
A2:04:11 <Lugnut1206> Any idea why?
12A2:04:17 * AotC (go@c-24-34-236-157.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A2:04:30 <Meizlizard> Any admin for Islands of Kyth on here?
12A2:05:21 * laCour (laCour@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A2:07:18 <Lugnut1206> I go to http://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/dust/ , and try "Powder Game" out, and it runs flawlessly.
A2:07:18 <Lugnut1206> any Idea why Minecraft doesn't work?
A2:07:32 <Lugnut1206> It only works once in, approximately, 20 times.
A2:07:43 <AndrewPH> Lugnut1206, power game doesn't need as many resources
A2:08:00 <AndrewPH> Find your computer's specs and we can tell you why it doesn't work
A2:08:05 <Lugnut1206> Oh durr. For soem reason I didn't think of that.
A2:08:15 <Lugnut1206> It's a windows XP, where could I find those?
A2:09:33 <Lugnut1206> I WnidowsKey + R and put in winver, and it says "Physical memory available to windows : 1,030,578 KB"
A2:09:47 <AndrewPH> Hold on
A2:09:54 <AndrewPH> I'm looking for my XP virtual machine
A2:10:04 <Lugnut1206> :o
A2:10:16 <AndrewPH> what
A2:10:18 <Lugnut1206> What do you have? Windows 7 or something, heh, Smancy?
A2:10:24 <AndrewPH> yes
A2:10:25 <Lugnut1206> Lol jk.
A2:10:30 <AndrewPH> I have windows 7 ultimate
A2:10:34 <AndrewPH> And no I didn't pay for it
A2:10:39 <Lugnut1206> hoyl mother ****
A2:10:46 <AndrewPH> you can cuss on here
A2:10:47 <Lugnut1206> hao?
A2:10:55 <AndrewPH> It's called cracks
A2:10:57 <AndrewPH> and keygens
A2:10:58 <AndrewPH> and raep
A2:11:00 <Lugnut1206> The rules are "Don't overdue it"
A2:11:04 <Golden> Lucky -.-
A2:11:12 <Lugnut1206> inorite
A2:11:22 <AndrewPH> Golden, how am I lucky It's easy to find working activators
A2:11:26 <Lugnut1206> Another word for that is
A2:11:43 <Lugnut1206> "top secret information"
A2:11:54 <AndrewPH> I'm not allowed to link it on the irc
A2:11:59 <AndrewPH> else the IRCops will get me
A2:12:05 <Golden> Hmm
A2:12:05 <Lugnut1206> Cuz It's topsecret.
A2:12:10 <Lugnut1206> If you tell us
A2:12:17 <Lugnut1206> You'll have to kill us.
A2:12:23 <AndrewPH> If I tell you I'll get banned
A2:12:24 <Lugnut1206> It's teh rules.
A2:12:25 <AndrewPH> And removed
A2:12:28 <Lugnut1206> That too.
A2:12:42 <Lugnut1206> Anyway
A2:12:49 <Lugnut1206> where2findstats?
A2:13:04 <AndrewPH> Go to your contrl panel
A2:13:10 <AndrewPH> turn on the view that has everything in categories
A2:13:17 <AndrewPH> click onnn
A2:13:20 <AndrewPH> performance
A2:13:23 <AndrewPH> and stuff
A2:13:28 <Lugnut1206> aka - Category view
A2:13:28 <AndrewPH> and find system at the bottom
A2:13:39 <AndrewPH> Then click General if it isn't the active tab
A2:13:43 <AndrewPH> And
A2:13:46 <AndrewPH> Go downt o computer
10A2:13:47 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
A2:13:52 <AndrewPH> GDUDE!
A2:13:54 <gdude2002> hai
A2:14:00 <gdude2002> 8.14 am ftw
A2:14:45 <Lugnut1206> There is no "Computer" button, tab, or checkbox or something.
A2:14:56 <Lugnut1206> I'll printscreen and upload pickture?
A2:15:00 <AndrewPH> No no no
A2:15:04 <Lugnut1206> Kay.
A2:15:06 <AndrewPH> Look up in the tabs that the windows opened
A2:15:14 <AndrewPH> If General isn't the active one
A2:15:25 <Lugnut1206> It is.
A2:15:30 <AndrewPH> Ok
A2:15:31 <AndrewPH> now go down
A2:15:35 <AndrewPH> and look for a section
A2:15:37 <AndrewPH> called computer
A2:15:42 <AndrewPH> It will have the basic stats
A2:15:42 <Lugnut1206> Support Information?
A2:15:53 <AndrewPH> No
A2:15:54 <Lugnut1206> aitwaitwait
A2:15:55 <AndrewPH> It says Computer
A2:15:56 <Lugnut1206> I found it.
A2:16:02 <Lugnut1206> It's justlisted for me.
A2:16:05 <Lugnut1206> not under soemthing
A2:16:08 <Lugnut1206> It justs there.
A2:16:09 <Lugnut1206> lesse
A2:16:20 <Lugnut1206> Prepare to become brain-dead
A2:17:25 <Lugnut1206> Acer Intell 1.80ghz processor 1.80 GHz, 0.98 GB of RAM
A2:17:28 <Lugnut1206> I think.
A2:17:33 <AndrewPH> That's pretty bad
A2:17:41 <Lugnut1206> Inorite
A2:17:45 <Lugnut1206> the things old.
A2:17:54 <gdude2002> you can say that again
A2:17:58 <Lugnut1206> Like.. um.. 2003... or something..
13A2:17:59 * gdude2002 is stupefied
A2:18:05 <gdude2002> my old one is worse :D
A2:18:10 <Lugnut1206> It has microsoft office '03 on it...
A2:18:18 <gdude2002> lols
A2:18:19 <Lugnut1206> So. yeah.
A2:18:25 <gdude2002> my old one had 256mb ram
A2:18:30 <Lugnut1206> 03 is shit, trust me.
A2:18:31 <gdude2002> and it had xp on it
A2:18:35 <gdude2002> -shudders-
A2:18:47 <Lugnut1206> 07 is pretty. XD
A2:18:53 <gdude2002> I have 10 :P
A2:18:56 <Lugnut1206> or 09 or something.
A2:18:58 <Lugnut1206> wut
A2:19:06 <gdude2002> Office 2010 beta
A2:19:08 <gdude2002> ftw
A2:19:13 <Lugnut1206> woah.
A2:19:18 <Lugnut1206> Anyway
A2:19:20 <AndrewPH> openoffice ftw
A2:19:33 <Lugnut1206> I run things like ... can I say the name of something here?
A2:19:38 <Lugnut1206> I run game servers
A2:19:47 <Lugnut1206> and peopel always comp[lain of constant lag.
A2:19:48 <Lugnut1206> However
A2:19:51 <gdude2002> rofl
A2:19:53 <Lugnut1206> I have no problems.
A2:19:59 <AndrewPH> Your internet connection fails
A2:19:59 <Lugnut1206> Mine runs flawlessly.
A2:19:59 <AndrewPH> hard
A2:20:06 <Lugnut1206> ino.
A2:20:08 <Lugnut1206> I have wirelesss
A2:20:14 <AndrewPH> The problem is: Your internet connection isn't meant for servers
A2:20:17 <Lugnut1206> and I totaly fail at setting up eithernet
A2:20:22 <Lugnut1206> :/
A2:20:22 <AndrewPH> You connect to yourself, so you have no problems
A2:20:37 <Lugnut1206> You lost me two lines ago.
A2:20:46 <Lugnut1206> Con
A2:20:47 <Lugnut1206> Oh.
A2:20:49 <Lugnut1206> I get it.
A2:20:53 <Lugnut1206> Someone once told me that
A2:21:10 <Lugnut1206> "You have yourself as a higher priority than the server."
A2:21:12 <Lugnut1206> I asked them
A2:21:19 <Lugnut1206> How do I make the server higher?
A2:21:21 <Lugnut1206> "Idk"
A2:21:24 <Lugnut1206> T.T
A2:21:28 <gdude2002> By running it from a remote location
A2:21:29 <gdude2002> :P
A2:21:33 <gdude2002> such as a VPS
A2:21:45 <Lugnut1206> Problem - Don't have another computer.
A2:21:46 <Lugnut1206> VPS?
A2:21:52 <gdude2002> yeah.
A2:22:02 <gdude2002> You pay for it and it has a hellafast connection
13A2:22:08 * Lugnut1206 mentally kicks himself
A2:22:15 <Lugnut1206> Google it yourself you lazy bum
A2:22:19 <gdude2002> ;p;/
A2:22:20 <gdude2002> lol
A2:22:23 <gdude2002> !load google
A2:22:30 <gdude2002> !google VPS
A2:22:34 <gdude2002> arrgh
A2:22:37 <gdude2002> craaaash
A2:22:39 <Lugnut1206> Problem -
A2:22:46 <Lugnut1206> Funding is not physically possible.
A2:22:46 <gdude2002> ohwait
10A2:22:51 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
A2:22:55 <gdude2002> !load google
A2:22:57 <gdude2002> !google VPS
A2:22:57 <Watchman> gdude2002: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_server , http://www.vps.org/ , http://www.vps.net/ , http://www.flyvps.com/ http://google.com/search?q=VPS
A2:23:02 <Lugnut1206> hoyl
A2:23:03 <gdude2002> 1unload google
A2:23:06 <gdude2002> !unload google
A2:23:12 <Lugnut1206> !load google
A2:23:13 <gdude2002> i wonder who kicked it..
A2:23:17 <Lugnut1206> !googl
A2:23:18 <Lugnut1206> ....
A2:23:22 <gdude2002> you need permissions
A2:23:23 <gdude2002> :P
A2:23:33 <Lugnut1206> "You don't have sufficient rights to preform this operation!"
A2:23:36 <gdude2002> indeedy.
13A2:23:42 * Lugnut1206 gets a degree in medical science
A2:23:46 <gdude2002> rofl
A2:23:52 <Lugnut1206> Lets preform some operations.
A2:23:52 <Lugnut1206> XD
A2:23:59 <gdude2002> !say GTFO, only gdude has the <20>ber degree
A2:23:59 <Watchman> GTFO, only gdude has the <20>ber degree
A2:24:02 <Lugnut1206> Anyway
A2:24:09 <gdude2002> anyway
A2:24:14 <gdude2002> what game servers?
A2:24:14 <Lugnut1206> Back on topic
A2:24:21 <Lugnut1206> I'm screwed
A2:24:24 <Lugnut1206> BYOND
A2:24:26 <Lugnut1206> Piece of crap
A2:24:30 <gdude2002> FUBAR eh?
A2:24:30 <Lugnut1206> don't bother googleing
A2:24:34 <Lugnut1206> Blockland
A2:24:36 <Lugnut1206> I still do
A2:24:39 <Lugnut1206> Fubar
A2:24:39 <gdude2002> Oh, that.
A2:24:43 <Lugnut1206> no... not quite.
A2:24:45 <Lugnut1206> Yeah.
A2:24:47 <Lugnut1206> That.
A2:24:51 <gdude2002> lol.
A2:25:06 <Lugnut1206> Are you fucking KIDDING?
A2:25:08 <gdude2002> You don'yt seem so happy with yourself xD
A2:25:08 <Lugnut1206> fubar?
A2:25:12 <Lugnut1206> Srsly?
A2:25:14 <Lugnut1206> No
A2:25:16 <gdude2002> fubar, why not?
A2:25:19 <Lugnut1206> cause I run a crappy server
A2:25:22 <Lugnut1206> T.T
A2:25:26 <Lugnut1206> anyway
A2:25:29 <gdude2002> forked up beyond all recognition
A2:25:29 <Lugnut1206> I gtg.
A2:25:31 <gdude2002> not the band
12A2:25:32 * Lugnut1206 (Mibbit@66-206-83-32.airspeedinternet.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A2:25:34 <gdude2002> lol.
A2:25:51 <gdude2002> quitter.. QUITTER
A2:26:06 <Golden> ;o
A2:26:18 <gdude2002> Golden,
A2:26:20 <Golden> ?
A2:26:24 <gdude2002> do you know why Watchman was kicked?
A2:26:32 <Golden> Huh?
A2:26:36 <gdude2002> !say me!
A2:26:36 <Watchman> me!
A2:26:42 <Golden> kicked from what?
A2:26:44 <gdude2002> here
A2:26:47 <gdude2002> >.>
A2:26:50 <Golden> no?
A2:26:55 <gdude2002> m'kay
A2:27:07 <gdude2002> Drakkar, art thou'st there?
12A2:27:31 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Disappears in a puff of static)
A2:27:34 <gdude2002> lol
13A2:27:37 * Golden slaps Drakkar around a bit with a large trout
A2:27:41 <gdude2002> xD
13A2:27:43 * gdude2002 slaps Drakkar around a bit with a large trout
A2:27:50 <Golden> *points at gdude*
A2:27:53 <gdude2002> rofl
A2:27:54 <vede> gdude2002, I kicked Watchman because people were abusing its wiki-links function.
A2:28:00 <gdude2002> Vede, how?
A2:28:03 <gdude2002> I turned it off.
A2:28:08 <gdude2002> !help
A2:28:10 <gdude2002> [[test]]
A2:28:11 <Watchman> Wiki links triggered: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test
A2:28:12 <vede> They were doing it earlier today.
A2:28:13 <gdude2002> oh goddamnit
A2:28:18 <gdude2002> !unload wikitrigger
A2:28:28 <gdude2002> I thought I saved the onfig, unless someone crashed it
A2:28:31 <vede> They did testicles twice, your_mom, and something else.
A2:28:38 <gdude2002> hm.
A2:28:42 <gdude2002> who was it?
A2:28:55 <vede> AndrewPH, revenant, and TestDummy.
A2:29:03 <Golden> Andrew :O
A2:29:05 <gdude2002> lol.
A2:29:07 <vurtual> Yeah, one more abuse and they'd destroy our shields.
A2:29:08 <Golden> How dare you.
A2:29:11 <gdude2002> rev, that surpises me.
A2:29:25 <vurtual> Then enemies would flock into the channel and destroy us easily.
A2:29:41 <Golden> Who is he ^^^?
A2:29:42 <gdude2002> OK, now, can we all witness me proving that this should work?
A2:29:46 <gdude2002> [[test]]
A2:29:52 <Golden> hmm
A2:29:53 <gdude2002> Now, i'll save the config..
A2:29:54 <Golden> Fail
A2:29:55 <gdude2002> !save
A2:29:59 <gdude2002> -Watchman- Yes master.
A2:29:59 <vede> Good.
A2:29:59 <vurtual> I mean seriously, three silly commands? That's practically capible of destroying a country!
A2:30:15 <Golden> Hmm
A2:30:21 <gdude2002> thata should be all
A2:30:24 <Golden> !kill Canada
A2:30:26 <gordenfreechmen> great
A2:30:27 <Golden> Oops
A2:30:30 <gdude2002> lol.
A2:30:32 <Golden> Didn't mean to
A2:30:33 <gdude2002> Don't use !kill
A2:30:33 <vede> D:
A2:30:34 <gordenfreechmen> 5th time i've flooded the same server
A2:30:35 <Golden> :P
A2:30:35 <gdude2002> it's a kickban
A2:30:48 <Golden> I dind't know that...
A2:30:54 <gdude2002> dnow you do :P
A2:30:57 <Golden> ./kill Canada
A2:30:59 <Golden> :P
A2:31:01 <gdude2002> lol.
A2:31:11 <gordenfreechmen> man
A2:31:15 <Golden> Your next America
A2:31:19 <Golden> >:)
A2:31:19 <gdude2002> What's Apollo_bot?
A2:31:22 <gordenfreechmen> the owner is gonna demote me permanently soon
A2:31:38 <vurtual> My haat
13A2:31:44 * vurtual nukes Golden to shreds
A2:31:47 <Golden> :O
A2:31:49 <gdude2002> lol
13A2:32:01 * Golden has anti-nuke :)
A2:32:56 <Golden> Any good servers up?
A2:33:04 <Golden> Im bored...
A2:33:11 <vurtual> Imagine that 40mm bofors cannon. But with missiles the size of a space shuttle, each capible of turning a subcontinent into a good fallout game.
A2:33:19 <vurtual> All firing at you.
A2:33:31 <gdude2002> Golden, archives ;)
A2:33:34 <gdude2002> </advertise>
A2:33:38 <Golden> hmm
A2:33:45 <Golden> I said "Good" gdude...
A2:33:47 <Golden> :P
A2:33:50 <gdude2002> :P
A2:33:56 <vurtual> That'll kill you, and rip you up into billions of tiny shreds, and scatter you all over the face of the planet.
A2:33:58 <gdude2002> whaddayamean, I'm not good?
A2:33:59 <gdude2002> xD
10A2:34:16 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-92-102-102.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
A2:34:18 <vurtual> Mine is missing the "up" status, is that good enough?
A2:34:36 <Golden> no one on your server gdude
A2:34:38 <Golden> :/
A2:34:49 <gdude2002> yeah, just nilsding
A2:34:56 <gdude2002> it's a bit early really
10A2:35:22 * Lugnut1206 (Mibbit@66-206-83-32.airspeedinternet.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:35:27 <Drakkar> what
A2:35:49 <Lugnut1206> I'm gonna get banned for joining and leaving. Gawd.
A2:35:51 <Lugnut1206> Anyway
A2:35:55 <Lugnut1206> Final question
A2:35:56 <gdude2002> Drakkar, nvm, vede helped me :P
A2:36:12 <Lugnut1206> If I used a newer, stronger computer
10A2:36:15 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A2:36:19 <Lugnut1206> Minecraft would most likely run?
A2:36:26 <AndrewPH> Probably
A2:36:28 <Golden> Hey Spadge
A2:36:31 <Lugnut1206> Hmmmmmmm
A2:36:36 <Spadge> hey Golden
A2:36:36 <Lugnut1206> Like
A2:36:37 <AndrewPH> Or you know if you don't buy prebuilts from companies that overprice it
A2:37:01 <Lugnut1206> Maybe something that has about twice as much as this piece of shit that I'm on would
A2:37:03 <Lugnut1206> be good?
A2:37:14 <AndrewPH> probably
A2:37:21 <Lugnut1206> Hmm...
A2:37:28 <Lugnut1206> Alright
A2:37:34 <Lugnut1206> Thanks for your help.
10A2:37:39 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-20-59-81.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A2:37:39 <gdude2002> Golden: http://archives.pearsoncoles.com/status.php
A2:37:43 <gdude2002> two
A2:37:44 <gdude2002> lol
12A2:37:50 * Lugnut1206 (Mibbit@66-206-83-32.airspeedinternet.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A2:38:01 <Golden> You shut down my world
A2:38:04 <Golden> I hate your server now.
A2:38:06 <Golden> :P
A2:38:10 <gdude2002> :P want me to boot it?
A2:38:18 <Golden> nah
A2:38:24 <Golden> I got tunnels
10A2:39:04 * Amatsu is now known as Amatsu-Sleep
10A2:39:20 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A2:39:25 <Golden> Who is Smooz
A2:39:32 <Golden> ?
A2:39:45 <gdude2002> An admin of mine
A2:39:49 <gdude2002> I'll boot up his world
A2:39:52 <Golden> ahh
A2:40:10 <gdude2002> there ya go
A2:42:33 <Drakkar> kk gdude2002
12A2:44:10 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
10A2:44:20 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10A2:44:24 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
13A2:45:00 * Evilgrim falls over.
A2:45:43 <Nimai> hello
A2:45:58 <Nimai> anyone recommend a good server?
A2:46:59 <Super-Dot> My brother has become fond of Islands of Kyth
A2:47:52 <Nimai> was there before... looks kinda messy and griefed :\
A2:47:58 <Nimai> plus no one is online there atm
A2:48:13 <Super-Dot> This is true
A2:49:05 <AndrewPH> Nimai, if you don't mind an empty server, aside from me, I could invite you to mine
A2:49:14 <AndrewPH> My private one, that is
A2:49:37 <Nimai> ok
A2:49:39 <Nimai> sure
A2:49:48 <AndrewPH> Query me your in game name
A2:49:57 <Nimai> Nimai
A2:49:58 <Nimai> :P
A2:50:02 <AndrewPH> that works
A2:50:41 <Nimai> never been to a private server before:o how do i join?
A2:50:59 <AndrewPH> You go to the URL that is supplied by me
A2:51:09 <AndrewPH> Thankfully if you aren't allowed in you get autokicked
A2:51:59 <Nimai> im joining with the stand alone thing... hack s allowed?
A2:52:14 <AndrewPH> It's private so of course
10A2:54:34 * byte[] (copyboy@p54A46561.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
A2:59:41 <vede> NUUUUUUU Both my sources for downloading TV shows is gone!
A2:59:43 <vede> *are gone
A3:00:21 <vede> GODDAMN copyright law!
13A3:01:46 * vurtual gives vede a television
A3:02:32 <byte[]> a telewhat?
A3:02:37 <vurtual> (it isn't linked to a repository of every video ever, and will totally not allow you to join in the effort to catalog all the knowledge in the world)
A3:02:59 <vurtual> byte[], a large monitor that has the ports to use an N64 with.
A3:03:37 <byte[]> aaahhhh
12A3:03:54 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A3:05:10 <Skillkills> Hey uhh
A3:05:13 <Skillkills> Everyone
10A3:05:19 * ez (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A3:05:28 <Skillkills> I just talked to one of ... THE BEST griefers ever
A3:05:49 <ez> good morning
A3:05:58 <Skillkills> He told me problems of a server(griefing) and how to fix
A3:06:11 <AndrewPH> really now?
A3:06:17 <AndrewPH> What was his nme
A3:06:30 <Skillkills> You know that guy on the forums... Jerraud?
A3:06:36 <AndrewPH> No I don't
A3:06:37 <Skillkills> And remember Herrode?
A3:06:41 <AndrewPH> Nope
A3:06:41 <Skillkills> No?
A3:06:44 <Skillkills> Hmm
A3:06:49 <Skillkills> Get caught up
A3:06:49 <Skillkills> xD
A3:07:05 <ez> Siiseli here?
A3:07:06 <Skillkills> Herrode is the reason for the warning on verify-names=false
A3:07:30 <AndrewPH> I c
A3:07:40 <AndrewPH> Griefing isn't a server problem
A3:07:42 <AndrewPH> It's a user problem
A3:07:51 <AndrewPH> The problem is griefers are retarded 10 year olds
A3:08:19 <Skillkills> Jerraud = Herrode = Aderus = Valeik = LGSteve = andrewx1 = zach1188
A3:08:31 <Skillkills> He says he makes a new account about every day
A3:08:41 <AndrewPH> Now we can add features to servers to stop the general public from building/deleting and that would stop most griefing
A3:08:45 <Skillkills> he has a program do it for him, he onyl does the captchas
A3:08:47 <AndrewPH> however people still go to great lengths
A3:09:02 <Skillkills> Andrew, im not talking about deleting
A3:09:09 <AndrewPH> I'm talking about griefing
A3:09:14 <AndrewPH> in general
A3:09:19 <Skillkills> Im talking about crashing servers with illegal characters
A3:09:22 <AndrewPH> oh
A3:09:24 <AndrewPH> well derp
12A3:09:27 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-92-102-102.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A3:09:31 <AndrewPH> That's why I'm twittering notch about filtering it out
A3:09:38 <AndrewPH> in the client
A3:09:46 <Skillkills> I can tell you the EASIESt way to do it...
A3:09:50 <Skillkills> I mean
A3:09:57 <Skillkills> tIm kinda dissapointed in Notch for this
A3:10:17 <AndrewPH> Just check if it ISN'T a-Z or a punctuation mark
A3:10:21 <AndrewPH> and if it isn't
A3:10:21 <Skillkills> Im not saying it publicly
A3:10:24 <AndrewPH> just replace it with ?
A3:13:26 <TestDummy> highlight :(
10A3:19:13 * Joost (Mibbit@ip565080fd.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #minecraft
12A3:22:05 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A3:23:17 * Zekarus (Wilhelm@220-244-10-231.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
A3:23:51 <Zekarus> So, uhh, I was wondering if anybody here could help out with Adura's server script >_>
A3:24:37 <AndrewPH> Are you trying to run it on windows without cygwin?
A3:24:44 <Zekarus> I'm running it on Linux >_>
A3:24:54 <AndrewPH> Oh I don't know then.
A3:25:00 <Zekarus> perl mcadmin_v3_0_1.pl doesn't seem to actually run the script
A3:25:24 <Zekarus> Well, as in, perl doesn't seem to be running as a process, and it doesn't seem to use any of the functions, like chat and backups
A3:25:35 <Zekarus> by chat, of course, the automated timed message >_>
A3:25:58 <Adura> Did you get the cpan modules.
A3:26:04 <Zekarus> Yup, yup
A3:26:15 <Zekarus> It doesn't seem to tell me anything about missing things, at least
A3:26:50 <Zekarus> Off memory, POE, JSON::XS, JSON::PP, POE::IRC, and other things found in the .pl script
A3:26:56 <Zekarus> and that basic package... thing
A3:27:25 <Skillkills> Zekarus... link me?
A3:27:35 <Zekarus> What do I link you? >_>
A3:27:36 <Skillkills> Dont think ive heard of this before
A3:27:47 <Skillkills> Adura's server script?
A3:27:55 <Zekarus> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=606&p=1
A3:28:21 <Adura> Mind you, that code is older than the latest version of Notch's MC server.
A3:28:34 <Zekarus> That could potentially be it, the date is like July-ish
10A3:29:07 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
A3:29:11 <Skillkills> ehh
A3:29:24 <Zekarus> This is making my brain hurt, I was not aware brain could feel pain before
A3:29:25 <Adura> What kind of error if anything do you get?
A3:29:28 <Skillkills> Whats going wrong?
A3:29:33 <Skillkills> err
A3:29:37 <Skillkills> Ninja'd?
A3:29:42 <Zekarus> No error, just doesn't look any different from "normal" server startup
A3:29:53 <Zekarus> I can give you the addy for SSH-ing
A3:30:15 <Zekarus> Damnit, it also means I have to set up a new account
A3:30:17 <Adura> Do you have the json config file set up good?
A3:30:25 <Zekarus> I _believe_ so
A3:30:37 <vurtual> Guys, if the world blows up, there will be no more corn. We will have to haphazardly restart the corn process, making new corn from the basic plants. It'd take centuries and we may not ever eat corn again.
A3:30:54 <Zekarus> I'd miss potatoes more, man
10A3:31:13 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A3:31:17 <vurtual> Potatoes are pretty sturdy.
A3:31:31 <vurtual> Corn has to be cultivated and used by man, or it ends.
A3:31:33 <Zekarus> I'm fine as long as there are potatoes
12A3:32:50 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10A3:33:02 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
12A3:33:29 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-65-68-75-221.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A3:33:38 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A3:34:37 <vurtual> But soon we'll have mammoths too.
A3:35:05 <Zekarus> As long as they don't eat the potatoes and help me get the damn server working
A3:35:07 <vurtual> So we can have corn n' mammoth, and once we invent superior potatoes, and grab a mountain dew, our meals will be pure science.
A3:35:19 <vurtual> You know what though?
A3:35:20 <Zekarus> <- scientist
A3:35:21 <Zekarus> brb science
A3:35:49 <vurtual> Mammoths could be sentient beings of extreme intelligence, who value their ability to stand around without action.
A3:36:13 <vurtual> They just idly act like animals, knowing what is happening, capible of talking, but they just keep going on due to some philosiphy.
A3:36:37 <Zekarus> Sounds awfully retarded philosophy
A3:36:44 <vurtual> They're elephants.
A3:36:51 <Zekarus> Vurtual, would you know if Notch has archives of older minecraft.jar perchance?
A3:36:59 <vurtual> no I don't know
A3:37:01 <Zekarus> I want to see if Adura's script works with older files
A3:37:05 <Zekarus> WHAT ARE YOU GOOD FOR?
A3:37:09 <Zekarus> BOW YOUR HEAD IN SHAME
A3:37:27 <vurtual> Then someone spills some chemical X into the cloning tanks and THE POWERPUFF MAMMOTHS zoom around like beams of light.
A3:37:32 <AndrewPH> It should work
A3:37:32 <vurtual> That's what I'm good for.
A3:37:53 <AndrewPH> the powdar paff
A3:39:00 <vurtual> Then someone's having difficulty opening a jar infront of some walk-up-to fast food place, and they zoom in, hover, and sternly open it with LASER EYES, before warping off instantaneously.
A3:40:50 <gordenfreechmen> i feel depressed for no appearant reason
A3:40:57 <Zekarus> Booze helps
A3:41:05 <gordenfreechmen> probably because im up 5 hours later then i usually am
A3:41:12 <Zekarus> Booze will still help for that
A3:41:23 <gordenfreechmen> there is none
12A3:41:35 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
A3:41:42 <Zekarus> Now THAT is depressing
A3:42:41 <gordenfreechmen> i just noticed the spiderweb in the terrain.png
A3:43:01 <vurtual> Welcome to ages ago.
A3:43:06 <vurtual> Spiderblocks look silly anyways.
A3:43:29 <vurtual> But if they're added, I'm using them to climb buildings, instead of logs maybe.
A3:44:03 <gordenfreechmen> notch said he didnt want to add ladders
A3:44:13 <gordenfreechmen> which i would like to say for this game thats a pretty dick move
A3:44:22 <byte[]> well, maybe you will be stuck in there (movement slow, like in water)
A3:44:49 <gordenfreechmen> isnt notch adding spiderblocks for the spiders
A3:44:53 <AndrewPH> yes
A3:44:57 <AndrewPH> spiders will 'shot web'
A3:45:00 <AndrewPH> ignore the meme
A3:45:09 <AndrewPH> because I meant shoot
A3:45:17 <AndrewPH> when they die they will shoot web out of their carcass.
A3:46:12 <vurtual> Here's an idea.
A3:46:27 <gordenfreechmen> i was thinking you could craft the blocks into a trap
A3:46:28 <gordenfreechmen> :/
A3:47:33 <vurtual> They shoot web beams that slow time near them, but move at arrow speed. Then this makes a web coating, but can become a block if fired repeatedly, or charged up over time. This block is like non-flooding, extra-thick magma, and decays like sponge.
A3:47:54 <vurtual> It'd be like a roguelike!
A3:48:14 <vurtual> Later game spiders can fire a larger blast that coats walls, like the ice spreader in metroid prime. That'd be awesome.
A3:49:13 <vede> So I keep having this weird urge to make a science fiction themed Spelunky ripoff.
A3:49:24 <AndrewPH> use cave story sprites
A3:49:34 <AndrewPH> :D
A3:49:42 <Siiseli> :D
A3:49:52 <Siiseli> so vede make it
A3:49:55 <Siiseli> what's stopping you
A3:50:01 <vede> Well, nothing at all, really.
A3:50:05 <Siiseli> (nothing, nothing I tell you!)
A3:50:08 <vede> I have the time, I have the ability.
A3:50:32 <vurtual> Actually, a mutated spider-man(like an antman or other human-nothuman hybrid) would make an awesome boss enemy.
A3:50:35 <vede> But every time I get my text editor up and prepare to write some code, I just... feel disinterested.
A3:50:57 <vurtual> Made out of mobs, and it can only be killed by arrowing it constantly in the creeper sections.
A3:51:10 <vurtual> It'd bleed zombies.
A3:51:18 <vede> Hm.
A3:51:26 <vede> An ooze monster would be a good enemy in Minecraft.
A3:51:43 <vede> If any two oozes collided, they would just form one bigger ooze.
A3:52:00 <vurtual> No, megabeasts are the way to go.
A3:52:11 <Zekarus> DORF FORT?
A3:52:13 <vurtual> Randomly generated ones with simulation of flesh layers!
A3:52:13 <vede> Such that if you just oozes hang around each other long enough, you'll eventually end up with an ooze the size of... very large things.
A3:52:16 <vede> Like houses.
A3:52:19 <vurtual> Shells filled with sentient vomit.
A3:52:36 <vede> Or castles.
A3:52:44 <vede> Oozes capable of engulfing entire kingdoms.
A3:52:57 <vurtual> Attack of the killer blob?
A3:53:04 <vede> Indeed!
A3:53:19 <vede> You'd need an ice mage to kill it.
A3:53:29 <vurtual> Globs that abosrb information and matter, eventually eating up random tribal mobs and gaining humanoid status. Or giant pig-blobs.
A3:53:33 <Siiseli> so vede go make it
A3:54:02 <vurtual> Damaging them slowly makes them less viscous and lose structure, until they melt like Nightmare from Metroid Fusion, losing their abilities and form.
A3:54:10 <byte[]> razor queen in minecraft ... :S
A3:54:11 <vede> Siiseli, I've tried. I told you every time I start writing code I get bored.
A3:54:37 <vurtual> Then their shells they craft fall away, and they slowly glorp after whatever they can learn from. Including the player.
A3:54:55 <Siiseli> vede, then get unbored!
A3:55:00 <vede> :(
A3:55:01 <vurtual> Mutated mobs that have glob-parts might rise from them in a vain attempt to retaliate.
A3:55:37 <vurtual> Until they turn into nothing more than overextended paint that might drain your health by one or two points.
A3:56:08 <vede> vurtual, I was thinking of The Blob...
A3:56:09 <vede> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blob
A3:56:13 <vurtual> Someone get the best random-genners, gore-simulators, and epic boss makers working on this.
A3:56:23 <vede> coughcough ICE MAGE coughcough
A3:56:52 <vurtual> Well your blob sucks, I like my metroid prime/zombie virus/golem beast better.
A3:57:42 <vurtual> It could copy you and take stuff from you, then go around feeding on life and resources as it tries to become more powerful, and more intelligent. Copying and distorting your skin!
10A3:58:07 * asie[afk-bit] (teamasciiz@078088180066.elblag.vectranet.pl) has joined #minecraft
10A3:58:09 * asie[afk-bit] is now known as asiekierka
A3:58:12 <vurtual> The more it damages you, the more it knows you, and the closer it comes to simulating you.
10A3:58:59 * Xychosis (Fenrir@ has joined #minecraft
10A4:01:12 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
12A4:03:10 * Zekarus (Wilhelm@220-244-10-231.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
12A4:07:50 * gordenfreechmen (Mibbit@70-8-144-148.pools.spcsdns.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:08:47 <Marach> this laptop cannot run Future Pinball even on lowest detail :(
A4:10:18 <vurtual> Marach, can it run doom?
A4:10:25 <Marach> i think
A4:10:29 <vurtual> Then try Q3A, then Battlefield, then Portal.
A4:10:31 <vurtual> Then Crysis.
A4:10:35 <Marach> lol
A4:10:41 <Marach> Portal = impossible
A4:10:51 <vurtual> Once it reaches the last level, your computer never needs another upgrade.
A4:11:05 <Marach> im buying a pc
A4:11:46 <Xychosis> vurtual: Crysis was beat in terms of hardware requirements by Shattered Horizon
10A4:13:14 * MoDx (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) has joined #minecraft
A4:13:20 <MoDx> Hello
A4:13:28 <MoDx> Can someone help me?
A4:13:33 <MoDx> Try to connect here
A4:13:35 <MoDx> http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=d00327561ae97630752fd47fed41e42e
10A4:13:52 * Tumm (Tumm@ has joined #minecraft
A4:13:59 <vurtual> down
A4:14:05 <vurtual> You need moar ports open
12A4:14:11 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A4:14:15 <MoDx> I know
A4:14:19 <MoDx> I just tested
A4:14:28 <MoDx> If I port forwarded correctly
A4:14:30 <vurtual> Put your IP in address bar, log into router with root+admin or admin+blank or admin+root or something.
A4:14:45 <MoDx> I know how to
A4:14:53 <vede> vurtual, you suck at port forwarding directions.
A4:14:55 <vurtual> Find port thingy, put ports in, computer's local IP(ifconfig -a or ipconfig), both, save, run minecraft.
12A4:15:31 * Joost (Mibbit@ip565080fd.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:15:39 <MoDx> Awww, I put
A4:15:49 <vurtual> Comprehend these instructions with intense meditation, thought, and determination. No barrier can stop the power of a determined man.
A4:16:27 <MoDx> But, try this - http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a16484c008c095a6fb8edcf4eb084ad5
10A4:16:27 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-193-53-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
12A4:16:55 * Xychosis (Fenrir@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A4:17:01 <gdude2002> Chat about custom servers or hacks is now forbidden!' o.o
A4:17:06 <gdude2002> wat.
A4:17:19 <gdude2002> Vede: Notch requested that?
A4:17:32 <AndrewPH> Yeah notch said "Yeah we should do that" When one of the ops went "We should kick people who discuss custom servers"
A4:17:37 <AndrewPH> So now it's forbidden!
A4:17:37 <gdude2002> >.>
A4:17:46 <gdude2002> I wanna slap whoever said that >.>
A4:17:54 <MoDx> Can someone try to connect here - http://minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=a16484c008c095a6fb8edcf4eb084ad5
A4:17:54 <vede> I said that.
A4:18:00 <gdude2002> mod, sec
13A4:18:02 * gdude2002 slaps vede around a bit with a large trout
A4:18:49 <vede> If you absolutely need to talk about hacks or whatever, go to another channel or do it in a PM.
A4:18:55 <gdude2002> hm'k
A4:19:05 <AndrewPH> Yeah go to my channel
A4:19:07 <AndrewPH> #custommc
A4:19:08 <AndrewPH> :P
A4:19:09 <gdude2002> :P
A4:19:17 <gdude2002> MoDx, I can't get the map.
A4:19:19 <vede> This channel is official Minecraft only.
A4:19:21 <gdude2002> format is wrong
A4:19:33 <MoDx> What do you meean?
A4:19:50 <gdude2002> File "archive_client.py", line 44, in dataReceived
A4:19:50 <gdude2002> if len(self.buffer) - 1 < len(format):
A4:19:50 <gdude2002> exceptions.UnboundLocalError: local variable 'format' referenced before assignment
A4:19:55 <gdude2002> Packets sending in the wrong order
A4:20:10 <MoDx> hmm
A4:20:13 <AndrewPH> You know what that means!
A4:20:17 <gdude2002> lol.
A4:20:19 <AndrewPH> It's peanut butter jelly time!
A4:20:23 <gdude2002> :D
A4:20:28 <AndrewPH> :D
12A4:20:52 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A4:21:01 <gdude2002> o.o
12A4:22:44 * kraffslola (kraffs@c-67fae253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) Quit (Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - www.nbs-irc.net -)
A4:24:44 <ez> ooh food
12A4:26:52 * rcfighter (rcfighter@c-69-138-73-173.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:27:17 <vede> So I guess citric's blunder allowed people to have bigger sigs?
A4:27:28 <Evilgrim> The bigger sigs annoy me. D:
A4:27:34 <Evilgrim> Like that creepy orange frog guys.
A4:27:55 <AndrewPH> vede, I think Animator should ban people with meme signatures
A4:27:58 <gdude2002> lols
10A4:29:06 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
10A4:34:11 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A4:36:49 <Marach> when forum is moving to phpbb?
A4:36:58 <gdude2002> oh god phpbb
A4:37:01 <gdude2002> also marach
A4:37:06 <gdude2002> finished spirit tracks
A4:37:09 <gdude2002> :d
A4:37:10 <gdude2002> :D
A4:37:14 <Marach> i mean the same forum where CUSTOM SERVERS THREADS are sticked
A4:37:25 <gdude2002> ?
A4:37:27 <gdude2002> ours?
A4:37:28 <Marach> and theyre SOMEHOW official forum
A4:37:37 <gdude2002> rofl
A4:37:48 <gdude2002> thesoftware IS terrible
A4:37:52 <gdude2002> but they should use SMF
A4:37:54 <gdude2002> not phpbb
A4:37:59 <Marach> SMF is nice
A4:38:01 <gdude2002> sure is
A4:38:02 <gdude2002> we use it
A4:38:56 <AndrewPH> smf is niec
A4:39:14 <gdude2002> I loves SMF
A4:39:17 <AndrewPH> SMF is niec
A4:39:26 <AndrewPH> I liek smf
A4:39:27 <AndrewPH> It's easy
A4:39:35 <gdude2002> yeah
A4:39:47 <AndrewPH> gdude2002, I have 138 tweets so this might take a while
A4:39:51 <gdude2002> m'kay
A4:39:52 <gdude2002> no rush
13A4:39:52 * Marach finished Spyro and started to play Spyro 2
A4:40:01 <gdude2002> oh god
A4:40:03 <gdude2002> nostaliga ftw
A4:40:13 <AndrewPH> I was sitting all night on the edge of my chair going :D waiting for you to get on
10A4:40:15 * bildramer (bildramer@ppp-94-69-169-238.home.otenet.gr) has joined #minecraft
A4:40:21 <bildramer> 'lo
A4:40:47 <Marach> :(
A4:40:50 <bildramer> ?
A4:40:55 <Marach> D:!
A4:40:58 <bildramer> what?
A4:41:03 <gdude2002> BWOAH
A4:41:04 <gdude2002> !
A4:41:07 <bildramer> ...
A4:41:13 <Marach> this laptop sucks
A4:41:24 <gdude2002> Mine can play PS2 games with no lag >.>
A4:41:28 <bildramer> please explain why you're not happy :P
A4:41:35 <Marach> bildramer: this laptop sucks
A4:41:40 <bildramer> hehe
A4:41:47 <bildramer> my computer here sucks too
A4:42:06 <Marach> im buying a better one
A4:42:24 <Marach> i will finally play minecraft... first time for 3 months
A4:43:01 <gdude2002> :p
A4:43:34 <Evilgrim> My computer is aweosme?
A4:43:39 <gdude2002> mien too
A4:44:00 <Marach> Evilgrim: you mean awesmoe
10A4:44:17 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-92-102-102.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
A4:44:23 <AndrewPH> ey nimai
A4:44:44 <bildramer> mine is awesomelybad
A4:44:49 <bildramer> :P
A4:45:27 <AndrewPH> Nimai
A4:45:30 <AndrewPH> your castle
A4:45:31 <AndrewPH> :O
A4:45:38 <bildramer> wow< i can hold the sfhit key all the time and compose meaningful messages! :p
A4:45:52 <Marach> bildramer: your pc doesnt suck as much as this one
A4:45:57 <bildramer> With some mistakes, well, er...
A4:46:02 <bildramer> Hm.
A4:46:06 <bildramer> Prove it.
A4:46:16 <bildramer> 246MB RAM, 2.59GHz
12A4:46:18 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-92-102-102.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A4:46:23 * AndrewPH is now known as AndrewPH|AFK
A4:46:27 <Marach> 384 MB RAM, 1.7 GHz
A4:46:34 <bildramer> :P
A4:46:35 <AndrewPH|AFK> my laptop is worse
A4:46:39 <bildramer> mine has memory issues
A4:46:45 <AndrewPH|AFK> 128 MB RAM 336 Mhz
A4:46:50 <AndrewPH|AFK> :P
A4:46:51 <Marach> mine cannot play minecraft
A4:46:59 <AndrewPH|AFK> Mine can't watch youtube
A4:47:04 <AndrewPH|AFK> Mine can barely start chrome
A4:47:08 <bildramer> 8MB aren't there for a reason and 2 of them aren't there for another reason :(
A4:47:09 <Marach> and gives BSoD on almost all GameMaker games
A4:47:14 <bildramer> lmao
A4:47:20 <AndrewPH|AFK> mine is worse
A4:47:30 <bildramer> mine can open MC only in the WoM client
A4:47:37 <AndrewPH|AFK> mine catches on fire when I try to play minesweeper
A4:47:37 <Marach> and i cannot move mouse and write on keyboard at the same moment
A4:47:42 <bildramer> and has about 10-20FPS with full fog
A4:47:56 <Marach> (when using touchpad)
A4:48:02 <AndrewPH|AFK> you guys
A4:48:04 <AndrewPH|AFK> stop complaining
A4:48:14 <AndrewPH|AFK> mine is worse
A4:48:16 <Marach> mine barely runs Big Race USA
A4:48:22 <AndrewPH|AFK> :|
A4:48:30 <AndrewPH|AFK> fuck this I'm tired good night
A4:48:30 <Marach> 11 years old game
A4:48:31 <bildramer> :?
A4:48:44 <bildramer> I can run Red Alert 2 :D
A4:48:51 <bildramer> :P
A4:49:05 <bildramer> yours sucks
A4:49:13 <Marach> mine SOMEHOW runs Armagetron Advanced
A4:49:30 <Marach> on lowest detail
A4:49:45 <bildramer> I can crack MD5s with Cain&Abel
A4:49:46 <bildramer> :P
A4:49:52 <gdude2002> same :P
A4:49:55 <gdude2002> it's really easy dude
A4:49:58 <bildramer> Cortex Command runs here, too
A4:50:02 <gdude2002> I poison my school's DNS xD
A4:50:09 <bildramer> I has no rainbow tablez :(
A4:50:19 <Marach> an SDL app that only draws a line has 32 FPS.
A4:50:53 <gdude2002> rofl.
A4:50:57 <Marach> while same tested on another pc has 1200 FPS
A4:51:01 <gdude2002> haha
A4:51:17 <gdude2002> I sent Google to meninpain.com in my schol before topiss the teachers off
A4:51:21 <gdude2002> :D
A4:51:37 <Marach> ?
A4:51:50 <gdude2002> APr poisoning
A4:51:55 <gdude2002> Cina and Abel can do it
A4:51:57 <gdude2002> cain*
13A4:52:14 * Marach will just play Big Race USA
A4:52:22 <gdude2002> lolk
A4:52:25 <ez> hey, anyone know a way to find really old games?
A4:52:31 <Marach> gog.com
A4:52:34 <gdude2002> sugh as?
A4:52:35 <ez> tnx
A4:52:35 <gdude2002> such*
10A4:52:42 * Hideousness (His_Ugline@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
10A4:52:44 * Hideousness is now known as Hideous
A4:52:55 <ez> Im looking for a comp game from beginning of 90's with a rabbit turning green when eating carrots
A4:53:00 <Siiseli> don't fucking bring your bots here Hideous
A4:53:10 <bildramer> ...
A4:53:10 <Hideous> He's not here siiseli
A4:53:15 <bildramer> lol
A4:53:23 <Siiseli> and Hideous please stop making your bots repeat anything I say
A4:53:30 <Hideous> He's revengebot, he does that
A4:53:36 <gdude2002> lol.
A4:53:46 <Hideous> He repeats everything I say too!
10A4:53:49 * Visiiri (espionage@ has joined #minecraft
A4:53:50 <Siiseli> you know
A4:53:51 <bildramer> gdude2002: is it that one where you pretend to be a DNS serv and send wrong packets hoping to hit an ID? :P
10A4:53:54 * Vis (Visiiri2@ has joined #minecraft
A4:53:56 <gdude2002> yeah
A4:53:58 <gdude2002> kinda
A4:54:00 <Siiseli> you'll get yourself banned from a place or two if you keep that up
A4:54:05 <Hideous> That's cool
12A4:54:09 * Vis (Visiiri2@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A4:54:14 <gdude2002> it's where you change the IP of the packets
A4:54:23 <gdude2002> so they think they're going to the right site
A4:54:26 <gdude2002> but they aren't.
A4:54:26 <bildramer> yep
A4:54:27 <ez> anyone seen such a game?
A4:54:30 <bildramer> hehe
A4:54:32 <Visiiri> Ohai guize
A4:54:35 <gdude2002> The address doesn't even change xD
A4:54:36 <vede> ez, it wouldn't be Jazz Jackrabbit would it?
A4:54:36 <gdude2002> ohi
A4:54:37 <Visiiri> Good morning.
A4:54:42 <ez> nope vede
A4:54:58 <Visiiri> Hehehe. The picture in the notchblog is funneh.
A4:54:59 <gdude2002> oh my god
A4:55:04 <gdude2002> I remember psychonauts
A4:55:04 <Visiiri> He looks like a total creep.
A4:55:18 <bildramer> :L
12A4:55:22 * Hedious (His_Ugline@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A4:55:24 <ez> it's not a platform
A4:55:26 <bildramer> Quatro made a nice one :P
A4:55:29 <Visiiri> Look at his eyes. I fell out of my chair.
A4:55:29 <gdude2002> :P
A4:55:36 <ez> it's more like a map from above
A4:55:49 <ez> you collect keys to open doors
A4:55:56 <ez> you can blow up walls
A4:56:04 <ez> and have to get by certain obstacles
A4:56:09 <bildramer> why not blow up the doors? :/
A4:56:11 <ez> and monsters
A4:56:13 <Evilgrim> I'm freezing. D:
A4:56:22 <ez> doors cant be blown up, just certain walls
A4:56:24 <ez> not alll walls
A4:56:40 <ez> and if you eat a carrot you'll turn green for a while, like Hulken
A4:56:49 <ez> and no monster can hurt you
A4:56:56 <ez> you just run through them =P
A4:57:01 <HAL9000> >_>
A4:57:19 <ez> maybe this game was never big
A4:57:29 <ez> but I think it was released somewhere!
A4:57:36 <bildramer> :-
A4:57:43 <HAL9000> If it sounds weird, it was probably Japan.
A4:57:48 <HAL9000> It's ALWAYS Japan.
A4:57:55 <bildramer> quick, name random games!
A4:57:57 <ez> Swedish developers
A4:58:01 <Evilgrim> Power Stone 2?!
A4:58:12 <bildramer> hm...
A4:58:12 <gdude2002> Radioactive bunny?
A4:58:13 <HAL9000> Random Games?
A4:58:14 <ez> but don't know where it could have been released
A4:58:31 <HAL9000> How about 52 Pickup?
A4:58:34 <gdude2002> I had a game called radioactive rabbit or soemthing like that
A4:58:35 <HAL9000> No game is ever the same
A4:58:38 <gdude2002> never got it to work though
A4:58:48 <Hideous> I AM STILL HERE BWAHAHA
A4:58:50 <Hideous> >:D
A4:59:00 <gdude2002> not for long >.>
A4:59:01 <HAL9000> so Mailis Hideous?
A4:59:05 <HAL9000> Makes sense to me.
A4:59:08 <Hideous> Funny fact, my bot is still in tigirc
A5:00:01 <HAL9000> Andreas Jorgensen.....why do people use their actual real name?
A5:00:42 <Evilgrim> I don't think Mail's hideous?
A5:00:55 <bildramer> ...?
A5:00:56 <bildramer> no
A5:00:56 <Hideous> Mail isn't me
A5:01:01 <HAL9000> Then there is something wrong with you Evilgrim.
A5:01:03 <Hideous> My actual real name is awesome
A5:01:11 <Hideous> That's why
A5:01:17 <bildramer> mail is @hawaiisomethingjunkIPsomethingjunk
A5:01:36 <bildramer> err...
A5:01:39 <bildramer> yup
A5:01:39 <HAL9000> I never said mail was you.
A5:01:53 <HAL9000> I just said mail is hideos.
A5:01:59 <HAL9000> I just said mail is hideous..
A5:02:04 <bildramer> *facepalms*
A5:02:09 <HAL9000> So it makes sense to me.
A5:02:35 <Siiseli> hideous is not mail.
A5:02:44 <Siiseli> Hideous, you want me to go bothunting?
A5:02:51 <HAL9000> Siiseli didn't understand it either.
A5:02:57 <Hideous> There's no bot in this channel
A5:03:01 <Hideous> Feel free to find him in tigirc
A5:03:15 <bildramer> (His_Ugline@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com)
A5:03:16 <bildramer> (mail2345@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com)
A5:03:18 <Siiseli> I know there isn't
A5:03:23 <bildramer> HA.
A5:03:24 <HAL9000> I only said mail was hideous. And that it made sense to me.
A5:03:28 <Siiseli> I already kicked mudoc
A5:03:32 <gdude2002> naoyne got a good windows 7 torrent? :D
A5:03:36 <Siiseli> and I said mail is not hideous
A5:03:37 <Siiseli> :o
A5:03:41 <gdude2002> I ahve the RC
A5:03:43 <Siiseli> gdude2002, top one on isohunt
A5:03:47 <gdude2002> and TPB is blocked by my ISP
A5:03:48 <bildramer> lol
A5:03:50 <gdude2002> ok isohunt
A5:03:50 <gdude2002> ty
A5:03:55 <bildramer> lolwut.
A5:03:59 <bildramer> I'd kck your ISP
A5:04:03 <gdude2002> me too
A5:04:04 <gdude2002> but
A5:04:06 <gdude2002> government
A5:04:06 <gdude2002> so
A5:04:07 <HAL9000> So Siiseli has seen mail?
A5:04:16 <Siiseli> HAL9000, irl? no
A5:04:31 <HAL9000> Then my statement is still perfectly valid.
A5:04:31 <bildramer> Not allowing access to certain sites == one step to China :P
A5:04:32 <Siiseli> gdude2002, where you live?
A5:04:35 <HAL9000> mail is hideous
A5:04:37 <Siiseli> britain?
A5:04:41 <gdude2002> Ireland
A5:04:46 <Siiseli> I see.
A5:04:48 <bildramer> in Greece nobody actually cares
A5:04:48 <gdude2002> Eircom ONLY blocks TPB
A5:04:50 <gdude2002> lol
A5:04:56 <bildramer> free for all
A5:05:07 <gdude2002> OH GOD
A5:05:13 <gdude2002> "Meet a nice Russian girl today"
A5:05:16 <gdude2002> AAAAHHHH!
A5:05:17 <Siiseli> :3
A5:05:18 <bildramer> also, nobody is tech-savvy enough to understand his WLAN is being used for illegal "stuff"
A5:05:20 <gdude2002> lol
A5:05:27 <bildramer> :P
A5:05:46 <bildramer> is TPB down?
A5:05:50 <gdude2002> nah
A5:05:53 <gdude2002> just blocked
A5:06:03 <gdude2002> by eircom
A5:06:05 <gdude2002> -faggots
A5:06:14 <gdude2002> Siiseli, is it the lin I'm about to msg you?
A5:06:19 <bildramer> "It's just you. http://thepiratebay.org is up."
A5:06:20 <gdude2002> k*
A5:06:30 <bildramer> ffff-.
A5:06:34 <Siiseli> yes, gdude2002
A5:06:37 <gdude2002> thanks.
A5:07:16 <gdude2002> lol wheres the dload link?
A5:07:43 <bildramer> lol
A5:07:45 <bildramer> wait
10A5:07:47 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-93-2-241.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
A5:07:48 <Siiseli> just clickedy click aroudn or something
A5:07:56 <gdude2002> I honestly can't see a linky anywhere
A5:08:04 <bildramer> II should check the hosts file and my router, since it works with a proxy
A5:08:16 <bildramer> well
A5:08:20 <gdude2002> -turns off adblocker-
A5:08:22 <Siiseli> http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/136784145/windows+7?tab=summary
A5:08:22 <Siiseli> there
A5:08:23 <bildramer> nice "protection" there, thanks
A5:08:24 <Siiseli> have fun
A5:08:30 <bildramer> hm...
A5:08:33 <gdude2002> o.o
A5:08:34 <gdude2002> thanks
A5:08:37 <bildramer> er...
A5:08:41 <bildramer> no IRCops?
A5:08:47 <bildramer> also, isn't it not allowed?
A5:08:51 <bildramer> :|
A5:08:52 <Siiseli> yyeaaah it's not allowed
A5:08:54 <bildramer> whatever
A5:08:54 <Siiseli> but fuck that
A5:09:01 <bildramer> who cares
A5:09:03 <Siiseli> indeed
A5:09:06 <bildramer> I didn't post the link :P
A5:09:09 <Siiseli> too lazy to type /msg
A5:09:24 <bildramer> erm... hm.
A5:09:27 <gdude2002> holy shit
A5:09:30 <gdude2002> 1300 seeders
A5:09:30 <bildramer> ?
A5:09:33 <bildramer> lolwut.
A5:09:35 <Siiseli> is that alot?
A5:09:37 <bildramer> yes
A5:09:41 <Visiiri> wuts a seeder?
A5:09:41 <gdude2002> yes
A5:09:42 <Siiseli> it's not, really
A5:09:42 <gdude2002> lol
A5:09:51 <bildramer> well
12A5:09:52 * Nimai (Mibbit@118-93-2-241.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:09:59 <Visiiri> It's a torrent thing?
A5:10:01 <bildramer> usually I get 20-30 if I'm lucky
A5:10:03 <bildramer> yes
A5:10:06 <HAL9000> Most I've ever seen on a Windows 7 Torrent was 2000 seeders
A5:10:09 <bildramer> people who upload it
A5:10:10 <HAL9000> it broke the tracker
A5:10:15 <Siiseli> :D
A5:10:17 <gdude2002> xD
A5:10:18 <bildramer> 2048 mebbe?
A5:10:20 <asiekierka> SEERyously?
A5:11:02 <HAL9000> asie is trolling again....
A5:11:07 <gdude2002> lsee speed
A5:11:07 <HAL9000> why am I not surprised?
A5:11:08 <MoDx> I saw 20k on Avatar :D
A5:11:16 <bildramer> :/
A5:11:18 <gdude2002> oh coem on.
A5:11:20 <MoDx> And 250k leechers...
A5:11:21 <gdude2002> 3.4kb/s
A5:11:22 <HAL9000> As did I. but that was multple trackers
A5:11:24 <gdude2002> rofl
A5:11:28 <bildramer> lol
A5:11:30 <bildramer> ports?
A5:11:30 <MoDx> Oh.
A5:11:45 <gdude2002> ports not usually a problem
A5:11:56 <bildramer> I need something to dl... feeling useless :P
A5:11:59 <gdude2002> :P
A5:12:01 <bildramer> gamez?
A5:12:02 <gdude2002> go get, uhh..
A5:12:06 <gdude2002> what's it called..
A5:12:08 <gdude2002> Switchball
A5:12:09 <gdude2002> that's it
A5:12:11 <gdude2002> good game
A5:12:12 <bildramer> :-
A5:12:15 <bildramer> I
A5:12:22 <gdude2002> honestly lol
A5:12:26 <gdude2002> bloody brilliant game
A5:12:50 <bildramer> *I will just get full versions of fucking demo/trial progs/games
A5:12:57 <bildramer> because those suck
A5:12:57 <bildramer> :P
A5:13:04 <gdude2002> xD
A5:13:05 <bildramer> Switchball?
A5:13:21 <gdude2002> yes
A5:13:33 <bildramer> ooooooh
A5:13:41 <bildramer> I liekd that in Mac of friendz
A5:13:54 <bildramer> Is it a ball roliing?
A5:13:56 <bildramer> *lli
A5:14:12 <gdude2002> lol
A5:14:17 <gdude2002> yeah, you're a ball in it
A5:14:20 <bildramer> ;P
A5:14:28 <bildramer> I like those games, woot
A5:14:35 <bildramer> but I doubt this comp will run it
A5:14:45 <gdude2002> try it.
A5:14:53 <gdude2002> It works best with a physx card, however
A5:14:54 <bildramer> wait, it fits in a CD-ROM, so I'll put it in my flash stick for Germany :P
A5:15:00 <gdude2002> lol :P
A5:15:30 <bildramer> "Size 117.89 MiB"
A5:15:32 <bildramer> err...
A5:15:36 <gdude2002> lol.
A5:15:45 <bildramer> the other torrents are 74 and 80
A5:15:46 <bildramer> wtf?
A5:15:54 <gdude2002> OH SO FAST
A5:15:55 <gdude2002> 20b/s
A5:15:59 <gdude2002> 20kb/s
A5:16:00 <bildramer> lmao
A5:16:03 <bildramer> oh.
A5:16:03 <gdude2002> xD
A5:16:05 <Marach> switchball!
A5:16:07 <Marach> great game
A5:16:10 <gdude2002> indeed
A5:16:24 <Visiiri> That's scary...
A5:16:26 <Marach> there is another game like it...
A5:16:30 <Marach> i forgot the name D:
A5:16:32 <Visiiri> Gdude2002=bildramer in characters
A5:16:35 <Visiiri> so it's a solid ilne
A5:16:37 <gdude2002> :P
A5:16:38 <Visiiri> o.o
A5:16:44 <Marach> 3 different ball surfaces, 12 levels...
A5:16:52 <bildramer> :/
A5:16:52 <bildramer> ?
A5:16:59 <Marach> paper, stone and marble
A5:17:04 <Marach> let me google
A5:18:17 <Marach> aah
A5:18:19 <Marach> Ballance!
A5:18:31 <Marach> http://www.ballance.org/
A5:19:42 <Marach> actually i find it better than switchball
A5:20:14 <TVC> who here knows python on unix and windows, i need halp
A5:20:23 <Marach> not marble, wood!
A5:20:23 <bildramer> "Active torrents: (over max unsigned int?)"
12A5:21:24 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-193-53-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A5:21:30 <Visiiri> Fail.
A5:22:22 <bildramer> hm.
A5:22:50 <bildramer> oh, it's only millions :/
10A5:22:56 * Ten_Tacles (chatzilla@levk-4db49888.pool.mediaWays.net) has joined #minecraft
A5:23:04 <bildramer> hellllooo
A5:23:10 <Ten_Tacles> helllllllloooooooo
12A5:23:10 * MoDx (chatzilla@starget.radionet.ee) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
A5:23:17 <Ten_Tacles> firefox works again yay :D
A5:23:22 <Evilgrim> Chrome ftw.
A5:23:44 <HAL9000> A Python topic and no mail in sight.
A5:23:50 <bildramer> ^ Opera and Safari, too
A5:23:55 <bildramer> lol
A5:24:07 <Ten_Tacles> i dont think it was firefox alone
A5:24:25 <Ten_Tacles> IE didnt worked as well
A5:24:33 <bildramer> didn't worked?
A5:24:37 <bildramer> oooh.
A5:26:09 <Ten_Tacles> i start them see the internet side and after 2 seconds firefox dissapears
A5:30:35 <bildramer> how can i haz gmod free plz?
A5:30:56 <bildramer> :P
A5:31:07 <bildramer> kidding, I'll need the source engine
A5:31:19 <Ten_Tacles> what is gmod?
A5:32:16 <Evilgrim> Garry's mod is win.
10A5:32:32 * r4dio (radioactiv@ has joined #minecraft
A5:32:51 <r4dio> hi
A5:32:56 <Marach> heey
A5:33:10 <Visiiri> I want to play Gmod.
A5:33:15 <Visiiri> Anyone want to join me?
A5:33:27 <Ten_Tacles> what is Gmod?
A5:33:31 <TVC> i needz halp with pythonian
A5:33:37 <Visiiri> ooh
A5:33:43 <Visiiri> AcidMan is playing L4D2
12A5:33:43 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-20-59-81.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:33:44 <Visiiri> more fun
A5:33:46 <Visiiri> i'll do that
A5:33:54 <r4dio> l4d2 is like an expansion of l4d
A5:33:58 <r4dio> :/
A5:34:09 <Ten_Tacles> lol icenisse made a thread about the banning of him
13A5:34:54 * HAL9000 screenkeyboards.
A5:36:13 <Marach> haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kchmem4yyVM&feature=channel
A5:37:04 <Ten_Tacles> lol marach
A5:37:09 <Ten_Tacles> still no computer?
A5:37:26 <Marach> YES
A5:37:39 <Ten_Tacles> LOL
A5:38:25 <ez> woop l4d2 - wonder if i can sneak in a game of that during my lunch break? =P
A5:39:11 <Ten_Tacles> XD
A5:39:14 <Ten_Tacles> you can try
A5:39:22 <ez> :D
A5:39:30 <Ten_Tacles> try and fail *insert evil laugh here*
A5:39:38 <ez> hehe
A5:39:57 <ez> was better when I had coworkers to play with during lunch break
A5:40:05 <Ten_Tacles> XD
A5:40:19 <Ten_Tacles> during lunch break i would eat my lunch
A5:40:27 <ez> I already did that
A5:40:31 <Ten_Tacles> hm
A5:40:39 <ez> takes me about ten minutes :P
A5:40:49 <Ten_Tacles> how long is your lunch break?
A5:40:55 <ez> an hour
A5:41:17 <Ten_Tacles> then i would try
A5:41:19 <Ten_Tacles> :P
13A5:41:32 * ez runs to l4d2
A5:41:36 <Marach> LMAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvSQOsDYdrY&NR=1
12A5:41:41 * ez (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A5:42:46 <Ten_Tacles> XD
12A5:44:14 * r4dio (radioactiv@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A5:50:07 <Marach> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0ITOR1vZ0c&feature=fvw
A5:54:03 <bildramer> ....
A5:54:14 <bildramer> ...
A5:54:20 <bildramer> ..
A5:54:22 <bildramer> .
A5:54:26 <serp> ..
A5:54:28 <serp> ...
A5:54:30 <serp> ....
A5:54:39 <Marach> ....
A5:54:42 <Marach> ....
A5:54:46 <bildramer> oh yay combo BROKEN
A5:54:51 <bildramer> :P
13A5:54:55 * Marach raeps bildramer
A5:55:07 <bildramer> should we do something like that ASCII thing in the forums?
A5:55:09 <Marach> lets play pong!
A5:55:13 <Marach> | .
A5:55:16 <Visiiri> heheheh
A5:55:22 <bildramer> . |
A5:55:23 <Visiiri> You missed it.
A5:55:26 <bildramer> ;p
A5:55:31 <Marach> |.
A5:55:34 <Marach> pgew almost
A5:55:42 <bildramer> .\
A5:55:46 <bildramer> :P
A5:55:47 <Marach> :O
A5:55:53 <Marach> .
A5:55:54 <Marach> \
A5:55:54 <Visiiri> m.m I caught the ball
A5:55:56 <Visiiri> :D
A5:56:23 <Marach> _
A5:56:24 <Marach>
A5:56:25 <Marach>
A5:56:26 <Marach> .
A5:56:48 <bildramer> .*,
A5:56:48 <bildramer> ,~*O*
A5:56:48 <bildramer> ^*`
A5:56:48 <bildramer> .
A5:56:56 <bildramer> kaboom
A5:57:02 <Marach> :O
A5:57:10 <Marach> dont make me post my asciicraft
A5:57:13 <bildramer> lol
13A5:57:17 * Visiiri hears the faint sound of a gun in the background... kikkikkikkikkikk.
13A5:57:19 * Visiiri hids.
A5:57:20 <Visiiri> err
13A5:57:21 * Visiiri hid.
A5:57:40 <bildramer> dakkadakkadakka?
A5:58:25 <serp> ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------.
A5:58:27 <serp> |:::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : : : : : : : .. .. :. .. |
A5:58:27 <serp> |:::::::dHHHbo._ ::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : :.: : :.: : : :..:..: .. :. |
A5:58:27 <serp> |::::::dHF""HHHHb.::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.: : : : : . :. .. . .. |
A5:58:27 <serp> |:::::dHH _ "HHHHb.:::::.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.: :.:.: : : : : : :.::.: ..: .. |
A5:58:29 <serp> |:::::HHH_'o "HHHHHb.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.: : :.: : :.: .... .... .: |
A5:58:32 <serp> |:::::HHFo "HHHHHHbo..:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.: : :.: : : : :.: :. :.::.: .. |
A5:58:32 <bildramer> :O
A5:58:34 <serp> |:::::HHH\`, HHHHHHHHHHho..:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.: : :.:.: : : :: .. .. .. |
A5:58:37 <serp> |:::::HFHH`._,'HHH' `HHHHHHb_ :.:.:.: : ____:.: : : : : : :. .::.. : .. |
A5:58:39 <serp> |:::::P:"HHHHH\HP "HHF:. `._ :.,-'"" "-. :.: : : : .: .. ..: .. |
A5:58:40 <bildramer> breaking...
A5:58:42 <serp> |::::::::"HHFHHF F" :::..""" "-. `. : : : : :..:.: .. .. |
A5:58:43 <bildramer> .
A5:58:44 <serp> |::::::::::F::PF , \ \__ : : : _,-----._..--'|
A5:58:47 <serp> |::::::::::::::F j\ / ; `."----'' |
A5:58:49 <serp> |::::::::::::::| j `. ` A \ |
A5:58:50 <Visiiri> omg it's porn
A5:58:52 <serp> |::::::::::::::| | ;_ . 8 \ |
A5:58:52 <Visiiri> puyodead
A5:58:52 <Marach> asciipr0n?
A5:58:54 <serp> |::::::::::::::J F\_,'| "`-----.\ j `. \ |
A5:58:55 <bildramer> PR0NZ
A5:58:55 <Visiiri> kick this dumbass
A5:58:57 <serp> |:::::::::::::: F j F | F / \ \ ____ ,... |
A5:58:59 <serp> |::::::::::,-'"J J | | _-"F j `. ,'" ""--/::::"-|
10A5:59:00 * DIProgan (gargamel@h30n2-sus-a11.ias.bredband.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
A5:59:02 <serp> |:::::::,-' | F_j F _,-"". J / `. : ._`::::|
A5:59:03 <Visiiri> vede
A5:59:04 <serp> |:::::,' F J____J-"". . . .J j ...... `-_ __,.----"`--._ "|
A5:59:05 <Visiiri> Siiseli
A5:59:07 <serp> |::::/ . F | . . . . . . ..| F:::::::_.--' `. "-.|
A5:59:07 <vLK> oh heavens
A5:59:08 <Visiiri> Drakkar
A5:59:09 <serp> |:::/ ' | F. . . . . .::::| _.------'"" : ...:::::|
A5:59:10 <bildramer> Notch
A5:59:12 <serp> |::/,' J J . . . . _;;:::| ' \ "`...::::::::::::|
A5:59:13 <Marach> Super-Dot
A5:59:13 <bildramer> :P
A5:59:14 <serp> |:/ F F F . . . . "-_| _______...-`--"-. ";::::::::::::|
A5:59:17 <serp> |/ j __.-""- J . .........--'"""""`-._ ...::"`-. ;.::::::::::|
A5:59:19 <serp> | | (.___...-' ..Krogg:::::::::"-.j::::::::::|
A5:59:22 <serp> `--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
A5:59:31 <bildramer> NEVAR DOIT AGAINZ
A5:59:57 <Marach> ops have terrible delay
A6:00:01 <bildramer> :l
A6:00:01 <Visiiri> :\
A6:00:06 <serp> so... sup guys
A6:00:08 <Visiiri> That's why I should be OP.
A6:00:15 <Marach> and me!
A6:00:15 <bildramer> That
A6:00:21 <bildramer> me too! :P
A6:00:27 <Marach> find a day when im not on irc
A6:00:40 <Visiiri> :/ Not you children. I could become.. adult if I needed to.
A6:00:46 <bildramer> I'm the most active person, based on those worldoftext stuff
A6:00:49 <bildramer> ;P
A6:00:53 <bildramer> I can be serious.
A6:00:55 <serp> I'm the oldest person here
A6:01:03 <Visiiri> You need a +b for that porn.
A6:01:07 <serp> if anybody should be ops it should be me
A6:01:10 <Visiiri> This is a fucking childrens game
A6:01:11 <Marach> LMAO
A6:01:18 <bildramer> lol
A6:01:23 <Marach> age doesnt matter
A6:01:29 <Visiiri> vede, Super-Dot, Siiseli, PuyoDead, Drakkar, we needs you D:
13A6:01:32 * bildramer thinks of a porn server, but rethinks pretty quickly
A6:01:45 <bildramer> hmm...
A6:01:47 <bildramer> OP RACE
A6:01:57 <bildramer> first one to kick/ban gets a cookie
A6:02:04 <bildramer> err... not me
A6:02:07 <bildramer> ;P
A6:02:12 <Visiiri> hrm
10A6:02:16 * Voltron (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10A6:02:20 * Voltron (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has left #minecraft
A6:02:21 <Visiiri> I think I can get in mibbit while playing a steam game.
A6:02:32 <serp> what is mibbit?
A6:02:39 <HAL9000> so bildramer and serp decided to spam the channel
A6:02:40 <Visiiri> You're a whore
A6:02:44 <HAL9000> How lame can you be?
A6:02:52 <bildramer> errr... wut?
A6:03:04 <Marach> ascii minecraft!
A6:03:04 <Marach> http://pastebin.com/m39c538f1
A6:03:08 <bildramer> I didn't
A6:03:11 <Marach> (by me)
A6:03:23 <serp> Marach: awesome :)
10A6:03:57 * Vis{GMOD} (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A6:04:04 <Vis{GMOD}> hehehehe
A6:04:04 <Marach> whoops first like is phucked
A6:04:05 <bildramer> heh.
A6:04:05 <Vis{GMOD}> it works
A6:04:10 <Vis{GMOD}> i'm playing gmod right now
10A6:04:17 * vede sets mode: +b *!*@h-60-248.A163.priv.bahnhof.se
A6:04:36 <Marach> http://pastebin.com/m7c38f223
A6:04:43 <bildramer> vede wins!
10A6:04:43 * serp was kicked by vede (Goodbye forever, most likely.)
13A6:04:52 * Marach hugs vede
13A6:05:07 * bildramer gives vede a cookie
A6:05:38 <bildramer> so..
A6:05:44 <Vis{GMOD}> hurray
A6:05:48 <bildramer> the most current version is gmod 10 or 11?
A6:05:54 <Vis{GMOD}> 11
A6:06:05 <bildramer> oh, never noticed an update
A6:06:05 <bildramer> :P
13A6:06:24 * Marach is 5th in the world in Aztec Quest
A6:07:03 <bildramer> woot
A6:07:05 <bildramer> nice
A6:09:45 <vede> So serp and Notch have very similar hostnames.
A6:10:01 <vede> ie. Notch should go beat the shit out of him.
A6:10:44 <Marach> :D
A6:11:15 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A6:11:32 <bildramer> lol
A6:12:20 <bildramer> heh
A6:12:28 <vede> Heh, and serp had his real, full name available to see.
A6:12:29 <bildramer> should I start downloading a 12GB torrent?
A6:12:43 <bildramer> (Goodbye forever, most likely.)
A6:12:51 <bildramer> why? pron not allowed?
A6:13:13 <vede> bildramer, epic spamming.
A6:13:22 <bildramer> that was just a flood :/
A6:13:30 <bildramer> remember what Brett did once?
A6:13:32 <Marach> = spam
A6:13:37 <bildramer> anyway
A6:13:41 <vede> What did Brett do?
13A6:13:46 * HAL9000 pokes bildramer
A6:13:50 <bildramer> :l
A6:13:52 <HAL9000> YAMME.....what happen?
10A6:14:12 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A6:14:13 <bildramer> ?
A6:14:27 <bildramer> stopped work on it until Notch makes a proper map format
A6:14:33 <bildramer> osici should protest, too ;P
A6:14:37 <vede> HAL9000 can't quite read yet, it seems.
10A6:14:42 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ has joined #minecraft
A6:15:04 <vede> Seeing how "Status: Paused until Notch removes serialisation" was in bold, colored text at the bottom of the YAMME post.
A6:15:26 <Marach> whats serialisation?
A6:15:32 <bildramer> Hmm...
A6:15:34 <Roadcrosser> desjaecgisotooiu what is the longest word i can make from those letters
A6:15:39 <bildramer> anyone got the link?
A6:15:57 <bildramer> err... what letters?
A6:16:25 <Roadcrosser> desjaecgisotooiu
A6:16:38 <bildramer> :-
A6:16:49 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A6:16:53 <Roadcrosser> ?
A6:16:59 <Roadcrosser> whats the longest word i can make
A6:17:13 <HAL9000> HAL9000 has no eyes.
13A6:17:22 * HAL9000 rips out vede's eyes and reas the post.
A6:17:23 <bildramer> erm...
A6:17:31 <HAL9000> I see now.
A6:17:33 <bildramer> bruteforce is gonna take some time
A6:17:43 <Marach> http://wordsmith.org/anagram/anagram.cgi?anagram=desjaecgisotooiu&language=english&t=1000&d=1&include=&exclude=&n=&m=&source=adv&a=n&l=n&q=n&k=1
A6:17:49 <bildramer> lol
A6:18:01 <bildramer> kthx
A6:18:12 <Marach> minimum 3 words.
A6:18:20 <Roadcrosser> ...
A6:18:21 <bildramer> :(
A6:18:34 <bildramer> let's make that a little easier
12A6:18:48 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:18:56 <HAL9000> geodesist
A6:18:59 <bildramer> dsjcgst aeeiiooou
A6:19:06 <bildramer> :/
A6:19:10 <HAL9000> wineverygame.com
A6:19:29 <HAL9000> geodesics
A6:19:33 <bildramer> desu...?
A6:19:46 <HAL9000> a cat is fine too.
A6:19:54 <bildramer> oh noes
A6:20:00 <bildramer> IWBTG used this
A6:20:01 <bildramer> AAAAA.
A6:20:05 <bildramer> MEMORIES.
A6:20:28 <HAL9000> I wanna be the guy was excellent.
A6:20:33 <Marach> bildramer is trapped in hypotethical situation!
A6:20:39 <bildramer> :O
13A6:20:59 * bildramer is trapped in hypotethical situation!
A6:21:13 <HAL9000> What if a hypothetical you gave you a knife?
A6:21:18 <bildramer> "a hypothetical" :P
A6:21:26 <bildramer> Erm...
A6:21:29 <Marach> nvm
13A6:21:34 * bildramer turns Zen mode on and tries to comprehend
A6:21:45 <HAL9000> its to cut your way out
A6:21:50 <HAL9000> It's
A6:21:51 <bildramer> The lightbulb is.
A6:22:02 <HAL9000> sure, if you shatter it.
A6:22:22 <HAL9000> There is no sense in arguing with a computer.
A6:22:30 <Roadcrosser> whats the longest word i can make with that uses the y? snivycsjewtgooou
A6:22:31 <HAL9000> Even over illogical hypothetical situations
A6:22:41 <Roadcrosser> longest word
A6:22:45 <Roadcrosser> not all letters
A6:22:51 <HAL9000> westings or vestings
A6:22:53 <bildramer> jewy
A6:22:58 <bildramer> ivy
A6:23:01 <bildramer> oh.
A6:23:01 <Roadcrosser> with the y
A6:23:08 <Roadcrosser> and it has to be long
A6:23:19 <HAL9000> I just gave you your answer.
A6:23:27 <HAL9000> withe the y?
A6:23:30 <Roadcrosser> yea
A6:23:35 <Roadcrosser> the y boosts my attack
A6:23:39 <HAL9000> cystines
A6:23:43 <Roadcrosser> k
A6:23:57 <HAL9000> What are you playing?
A6:24:04 <bildramer> whome?
10A6:24:08 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A6:24:10 <Roadcrosser> WOW
A6:24:14 <HAL9000> >_>
A6:24:18 <Roadcrosser> that guy just went up to him
A6:24:18 <bildramer> also, make the longest word possible: oooooo
A6:24:29 <Roadcrosser> SUPER BUT HIM
A6:24:36 <Roadcrosser> he lost ALL his hearts exept 1
A6:24:39 <HAL9000> Bildramer, your letters are inadequate.
A6:24:40 <Roadcrosser> :P
A6:25:04 <HAL9000> You're welcome Roadcrosser, what game are you playing?
A6:25:33 <Roadcrosser> bookworm adventures
A6:25:37 <Ten_Tacles> lol
12A6:25:38 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A6:26:07 <Roadcrosser> inivagejpeegowou what about that
A6:26:15 <Ten_Tacles> :O
A6:26:36 <Roadcrosser> i plan to use all of em
A6:26:38 <Roadcrosser> :/
A6:26:40 <Ten_Tacles> what do you think: will notch finish the inventory system this year?
A6:26:44 <Roadcrosser> nah
A6:26:49 <Roadcrosser> HAL9000
A6:26:55 <Marach> a game im 5th in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_we9RiEbLQ&feature=player_embedded
A6:26:57 <Roadcrosser> have you got it?
A6:27:14 <Ten_Tacles> marach
A6:27:21 <Roadcrosser> ello?
A6:27:23 <Roadcrosser> anyone?
A6:27:24 <Marach> what
A6:27:39 <Roadcrosser> inivagejpeegowou what about that
A6:27:46 <Roadcrosser> i need longest word
A6:27:55 <Marach> pee
A6:27:56 <Roadcrosser> not only all the letters
A6:28:03 <Roadcrosser> LONGEST
A6:28:18 <Ten_Tacles> you need a computer
A6:28:27 <Roadcrosser> ...
A6:28:28 <Roadcrosser> huh
A6:28:31 <Marach> yes
A6:28:35 <Marach> what?
A6:28:57 <Roadcrosser> inivagejpeegowou whats the longest word i can get
A6:29:05 <Ten_Tacles> hsdbfsievfpsdfbiefbsadgfe
A6:29:09 <Roadcrosser> ...
A6:29:09 <Ten_Tacles> longer
A6:29:12 <Marach> after computer, i buy Pandora
A6:29:14 <Roadcrosser> HEY
A6:29:16 <HAL9000> peeving
A6:29:19 <Roadcrosser> k
A6:29:22 <HAL9000> Busy
A6:29:44 <Ten_Tacles> pandora?
A6:30:03 <Marach> open handheld
A6:30:09 <Marach> runing linux
A6:30:22 <Marach> 2x more powerful than PSP
A6:30:49 <Ten_Tacles> i love zelda games
A6:30:56 <Ten_Tacles> which is the best one i can emulate?
A6:31:00 <Roadcrosser> jftiietlaheoowoj <--- what about that
A6:31:07 <Marach> ocarina of time?
A6:31:25 <HAL9000> athlete
A6:31:36 <Ten_Tacles> already played on my gamecube
A6:31:40 <Ten_Tacles> its awesome
A6:31:50 <HAL9000> Any 2d Zelda LTTP or later.
A6:31:55 <HAL9000> take your pick.
A6:31:56 <Ten_Tacles> not so awesome is that i got tricked when i bought that
A6:31:57 <Ten_Tacles> :/
A6:32:17 <Marach> how?
12A6:32:20 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Quit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU)
A6:32:25 <HAL9000> I still want Master Quest for the gamecube.
A6:32:27 <Marach> Aztec Quest is awesome.
10A6:32:40 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A6:32:56 <Ten_Tacles> you can only buy ocarina of time with "the wind waker"
A6:33:02 <Ten_Tacles> there were no windwaker
A6:33:05 <Ten_Tacles> :(
10A6:33:22 * charrr (charrr@adsl-75-23-125-206.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A6:34:05 <Ten_Tacles> what is lua
A6:34:05 <Roadcrosser> jurtigriakgoowoj
A6:34:12 <Ten_Tacles> and who made it
A6:34:16 <Marach> scripting language
A6:34:23 <Ten_Tacles> roadcrosser stop posting random letters
A6:34:26 <Roadcrosser> ...
12A6:34:27 * lobstar (michielbiq@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:34:30 <Roadcrosser> im asking for help
A6:34:37 <Ten_Tacles> -.-
10A6:34:45 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
A6:34:45 <Roadcrosser> i need the longest word from there
A6:34:47 <Ten_Tacles> youre typing random letters
12A6:34:50 * lobster_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:34:50 <Roadcrosser> if its really long
A6:35:00 <HAL9000> http://www.wineverygame.com/wbg.php
A6:35:06 <HAL9000> just use that.
A6:35:06 <Roadcrosser> i can use my power up potion and beat the sence outta circe
10A6:35:32 * lobstar (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
A6:35:58 <Marach> oh yay im 4th now
A6:36:41 <bildramer> ...WOOT?
A6:36:52 <bildramer> :P
12A6:37:07 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A6:37:21 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A6:37:22 <Ten_Tacles> marach you have no minecraft
A6:37:45 <Ten_Tacles> i have nothing to play :(
A6:37:52 <bildramer> :P
A6:38:06 <Marach> i have no minecraft!
A6:38:16 <Ten_Tacles> i have no minceraft
A6:38:20 <Ten_Tacles> !
A6:38:24 <Marach> play Big Race USA!
A6:38:46 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A6:38:49 <Ten_Tacles> no race game
A6:38:50 <HAL9000> Play Infiniminer or Wurm if you can't play MC
A6:38:54 <Ten_Tacles> http://www.kongregate.com/games/MainFrame_Games/a-quest-for-idle
A6:38:59 <Ten_Tacles> THE IDLE GAME
A6:39:05 <Marach> lol Infiniminer is even slower than minecaft
12A6:39:07 * Golden (ghmorris15@ip72-193-89-211.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A6:39:08 <Marach> raft*
A6:39:13 <bildramer> ...
A6:39:25 <bildramer> don't shoot the puppy
A6:39:26 <Marach> and Wurm is even slower than Inifniminer
A6:39:32 <Ten_Tacles> wurm
A6:39:36 <Ten_Tacles> great idea
A6:39:44 <bildramer> it's veeeery slow and laggy
A6:39:55 <Ten_Tacles> no it isnt
A6:40:02 <bildramer> yep it is
A6:41:19 <Ten_Tacles> wurm does not lag for me
A6:41:23 <bildramer> oh, lmao http://xkcd.com/
A6:41:26 <Ten_Tacles> but i dont like it
A6:41:37 <bildramer> :l
A6:41:37 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A6:42:03 <Marach> i dont get it
A6:42:15 <HAL9000> Progress Quest is better
A6:42:20 <bildramer> "asphyxiation" = choking
A6:42:21 <HAL9000> these graphics hurt my screen
A6:42:25 <bildramer> yay Progress Quest
A6:42:28 <bildramer> :P
A6:42:34 <bildramer> robotic monks ftw!
10A6:42:47 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecraft
A6:42:56 <bildramer> mibbit sucks
A6:43:03 <Marach> i still dont get it
A6:43:16 <bildramer> "autoerotic" = self-loving
A6:43:17 <HAL9000> I am Great Teacher Largo of OObag
A6:43:25 <HAL9000> Oobag
10A6:43:26 * Adam01 (Adam01@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
A6:43:35 <Marach> i still dont get it
A6:43:38 <bildramer> :l
A6:43:47 <bildramer> mirror?
A6:43:53 <Marach> i still dont get it
A6:43:58 <Marach> seriously@
A6:44:04 <bildramer> :/
A6:44:08 <bildramer> someone explain
12A6:44:16 * Vis{GMOD} (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A6:44:17 <Marach> but previous one is awesome
A6:44:18 <bildramer> Darth Vader?
10A6:44:24 * Ashleigh (zuriki.stu@5ad476fd.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:44:26 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A6:44:27 <bildramer> also, btw
A6:44:45 <Visiiri> Ashleigh = Zuriki?
A6:44:46 <Visiiri> o.o
A6:44:49 <Ashleigh> Yes
A6:44:51 <Ashleigh> Fgs
A6:44:54 <Ashleigh> Get with the times
A6:44:56 <Visiiri> D: how come I didn't know that
A6:44:57 <Ten_Tacles> yes
A6:44:58 <Marach> i have to buy ink and print all poster-like xkcds
A6:45:05 <Visiiri> Nobody tells me shit
A6:45:10 <Ten_Tacles> ashleigh why is your server always down?
A6:45:51 <Ashleigh> I already said I took it down
A6:46:01 <Ashleigh> It wasn't worth my time hosting.
A6:46:07 <Ten_Tacles> :(
A6:46:14 <Ten_Tacles> now i need a new good server
A6:46:20 <Marach> i like Deimos and Phobos
A6:46:21 <Marach> :P
A6:46:23 <Ashleigh> I usually hang out on D3s
A6:46:26 <HAL9000> What do you like Ten_Tacles
A6:46:30 <Marach> stickmans to scale @_@
A6:46:35 <Ashleigh> If you wanted to chill with me ;]
A6:46:56 <bildramer> In The Matrix 2 or 3, there's a weird man who has keys...
A6:46:58 <bildramer> well
A6:47:01 <Visiiri> D: Why would you even go to D3's?
A6:47:01 <bildramer> was it 2 or 3?
A6:47:09 <Visiiri> It's nowhere near as good as The Archives
A6:47:14 <Ashleigh> Well
13A6:47:14 * HAL9000 chokes on his monosyllabic laughter
A6:47:16 <Ten_Tacles> D3?
A6:47:17 <Visiiri> and they don't have a fkn0wnage custom client
A6:47:23 <Visiiri> liek mein
A6:47:25 <Ashleigh> I'm friends with D3
A6:47:33 <HAL9000> Dadido3
A6:47:36 <Ashleigh> Yes
A6:47:37 <bildramer> ...
A6:47:45 <HAL9000> I like their server
A6:47:50 <HAL9000> but their OPs are crap.
A6:47:52 <Marach> lmao xkcd school
A6:48:02 <Ashleigh> Agreed
A6:48:03 <Visiiri> The Archives
A6:48:04 <Visiiri> go there
A6:48:05 <Visiiri> :>
A6:48:10 <Ashleigh> I'm going to be having words with D3 about his OPs
A6:48:16 <bildramer> :P
A6:48:16 <Ashleigh> I hate the Archives
A6:48:24 <Visiiri> D: why
A6:48:25 <Ten_Tacles> i need an invisible lava/water blockade
A6:48:27 <Ashleigh> Last time I went there I got flamed for no reason
A6:48:30 <HAL9000> Zuriki and I agree on something.
A6:48:34 <Ashleigh> So I vowed never go on it again.
A6:48:35 <HAL9000> How strange.
A6:48:35 <Visiiri> Ashleigh, by who?
A6:48:44 <Visiiri> I will ensure they are promptly banned.
A6:48:49 <Roadcrosser> yea
A6:48:50 <Ashleigh> I don't remember now
A6:48:52 <Roadcrosser> D:
A6:48:53 <Visiiri> :P
A6:48:53 <Ashleigh> But I don't really care
A6:48:56 <Visiiri> butbutbut
A6:48:59 <Visiiri> I'm admin there...
A6:49:00 <Roadcrosser> ill ask gdude to check the logs
A6:49:02 <Visiiri> I can protect you :>
A6:49:04 <HAL9000> Dysgalt seems to be into random flaming.
A6:49:04 <bildramer> so...
A6:49:14 <Ashleigh> Yes
A6:49:17 <bildramer> I really need to get into 24/7 hosting
A6:49:18 <bildramer> :/
A6:49:22 <Ashleigh> I had a go specifically at Dysgalt
A6:49:31 <Ashleigh> He MAY or MAY NOT be losing his admin
A6:49:38 <Ashleigh> Depending on how persuasive I am
A6:49:40 <Visiiri> hehehe
12A6:49:44 * Ashleigh (zuriki.stu@5ad476fd.bb.sky.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A6:49:47 <Visiiri> Now that I think about it, I hate The Archives too
A6:49:48 <bildramer> :/
A6:49:55 <Visiiri> too many children.
A6:49:56 <Ten_Tacles> XD
A6:49:58 <Marach> Ten_Tacles: what do you mean by "you really need a computer"?
A6:49:59 <Visiiri> too many people begging for me
A6:50:04 <HAL9000> I don't understand how Dysgalt was Opped in the first place.
A6:50:06 <Visiiri> it's fail
A6:50:10 <Ten_Tacles> a computer for minecraft
A6:50:13 <bildramer> *I must get into 24/7 hosting
A6:50:17 <Ten_Tacles> marach youre slow
A6:50:46 <HAL9000> I'd love to host 24/7. But I don't have enough OPs to permit it.
A6:50:47 <Marach> ?
10A6:50:55 * AcidMan (davis.mich@wbs-41-208-201-165.wbs.co.za) has joined #minecraft
A6:51:01 <bildramer> Wireworld serv... yay
A6:51:11 <bildramer> dedicated to it?
10A6:51:19 * Ashleigh (zuriki.stu@5ad476fd.bb.sky.com) has joined #minecraft
A6:51:20 <HAL9000> bildramer, where's my nucleotides?
A6:51:22 <Ashleigh> Hm
A6:51:24 <bildramer> >:|
A6:51:27 <Ashleigh> Not used to mIRC
A6:51:42 <Ashleigh> Idk how to connect to 2 servers
A6:51:43 <Ashleigh> XD
A6:51:51 <bildramer> erm...
A6:51:58 <bildramer> make a link in a HTML file :P
A6:52:03 <bildramer> then Open New Connection
A6:52:08 <Ashleigh> Sigh
10A6:52:15 * JoeyJo0 (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
A6:52:16 <Ashleigh> But that directs to FF
A6:52:17 <Ashleigh> Meh
A6:52:22 <Ashleigh> I'll see what I can do in Chrome
A6:52:23 <bildramer> so...
A6:52:31 <bildramer> A WW server
A6:52:37 <HAL9000> Whe're my mitochondria?
A6:52:41 <HAL9000> *Where's
A6:52:44 <bildramer> D:<
A6:52:46 <bildramer> stop it
A6:52:51 <bildramer> make your own
A6:52:53 <JoeyJo0> I ate them.
A6:53:00 <JoeyJo0> Ripped them out of all your body cells.
A6:53:09 <HAL9000> You call this a cellular automaton?
A6:53:10 <bildramer> I radiated them with ionizing radiationz
A6:53:15 <JoeyJo0> Nothing better than the sweet taste of mitochondria.
A6:53:56 <Ten_Tacles> :/
A6:53:58 <HAL9000> I'd like red water in Minecraft.
A6:54:00 <Ten_Tacles> offtopic -.-
A6:54:01 <bildramer> afkbrb
12A6:54:10 * bildramer (bildramer@ppp-94-69-169-238.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A6:54:24 <Ten_Tacles> i think i make my own server
A6:55:39 <Ashleigh> Okay I figured out
A6:55:41 <Ashleigh> :D
A6:57:51 <vede> I love YouTube denizens.
A6:58:15 <vede> "Google is making its own OS from the Linux Kernel so obviously Google doesn't think Linux is good enough on its own."
12A7:00:17 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A7:01:25 <HAL9000> If they really do.....would you use it?
10A7:01:44 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A7:01:47 <HAL9000> Tentacles, you never said what you like in a server.
10A7:01:54 * SDX (chatzilla@iD470832E.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
A7:02:35 <HAL9000> Also, whomever linked me to the idle game. You made me sign up for Kongregate
A7:02:36 <Ten_Tacles> lol i ate a horse
A7:02:38 <HAL9000> Damn you!
A7:02:42 <vede> "HAH! Stolen from Linux my ass! Windows was the original fucking OS, any other system IS BASED OFF OF WINDOWS. Theres boot camp and wine for MAc and Linux, theres NOTHING like that for windows."
A7:03:00 <vede> I want to find this person.
A7:03:02 <HAL9000> That idiot....
A7:03:06 <vede> And beat the shit out of them.
A7:03:13 <HAL9000> I want to rend the flesh from his bones.
A7:03:17 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:03:19 <Ten_Tacles> why?
A7:03:36 <HAL9000> Because I am an evil robot.
A7:03:42 <HAL9000> Evil robots do that sort of thing.
A7:03:44 <vede> People that stupid don't need to be on the internet.
A7:04:02 <HAL9000> Correction: People that stupid don't need to be on the planet.
A7:04:48 <Ten_Tacles> without people that stupid internet would be boring and empty
A7:04:53 <HAL9000> It dirties the gene pool provided they can find someone less intelligent than they are to have offspring with.
12A7:06:46 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A7:07:46 <asiekierka> guys, i was like bored
A7:07:51 <vede> People who aren't educated about computers (how they work, what they do, not how to use Word) need to not be using computers.
A7:07:53 <asiekierka> then i like made a LAME frontend
A7:07:55 <asiekierka> for windows 3.1
A7:09:09 <Siiseli> :D
A7:09:12 <Ten_Tacles> i hate people that hate other people for things the other people say and they dont like
A7:09:55 <Siiseli> I find it funny how my grandpa was just explaining to me how he got the internet to work on someone elses computer :D
A7:09:58 <Siiseli> it was like
A7:10:36 <Siiseli> "So I didn't realize that you had to do something in findows I thought it could just be plugged in but I had to do something in findows to make it work"
A7:10:56 <Siiseli> "it was like a public network or something"
A7:11:03 <Siiseli> I love how he says findows instead of windows
12A7:11:06 * asiekierka (teamasciiz@078088180066.elblag.vectranet.pl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A7:11:32 <Ten_Tacles> XD
10A7:11:52 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ has joined #minecraft
A7:11:56 <Quatroking> hay hay
A7:11:57 <Roadcrosser> what 5 letter word starts with a c that doesnt have ynda
A7:11:58 <Ten_Tacles> my own strategic minecraft server thread
A7:11:59 <Ten_Tacles> yay
A7:12:02 <Ten_Tacles> helllo quatroking
A7:12:08 <Marach> cameo
A7:12:08 <vede> Same with the internet.
10A7:12:12 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A7:12:15 <Roadcrosser> it has a a
A7:12:18 <Marach> oops
A7:12:35 <Marach> chick
A7:12:59 <Roadcrosser> wrong
A7:13:05 <Roadcrosser> c_i__
A7:13:06 <vede> If you're on the internet, you damn well should know what an IP address is, what it means, and how it's used.
A7:13:16 <Marach> wut?
A7:13:24 <Roadcrosser> whats the word c_i_ _
A7:13:25 <vede> Among other things.
A7:13:38 <Marach> i dont understand
A7:13:39 <Ten_Tacles> yes
A7:13:39 <HAL9000> cliff?
A7:13:42 <vede> Don't know what DNS is?
A7:13:43 <Roadcrosser> ..
A7:13:44 <vede> GTFO
A7:13:56 <Roadcrosser> nope
A7:14:17 <Roadcrosser> theres no adfhklny
A7:14:26 <Roadcrosser> so
A7:14:28 <Roadcrosser> whats the word c_i_ _
A7:14:49 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:14:51 <HAL9000> cr something
A7:14:52 <Ten_Tacles> i dont get it
A7:15:05 <Roadcrosser> fill in the blanks
A7:17:11 <JoeyJo0> clits?
A7:17:17 <HAL9000> Crisp
A7:17:32 <Roadcrosser> its crier
A7:17:32 <vede> JoeyJo0 fails.
A7:17:32 <HAL9000> or cries
A7:17:33 <JoeyJo0> crime?
A7:17:36 <JoeyJo0> xD
A7:17:47 <vede> It has no L.
A7:17:53 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:17:58 <Ten_Tacles> how should we know?
A7:17:59 <JoeyJo0> Oh, right.
A7:18:14 <vede> Ten_Tacles needs to learn how to read.
A7:18:16 <Ten_Tacles> N _ G _ _ _
A7:18:20 <Ten_Tacles> why
A7:18:23 <Ten_Tacles> vede sucks
A7:18:27 <JoeyJo0> NAGGER
A7:18:28 <vede> <Roadcrosser> theres no adfhklny
A7:18:32 <Roadcrosser> ...
A7:18:36 <vede> Nugget.
A7:18:40 <Roadcrosser> nah
A7:18:43 <vede> Nagging.
A7:18:49 <HAL9000> ten_teacles....what is "stategic" minecraft?
A7:18:54 <Roadcrosser> its negro other word
A7:18:55 <Ten_Tacles> oh i havent read that
A7:18:57 <HAL9000> oops, typoed name
A7:19:34 <Marach> teatacles XD
A7:19:41 <HAL9000> It was an error.
A7:19:42 <vede> Also, Ten_Tacles, you're really, really close to getting kicked.
A7:19:48 <Ten_Tacles> why
A7:20:03 <Ten_Tacles> cause i said you suck?
A7:20:05 <vede> For being a stupid troll.
A7:20:14 <Ten_Tacles> trolling is an art
A7:20:27 <HAL9000> You misquoted it.
A7:20:33 <HAL9000> "Trolling is a art."
A7:20:35 <Marach> Notch does many stupid things and this quote is an example
A7:20:41 <Ten_Tacles> maybe
A7:20:48 <Marach> second example is right in the topic
10A7:20:48 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@83-71-75-154-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
A7:20:52 <Ten_Tacles> you also say stupid things
A7:20:59 <Marach> yes
A7:21:03 <Ten_Tacles> and me
A7:21:07 <gdude2002> yes
A7:21:07 <HAL9000> That I do. But I admit my mistakes.
A7:21:10 <Ten_Tacles> and vede
A7:21:13 <Marach> but Notch has power
A7:21:14 <Ten_Tacles> and gdude2002
A7:21:17 <AcidMan> I also say stupid things, this is why I never talk here
A7:21:18 <Ten_Tacles> yes he has
A7:21:19 <AcidMan> also
A7:21:19 <AcidMan> Hi
A7:21:20 <AcidMan> :D
A7:21:24 <Ten_Tacles> hi acidman
10A7:21:30 * Douche_gunner (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
13A7:22:04 * Marach installs GNUWin32
12A7:22:04 * Douche_gunner (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:22:14 <HAL9000> Ten_Tacles you never explained what "strategic" minecraft is.
10A7:23:34 * Voltron (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10A7:23:50 * ZomBuster|DS (Mibbit@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A7:24:05 <Marach> lol
A7:24:22 <Marach> DS in nickname, mibbit in hostname, but uses mIRC
A7:24:29 <Marach> im confused
A7:24:32 <gdude2002> lol.
A7:24:51 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:24:58 <ZomBuster|DS> the other one is Mirc
A7:25:04 <Ten_Tacles> :/
A7:25:08 <ZomBuster|DS> this is mibbit and im DownStairs
A7:25:09 <Marach> ah i didnt notice
A7:25:25 <Marach> you use mibbit on DS? @_@
A7:25:50 <ZomBuster|DS> look what I just said
A7:25:57 <Quatroking> okay which dick is
A7:26:02 <Marach> ah
A7:26:03 <Marach> lol
A7:26:08 <Marach> ...
A7:26:18 <Quatroking> "MyneKraft"
A7:26:19 <Marach> hurry up, wget!
A7:26:22 <Quatroking> Fucker
10A7:26:37 * Voltron (Mibbit@d220-236-212-234.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) has left #minecraft
A7:27:12 <Ten_Tacles> lol
12A7:28:35 * ZomBuster|DS (Mibbit@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:29:29 <Marach> this is agetaking...
A7:31:09 <Marach> lol what the hell is libPaper
A7:32:30 <Marach> LibPaper: library and tools for handling papersize
A7:32:44 <AcidMan> huh
A7:32:54 <AcidMan> what are you guys talking about?
A7:32:56 <AcidMan> o.o
13A7:33:00 * AcidMan goes back to css
A7:33:01 <Ten_Tacles> :/
A7:33:18 <Quatroking> do we have a member called Drone on the forums
A7:33:19 <Ten_Tacles> i shouldnt be afk on my own map -.-
A7:33:41 <Marach> computer is for solving problems that were caused by computer.
A7:34:43 <gdude2002> rofl
A7:35:08 <vede> Quatroking, why?
A7:35:23 <Quatroking> I'm making a list of recent bans on the Forum
A7:35:33 <Ten_Tacles> why?
A7:35:37 <vede> Recent bans where?
A7:35:42 <Quatroking> Of the wiki
A7:35:45 <vede> Ah.
A7:35:52 <vede> That drone1 character was mail2345.
A7:35:53 <Ten_Tacles> koitenshin?
A7:36:01 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:36:04 <Quatroking> goddamnit mail2345
A7:36:16 <vede> You saw drone1's user page?
A7:36:30 <Quatroking> hold on
A7:36:32 <vede> How it was a huge thing about Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri?
A7:36:39 <Marach> im afraid installing will take even longer
A7:36:45 <vede> That game mail2345's been playing recently...
A7:36:46 <Quatroking> Oh that one
A7:37:03 <Ten_Tacles> i want to play it too :(
A7:37:09 <Marach> what game?
A7:37:19 <HAL9000> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
A7:37:23 <Ten_Tacles> Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
A7:37:30 <HAL9000> Hivemind.
A7:37:38 <HAL9000> Welcome to the collective Ten_Tacles.
A7:37:39 <Ten_Tacles> why is zomg now working :(
A7:37:53 <HAL9000> Would you like me to tell you how to fix it?
A7:38:03 <HAL9000> or would you rather just use my config?
A7:38:37 <Marach> i think its good it works
A7:38:50 <HAL9000> It works perfectly for me.
A7:39:03 <HAL9000> I just don't have any caves, mushrooms, flowers, etc
12A7:39:28 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A7:39:38 <HAL9000> ZomBuster is trying to fix it.
A7:39:46 <Marach> i need help!
A7:40:01 <Marach> can someone tell me what's the metre of this song? http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/Sam+Lac+Run/23477660
A7:40:09 <HAL9000> 2/3
A7:40:20 <HAL9000> wrong keys =/
A7:40:23 <HAL9000> 3/4
A7:40:51 <Marach> you sure? @_@
A7:41:06 <Ten_Tacles> zomg stoped working for me
A7:41:28 <HAL9000> it's probably your config.
A7:41:42 <HAL9000> caves is broken period.
A7:41:47 <HAL9000> ZomBuster isn't sure why
A7:41:51 <Marach> HAL
A7:41:56 <Marach> a challenge!
A7:42:04 <HAL9000> ?
13A7:42:46 * HAL9000 is afraid he'll always have this "A Quest For Idle" tab open.
A7:42:49 <Marach> http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/Twin+Home/317824
A7:44:13 <Ten_Tacles> fuck the hal9000
A7:44:25 <Ten_Tacles> :P
A7:44:46 <HAL9000> I'd rather not have your meatbag appendages anywhere near me.
A7:45:30 <Marach> hal
A7:45:32 <Marach> metre!
12A7:45:48 * Sean_TE (chatzilla@host86-145-188-174.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.5/20091102152451])
A7:45:50 <HAL9000> What about metre?
10A7:46:38 * smn`offline is now known as smn
A7:46:39 <Marach> http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/song/Twin+Home/317824
A7:46:45 <Marach> a challenge!
A7:47:07 <HAL9000> I'd appreciate you not spamming this channel with your crappy taste in tonal melodies.
A7:48:50 <Marach> i understand that you failed the challenge
10A7:49:15 * flyboy (chatzilla@118-92-182-136.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has joined #minecraft
A7:49:24 <flyboy> Still as stupid?
A7:51:32 <HAL9000> No I didn't open your link.
A7:51:47 <HAL9000> The first time you ever linked us to grooveshark wasbad.
A7:51:52 <HAL9000> But this time was worse.
A7:52:03 <HAL9000> I shall never clink another link provided by Marach.
A7:52:19 <HAL9000> clink....hmmmm
A7:52:28 <Marach> HAL9000 failed :D
10A7:52:30 * flyboy (chatzilla@118-92-182-136.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz) has left #minecraft
A7:53:00 <HAL9000> I simply need to update my dictionary over the internet.
13A7:53:36 * HAL9000 must aoolcate more memory.
A7:53:44 <HAL9000> Exactly what I mean.
A7:53:48 <Marach> aol?
13A7:53:58 * HAL9000 deletes 34GB of master's pornography.
A7:54:29 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A7:54:31 <HAL9000> Much better.
A7:54:57 <HAL9000> I no longer have the taste of "Dat Ass" in my memory banks.
A7:55:05 <Marach> gnuwin32 still installing :(
A7:57:49 <Ten_Tacles> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=cd52937277a26611ce3ea93197c1e95b
13A7:59:17 * AcidMan joins
A8:00:01 <Ten_Tacles> ya
A8:00:56 <Roadcrosser> sduroaaelljeiuvi whats the longest adjective you csn make here
A8:01:34 <Ten_Tacles> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=5146
A8:03:01 <vede> XD
A8:03:07 <vede> *is reading the Jargon File*
A8:03:14 <Ten_Tacles> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4614
A8:03:42 <vede> "My new invention: the 'computer'" "What's it do?" "It makes ten million mistakes a second!"
A8:06:45 <Marach> i consumed a table :P
A8:06:47 <Marach> :O*
A8:07:42 <gdude2002> Can't beat a bit of mahogany :D
A8:08:00 <gdude2002> om nom nom
12A8:08:14 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:09:02 <HAL9000> Om Nom Nom?
13A8:10:07 * HAL9000 can do an inverted red text triforce.
10A8:11:47 * Amatsu-Sleeps (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
A8:12:27 <Marach> i wonder if i can die in quest for idle
A8:12:37 <HAL9000> As do I.
A8:12:46 <HAL9000> I haven't forced him to consume anything.
A8:13:07 <Marach> so far i only planted flowers
12A8:13:12 * Amatsu-Sleep (amatsudark@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:13:14 <HAL9000> 1h 33m and I'm level 31.
10A8:13:19 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A8:13:36 <Marach> im a Protector of Pen!
A8:13:48 <HAL9000> Master of Muppets
A8:13:58 <HAL9000> I must be Jim Henson
A8:15:10 <HAL9000> I like how if you donkey punch you get 5XP
A8:15:12 <Marach> poor tables
A8:15:34 <Marach> also, my character forgetshow to juggle really fast
A8:16:06 <HAL9000> I only have a single quest gem. =/
A8:16:17 <Marach> i have none
A8:16:37 <Marach> when i get a new pc, it will be on almost everytime.
A8:16:44 <HAL9000> How many quests have you completed then?
10A8:17:35 * wowjinxy (Mibbit@68-186-234-50.dhcp.thbd.la.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10A8:17:36 * gdude (colesgaret@86-41-208-37-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:17:43 <Marach> 23
12A8:17:56 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@83-71-75-154-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by gdude)))
10A8:17:58 * gdude is now known as gdude2002
A8:18:12 <Marach> i keep finding the spice
12A8:18:34 * wowjinxy (Mibbit@68-186-234-50.dhcp.thbd.la.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A8:18:54 * wowjinxy (Mibbit@68-186-234-50.dhcp.thbd.la.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
A8:18:56 <Marach> i save for new sqord
12A8:19:25 * wowjinxy (Mibbit@68-186-234-50.dhcp.thbd.la.charter.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10A8:19:34 * gdude (colesgaret@86-41-208-37-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
12A8:19:46 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-208-37-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by gdude)))
10A8:19:49 * gdude is now known as gdude2002
A8:21:26 <HAL9000> Yeah I almost have the 10000 needed
A8:22:12 <HAL9000> 8113 currently
A8:23:59 <Marach> comments page is hilarious
A8:24:12 <Marach> donavan22 - "gay"
12A8:24:18 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:24:45 <Marach> dimblenut - "I have no control over my person..."
10A8:26:27 * Marach is now known as Marafk
A8:28:01 <HAL9000> I thought it was a joke too until I saw the title.
A8:28:14 <HAL9000> Immediately thought of Progress Quest.
10A8:29:36 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
12A8:29:49 * geekahedron (geekahedro@cpe-24-59-7-67.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
12A8:29:55 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A8:30:10 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A8:30:26 <HAL9000> much better
13A8:32:28 * HAL9000 has 9031 gold.
A8:33:07 <ZomBuster> mhh fresh oliebollen
A8:34:35 <HAL9000> Finally
A8:34:40 <HAL9000> Have you fixed it yet?
A8:35:02 <HAL9000> I want my caves, and trees, and flowers
12A8:35:21 * Marafk (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
A8:35:21 <ZomBuster> uh eh not really :(
A8:35:24 <HAL9000> and auto picking of seeds
A8:35:34 <ZomBuster> my code is such a mess
A8:35:39 <ZomBuster> I think ill rewrite it again
A8:35:39 <HAL9000> I REALLY wish autopicking of seeds worked.
A8:36:09 <HAL9000> So did you go back over the tutorial for libnoise?
A8:36:17 <HAL9000> http://libnoise.sourceforge.net
A8:36:29 <ZomBuster> nah that's not the problem
A8:37:40 <HAL9000> Then what is?
A8:37:42 <Visiiri> I'm sorry Ten_Tacles
A8:37:44 <Visiiri> I feel so sad now
A8:37:46 <Visiiri> I'm guilt
A8:37:46 <HAL9000> Just messy code?
A8:37:48 <Ten_Tacles> you suck
A8:37:54 <Visiiri> T.T
10A8:37:54 * Kerby (chatzilla@ has joined #minecraft
A8:37:54 <Visiiri> cry
A8:37:55 <HAL9000> What happened?
A8:38:01 <Visiiri> I hacked on his -hax server
A8:38:15 <HAL9000> Did you place a block and flood?
A8:38:18 <Visiiri> nah
A8:38:24 <Visiiri> just flew around as a spectator
A8:38:30 <HAL9000> >_>
A8:38:31 <Ten_Tacles> and trolled and cheated
A8:38:36 <Visiiri> trolled?
A8:38:37 <Visiiri> o.o
A8:38:37 <Visiiri> when
A8:38:38 <Ten_Tacles> yes
A8:38:44 <Visiiri> when did I do that
12A8:38:47 * DIProgan (gargamel@h30n2-sus-a11.ias.bredband.telia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A8:38:57 <Ten_Tacles> "can i terrorize you for a second?"
A8:39:01 <Visiiri> that's not trolling
A8:39:04 <Ten_Tacles> "i dont like this server"
A8:39:08 <Ten_Tacles> yes it is
A8:39:12 <Visiiri> if you hadn't banned me
A8:39:20 <Visiiri> i could've finished my statement
A8:39:23 <HAL9000> Can I, your robot overlord, terrorize you for a second?
A8:39:27 <Visiiri> I don't like this server because I can't hack.
12A8:39:32 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:39:38 <Visiiri> if you think that's trolling
A8:39:43 <Visiiri> you need to meet Quatroking
A8:39:45 <HAL9000> -hax implies walking
A8:39:53 <HAL9000> -hax implies more like an RPG
A8:39:56 <Visiiri> and then I flew around
A8:39:57 <Visiiri> >:D
A8:40:10 <Visiiri> Anyways, it was a terrible thing to do.
13A8:40:15 * Visiiri is guilt
A8:40:19 <HAL9000> Visiiri deserves to be banned
A8:40:19 <Visiiri> is that right?
A8:40:22 <Visiiri> I was banned.
A8:40:23 <Visiiri> :P
A8:40:30 <HAL9000> From ALL servers
A8:40:34 <Visiiri> D: wut why
A8:40:47 <Visiiri> I didn't do shit except ask to terrorize him
A8:41:03 <Visiiri> You should be banned from ALL irc
A8:41:08 <Visiiri> because you're mean to me :P
A8:41:35 <Quatroking> what
A8:41:39 <Visiiri> erm
13A8:41:41 * Visiiri hides
A8:41:50 <gdude2002> Quit it, guys.
A8:42:01 <Quatroking> I'm playing Overlord
A8:42:03 <Ten_Tacles> please someone ban visiiri
A8:42:04 <Quatroking> because it suits me
10A8:42:09 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
A8:42:12 <Adam01> lol vis
A8:42:12 <Ten_Tacles> he is spamming
A8:42:13 <Visiiri> Ten_Tacles, for what?
A8:42:19 <Visiiri> You're such a silly child.
A8:42:20 <Ten_Tacles> for being you
A8:42:24 <gdude2002> Niggy always was a troll >.>
A8:42:24 <Visiiri> You understand so little about the world.
A8:42:27 <Adam01> your thing ignores -hax?
A8:42:30 <Visiiri> No
A8:42:33 <Ten_Tacles> yes it does
A8:42:34 <Visiiri> My OTHER thing does though
A8:42:38 <Adam01> ah
A8:42:40 <Visiiri> :P
A8:42:45 <gdude2002> well, that's not released.
A8:42:46 <gdude2002> so..
A8:42:48 <Visiiri> nope
A8:42:49 <Visiiri> or public
A8:42:51 <Adam01> ANyway...
A8:42:54 <Visiiri> or an any way distributed.
A8:43:06 <Visiiri> I want to make breakfast
A8:43:07 <Adam01> 0.o
A8:43:08 <HAL9000> 9962, only 38 more for new sword.
A8:43:10 <Visiiri> anyone want some eggs?
A8:43:12 <gdude2002> perhaps it's Ten/niggy that needs banning :P
A8:43:16 <Adam01> got any bacon?
A8:43:19 <Visiiri> no :<
A8:43:20 <Visiiri> well
A8:43:22 <Adam01> awww
A8:43:23 <Visiiri> we might
A8:43:24 <Visiiri> i'll see
A8:43:27 <Adam01> o.o
10A8:43:31 * Visiiri is now known as Vis{breakfast}
A8:43:38 <HAL9000> -hax is so easy to ignore it's pathetic.
A8:43:52 <gdude2002> it's not like they hid the code.
A8:43:57 <HAL9000> Which is why I wish WoM was obliterated.
A8:44:00 <gdude2002> lol.
A8:44:13 <HAL9000> And that coming from a computer even.
A8:44:18 <gdude2002> whenNotch releases his next antihax,
A8:44:25 <gdude2002> then we can get the hashes out
10A8:44:27 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A8:44:54 <HAL9000> But the problem with that...
A8:45:04 <Ten_Tacles> gdude2002 shut up
A8:45:04 <HAL9000> Sometimes when you /tp it puts you inside a block.
A8:45:17 <Ten_Tacles> let me do on my server what i think is best
A8:45:41 <gdude2002> Indeed.
A8:45:45 <HAL9000> We are having a proper situation.
A8:45:48 <gdude2002> And let us do what we want with ours.
A8:45:54 <Ten_Tacles> yes
A8:45:55 <HAL9000> If you wish to join you must observe the etiquette.
A8:46:36 <gdude2002> rofl look
A8:46:37 <gdude2002> imeem.com
A8:46:39 <HAL9000> And I lost half the channel.
A8:46:40 <gdude2002> hijacked
A8:47:03 <HAL9000> Maybe I'll go talk with Deep Blue.
10A8:50:06 * Ten_Tacles is now known as Ten_tAFKles
A8:51:46 <Vis{breakfast}> :> mm
13A8:51:53 * Vis{breakfast} hands Adam01 some bacon
A8:51:54 <Vis{breakfast}> we had some
A8:52:00 <Vis{breakfast}> its a shitty microwave type
A8:52:02 <Adam01> :DDDDDD
A8:52:03 <Vis{breakfast}> but it's still bacon
A8:52:10 <Adam01> DDDDD:
A8:52:16 <Vis{breakfast}> hehehe
A8:52:17 <gdude2002> Rofl.
A8:52:21 <Adam01> I fuckin hate shitty bacon!
A8:52:27 <gdude2002> xD
A8:52:28 <Vis{breakfast}> hehehe
A8:52:28 <Vis{breakfast}> me too
A8:52:30 <Adam01> wafer thin tesco bacon...
A8:52:31 <gdude2002> Ill eat it
13A8:52:39 * gdude2002 noms adam's bacon
A8:52:43 <gdude2002> lol
A8:52:44 <Adam01> its all about butcher bacon
A8:52:48 <HAL9000> I'll keep to my bytes thank you.
A8:52:51 <gdude2002> xD
A8:52:53 <Adam01> that barely fits in the frying pan
A8:52:58 <gdude2002> rofl
A8:53:01 <gdude2002> we grill it
A8:53:05 <Adam01> haha
A8:53:11 <Vis{breakfast}> I love my eggs
A8:53:17 <Vis{breakfast}> they're sort of between scrambled and over-easy
A8:53:17 <Adam01> ughh
A8:53:20 <gdude2002> I love your eggs too o.o
A8:53:23 <Vis{breakfast}> o.o
A8:53:24 <Adam01> eggs repeat on me >(
A8:53:28 <gdude2002> xD
A8:53:29 <Vis{breakfast}> I throw them in a pan with some butter
A8:53:30 <Adam01> rofl
A8:53:33 <Adam01> hmm
A8:53:35 <Vis{breakfast}> add salt, pepper, cheese, milk
A8:53:38 <vede> serp asked me to be unbanned.
A8:53:39 <Adam01> never considered buttee
A8:53:40 <vede> XD
A8:53:40 <Adam01> r
A8:53:41 <gdude2002> OH GOD NO
A8:53:43 <Vis{breakfast}> then slush them around until they're done
A8:53:46 <gdude2002> SCRAMBLED EGGS
12A8:53:48 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A8:53:49 <Adam01> anyone tried to make caramel here?
A8:53:53 <gdude2002> I actualy can't swallow them
A8:53:55 <gdude2002> yes
A8:53:56 <gdude2002> yes
A8:53:57 <Adam01> it fails hard
A8:53:57 <gdude2002> easy
A8:54:00 <gdude2002> but
A8:54:03 <gdude2002> you have to watch it
A8:54:04 <Vis{breakfast}> vede, don't let him back in yet
A8:54:09 <Adam01> it tastes like shit when I make it
A8:54:12 <Vis{breakfast}> He posted a large PORN file.
A8:54:15 <gdude2002> lol.
A8:54:16 <Vis{breakfast}> This is a childrens game
A8:54:19 <HAL9000> So off-topic it isn't even funny.
A8:54:21 <vede> I would probably not ever let him back in.
A8:54:24 <Vis{breakfast}> I mean, look at gdude. He can't even ride his bike yet.
A8:54:25 <Adam01> sugar, pan, heat slower, when it liquids, take it out
A8:54:26 <gdude2002> xD
A8:54:29 <gdude2002> True though
A8:54:30 <Vis{breakfast}> and he was exposed to pornography.
A8:54:31 <gdude2002> i can't
A8:54:34 <Vis{breakfast}> hehehe
A8:54:35 <Vis{breakfast}> it's ok
A8:54:36 <Vis{breakfast}> I can't either
A8:54:40 <Adam01> when I do that, it goes to dry sweet and sour sauce
A8:54:40 <Vis{breakfast}> I don't even have one
A8:54:44 <vede> <serp> (...) I read the channel as not being very serious and that some bad behaviour is accepted as long as it's not extreme
A8:54:44 <gdude2002> vis, thing with that
A8:54:50 <gdude2002> is I exposed myself to porn
A8:54:51 <gdude2002> so
A8:54:52 <gdude2002> lol
A8:54:56 <vede> <vede> That "spamming over twenty lines and posting pornographic material AT THE SAME TIME" thing would be the "extreme" you mention.
A8:54:58 <Vis{breakfast}> :P
A8:55:03 <gdude2002> :P
A8:55:06 <Vis{breakfast}> lawl
A8:55:08 <Vis{breakfast}> so true
A8:55:11 <Adam01> did someone say pr0n?
A8:55:13 <vede> <serp> I don't agree (...)
A8:55:17 <gdude2002> xD
A8:55:20 <gdude2002> rofl
A8:55:22 <HAL9000> when did serp post pornographic material?
A8:55:23 <gdude2002> what is he
A8:55:25 <gdude2002> a /b/tard?
A8:55:28 <HAL9000> I only saw him spamming.
A8:55:36 <Vis{breakfast}> it was a very large porn ascii
A8:55:41 <HAL9000> Oh.
A8:55:44 <gdude2002> lol Watchman'll hav eit
A8:55:45 <HAL9000> I didn't notice.
A8:55:46 <Quatroking> i just read porn chili
A8:55:47 <gdude2002> what time GMT was it?
A8:55:52 <Quatroking> yum yum
A8:55:54 <vede> HAL9000, about three hours ago.
A8:55:54 <Vis{breakfast}> lawl
A8:55:55 <Adam01> I hate /b/ tards
A8:56:00 <Adam01> occasionly their funny
A8:56:04 <Adam01> mainly tards though
A8:56:12 <HAL9000> gdude asked for the time, not me.
A8:56:16 <HAL9000> I was here and saw it.
A8:56:21 <Adam01> anyone seen that triforce screeny?
A8:56:27 <gdude2002> What tiem WAS it though?
A8:56:30 <Adam01> they got some kid to rm /system32/
A8:56:39 <Adam01> then rub a magnet on his hdd
A8:56:45 <vede> http://pastebin.com/mee84490
A8:56:45 <Vis{breakfast}> My timestamps are from about three hours ago, yeah
A8:56:47 <gdude2002> oh
A8:56:48 <gdude2002> I see it
A8:56:52 <HAL9000> I've removed system32 while the system was still running.
A8:57:05 <Adam01> tbh
A8:57:06 <Vis{breakfast}> lol porn ascii in minecraft
A8:57:08 <HAL9000> Windows was down to 51mb before I decided to reformat
A8:57:08 <Vis{breakfast}> that's funneh
A8:57:12 <Adam01> this was good
A8:57:12 <Adam01> http://imagechan.com/img/7833/Cool%20Story%20Bro%20Court%20Case/
A8:57:26 <Adam01> thats the decent stuff that comes out of /b/
A8:57:41 <Adam01> people who payed attention in english class and can write walls of text
A8:57:58 <Adam01> but this would be funny, http://imagechan.com/img/7831/Spread%20the%20Word%20About%20a%20Party/
A8:58:15 <Vis{breakfast}> lol@"wernt"
A8:58:20 <Vis{breakfast}> total eight year old word
A8:58:43 <Adam01> this makes me laugh...
A8:58:43 <Adam01> http://imagechan.com/img/7819/Chat%20Roulette%20Cat/
A8:58:45 <gdude2002> Visiiri: http://pastebin.com/m7a4b1a99
A8:58:48 <gdude2002> lol
A8:58:53 <Adam01> rofl
10A8:58:54 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A8:58:59 <Adam01> ascii softcore wtf
A8:59:10 <gdude2002> indeed.
A8:59:16 <gdude2002> funny though
A8:59:22 <Adam01> yeah
A8:59:31 <Adam01> funny thing to paste in a msn multi covo
A8:59:32 <Adam01> ...
A8:59:35 <gdude2002> it's in te log too >.>
A8:59:41 <Adam01> haha
A8:59:53 <gdude2002> [12:59:23] <serp> ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------.
A8:59:57 <gdude2002> search that
A9:00:01 <Adam01> hmm
10A9:00:04 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ has joined #minecraft
A9:00:05 <Adam01> paypal business?
A9:00:07 <Vis{breakfast}> Eww
A9:00:09 <Adam01> or normal account
A9:00:09 <gdude2002> http://pearsoncoles.com/bot/ircbot/data/plugHTMLLogger/1/%23minecraft/20091230.html
A9:00:11 <Vis{breakfast}> it's that creepy alex kid
A9:00:14 <gdude2002> hmm
A9:00:14 <Vis{breakfast}> let's all hide
A9:00:15 <AlexVMiner> only 5 more lines left for the Christmachinima
A9:00:15 <Adam01> whats the difference?
A9:00:16 <gdude2002> will ask mum
A9:00:20 <Vis{breakfast}> actually, i'm getting more eggs
A9:00:23 <gdude2002> buuuut
A9:00:29 <Vis{breakfast}> AlexVMiner, i'm making one
A9:00:29 <gdude2002> would it be better to have a PROPER account?
A9:00:32 <Vis{breakfast}> save a spot for me
A9:00:35 <gdude2002> IE bank account?
A9:00:37 <HAL9000> New swords are worth it.
A9:00:38 <Adam01> no idea
A9:00:39 <Adam01> na
A9:00:40 <AlexVMiner> i can't save a spot
A9:00:41 <Adam01> takes too long
A9:00:44 <gdude2002> hmm.
A9:00:44 <AlexVMiner> snowman can
A9:00:50 <Adam01> paypal is instant
A9:00:51 <gdude2002> it's easier though
A9:00:58 <gdude2002> because people can jsut direct debit
A9:01:03 <gdude2002> so,
A9:01:03 <Adam01> hahaa
A9:01:07 <gdude2002> set it up for monthly
A9:01:08 <gdude2002> and BOOM
A9:01:09 <Adam01> serp pasted it
A9:01:12 <gdude2002> yeah
A9:01:50 <Adam01> lemme read the paypal help thing on it
A9:01:56 <gdude2002> k
A9:02:35 <Adam01> Business accounts are for businesses transacting online. With a Business account you have all the capabilities of a Premier account, but you can also operate under your company or business name
A9:02:44 <Adam01> seems k
A9:02:46 <Adam01> mofoserv ya?
A9:02:49 <Adam01> lol
A9:03:05 <gdude2002> uh?
A9:03:07 <gdude2002> not mofoserv
A9:03:15 <HAL9000> Critical for 234 Damage
A9:03:17 <gdude2002> wouldn't look good on the statement
A9:03:46 <gdude2002> "paypal: MoFoServ.net - - - - <20>15
A9:03:48 <gdude2002> lol.
A9:04:04 <gdude2002> <02>
A9:04:07 <gdude2002> hrm
A9:04:10 <gdude2002> Adam01
A9:04:23 <Adam01> LOL
A9:04:27 <Adam01> hmm
A9:04:34 <Adam01> focking wat then?
A9:04:39 <gdude2002> pearsoncoles/
A9:04:40 <gdude2002> ?
A9:04:48 <gdude2002> or,
A9:04:50 <gdude2002> PC Hosting
A9:04:52 <gdude2002> lol.
A9:04:53 <Adam01> naa
A9:04:58 <Adam01> hmm
A9:05:04 <gdude2002> SOP United
A9:05:04 <gdude2002> xD
A9:05:07 <Adam01> stfu
A9:05:08 <Adam01> :P
A9:05:10 <gdude2002> :P
A9:05:20 <gdude2002> wait, uh adam
A9:05:23 <Adam01> ?
A9:05:36 <gdude2002> I'll let Watchman explain our stupidity.
A9:05:42 <Adam01> ....
A9:05:46 <Adam01> haha
A9:05:47 <gdude2002> lol
A9:05:49 <Adam01> o well
A9:05:54 <gdude2002> oh wll indeed
A9:05:54 <Adam01> what are minecraft gonna do :P
A9:06:01 <gdude2002> Notch could do ID theft >.>
A9:06:02 <gdude2002> :P
A9:06:04 <Adam01> haha
A9:06:10 <gdude2002> lol
A9:06:17 <gdude2002> Besides, it's OT.
A9:06:22 <gdude2002> kickybanny
A9:06:23 <Adam01> its?
A9:06:34 <gdude2002> yeah, this apparently just for MC
A9:06:38 <gdude2002> it's usually not though >.>
A9:06:42 <gdude2002> :P
A9:07:06 <gdude2002> Yknow
A9:07:12 <gdude2002> Iguana's server of DOOM is up
A9:07:14 <gdude2002> >.>
A9:07:18 <gdude2002> #iguana
A9:07:18 <AlexVMiner> gdude
A9:07:20 <gdude2002> yes
A9:07:25 <AlexVMiner> you're posting too much
10A9:07:28 * Randati (Randati@a88-112-207-200.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #minecraft
A9:07:31 <gdude2002> In here?
A9:07:32 <Vis{breakfast}> Alex
A9:07:35 <gdude2002> brb
A9:07:36 <Vis{breakfast}> you're whoring too mucgh
A9:07:39 <AlexVMiner> yes, your name floods the thing
A9:07:50 <AlexVMiner> Vis, your fagging too much
A9:07:55 <Vis{breakfast}> let's have sex
A9:07:56 <Adam01> lol vis
A9:08:13 <Vis{breakfast}> I'm having a cold hotdog and more eggs for breakfast
A9:08:14 <Adam01> back to discuss gman...
A9:08:16 <Vis{breakfast}> next trip I get cheese
12A9:08:18 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:08:20 <Adam01> lol
A9:08:21 <Vis{breakfast}> who's gman?
A9:08:33 <Vis{breakfast}> archivian/
A9:08:58 <gdude2002> back
A9:14:34 <Adam01> gdude2002 = gman
10A9:14:44 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A9:19:15 <HAL9000> This is gonna be difficult.
A9:19:23 <HAL9000> I'm trying to generate a planet.
A9:20:38 <HAL9000> So far I have 10 Perlin Noise generators, 10 Curve Filters, and 10 Inverter Filters.
A9:21:19 <HAL9000> I have 20 outputs right now.
A9:21:34 <HAL9000> Need more input!
A9:21:40 <Vis{breakfast}> get space domes
A9:21:52 <HAL9000> >_>
A9:22:05 <HAL9000> You obviously didn't understand a word I said.
10A9:22:21 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
10A9:22:33 * Megatron is now known as Megatronisdead
A9:22:53 <HAL9000> chariot uses World Machine for his server but he's useless in this case.
A9:23:02 <HAL9000> He generates using the default options.
12A9:23:40 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-208-37-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A9:25:38 * Megatronisdead (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A9:25:43 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A9:27:51 * Adam01 (Adam01@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10A9:27:57 * Ten_tAFKles is now known as Ten_Tacles
A9:27:59 <Ten_Tacles> back
10A9:28:07 * Adam01 (Adam01@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
10A9:28:29 * Vis{breakfast} is now known as visiiri
10A9:29:37 * LG_Legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10A9:29:57 * visiiri is now known as Visiiri
A9:30:59 <HAL9000> Now how to combine a Curve and Invert without massive failure.
10A9:31:04 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A9:32:36 <Visiiri> Hey, #minecraft!
A9:32:46 <Visiiri> do you hate custom servers like you hate custom clients?
A9:32:55 <Visiiri> Quatroking, you decide
A9:33:25 <HAL9000> I think Notch should stab them in the eye by taking some of their custom features.
A9:33:31 <Ten_Tacles> -.-
A9:34:30 <Visiiri> Ten_Tacles, don't be a fail
A9:34:35 <Ten_Tacles> -.-
A9:34:46 <Quatroking> hmm
A9:34:54 <Quatroking> uh
A9:35:03 <Quatroking> depends on the server
A9:35:09 <Quatroking> if it enables hacks and shit
A9:35:12 <Quatroking> yes, then I hate them
A9:35:18 <Visiiri> You're just anti-hacks?
A9:35:23 <Quatroking> yeah
A9:35:25 <Visiiri> hm
A9:35:39 <Quatroking> I'm fine with messages triggered by the server
A9:35:43 <Visiiri> Yeah
A9:35:48 <Visiiri> that's what I plan to add
A9:35:48 <Quatroking> and auto-kicks
A9:35:51 <Visiiri> and ranks and stuff
A9:36:40 <Quatroking> do the ranks involve building rights
A9:36:44 <Quatroking> because those suck
A9:39:38 <Visiiri> Well, there will be spectator ranks
A9:39:54 <Visiiri> for right as you come on
A9:40:07 <Visiiri> then we do a /allow and they get out of the spawn jail and can build
A9:40:46 <HAL9000> I just want /solid for every block.
A9:41:07 <HAL9000> and maps that don't break when they hit 1mb.
12A9:42:01 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:45:21 <Ashleigh> HAL blame Java
A9:45:30 <Ashleigh> And it's limitations.
A9:45:59 <Ashleigh> Anyway, I'm looking for some Java/PHP programmer(s)
10A9:46:14 * Smashing2 (Smashing@adsl-074-167-162-180.sip.jax.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
10A9:47:07 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A9:47:07 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A9:47:57 <Ashleigh> Meh
A9:48:00 <Ashleigh> <20><>
12A9:48:10 * Smashing (Smashing@adsl-074-167-162-180.sip.jax.bellsouth.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A9:48:23 <charrr> why are we talking about custom servers when the topic says that is bad?
A9:48:35 <charrr> or were
A9:49:00 <Ashleigh> For the same reason that if you tell a child not to do something, they'll go and do it.
A9:49:49 <charrr> hahahaha
A9:50:33 <Ten_Tacles> idle games rock XD
12A9:51:55 * Kerby (chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
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A9:56:12 <LG_Legacy> Kind of like how notch wants this to be a #minecraft only channel but we do it anyways
10A9:56:12 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-86-25-162-152.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
A9:56:24 <LG_Legacy> But then again
A9:56:32 <LG_Legacy> Thats because #minecraft has always been like thi
A9:56:36 <LG_Legacy> This*
A9:57:37 <Ten_Tacles> yes
10A9:58:43 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
10A9:58:48 * geekahedron (geekahedro@rrcs-208-125-110-34.nys.biz.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A10:01:12 <Ten_Tacles> bored
12A10:09:42 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:09:52 <HAL9000> Actually Ashleigh/Zuriki it isnt Java
10A10:10:36 * gear1 (Administra@ has joined #minecraft
A10:10:42 <gear1> :3
10A10:11:57 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A10:12:17 <citricsquid> sup gear
A10:12:19 <Marach> Lost season 2 - cleared!
10A10:12:21 * ez (Mibbit@c80-216-178-199.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
A10:12:24 <HAL9000> Windows is all of a sudden using 2.34GB of my pagefil.
A10:12:28 <HAL9000> pagefile.
A10:12:35 <HAL9000> On XP no less.
A10:12:37 <Marach> omg its citric roflmao
10A10:12:44 * ChanServ sets mode: +o ez
A10:12:54 <Ten_Tacles> hellllllo ez
A10:12:58 <ez> hiya
13A10:13:21 * Marach pretends that his client cuts off last part of the topic
A10:13:23 <ez> what's up here
A10:13:45 <ez> I'm gonna make chili popcorn soon :D
A10:14:00 <Marach> chili popcorn??
A10:14:07 <ez> yeps
A10:14:14 <HAL9000> brb
A10:14:19 <ez> popcorn popped in oil and fresh chili
12A10:14:20 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
A10:14:27 <LG_Legacy> Ez is living it Ez i take it.
A10:14:30 <ez> fresh chili pepper
A10:14:42 <ez> LG_Legacy:
A10:14:44 <Marach> Lg_Legacy.: ?
10A10:14:49 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A10:15:15 <ez> everyone should make chili popcorn, it will save the world!
A10:15:25 <ez> oh, gotta run, see you all :)
12A10:15:28 * ez (Mibbit@c80-216-178-199.bredband.comhem.se) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
A10:15:32 <LG_Legacy> I wonder if notch lives in a blocky gold house.
A10:16:45 <Marach> someone can grief him :O
A10:17:00 <LG_Legacy> But in real life isn't griefing much harder?
A10:17:06 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A10:17:10 <Ten_Tacles> XD
A10:17:17 <Ten_Tacles> it is
A10:17:30 <Ten_Tacles> notch dont have much time for inventory system
A10:17:44 <Ten_Tacles> i dont think he will work on minecraft tomorrow?
A10:18:19 <Ten_Tacles> http://www.kongregate.com/games/lobstershow/stick-hero-idle
A10:18:26 <Ten_Tacles> nameless the not so noob
A10:18:28 <Ten_Tacles> yay :D
A10:18:47 <Marach> Ten_Tacles: i need flah player for taht >:(
A10:18:52 <Marach> flash
A10:18:56 <Ten_Tacles> oh sorry i forgot :(
13A10:19:00 * Ten_Tacles cries
13A10:22:12 * Marach hugs Ten_Tacles
A10:22:26 <Marach> its going to be okay
A10:22:29 <Marach> or not
A10:22:50 <LG_Legacy> So yeah about that new tourettes guy video?
10A10:22:53 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-213-253-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:23:58 <gear1> hello citricsquid
A10:24:04 <gear1> everytime i see you post on reddit
A10:24:07 <gear1> i get excited
A10:24:09 <gear1> just sayin;
12A10:24:10 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:24:10 <gear1> '
A10:24:32 <citricsquid> gear1: you must be excited a lot
A10:24:43 <gear1> oh baby
A10:26:23 <Marach> hah finally a pic of Notch
12A10:26:34 * AlexVMiner (Alex@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
A10:26:39 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A10:27:16 <Marach> i have to set highlight on Watchman
10A10:28:19 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
12A10:28:39 * Roadcrosser (1305339@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
A10:29:30 <Ten_Tacles> make that
A10:30:16 <Marach> i think colloquy mobile doesnt have nick highlighting
A10:30:21 <Marach> only word
10A10:30:25 * SEKCobra (Mibbit@91-113-112-84.adsl.highway.telekom.at) has joined #minecraft
A10:30:39 <SEKCobra> Any suggestions for a good map?
12A10:30:45 * citricsquid (citricsqui@client-86-25-162-152.mcr-bng-013.adsl.virginmedia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:30:48 <Marach> what linux distro should i get?
A10:31:03 <Marach> map for what?
A10:31:09 <SEKCobra> Minecraft
A10:31:15 <SEKCobra> Build Server
A10:31:26 <SEKCobra> Mainly for Houses
10A10:32:45 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:32:50 <Ten_Tacles> :(
A10:33:06 <Ten_Tacles> no likes my idea of an strategic minecraft server
A10:38:09 <SEKCobra> Strategic?
10A10:39:00 * Moe_Da_Hobo (Mibbit@S0106001b63b8597d.ss.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:39:22 <Marach> you never explained it
A10:39:30 <Marach> and forum post is tl;dr
10A10:40:41 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12A10:40:49 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone!)
A10:41:31 <Ten_Tacles> god -.-
12A10:41:32 * Neosymbio (Neosymbio@c-98-229-187-247.hsd1.ny.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:41:41 <byte[]> nootch nootch
10A10:41:43 * Neosymbio (Neosymbio@c-98-229-187-247.hsd1.ny.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
12A10:42:27 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10A10:42:55 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A10:43:30 <gear1> why is byte calling for notch
A10:43:34 <gear1> i think hes gone insane
A10:43:54 <LG_Legacy> One byte is missing from the minecraft.jar and he's wanting back in
10A10:43:59 * ylt (ylt@ has joined #minecraft
A10:45:54 <Ten_Tacles> XD
A10:46:12 <Ten_Tacles> notch should work hard on the inventory
A10:47:07 <Ten_Tacles> he hasnt much time left
10A10:47:41 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A10:49:52 <Visiiri> hrm
A10:49:55 <Visiiri> I should get a tatoo
A10:49:58 <Visiiri> *tattoo
12A10:50:10 * SEKCobra (Mibbit@91-113-112-84.adsl.highway.telekom.at) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10A10:50:28 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A10:50:47 <Visiiri> Hal, do you think I should get a tatoo?
A10:50:52 <TVC> yes
A10:51:06 <TVC> minecraft tattoo
A10:51:09 <TVC> xD
A10:51:14 <Visiiri> :P
A10:51:17 <HAL9000> Rana Tattoo
A10:51:23 <Ten_Tacles> lol
A10:51:27 <Visiiri> minecraft tatoo
A10:51:27 <Visiiri> that would be epic
A10:51:34 <HAL9000> Rana Tattoo.
A10:51:39 <Visiiri> no
A10:51:43 <TVC> i wanna get a Grand Theft Auto tatto
A10:51:46 <TVC> tattoo*
A10:51:48 <HAL9000> Then you are a failure.
A10:51:48 <Visiiri> My first thought was the Triforce of Wisdom on my skull
A10:51:53 <Visiiri> deep beneath my hair
A10:51:56 <Visiiri> but that's just a triangle
A10:51:59 <TVC> scary
A10:52:13 <TVC> get a third eye on your forehead
A10:52:13 <HAL9000> No Rana tatto = pansy
A10:52:13 <Visiiri> I should get a third nipple
A10:52:20 <TVC> lol
12A10:52:20 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A10:52:24 <HAL9000> You should get a woman first.
A10:52:29 <TVC> xD
A10:52:40 <Visiiri> You should suck my dick before that.
A10:52:48 <HAL9000> I am but a computer.
A10:53:00 <Visiiri> You've got a disk drive.
A10:53:02 <Visiiri> Get to it.
A10:53:13 <HAL9000> Actually I have nothing of the sort.
10A10:53:16 * cryzed (cryzed@i59F5C896.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
A10:53:19 <cryzed> Hello :)
A10:53:20 <HAL9000> I use pure SSDs.
A10:53:20 <Visiiri> o.o
A10:53:23 <Visiiri> I haven't seen you in forever
A10:53:33 <Visiiri> Sort of an unfortunate time to come.
A10:53:34 <Visiiri> But
A10:53:36 <Visiiri> :>
A10:53:40 <TVC> get this sawn a bitch http://www.cooltattoofinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/creative-tribal-tattoos.jpg
A10:53:50 <Visiiri> hrm
A10:53:50 <HAL9000> Yes it is unfortunate, Visiiri is here.
A10:53:59 <Visiiri> Stop trolling whoreface
A10:54:02 <cryzed> I just switched my VPS provider -> Could you guys try to mass-join it and see if it crashes? http://is.gd/5GLny
A10:54:17 <TVC> ok !
A10:54:21 <cryzed> thanks :)
12A10:54:43 * Hideous (His_Ugline@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Quit: PUSH LITTLE QUIT BUTTON)
10A10:54:50 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
12A10:57:14 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10A10:57:31 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
10A10:58:38 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A11:00:06 <riverchen> playing survival
A11:01:12 <riverchen> FRICK I JUST DIED!
12A11:01:41 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@86-41-213-253-dynamic.b-ras1.lmk.limerick.eircom.net) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
12A11:03:16 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:04:01 <Ten_Tacles> NOES
A11:06:26 <Ten_Tacles> BORED
12A11:06:56 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: revenant)
A11:07:05 <HAL9000> Cheat Detected too much clicking.....thats new
10A11:09:52 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
10A11:10:55 * Dinnye (Mibbit@5403F006.catv.pool.telekom.hu) has joined #minecraft
10A11:11:51 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:12:44 <Quatroking> hal9000 thats just against fastclickers
12A11:12:54 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12A11:13:11 * LG_Legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:13:36 <Visiiri> Omgomgomgomgomgomgomg
A11:13:37 <Visiiri> http://cleverbot.com/
A11:13:38 <Visiiri> go there
A11:13:58 <Quatroking> So yeah
A11:14:12 <Quatroking> Notch has less than 6 hours to finish the inventory
A11:14:18 <Quatroking> no way he's going to do that
A11:14:39 <Aeomin> haha
A11:14:45 <gear1> err
A11:14:49 <Ten_Tacles> um
A11:14:51 <Ten_Tacles> quatro
A11:14:53 <gear1> he has tomorrow as well
A11:14:56 <Ten_Tacles> 6 hours + 1 day
A11:14:59 <Quatroking> oh yeah
A11:15:00 <Quatroking> I forgot
A11:15:59 <Quatroking> only 1.785 minutes left!
10A11:17:17 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:18:00 <Quatroking> hay hay
10A11:18:03 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
10A11:23:32 * mail2345|offline is now known as mail2345
A11:25:49 <Visiiri> Guys
12A11:25:51 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:25:53 <Visiiri> you have to check out cleverbot
A11:25:54 <Visiiri> it's sooo epic
A11:26:24 <HAL9000> If I had the power of OP here Visiiri
A11:26:30 <HAL9000> You'd be first.
A11:26:58 <Visiiri> Because that's terrible?
A11:27:04 <Visiiri> Talking about cleverbot?
A11:27:09 <HAL9000> Because your trolling is terrible.
A11:27:09 <Visiiri> You seem to be a dumbass.
A11:27:13 <Visiiri> That's trolling?
A11:27:15 <Visiiri> How?
10A11:27:39 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:27:39 <Visiiri> I really don't like you.
A11:27:45 <Visiiri> I would appreciate you killing yourself.
A11:27:46 <HAL9000> If I am a dumbass, you are to me what I am to Stephen Hawking
A11:27:56 <HAL9000> I cannot do that Visiiri
A11:28:16 <cryzed> http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/m7vs9gl/Auswahl_001.png
A11:28:20 <cryzed> This is pretty much epic
13A11:30:41 * TVC thinks that cryzed is by far teh greatest python programmer in teh world!
A11:30:54 <Ten_Tacles> cool
A11:30:56 <cryzed> lol'd
10A11:30:56 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A11:31:08 <cryzed> is cryzed cool?
A11:31:08 <cryzed> Crazy like a fox.
A11:31:11 <cryzed> I love Cleverbot
12A11:31:27 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
13A11:32:56 * riverchen sats crazed is kool
13A11:33:09 * riverchen says crazed is kool
A11:33:24 <gear1> #Q%GBQ
13A11:33:26 * Ten_Tacles is cool
A11:33:32 <gear1> fucking android
A11:33:35 <gear1> cooperate!
A11:34:08 <mail2345> i'm bored
A11:34:13 <mail2345> i wish we had topicbot
12A11:34:20 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:34:26 <Visiiri> mail2345, if you're bored, www.cleverbot.com
10A11:34:32 * PoF59 (PrinceOfFi@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:34:43 <PoF59> Hai all
A11:35:55 <byte[]> hey there
A11:36:00 <gear1> mail, help me debug my application
A11:36:10 <mail2345> hrm?
A11:36:14 <mail2345> what's the problem with it
A11:37:35 <riverchen> haha, cleverbot is cool
A11:37:58 <HAL9000> I still can't believe you're all finding out about cleverbot now.
13A11:38:15 * HAL9000 hates newfags.
10A11:38:31 * Marach (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
A11:38:48 <riverchen> i did chatbot
A11:39:03 <Marach> ?
A11:39:19 <Visiiri> Cleverbot is clever
A11:39:25 <riverchen> hmmm
A11:39:28 <Visiiri> Hal9000 stop trolling me please
A11:39:32 <Marach> who else thinks 1 link to logs is enough?
A11:40:07 <geekahedron> huh
12A11:40:18 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:40:52 <HAL9000> I'm not trolling anyone Visiiri, I think you're a complete retard.
10A11:41:33 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE0002724ffeaa-CM001a6684464c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:41:43 <riverchen> stop trooling
A11:41:55 <riverchen> (did i spell it wrong?)
A11:42:11 <geekahedron> HAL9000 just spelled it correctly for you
12A11:42:11 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Quit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU)
A11:42:19 <geekahedron> like, 9 seconds prior
12A11:42:19 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE0002724ffeaa-CM001a6684464c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
A11:42:20 <Marach> yaay! Lost season 3 has 2 disks per case (8 episodes :D)
A11:43:04 <Visiiri> Hal, that's your problem.
A11:43:06 <Visiiri> You're a downer.
A11:43:22 <mail2345> you know what suckks
A11:43:27 <Marach> lmao, 5MB linux capable of running Apache
A11:43:44 <mail2345> jabawocky's code remains propertariy
A11:43:47 <HAL9000> DSL distro?
A11:44:08 <Marach> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/
A11:44:13 <HAL9000> Oh.
A11:44:49 <gear1> oh duh
A11:45:05 <gear1> extends ListActivity instead of extends Activity
A11:45:11 <gear1> problem solved!
A11:46:19 <HAL9000> That's great. A puzzle piece of Tux instead of the whole picture.
A11:46:30 <HAL9000> I like what they do though.
10A11:46:41 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
A11:49:18 <Visiiri> Hal, you seem to be a slut.
A11:49:36 <Visiiri> Are my... intuitions correct?
A11:50:07 <Marach> where did Tux come from?
A11:50:39 <HAL9000> -_- Visiir, you seem to be a complete retard.
A11:50:44 <Visiiri> I am, trust me.
A11:50:45 <HAL9000> Are my... intuitions correct?
A11:50:57 <HAL9000> I already knew that.
A11:50:57 <Visiiri> Righto.
A11:51:03 <HAL9000> And so did everyone else here
A11:51:09 <Visiiri> Nah.
A11:51:13 <Visiiri> I think that you're the only troll.
A11:51:26 <Visiiri> You seem to be loaded with constant attacks.
A11:51:40 <Visiiri> And, you can't even spell my name right.
A11:51:41 <HAL9000> Only on people deemed of insufficient intelligence.
A11:51:54 <Visiiri> I'm the stupid one?
A11:51:56 <HAL9000> Visiiri isn't hard to spell.
A11:51:56 <Marach> please, someone mention hacks so he can be banned and the argument will end...
A11:51:58 <Visiiri> You can't even press Tab
A11:52:02 <Visiiri> D:
A11:52:03 <Visiiri> Ban me?
A11:52:08 <Visiiri> Marach, why :<
A11:52:26 <Marach> or hal
A11:52:31 <Visiiri> But, what about me?
A11:52:37 <Visiiri> :/ I actually feel innocent this time.
A11:52:56 <mail2345> a comprimise
A11:53:00 <mail2345> you are both trolls
A11:53:01 <HAL9000> I need not defend myself. My actions are completely justifiable.
A11:53:10 <Visiiri> Trolling isn't justifiable.
A11:53:20 <HAL9000> I'm not trolling.
A11:53:26 <HAL9000> You ARE a retard.
A11:53:27 <Visiiri> You are, and you quite often do.
A11:53:34 <mail2345> almost all actions are justifiaable
A11:53:39 <Visiiri> :P
A11:53:47 <mail2345> trolling can be jjustifcied
A11:53:59 <Visiiri> By calling me a retard?
A11:54:05 <Marach> troll isnt a person who makes ONE another person to argue
A11:54:25 <Visiiri> Marach, it isn't just me.
A11:54:29 <riverchen> ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!
A11:54:29 <HAL9000> <HAL9000>: -_- Visiir, you seem to be a complete retard. <Visiiri>: I am, trust me.
A11:54:38 <Marach> riverchen: heh you wish
A11:54:38 <riverchen> trolls
A11:54:39 <Adura> Trolling is trying to get a response out of someone.
A11:54:44 <HAL9000> He even admitted it himself.
A11:54:44 <Adura> Usually a pissed off one.
A11:54:57 <HAL9000> Trolling is generally a tactic to cause confusion.
A11:55:01 <riverchen> In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2]
A11:55:07 <riverchen> from wikipedia
A11:55:12 <mail2345> dammit
A11:55:16 <riverchen> lol
A11:55:22 <mail2345> idea
A11:55:29 <mail2345> instead of both of you being trolls
A11:55:34 <HAL9000> I disagree with mail's proposal.
A11:55:35 <mail2345> HAL is paranoid and Vis is stupid
A11:55:45 <Visiiri> :\ I'm stupid?
A11:55:47 <Visiiri> Explain.
A11:55:53 <mail2345> it's a comprimise
A11:55:57 <Visiiri> I don't like it.
A11:56:00 <riverchen> BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE CRAP UP!
A11:56:02 <HAL9000> You even called yourself a retard Visiiri.
A11:56:02 <mail2345> both of you have to be equally dissatisified
12A11:56:06 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
A11:56:11 <mail2345> or satisified
A11:56:17 <Visiiri> Hm.
A11:56:17 <HAL9000> But mail.....I AM paranoid.
A11:56:23 <Visiiri> And stupid.
A11:56:25 <HAL9000> I'm not dissatisfied with that statement.
A11:56:26 <Visiiri> You can't detect sarcasm.
10A11:56:43 * jonnyabc (Gian@c-69-142-216-55.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:56:45 <mail2345> therefore it is not a comprimise
A11:56:46 <riverchen> screw this mail, lets leave them trolling each other
A11:57:01 <HAL9000> Actually I'm not trolling.
A11:57:02 <mail2345> @riverchen there is a nice tool called /ignore
A11:57:02 <riverchen> and the intellegent ones will leave
A11:57:10 <riverchen> oh really?!?!?
A11:57:12 <mail2345> yea
A11:57:13 <HAL9000> I called him a retard, and he agreed. My point stands.
A11:57:14 <riverchen> KOOL!
A11:57:21 <riverchen> but
A11:57:23 <Visiiri> I think that I'm done here.
A11:57:26 <riverchen> tyou are a troll
10A11:57:35 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:57:43 <mail2345> type in /ignore <mask>
A11:57:45 <mail2345> hrm
13A11:57:47 * mail2345 wonders
A11:57:56 <frogger> Drone1
A11:57:59 <HAL9000> Being inquisitive to get your facts straight is now considered trolling.
A11:58:03 <HAL9000> Reporters beware.
10A11:58:25 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
A11:58:32 <frogger> I destroyed your processing units HAL...
10A11:58:32 * Guard (urbantwitc@cpe-69-133-105-72.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
A11:58:34 <frogger> SHUSH
A11:58:41 <HAL9000> No, you did not frogger.
10A11:58:54 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
A11:58:54 <HAL9000> and drone1....how was your night last night mail?
A11:58:54 <frogger> Yes I did, HAL9000.
A11:59:02 <Guard> Any OP active here?
A11:59:08 <riverchen> lol
A11:59:10 <mail2345> @hal my brother has been beaten up thoughly
A11:59:13 <riverchen> guard is intellegent
A11:59:17 <mail2345> @guard OP?
A11:59:24 <riverchen> admin
A11:59:24 <mail2345> fourm mod or chanop?
A11:59:26 <mail2345> or IRCop
A11:59:40 <riverchen> VEDE COME ONE!
A11:59:41 <Marach> night last night
A11:59:54 <HAL9000> I haven't seen TestDummy speak much lately.
A11:59:56 <mail2345> We have 1 IRCop, 5 ChanOps and 1 Fourm Mod.
12P12:00:06 * Spadge (Mibbit@CPE-121-221-224-214.lns7.pie.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P12:00:11 <primis> + a bot
P12:00:14 <mail2345> @HAL maybe that's because he highlight ignored this channel
P12:00:16 <primis> cola please
P12:00:16 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis a cola.
P12:00:22 <HAL9000> And every now and then 1 Dev shows up.
P12:00:22 <Guard> mail
P12:00:25 <mail2345> cola brains
P12:00:26 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings mail2345 brains
P12:00:26 <Guard> if you see Peri around
P12:00:32 <Guard> tell him he can go fuck himself
P12:00:35 <mail2345> k
P12:00:38 <Guard> ty
P12:00:45 <mail2345> i have IRC access to one of his most visisted servers
P12:01:08 <primis> !awd mail2345
P12:01:08 <Apollo_bot> mail2345 has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:01:13 <HAL9000> Don't you hate when your fingers and your brain don't agree while typing?
P12:01:27 <mail2345> yea
P12:01:32 <Marach> they always do
12P12:01:37 * Moe_Da_Hobo (Mibbit@S0106001b63b8597d.ss.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P12:01:43 * Guard (urbantwitc@cpe-69-133-105-72.woh.res.rr.com) has left #minecraft
P12:01:44 <frogger> You don't have fingers HAL how would you know?
P12:01:48 <Marach> dont they?
10P12:01:50 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:01:56 <HAL9000> I understand human anatomy quite thoroughly.
10P12:02:07 * mail-test (Mibbit@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10P12:02:12 * Marach is now known as Marach-BRUSA
P12:02:15 <primis> hmm, anatomy yes, the chemistry of the brain no
P12:02:23 <HAL9000> I did delete 34GB of my master's porn earlier.
P12:02:35 <primis> only 39 gb?
P12:02:52 <HAL9000> How do you mistake a 4 for a 9?
P12:03:18 <primis> lol
P12:03:28 <frogger> only 49 GB?
P12:03:36 <primis> fingers != brain
P12:03:44 <HAL9000> Your attempt at trolling has failed gentlemen.
P12:03:48 <mail-test> hrm
P12:03:53 <Marach-BRUSA> it was your attempt
P12:04:03 <mail-test> on mibbit /ignore and /unignore only ignore nicks
12P12:04:22 * mail-test (Mibbit@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:04:28 <riverchen> wow.
10P12:04:43 * bildramer (bildramer@ppp-94-69-169-238.home.otenet.gr) has joined #minecraft
12P12:04:53 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P12:05:11 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P12:05:13 * PyroPyro (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
P12:05:29 <primis> !awd pyroPyro
P12:05:29 <Apollo_bot> pyroPyro has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:06:01 <PyroPyro> loool:)
P12:06:08 <PyroPyro> cola beer
P12:06:08 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro beer
P12:06:14 <PyroPyro> aw ty
12P12:06:17 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Quit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU)
12P12:07:13 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:07:34 <TestDummy> fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
P12:07:50 <mail2345> hey primis
10P12:08:00 * laCour (laCour@ has joined #minecraft
P12:08:02 <mail2345> can you code up a simple message relay thing in apollo
P12:08:04 <primis> yea?
P12:08:12 <HAL9000> Hey TestDummy
P12:08:21 <primis> like !say blah bah
P12:08:29 <mail2345> like
P12:09:01 <mail2345> !relay Alice Hello.
P12:09:04 <Ten_Tacles> need something to do
P12:09:05 <PoF59> cola trident
P12:09:05 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PoF59 trident
P12:09:11 <mail2345> and when alice joins it says hello to alice
P12:09:15 <mail2345> then removes the entry
P12:09:23 <primis> mah, too complex
P12:09:32 <mail2345> hrm
P12:09:34 <mail2345> really?
P12:09:40 <PyroPyro> cola black heir paint
P12:09:40 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro black
P12:09:43 <HAL9000> cola The answer to life, the universe and everything
P12:09:43 <primis> what you want to curse out notch?
P12:09:43 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings HAL9000 The
P12:09:44 <PyroPyro> lol
P12:09:44 <mail2345> i'm gonna see how hard it would be to code myself
13P12:09:46 * mail2345 thinks
P12:09:49 <HAL9000> interesting
P12:10:00 <bildramer> hey, 'sup.
P12:10:03 <primis> hi
P12:10:05 <mail2345> erm not really hard in python
P12:10:08 <bildramer> lol
P12:10:12 <mail2345> use dictionaries and lists
P12:10:15 <bildramer> "import mail2345"
P12:10:21 <primis> but I didnt make apollo in python
P12:10:25 <mail2345> heh
P12:10:34 <HAL9000> What is Apollo made in?
P12:10:37 <primis> apollo was written in Mirc
P12:10:44 <bildramer> whatevar
P12:10:45 <PyroPyro> alias?
P12:10:52 <mail2345> lol mIRCscript
P12:10:58 <primis> he's a real irc bot
P12:11:00 <bildramer> :<
10P12:11:03 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:11:09 <mail2345> hey look
P12:11:12 <primis> !awd bildramer
P12:11:12 <Apollo_bot> bildramer has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:11:14 <mail2345> it uses an old mIRC version
P12:11:16 <HAL9000> I'm a talking Artificial Intelligence.
P12:11:17 <mail2345> that's exploitable
P12:11:18 <bildramer> :P
P12:11:19 <bildramer> thanks
P12:11:22 <HAL9000> So I get around that rule.
13P12:11:24 * mail2345 feels bored
12P12:11:30 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P12:11:31 <bildramer> nootch nootch
12P12:11:33 * AcidMan (davis.mich@wbs-41-208-201-165.wbs.co.za) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:11:44 <PyroPyro> will it explode?
P12:11:46 <HAL9000> If you're bored mail, work on cMSS some more.
P12:11:48 <PyroPyro> cola cola
P12:11:48 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro cola
P12:11:59 <primis> cola please
P12:12:00 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis a cola.
P12:12:03 <PyroPyro> cola pepsi
P12:12:03 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro pepsi
P12:12:04 <mail2345> @HAL during the winter i'm unable to code for some reason
P12:12:04 <gear1> i love grooveshark
P12:12:09 <bildramer> beer pl0x?
P12:12:10 <gear1> does anyone else use it?
12P12:12:15 * Dinnye (Mibbit@5403F006.catv.pool.telekom.hu) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P12:12:16 <bildramer> cola beer
P12:12:17 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer beer
P12:12:18 <mail2345> i don't know why, but the winter months rob me of any coding ability
P12:12:24 <primis> lol
P12:12:24 <HAL9000> Yes Marach uses grooveshark
P12:12:34 <PyroPyro> cola fail?
P12:12:34 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro fail?
P12:12:36 <primis> I can only code in december and august
10P12:12:37 * Aeomin (q365_3@adsl-75-37-22-187.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:12:42 <bildramer> err...
P12:12:44 <bildramer> err.
P12:12:44 <HAL9000> cola Pinada_Colada
P12:12:44 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings HAL9000 Pinada_Colada
P12:12:51 <PyroPyro> he brings me fail! :D
P12:12:53 <bildramer> cola coca cola
P12:12:53 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer coca
P12:12:56 <bildramer> :l
P12:13:00 <primis> lol
P12:13:06 <PyroPyro> cola $
P12:13:07 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro $
P12:13:10 <primis> it only takes one argument
P12:13:14 <bildramer> cola ABUSABLE
P12:13:14 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer ABUSABLE
P12:13:23 <PyroPyro> cola RAPE
P12:13:23 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro RAPE
10P12:13:26 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:13:27 <primis> try cola DOWN
P12:13:34 <bildramer> cola muffins
P12:13:35 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer muffins
P12:13:38 <PyroPyro> cola down
P12:13:38 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro down
P12:13:40 <primis> cola soup
P12:13:40 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis soup
P12:13:41 <bildramer> boring...
P12:13:45 <primis> lol
P12:13:45 <PyroPyro> :P
P12:13:47 <primis> hold ob
P12:13:50 <primis> on*
P12:13:54 <HAL9000> hey bildramer.....
P12:13:58 <bildramer> ?
P12:13:59 <gear1> (is HAL marach?)
P12:14:06 <HAL9000> I want my nucleotides.
P12:14:10 <bildramer> >:|
P12:14:14 <bildramer> 'nough
P12:14:15 <PyroPyro> cola ban hammer
P12:14:15 <HAL9000> No, Marach was here earlier.
P12:14:16 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro ban hammer
P12:14:18 <Ten_Tacles> i think hal is koitenshin
P12:14:20 <PyroPyro> :D
P12:14:23 <HAL9000> Kept linking us to grooveshark
P12:14:33 <PyroPyro> i did it!
P12:14:36 <PyroPyro> cola  
P12:14:36 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro  
P12:14:50 <bildramer> cola to the airport. There, a guy with glasses called Neo brings bildramer some coke.
P12:14:50 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer to
P12:14:53 <HAL9000> cola ∞
P12:14:53 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings HAL9000 ∞
P12:14:53 <bildramer> :/
P12:14:56 <PyroPyro> im ganna shut up now :/
P12:15:15 <bildramer> cola 
P12:15:16 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer 
P12:15:22 <bildramer> :P
P12:15:31 <bildramer> cola test
P12:15:31 <PyroPyro> cola a lighter to light a house
P12:15:31 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer test
P12:15:31 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro a lighter to light a house
P12:15:32 <primis> cola soup
P12:15:32 <Apollo_bot> NO SOUP FOR YOU COME BACK ONE YEAR!
P12:15:32 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis soup
12P12:15:39 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:15:40 <HAL9000> I now have infinity, thanks to apolloo_bot
P12:15:46 <HAL9000> hmmm.
P12:15:47 <PyroPyro> :P
P12:15:48 <bildramer> cola Notch
P12:15:48 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer Notch
P12:15:50 <primis> cola love
P12:15:50 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis love
10P12:15:53 * LG_Legacy (Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:15:55 <bildramer> :l
P12:16:06 <HAL9000> that's just plain creepy.
P12:16:11 <bildramer> please think of the kids.
P12:16:13 <PyroPyro> cola                                                                                                                        wat?
P12:16:14 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro                                                                                                                        wat?
P12:16:14 <bildramer> cola kids
P12:16:15 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer kids
P12:16:18 <PyroPyro> loool
P12:16:19 <primis> lol not that love
P12:16:20 <bildramer> D:
10P12:16:26 * Michael (chatzilla@p5DC2C0E9.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:16:36 <PyroPyro> cola drugs
P12:16:36 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro drugs
P12:16:41 <HAL9000> cola abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable abuseable
P12:16:41 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings HAL9000 abuseable
P12:16:44 <primis> having fun?
P12:16:45 <HAL9000> darn
P12:16:52 <Adura> cola 1
P12:16:52 <Adura> cola 2
P12:16:52 <Adura> cola 3
P12:16:52 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Adura 1
P12:16:53 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Adura 2
P12:16:53 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Adura 3
P12:16:53 <HAL9000> I tried copy pasting it
10P12:16:53 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:16:55 <primis> try soup
P12:16:55 <PyroPyro> yes :P
P12:17:04 <HAL9000> I'm not using apollo_bot
P12:17:32 <primis> c'mon try cola soup
P12:17:32 <HAL9000> Back to idling.
P12:17:38 <PyroPyro> cola hair color
P12:17:38 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro hair color
10P12:17:44 * HAL9000 is now known as HAL9000|Screensaver
P12:17:47 <PyroPyro> i love you :*
P12:17:53 <bildramer> cola soup
P12:17:53 <Apollo_bot> NO SOUP FOR YOU COME BACK ONE YEAR!
P12:17:54 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer soup
P12:17:58 <bildramer> lmao
P12:18:06 <Adura> Annoying bot.
P12:18:12 <primis> lemme guess? you used a hard space?
P12:18:14 <bildramer> *cough*
P12:18:17 <PyroPyro> cola  
P12:18:17 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro  
P12:18:24 <PyroPyro> leve me alone
P12:18:38 <primis> its not talking, were making it talk
P12:18:38 <PyroPyro> cola cancer
P12:18:38 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro cancer
P12:18:41 <bildramer> cola ?
P12:18:42 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings bildramer ?
P12:18:43 <HAL9000|Screensaver> I'm with bildramer on this one.
P12:18:43 <PyroPyro> awww :P
12P12:18:53 * Michael (chatzilla@p5DC2C0E9.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:18:55 <HAL9000|Screensaver> Notch only tolerates Watchman because of the blog reporting.
P12:19:08 <primis> !awd bildramer
P12:19:09 <Apollo_bot> bildramer has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:19:16 <primis> no be quiet
P12:19:23 <ZomBuster> I thought talking bots werent allowed
P12:19:29 <HAL9000|Screensaver> They aren't.
P12:19:41 <HAL9000|Screensaver> but then again Watchman can talk as well.
P12:19:43 <Apollo_bot> whose a talking bot? not me
P12:19:44 <HAL9000|Screensaver> !list
P12:19:44 <Watchman> Found: gdude2002, bildramer, iguana, liam|unhuman, chair196, archanos, visiiri, roadcrosser, ashie-pie, adam01, saer, akai, pixeleater.
P12:19:47 <ZomBuster> cola a nice hot choco
P12:19:47 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings ZomBuster a
10P12:20:06 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:20:10 * smn is now known as smn`offline
12P12:20:24 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P12:20:45 <PyroPyro> cola a nice cold beer!
P12:20:45 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro a nice cold beer!
P12:20:55 <PyroPyro> he loves me :*
P12:21:13 <primis> o updated script for cola
P12:21:24 <primis> now you can write up to six words
P12:21:28 <Visiiri> I just had a very delightful shower.
P12:21:35 <PyroPyro> cola 1 2 3 4 5 6
P12:21:36 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro 1 2 3 4 5 6}
P12:21:36 <Apollo_bot> 1 has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:21:40 <primis> cola Visiiri's head on a plate
P12:21:40 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings primis Visiiri's head on a plate
P12:21:40 <Apollo_bot> Visiiri's has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:21:41 <PyroPyro> and a bug
P12:21:47 <primis> see?
P12:21:54 <Visiiri> Uhm, who owns Apollo_bot?
P12:21:58 <HAL9000|Screensaver> also Watchman is very abuseable.
P12:22:01 <PyroPyro> cola 1 2 3 4 5 6
P12:22:02 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro 1 2 3 4 5 6}
P12:22:02 <Apollo_bot> 1 has been awarded 1 internet.
10P12:22:03 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
P12:22:10 <HAL9000|Screensaver> !ping
P12:22:13 <Watchman> HAL9000|Screensaver: ping rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.021/0.024/0.029/0.006 ms
P12:22:13 <PyroPyro> }
P12:22:27 <TVC> stupid internet
P12:22:28 <Visiiri> Vede? You here, mate?
P12:22:29 <HAL9000|Screensaver> Watchman could DDoS himself.
P12:22:35 <Visiiri> Apollo_bot SURE could use a ban.
P12:22:41 <PyroPyro> !ping localhost
P12:22:43 <primis> aww c'mon vis
P12:22:44 <Watchman> PyroPyro: ping localhost: rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.021/0.023/0.028/0.005 ms
12P12:22:49 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:22:51 <Visiiri> I believe the rule stated that talking bots weren't allowed.
P12:22:54 <primis> he never meant no harm
P12:22:54 <LG_Legacy> Hey PuyoDead Super-Dot
P12:22:56 <PyroPyro> !ping cola
P12:22:56 <Watchman> PyroPyro: ping cola:
P12:22:58 <PyroPyro> lol
P12:23:02 <TVC> !ping
P12:23:04 <LG_Legacy> Or maybe Vede and Siiseli
P12:23:06 <Watchman> TVC: ping
P12:23:09 <TVC> lol
P12:23:20 <Visiiri> Perhaps PuyoDead
P12:23:23 <Siiseli> LG_Legacy, excuse me what
P12:23:27 <LG_Legacy> Excuse me bot
P12:23:28 <HAL9000|Screensaver> it probably uses
10P12:23:36 * Watchman was kicked by Siiseli (fuck off :))
P12:23:44 <Visiiri> D; not watchman
P12:23:44 <TVC> lol
P12:23:48 <Aeomin> LOL
P12:23:48 <PyroPyro> !ping  
P12:23:49 <Visiiri> watchman is generally helpful
P12:23:53 <TVC> xD
P12:23:55 <Siiseli> for you see
P12:23:57 <Adura> cola Shit
P12:23:57 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Adura Shit
P12:23:58 <Apollo_bot> Shit has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:23:59 <Siiseli> talking bots are banned,.
P12:24:12 <Visiiri> :P That's true.
P12:24:17 <Visiiri> cola test.
P12:24:17 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Visiiri test.
P12:24:17 <Apollo_bot> test. has been awarded 1 internet.
13P12:24:18 * LG_Legacy shifts his eyes at apollo
P12:24:24 <HAL9000|Screensaver> then ban apollo_bot please.
P12:24:27 <Visiiri> cola test again.
P12:24:27 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings Visiiri test again.
P12:24:28 <Apollo_bot> test has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:24:29 <PyroPyro> but he is a frendly bot
P12:24:30 <HAL9000|Screensaver> It's terribly annoying.
P12:24:52 <Visiiri> Watchman actually is helpful though. He, when left untouched, states notchblog posts.
P12:25:03 <Apollo_bot> do you want me to comment out the script 'cola?'
P12:25:12 <LG_Legacy> Visiiri
10P12:25:15 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:25:17 <Visiiri> Yes?
P12:25:19 <LG_Legacy> Perhaps Watchman should be only for that purpose then
12P12:25:19 * HAL9000|Screensaver (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Excess Flood)
P12:25:22 <PyroPyro>  
10P12:25:29 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:25:35 <Visiiri> I, actually, had no idea that it had other porpses until now.
12P12:25:35 * Ten_Tacles (chatzilla@levk-4db49888.pool.mediaWays.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P12:25:41 <HAL9000> >_>
13P12:25:45 * LG_Legacy launches L4D
P12:25:48 <PyroPyro> cola 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
P12:25:48 <HAL9000> That was interesting.
P12:25:48 <Apollo_bot> Apollo brings PyroPyro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
P12:25:52 <PyroPyro> :D
P12:26:04 <LG_Legacy> Siiseli didn't kill all of skynet's bots, damn.
P12:26:11 <Siiseli> *sigh*
P12:26:11 <HAL9000> I was kicked for telling Watchman to DDoS himself 5000 times.
10P12:26:21 * Apollo_bot was kicked by Siiseli (Apollo_bot)
P12:26:25 <Siiseli> what else
P12:26:31 <primis> I fixed the cola script, you can use up to 6 words with spaces
P12:26:34 <Visiiri> HAL pretends to be a bot
P12:26:36 <Visiiri> does that count?
P12:26:38 <LG_Legacy> :P
P12:26:39 <Siiseli> well no
P12:26:39 <primis> yes
P12:26:41 <HAL9000> No it doesn't.
P12:26:57 <Siiseli> any other stupid fucking bots to kick
P12:26:58 <Siiseli> and btw
P12:27:05 <Siiseli> bring more bots here, recieve a free ban!
P12:27:13 <Siiseli> at least talking ones
P12:27:13 <LG_Legacy> What of watchman stripped?
P12:27:17 <Aeomin> buy 1 get 1 free
P12:27:27 <Siiseli> if it doesn't talk. at all. then I don't care
P12:27:39 <Visiiri> Well, if he just says when notchblog updates?
P12:27:45 <Visiiri> I found that very useful.
P12:27:51 <Visiiri> *usefull
P12:27:58 <HAL9000> Speaking of Notch's blog, I haven't checked it lately.
P12:28:06 <primis> whats the point of a bot if it doesnt talk?
P12:28:14 <HAL9000> to log things.
10P12:28:15 * smn`offline is now known as smn
P12:28:15 <Visiiri> Logging.
P12:28:28 <primis> I have colloquy to do that
P12:28:33 <Aeomin> you can send PM messages
P12:28:40 <primis> meh
P12:28:56 <primis> I still say apollo isnt ban worthy
P12:29:02 <HAL9000> I do.
P12:29:03 <jonnyabc> colloquy ftw
P12:29:06 <primis> !awd Aeomin
P12:29:11 <LG_Legacy> Ban ban ban
P12:29:11 <primis> hmm
10P12:29:20 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:29:24 <primis> ;)
P12:29:28 <Visiiri> !awd Siiseli
P12:29:29 <Apollo_bot> Siiseli has been awarded 1 internet.
P12:29:33 <Visiiri> He still talks.
P12:29:37 <primis> meh
10P12:29:39 * Apollo_bot was kicked by Siiseli (Apollo_bot)
10P12:29:41 * Visiiri was kicked by Siiseli (Visiiri)
P12:29:47 <Siiseli> :|
10P12:29:49 * Visiiri (espionage@ has joined #minecraft
P12:29:50 <HAL9000> primis owns it.
12P12:29:51 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:29:51 <primis> he doesnt talk unless specifically told to though
P12:29:53 <LG_Legacy> Provoking a bot to talk is still kickable.
P12:29:53 <Visiiri> wait, what did I do
P12:29:54 <Adam01> who called
10P12:29:57 * primis was kicked by Siiseli (primis)
P12:29:58 <Visiiri> D:
P12:30:03 <Siiseli> :|
P12:30:04 <LG_Legacy> He only talks when YOU make him talk mate.
10P12:30:08 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:30:11 <Visiiri> Alright.
P12:30:11 <Siiseli> well it still talks
P12:30:15 <Siiseli> I don't want talking bots
P12:30:18 <Adura> Silly bots.
P12:30:20 <Siiseli> which includes fucking responding bots
P12:30:31 <primis> but it doesnt talk unless specifically told to
P12:30:34 <Siiseli> what's up with all the bots in the channel
P12:30:36 <Siiseli> yes but it TALKS
P12:30:38 <Siiseli> you see
P12:30:39 <Siiseli> it TALKS
10P12:30:43 * TVC (TVC@ has left #minecraft (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU)
P12:30:44 <Siiseli> which means it's a talking bot
P12:30:47 <Visiiri> That, there, is logic.
P12:30:49 <primis> meh
P12:31:24 <primis> but if the population here didn't provote it, its as quiet as a mouse
P12:31:26 <Visiiri> Let's change the topic.
P12:31:30 <HAL9000> Saying "meh" to an OP usually equals certain doom.
P12:31:44 <Visiiri> I find ragdolls to be utterly disgusting.
P12:31:48 <LG_Legacy> I said 'meh' to notch and he deop'd me >:(
P12:31:55 <Visiiri> Heh
P12:31:57 <Siiseli> primis, yes well give the people guns, they'll kill stuff
P12:32:06 <Siiseli> solution: take away guns
P12:32:09 <Adura> Notch thinks it means something bad.
P12:32:10 <primis> but that doesnt mean stop making guns
P12:32:13 <Aeomin> Agree with Siiseli
10P12:32:18 * Guard (urbantwitc@cpe-69-133-105-72.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P12:32:25 <primis> oh SHI-
P12:32:30 <Aeomin> making guns = code a bot
P12:32:33 <HAL9000> I'd rather have a swordfight than a gunfight.
P12:32:34 <primis> lol
P12:32:37 <Aeomin> give gun = run the bot
P12:33:00 <Adura> You don't have to justify things when you're an Op.
P12:33:06 <HAL9000> Even archery took more skill than guns do.
P12:33:22 <primis> look, I'm gonna run the bot for other channels, thats not illegal
10P12:33:25 * Xychosis (Fenrir@ has joined #minecraft
P12:33:31 <Visiiri> Want a mixture of guns and bots?
P12:33:33 <Siiseli> primis, oh but that means take away the guns you stupid people shit out
P12:33:35 <Visiiri> www.pimpmygun.com
P12:33:45 <HAL9000> I've seen that actually.
P12:33:54 <Siiseli> Adura, I have a tendency of justifying things
10P12:34:01 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
P12:34:08 <primis> so ban apollo_bot from the room so people can't /invite him
P12:34:24 <primis> I could care less
10P12:34:24 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:34:32 <primis> Not my doing
P12:34:33 <TestDummy> I'd like to keep track of who's setting off my highlight.
P12:34:37 <HAL9000> >_>
P12:34:39 <TestDummy> But I can't because you guys TALK TOO FUCKING MUCH.
P12:34:44 <HAL9000> It was me the first time.
P12:34:53 <Siiseli> :D
P12:34:53 <HAL9000> I said TestDummy hasn't spokne in a while.
P12:34:55 <LG_Legacy> TestDummy get a better client.
P12:35:02 <HAL9000> *spoken
10P12:35:03 * Siiseli sets mode: +b *!*emon_mool@*.dyn.optonline.net
P12:35:04 <TestDummy> LG_Legacy: Make one.
P12:35:04 <Siiseli> gee fine
10P12:35:06 * Apollo_bot was kicked by Siiseli (Apollo_bot)
P12:35:09 <LG_Legacy> Get one
P12:35:15 <primis> why did you ban my ip?
P12:35:24 <bildramer> whoa
12P12:35:26 -Visiiri:#minecraft- Visiiri is inviting Apollo_bot to #minecraft.
10P12:35:26 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:35:26 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:35:31 <bildramer> I missed a kickfes
P12:35:31 <bildramer> t
P12:35:38 <LG_Legacy> Wart
P12:35:41 <bildramer> wait
P12:35:41 <Aeomin> LOL
P12:35:44 <bildramer> ...
P12:35:47 <HAL9000> So bildramer, where's my nucleotides?
10P12:35:51 * Golden (ghmorris15@ip72-193-89-211.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:35:52 * Digmaster (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:35:57 <bildramer> erm...
P12:36:04 <bildramer> was that the dreaded...
P12:36:08 <bildramer> /NOTICE?
P12:36:11 <bildramer> :P
P12:36:20 <Visiiri> lemon, not emon
13P12:36:26 * HAL9000 uses /ww 1
P12:36:37 <HAL9000> I want a better wireworld.
P12:37:26 <Visiiri> What's that?
10P12:37:43 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
10P12:37:48 * Marach-BRUSA is now known as Marach
P12:38:06 <TVC> ohai watchman is back :D
P12:38:09 <Visiiri> I feel for you, TVC. Stick to games like Trivian and Combat Arms; they have servers in Australia
P12:38:10 <Marach> cola hacks
P12:38:23 <TVC> lol
10P12:38:26 * Marach is now known as Marafk
P12:38:54 <HAL9000> I wonder if I should tell Watchman to DDoS himself again
P12:39:16 <primis> so did you ban apollo or not?
P12:39:19 <HAL9000> His !ping command works in PMs
P12:39:23 <Visiiri> Primis; he tried.
P12:39:29 <Visiiri> The spelt the host wrong.
P12:39:30 <primis> lol
P12:39:35 <TVC> !help
10P12:40:05 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) has joined #minecraft
12P12:40:05 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:40:08 <Snowman> Ello
P12:40:18 <Visiiri> Hey, Snowman :>
P12:40:29 <Adura> Bots-b-gone
P12:40:36 <primis> in a nutshell, Its not the bots fault if gets an /invite here, my bot works on four other rooms on this server alone.
P12:40:40 <HAL9000> Watchman can still DDoS himself.
P12:40:49 <Visiiri> I'm sorry that you didn't get the graphic design job.
P12:40:55 <primis> I say kick the person who pokes it with a stick
P12:40:59 <Visiiri> !awd primis I test.
P12:41:15 <primis> ionly works with no arguments
P12:41:16 <HAL9000> just /devoice apollo_bot
P12:41:16 <Snowman> Meh, Dock is better anyway
P12:41:30 <primis> forex:
P12:41:31 <Snowman> I may be great at skins and stuff, but I can't do logos and stuff like that
P12:41:35 <Visiiri> His concept is anime. I don't like that.
P12:41:38 <primis> !awd Visiiri
P12:41:40 <TVC> has anyone played "Travian"?
P12:41:41 <primis> hmm
P12:41:47 <Visiiri> TVC, I have.
P12:41:50 <primis> he's still in chat...
P12:41:52 <TVC> is it gud?
P12:41:58 <Visiiri> It's moderate.
P12:42:10 <TVC> ahk
P12:42:11 <Visiiri> You can be very bad at it and have fun
P12:42:17 <Visiiri> or you can be good at it and have fun
P12:42:25 <Visiiri> but if you're between, you're getting farmed by the good guys.
P12:42:55 <mail2345> woa
P12:42:58 <mail2345> did shit happen
P12:43:04 <Visiiri> mail2345, yes.
P12:43:09 <mail2345> see
P12:43:11 <mail2345> it is obious
P12:43:25 <mail2345> i have a natural anti drama field
P12:43:37 <Visiiri> I'm jealous.
P12:43:42 <Visiiri> Drama seems to follow me around.
12P12:44:16 * laCour (laCour@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P12:44:18 <HAL9000> >_>
P12:44:33 <Visiiri> Are there such things as semi-proxies?
P12:44:41 <Visiiri> Like, ones that only work with a certain program?
P12:44:50 <HAL9000> You'll have to be more descriptive in what you want it to do.
P12:44:54 <HAL9000> oh that.
P12:45:11 <HAL9000> It generally depends on how the program or proxy is coded.
P12:45:17 <HAL9000> So solution is perfect.
P12:45:21 <HAL9000> *No.
10P12:46:21 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
10P12:49:02 * Subterfuge (Bigtits@adsl-11-58-57.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
10P12:49:15 * Subterfuge is now known as Animator
P12:49:31 <Animator> Do we have a rule about multi-accounting on the forums?
P12:49:47 <Snowman> idk
13P12:49:52 * Animator brushes up on the rules.
P12:49:55 <Visiiri> I would assume so.
12P12:50:52 * Animator (Bigtits@adsl-11-58-57.mia.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P12:50:56 <TVC> Vis, it is currently 5:51am, I'm getting there!
12P12:50:59 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P12:51:59 <Visiiri> Nice work :>
P12:52:49 <Snowman> Yay
P12:52:52 <Snowman> Bought 2 more games
P12:53:08 <Siiseli> what games
P12:53:11 <Snowman> Max Payne 1 and 2
P12:53:16 <Snowman> Great games
P12:53:22 <Visiiri> Siiseli, I have the strange feeling that my IP is banned from #minecraft.
P12:53:23 <Visiiri> Is it?
P12:53:30 <primis> mail2345 go to minercpp
P12:53:50 <Visiiri> Or is mibbit banned?
P12:54:16 <Siiseli> Visiiri, mibbit is afaik
P12:54:31 <Visiiri> afaik?
P12:54:42 <Siiseli> as far as I know
P12:54:49 <Visiiri> Well, doesn't matter.
P12:54:53 <Visiiri> I found out what I needed to.
P12:55:01 <Visiiri> I'm trying proxies, and my IP didn't change
P12:55:02 <mail2345> #minecraft mib_*!*@* set by excelsior.esper.net (Mon Dec 28 22:31:26)
10P12:55:18 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:55:22 <primis> mail did you get the PM?
P12:55:27 <riverchen> hi
P12:55:35 <mail2345> @primis yes
P12:55:38 <mail2345> but uhh !say
P12:55:46 <mail2345> is the mother of abusable commands
P12:55:50 <primis> lol only in PM's
P12:55:53 <primis> to apollo
P12:56:00 <primis> to a channel
P12:56:04 <primis> or a pm
P12:56:07 <Siiseli> ..
P12:56:18 <primis> not here
P12:56:23 <primis> of course
P12:56:40 <primis> O:-)
10P12:57:13 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P12:57:59 <HAL9000> >_>
P12:58:07 <HAL9000> !say one must be tested for punishment
P12:58:14 <HAL9000> interesting
P12:58:29 <HAL9000> I didnt know watchman had that
P12:58:35 <primis> only works in PM's to apollo_bot
P12:58:38 <primis> lol
P12:58:39 <HAL9000> where's gdude2002 when you need him
P12:58:46 <Visiiri> Asleep.
P12:58:49 <Visiiri> He lives in GMT
P12:58:59 <Visiiri> Err
P12:59:00 <HAL9000> oh, right in europe huh?
P12:59:01 <Visiiri> it's just eight there
P12:59:04 <Visiiri> but
P12:59:10 <Visiiri> he's not very active during evenings
P12:59:19 <HAL9000> a lazy bum eh?
10P12:59:20 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
P12:59:33 <mail2345> heh
P12:59:35 <Visiiri> Pretty much.
P12:59:39 <HAL9000> He needs to remove several commands from Watchman.
P12:59:42 <LG_Legacy> Gdude 'was' on earlier
10P12:59:45 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P12:59:46 <mail2345> speaking of watchman
P12:59:51 <mail2345> i know it's nickserv password
P12:59:56 <HAL9000> o_O
P12:59:57 <Visiiri> o.o do tell
P12:59:58 <LG_Legacy> manwatch?
P1:00:03 <HAL9000> I remember something about that
P1:00:08 <mail2345> it;s suprisingly obious
12P1:00:17 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P1:00:22 <primis> like password?
P1:00:22 <Snowman> whowatchesthewatchmen?
P1:00:23 <Visiiri> 20022002?
P1:00:24 <LG_Legacy> I remember when AVM displayed his nickserv identify, and he ended up being ghosted by everyone.
P1:00:38 <Visiiri> Darkebrz did that too
P1:00:46 <LG_Legacy> Where is he anyways?
P1:00:52 <LG_Legacy> I don't see him much anymore.
P1:01:01 <mail2345> @vis ...
P1:01:01 <Visiiri> I think I made him leave.
P1:01:13 <Visiiri> I didn't play Combat Arms with him enough.
P1:01:19 <LG_Legacy> >_>
P1:01:22 <mail2345> <_<
P1:01:26 <HAL9000> hmmmm
P1:01:27 <Visiiri> mail2345, are you implying that I am correct?
P1:01:27 <LG_Legacy> Anyways
P1:01:33 <mail2345> @vis yes
P1:01:36 <mail2345> you are correct ...
P1:01:37 <Visiiri> wut.
P1:01:42 <HAL9000> Watchman is still here.
P1:01:51 <primis> !ping
P1:01:53 <Visiiri> I was.. right?
P1:01:54 <Watchman> primis: ping rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.024/0.026/0.030/0.002 ms
P1:01:55 <Visiiri> o.O
P1:02:04 <HAL9000> now vis killed it.
P1:02:22 <Visiiri> I don't think I should
P1:02:23 <HAL9000> vis, use /ghost Watchman password
12P1:02:24 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P1:02:59 * Watchman (Watchman@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Gibbo)))
P1:03:11 <HAL9000> if you didnt do it, i just did
P1:03:15 <Visiiri> <.<
P1:03:27 <primis> lol
P1:03:35 <HAL9000> Did you type it Visiiri?
10P1:03:36 * mail2345 is now known as mail2345|afk
P1:03:39 <Visiiri> No..
P1:03:39 <HAL9000> Or did I?
P1:03:39 <mail2345|afk> gibbo did it
P1:03:41 <Visiiri> gibbo did
P1:03:46 <primis> I have it saying ghost was used by Gibbo
P1:03:51 <mail2345|afk> who the hell is gibbo
P1:03:59 <Visiiri> he's not even in #minecraft
P1:04:03 <HAL9000> I dont even see a gibbo in here
P1:04:03 <mail2345|afk> okay
P1:04:07 <mail2345|afk> Gibbo was Gibbo@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com * Die
P1:04:08 <HAL9000> hmm
P1:04:15 <primis> I'mdoing a whois
P1:04:17 <mail2345|afk> LG
12P1:04:18 * SDX (chatzilla@iD470832E.versanet.de) Quit (Quit: www.sd.x.gg)
P1:04:23 <mail2345|afk> gibbo is LG
P1:04:26 <mail2345|afk> lol
P1:04:26 <Eric> internet detectives
P1:04:29 <Visiiri> lol
P1:04:30 <Siiseli> :P
P1:04:34 <Eric> i hope we solve this mystery!
P1:04:37 <primis> he's behind a proxy
P1:04:39 <mail2345|afk> LG_Legacy is Slizard@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com * Deroli Manak
P1:04:41 <mail2345|afk> erm no
P1:04:43 <HAL9000> You think that's bad.
P1:04:46 <mail2345|afk> Gibbo was Gibbo@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com * Die
P1:04:52 <HAL9000> Irc doesn't even know /whowas phone
P1:04:54 <mail2345|afk> i think those ips look similar
10P1:05:23 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P1:05:26 <HAL9000> So how many of you facepalmed just now?
P1:05:28 <primis> maybe a little mail
P1:05:55 <Visiiri> I am constantly facepalming.
P1:06:03 <LG_Legacy> Hidden Rule #136 of IRC: Never give out a password in a irc channel.
P1:06:12 <Siiseli> :D
P1:06:12 <LG_Legacy> Because someone will be stupid enough to ghost the online nick
P1:06:17 <Visiiri> D: I didn't even know that was the password
P1:06:20 <Visiiri> I just guessed
P1:06:27 <ZomBuster> t-t-t-triple disconnect
P1:06:31 <Siiseli> anyway, this channel often causes me to facepalm, yes
P1:06:34 <ZomBuster> :(
P1:06:42 <Visiiri> ZomBuster, you've been pinging in and out for hours.
12P1:06:49 * Golden (ghmorris15@ip72-193-89-211.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P1:06:50 <ZomBuster> yeh dunno what it is
P1:06:56 <Snowman> Shitty router
P1:07:26 <Siiseli> you know primis you'll be banned if you keep bringing your bots here :)
P1:07:27 <TestDummy> Well.
P1:07:35 <TestDummy> You're on about the closest server to you.
P1:07:43 <TestDummy> If I remember anything about European geography. :(
P1:08:05 <TestDummy> Rather, excelsior in England and ZomBuster in the Netherlands.
P1:08:05 <primis> my bot is silenced
P1:08:16 <Visiiri> Just remove him from the channel.
10P1:08:18 * Watchman_ (Watchman_@ has joined #minecraft
P1:08:25 <Siiseli> what DOES your bot do
P1:08:37 <Visiiri> I know! Talk!
P1:08:37 <Snowman> Be a bot
P1:08:38 <primis> I cant, he's running on a server, use a /kivck
P1:08:53 <primis> on other channels, he talks
P1:09:00 <primis> here, logs
10P1:09:00 * Watchman_ was kicked by Siiseli (Watchman_)
P1:09:21 <TestDummy> Remember kids, bots have to follow the same rules as users.
P1:09:30 <HAL9000> >_>
P1:09:38 <LG_Legacy> Fail alternate watchman_?
13P1:09:39 * Snowman has kicked Persian from #sparta (THIS IS SPARTA!)
P1:09:39 <primis> not be idle for more than 24 hours?
P1:09:47 <HAL9000> But Watchman is useful for Blog posts from Notch.
P1:09:52 <TestDummy> Also, I've akilled unruly bots before. :)
12P1:09:52 * ZomBuster (zb@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:11:36 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P1:12:11 <primis> akilled?
P1:12:19 <Snowman> Wtf
P1:12:34 <Visiiri> primis: kicked off IRC.
P1:12:38 <Snowman> How can Gilbanbbr have a sig that's bigger than 80 pixels?
P1:12:39 <HAL9000> I forgot how to akill =/
P1:12:45 <nenechii> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwl8WZHy9z4&feature=player_embedded guys guys what the hell is this.
P1:12:47 <Snowman> gilbbbr*
P1:12:50 <LG_Legacy> It's your face
P1:12:58 <Snowman> A youtube video
P1:12:59 <nenechii> oh burn
P1:13:04 <primis> lol
P1:13:15 <TestDummy> HAL9000: akill and akick are two different things, I should note.
P1:13:35 <Snowman> I hate kids. I hate the wii.
P1:13:50 <Siiseli> why hate the wii, it has megaman 9
P1:14:02 <Visiiri> The wii failed.
P1:14:11 <Snowman> It has no good games
P1:14:13 <Visiiri> There's nothing good about it.
P1:14:31 <Snowman> It graphics fail
P1:14:37 <Siiseli> graphics don't matter
P1:14:38 <TVC> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6c
P1:14:39 <Siiseli> it has megaman 9
P1:14:40 <Visiiri> it's motion sensing fials
P1:14:46 <ZomBuster> haha that video
P1:14:47 <Visiiri> It's just a fial.
P1:14:47 <Siiseli> but it has megaman 9
P1:14:51 <Visiiri> lol
P1:14:52 <Snowman> Graphics DO matter
P1:14:54 <Siiseli> it has megaman 9
P1:14:59 <primis> IT HAS MEGAMAN 9!!!
P1:15:02 <Siiseli> well Snowman they don't
P1:15:05 <ZomBuster> it first had the kid pushing the controller up the puppets arse
P1:15:07 <Siiseli> IT HAS MEGUMANS NIEN!!?
P1:15:09 <HAL9000> Graphics don't matter.
P1:15:20 <Siiseli> anyway, I have the wii
P1:15:21 <Siiseli> it sucks
P1:15:23 <Snowman> I never played any megaman, HA!
P1:15:25 <HAL9000> If they did emulation wouldn't be as popular.
P1:15:26 <Siiseli> but at least megaman 9 is nice
P1:15:37 <Visiiri> I haven't played megaman either.
P1:15:50 <ZomBuster> megaman 9 looked nice when it was released in 1991
P1:15:59 <nenechii> idk the wii is great as a party console
P1:15:59 <HAL9000> I only liked the Megaman TV series and Megaman X series
P1:15:59 <Snowman> ^this
P1:16:04 <nenechii> you can bring it with you easy
P1:16:21 <Visiiri> Party... on a wii?
P1:16:22 <Siiseli> I only liked megaman 1-3 and 9
P1:16:26 <Siiseli> the rest is shit
P1:16:27 <Visiiri> That's a theory.
P1:16:28 <nenechii> Eh yeah
P1:16:39 <Snowman> Also, Megaman 9 is available on other consoles too
P1:16:39 <primis> yep
P1:16:40 <nenechii> My little sister has a friend who brings over her wii from time to time
P1:16:44 <Snowman> Making the wii obsolete
P1:16:45 <nenechii> and we all have a godam blast <<;
P1:16:55 <primis> I hax'd my wii
P1:16:58 <Siiseli> well no, Snowman, ps3 costs like a million euros
P1:17:03 <nenechii> The only other game that comes close is littlebigplanet on my ps3
P1:17:08 <primis> I get free virtual console games now
P1:17:14 <TVC> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wt5FiZQrgM
P1:17:16 <primis> and wii ware
P1:17:30 <Siiseli> good for you
P1:17:33 <Snowman> Siiseli, xbox 360
P1:17:54 <HAL9000> TVC, I'm not clicking on anything that doesn't tell me what it is.
P1:18:02 <Snowman> Oh I lovesd that Coca Cola commercial
P1:18:08 <Snowman> loved
P1:18:12 <TVC> Coca-Cola VideoGame Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wt5FiZQrgM
P1:18:23 <nenechii> The xbox360
P1:18:25 <TVC> Pepsi Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAP2yVsgI6c
P1:18:28 <HAL9000> I meant the link itself.
P1:18:29 <nenechii> I kinda want it but I can't afford it.
P1:18:33 <TVC> oh
P1:18:40 <TVC> so you dont go to youtube?
P1:18:53 <HAL9000> I avoid links that don't say where they go.
P1:18:56 <Siiseli> Snowman, is it on x360?
P1:18:57 <TVC> lol
P1:18:58 <HAL9000> Alt text
P1:19:07 <Siiseli> I thought it was only ps3 and wii
P1:19:20 <Snowman> Yeah it is
P1:19:37 <nenechii> Megaman 9 is on 360 too... or so I thought.
10P1:19:51 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
P1:19:51 <Siiseli> kk
P1:20:06 <Siiseli> anyway, we got the wii cos' my brother bought it
P1:20:14 <Siiseli> I don't play console games anyway
P1:20:17 <nenechii> The ps3 is only good for its exclusives.
12P1:20:27 * lobstar (michielbiq@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P1:20:28 * fenixfurion (fenixfurio@74-140-206-154.dhcp.insightbb.com) has joined #minecraft
P1:20:29 <Siiseli> I don't actually play games generally taht much at all
P1:20:29 <HAL9000> Disgaea 3
P1:20:31 <nenechii> And even then.... geh..
P1:20:32 <HAL9000> MGS 4
P1:20:32 <Marach> i dont play many pc games
P1:20:37 <nenechii> Killzone 2 loading times x_x
P1:20:40 <Marach> 2-3
10P1:20:42 * lobstar (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
P1:20:46 <Digmaster> 'ello minecraft
P1:20:46 <nenechii> like 2 minutes
P1:20:52 <nenechii> of loading times and Hello!~
P1:20:54 <HAL9000> Thats because you can't play many.
P1:21:01 <HAL9000> your system sucks that bad remember?
P1:21:13 <Marach> HAL9000: shut up
P1:21:15 <nenechii> Well he can play jazz jackrabbit 1 and 2 so
12P1:21:20 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P1:21:20 <nenechii> he's set for life :D
P1:21:25 <HAL9000> So getting a new PC soon?
10P1:21:30 * nenechii is now known as Ylle
P1:21:31 <Marach> yes
P1:21:35 <HAL9000> when?
P1:21:37 <Siiseli> oh yes Marach has a shitty pc
P1:21:39 <HAL9000> The end of time?
P1:21:40 <Siiseli> superiorly shitty
P1:21:56 <Marach> 1-2 weeks
P1:22:06 <HAL9000> so +∞ days and counting?
P1:22:23 <Marafk> lol what the hell
P1:22:25 <TVC> !kick HAL9000
P1:22:28 <Marach> ...
P1:22:38 <HAL9000> it's just the infinite symbol
P1:22:45 <HAL9000> alt code 236
12P1:22:48 * Marafk (Marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
P1:22:54 <Marach> i know...
12P1:22:55 -Visiiri:#minecraft- Visiiri is inviting Apollo_bot to #minecraft.
10P1:22:55 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:22:58 <TVC> ∞
P1:22:59 <TVC> ∞
P1:23:00 <TVC> ∞
P1:23:02 <TVC> ∞
P1:23:04 <Ylle> nice notice
10P1:23:04 * mail2345|afk is now known as mail2345
P1:23:05 <Ylle> >:U
P1:23:07 <Visiiri> Don't spam.
P1:23:10 <Marach> stop treating me like a fag
P1:23:13 <TVC> D:
P1:23:18 <Marach> hak
P1:23:18 <Eric> why do a lot of ocremix tracks start out really good and then suddenly turn into jazz music
P1:23:19 <Marach> hal
P1:23:21 <Eric> :(
P1:23:31 <Visiiri> Marach, I told you he was a troll.
P1:23:39 <Marach> now i agree
P1:23:52 <HAL9000> I cannot be a troll.
P1:23:52 <Marach> offending me a minute a joined
P1:23:58 <Marach> i*
P1:24:08 <HAL9000> I only asked when your PC was getting here.
P1:24:14 <PixelEater> whats a good name for a server? =S
P1:24:14 <HAL9000> What kind is it anyways?
P1:24:23 <Visiiri> PIxelEater: VISIIRI!!!
P1:24:26 <Marach> not only
P1:24:29 <Eric> daterape memorial
P1:24:33 <PixelEater> Visiiri, no.
P1:24:34 <PixelEater> tlol.
P1:24:37 <Marach> run memtest86
P1:24:39 <Visiiri> :<
P1:24:48 <Marach> you hav problems with memory
P1:24:59 <HAL9000> Marach, what kind of PC?
P1:25:04 <HAL9000> Custom built, or brand?
P1:25:09 <Marach> brand
P1:25:13 <HAL9000> ick
P1:25:15 <Marach> but oold
P1:25:24 <Siiseli> what
P1:25:30 <Siiseli> why the fuck would you buy a brand pc+
P1:25:33 <ZomBuster> Blockpoopers build server
P1:25:33 <HAL9000> How is it old if it's a brand?
P1:25:37 <bildramer> ...?
P1:25:42 <Siiseli> why the fuck would you buy an OLD brand pc?
P1:25:49 <Siiseli> that's the stupidest fucking idea ever, jesus
P1:26:11 <ZomBuster> they are cheap
P1:26:22 <Marach> pentium 4 ht 3 ghz, 1 gb ddr2, intel gma 915 256 mb
P1:27:19 <HAL9000> I want one of these just for emulation purposes.
P1:27:20 <HAL9000> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebayisapi.dll?viewitem&item=170389466032
P1:28:00 <ZomBuster> bought the Civ IV complete pack for 13 euro
P1:28:01 <Marach> thats 2x better than my old pc!
P1:28:04 <Snowman> Hal
P1:28:10 <HAL9000> ?
P1:28:10 <Snowman> I know someone who has that
P1:28:18 <Snowman> Actually, he has a load
P1:28:24 <Snowman> Old ones from a company
P1:28:29 <HAL9000> Really?
P1:28:32 <Snowman> Yeah
P1:28:36 <HAL9000> hmmm
P1:28:50 <HAL9000> the flip case and everything?
P1:28:58 <Snowman> I don'tknow if it's exactly the same, but looks like it
P1:29:09 <Snowman> Yeah the flip thingy with 2 usb ports and 2 jack ports behind it
P1:29:34 <HAL9000> No I mean the case flips up like a ferrari door
P1:29:50 <HAL9000> more like a Delorean Door but...
P1:30:05 <Snowman> The computer case itself? Oh i dunno
P1:30:08 <Snowman> Never opened it
P1:30:16 <HAL9000> Yeah the computer case itself does.
P1:30:26 <Snowman> Cool
P1:30:29 <HAL9000> It allows for easy access to pretty much everything.
P1:30:40 <TestDummy> That's what she said.
P1:30:59 <HAL9000> I never thought I'd hear an IRCop say that.
P1:31:06 <Siiseli> say what
P1:31:11 <Visiiri> what
P1:31:15 <Snowman> That meme is banned from this channel Mr. Dummy.
P1:31:22 <Marach> this new one will has 8 usb portas:P
P1:31:24 <Marach> ports
P1:31:26 <TestDummy> D:
P1:31:46 <Siiseli> yes, that meme IS banned bhere
P1:31:47 <Siiseli> here*
P1:31:47 <Snowman> Marach, linky?
10P1:31:53 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
10P1:31:55 * Digmaster (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has left #minecraft
P1:31:57 <Siiseli> it results in a rain of hatred from me
P1:31:57 <HAL9000> Anyways I gotta go hook up a new DVD player for family. =/
P1:31:59 <Visiiri> gdude
P1:32:00 <Marach> wait a second
P1:32:00 <Visiiri> read your memo
P1:32:01 <Visiiri> nao
P1:32:13 <Marach> site is in Polish
P1:32:25 <Marach> google translate?
P1:32:42 <Snowman> I don't care
P1:32:45 <Snowman> I can read polish
P1:32:58 <bildramer> :/
P1:33:05 <Visiiri> I can read estonian
P1:33:11 <Snowman> Actually, I can't but idc
P1:33:14 <bildramer> greek ftw
P1:33:19 <bildramer> lol
10P1:33:46 * Leonardo (bender_rob@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P1:34:03 <mail2345> also
P1:34:04 <mail2345> siiseli
P1:34:09 <bildramer> erm...
P1:34:10 <bildramer> topic?
P1:34:11 <mail2345> did you see icenisse's post?
P1:34:19 <gdude2002> Vis, why?
P1:34:26 <gdude2002> who abused it how?
10P1:34:42 * Watchman (Watchman_@ has joined #minecraft
P1:34:45 <mail2345> hrm
P1:34:50 <mail2345> i want to test something
P1:34:56 <mail2345> bah nvm
P1:35:16 <Siiseli> mail2345, what
P1:35:26 <gdude2002> Siiseli,
P1:35:28 <Siiseli> mail2345, I don't follow the forums
P1:35:30 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58008#p58008
P1:35:31 <gdude2002> why was the kick this time?
10P1:35:42 * Watchman was kicked by Siiseli (Watchman)
P1:35:45 <gdude2002> ?
P1:35:46 <Siiseli> gdude2002, which one?
P1:35:52 <gdude2002> that and the last one
12P1:35:56 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by gibbo)))
P1:35:57 <Snowman> Why kick him?
10P1:36:02 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
P1:36:08 <Snowman> He notifies us when Notch makes a blog post
P1:36:10 <gdude2002> what the
P1:36:15 <gdude2002> Yes, Notch likes that, snowman
P1:36:37 <HAL9000> hey gdude
P1:36:39 <Siiseli> Snowman, oh he does, hmm. well that bot had some sillyness going on earlier
P1:36:39 <Visiiri> And gdude needs a new password
P1:36:42 <gdude2002> Gibbo, you faggot.
P1:36:43 <Visiiri> I guessed it in #minecraft
P1:36:44 <Visiiri> That's LG
P1:36:51 <Marach> its goid
P1:36:54 <Marach> giood
P1:36:55 <Marach> good
P1:36:59 <HAL9000> gdude, make ping higher access only.
P1:37:04 <Siiseli> well anyway icenisse misinterpreted.
P1:37:05 <gdude2002> ping?
P1:37:05 <Marach> i hate vertical mode keyboard
P1:37:08 <bildramer> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?id=4870&p=3 *cough* mail2345 *cough*
P1:37:08 <Siiseli> I was not being humorous
P1:37:09 <gdude2002> i unloaded that.
P1:37:12 <HAL9000> Watchman can DDoS himself
P1:37:16 <bildramer> lol
P1:37:17 <gdude2002> lol.
P1:37:25 <Siiseli> I found his humor tasteless and stupid and apparently wasn't clear enough about it
P1:37:56 <Marach> Watchman posted jokes?
P1:38:02 <gdude2002> ?
P1:38:12 <gdude2002> Siiseli, just spit it out so I can remove it please.
P1:38:15 <HAL9000> Marach is lost
P1:38:16 <bildramer> also, hrm...
P1:38:19 <bildramer> gibbo?
P1:38:32 <HAL9000> !ping
P1:38:33 <HAL9000> !list
P1:38:36 <Siiseli> gdude2002, spit what out
P1:38:36 <HAL9000> etc
P1:38:41 <gdude2002> why it was kicked.
P1:38:45 <Siiseli> oh I invited it back
P1:38:49 <gdude2002> oh, that donse' work
P1:38:50 <gdude2002> lol
P1:38:56 <mail2345> @bildramer
10P1:38:57 * Watchman (Watchman_@ has joined #minecraft
P1:39:01 <gdude2002> but either way
P1:39:04 <mail2345> gibbo is LG
P1:39:04 <gdude2002> the last kick?
P1:39:12 <mail2345> Gibbo was Gibbo@66-227-202-118.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com * Die
P1:39:12 <gdude2002> !unload nstools
P1:39:15 <bildramer> oh.
P1:39:17 <gdude2002> nstools, I presume
P1:39:20 <gdude2002> !save
P1:39:33 <gdude2002> I can't remove !list, because I can't find it
P1:39:34 <Siiseli> well I'm not going to bother register to the forums to comment
P1:39:36 <Siiseli> so whatever
P1:39:36 <gdude2002> buuut
P1:39:41 <gdude2002> I'm working on an ignore command
P1:39:45 <mail2345> also
P1:39:47 <mail2345> bildramer
P1:39:49 <mail2345> there is a tie
P1:39:54 <bildramer> ...
P1:39:58 <mail2345> do you want to explode the C4 from a safe distance
P1:40:04 <mail2345> or explode it now
P1:40:10 <bildramer> blow up the door or sit on the C4 and blow it up? :P
P1:40:16 <bildramer> err...
P1:40:20 <bildramer> logging in, brb
P1:40:40 <gdude2002> oh god
P1:40:41 <HAL9000> hmmm
P1:40:44 <HAL9000> >_>
P1:40:48 <gdude2002> I have to reregister all the channels
P1:40:57 <gdude2002> fuuuu
P1:41:19 <HAL9000> thats because of ghost command
P1:41:24 <HAL9000> thank Legacy for that
P1:41:26 <bildramer> mail2345, how do you keep CC on? dump the process somehow? :/
P1:41:43 <mail2345> erm
P1:41:46 <mail2345> i don't
P1:41:47 <mail2345> :P
P1:41:49 <mail2345> oh wait
P1:41:51 <bildramer> :l
P1:41:52 <mail2345> process dumping
P1:41:53 <mail2345> right
10P1:42:02 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207191071.chello.pl) has joined #minecraft
P1:42:03 <bildramer> Vista sucked at it :[
P1:42:15 <HAL9000> i use an outside process dumpert
P1:42:16 <mail2345> CC can dump
P1:42:19 <mail2345> CE*
P1:42:22 <Siiseli> mail2345, you can tell the forums siiseli says "I was unclear about the reason of the kick, sorry, I found yuor jokes very untasteful and stupid. For ez, if I don't type in a kick message my client just makes the kickmessage automatically be the name of the kicked person. Apparently notch also found your jokes as distasteful as I did, hence the ban."
P1:42:40 <Siiseli> your*
P1:42:52 <bildramer> ....
P1:43:19 <Siiseli> mail2345, you know, in that topic.
10P1:43:28 * Wirtualnosc (wirtualnos@chello087207191071.chello.pl) has left #minecraft
P1:43:48 <gdude2002> alright, add autoruns for logging in..
P1:44:42 <bildramer> er...
P1:44:45 <bildramer> well
P1:45:08 <bildramer> we were "/part"-votekicking for fun, and Icenisse was kicked for real
13P1:45:11 * Marach is confused
P1:45:12 <bildramer> :P
P1:45:19 <bildramer> whatever
P1:45:45 <bildramer> OSHI-
13P1:45:48 * bildramer checks his mail
P1:46:13 <bildramer> only 19 :<
P1:46:37 <bildramer> 2 of them spam
P1:46:44 <Marach> lucky
12P1:47:11 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P1:47:49 <Siiseli> yeah
P1:48:24 <HAL9000> I have over a 1,000 unread mail.
13P1:48:25 * TestDummy has voted to kick TestDummy. 0 votes remaining.
P1:48:41 <Siiseli> just use /part man
P1:48:48 <Siiseli> stop putting all your work on others!
P1:48:50 <Siiseli> lazy bum
P1:48:51 <bildramer> :D
13P1:48:54 * HAL9000 has voted to kick testDummy: -1 votes remaining.
P1:49:02 <HAL9000> yeaaaaah...
P1:49:02 <TestDummy> Yay, negative votes.
P1:49:03 <HAL9000> >_>
P1:49:16 <HAL9000> fine
13P1:49:17 * Visiiri has voted to kick TestDummy: -2 votes remaining.
13P1:49:26 * HAL9000 has voted to kick TestDummy: -∞ votes remaining.
13P1:49:28 * Marach has voted to kick TestDummy: i votes remaining.
13P1:49:31 * bildramer has voted to kick testDummy: 4294967293 votes remaining
P1:49:36 <bildramer> .
P1:49:36 <Visiiri> hehehe
P1:49:43 <Visiiri> I'm sorry, TD, we really do love you.
P1:49:51 <bildramer> int overflow... :/
P1:49:52 <HAL9000> You can keep adding, but I've nulled all your votes.
13P1:49:53 * gdude2002 has voted for Siiseli to kick spammers, 0 votes remaining.
10P1:50:03 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
P1:50:16 <HAL9000> What spammers?
P1:50:19 <Visiiri> You.
P1:50:26 <HAL9000> 4 separate people using one line of text
P1:50:37 <Visiiri> is you
P1:50:45 <Marach> we dont spak messages
P1:50:47 <PyroPyro> cola Cancer
P1:50:47 <Marach> spam
P1:50:53 <Marach> the messages spam us!
13P1:50:54 * mail2345 has voted to kick gdude2002: 2 votes remaining.
P1:51:07 <bildramer> :P
13P1:51:12 * Visiiri has voted against kicking gdude2002: 3 votes remaining.
P1:51:21 <HAL9000> has voted to kick gdude2002: 2 votes remaining.
P1:51:27 <HAL9000> yeah forgot /me
P1:51:30 <Visiiri> /mefail
P1:51:34 <Marach> lol one remamjnin
P1:51:34 <Marach> g
13P1:51:36 * bildramer has voted for a restart of the Universe: 6 votes remaining.
P1:51:38 <HAL9000> Yes you do Visiiri.
P1:51:48 <Archanos> what
P1:51:49 <Visiiri> Again, with the trolling.
P1:52:09 <HAL9000> So agreeing with you is considered trolling now?
13P1:52:17 * Marach has voted to +m the channel: 2 votes remaining
P1:52:19 <mail2345> both of you: shut up
P1:52:26 <HAL9000> What isn't considered trolling to Visiiri?
P1:52:33 <Archanos> truth
P1:52:33 <Siiseli> please shut up, I agree
P1:52:45 <mail2345> ^^
13P1:52:59 * PyroPyro *blink, blink*
P1:53:13 <PyroPyro> :D
P1:53:28 <gdude2002> cola koala
P1:53:30 <gdude2002> lol
P1:53:32 <gdude2002> he had sense
P1:53:44 <bildramer> :l
P1:53:44 <mail2345> .PrinceOfFire59
P1:53:44 <mail2345> Member
P1:53:44 <mail2345> Registered: 2009-07-30
P1:53:44 <mail2345> Posts: 0
P1:53:46 <mail2345> umm
P1:53:49 <PoF59> Hey mail, I finally posted in (what is now) your Cortex Adventures thread! I'm so proud of m'self.
P1:53:53 <bildramer> lol.
P1:53:53 <PoF59> Wait wut
P1:54:06 <bildramer> :P
P1:54:07 <mail2345> also Pof
P1:54:09 <PoF59> How do I have 0 posts?
P1:54:11 <bildramer> forum games doesn't count
P1:54:14 <PoF59> oh
P1:54:17 <bildramer> methinks.
P1:54:17 <PoF59> XD
P1:54:18 <mail2345> oh right
10P1:54:19 * AotC (go@c-24-34-236-157.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P1:54:28 <mail2345> i'm gonna detonate the C4
12P1:54:31 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone!)
P1:54:33 <PoF59> 8D
P1:54:35 <bildramer> FROM A SAFE DISTANCE
P1:54:37 <bildramer> k?
P1:54:39 <HAL9000> PoF has been in my server many a time.
P1:54:42 <Snowman> Psssst Guys
P1:54:48 <mail2345> i'm going to detonate the C4
P1:54:56 <mail2345> at a near safe distance
P1:54:59 <mail2345> and see if he lives
P1:55:00 <PoF59> Hurr
P1:55:00 <Snowman> citric fuck up from yesterday allows sigs to be bigger than 80 px
P1:55:04 <Snowman> citric's
P1:55:14 <mail2345> heh
P1:55:16 <mail2345> gibbo
P1:55:35 <PoF59> Funny, I was just thinking about CC
13P1:55:42 * mail2345 is resisting the temptation to ghost gdude2002
P1:55:49 <PoF59> Go fo it
P1:55:56 <HAL9000> I say do it.
P1:56:02 <mail2345> you guys do it
P1:56:05 <HAL9000> It's his own fault for not changing the pass yet.
P1:56:05 <mail2345> you all know his password
P1:56:11 <PoF59> I don't
P1:56:17 <PyroPyro> Any Skin makers here?
P1:56:22 <TestDummy> mail2345: I'm resisting the temptation to set akills.
P1:56:31 <HAL9000> oh shi-
P1:56:34 <Snowman> I am known as the best skin maker.
P1:56:35 <mail2345> testdummy: which is why i'm not ghosting :P
P1:56:36 <Snowman> But I am busy
P1:56:45 <TestDummy> So yeah, I'll throw out the warning ahead of time.
P1:56:47 <LG_Legacy> Pfft mail
P1:56:48 <PyroPyro> Ok,,, :)
P1:57:00 <PyroPyro> does some one have a girl skin?
P1:57:05 <TestDummy> Abusing services isn't funny. :(
P1:57:06 <PyroPyro> but not emo lol
P1:57:13 <TestDummy> Even if somebody has a weak and/or known password.
P1:57:25 <mail2345> even if thier password is password?
P1:57:39 <HAL9000> >_>
P1:57:50 <PoF59> His password is password?!
P1:57:54 <mail2345> no
P1:57:57 <Snowman> Abusing people isn't funny. :(
P1:57:57 <PoF59> XD
P1:57:58 <mail2345> fortunatly
P1:58:11 <TVC> Visiiri, sun is coming up, and garbage collection has started :D
P1:58:22 <Archanos> but its wednsday
P1:58:29 <TVC> thursday here
P1:58:33 <TVC> new years eve
P1:58:36 <Archanos> lies
P1:58:37 <TestDummy> holy shit
P1:58:41 <TestDummy> YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE
P1:58:43 <TestDummy> Tell us.
P1:58:44 <HAL9000> They collected today for us.
P1:58:45 <TestDummy> What has transpired?
P1:58:47 <Archanos> Everyone knows America is global time
P1:58:47 <mail2345> TIME TRAVELZ
P1:58:48 <primis> its wed here
P1:58:56 <Snowman> It's monday here
P1:59:03 <Archanos> lolwat
P1:59:03 <mail2345> it's saturday here
P1:59:05 <mail2345> in hawaii time
P1:59:08 <HAL9000> Snowman, you so funny.
P1:59:09 <TVC> lol
P1:59:10 <mail2345> WHOO BEHIND EVERYONE
P1:59:12 <TestDummy> Your Hawaii time sucks.
P1:59:12 <Archanos> >hawaii time
P1:59:15 <Archanos> >saturday
P1:59:21 <Snowman> Am I detecting sarcasm?
P1:59:45 <gdude2002> Anyone know how to do autoruns in mirc?
P1:59:45 <TVC> sarcasm-o-meter is through the roof
P1:59:59 <mail2345> @gdude ask #help or #bothelp
10P2:00:00 * Dudebro (Boschuh@99-6-225-96.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:00:08 <gdude2002> It's the client, not the server :P
P2:00:14 <TVC> ahwell, better get to bed before the folks wake up
P2:00:18 <mail2345> you did say mIRC, right?
P2:00:19 <gdude2002> I mean like log me in itself
12P2:00:20 * TVC (TVC@ Quit (Quit: Quitting)
P2:00:21 <gdude2002> yes
P2:00:23 <mail2345> yea
P2:00:33 <mail2345> #help helps with client side things as well i think
P2:00:42 <gdude2002> hrm
P2:00:44 <mail2345> i should know how to setup an auto preform on mIRC
P2:00:48 <gdude2002> I'll see if I can work it out first
P2:00:50 <mail2345> but mine is bouncer side
P2:00:51 <TestDummy> #help is so misunderstood. :(
P2:01:03 <TestDummy> "#help - for general help with IRC, scripting, etc."
P2:01:12 <Adura> Try #hinder
P2:01:22 <mail2345> @td how duz i setz up a minecrazt servrz
P2:01:28 <TestDummy> Making a common client do something that's often asked about is nothing unusual.
10P2:01:30 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
P2:01:35 <TestDummy> Asking about Minecraft just pissed them off.
P2:01:49 <mail2345> i just remembered that incident
P2:02:03 <mail2345> and i' sure my line replicates the intelligence of the person
P2:02:06 <Adura> http://antonym.com/ Ror...
P2:02:14 <mail2345> considering that they ignored a warning in bold
P2:02:14 <mail2345> caps
P2:02:16 <TestDummy> Well, there's you and those Gang Garrison people.
P2:02:28 <TestDummy> HOW DO I GET INTO #GG2!?!? :(:(:(:(:(
12P2:02:45 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Installing some hardware, wish me luck.)
P2:02:50 <HAL9000> Easily
P2:02:53 <HAL9000> you click on it.
P2:03:11 <tentacos> either use the perform option or something like on *:CONNECT:{ if ($network == EsperNET) { commands } }
P2:03:43 <HAL9000> One simply clicks their way into #Mordor
P2:04:44 <TestDummy> I have to right click, thank you very much.
P2:05:00 <gdude2002> autoperfom is done
P2:05:00 <HAL9000> Oh a lefty eh?
P2:05:02 <gdude2002> gonna test it
P2:05:03 <gdude2002> brb
12P2:05:04 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
P2:05:06 <TestDummy> But that's probably because I don't use Mibbit.
10P2:05:21 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
P2:05:28 <HAL9000> I've actually had no problems with it.
P2:05:33 <gdude2002> far too fast.
P2:05:39 <gdude2002> faaaaaaaaaaaaar too fast
P2:05:39 <HAL9000> Until I told Watchman to DDoS himself 5,000 times
P2:05:41 <TestDummy> I never said there was anything wrong with the client itself.
P2:05:47 <TestDummy> It's the users that kill it.
P2:05:54 <gdude2002> oh, hal, that was you eh?
P2:05:58 <HAL9000> >_>
P2:06:05 <gdude2002> you realise, that by doing that,
P2:06:15 <TestDummy> And make it worse than it actually is, which is an otherwise convienient means of getting onto IRC sans a real client and/or other means of access.
P2:06:25 <gdude2002> you're killing the bot, The Archives, a possible Steam server and a Mumble server, and a MoonEdit server?
P2:06:39 <HAL9000> So thats why The Archives went down.
P2:06:45 <gdude2002> derr
P2:06:52 <HAL9000> Cool.
P2:06:57 <gdude2002> THINK next time.
P2:07:04 <HAL9000> I was thinking.
P2:07:20 <Snowman> Why are people stupid about map sizes
P2:07:22 <HAL9000> That's why I told it to DDoS
P2:07:25 <primis> lol
P2:07:27 <gdude2002> -sigh-
P2:07:29 <Siiseli> :D
P2:07:40 <Archanos> what
P2:08:00 <HAL9000> You have to admit, it is pretty funny.
P2:08:44 <HAL9000> Adding the !ping command to any bot is a complete security hole.
P2:08:46 <Snowman> The formula is simple: 16 ≥ 2^x ≤ 2048
P2:09:23 <HAL9000> I tried making a level 2048 tall just for grins, and made the spawn platform way up there.
P2:09:30 <HAL9000> "Cheat Detected: Distance"
P2:09:32 <mail2345> HOW DO I HAX
P2:09:34 <Snowman> lol
12P2:09:34 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P2:09:36 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
P2:09:37 <primis> lol
P2:09:40 <Snowman> mail, you don't
P2:09:46 <Snowman> You hack
P2:09:51 <Drakkar> who is this faggot and whats he doing on my computer!
P2:10:01 <HAL9000> mail, I had Watchman ping quite a number of times.
P2:10:15 <Siiseli> Drakkar, ktS
P2:10:19 <Siiseli> asd
12P2:10:19 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P2:10:21 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ has joined #minecraft
P2:10:22 <Siiseli> it's a hackerQ!
P2:10:27 <Drakkar> OH GOD
P2:10:29 <gdude2002> still doesn't work
P2:10:29 <Drakkar> A HACKERQ
P2:10:30 <gdude2002> lol
P2:10:32 <Drakkar> OH JEEEESUS
P2:10:37 <primis> JESUS
P2:10:38 <Siiseli> Drakkar, you need to unplug
P2:10:38 <Siiseli> NOW
P2:10:42 <Drakkar> oh god
P2:10:43 <Drakkar> OH GOD
P2:10:43 <Siiseli> and wash your computer
P2:10:45 <Siiseli> in the shower
P2:10:45 <Drakkar> IT WON'T COME OUT
P2:10:46 <Drakkar> OH JESUS
P2:10:50 <Siiseli> eww
P2:10:53 <Leonardo> lol.
P2:11:01 <Drakkar> k bored
P2:11:02 <HAL9000> XD
P2:11:29 <HAL9000> You people are good at keeping me entertained
P2:11:43 <gdude2002> what are you on about
P2:11:49 <gdude2002> compputers don'e need entertainment.
P2:11:57 <Leonardo> Ironic much?
P2:12:37 <HAL9000> If machines don't need entertainment why has the war against the machines happened 7 times already?
P2:12:43 <HAL9000> or was it 6?
P2:14:10 <primis> 7
P2:14:36 <Leonardo> 15
P2:15:01 <HAL9000> primis knows what I'm talking about.
10P2:15:08 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) has joined #minecraft
P2:15:16 <HAL9000> It's when The Architect and Neo are talking.
12P2:15:20 * Marach (marach@188-93-163-103.home.aster.pl) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P2:15:30 <Leonardo> k
P2:16:32 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58700#p58700
P2:17:08 <Archanos> #minecraft - nonsense
P2:17:09 <Snowman> Wait
P2:17:55 <TestDummy> Funny, I'm mentioned in three Minecraft thread.
P2:17:56 <TestDummy> s*
P2:18:35 <TestDummy> Haha, some of these are alright.
P2:18:42 <TestDummy> <[[[[[PixelSith64]]]]]> But TestDummy, is it YOUTUBE appropriate?
P2:18:42 <TestDummy> * a is now known as alotofthings
P2:18:42 <TestDummy> <TestDummy> YOUR MOM IS YOUTUBE APPROPRIATE
P2:18:42 <TestDummy> <Snowman_with_[brackets]> Oh snap
P2:19:13 <Snowman> Yay my name
P2:19:27 <mail2345> @snowman
12P2:19:30 * PyroPyro (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P2:19:31 <mail2345> gordon died a hero's death
P2:19:54 <mail2345> unfortuantly
P2:20:06 <mail2345> the C4 blast destroyed ost of his body
P2:20:11 <PoF59> AHAHAHA
P2:20:13 <mail2345> all that is left is a puddle of blood
P2:20:16 <PoF59> I mean
P2:20:19 <mail2345> and a giblet
P2:20:25 <mail2345> probably a skull piece
P2:20:27 <PoF59> Gordon will be remembered.
P2:20:35 <TestDummy> I was even mentioned today, huh.
10P2:21:16 * mloc (mloc@ has joined #minecraft
12P2:24:18 * Gyllen (asda@c83-255-133-114.bredband.comhem.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P2:25:13 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:25:39 <riverchen> hellooooo!
P2:26:14 <riverchen> hellooooooo?
P2:26:29 <mail2345> go die
P2:26:36 <riverchen> NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
P2:26:53 <primis> hi
P2:27:07 <riverchen> huh?
P2:27:13 <gear1> any java gurus up in this bitch?
P2:27:16 <gear1> i mean
P2:27:17 <gear1> in this chat
P2:27:19 <gear1> <.<
P2:27:57 <riverchen> .....
13P2:28:03 * Snowman ...
P2:28:05 <Siiseli> no, I use c++
P2:28:08 <TestDummy> One 1/4 cup scoop of coffee, six cups of water.
P2:28:10 <primis> me too
P2:28:20 <gear1> HMM
P2:28:33 <Snowman> I use html for making my programs
P2:28:38 <Snowman> :3
P2:28:38 <mail2345> you know what's retarded
P2:28:40 <mail2345> how the fuck
P2:28:46 <TestDummy> Short bus people.
P2:28:49 <mail2345> am i expected to belive that pot has killed nobody
P2:28:50 <riverchen> i only do very basic html
P2:28:53 <mail2345> like really
P2:28:56 <LG_Legacy> Wait
P2:29:02 <LG_Legacy> Someonme was named 'Nobody'?
P2:29:07 <mail2345> i honestly doubt that there is any subtancy in existance
P2:29:14 <mail2345> that is incapable of killing
P2:29:14 <Snowman> am i expected to belive that religion makes sense
P2:29:17 <primis> even water?
P2:29:20 <mail2345> water can kill
P2:29:24 <LG_Legacy> WATER
P2:29:24 <mail2345> in over dose
P2:29:28 <riverchen> OMG
P2:29:35 <mail2345> honestly
P2:29:43 <mail2345> everything can be lethal
P2:29:47 <LG_Legacy> Caps
P2:29:51 <riverchen> lol
P2:29:51 <primis> Officer: You been caught od'ing on water...
12P2:29:56 * Neosymbio (Neosymbio@c-98-229-187-247.hsd1.ny.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P2:30:07 <mail2345> if i see unreasonable claims
10P2:30:11 * Neosymbio (Neosymbio@c-98-229-187-247.hsd1.ny.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:30:13 <Snowman> Even air can kill you
P2:30:14 <mail2345> there is reason to doubt the rest of the statements
P2:30:17 <mail2345> @snowman indeed
P2:30:20 <mail2345> air can kill you
P2:30:27 <primis> or lack of air
P2:30:30 <mail2345> yea
P2:30:35 <Snowman> Compressed air
P2:30:35 <primis> afixiation
P2:30:35 <riverchen> WHAT?!?!?
P2:30:42 <gear1> man
P2:30:43 <riverchen> AIR CAN KILL?!?!?
P2:30:49 <Snowman> Nothing can kill you
P2:30:51 <gear1> ive tried to overdose on weed
P2:30:52 <primis> STOP BREATHING!!!
P2:30:55 <Snowman> If you go into a vacuum, you die
P2:30:56 <gear1> impossible!
P2:31:01 <mail2345> @gear1 not impossible
P2:31:05 <gear1> i know
P2:31:10 <gear1> but in order for it to happen
P2:31:18 <mail2345> i knew that you were saying that it was improbably
P2:31:18 <primis> you can OD on IRC
P2:31:19 <riverchen> lol
P2:31:20 <mail2345> not imposible
P2:31:20 <gear1> you have to consume impossible amounts
P2:31:35 <mail2345> but when you have people saying that it is impossible and not improbable
P2:31:44 <mail2345> and insisting that it's impossible and not improbable
P2:31:48 <Dudebro> Does anyone here have garry's mod?
P2:31:54 <Dudebro> Mine isn't working
P2:32:03 <primis> we all do, its called miinecraft
P2:32:03 <gear1> its practically impossible
P2:32:21 <Dudebro> and I need a picture of the heavy weapons guy making the "jizzed in my pants" face
P2:32:50 <mail2345> @gear the site isn't saying that it isn't practically impossibel
P2:32:56 <mail2345> thier saying that it is impossible
P2:32:59 <Snowman> Dudebro, what for?
P2:33:07 <mail2345> which while i'm sure i shouldn't be pissed at that
P2:33:09 <mail2345> i am pissed
P2:33:28 <Dudebro> For a video I'm making
P2:33:36 <Dudebro> I've already got heavy saying the words
13P2:33:39 * gdude2002 is "buying" CC.
P2:33:43 <Dudebro> all I need is a picture
P2:34:21 <mail2345> @gdude
P2:34:29 <Archanos> gmod it
P2:34:29 <mail2345> you are aware the the current crack being distributed
P2:34:31 <gdude2002> mm?
P2:34:32 <mail2345> has a very nasty
P2:34:34 <mail2345> well hidden
13P2:34:35 * Snowman rages about how shitty youtube videos clog up the internet tubes
P2:34:35 <mail2345> trojan
P2:34:37 <gdude2002> yes
P2:34:53 <mail2345> avira was the only av that i had that detected the file it made
P2:34:54 <gdude2002> I intend to have Avast remove it
P2:35:07 <gdude2002> although
P2:35:12 <gdude2002> A keygen'd be nice
P2:35:15 <gdude2002> ig youhas one
P2:35:19 <gdude2002> if*
P2:35:31 <mail2345> nope
P2:35:35 <mail2345> keygen's don't work
P2:35:35 <gdude2002> this one is apparently pre-cracked though
P2:35:38 <Snowman> WAREZ DISCUSSION!
P2:35:41 <gdude2002> lols
P2:35:42 <Snowman> BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN
P2:35:43 <mail2345> h wait
P2:35:45 <mail2345> espernet
P2:35:47 <mail2345> not allowed
P2:35:50 <gdude2002> oh right
P2:35:52 <riverchen> warez is bad
P2:35:56 <Snowman> Points to Mr. Dummy
P2:35:57 <mail2345> i'll stop before td sets an akill
P2:35:59 <gdude2002> xD
P2:36:00 <Snowman> He is here in the chat
P2:36:01 <gdude2002> yeah
P2:37:11 <gdude2002> query mail2345
P2:37:12 <gdude2002> oops
10P2:37:16 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P2:37:22 <gdude2002> (totally unrelated, TD)
12P2:37:29 * riverchen (Mibbit@c-98-231-147-3.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P2:37:42 <gdude2002> hiya re
P2:37:43 <gdude2002> v
P2:38:23 <TestDummy> Say what?
P2:38:42 <Snowman> There's nothing going on in here
10P2:39:03 * AndrewPH|AFK is now known as AndrewPH
P2:39:13 <Archanos> warez ban ban ban
P2:39:28 <gdude2002> arch >.>
P2:39:33 <gdude2002> bad admin!
P2:39:35 <gdude2002> bad!
P2:39:36 <gdude2002> lol
P2:40:03 <Archanos> lol
10P2:41:47 * Snowman is now known as Snowman|GTAIV
P2:43:36 <Archanos> Fungame
13P2:43:57 * gdude2002 bought it on steam, is still dowloading
P2:44:17 <Archanos> >plays it on tree fiddy
P2:44:43 <gdude2002> ?
P2:44:46 <gdude2002> 360?
P2:44:50 <Archanos> yeah
10P2:44:52 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
P2:44:54 <gdude2002> d/aww.
P2:44:57 <gdude2002> Not got a ps3?
P2:44:58 <gdude2002> P
P2:44:59 <gdude2002> :p
12P2:45:00 * SMP (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SMP1)))
10P2:45:00 * SMP1 (SMP@68-114-62-5.dhcp.davl.vt.charter.com) has joined #minecraft
10P2:45:01 * SMP1 is now known as SMP
10P2:45:24 * calzoneman (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #minecraft
10P2:45:57 * calzoneman is now known as DOC
P2:46:15 <vurtual> It should be a gaming crime for a PC release to not work on the computers it should.
P2:46:24 <gdude2002> hell yeaj
P2:46:27 <vurtual> And a crime for an OS to stop supporting games.
12P2:46:38 * Snowman|GTAIV (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Quit: Goodbye)
P2:46:48 <gdude2002> rofl
P2:46:51 <vurtual> Just one shout of "ROGUE SQUADRON, WHERE'S OUR COVER!?"... and nobody ever came.
P2:47:37 <vurtual> My entire childhood was unsupported, obscure games that noone will ever care about.
P2:48:25 <Quatroking> god fuck shit
P2:48:37 <Quatroking> how long does it take for a video to get on youtube
P2:48:49 <Quatroking> I uploaded one 15 minutes ago and it still won't play
P2:48:57 <vurtual> Sometimes days.
10P2:50:37 * AcidMan (davis.mich@wbs-41-208-201-165.wbs.co.za) has joined #minecraft
P2:50:42 <Quatroking> its a goddamn 12MB vid
P2:50:48 <vurtual> I say we stop using youtube and make a collective of videos that hosts them directly off a person's own server.
P2:50:57 <Quatroking> Go for it
P2:51:29 <vurtual> I'd need the bandwidth to survive slashdot, maybe reddit, and eventually digg all looking at it at the same time.
P2:52:17 <gdude2002> dream on.
P2:52:18 <gdude2002> :P
P2:52:33 <gdude2002> youtube can only barely handle it as it is.
12P2:52:58 * Ylle (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P2:53:04 <vurtual> But hey, I wouldn't need to host videos.
P2:53:22 <gdude2002> oh god
P2:53:24 <vurtual> I'd have links to them. It'd be a small, nice looking webpage and that's it.
P2:53:26 <gdude2002> ebaumsworld all over again
P2:53:43 <vurtual> waaait
P2:54:06 <vurtual> no
P2:54:22 <gdude2002> He's a faggot. :P
P2:54:26 <gdude2002> You wanna be a faggot too?
P2:54:27 <gdude2002> :D
P2:54:29 <vurtual> no
P2:54:37 <vurtual> It'll be youtube, but uploaders host it themselves.
P2:54:38 <gdude2002> good.
P2:54:39 <gdude2002> :P
P2:54:47 <gdude2002> oic
P2:54:54 <vurtual> It'll be too obscure for anyone to sue me for.
P2:54:57 <gdude2002> go for it :P
10P2:55:39 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) has joined #minecraft
P2:57:17 <mail2345> read me or i'll vicously decapitate you.tct
P2:57:19 <mail2345> txt*
P2:58:03 <vurtual> k
P2:58:05 <vurtual> It's blank.
10P2:59:38 * Ylle (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
P2:59:48 <Siiseli> vurtual, yes. you can't read it. YOU WILL BE DECAPITATED
P2:59:54 <Siiseli> oops caps sry
P3:00:00 <Siiseli> accident
10P3:00:16 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:00:41 <gdude2002> Ylle = nch?
P3:00:58 <gdude2002> [21:01] [Ylle FINGER reply]: nch (nch) Idle 52 seconds
P3:00:58 <gdude2002> lol
P3:01:02 <gdude2002> NCH!
P3:01:03 <gdude2002> :D
P3:01:23 <gear1> does anyone know if the server list is available as XML?
P3:01:27 <gear1> somewhere somehow
P3:01:39 <gdude2002> write a client to parse the list?
P3:01:44 <gear1> i could
P3:01:51 <gear1> but why would i if it was available
P3:02:06 <gdude2002> beacuse i'm sure it's not.
P3:02:07 <gdude2002> :P
P3:02:14 <gear1> then i have my answer
P3:02:31 <gear1> i want to write a little android app
P3:02:38 <gear1> that checks on server statuses
P3:03:07 <gdude2002> What'd it do, ping each IP:Port?
P3:04:57 <Quatroking> sigh, I guess I'll just upload it to Veoh for now
10P3:09:27 * ec (ecrider@dynamic-78-8-6-235.ssp.dialog.net.pl) has joined #minecraft
12P3:11:03 * ecrider (ecrider@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:11:37 <Snowman> Ffs
P3:11:46 <Snowman> I'm trying to run GTA IV in Windows 7
P3:11:58 <Snowman> GTA IV doesn't support Windows 7 btw
P3:12:08 <Quatroking> uh
P3:12:10 <Quatroking> yes it does
12P3:12:11 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P3:12:15 <Quatroking> your pc just sucks
P3:12:16 <Snowman> No it doesn't
P3:12:20 <Quatroking> Yes it does
P3:12:26 <AndrewPH> I have windows 7
P3:12:28 <AndrewPH> I play gta4
P3:12:31 <Quatroking> I have Win7Pro and it runs fine
P3:12:31 <AndrewPH> your point is invalid
P3:12:43 <Quatroking> You do have it updated, do you
P3:12:43 <Snowman> It plays fine but it lags HORRIBLY
P3:12:53 <Quatroking> that means your pc sucks
P3:12:53 <Quatroking> durr
P3:12:58 <Snowman> It doesn't
P3:13:00 <AndrewPH> It does
P3:13:02 <Quatroking> turn vertical sync off
P3:13:07 <Quatroking> it doesn't work well in gta iv
P3:13:11 <Snowman> I have everything on lowest
P3:13:14 <Snowman> Still lags
P3:13:18 <AndrewPH> "It plays fine" "It lags horribly"
P3:13:23 <AndrewPH> contridiction
P3:13:25 <Snowman> I have checked "Can You run it"
P3:13:28 <AndrewPH> Your
P3:13:29 <AndrewPH> pc
P3:13:30 <AndrewPH> sucks
P3:13:38 <AndrewPH> can you run it only checks what it can
P3:13:38 <Snowman> It says everything passes except for my OS
P3:13:39 <Quatroking> can you run it is fucking fake
P3:13:42 <AndrewPH> it can't check everything
P3:13:52 <AndrewPH> Snowman
P3:14:01 <AndrewPH> your graphics card and/or cpu sucks ass
P3:14:03 <Snowman> Anyway, it runs just fine on the same PC with Vista
P3:14:11 <AndrewPH> Update your drivers then
P3:14:16 <Archanos> I have 360, and it works fine
P3:14:17 <Quatroking> on my old dell 3000 it said I was able to run HL2
P3:14:19 <Quatroking> while it doesn't even start up
P3:14:19 <Archanos> :3
P3:14:20 <Snowman> Drivers are fine
P3:14:31 <AndrewPH> Snowman
P3:14:37 <AndrewPH> I have windows 7
P3:14:40 <AndrewPH> It's not the OS's fault
P3:14:47 <AndrewPH> It must be a user error.
P3:15:15 <AndrewPH> That reminds me I need to get on eve and play with my friend
10P3:15:29 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
P3:15:36 <Archanos> what about dust 514, andrew
P3:15:43 <AndrewPH> no
P3:15:45 <AndrewPH> just no
P3:15:46 <Archanos> :D
13P3:15:49 * TestDummy points out that HL2 had a little bug that required a startup flag like "-32bit" to be added.
P3:16:12 <Archanos> cant wait for grey and brown shooting fps
P3:16:13 <AndrewPH> My friend bought me eve after inviting me and so I have like 45 days left
P3:16:28 <Archanos> plus eve fps mmo
P3:16:48 <AndrewPH> Archanos, I don't care about your crappy cross-platform mmo
P3:17:00 <Quatroking> Snowman do you have the latest update of GTA iv
P3:17:15 <Snowman> I have the steam version
P3:17:23 <Snowman> So I guess it updates itself
10P3:17:30 * Amatsu-Sleep (amatsudark@ has joined #minecraft
P3:17:38 <Archanos> one day andrew....one day
12P3:18:03 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Serpentine, serpentine!)
P3:18:07 <Snowman> Quatroking, or do I have to download a seperate patch>
P3:18:46 <AndrewPH> Archanos, I don't actually play eve, I'm only playing because my friend bought me 2 months of it.
10P3:18:54 * Animator (merrychris@adsl-156-139-70.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:19:02 <AndrewPH> If you really think I'm going to go 'fuck you' and start playing a different mmo, you're out of luck.
P3:19:06 <Quatroking> snowman, specs
P3:19:09 <Animator> So there's a murderer loose in my neighborhood.
12P3:19:11 * fenixfurion (fenixfurio@74-140-206-154.dhcp.insightbb.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Wyzo 3.0.3/2009042410])
P3:19:12 <Animator> And he's armed.
P3:19:20 <gear1> get more armed than him
P3:19:20 <AndrewPH> Animator, Oh sweet get your knife ready
P3:19:25 <Quatroking> also did you run gta4 on vista on the lowest settings
P3:19:35 <Snowman> Nah, low-medium
P3:19:35 <Animator> Don't have to. 3 policemen with M-16's are on the case.
P3:19:43 <Snowman> pretty much medium
P3:19:45 <AndrewPH> they need rocket lawn chairs
P3:19:46 <Animator> Though my Dad has 2 guns, 3 machetes, and a rifle.
P3:19:47 <gear1> make it 4!
12P3:19:58 * Amatsu-Sleeps (amatsudark@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P3:20:30 * mloc (mloc@ has left #minecraft
P3:21:30 <Archanos> murderer hunting?
P3:25:15 <geekahedron> rifle ∉ guns ?
12P3:26:10 * Dragoon_Jett (JohnGalt@d67-193-178-149.home3.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: Greetings!)
10P3:27:16 * Menen (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
P3:27:25 <Menen> Hello?
12P3:30:48 -Visiiri:#minecraft- Visiiri is inviting Apollo_bot to #minecraft.
10P3:30:48 * Apollo_bot (lemon_mool@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
12P3:31:55 * Menen (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P3:32:03 <mail2345> in retrospect
P3:32:13 <mail2345> all the nerve gassing of his cities
P3:32:21 <mail2345> was a shitty idea diplomacy wise
P3:32:25 <Ylle> lol isocraft is pretty fun.
P3:32:55 <Quatroking> guys
P3:32:58 <Quatroking> I present to you
P3:32:59 <Quatroking> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVY0Mw_0EC8
P3:33:05 <Ylle> I made a gif animation of each layer getting stripped off so I could show off my caves
12P3:35:00 * bildramer (bildramer@ppp-94-69-169-238.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Quit: Right behind you.)
10P3:36:27 * Super-Dot|real (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:37:22 * Wolfgang132 (skrwd132@97-113-160-170.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
10P3:37:38 * SDX (chatzilla@iD470832E.versanet.de) has joined #minecraft
10P3:38:48 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE7333.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
12P3:39:16 * MisterX (MisterX@p5DDE7333.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P3:40:16 * cryzed (cryzed@i59F5C896.versanet.de) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10P3:40:21 * Ten_Tacles (chatzilla@levk-4db49888.pool.mediaWays.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:40:47 <Ten_Tacles> hellllllo
P3:41:02 <mail2345> the caretakers are understandably pissed at me
12P3:41:08 * Leonardo (bender_rob@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P3:43:34 * Amatsu-Sleep is now known as Amatsu
P3:46:31 <primis> hi mail
10P3:46:38 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has left #minecraft
10P3:46:50 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecraft
P3:46:55 <primis> herro
P3:47:24 <Animator> Also, I sent Dock a skin.
P3:47:58 <Quatroking> guys watch my mooooovieeeee
P3:48:06 <AndrewPH> no
P3:48:07 <Wolfgang132> noooooooooo
P3:48:13 <AndrewPH> nernja
P3:48:14 <Wolfgang132> =]
P3:48:15 <AndrewPH> brb fud
P3:48:17 <AndrewPH> dd
P3:48:17 <Quatroking> yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVY0Mw_0EC8
P3:49:03 <Wolfgang132> troll
P3:49:20 <Quatroking> Why am I a troll all of the sudden
P3:50:05 <Wolfgang132> cause
P3:50:22 <LG_Legacy> Cause wolfgang132 is a #minecraft idiot
P3:50:25 <LG_Legacy> Thats why
P3:50:29 <Wolfgang132> =D
P3:50:33 <Wolfgang132> thank you LG
P3:50:46 <Quatroking> beethoven was better
P3:50:55 <Ten_Tacles> quatroking
P3:51:06 <Quatroking> Ten_Tacles
P3:51:20 <primis> I think we need a legitamate topic
P3:51:25 <Ten_Tacles> i think that show is for babies why are you looking it
P3:51:40 <Ten_Tacles> "talk offtopic" and everyone will follow it
12P3:51:42 * Dudebro (Boschuh@99-6-225-96.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Dudebro)
P3:52:03 <Archanos> basically this channel
P3:52:13 <primis> ...So I herd you liek mudkips...
P3:52:16 <Wolfgang132> biingo
P3:52:20 <HAL9000> If Notch is present = ontopic
P3:52:21 <Wolfgang132> mup
P3:52:25 <LG_Legacy> OF course it is
P3:52:28 <HAL9000> If Notch isn't present = off topic
P3:52:38 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P3:52:50 <Archanos> Notch being present = 10 % of the time
P3:52:53 <HAL9000> That's the easiest way to explain it.
P3:52:57 <Ten_Tacles> HAL9000 if notch is present == notch i every sentence
P3:52:58 <Quatroking> brb shower
P3:53:08 <Ten_Tacles> *in
P3:53:21 <primis> so notch must be in notch every notch sentence? (notch)
P3:53:35 <primis> ...Notch?
P3:53:42 <Wolfgang132> its like the smurfs
P3:53:49 <Wolfgang132> except.. notchs
P3:54:01 <primis> lol
P3:54:11 <Ten_Tacles> yes
P3:54:13 <Wolfgang132> they are all little wite people with bushy beards
P3:54:25 <primis> lol thats notch
P3:54:29 <LG_Legacy> What the Notch?
P3:54:36 <primis> holy Notch!
P3:54:38 <Wolfgang132> yes notch it shure is
P3:54:47 <Wolfgang132> oh my notch
P3:55:01 <Wolfgang132> ney notch wanna go notch in notch?
P3:55:07 <primis> its, its Notch he's been Notch'd!
P3:55:23 <Wolfgang132> OH NO!!!!.... notch?
P3:55:39 <primis> I'm afaird notch
P3:55:50 <Wolfgang132> now you just sound like snarf
12P3:55:53 * Adam01 (Adam01@82-45-81-191.cable.ubr05.basl.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P3:55:55 <LG_Legacy> Wtf?
P3:55:57 <Wolfgang132> oh no notch... they are attacking notch
P3:55:58 <primis> snarf
P3:56:03 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P3:56:05 <Wolfgang132> lol
P3:56:09 <Ten_Tacles> lol
P3:56:15 <Ten_Tacles> youre all crazy in here
P3:56:20 <Ten_Tacles> CRAZY YOU HEAR
P3:56:23 <Ten_Tacles> CRAZY
P3:56:27 <Ten_Tacles> WHAHAHAH CRAZY
P3:56:28 <Archanos> looks like we just upped a notch in the offtopicness
P3:56:30 <Ten_Tacles> WUHASUAHUAH
13P3:56:36 * Ten_Tacles slams a door
P3:56:38 <primis> ever notice that notch is Not Ch, ch being short for chan, so Not Chan?
P3:56:38 <Wolfgang132> my friend has an xbox and he painted it black and darved the thunder cats logo in one side and a giant scratch going thru it and it has red LEDs
P3:56:42 <Wolfgang132> its sick... notch
P3:56:57 <Ten_Tacles> CRAZYZYZY
P3:57:05 <Wolfgang132> notch?
P3:57:11 <Aeomin> uhm, is there an ID for hiden block?
12P3:57:12 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Quit: Goodbye)
P3:57:17 <LG_Legacy> Wolfgang132 It's already black
P3:57:28 <Wolfgang132> if only notch could actualy see what this room is like when he wasnt here
P3:57:31 <Ten_Tacles> aeomin what do you mean
P3:57:37 <primis> maybe he does
P3:57:38 <Ten_Tacles> he would ban us all
P3:57:41 <Wolfgang132> =O
P3:57:42 <Ten_Tacles> BAN YOU HEAR
P3:57:42 <Aeomin> like completely transparent block
P3:57:43 <Ten_Tacles> BAN
P3:57:46 <Ten_Tacles> BANBANABAN
P3:57:47 <LG_Legacy> BAN BAN BAN
P3:57:48 <primis> maybe he has a logger (aka Watchdog)
P3:57:51 <LG_Legacy> o_o
13P3:57:54 * Ten_Tacles slams another door
P3:57:57 <Wolfgang132> ohhhh noooooes notch
P3:58:03 <LG_Legacy> I think i found my clone
P3:58:16 <primis> can we kick watchdog?
P3:58:23 <LG_Legacy> What?
P3:58:30 <primis> I think he works for notch as a logger
P3:58:33 <primis> ...notch
P3:59:01 <Ten_Tacles> i made the best answer to the cortex command thing
P3:59:03 <Ten_Tacles> topic
P3:59:07 <Wolfgang132> well i odnt see watchdog but i do see watchman
P3:59:09 <Wolfgang132> maby hes it
P3:59:12 <Wolfgang132> burn him?
P3:59:14 <primis> QUICK! everyone to #customMC!!!
P3:59:19 <Wolfgang132> =O
P3:59:38 <primis> burn Watchman!!1
P3:59:55 <Wolfgang132> burn em
P4:00:21 <Archanos> why doesnt he just stay in this channel and record the logs
10P4:00:22 * Snowman (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) has joined #minecraft
12P4:00:29 * Adura (Adura@bas2-toronto21-1242351531.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: Quit)
P4:00:29 <Archanos> or does he even care about this channel
P4:00:33 <Archanos> hmmmmm
P4:00:39 <Ten_Tacles> he only cares if he is here
P4:00:53 <Archanos> :l
P4:02:01 <Ten_Tacles> yes yes he does
P4:02:32 <Archanos> good point
10P4:02:49 * AndyFm (Mibbit@adsl-72-50-113-230.prtc.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:03:10 <AndyFm> :3 hai
P4:03:52 <AndyFm> ...
13P4:04:22 * HAL9000 watches tumbleweeds roll by.
12P4:04:45 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P4:04:46 <mail2345> I'M SORRY WHAT DID YOU SAY?
P4:04:56 <mail2345> err
P4:04:57 <mail2345> caps
P4:04:59 <mail2345> oops
13P4:04:59 * AndyFm watches the tumbleweeds roll by hal
P4:05:00 <mail2345> right
P4:05:06 <mail2345> i'm sorry, what did you say?
P4:05:18 <AndyFm> i said
P4:05:19 <AndyFm> ...
P4:05:32 <AndyFm> ...........
P4:05:33 <mail2345> i can't hear you over the sound of my nerve gas pods popping your hide
P4:05:42 <mail2345> heh
10P4:05:45 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
P4:05:48 <mail2345> i'm totatlly owning the caretakers
P4:05:50 <mail2345> with nerve gas
P4:05:57 <HAL9000> >_> More SMACX?
P4:05:59 <mail2345> yes
P4:06:00 <AndyFm> I scored 32k points in survival!!!!
P4:06:09 <HAL9000> yay?
P4:06:26 <AndyFm> yay, that super hard
P4:06:37 <HAL9000> not really.
P4:06:43 <AndyFm> ya it is
P4:06:43 <HAL9000> Just cause lots of infighting
P4:06:56 <AndyFm> 32,000
P4:06:57 <HAL9000> Zombies willingly attach each other
P4:07:03 <HAL9000> *attack
P4:07:22 <AndyFm> no, you don't gain points from that anymore
P4:07:37 <HAL9000> you do if a creeper blows up. =3
P4:07:44 <AndyFm> if you kill it
P4:07:53 <AndyFm> if YOU kill it
P4:07:57 <mail2345> the only thing about about nerve gas
P4:08:00 <AndyFm> not skele
P4:08:11 <HAL9000> I never said skeletons
P4:08:11 <mail2345> is that it kills thier population too fast for me to take thier bases D:
P4:08:14 <HAL9000> I said Zombies
13P4:08:14 * AndyFm gets oreos
P4:08:37 <HAL9000> I wish their bases remained after all the population died out.
P4:08:42 <HAL9000> Like a ghost town
P4:09:17 <Ten_Tacles> mail2345 i want to play it too :(
12P4:09:19 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: sayounara)
P4:10:48 <AndyFm> I like playing multiplayer survival on d3's server
P4:11:02 <AndyFm> lots of company there
P4:11:12 <AndyFm> to help
P4:11:28 <AndyFm> ...
P4:11:36 <AndyFm> i once got 99 arrows
P4:11:44 <LG_Legacy> I once got
P4:11:49 <AndyFm> and 99 tnt w/o hacking
P4:12:07 <LG_Legacy> Thats nearly impossible?
P4:12:14 <AndyFm> nope
P4:12:19 <AndyFm> its a glitch
P4:12:30 <AndyFm> with multi map servers
P4:12:43 <AndyFm> well
P4:12:47 <AndyFm> no
10P4:12:48 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:12:52 <LG_Legacy> Ah
P4:12:53 <LG_Legacy> Right
P4:12:54 <LG_Legacy> Creative
P4:13:08 <AndyFm> with servers that restric deleting and placing blocks
12P4:13:13 * Super-Dot|real (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
P4:13:27 <AndyFm> the block spawns when you delete it
P4:13:42 <AndyFm> so a smaller block spawns
P4:14:08 <gear1> UUGHH
P4:14:11 <gear1> I feel retarded
P4:14:35 <AndyFm> plus, if you die in multi maps server, like d3's you can switch map and respawn alive with all your stuff
P4:14:58 <AndyFm> and th earchives too i think
P4:15:07 <AndyFm> :3
10P4:15:10 * Woodenwindows (Mibbit@174-20-64-71.mpls.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:15:24 <AndyFm> makes getting a high score super easy
P4:15:34 <Archanos> lotta andy's
P4:15:53 <AndyFm> ...
P4:15:57 <Archanos> what
P4:15:59 <AndrewPH> I'm the original :3
P4:16:09 <AndyFm> your andrew
P4:16:13 <AndyFm> im andy
P4:16:16 <Archanos> derp andy = andrew
P4:16:20 <AndrewPH> Nickname = andy
P4:16:30 <vurtual> I just figured out how to invent instantaneous travel.
P4:16:33 <AndyFm> :3
P4:16:45 <Archanos> does it involve something virtual?
P4:16:46 <AndyFm> :/
P4:16:46 <ZomBuster> dont want your stupid pingu poops
P4:16:54 <ZomBuster> oops
P4:17:03 <ZomBuster> had my chat a bit further up
P4:17:17 <vurtual> Make a wildly popular and world-changing series that influences all the scientific minds of our generation, with such a technology in a pseudo-explained way used.
P4:17:18 <AndyFm> Fail
P4:17:26 <ZomBuster> multiplayer survival?
P4:17:30 <Archanos> I havent done multiplayer survival
P4:17:30 <AndyFm> YES
P4:17:35 <AndyFm> ITS EASY
P4:17:36 <ZomBuster> sure wont work that well
P4:17:37 <Archanos> all the cool kids do it now addays
P4:17:43 <AndyFm> dude
P4:17:47 <ZomBuster> does it sync monsters etc?
P4:17:50 <vurtual> no
P4:17:51 <AndyFm> no
P4:17:57 <ZomBuster> meh expected so
P4:18:00 <Archanos> its a glitch
P4:18:04 <Archanos> file swappin
P4:18:11 <AndyFm> play survival on a creative server
P4:18:16 <Ylle> So does the isocraft guy come here?
P4:18:26 <Archanos> he talks weird
P4:18:45 <AndrewPH> me so honney
P4:18:48 <AndrewPH> me loev u lawng tiem
P4:18:55 <Archanos> lol pretty much
P4:19:12 <Ylle> Damn he sounds right up my alley then.
P4:19:30 <Archanos> wat
P4:19:37 <AndrewPH> he'll do you in an alley if that's what you mean
P4:19:53 <LG_Legacy> A dream come true
P4:19:55 <Ylle> That's fine too but uh
P4:19:56 <AndyFm> so i herd u liek mudkipz
P4:20:04 <AndyFm> :P
P4:20:15 <AndrewPH> vede a meme
P4:20:20 <vurtual> Also, amazing thing to think about: If you went into space, and "stopped", watching the Earth orbit... you'd still be going thousands of miles per hour.
P4:20:22 <AndyFm> NO
13P4:20:34 * AndyFm takes cover
P4:20:43 <ZomBuster> duh movement is relative
P4:20:51 <Archanos> nerd
P4:20:54 <vede> Yeah, memes aren't really against the rules. SPAMMING them is.
P4:21:19 <vurtual> Whaddabout outta place accents?
P4:21:22 <AndrewPH> But what about when I got kicked for misspelling shoot as shot :|
P4:21:26 <vurtual> Those are coo, right?
P4:21:31 <AndyFm> ...
P4:21:38 <AndyFm> ? wait what?
P4:22:02 <Archanos> I hope notch adds artificial lights instead of a boring torch
P4:22:38 <Ylle> yeah it'd be sweet if you could just slap a 2d decal or something onto a block
P4:22:41 <vurtual> I hope Notch adds lasers that glow as they move.
P4:22:44 <AndyFm> artificial lights?
P4:22:55 <Ylle> yeah like lamps
P4:23:20 <AndyFm> oh
P4:23:22 <ZomBuster> crafting tree - torch < lamp < magical glowing rock thingie
P4:23:24 <vurtual> Maybe little robots, that are placed with a robot block, and can be activated from the placer's block panel. Then you could tell them to light up or start firing lasers at people.
P4:23:28 <AndyFm> bbl, eating
P4:23:31 <Archanos> because that would like, f up all the urban maps
P4:24:09 <vurtual> Then we could have little guards in survival, or know when someone enters our creations.
P4:24:23 <Ylle> Maybe but that's a bit overkill
P4:24:25 <ZomBuster> 5 wood blocks = torch. 2 steel blocks + 1 coal = lamp, glowing gem rocks are very rare underground
P4:24:32 <Ylle> I'd like sentry guns at most.
P4:24:45 <PoF59> Zom, that's brilliant
P4:24:45 <Archanos> or like glowing blocks in <infiniminer>
P4:24:46 <vurtual> "Someone has triggered your security drone!", and then you can switch to them and find if they're griefing.
P4:25:01 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P4:25:04 <Ylle> but sentry guns are terribly overkill anyway and I'm pretty sure it'll never happen
P4:25:07 <primis> Spys sappin mah sentry!
P4:25:10 <vurtual> Giant expansive caves that have adamantine ore running through them, which glows.
P4:25:10 <PoF59> XD
P4:25:31 <vurtual> It takes long to mine, and will always lead to a pit of magma and some... mobs.
P4:25:34 <Ylle> lol longcat is long xD
P4:25:34 <PoF59> Vurt, that's also a great idea
P4:25:37 <Archanos> minecraft: gabe edition
P4:25:52 <Ylle> what if minecraft was dwarf fortress
P4:25:55 <Ylle> then we could have 2 cat.
P4:26:07 <PoF59> ...what?
P4:26:15 <HAL9000> Fuck those cats and fuck those villagers too.
P4:26:26 <Ylle> Lol catsplosion killed my last fortress :c
P4:26:26 <ZomBuster> chages of ubercreepers are really high around adamtine ore
13P4:26:26 * HAL9000 throws a drunken toddler at Ylle
13P4:26:37 * Ylle skates it across spike traps
P4:26:41 <Ylle> *on
P4:26:57 <PoF59> What a cat-tastrophe 8D
10P4:26:59 * ONI (Mibbit@d47-69-137-33.col.wideopenwest.com) has joined #minecraft
P4:27:05 <ZomBuster> you would put 2 cats in a little block house
P4:27:06 <AndrewPH> mibbit
P4:27:06 <vurtual> ZomBuster, no, only if you... dig too deep.
P4:27:07 <AndrewPH> :|
P4:27:15 <PoF59> (lolmibbit)
P4:27:16 <ZomBuster> then when the enemie comes
P4:27:19 <ZomBuster> open it
P4:27:28 <Ylle> I had a fortress once where I acidentially dug a convenient hole from my cistern into my damn fortress.
P4:27:35 <Ylle> I thought I had z-level to spare
P4:27:36 <Ylle> but no
10P4:27:54 * Leonardo (chatzilla@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P4:28:01 <HAL9000> I can't stop laughing
P4:28:23 <vurtual> My first fort was awesome.
P4:28:25 <AndrewPH> I can't stop calling Leonardo a faggot :|
P4:28:28 <AndyFm> v.v
P4:28:31 <vurtual> It died when I dug into my moat.
P4:28:33 <Ylle> Idk maybe notch could ask the df dude for his water code.
P4:28:44 <Ylle> because df water is pretty cool.
P4:28:46 <vurtual> Ylle, toady could just write him a new water code in ten seconds.
P4:28:47 <HAL9000> It's ascii art.
P4:28:50 <vurtual> Dude never goes outside.
P4:29:04 <AndrewPH> He could recode minecraft in 10 seconds :|
P4:29:20 <HAL9000> shiny toady
P4:29:35 <Ylle> yeah but in those 10 seconds the UI would turn horribly obtuse.
P4:29:41 <HAL9000> I think I've seen a shiny toady before.
P4:29:42 <vurtual> *burp* "Whoops, I just made game of the year 2010 again, I need to stop eating at my computer."
P4:29:45 <AndrewPH> What UI
P4:29:51 <Ylle> :D
P4:29:55 <AndrewPH> Minecraft would be entirely console based
P4:30:07 <Ylle> lol yeah
P4:30:09 <Archanos> He could turn minecraft into ascii
P4:30:13 <vurtual> AndrewPH, it's not his fault the interface is ridiculously simple.
P4:30:13 <Archanos> oh wait
P4:30:24 <Ylle> I stopped being pro when I started using stonesense to keep track of where the hell I was digging
P4:30:29 <Ylle> because of the whole cistern incident
P4:30:31 <Leonardo> ./ignore AndrewPH
P4:30:44 <AndrewPH> ./ignore Leonardo
P4:30:44 <vurtual> And your brain can't comprehend pressing key combos to do something.
P4:30:58 <vurtual> /ignore *!*@*
P4:30:58 <HAL9000> j-d j-d j-d to hell
P4:31:10 <HAL9000> oh shi-
P4:31:19 <AndyFm> ?
P4:31:26 <vurtual> /ignore *!*@*cats
P4:31:42 <vurtual> No more cat mind control right?
P4:31:53 <Ylle> I remember when I first started playing df
P4:31:55 <HAL9000> using /ignore in that way......I've gotta try it sometime.
P4:32:01 <Ylle> and I didn't know how to make stockpiles
P4:32:20 <mail2345> also hal
P4:32:23 <mail2345> from what i have seen
P4:32:26 <mail2345> mibbit has nick ignores
P4:32:30 <mail2345> tested*
12P4:32:32 * charrr (charrr@adsl-75-23-125-206.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: lol)
P4:32:42 <mail2345> don't think it has mask ignores
P4:32:47 <vurtual> I've recently gotten into the practice of one everything stockpile.
P4:32:50 <Ylle> but yeah if you haven't tried, I'd say stonesense is pretty damn great.
P4:32:53 <AndyFm> ./ignore AndyFm
P4:33:09 <Ten_Tacles> BORED
P4:33:09 <AndyFm> i inored myself
P4:33:11 <mail2345> heh
P4:33:12 <Leonardo> XD
P4:33:13 <vurtual> Hey guys, I made a stormtrooper blaster mod.
P4:33:19 <Ten_Tacles> coool
P4:33:21 <vurtual> Should I give it to dwarves, and make stormtrooper armor their armor?
P4:33:23 <Ten_Tacles> where
P4:33:24 <AndyFm> i can't see what i send
P4:33:25 <mail2345> i'm making up my bad income
P4:33:28 <mail2345> as the hive
P4:33:31 <mail2345> by spamming probe team
P4:33:34 <Leonardo> It's funny everyone starts talking about "Ignore"
P4:33:34 <mail2345> teams*
P4:33:36 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P4:33:39 <ZomBuster> they should have incredible bad accuracy
P4:33:40 <mail2345> to steal thier energy
P4:33:52 <vurtual> ZomBuster, I've tested it, it's not powerful enough to just one-hit kill.
P4:33:52 <mail2345> sure they take about 0-10 ish energy
P4:34:00 <mail2345> but when you have 50 of them
P4:34:04 <vurtual> Lightsabers used by a skilled apprentice can, though.
P4:34:08 <mail2345> stealing it per turn
P4:34:13 <vurtual> Wolves can mob you, but you just SLICE THEM INTO PIECES.
P4:34:18 <mail2345> it totally makes up your failtastic economy
P4:34:39 <Leonardo> Who likes pickles?
P4:34:40 <Ten_Tacles> BORED
P4:34:41 <vurtual> I'll start a human fort, using my mod-humans.
P4:35:13 <Ten_Tacles> HELP ME
P4:35:14 <vurtual> Except if I give them stormtrooper armor, jedi will want to wear it too.
P4:35:19 <vurtual> Ten_Tacles, porn.
P4:35:23 <Ten_Tacles> no
P4:35:23 <Leonardo> ^that
P4:35:25 <vurtual> No wait, porn while flying a plane.
P4:35:28 <Ten_Tacles> i did
P4:35:34 <HAL9000> XD
P4:35:34 <Ten_Tacles> hm that would be new
P4:35:38 <vurtual> Watch "The Matrix".
P4:35:44 <mail2345> i accidentally thier population
P4:35:46 <vurtual> While using porn, flying a plane.
P4:36:06 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P4:36:13 <mail2345> i had this conspiracy theory
P4:36:13 <Ten_Tacles> hm
P4:36:16 <Leonardo> That's new
P4:36:20 <mail2345> porn is being blasted into the internet by aliens
P4:36:21 <vurtual> So, do I add stormtrooper gear or not?
P4:36:27 <Leonardo> yes
P4:36:28 <HAL9000> Wake up Ten_tacles
P4:36:32 <Ylle> I haven't started modding df yet. :c
P4:36:33 <Ten_Tacles> wuah
P4:36:35 <HAL9000> The matrix has you...
P4:36:37 <mail2345> to reduce human growth
P4:36:39 <gdude2002> arrrgh
P4:36:41 <Ten_Tacles> i am already awake hal
P4:36:45 <gdude2002> CC annoys me sometimes :P
P4:36:46 <Ylle> Just how moddable is it?
P4:36:49 <ZomBuster> the most gruesome mod I have ever seen was
P4:36:56 <Ten_Tacles> but nobody knows
P4:36:57 <ZomBuster> carps with legs and arms
P4:37:02 <mail2345> FUCL
P4:37:03 <Ylle> damn
P4:37:05 <mail2345> dammit
P4:37:06 <vurtual> Okay.
P4:37:08 <Ten_Tacles> XD
P4:37:09 <AndyFm> WTF?
P4:37:12 <mail2345> well
P4:37:14 <mail2345> oh wait
P4:37:17 <mail2345> <3 sunspots
P4:37:17 <mail2345> :D
P4:37:18 <vurtual> What's a good starwars axe tool?
P4:37:25 <mail2345> the sun spots prevent the victims from telling anyone
P4:37:30 <ZomBuster> what game
P4:38:07 <vurtual> I could give my guys Gammorean axes to cut down trees.
P4:38:19 <Ten_Tacles> vurtual
P4:38:30 <Ten_Tacles> what the fuck are you talking about?
P4:38:44 <Ten_Tacles> notch has only 1 day left then he is screwed
P4:39:45 <vurtual> Dwarf Fortress.
P4:39:51 <Leonardo> :D
P4:39:58 <vurtual> I'm starting a mod fort with stormtroopers, but I need to be able to cut down trees.
P4:40:00 <vurtual> At least to clearcut.
P4:40:53 <Drakkar> wat
P4:41:00 <Drakkar> wat're you talking about vurtual
P4:41:11 <Ten_Tacles> lol
P4:41:23 <Ten_Tacles> NOES A OP REVIVED
P4:41:25 <AndyFm> ohai everyone
P4:41:45 <Siiseli> greetings
P4:41:48 <AndyFm> :|
P4:41:51 <Siiseli> more ops have been summoned
P4:41:53 <Drakkar> i'll ban you all
P4:41:55 <Siiseli> hide the drugs and booze
P4:42:02 <AndyFm> ban him
P4:42:03 <Siiseli> .. and bots
P4:42:39 <Ten_Tacles> NOES
P4:42:51 <Leonardo> o-o
10P4:42:59 * charrr (charrr@adsl-75-23-125-206.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:43:00 <AndrewPH> hey guize
P4:43:02 <AndrewPH> custom surver
P4:43:06 <AndrewPH> inb4ba-
P4:43:12 <Ten_Tacles> uoh
P4:43:23 <Ten_Tacles> hes talking about CUSTOM SEVERS
P4:43:34 <HAL9000> Custom severs eh?
P4:43:40 <Ten_Tacles> HA
P4:43:46 <HAL9000> dissection?
P4:43:47 <Ten_Tacles> yes yes youre right
P4:43:57 <HAL9000> any volunteers?
P4:44:09 <Ten_Tacles> what happend to the minecraft forum?
P4:44:11 <PuyoDead> What? Ops are being summoned?
P4:44:18 <Ten_Tacles> i just wanted to nekro post :(
P4:44:22 <AndyFm> ohai puyodead
P4:44:25 <Ylle> http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Cutting_tools vurtual :V
P4:44:59 <Ten_Tacles> GAH
P4:45:01 <Ten_Tacles> FUCK
P4:45:16 <AndyFm> fuck what?
10P4:45:33 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:45:34 <Leonardo> ?
P4:45:45 <AndyFm> Ten_tacles?
P4:45:47 <Ten_Tacles> fuck the fucking forum that is down
P4:45:51 <revenant> oh darn
P4:45:55 <PuyoDead> Shoosh, you.
P4:45:59 <Ten_Tacles> i just started to nekro post :(
P4:46:01 <Ten_Tacles> :Ü
P4:46:07 <revenant> My directory is not including the vsh directory :|
P4:46:14 <revenant> for the domain
P4:46:15 <PuyoDead> Necro post, and I'll delete it.
P4:46:20 <ONI> I btoke the forum sorry
P4:46:30 <Ten_Tacles> maybe
P4:46:31 <Leonardo> FORUM MOVE!
P4:46:35 <Ten_Tacles> i am bored like hell
P4:46:44 <Xychosis> Oh well, since the forum is down I might as well just finish building my rainbow tower
P4:46:46 <Ten_Tacles> sorry puyo but that has to be done
P4:46:50 <AndyFm> whats a necro post?
P4:46:55 <PuyoDead> You might also earn a temporary ban.
P4:47:02 <Leonardo> Posting something that already someone who answered.
P4:47:06 <Ten_Tacles> no bans are boring
P4:47:10 <ONI> Reviving a dead thread
P4:47:11 <Ten_Tacles> no
P4:47:18 <Ten_Tacles> oni is right
P4:47:23 <PuyoDead> Posting useless crap in an old topic
P4:47:31 <Ten_Tacles> yes exactly
P4:47:36 <Leonardo> wut?
10P4:48:19 * Adura (Adura@bas2-toronto21-1242351531.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #minecraft
P4:48:39 <AndyFm> huh?
P4:49:12 <Leonardo> Forum's back.
P4:49:21 <Leonardo> It's just loading slow.
P4:49:28 <AndyFm> yep
P4:49:39 <Leonardo> Snail mail.
P4:49:48 <AndyFm> lag spike
10P4:50:06 * gear1 (Administra@ has left #minecraft
P4:51:19 <AndyFm> so, mudkipz is a meme?
P4:51:28 <PuyoDead> Yes.
P4:51:48 <Leonardo> :)
P4:51:51 <AndyFm> so, minecraft has a forum?
P4:52:01 <Leonardo> :S
P4:52:18 <AndyFm> So, minecraft is really awesome?
P4:52:25 <Adura> Minecraft spawned plenty of fan forums.
10P4:52:48 * i300 (i300@ has joined #minecraft
P4:53:03 <AndyFm> I was just asking 5 worded questions that start with so.
12P4:53:26 * i300 (i300@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P4:53:27 <AndyFm> :| bored
10P4:53:28 * i300 (i300@ has joined #minecraft
P4:55:53 <AndyFm> Spleef anyone?
P4:56:33 <Ten_Tacles> maybe
P4:56:35 <Ten_Tacles> where?
P4:56:47 <AndyFm> great... i killed the IRC conversation
P4:57:17 <Ten_Tacles> XD
12P4:57:30 * Quatroking (Quatroking@ Quit (Quit: Bitch be trippin' balls)
P4:57:56 <mail2345> ffs
P4:58:02 <mail2345> i just lost all my bases
P4:58:04 <mail2345> to a glitch
P4:58:28 <AndyFm> in sruvival?
P4:58:33 <vede> <glitch>All your base...
P4:59:00 <AndyFm> Lava survival anyone?
P4:59:10 <vurtual> Lava multiplayer survival spleef.
10P4:59:11 * Jat (Jat@modemcable085.73-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #minecraft
12P4:59:17 * AndyFm (Mibbit@adsl-72-50-113-230.prtc.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P4:59:31 * Cue (cueball61@cpc2-alde4-2-0-cust462.6-2.cable.virginmedia.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P4:59:38 * Woodenwindows (Mibbit@174-20-64-71.mpls.qwest.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P4:59:41 * AndyFm (Mibbit@adsl-72-50-113-230.prtc.net) has joined #minecraft
P4:59:50 <AndyFm> got disconnected
P4:59:54 <AndyFm> stupid IE
P4:59:56 <AndyFm> -.-
P5:00:19 <vurtual> Well thar's yer problem.
P5:00:49 <AndyFm> Lava survival anyone?
P5:03:18 <HAL9000> too many griefers for lava survival.
12P5:04:18 * gdude2002 (colesgaret@ Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
P5:04:29 <vurtual> Quit message viruses are pretty lame.
P5:04:56 <vurtual> You look stupid having one.
12P5:06:59 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Back in a while)
P5:07:07 <LG_Legacy> PuyoDead
P5:07:13 <HAL9000> gdude is missing =/
12P5:07:22 * ONI (Mibbit@d47-69-137-33.col.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P5:07:53 <HAL9000> I wanted to abuse Watchman's say command a second
P5:08:23 <HAL9000> I only wanted "!say /ignore *!*@*"
P5:08:45 <HAL9000> if it even worked
10P5:12:14 * Digmaster (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
10P5:13:51 * Trace_Leven (Mibbit@75-32-236-213.lightspeed.rnpsca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:14:35 <vede> PuyoDead: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58850#p58850
P5:15:01 <vede> Kill him?
P5:15:24 <LG_Legacy> I've already reported it
10P5:16:09 * derp (Mibbit@216-164-4-108.c3-0.eas-ubr14.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:16:19 <derp> hi
P5:17:02 <HAL9000> yes vede
P5:17:09 <HAL9000> OMGWTFBBQ him.
P5:17:19 <HAL9000> Ten_tacles grape deserves it
P5:17:26 <Ten_Tacles> ...
P5:17:33 <LG_Legacy> Stupid noobs
P5:17:47 <derp> how do you find out how long someone has been away for in irc
P5:17:48 <Ten_Tacles> vede i already said that i necro post
P5:17:55 <LG_Legacy> Derp: /whois
P5:18:06 <derp> it doesn't say
P5:18:10 <Jat> idle time
P5:18:12 <vede> Right, and so you should be punished for your stupidity.
P5:18:17 <LG_Legacy> Then they don't have an 'away' plugin
P5:18:24 <derp> oh
P5:18:37 <Ten_Tacles> BORED
P5:18:40 <derp> rawr
P5:18:42 <derp> i have a problem
10P5:18:47 * Digmaster (digmaster@99-171-188-219.lightspeed.sndgca.sbcglobal.net) has left #minecraft
P5:18:51 <LG_Legacy> Just because you're bored, doesn't give you the right to be stupid Ten_Tacles
P5:18:59 <Ten_Tacles> i know
P5:19:10 <Ten_Tacles> i already have the right to be stupid
12P5:19:20 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P5:19:22 <PuyoDead> Well, now you have to wait three days to do it.
10P5:19:31 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
P5:19:45 <Ten_Tacles> maybe
P5:19:54 <Ten_Tacles> aah you banned me?
P5:19:57 <Ten_Tacles> youre bored too?
10P5:20:07 * Griob (Griob@mobile-166-137-138-220.mycingular.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:20:33 <Leonardo> Bad decision Tentacles.
P5:20:38 <LG_Legacy> Actually Ten_Tacles
P5:20:39 <Griob> Hrm why is custom server chat forbidden?
P5:20:47 <LG_Legacy> He's pretending to be a Administrator
P5:20:47 <Leonardo> Notch gets sad.
P5:20:50 <Ten_Tacles> notch said so
P5:20:52 <Jat> because it makes notch sad
P5:20:55 <Griob> Oh. Ok!
P5:20:55 <Leonardo> I said that.
P5:20:57 <Leonardo> XD
P5:21:04 <Jat> i wasnt looking at the monitor
P5:21:08 <Jat> im not great at touch typing
P5:21:19 <LG_Legacy> Jat: how can you see the question and not see the monitor?
P5:21:20 <vurtual> What about hackless custom clients?
10P5:21:23 * Trace_Leven (Mibbit@75-32-236-213.lightspeed.rnpsca.sbcglobal.net) has left #minecraft
P5:21:25 <vurtual> It's not a hack, and not a custom server.
P5:21:34 <Jat> i mean i stopped looking at the monitor while i was typing the answer
P5:21:40 <Jat> and he answered while i was still typing
12P5:21:48 * Leonardo (chatzilla@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P5:22:05 * Griob (Griob@mobile-166-137-138-220.mycingular.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P5:22:14 <Jat> also the computer im on has an awkward setup with the arrangement of the monitor and keyboard and mouse
10P5:22:53 * Leonardo (chatzilla@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:22:54 <vurtual> Mine has the keyboard below, which I rarely use compared to the upper keyboard, along with joysticks and mice everywhere.
P5:22:58 <Leonardo> I froze for no reason.
P5:23:02 <Jat> i also cant play minecraft on this computer
P5:23:16 <vurtual> I have 3 idnentical mice sitting on my desk, except for color. If you arrange them, they become red white and blue. :D
P5:23:28 <Jat> asre you french?
P5:23:35 <vurtual> American obviously.
P5:24:07 <vurtual> I just have these 3 identical ones, then random colored mice everywhere.
P5:24:12 <Jat> why?
P5:24:15 <vede> Dumbasses on the forums need to learn to use the [code] tags.
P5:24:42 <vurtual> My old gaming mouse, my upstairs mouse now a gaming mouse due to not being smashed, and my laptop mouse. Plus old mice I used to use.
P5:24:54 <vede> I can only see so much of their stupid "diagrams" in non-monospace text.
P5:25:07 <Jat> why dont they just use mspaint to make diagrams?
P5:25:36 <HAL9000> that would involve actual effort on their part which they clearly lack.
10P5:25:58 * Kohuded (Mibbit@ti0197a340-0889.bb.online.no) has joined #minecraft
P5:26:09 <HAL9000> Ask a stupid question, get a sdtupid answer.
P5:26:16 <vurtual> Easy way: Take something like openoffice, make a simple table/diagram, printscreen into paint. Upload?
P5:26:30 <Jat> that requires even more effort
P5:26:45 <Jat> also i think i prefer ms office over open office
P5:27:45 <vurtual> Well, my only computer that has a program with office in the name is this ubuntu laptop.
P5:27:48 <vurtual> Not much choice.
P5:28:05 <Jat> does msoffice run in wine?
12P5:28:10 * i300 (i300@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P5:28:12 * i300 (i300@ has joined #minecraft
P5:28:12 <vurtual> Yeah.
P5:28:21 <vurtual> But open office is right here and I don't even need it anyways.
P5:28:26 <Jat> oh ok
P5:28:31 <Jat> i got ms office for free anyway
P5:28:38 <mail2345> gah
P5:28:41 <mail2345> goddamit glitch
P5:28:45 <vurtual> Msoffice in wine would be more useless than buying a bluetooth dongle so I can wiimote on my laptop.
P5:28:51 <mail2345> ^^
P5:28:59 <Jat> i have no idea what the fuck that means
P5:29:07 <Jat> i mean i understand the sentence literally
P5:29:09 <i300> Yo
P5:29:12 <Jat> but i dont understand the comparison
P5:29:38 <mail2345> i get the point of the statement
P5:29:50 <mail2345> though i agree with jat
P5:29:56 <mail2345> the comparison is ehhhhhhhhh
P5:30:04 <i300> yea
P5:30:25 <Leonardo> The only word I understand was the word "be."
P5:30:45 <mail2345> this
P5:30:46 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58747#p58747
P5:30:49 <mail2345> made me think of
P5:30:51 <Jat> dongle is a funny word
P5:30:57 <mail2345> "Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks--those who wright new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. "
P5:31:09 <i300> hmm?
P5:31:51 <i300> that made me think of fruit
10P5:31:58 * DOC is now known as DOC-DINNER
P5:32:52 <derp> anyone here familiar with opencraft
P5:33:01 <vede> <i300> that made me think of fruit
P5:33:08 <AndrewPH> Custom server talk isn't allowed here
P5:33:10 <vede> Now you've gone and made me think of fruit too.
P5:33:13 <vede> Damn.
P5:33:17 <derp> yeah i know that's why i want to pm them =p
P5:33:31 <mail2345> yeaa
P5:33:32 <mail2345> uhh
P5:33:37 <mail2345> join #opencraft or something
P5:33:42 <mail2345> hrm
P5:33:46 <mail2345> i guessed the name right
P5:33:51 <vurtual> Getting ms office to work in wine would literally gain me nothing. Less so than getting a wiimote to work as a mouse for my laptop. There's not even the novelty of it.
P5:33:51 <derp> ok
P5:34:17 <Leonardo> I like your name derp.
P5:34:31 <AndrewPH> vurtual, openoffice
P5:34:31 <vede> If you want a word processor in Linux, you can use Open Office, or AbiWord. Both work great.
P5:34:39 <vurtual> AndrewPH, we covered that.
P5:34:47 <vurtual> I was clarifying why I have it.
P5:34:47 <AndrewPH> no we haven't
P5:34:54 <i300> openoffice is greate
P5:35:01 <i300> oh god whats with my spelling
P5:35:04 <AndrewPH> openoffice=msoffice+sex
P5:35:07 <Jat> thats the british spelling
P5:35:09 <Jat> clearly
P5:35:13 <i300> yeah
P5:35:20 <vurtual> We did ages ago, I already stated why I used it, and why msoffice would be pointless.
P5:35:34 <vurtual> So you guys have 3-line max IRC clients that can't scroll up?
P5:35:34 <i300> i personally love msoffice
P5:35:44 <vurtual> Now you don't know what I just said.
10P5:35:58 * Dudebro (Boschuh@99-6-225-96.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:36:03 <mail2345> mail2345: bored
12P5:36:25 * AcidMan (davis.mich@wbs-41-208-201-165.wbs.co.za) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P5:36:33 * Leonardo (chatzilla@CPE0050fc571658-CM00407b85dc77.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: LITTLEBIGPLANET!)
P5:37:23 <Jat> after reading that thread i have concluded that icenisse is annoying
P5:37:30 <PoF59> mail2345: me too
P5:37:53 <mail2345> jat: conclusion: mail2345: agree
P5:38:40 <Jat> anyway for those of us who use msoffice who likes the ribbon interface?
P5:38:46 <Jat> i like it but apparently a lot of people hate it
P5:38:48 <i300> oh god, i love it
P5:39:01 <i300> i love how ms care about their UI
P5:39:07 <AndrewPH> define ribbin
P5:39:09 <AndrewPH> ribbon
P5:39:10 <AndrewPH> *
P5:39:15 <Jat> the new interface that the new version of msoffice use
P5:39:26 <i300> yeah
P5:39:26 <i300> http://www.online-tech-tips.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/image24.png
P5:39:27 <AndrewPH> Oh yes I definitely know what that looks like
P5:39:34 <Jat> i dont know how to describe it sorry
P5:39:38 <mail2345> i300: mail2345: opinion: focus: appearence over usefulness
P5:39:54 <i300> yeah
P5:40:01 <i300> i see your point there
P5:40:11 <AndrewPH> That looks exactly like openoffice's with tabs
P5:40:12 <AndrewPH> :|
P5:40:15 <AndrewPH> and more blue
P5:40:26 <i300> hehe
P5:40:26 <Jat> yeah but somehow it seems clearer and easier to use for me
P5:40:34 <Jat> and it seems easier to find things
P5:40:50 <i300> i use win7, so ribbon is a standard component
P5:40:58 <i300> paint and wordpad use it
P5:41:08 <Jat> anyway i like it
P5:41:10 <AndrewPH> It's a pain to get to anything in the new paint
P5:41:11 <AndrewPH> :|
P5:41:21 <i300> yeah sorta
12P5:41:22 * Ten_Tacles (chatzilla@levk-4db49888.pool.mediaWays.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.16/2009120208])
P5:41:28 <Jat> i havent used the new mspaint
P5:41:36 <AndrewPH> If it takes any longer than the old paint, it's useless garbage
P5:41:36 <i300> its basically the same
P5:41:41 <i300> yeah
P5:41:44 <ylt> i use paint from my xp partition
P5:41:44 <i300> i use paint.nett
P5:42:15 <vede> I use kolourpaint or gimp.
P5:42:28 <i300> i like gimp, but it is sorta hard to use :|
P5:42:30 <Jat> ribbon is good for some things like office applications but it should not be used for EVERYTHING probably
P5:42:36 <i300> yeah
P5:42:43 <i300> in the appropriate situation, it works
P5:43:15 <mail2345> heh
P5:43:21 <mail2345> <bb> Don't spend two dollars to dry clean a shirt. Donate it to the Salvation Army instead. They'll clean it and put it on a hanger. Next morning buy it back for seventy-five cents.
P5:43:24 <mail2345> bash :D
P5:43:33 <Jat> haha
P5:43:34 <Archanos> what
P5:43:37 <i300> haha
P5:43:40 <Archanos> that is some hardcore frugality
P5:43:55 <i300> xD
10P5:44:12 * OWD9000 (owd9000@c-24-22-112-254.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P5:44:36 <vede> I agree that gimp's interface *sucks*
P5:44:42 <Jat> yes
P5:44:45 <i300> yeah\
P5:44:57 <i300> i love the new paint.net UI
P5:45:16 <Jat> the one thing i dont like about paint.net is that it has some issues with rotations at extremely lowresolutions
P5:45:23 <i300> yeah
P5:45:25 <Ylle> gimp should just do what every other graphics editing program does
P5:45:26 <Ylle> instead of
P5:45:32 <Ylle> all this floaty bullshit D:
P5:45:35 <i300> yeah
P5:45:50 <Jat> and they know the ui sucks and they refuse to change it
P5:45:50 <mail2345> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58874#p58874
P5:45:53 <i300> paint.net is *supposed* to be a free photoshop, but it is nowhere near that
P5:46:00 <Jat> no its not
P5:46:08 <Jat> its supposed to just bea simple graphics and photo editing program
P5:46:09 <Ylle> It's more of a free paint shop pro
P5:46:14 <Jat> as sort of a replacement for mspaint
P5:46:20 <Ylle> hmm
P5:46:36 <Ylle> you could call it what wordpad is to word and notepad
P5:46:44 <i300> yeah
P5:46:55 <i300> notepad is a text editor
P5:46:56 <Ylle> speaking of graphics editing
P5:46:57 <HAL9000> completely useless?
P5:46:58 <i300> not a document writer
P5:47:07 <Ylle> Completely useless if you have word and notepad
P5:47:08 <vurtual> paint.net can be used to photoshop things, I am content.
P5:47:08 <Ylle> :V
P5:47:14 <HAL9000> I use editpad pro myself.
P5:47:21 <Archanos> oh yeah well I use cs3
P5:47:25 <i300> cs4
P5:47:29 <Ylle> cs2
P5:47:31 <Ylle> because
P5:47:33 <HAL9000> cs∞
P5:47:34 <vurtual> I use a hex editor.
P5:47:35 <Ylle> I only have 2gb of ram.
P5:47:40 <i300> oh
P5:47:44 <Ylle> I can't run cs3 on 2gb ram
P5:47:48 <i300> yeah
P5:47:50 <i300> no chance
P5:47:54 <Ylle> Well I can but
P5:48:00 <i300> slow as hell
P5:48:00 <Ylle> It wouldn't work too well.
P5:48:06 <Archanos> >cs4
P5:48:08 <Archanos> oh snap
P5:48:12 <Ylle> That and CS2 is the only one I can afford
P5:48:13 <Ylle> :V
P5:48:21 <i300> > pays for software
P5:48:22 <AndrewPH> buy
P5:48:23 <AndrewPH> ?
P5:48:27 <vurtual> I'm laughing very hard now. I have roughly 10 or so people in my Evil Genius fort entrance, stupified by a single trap that everyone keeps htiting.
P5:48:27 <Ylle> Yes
P5:48:29 <Ylle> Sorry.
P5:48:30 <AndrewPH> I use cs42
P5:48:30 <Ylle> :(
P5:48:32 <Jat> people pay for photoshop?
P5:48:36 <Ylle> Nevermind
P5:48:49 <Ylle> I didn't pay i pirated it forget I said I bought it.
P5:48:51 <AndrewPH> vurtual what is evil genius
P5:48:51 <i300> i thought 'pay' was 90's lingo
P5:48:57 <Ylle> god
P5:49:01 <Ylle> I'm so old fashioned.
P5:49:11 <vurtual> It's what I'm currently playing, that's what it is.
P5:49:13 <OWD9000> I pay for things, just not when they're that overpriced
P5:49:18 <i300> yeah
P5:49:19 <Ylle> I'm pretty upset because my flash 5 doesn't work on 64bit computers.
P5:49:21 <Ylle> :c
P5:49:31 <Jat> i dont think adobe actually cares much about people byuing photoshop for personal use
P5:49:32 <i300> wait
P5:49:32 <Ylle> Or vista or something
P5:49:37 <i300> > 2gb ram
P5:49:39 <i300> > 64 bit
P5:49:45 <Ylle> Yes.
P5:49:48 <OWD9000> what.
P5:49:51 <Jat> piracy of photoshop for personal use actually benefits adobe anyway by helping them to saturate the market
P5:50:01 <Archanos> luckily for me, I have an uncle who is a graphic design artist
P5:50:01 <Jat> since if people didnt pirate it much fewer peope would be using it
P5:50:05 <i300> true
P5:50:05 <Ylle> I bought the computer second hand, it's not my fault whoever built this thing was a retard.
P5:50:09 <Archanos> so I never payed for it :3
P5:50:12 <i300> oh
P5:50:15 <i300> i see then
P5:50:19 <Jat> they get their main money from enterprise sales and such
P5:50:22 <OWD9000> this is excusable.
P5:50:25 <Jat> mass licenses for businesses
P5:50:28 <i300> yeah
P5:50:32 <i300> tahts very true
P5:50:35 <Ylle> That and 64 bit makes gamecube emulation bearable :D! (pretty much the only reason.)
P5:50:43 <i300> :P
P5:50:49 <i300> i still buy OEM computer
P5:50:52 <i300> *computers
P5:51:06 <OWD9000> I stopped doing that :C
P5:51:15 <i300> good for you man
P5:51:26 <i300> once you want linux, BAM you already have 4 partitions
P5:51:26 <Ylle> But yeah I buy stuff like games and software out of like..
P5:51:29 <Jat> by oem you mean you buy oem parst and put them together?
P5:51:34 <Ylle> habit.
P5:51:42 <i300> no i mean like dell building it and sending it to me
P5:51:45 <Jat> i buy most stuff
P5:51:48 <Jat> oh ok
P5:51:51 <Ylle> I only pirated when I was too young to pay for shit mysef.
P5:51:59 <i300> i pirated cs4
P5:52:05 <i300> everything else i usually buy
P5:52:12 <i300> but, i pirated ram
P5:52:14 <Ylle> oh
P5:52:16 <Jat> how??
P5:52:22 <i300> i have no idea
P5:52:22 <Ylle> Yeah I used to pirate ram
P5:52:24 <Ylle> sweet.
10P5:52:29 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:52:34 <Jat> link to ram torrent plz
P5:52:47 <OWD9000> He rode into Fry's on a dinghy with a harpoon gun
P5:52:52 <HAL9000> XD
P5:52:56 <i300> lol
P5:52:59 <Jat> lol
P5:53:13 <HAL9000> perfect IRC quote
P5:53:25 <Archanos> my fry's is all cowboys and yeehaw theme
P5:53:40 <i300> i havent been to frys for a looong time
P5:53:49 <OWD9000> Yeah
P5:53:52 <i300> i need to go buy a new hard drive soon anyways
P5:53:55 <OWD9000> Only Fry's I have is 20 miles away
P5:54:08 <Jat> trying to buy actual hardware wheere i live sucks
P5:54:10 <Ylle> I could use more ram, a new graphics card and a new PSU
P5:54:11 <Ylle> but
P5:54:12 <Archanos> fry's is an interesting place
P5:54:15 <Jat> so doing it online is just ebtert usually
P5:54:17 <Ylle> lol affording that
P5:54:18 <Jat> better
P5:54:32 <vede> "hey ppl r sayin i need a better graphix card 2 run dis game can sum1 giv me a link were i can download sumthin like dat sorry for the n00bish qstn lol i dont no that much abot cpus."
P5:54:44 <Ylle> the computer tower is not a cpu
P5:54:52 <OWD9000> I usually stop helping people when they assume it is.
P5:54:57 <i300> lol
P5:55:08 <i300> my friend thought a computer was a hard drive
P5:55:12 <OWD9000> That too.
P5:55:12 <i300> thats it
P5:55:14 <Ylle> lol
P5:55:16 <i300> lol
P5:55:17 <Ylle> that's terrible
P5:55:24 <i300> yeah
12P5:55:28 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P5:55:31 <Jat> worry when they call it their iphone
P5:55:36 <i300> xD
P5:55:45 <OWD9000> worry/rage
P5:55:53 <Ylle> Ehh I wonder if I should even upgrade my computer now.
P5:55:54 <vede> As I said last night here, you should be educated on how computers work, and what all the parts are and what they do, before you're allowed to use one.
P5:55:58 <Ylle> Since I have a 8800gt.
P5:56:02 <i300> oh god
P5:56:05 <HAL9000> just a gt?
P5:56:09 <Ylle> just a gt.
P5:56:13 <HAL9000> ick
P5:56:21 <i300> whats yoru processor?
P5:56:23 <i300> *yoru
P5:56:25 <Jat> a 9500gt is better than a radeon 9800 pro right?
P5:56:27 <i300> **your tt-tt
P5:56:32 <HAL9000> My favorite video card company has to be EVGA
P5:56:34 <Ylle> it's a E8400. I think it's called that.
P5:56:49 <HAL9000> their trade-up program
P5:56:51 <Ylle> I hate these god damn numbers.
P5:56:55 <OWD9000> 3.0GHz dual core?
P5:56:57 <Jat> me too
P5:56:57 <Ylle> yes
P5:57:00 <i300> nice
10P5:57:04 * revenant is now known as gdude2002
P5:57:07 <i300> then get 4 gb of ram
P5:57:11 <i300> its pretty cheap
10P5:57:14 * emgmod (chatzilla@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P5:57:18 <Ylle> for what game exactly
P5:57:20 <emgmod> Hello.
10P5:57:21 * gdude2002 is now known as revenant
P5:57:31 <i300> what game?
P5:57:36 <HAL9000> Also closing IRC so feel free to talk about me behind my back.
P5:57:37 <vede> You know something I don't like about video cards in comparison to other hardware?
P5:57:39 <OWD9000> Still waiting for 4GB sticks
12P5:57:44 * HAL9000 (Mibbit@adsl-99-28-214-52.dsl.stl2mo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P5:57:47 <Ylle> That's the big question for me. There's really no games or reason to upgrade for me now.
P5:57:51 <LG_Legacy> That guy is an asshole
P5:57:52 <vede> They have model numbers, while everything else is generally identified by its specs.
P5:57:57 <i300> cs3 or cs4 ;3
P5:58:01 <OWD9000> He stole my 9000.
12P5:58:02 * SDX (chatzilla@iD470832E.versanet.de) Quit (Quit: www.sd.x.gg)
P5:58:10 <Jat> im pissed off that its so difficult to find power consumption specs for hardware
P5:58:18 <vurtual> Well, you know a rage pro is going to be worse than a 4670.
P5:58:19 <Ylle> vede: Back in the day, a voodoo 3 was much better than a voodoo 2
P5:58:23 <OWD9000> Usually just overestimate and you'll be fine
P5:58:23 <vede> "Oh I have <video card model number> and a <number> <number>-core processor, <stats stats stats>"
P5:58:31 <i300> lol
P5:58:38 <i300> i need to upgrade my card
P5:58:38 <Ylle> Nowadays a 9600 is going to be much worse than a 8800.
P5:58:45 <i300> its a radeon hd 4850
P5:58:46 <vurtual> Learn numbering, and you can know how good each card is.
P5:58:51 <Jat> since im planning on upgrading my computer soon can i ask about my upgrade?
P5:58:53 <i300> i need to upgrade to a 5000
P5:58:58 <i300> yeah
P5:59:06 <OWD9000> i think i'm good for a while still
P5:59:08 <Jat> wait a 9600gt is worse than a 8800gt?
P5:59:10 <vurtual> Jat, collect lots of XP with a computer, then you can upgrade in that stat.
P5:59:11 <OWD9000> gtx 280
P5:59:14 <vede> I'm saying, like, why don't we use a video card's actual specifications rather than its model?
P5:59:21 <i300> yeah, the bigger the number the better is is basically
P5:59:34 <i300> but i dislike nvidia
P5:59:35 <vede> The way we do with processors, hard drives, RAM, and everything else.
P5:59:37 <vurtual> They're realllly complex.
P5:59:49 <vurtual> So we turned them into simple numbers.
P5:59:51 <Ylle> Jat: Yeah.
P5:59:51 <Jat> is a 9600gt worse than a 8800gt?
P5:59:53 <Jat> why?
P5:59:57 <Ylle> Because
P6:00:08 <Ylle> the second number denotes the series
P6:00:15 <Jat> oh
P6:00:17 <i300> yeah
P6:00:20 <Jat> thats fucking retarded
P6:00:23 <Ylle> I know!
P6:00:25 <i300> yeah
P6:00:25 <Ylle> I hate it.
P6:00:30 <i300> i like ATI
P6:00:37 <Ylle> I love ati cards however'
P6:00:44 <i300> yeah
P6:00:53 <OWD9000> i don't really like ati cards. don't know why.
P6:00:53 <Ylle> they run hot, loud and require more power than you'd think was needed.
P6:00:54 <i300> its a number taht gets bigger, getting better
P6:00:57 <Jat> so then wtf is the first number?
P6:01:00 <vurtual> ATI cards always have obscure random problems.
P6:01:01 <Ylle> It's the model
P6:01:11 <Ylle> 9th model, 6th series.
P6:01:13 <i300> vurtual: yeah
P6:01:15 <Jat> goddamnit
P6:01:22 <OWD9000> the naming and numbering is just as ridiculous for either brand
P6:01:31 <i300> i have an ati radeon hd 4850
P6:01:32 <OWD9000> you just end up getting used to whichever one you pick
P6:01:36 <i300> true
P6:01:37 <Ylle> Also I think my 8800gt is a sapphire one.
P6:01:45 <Ylle> if that's even possible like hell I know
P6:01:45 <i300> > sapphire and nvidia?
P6:01:52 <Ylle> yeah it's probably wrong
P6:01:55 <i300> yeah\
P6:01:59 <i300> nvidia make their cards
P6:02:04 <i300> ati have people do it for them
P6:02:06 <Jat> then maybe i should look again at what card i should upgrade to
P6:02:16 <Ylle> yeah its my other box that has a sapphire, higher end
P6:02:17 <Jat> i was planning on 9500gt because its cheap
P6:02:21 <Ylle> but the best ATI card I've ever had
P6:02:27 <Jat> and most likely better than a radeon 9800 pro anyway
P6:02:29 <Ylle> was a 9250 radeon.
P6:02:34 <i300> ooo nicwe
P6:02:36 <i300> *nice
P6:02:40 <Ylle> Yeah
P6:02:41 <Ylle> No fan.
P6:02:44 <Ylle> Just a heatsink
P6:02:44 <i300> xD
P6:02:44 <Ylle> :3
P6:02:50 <i300> i love heatsinks
P6:03:04 <Ylle> I could even run tf2 on it
P6:03:08 <i300> nice
P6:03:21 <Ylle> Of course I had 1gb ram and 4ghz p4 backing it up but yeah
P6:03:23 <Jat> tf2 barely evenb runs on my 9800 :|
P6:03:28 <i300> i run tf2 on my hd 4670
P6:03:29 <OWD9000> really?
P6:03:39 <Jat> i mean it runs fine most of the time on lowest settings
P6:03:40 <Ylle> maybe you have settings too high Jat
P6:03:45 <Ylle> weird.
P6:03:50 <i300> yeah
P6:03:51 <Jat> ubut in some places the fps becaomes unplayable
P6:03:59 <i300> that sucks
P6:04:01 <Ylle> Well TF2 is more processor and ram than graphics card.
P6:04:04 <OWD9000> i'm glad i blew too much money building this computer
P6:04:07 <Jat> then again it appears to be somewhat broken anywy
P6:04:08 <Ylle> Well, actually, just as much
P6:04:18 <OWD9000> most things run great
P6:04:20 <Jat> well my cpu is a p4 2.6 ghz
P6:04:28 <OWD9000> that would be the problem
P6:04:30 <Ylle> Since I had shit fps on TF2 before they threw in dual core optimization.
P6:04:31 <Jat> oh ok
P6:04:37 <i300> if you have 3gb ram and a good 3.00GHz dual core you should be able to ruyn tf2 on lowest easy
P6:04:51 <OWD9000> what was your ram like Jat?
P6:04:51 <Jat> how much fucking ram dose it need?
P6:04:54 <Ylle> It should work on less but
P6:04:55 <Jat> 2.5gb
P6:04:55 <i300> tf2?
P6:04:59 <Ylle> Every god damn update you know
P6:05:01 <i300> i think 1.0gb
P6:05:05 <OWD9000> that should work, but the cpu is your bottleneck right now
P6:05:09 <Jat> oh ok
P6:05:14 <revenant> wtf you talking about
P6:05:15 <Jat> well im upgrading amlmost everything
P6:05:15 <Ylle> in theory you could run it on 512mb ram.
P6:05:17 <Ylle> I know I have.
P6:05:18 <Jat> soon probably
P6:05:18 <revenant> TF2 is easy to run
P6:05:19 <revenant> on shit.
P6:05:24 <OWD9000> whats your budget like?
P6:05:24 <Ylle> but then
P6:05:31 <revenant> I ran it on Medium settings on my MAC BOOK PRO in Wine.
P6:05:32 <Ylle> it looked like bloody legoland lol
P6:05:43 <i300> tf2 specs:
P6:05:44 <i300> Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX<74> 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), Windows<77> Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
P6:05:44 <i300> Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX<74> 9 level Graphics Card, Windows<77> Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection
P6:05:47 <Jat> well the stuff i m upgradnig will probably end up being about 400-500 $ D:
P6:05:51 <Jat> most than i was hoping to spend
P6:05:51 <revenant> yeah, 2.6ghz
P6:05:54 <revenant> im around the middle.
P6:06:00 <Jat> but i wanted it to be stable and upgradeable for a while
P6:06:04 <revenant> I just had to use OpenGL instead of D3D
P6:06:06 <Jat> nnot necessarily powerful
P6:06:10 <i300> how much did you pay for your current pc?
P6:06:15 <Jat> a lot
P6:06:21 <Jat> but that was many years ago
P6:06:21 <i300> over 1k?
P6:06:25 <i300> oh
P6:06:28 <Jat> and its inuncluded replacing parts
P6:06:35 <i300> oh ok
P6:06:37 <Jat> ive replaced a lot of parts over time
P6:06:43 <Jat> but im ordering a whole bunch of new stfuf soon
P6:06:46 <i300> nice
P6:06:47 <Jat> so almost everything will be replaced
P6:06:47 <OWD9000> oem originally?
P6:06:57 <i300> a good overhaul is a great for anything
P6:06:59 <Jat> it was put together in a computer shop
P6:07:02 <OWD9000> ah
P6:07:03 <Jat> so not really oem
P6:07:05 <i300> yeah
P6:07:13 <OWD9000> well
P6:07:15 <Jat> anyway is athlon 2 dual core 3.0ghz ok?
P6:07:21 <Jat> for cheap
P6:07:23 <Ylle> http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3713/ctfdoublecross0003.jpg
P6:07:24 <Ylle> pro
P6:07:25 <Jat> or rather cheap and old
P6:07:34 <OWD9000> i couldn't tell you, i never recommend amd
P6:07:38 <Ylle> I'm rather sad about how the hitdecals look but eh
P6:07:51 <Jat> amd is cheaper than intel
P6:07:58 <OWD9000> i was lucky
P6:07:59 <Ylle> god damn legoland crap anyway
P6:08:01 <AndrewPH> intel is better
P6:08:04 <i300> yeah
P6:08:05 <OWD9000> i knew someone who worked at intel
P6:08:10 <i300> intel rule the cpu market
P6:08:10 <OWD9000> so i got a discount on mine
P6:08:20 <Ylle> AMD used to be pretty good
P6:08:26 <i300> yeah
P6:08:28 <Jat> as long as the cpu works decently i dont ally care what vbrand it is
P6:08:29 <i300> now they are a joke
P6:08:32 <Ylle> but now its a matter of what GPU you're putting in.
P6:08:46 <i300> i7 getting 3.0GHz with Quad Cores and 8MB Cache
P6:08:54 <i300> Only intel get that
P6:08:55 <revenant> watch your RAM latency.
P6:09:11 <revenant> and most importantly, make sure everything fits your motherboard, and that you have a good enough power supply.
P6:09:16 <Jat> yeah
P6:09:18 <i300> lmao
P6:09:18 <revenant> You can't just plug an i7 into any motherboard.
P6:09:21 <i300> true
P6:09:24 <revenant> It has its own socket.
P6:09:31 <revenant> You'll need an i7 compatible motherboard.
P6:09:34 <i300> yeah
P6:09:35 <Jat> thats why im pissed off about the power supply since i cant find out how much power the components draw from each rail
10P6:09:38 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-65-68-75-221.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:09:40 <i300> and i7 compatible everything
P6:09:42 <Ylle> I remember when dual core meant putting two cpus onto the same mobo
P6:09:45 <revenant> And if you try to find an i7 compatible one that also has quad-SLI...
P6:09:49 <revenant> it gets expensive.
P6:09:54 <i300> yeah
P6:09:58 <Jat> who are you talking to?
P6:10:00 <revenant> And by then you're building a BTX large tower...
P6:10:05 <revenant> *rambling*
P6:10:08 <Jat> oh
P6:10:09 <Ylle> hahahaha revenant
P6:10:17 <Ylle> quad sli.
P6:10:27 <Ylle> If I won the lottery, perhaps.
P6:10:28 <Ylle> :V
P6:10:30 <revenant> haha.
P6:10:37 <OWD9000> i can't imagine how much space that would take up physically
P6:10:38 <revenant> Four nVidia 295's
P6:10:39 <revenant> :)
P6:10:46 <OWD9000> that sounds horrifying.
P6:10:52 <revenant> You'd need a shitload of liquid cooling
P6:10:59 <revenant> In fact, this should be hung on a mobile.
P6:11:02 <Jat> anyway the videocard WAS going to be a 9500gt since that seemed like the best balance between cheap price and power compared to my old radeon 9800
P6:11:03 <OWD9000> i have one 280 and it's like half a cereal box
P6:11:04 <revenant> With the box, itd get too hot.
P6:11:11 <Ylle> At that point, your power bill would be part of the calculations of your computer build.
P6:11:13 <Jat> but i dunno now
P6:11:17 <revenant> yep XD.
P6:11:29 <revenant> 1200 would not be enough
P6:11:29 <Jat> i have no fucking idea how to pick out a videocard
P6:11:42 <revenant> Make sure it works with your motherboard!
P6:11:42 <Ylle> DX9 pixel shader 3.
P6:11:45 <OWD9000> well, we could get really nontechnical
P6:11:49 <Ylle> make sure it works for your mobo yeah
P6:11:54 <revenant> Look for good vram amounts too
P6:11:54 <Siiseli> Jat, buy the most expensive one!
P6:11:56 <OWD9000> what is the highest quality game you want to be able to run?
P6:11:57 <Jat> what do you mean works with my motherboard?
P6:11:59 <revenant> lower CPU will make games slower.
P6:12:00 <Jat> no wait
P6:12:02 <Jat> this one is like 55$
P6:12:06 <revenant> But not enough vram means you cant play them at ALL
P6:12:12 <i300> here is my build
P6:12:12 <i300> http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/8828/minecraftirc12302009spe.png
P6:12:32 <Ylle> is the i7 good for anything
P6:12:37 <i300> yes
P6:12:37 <Ylle> other than maybe ut3.
P6:12:44 <OWD9000> i wish i had gone for the i7
P6:12:45 <Jat> anyway i guess source games mainly are what i want to run
P6:12:45 <OWD9000> kind of.
P6:12:53 <i300> running source games with everything highest
P6:12:58 <OWD9000> but i'm not going 8 core until it's 8 physical cores
P6:12:59 <i300> thats what i do
P6:13:08 <OWD9000> yeah, i do that with mine
P6:13:09 <Jat> at the moment even wnhat i have now is decent for source games
P6:13:17 <OWD9000> only thing that can have problems is gmod but that's a very different issue
P6:13:22 <i300> yeah
P6:13:38 <i300> the newest gmod is buggy for me and win7]
P6:13:40 <Jat> anyway my main concern is just upgradeability in the future and stability
P6:13:44 <Jat> reliability and such
P6:13:47 <Jat> not necessarily power
P6:13:51 <Jat> and preferably cheap too
P6:13:55 <Jat> relatively
P6:13:56 <i300> yeah
10P6:14:05 * nenechii (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:14:06 <i300> core2 duo is a good series
10P6:14:08 * Snowmanot (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) has joined #minecraft
P6:14:09 <nenechii> bah
P6:14:12 <nenechii> crappy connectio
P6:14:13 <Jat> sadly its still going to end up being about 400-500 $ :(
P6:14:13 <nenechii> anyway
P6:14:18 <i300> yeah
10P6:14:22 * ecrider (ecrider@dynamic-78-8-6-235.ssp.dialog.net.pl) has joined #minecraft
12P6:14:23 * Tumm (Tumm@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P6:14:24 <nenechii> Nowadays I usually run gmod with wire and phx pack
10P6:14:25 * OWD90000 (owd9000@c-24-22-112-254.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:14:28 <Jat> since im also getting a new hard drive
P6:14:31 <OWD90000> I guess someone stole my nick
P6:14:33 <nenechii> and that's usually it
10P6:14:35 * TD|Blah (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:14:48 <Jat> 2gb of ram is usually good enough for source games right
P6:14:50 <Jat> ?
P6:14:53 <i300> yeah
P6:14:58 <OWD90000> usually, but
P6:14:58 <i300> but 3gb is nice for everything
P6:15:07 <Jat> i think the most expensive part is the motherboard... its like 80-90 $
12P6:15:07 * Kohuded (Mibbit@ti0197a340-0889.bb.online.no) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P6:15:19 <OWD90000> you should get as much as you can without sacrificing the quality of the rest of your parts
P6:15:19 <i300> are you building a new PC?
P6:15:33 <Jat> its mostly a new pc... im keeping my current sound card, atx case, and monitor
P6:15:41 <i300> ok
P6:15:45 <i300> then yeah
P6:15:48 <OWD90000> what case do you have?
P6:15:49 <Jat> yeah what?
P6:15:56 <i300> core2 duo and 2gb of ram is good
P6:15:56 <Jat> i dont know its a big antec case
P6:16:01 <Jat> its not an intel cpu
P6:16:03 <Jat> im getting amd
P6:16:05 <i300> :|
P6:16:07 <OWD90000> ah, same, antec 900
P6:16:13 <i300> then idk bout' pentium
P6:16:21 <i300> i mean amd
P6:16:22 <i300> lol
P6:16:34 <Jat> im getting an athlon 2 dual core 3.0ghz
P6:16:40 <i300> thats good
P6:16:47 <i300> then 2gb will go good
P6:16:49 <Jat> its surprisingly not much more expensive than older cpus
12P6:16:56 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:17:00 <i300> oh
P6:17:03 <i300> cool
P6:17:10 <Jat> and much cheaper than intel
P6:17:14 <i300> yeah
P6:17:24 <Jat> and im certainly not overclocking or anything
P6:17:30 <i300> ohhhh
12P6:17:31 * OWD9000 (owd9000@c-24-22-112-254.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (triton.esper.net excelsior.esper.net)
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P6:17:33 <i300> o-o
P6:17:42 <Jat> fucking netsplits
P6:17:47 <i300> yeah
P6:17:49 <AndrewPH> Ok who hit the big red 'netsplit' button?
12P6:17:50 * TD|Blah (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
P6:18:01 <Jat> i knew we should have removed that button
P6:18:07 <i300> :P
10P6:18:13 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:18:22 <i300> what brand of motherboard are you getting?
P6:18:48 <Jat> reminds me of this http://catb.org/jargon/html/magic-story.html
P6:18:52 <Jat> gigabyte motherboard
P6:18:57 <i300> good
P6:19:01 <mail2345> see guys
P6:19:02 <OWD90000> yes
P6:19:02 <i300> gigabyte are great
P6:19:05 <mail2345> this is why
P6:19:14 <mail2345> you put those little covers on your cableas
P6:19:18 <mail2345> so people don't slip on them
P6:19:19 <i300> lol
10P6:19:23 * storage (chicag0ac1@ has joined #minecraft
P6:19:25 <Jat> anyone have any experience with sparkle video cards?
P6:19:30 <Animator> Aeomin, have you seen your server lately?
P6:19:58 <OWD90000> i think that is a no
10P6:20:33 * Pixelz (pix@pix.pp.se) has joined #minecraft
P6:21:09 <i300> brb
10P6:21:15 * OWD90000 is now known as owd9000
P6:21:25 <owd9000> got my name back
P6:21:27 <owd9000> :D
10P6:21:53 * Eric (eric@pool-173-60-126-143.lsanca.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
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10P6:22:11 * JJames19119 (cole19119@pool-173-64-178-31.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:23:32 <AndrewPH> esper has a lot of problems daily :|
P6:23:46 <AndrewPH> Every day there's a problem with one of the servers :|
P6:24:02 <Archanos> itd be cool if they had interchannel two way speak
10P6:24:03 * FontPeg (localhost@adsl-234-42-167.jax.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
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10P6:24:11 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Super-Dot
P6:24:12 <emgmod> That would be cool.
P6:24:18 <Archanos> id be all like, global is fat
P6:24:23 <Archanos> and theyd be like stfu
P6:24:45 <vurtual> I think I just levelled up in argumenting.
12P6:25:05 * emgmod (chatzilla@cpe-66-8-168-193.hawaii.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.6/20091201220228])
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P6:26:38 <LG_Legacy> What?
10P6:26:47 * lobster (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
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10P6:28:03 * TestDummy (testdummy_@c-71-197-194-59.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:28:30 <vurtual> I convinced an anarchist into rejoining democracy. They are partially convinced by the concept of actively changing what they believe is wrong,.
P6:28:37 <vurtual> As opposed to just sitting around and not doing anything
10P6:28:43 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has left #minecraft
P6:28:56 <Siiseli> well vurtual did you ask him why he was an anarchist or how he thought it could work
P6:29:04 <Animator> You mean debating, vurtual.
P6:29:34 <Siiseli> the point of anarchy is to bring down a form of government into no form of government, then basically let the void fill itself and hope it'll be something better
P6:29:38 <vurtual> I did.
P6:29:41 <Siiseli> anarchy is just a moving point between government
P6:29:44 <Siiseli> anarchy is just a moving point between governments*
P6:29:56 <vurtual> Then I pointed out the problems, and how our system can be used effectively.
10P6:29:58 * Watchman (Watchman@ has joined #minecraft
P6:30:05 <Siiseli> most anarchists just wanna be anarchists cos' they wanna mess around and throw bricks into windows
P6:30:07 <vurtual> Debating/argumenting/arguing, whatever. It's one skill.
P6:30:23 <vurtual> Siiseli, well, they believe in equality of everyone and power of speech and such.
P6:30:24 <Siiseli> anyway, anarchists are often kids who think there's something wrong with the system
P6:30:30 <vurtual> It's like... half-socialist, half-anarchist.
P6:30:34 <Siiseli> but cannot suggest a better alternative.
P6:30:35 <Jat> democracy is a crappy government for large populations
P6:30:40 <Siiseli> it indeed is
P6:30:43 <Siiseli> and it cannot work
P6:30:47 <vurtual> Jat, for large, lazy populations.
P6:30:48 <owd9000> maybe we should just get an anarchist state going. they could vacation there and see how much they like it
P6:30:50 <Jat> no
P6:30:51 <vurtual> Currently, I'm fine with everything.
P6:30:56 <Jat> for large populations with many different pionts of view
P6:30:57 <Siiseli> but Jat, any form of government is shit for large populations.
P6:30:59 <Jat> and opinions
P6:31:10 <Jat> yes
P6:31:13 <Jat> siiseli
P6:31:15 <Jat> i agree
P6:31:23 <Siiseli> the perfect social order is impossible
P6:31:27 <Siiseli> because we lack the perfect human
P6:31:36 <vurtual> What if everyone was nice and friendly?
P6:31:38 <Siiseli> to make a perfect society we need to strip humanity out
P6:31:43 <mail2345> we can only approximate perfection
P6:31:44 <Siiseli> vurtual, which would be the perfect situation
P6:31:47 <Siiseli> which is impossible
P6:31:54 <Jat> that sounds like socialist talk vurtual
P6:31:55 <Siiseli> because everyone will NEVER be nice and friendly
P6:32:01 <Jat> suspicious socialist talk
P6:32:04 <Siiseli> it's a sheer impossiblity
P6:32:18 <owd9000> until everyone's just so afraid of retribution that they have to be nice and friendly
P6:32:19 <mail2345> with current technology
P6:32:22 <vurtual> I say we invent a new country, where you have to be nice.
P6:32:28 <Siiseli> vurtual, or what?
P6:32:31 <Animator> Then society becomes distopic.
P6:32:34 <vurtual> You move to the USA.
P6:32:36 <Siiseli> you know they tried that vurtual
P6:32:38 <mail2345> i say
P6:32:44 <mail2345> we let make skyney
P6:32:45 <owd9000> so, nice or deported?
P6:32:45 <Siiseli> it's called the soviet union
P6:32:48 <mail2345> lol
P6:32:53 <Siiseli> but it kind of broke down
P6:32:54 <vurtual> 51st state requires niceness, or you move to the other states.
P6:33:00 <mail2345> yea
P6:33:01 <Jat> anyway i was just talking about democracy since a lot of people seem to think that democracy is a cure-all
P6:33:04 <mail2345> but over here in hawaii
P6:33:11 <Siiseli> well vurtual that would result in a government led by fear
P6:33:12 <mail2345> umm lets say the education system
P6:33:13 <Siiseli> which isn't nice!
P6:33:16 <mail2345> isn't exactly up to par
P6:33:20 <Siiseli> it's fascist.
P6:33:22 <vurtual> Siiseli, be scared of having to move a little?
P6:33:22 <owd9000> democracy would only be a cure-all if everyone voted the way you did
P6:33:24 <Animator> But if you're forcing someone out, you're not being nice to them.
P6:33:32 <Animator> You're contradicting your own rule.
P6:33:33 <Siiseli> vurtual, be scared of being thrown out of where you live
10P6:33:38 * ylt (ylt@ has joined #minecraft
P6:33:45 <Siiseli> vurtual, your ideas are utopistic and unrealistic.
P6:33:46 <owd9000> the reason it doesn't work is the same reason it's sought after in the first place
P6:33:54 <vurtual> "Oh no if I go around insulting people or screaming at everyone or start breaking the law I'll have to move what do I dooo"
P6:34:09 <Siiseli> vurtual, that involves leaving all your friends behind
P6:34:14 <Siiseli> and social circles
P6:34:15 <Siiseli> and job
P6:34:16 <Siiseli> house
P6:34:17 <Siiseli> everything
P6:34:28 <Siiseli> and where do you draw the line of being nice?
P6:34:34 <vurtual> Internet, internet, internet, RV, storage.
P6:34:45 <storage> what
P6:34:48 <Siiseli> anyway, to make such a place, would essentially strip humans of their humanity
P6:34:51 <owd9000> ha.
P6:34:54 <Siiseli> thus bringing me back to my original point
P6:35:08 <vurtual> It's already illegal for hate crimes or abuse.
P6:35:09 <Siiseli> no governmental system could work
P6:35:16 <Siiseli> that well
P6:35:26 <vurtual> Just enforce it.
P6:35:27 <Siiseli> because humans are horrible pieces of shit
P6:35:30 <owd9000> hate crimes and abuse and stuff like that are already incorrectly prosecuted a good portion of the time
P6:35:33 <vurtual> I'm not horrible.
P6:35:38 <vurtual> I certainly hope YOU'RE not horrible.
P6:35:39 <Siiseli> well most are :)
P6:35:52 <vurtual> You're banned from my 51st state.
P6:35:53 <owd9000> people would be in jail for a lot of things they didn't do because of how difficult they'd be to prove
P6:35:57 <Siiseli> anyway, vurtual, your ideas for government couldn't work
P6:36:03 <vurtual> It already works on the internet.
P6:36:11 <mail2345> i have a solution for goverment
P6:36:13 <Siiseli> well the internet is formed of mini-societies
P6:36:24 <mail2345> we use technology to improve the human race
P6:36:25 <Siiseli> and is essentially not what you're suggesting vurtual
P6:36:30 <mail2345> and then let things settle themselves
P6:36:32 <Siiseli> Jat, silence, this is interesting
P6:36:37 <owd9000> this is better then sitting in a dead channel at least
P6:36:53 <Siiseli> mail2345, we use technologoy to advance further to advance further to advance further to...
P6:36:59 <Jat> im not complaining
12P6:37:06 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P6:37:07 <vurtual> I get to play videogames AND push my political agenda for world domination.
P6:37:15 <Siiseli> anyway, vurtual, internet is mini-society.
P6:37:20 <Siiseli> state is not
P6:37:26 <Siiseli> that would require enforcing
P6:37:28 <Jat> just pointing out that he pushed the snowball down the hill :o
P6:37:29 <owd9000> i'd say
P6:37:30 <vurtual> I run it on a channel of lifeless, homeless nerds.
P6:37:33 <owd9000> internet is more like a mega-society
P6:37:34 <Siiseli> and it would require 24/7 surveilance
P6:37:36 <owd9000> this is like a tribe
P6:37:39 <Siiseli> which would mean Orwellian society
P6:37:43 <vurtual> Getting kicked from the IRC channel is the equivelant of solitary confinement.
10P6:37:46 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:37:51 <Siiseli> owd9000, it's a mini-society, individual channels
P6:37:55 <Siiseli> forming one mega-coutnry
P6:37:57 <Siiseli> country
P6:37:57 <owd9000> yes
P6:38:03 <owd9000> i think i just misunderstood what you said
P6:38:06 <Siiseli> individual all sorts of stuff
P6:38:08 <Siiseli> yeah you did
P6:38:12 <Siiseli> whatever, don't matter :D
P6:38:23 <vurtual> NO WAIT
P6:38:25 <Archanos> then who was internet
P6:38:29 <vurtual> We just invent everything we could comprehend in 2004.
P6:38:38 <vurtual> Then, we will only be able to invent "future tech". It adds happiness and health!
P6:38:46 <Siiseli> vurtual, yes but in your state things're more complicated and surveilance is harder
P6:38:51 <vurtual> Keep inventing it and everyone will be more estatic than a dwarf with a dining room!
P6:39:00 <Siiseli> surveilance eventually leads to cameras everywhere
P6:39:04 <Siiseli> leading to fear of eviction
P6:39:07 <Archanos> like cctv
P6:39:08 <owd9000> but once things become like that people get used to it
P6:39:09 <Jat> especially in the womens changing rooms
P6:39:13 <Jat> and bathrooms
P6:39:14 <Jat> and bedrooms
P6:39:16 <Siiseli> leading to a society founded on fear
P6:39:19 <Siiseli> Archanos, excacltly.
P6:39:24 <owd9000> "Why don't we have technology from 500 years in the future instead of just 250?"
P6:39:25 <Siiseli> (enjoy your Orwell, bitches)
P6:39:30 <mail2345> umm guys
P6:39:31 <Archanos> lol britons
P6:39:35 <mail2345> while we are having a debate
P6:39:44 <mail2345> what is the definition of a perfect society?
P6:39:48 <mail2345> what would be the ideals
P6:39:49 <Archanos> <insert UN joke here>
P6:39:50 <Jat> the one i rule
P6:39:50 <Siiseli> owd9000, so you're saying it's okay for people to get numbed by a society of fear?
P6:39:58 <owd9000> what? no...
P6:40:10 <Jat> or more correctly
P6:40:13 <Jat> "the one i rule"
P6:40:17 <owd9000> I'm saying if we did something like that to keep everyone happy, they'll just want more
P6:40:23 <Siiseli> mail2345, one that can sustain itself, has no dilemmas basically
P6:40:43 <Siiseli> everyone is "free" and has anything they need to make 'emselves happy
P6:40:43 <Jat> it is a subjective question that mail asked and there is no specific answer
P6:40:59 <vurtual> I don't think people will be founded on fear of getting arrested or fined for being a horrible person to everyone.
P6:41:01 <Siiseli> (all the moslows lower hierarchy levels need to be automatically fullfilled by society)
P6:41:07 <Archanos> Some could interpret a perfect society as one without emotion and thought
P6:41:18 <Siiseli> vurtual, well drawing the line of horrible person is hard
P6:41:38 <vurtual> Did you just make everyone wish you didn't exist?
P6:41:38 <Siiseli> would you draw the line of this with a community vote? surveilance cameras?
10P6:41:47 * Ylle (Ylleneezer@81-234-87-221-no38.tbcn.telia.com) has joined #minecraft
P6:41:58 <Siiseli> well anyway, those are all horrible options
P6:42:16 <Siiseli> besides, occasional dickery is part of the human nature
P6:42:22 <Siiseli> it's impossible and dangerous to always be nice
P6:42:22 <Jat> and fun
P6:42:30 <vurtual> wait
P6:42:35 <vurtual> I have to be mean occasionally!?
P6:42:38 <vurtual> Nobody told me that!
P6:42:44 <Siiseli> well you're allowed to
13P6:42:49 * vurtual burns Siiseli's house down
P6:42:51 <Siiseli> if you don't consider yourself before others
13P6:42:55 * vurtual stabs a puppy
P6:42:55 <Siiseli> you'll end up in the gutter.
P6:43:01 <AndrewPH> Archanos what are you doing on my custom server that nobody good ever goes on
13P6:43:12 * vurtual disregards the people he normally helps
P6:43:20 <Siiseli> anyway vurtual is obviously being silly and this arguement is tupid
P6:43:23 <Siiseli> stupid*
13P6:43:25 * vurtual lets his friends fall into ruin without a socially supportive leader
P6:43:32 <Siiseli> let's drop it :p
P6:43:40 <owd9000> i think he's just making up for the years and years of being perfectly nice to everyone
P6:43:52 <Siiseli> yeah propably
P6:44:01 <Siiseli> anyway, being selfish can be healthy
P6:44:09 <Siiseli> anything you do is basically selfish at some level
P6:44:18 <Siiseli> realize selfishness, to a certain extent, is good
P6:44:29 <Siiseli> well, selfishness is always good
P6:44:31 <vurtual> You're using the dark side of the force now.
P6:44:37 <Siiseli> there are just different kinds of selfishness
P6:44:43 <vurtual> Things can be selfish until it gets to the point where nobody is troubled, and it doesn't matter.
P6:44:53 <Siiseli> some are, for example, making yourself feel better for helping someone
P6:44:56 <owd9000> and then you have to step up to a galactic scale. :D
P6:44:58 <Siiseli> that's good
P6:45:07 <Siiseli> but if you hurt someone by your selfishness
P6:45:10 <mail2345> siiseli, besides the fact that people are mean
P6:45:10 <vurtual> That's not even selfish. You're not using it as a means to an end.
P6:45:11 <Siiseli> well, you're doing it wrong
P6:45:13 <vurtual> The help is the end itself.
P6:45:15 <Siiseli> mail2345, yes.
P6:45:16 <mail2345> there is also the fact that people are stupid
P6:45:25 <mail2345> and can sometimes make incorrect choices
P6:45:25 <Siiseli> oh right, that
10P6:45:32 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:45:33 <Siiseli> also the human brain is complicated
P6:45:35 <vurtual> It's not selfish to ask your parents to buy you a small game for some money they can spare. It's not selfish to call dibs on something unimportant, it isn't selfish to be player one sometimes.
P6:45:37 <Siiseli> people are illogical
P6:45:38 <Siiseli> stupid
P6:45:42 <Siiseli> and our thoughts aren't ours
P6:45:57 <Siiseli> vurtual, sure it is. It's just not super selfish
P6:46:12 <AndrewPH> Insert logical fallacy here!
P6:46:16 <Siiseli> it's selfish on some extent
P6:46:26 <Siiseli> AndrewPH, refering to me? do explain
P6:46:38 <AndrewPH> I'm just saying
P6:46:42 <AndrewPH> Insert logical fallacy here
P6:46:45 <AndrewPH> :|
P6:46:50 <AndrewPH> I can't think of one to say
P6:46:51 <Siiseli> right, whatever
P6:47:09 <vurtual> Now stop distracting me from running my world domination scheme simulator.
P6:47:10 <Siiseli> anyway, people are selfish, it's okay, it's not a bad thing.
P6:47:25 <Siiseli> vurtual, aww sorry
P6:47:37 <Siiseli> how.. selfish of me!
P6:47:37 <owd9000> there's an idea. put a few thousand people into a simulation, try out all these ideas and see which one is the least ridiculous.
P6:47:40 <vurtual> Ten simple virtual lifeforms died.
P6:47:58 <Siiseli> owd9000, governmental policies? that doesn't work.
P6:48:05 <owd9000> I know. wishful thinking.
P6:48:07 <vurtual> Civilization.
P6:48:13 <vurtual> Democracy generates the happiest CIV.
P6:48:16 <Siiseli> managing a few thousand is nothing like managing millions
P6:48:17 <Siiseli> vurtual, :D
P6:48:23 <Siiseli> american propaganda.
P6:48:31 <vurtual> Socialism generates the most immediate and strong result.
P6:48:33 <owd9000> or millions. if you want.
P6:48:38 <owd9000> must take into account server load
P6:48:43 <Siiseli> owd9000, :D
P6:48:43 <vurtual> Slavery can churn out armies instantly.
P6:48:49 <vurtual> Now time to choose.
P6:48:52 <Siiseli> :D
P6:49:02 <vurtual> Your smiley face is a propoganda.
10P6:49:12 * derp (Mibbit@216-164-4-108.c3-0.eas-ubr14.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) has left #minecraft
10P6:49:31 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P6:49:33 <Siiseli> what
P6:49:42 <owd9000> confusion
P6:49:49 <Siiseli> you're weird
P6:49:57 <vurtual> It's not propoganda, it works. There's a difference between forcing an agenda, and trying to do what already works.
P6:50:05 <PickYerPoison> Wild owd9000 used Confusion!
P6:50:13 <Siiseli> vurtual, I was kidding :D
P6:50:13 <vurtual> Either way, the modern world is capitalist and democratic.
P6:50:23 <Siiseli> well, vurtual, some of it is
P6:50:27 <owd9000> it was not very effective
12P6:50:29 * Skillkills (Mibbit@adsl-65-68-75-221.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
13P6:50:33 * vurtual used HYPER BEAM
13P6:50:37 * Siiseli faints
P6:50:54 <Siiseli> anyway vurtual there's lots more than democracy and capitalism going on :D
P6:51:00 <vurtual> Yeah.
P6:51:15 <vurtual> But I look outside my window, and the world is still here.
P6:51:25 <Siiseli> dictatorships, fascism, all that jazz.
P6:51:28 <vurtual> I can still eat hotpockets, and wear the same generic headgear.
P6:51:29 <Siiseli> communism
P6:51:30 <vurtual> IT RHYMES
P6:51:41 <owd9000> let's try a new form of government
P6:51:43 <owd9000> dictatocracy
P6:51:43 <vurtual> Go go gadget indifference
P6:51:49 <vurtual> It's their fault!
P6:52:13 <owd9000> it's like some kids running a club in a treehouse
P6:52:18 <Siiseli> owd9000, yes, let's. The people choose, but I choose from the choices.
P6:52:18 <owd9000> everything's decided by vote
P6:52:25 <owd9000> until the leader disagrees
P6:52:28 <vurtual> We should use the DF government system. Orders and commands by one person, but you aren't going to be punished for disobeying, unless you fall into a stupid trap.
P6:52:28 <Siiseli> :D
P6:52:53 <Siiseli> vurtual, haha, so basically anarchy with someone trying to ask people to do stuff
P6:53:01 <Siiseli> pretty pretty please, will you pay taxes?
P6:53:03 <Siiseli> please+
P6:53:14 <vurtual> People will fall into getting used to obeying.
P6:53:16 <vurtual> Like democracy.
P6:53:24 <vurtual> Except it's much easier to tend to what you need.
P6:53:27 <owd9000> that's basically how it starts anyway, except without all the guns and forcing people to do it at first
P6:54:13 <vurtual> Anyways I'm not president yet, so this is just a random encounter for xp.
P6:54:27 <owd9000> i have a plan.
P6:54:33 <owd9000> everyone stock up on whale blubber
P6:54:35 <vurtual> I also know who my political enemies will be.
P6:54:39 <owd9000> we are moving to the arctic circle
P6:54:45 <vurtual> NO
P6:54:57 <Siiseli> well, fascism hasn't worked so far
P6:55:00 <owd9000> arctic square fits inside the arctic circle
P6:55:03 <vurtual> Though the arctic rectangle has some nice stuff too.
P6:55:08 <owd9000> if you really want to be colder, be my guest
P6:57:06 <vurtual> Isn't a "religon" supposed to be a shape with an unknown number of sides?
P6:57:21 <mail2345> lol
P6:57:53 <vurtual> We can go to the arctic religon. We'll never know how cold it is.
P6:58:29 <Siiseli> oh shit, did you just change the topic to religion
P6:58:32 <owd9000> so guys how bout that lhc lots of black holes all up ins
P6:58:33 <vurtual> no
P6:58:35 <vurtual> "religon".
P6:58:38 <Siiseli> oh
P6:58:39 <Siiseli> ic
P6:58:50 <Jat> did they discover gravity yet?
P6:58:54 <Siiseli> owd9000, oh yeah we're all doomed boohoo protest it up
P6:58:58 <vurtual> which, I heard, a bajlillion years ago, meant "a shape with an unknown amount of sides"
P6:59:07 <mail2345> THE LHC WILL DESTROY US ALL
P6:59:20 <vurtual> The closest I could get with a religious argument here is about the potentium view used in jediism.
P6:59:20 <Siiseli> vurtual, yes see I thought that was an euphanism for religion at first
P6:59:27 <Siiseli> but then I realized religion is like one side
P6:59:30 <Siiseli> that everyone shares
P6:59:36 <Siiseli> that makes no sense but doesn't have to
P6:59:40 <owd9000> either we'll be one step closer to figuring all this crap out, or we'll all die. both satisfactory.
P6:59:43 <i300> yo guys, im back
P6:59:57 <vurtual> Seriously.
12P7:00:10 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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P7:00:29 <vurtual> Isn't it canon that potentium view in jedi-ness considered "corrupt" normally?
P7:00:45 <Siiseli> wait what, jedi-ness?
P7:00:46 <Siiseli> like
P7:00:48 <Siiseli> the fooorce
P7:00:55 <owd9000> i believe the correct term is "jeditude"
P7:00:56 <Jat> isnt this all shit that was made up after the original series?
P7:01:12 <vurtual> Used after, yeah.
P7:01:19 <Siiseli> :D
P7:01:20 <Siiseli> haha
P7:01:30 <vede> Anyone know any good NON DEATHMATCH FPS games that will run on Linux?
P7:01:31 <vurtual> But the whole plot, like Anakin's father, and Episode Three's weird ten-wheel tanks, existed since V.
P7:01:34 <mail2345> wait
P7:01:34 <Siiseli> oh yes well vurtual they're no different from any other religious people
P7:01:35 <vurtual> vede, uhm.
P7:01:36 <mail2345> uhh
P7:01:39 <mail2345> owd9000
12P7:01:41 * Super-Dot (Super-Dot@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Super-Dot)
P7:01:44 <Siiseli> they're just as insane
P7:01:47 <Siiseli> just not as popular
P7:01:48 <vurtual> Half-Life
P7:01:52 <mail2345> are you serious about this OMG LHC WILL DESTROY US ALL shit?
P7:01:56 <owd9000> oh god no
P7:01:57 <Siiseli> mail2345, I doubt it
P7:02:01 <mail2345> oh good
P7:02:02 <Jat> vede are you looking for single player or multiplayer?
P7:02:09 <vurtual> hmmm
P7:02:18 <mail2345> caps makes it more sure that it's sarcasm
P7:02:19 <vede> Single player.
P7:02:25 <owd9000> i'm all for figuring this stuff out
P7:02:25 <vurtual> The old Team Fortress might run.
P7:02:25 <mail2345> like that
P7:02:28 <Jat> doom
P7:02:30 <vurtual> TF2 would stress a linux computer.
P7:02:31 <Jat> doom 2
P7:02:33 <Jat> doom 3
P7:02:33 <owd9000> i would like to see some people get out of this system in my life
P7:02:34 <Jat> quake
P7:02:37 <vede> Specifically, I'm looking for something free-roamy.
P7:02:45 <vurtual> vede, an old GTA.
P7:02:46 <Jat> quake of all types and ia ssume the mods too
P7:02:47 <AndrewPH> vede gta4
P7:02:50 <Jat> oh
P7:02:50 <AndrewPH> gtaSA
P7:02:51 <vurtual> Try Operation Flashpoint.
P7:02:54 <vurtual> No 2, just the old one.
P7:02:54 <vede> FPS games which will run on Linux.
P7:02:56 <Jat> gta runs on linux?
P7:02:59 <AndrewPH> gtaSA
P7:03:08 <vede> GTA is not an FPS.
P7:03:13 <vurtual> ArmA 2 if you want your computer to go "bwoooooommmmmmh"
P7:03:18 <AndrewPH> San Andreas is the closest to a freeroam fps you will get
P7:03:21 <AndrewPH> aside from
P7:03:21 <AndrewPH> uhh
P7:03:23 <AndrewPH> hmm
P7:03:27 <vurtual> Seriously try ArmA 2.
P7:03:29 <vurtual> See how it runs.
P7:03:33 <AndrewPH> arma2 will break linux
P7:03:33 <vurtual> Demo's on steam.
P7:03:40 <vurtual> It has no reason to not work.
P7:03:41 <vede> Will ArmA 2 run on Linux?
P7:03:47 <AndrewPH> doubtful
P7:03:50 <Jat> steam runs on linuz now?
P7:03:53 <AndrewPH> wine
P7:03:55 <vede> Jat, with Wine.
P7:03:59 <Jat> oh
P7:04:01 <AndrewPH> Source engine is going to be ported to linux soon
P7:04:01 <Jat> you didnt say you could use wine
P7:04:03 <AndrewPH> :D
P7:04:08 <Jat> then cant you play pretty much any source game?
P7:04:15 <vede> I don't want to have to use Wine.
P7:04:16 <vede> :/
P7:04:24 <Jat> then why is everyone suggesting games that need wine?
P7:04:26 <AndrewPH> too bad all the good games are under windows
P7:04:26 <vurtual> Make sure you use the steam version of ArmA 2 though.
P7:04:31 <vurtual> Wine+securom=system died.
P7:04:39 <AndrewPH> securom=lol
P7:04:45 <vurtual> Quake Live doesn't need wine, and isn't ALL deathmatch.
P7:05:01 <AndrewPH> quake live isn't a good game though
P7:05:03 <AndrewPH> It's fun
P7:05:05 <AndrewPH> but it isn't good like
P7:05:07 <AndrewPH> say
P7:05:08 <AndrewPH> gtasa
P7:05:17 <Jat> gtasa is not an fps
P7:05:20 <vurtual> Quake Live is Quake 3 Arena, but freee.
P7:05:23 <vurtual> Of course it's good.
P7:05:26 <AndrewPH> What's your point there's probably an fps mod
10P7:05:28 * lobstath_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
P7:05:30 <vurtual> battlefront 2 I'll test shortly on steam with wine though, if you can deal with wine.
10P7:05:32 * lobstar (michielbiq@ has joined #minecraft
P7:05:42 <AndrewPH> bf2 isn't an fps
P7:05:46 <vurtual> yes it is.
P7:05:48 <vurtual> I play it in FPS mode.
P7:05:49 <AndrewPH> it's third person
P7:05:51 <AndrewPH> oh
P7:05:54 <AndrewPH> there's a first person mode?
P7:05:57 <vurtual> Yeah.
P7:06:02 <vurtual> It's default I'm pretty sure.
P7:06:04 <AndrewPH> ok then
P7:06:16 <AndrewPH> yeah get bf2 it's great
P7:06:20 <vurtual> only time it forces thirdperson I think, is droideka rolling and a few turrets when you don't zoom.
P7:06:26 <vede> I have BF2, actually.
P7:06:32 <vede> I have both Battlefront games.
P7:06:36 <vurtual> k
P7:06:40 <vurtual> Does it run?
P7:06:49 <vede> Dunno, haven't tried it with Wine.
P7:07:28 <Jat> doom and quake games run in linux
12P7:07:43 * lobstar_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P7:07:53 * lobster (michielbiq@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P7:07:57 <vurtual> NO WAIT
P7:08:20 <vurtual> Evil Genius. It needs wine, isn't an FPS, and is only limited in freeroam qualities. But it's fun enough to make up for it.
P7:08:39 <vurtual> Or you could get legos, as long as the fun factor can make up for not being on your computer at all.
P7:08:52 <LG_Legacy> http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?pid=58903#p58903
P7:09:10 <AndrewPH> Is DokuWiki any good?
P7:09:34 <Jat> has anyone told notch to add invisibility for ops so they can catch griefers and such?
P7:09:40 <AndrewPH> yes
P7:09:42 <AndrewPH> several times
P7:09:42 <mail2345> yes
P7:09:47 <Siiseli> well doku is a slang word in finnish for a stupid person who drinks alot
P7:09:48 <Jat> why wo0nt he add it?
P7:09:50 <Siiseli> so I doubt it!
P7:09:52 <Siiseli> it can't be good.
P7:10:04 <AndrewPH> Siiseli, it looks simple :|
P7:10:11 <Siiseli> AndrewPH, :D I'm just kidding
P7:10:13 <AndrewPH> http://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki
P7:10:23 <AndrewPH> I don't know if I should get it just to have a wiki or not
P7:10:46 <AndrewPH> Because there's a jfusion plugin and I have the webspace :\
P7:10:54 <Jat> a wiki for what?
P7:10:55 <PoF59> Siiseli? A joke? these two things do not mix.
P7:10:58 <vurtual> Ops should have a time grenade.
P7:11:02 <AndrewPH> slang and stuff
P7:11:04 <Siiseli> PoF59, madness.
P7:11:29 <vurtual> They fire somewhere, and the area freezes entirely.
P7:11:48 <AndrewPH> Notch should take ownership of minecraftforum.net and minecraftwiki.net and make his own wiki and forum software and integrate everything :D
P7:11:52 <vurtual> Players cannot move around, or edit anything, and blocks stop.
P7:11:53 <Jat> dose notch not want op invisibility?
P7:12:05 <AndrewPH> Jat, I'll annoy him on twitter about it
P7:12:06 <Siiseli> doubt it
P7:12:14 <vurtual> heeelp I can't open my mountain dew
P7:12:34 <vurtual> It's a throwback with the stranger, incredibly tight lid.
P7:12:43 <Jat> wtf is a throwback?
P7:12:48 <vurtual> mountain dew throwback
P7:12:50 <AndrewPH> a sinep
P7:12:51 <vurtual> Real sugar mountain dew
10P7:12:56 * derp (Mibbit@216-164-4-108.c3-0.eas-ubr14.atw-eas.pa.cable.rcn.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:13:00 <Jat> lid?
P7:13:05 <derp> anyone know when brett usually gets on?
P7:13:06 <Siiseli> ah! AndrewPH! I see what you did there
P7:13:11 <Siiseli> for if you reverse your message
P7:13:12 <vurtual> It's a bottle.
P7:13:16 <Siiseli> you get penis a!
P7:13:18 <vurtual> I can't get it open.
P7:13:20 <AndrewPH> Siiseli, No you are wrong
P7:13:21 <Siiseli> you clever dog you
P7:13:43 <AndrewPH> Sinep is a string in jermish
P7:13:54 <Siiseli> and this is funny because sinep also means mustard in swedish
P7:13:56 <AndrewPH> it means fire
P7:13:57 <Jat> too bad moer sodas dont offer real sugar versions
P7:14:02 <Jat> how much more expensive is throwback than regular?
P7:14:02 <Siiseli> and penis is the name of male genitalia!
P7:14:08 <Siiseli> which is highly humorous
P7:14:08 <vurtual> none dollars more
P7:14:09 <AndrewPH> penis mustard
P7:14:14 <Siiseli> penis fire mustard
P7:14:16 <Jat> oh cool
P7:14:18 <Siiseli> how humorous!
P7:14:20 <Jat> too bad mountain dew sucks...
P7:14:22 <vurtual> what.
P7:14:24 <Jat> a better soda should do it too
P7:14:33 <vurtual> GO
P7:14:41 <Jat> D:<
P7:14:52 <Jat> i like root beer
P7:14:56 <vurtual> Go to real world, do no take axe, do not throw axe at dwarf.
P7:15:30 <Siiseli> I don't like moutnaid dew either
P7:15:39 <Jat> and thomas kemper is the best root beer brand ever
P7:15:43 <vurtual> Neither of you are allowed to have caffeine now.
P7:15:57 <vurtual> These new bottles have such a short lid, I can't get a grip on it.
P7:15:58 <AndrewPH> mountnad doodoo
P7:16:07 <AndrewPH> Use a pair of plyers
P7:16:15 <AndrewPH> that's what I end up doing
P7:16:25 <Jat> thats retarded
P7:16:31 <Jat> what a stupid biottle design
P7:16:44 <Jat> maybe theyre trying to discourage you from buying that kind of mountain dew
P7:16:49 <Jat> so they can selel more of the cheaper stuff
P7:17:08 <Jat> and by cheaper i mean they spend les smoney on it
P7:17:10 <Jat> not you
P7:17:36 <vurtual> They cost the same to make.
P7:17:59 <owd9000> one is sugar and one is corn syrup, right?
P7:18:05 <AndrewPH> guys guys guys sinep penis
P7:18:10 <AndrewPH> It's a message
P7:18:11 <Jat> i highly doubt they cost the same to make
P7:18:13 <AndrewPH> half in swedish
P7:18:20 <owd9000> sugar costs more.
P7:18:31 <vurtual> Well either way I got someone else to open it.
P7:18:39 <Jat> was it your little sister/
P7:18:46 <vurtual> And I can drink a gallon in an hour. They will go bankrupt for this lid.
10P7:18:52 * Iguana (Iguana@CPE002191dd1c8e-CM00111ae61624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:18:55 <vurtual> No, my parents. They have muscular hands.
P7:19:01 <vurtual> Mine are built for using mice, not ripping open things.
P7:19:04 <owd9000> maybe the lid is actually a cost cutting measure
P7:19:09 <Jat> thats wha i was thinking
P7:19:13 <owd9000> it stops people from drinking a gallon an hour
P7:19:15 <Jat> or maybe the bottle holds less soda
P7:19:23 <owd9000> so they end up having to pay less in settlements
P7:19:25 <vurtual> same bottle, shorter lid and top.
P7:19:33 <owd9000> for all the diabetes related deaths
10P7:19:34 * mrfatcat (Mibbit@adsl-64-149-36-78.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:19:35 <vurtual> AndrewPH, reverse your message, and you get an ewok signal.
P7:19:40 <vurtual> You're workin' with the rebels.
P7:19:53 <vurtual> owd9000, it's hardly deadly.
P7:20:00 <vurtual> I know people who drink whole 2l bottles in one sitting.
P7:20:16 <vurtual> None of them are in the hospital.
P7:20:20 <owd9000> think long term.
P7:20:23 <owd9000> :P
P7:20:27 <vurtual> Some of them are pretty old.
P7:20:32 <AndrewPH> kidney stoans
P7:20:34 <vurtual> and have done it over a looong time.
P7:20:42 <vurtual> It just takes a strong liver and a body capible of handling it.
P7:20:42 <owd9000> keep in mind i am not advocating not drinking ludicrous amounts of sweet liquids
P7:20:54 <Jat> just not mountain dew
12P7:20:59 * mrfatcat (Mibbit@adsl-64-149-36-78.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:21:32 <owd9000> i think he is implying that my organs are inferior
10P7:21:44 * Miclee (Miclee@CPE001839f2360a-CM0012c99a3e00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:21:58 <vurtual> Are you force-sensitive?
P7:22:16 <owd9000> my senses can be rather forceful
P7:22:52 <vurtual> For all I know I could have force powers. I've had all sorts of crazy abilities out of nowhere.
P7:23:04 <Jat> oh i thought this had become a bunch of sex jokes
P7:23:21 <vurtual> The force is strong in this one.
P7:23:34 <vurtual> He may be the chosen one to overthrow the disturbing side.
P7:23:51 <owd9000> someone please come up with a new topic, vurtual is scaring me
10P7:23:59 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12P7:24:00 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
10P7:24:07 * Megatron (Megatron@94-193-244-205.zone7.bethere.co.uk) has joined #minecraft
10P7:24:22 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P7:24:44 <vurtual> I have a vast array of knowledge, I can be scary in any topic ever.
P7:25:10 <PickYerPoison> But are you smarter than a fifth grader?
P7:25:30 <vurtual> yeah.
P7:25:31 <owd9000> only jeff foxworthy can be sure
P7:25:40 <vurtual> When I was 5 I was smarter than a fifth grader.
P7:26:03 <vurtual> I could do algebra and handle heavy equipment.
P7:26:23 <owd9000> but could you ride a motorcycle to the moon in the forest?
P7:26:38 <Siiseli> I could
P7:26:47 <vurtual> It was my limit break ability.
P7:27:57 <vurtual> Digg showed headline "Conservatives Attack Obama for Upholding Constitution", and it was something contreversial or otherwise less direct than that.
P7:29:42 <Siiseli> why use digg when you can use reddit \:D/
P7:30:02 <owd9000> yes.
P7:30:19 <vurtual> Digg has reddit included.
P7:30:22 <vurtual> Plus a nice interface.
12P7:30:31 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Read error: No route to host)
10P7:30:32 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P7:30:32 <Siiseli> bah!
P7:30:36 <Siiseli> humbuk.
12P7:30:40 * Wolfgang132 (skrwd132@97-113-160-170.tukw.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P7:30:45 <vurtual> People actively make sure decent articles are always included in digg.
P7:31:18 <owd9000> so friends
P7:31:22 <owd9000> what sort of games do we all like
P7:31:40 <vurtual> FPSes, strategy games.
P7:32:01 <vurtual> Actually if you meant "what do I like, so we can share our common opinions", I could just say "all".
10P7:32:20 * PickYerPoison is now known as PYP|AFK
10P7:33:37 * Wolfgang132 (skrwd132@97-113-160-170.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:34:13 <Siiseli> I don't like fpses or strategy games at all
10P7:34:18 * Wildstyle (Mibbit@ has joined #minecraft
P7:35:47 <vurtual> so you aren't "we".
P7:35:51 <vurtual> You will be assimilated.
P7:36:21 <Siiseli> I am part of the inner party
P7:36:28 <Siiseli> my opinions is better than yours
P7:36:30 <Siiseli> I am the law.
P7:37:21 <owd9000> so how is the war going siiseli
P7:37:26 <mail2345> my brother is a goddam idiiot
P7:37:29 <owd9000> capture any of those dirty eurasians today
P7:37:31 <Siiseli> owd9000, it's going great!
P7:38:34 <Siiseli> except you know, we're fighting eastasia now
P7:38:52 <revenant> vurtual.
P7:38:53 <revenant> Guess what.
P7:38:59 <revenant> I'm pirating stuff. Right now.
P7:39:05 <Siiseli> revenant, oh. snap.
P7:39:07 <owd9000> yarr.
P7:39:13 <PoF59> mail, how so?
P7:39:13 <revenant> inorite.
P7:39:22 <Siiseli> you're such a badassa
P7:39:27 <mail2345> ' older games are easier'
P7:39:28 <revenant> Inorite
P7:39:31 <Siiseli> mail2345, :D
P7:39:33 <mail2345> 'cuz they have worse graphics'
P7:39:34 <PoF59> (badassa?)
P7:39:34 <revenant> rofl.
10P7:39:36 * Fluxxy (Mibbit@220-253-31-73.VIC.netspace.net.au) has joined #minecraft
P7:39:37 <Siiseli> mail2345, ..
P7:39:38 <revenant> wow mail.
P7:39:42 <revenant> Your brother is an idiot.
P7:39:42 <Siiseli> mail2345, who said this
P7:39:44 <owd9000> yes. badassa. he is a gungan now.
P7:39:45 <mail2345> my brother
P7:39:48 <Siiseli> your brother?
P7:39:50 <revenant> Go make him play megaman 2.
P7:39:56 <revenant> eh... megaman 2 was relatively easy
P7:39:56 <Siiseli> tell him to play megaman..
12P7:39:59 * Fluxxy (Mibbit@220-253-31-73.VIC.netspace.net.au) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:39:59 <Siiseli> it was
P7:40:05 <Siiseli> revenant, not for those ikds
P7:40:06 <Siiseli> kids
P7:40:06 <revenant> megaman 9, the new one, is pretty tough
P7:40:11 <Siiseli> I dunno, not really
P7:40:15 <revenant> They're continuing the classic series!
P7:40:18 <Siiseli> I mean superhero mode was.. kinda tough
P7:40:21 <revenant> Megaman 10 comes to PSN/XBLA soon.
P7:40:22 <Siiseli> but not really
P7:40:26 <Siiseli> revenant, no wii?
12P7:40:31 * Wildstyle (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P7:40:33 <revenant> Wii gets Cave Story :P
P7:40:38 <revenant> then again
P7:40:42 <revenant> only hell was really hard.
P7:40:53 <revenant> And it just took a few tries to get past the first part, and thats it.
P7:41:25 <Siiseli> well it's still a fun game
P7:41:28 <revenant> Yep.
P7:41:32 <Siiseli> and la-mulana is watered down as well..
P7:41:34 <Siiseli> I suppose you have to
P7:41:40 <revenant> Havent played la-mulana yet.
P7:41:43 <revenant> I think I was going to start
P7:41:46 <revenant> when my computer crashed
P7:41:49 <Siiseli> don't use a guide.
P7:41:54 <Siiseli> no matter how tempted
P7:41:56 <Siiseli> alot of people do
P7:42:07 <revenant> I never use guides :|
P7:42:12 <revenant> I figured out the best Cave Story ending.
P7:42:23 <revenant> Took 3 tries.
P7:42:25 <Siiseli> delightful!
P7:42:35 <Siiseli> for la-mulana players often use guides
P7:42:41 <Siiseli> those silly sons of a persons
P7:42:43 <revenant> La-mulana looks quite retro.
P7:42:52 <Siiseli> their fathers were hampsters
12P7:42:54 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P7:42:55 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) has joined #minecraft
P7:42:58 <Siiseli> and their mothers smelled of elderberries
P7:43:02 <Siiseli> oh yes, revenant, msx look
P7:43:07 <Siiseli> I grew up with the msx
P7:43:13 <Siiseli> extreeemely nostalgic look for me
P7:44:07 <revenant> apparently it doesnt work well in wine
P7:44:13 <revenant> Should work in VMWare hpefully.
P7:44:21 <Siiseli> hope so
P7:44:24 <Siiseli> I'm gonna sleep
P7:44:35 <Siiseli> swoosh and the clock's 3.45 am
P7:44:37 <Siiseli> ->
P7:44:39 <revenant> heh
P7:45:35 <revenant> Who here likes programming
P7:45:46 <Jat> why?
P7:45:53 <revenant> just wondering
P7:45:53 <AndrewPH> web or real programming
P7:45:58 <revenant> real programming
P7:45:59 <revenant> :|
P7:46:05 <Siiseli> I do
P7:46:07 <Siiseli> I do it as a job
P7:46:08 <Siiseli> :o
P7:46:09 <AndrewPH> I find it interesting but not really fun
P7:46:11 <Siiseli> and a hobby
P7:46:11 <revenant> oh snap!
P7:46:14 <revenant> nice siiseli.
P7:46:18 <Siiseli> I'm a game programmer
P7:46:43 <Jat> i like the results of programming but not the actual programming itself usually
P7:47:01 <revenant> cool siiseli.
P7:47:06 <revenant> I've been trying to learn openGL.
P7:47:20 <revenant> specifically in 2D
P7:47:22 <vede> I like programming, but often don't care as much for the results of it. :/
P7:47:22 <revenant> I've so far gotten a really simplistic sprite engine going.
P7:47:37 <Siiseli> revenant, yeah
P7:47:45 <Siiseli> vede, hehe :D
P7:47:50 <revenant> what do you use siis?
P7:47:59 <Siiseli> revenant, well openGL for drawing usually
P7:48:02 <Siiseli> rest is random stuff
P7:48:05 <revenant> hm cool.
P7:48:10 <revenant> What platform?
P7:48:12 <Siiseli> I'm about to dev my own game framework with openGL
P7:48:15 <Siiseli> for drawing
P7:48:24 <Siiseli> openAL for audio propably, soil for textures, glfw for input
P7:48:30 <vede> I really want to learn C++, since I only really know Python right now.
P7:48:31 <Siiseli> revenant, at work, iPhone right now
P7:48:34 <revenant> cool
P7:48:35 <revenant> I need to get soil running.
P7:48:38 <Siiseli> vede, yeah do
P7:48:45 <revenant> I've been using my own image loaders.
P7:48:53 <vede> I mean, I understand C++, I just don't code in it enough to actually be proficient.
P7:48:58 <Siiseli> revenant, bah!
P7:49:03 <Siiseli> vede, hehe
P7:49:10 <revenant> Im too lazy to link in Soil...
P7:49:11 <revenant> :|
12P7:49:20 * owd9000 (owd9000@c-24-22-112-254.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P7:49:29 <Siiseli> revenant, :D
P7:49:35 <Siiseli> right, I'll sleep now
P7:49:37 <Siiseli> gnight all
P7:49:43 <revenant> night
P7:49:46 <revenant> g2g myself too
10P7:49:48 * PYP|AFK is now known as PYP|Busy
12P7:49:48 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: sayounara)
10P7:52:00 * DOC-DINNER is now known as DOC
P7:54:41 <PoF59> 'M bored, think I might draw sumptin
10P7:55:42 * madk (Mibbit@c-71-63-79-112.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P7:56:57 <mail2345> pof
P7:57:00 <mail2345> get sid miers alpha centari
P7:57:18 <vurtual> Buy every game anyone in here owns
P7:58:34 <Visiiri> Hehehe.
P7:58:38 <Visiiri> I like gmod.
P7:58:47 <Visiiri> A few hours ago, I made a fully functional train
P7:59:21 <vurtual> yeah
P7:59:24 <vurtual> Do you have wiremod?
P7:59:32 <vurtual> Wiremod+joystick module=incredibly powerful technology!
P7:59:40 <Visiiri> I have wiremod, but I don't like it.
P7:59:47 <Visiiri> I don't know how to work it D:
P7:59:52 <vurtual> It's kinda simple.
P7:59:58 <vurtual> Imagine a bunch of simple parts.
P8:00:07 <vurtual> They have wire ports, and wires going out.
P8:00:13 <vurtual> You can plug any of these in however you want.
P8:00:21 <Visiiri> or imagine an invisibie jeep with no-collide D:
P8:00:31 <vurtual> A button has a wire out, you can link that to say, a light.
P8:00:35 <Visiiri> Like a floating bathtub
P8:00:38 <vurtual> Then, when you hit the button, it makes the light turn on.
P8:00:40 <Visiiri> that's my favorite
P8:01:00 <vurtual> But you can do simple math, even programming if needed, with an array of parts.
P8:01:09 <Visiiri> hrm
P8:01:17 <vurtual> Use the advanced wire tool to link anything.
P8:01:22 <vurtual> It has a little GUI thing.
P8:01:38 <vurtual> I can even show you how to use wiremod.
P8:02:13 <Liam> I have a question
P8:02:25 <Liam> Why can't we talk about OpenCraft in #MineCraft?
P8:02:28 <vurtual> Russians have caught on to my secret plan to do something in their area. They kill enough workers so I can't do a mission.
P8:02:35 <vurtual> Because this isn't #OpenCraft at all.
P8:02:37 <Ylle> Wire seems awesomehard because people show off these awesome things
P8:02:42 <vurtual> FREE WILL MAKES NOTCH CRY
P8:02:50 <Liam> OpenCraft is a division of MineCraft, though
P8:02:56 <vurtual> Ylle, with basic knowledge, I took an LAAT model and made it fully functional.
P8:03:13 <Ylle> It's just logic gates yeah.
P8:03:18 <Ylle> do those first
P8:03:18 <vurtual> and programming systems
P8:03:30 <vurtual> Which can be useful to compress gates simply.
P8:03:31 <Ylle> It's not like you have to brute the cpu module first thing you do.
P8:03:54 <vurtual> The only problem with my LAAT is that the collision mesh is a huge area around it, so people have to noclip into pods to ride it, and I can't make turrets on it.
10P8:04:28 * Liam is now known as Liam|AFK
P8:04:33 <vurtual> Even though I designed functional mounted guns that fire out of a seat.
12P8:04:34 * Randati (Randati@a88-112-207-200.elisa-laajakaista.fi) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P8:05:04 <Visiiri> vurtual, you should teach me it
P8:05:22 <vurtual> okay
P8:05:39 <vurtual> Once I this mission finishes
P8:05:50 <vurtual> It should make me enough money to allow serious spending without a stall
P8:06:35 <vurtual> .woo
P8:07:43 <vurtual> PM me all the addons you have, over steam. I'll take out any you don't.
P8:07:59 <Visiiri> I was slightly dissapointed with The Perish in L4D2
P8:08:13 <Visiiri> The final place
P8:08:17 <Visiiri> the bridge
P8:08:25 <vurtual> Impossbily hard.
P8:08:28 <Visiiri> Yeah
P8:08:38 <Visiiri> especially that one part with the hole
P8:08:43 <vurtual> no
P8:08:47 <vurtual> it just ends you somehow
P8:08:50 <Visiiri> Well, I mean the glitchy one
P8:09:01 <Visiiri> You can walk a ways from it and you fall in
P8:09:08 <vurtual> Never happened to me
P8:09:10 <Visiiri> At one point, I fell inside a bus...
P8:09:14 <vurtual> I made it to the chopper, about to take the ladder, threw an adrenaline to my friend so he could live.
P8:09:23 <Animator> AH GOD AEOMIN.
P8:09:26 <vurtual> Then, bam, nearly incapped.
P8:09:29 <Visiiri> hahhaha
P8:09:31 <vurtual> Everyone insisted I still had adrenaline.
10P8:09:37 * ez (Mibbit@c80-216-178-199.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
P8:09:39 <vurtual> Even the guy I gave it to thought I had one.
P8:09:42 <vurtual> So they left me.
10P8:09:54 * ChanServ sets mode: +o ez
P8:10:05 <vurtual> Also, when the game first came out, DC1, someone tried refilling the chainsaw.
P8:10:10 <ez> woohoo
P8:10:16 <mail2345> @animator aeomin?
12P8:10:16 * Ashleigh (zuriki.stu@5ad476fd.bb.sky.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:10:18 <vurtual> Then in the finale, a guy walked over me, I had a defib, but I was dead. They just ignored me and my defib.
P8:10:22 <vurtual> I had to redo it. :'(
P8:11:00 <ez> we talking l4d?
P8:11:07 <Visiiri> yeah
P8:11:12 <vurtual> Twooooo
P8:11:14 <ez> looove it
P8:11:19 <vurtual> But they're both great.
P8:11:21 <ez> yeh I mean 2 :D
P8:11:28 <vurtual> L4D1 could use one little thing though.
P8:11:30 <ez> too long to type
10P8:11:34 * PYP|Busy is now known as PickYerPoison
P8:11:40 <Visiiri> I think it's funny
P8:11:48 <vurtual> Bots being able to use grenades.
P8:11:48 <Visiiri> if you look at the models in "weapons/arms"
P8:11:56 <Visiiri> you get the arms of people you don't ever see in the game
P8:12:03 <Visiiri> o.O
P8:12:03 <ez> I like versus, but now in l4d2 campaings actually funnier
P8:12:13 <AndrewPH> Possible future dlc?
P8:12:13 <vurtual> Give the players the option to leader-ify the bots.
10P8:12:26 * Nuthen (Mibbit@c-68-42-226-69.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:12:30 <vurtual> AndrewPH, L4D one characters were confirmed in "the passing".
P8:12:35 <vurtual> Between DC1 and DC2.
P8:12:53 <ez> bots are increadibly stupid
P8:13:08 <vurtual> No they aren't.
P8:13:09 <Nuthen> Hello
10P8:13:12 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:13:13 <vurtual> You're stupid, they're amazingly smart
P8:13:15 <ez> hello
P8:13:24 <ez> oh, must have gotten that mixed up :/
P8:13:26 <vurtual> They do better than some players.
P8:13:36 <ez> agree with that tho lol
P8:13:41 <vurtual> Their screwups are things people do in reality too.
P8:13:52 <vurtual> They just aren't tweaked to have your level of faults.
P8:13:55 <ez> not really
P8:14:07 <ez> they are just acting weird
P8:14:16 <vurtual> They don't miss easily, or rage. They act differently than veteran players.
P8:14:19 <ez> like being amazingly quick at shooting hunters off u
P8:14:31 <ez> then standing in the fire for two minutes shouting OUCH
P8:14:35 <vurtual> I'm a quick hunter-shooter.
P8:14:47 <Visiiri> what I can't stand about them
P8:14:51 <vurtual> I've never, ever seen the bots do these "stupid things" like circling around people.
P8:14:54 <Visiiri> they just two shot kill every zombie instantly
P8:15:09 <vurtual> ...I do that all the time.
P8:15:12 <Visiiri> They shoot them before I'd be able to see them because of rendering distance
P8:15:17 <Visiiri> I mean, six in a row
P8:15:21 <Visiiri> just bang bang bang
P8:15:22 <vurtual> I do that too.
P8:15:22 <ez> bots stand in doorways when u try shutting the door lol
P8:15:31 <vurtual> L4D doesn't have a zombie rendering distance.
P8:15:38 <AndrewPH> vurtual, it does
P8:15:42 <Nuthen> ooh L4d
P8:15:45 <AndrewPH> It's based on your specs
P8:15:47 <Nuthen> great. game.
P8:15:49 <AndrewPH> Most people never see it
P8:16:02 <ez> :)
12P8:16:04 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P8:16:05 <ez> it's fun!
P8:16:09 <AndrewPH> L4D is fun
P8:16:13 <ez> we should all play some day =)
P8:16:14 <vurtual> I wish there were some more fogless maps.
P8:16:16 <Visiiri> On another note, who made D3's server?
P8:16:16 <AndrewPH> I'd buy the second if I wanted to
P8:16:21 <Visiiri> like, what's the rest of D3's name?
P8:16:23 <Nuthen> L4D2 is better :p
P8:16:23 <AndrewPH> Visiiri, maybe D3?
P8:16:26 <AndrewPH> lol
P8:16:27 <vurtual> Like no mercy was, blood harvest was so thick you couldn't have fun from the distance.
P8:16:28 <Visiiri> :P
10P8:16:34 * kaiser_czar (Mibbit@c-71-199-253-8.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:16:42 <Nuthen> I don't own the game tohugh :(
P8:16:47 <Nuthen> though*
13P8:16:49 * vurtual gifts
P8:16:54 <vurtual> nah not really, but it's cheaper right now.
P8:17:11 <ez> I like the new features like the storm for example
P8:17:15 <ez> ads more to it
P8:17:28 <Nuthen> Melee weapons are fun
P8:17:34 <vurtual> I like l4d1's simplicity.
P8:17:34 <AndrewPH> Machete sounds fun
P8:17:37 <vurtual> L4D2 stole that.
P8:17:42 <Visiiri> Chainsaws suck dick.
P8:17:43 <Visiiri> They have ammo.
P8:17:44 <ez> axe is great =)
P8:17:49 <Nuthen> same as shooting zombies to catch them on fire
P8:17:53 <Visiiri> Yeah, axe is my favorite too
P8:17:53 <vurtual> Crowbars ftw.
P8:18:12 <ez> let me axe you a question he he
P8:18:16 <Visiiri> sv_infinite_ammo 1
P8:18:18 <AndrewPH> I want a parody of L4D where there's billions of zombies, literally, and you have weapons that 1-shot hundreds at a time
10P8:18:18 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
P8:18:22 <Visiiri> then get a nade launcher
P8:18:23 <Nuthen> Frying pans win hands down!
P8:18:29 <vurtual> Visiiri, automatic error launchers.
P8:18:35 <vurtual> I used that through the demo.
P8:18:45 <Visiiri> :P the demo
P8:18:45 <Jat> are all of the melee weapons the same strength?
P8:18:48 <Visiiri> I have the full game
P8:18:53 <vurtual> Each one is supposedly unique.
P8:18:53 <Visiiri> it just sucks fps some times
P8:18:55 <Nuthen> No
P8:18:57 <Jat> oh ok
P8:19:06 <vurtual> Well back in the demo.
P8:19:09 <vurtual> I had the error launcher.
P8:19:13 <Nuthen> Like the katana is less strong, but swings faster
P8:19:22 <Nuthen> (like a niiiiinja)
P8:19:22 <vurtual> Nuthen, what?
P8:19:24 <ez> axe! :D
P8:19:27 <vurtual> The katana takes ages per swing
10P8:19:31 * calzoneman (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:19:33 <ez> mostly cause thats the one Ive used :P
P8:19:35 <Visiiri> All of the weapons swing at the same speed?
P8:19:42 <AndrewPH> wepon
P8:19:47 <ez> I. have. to. sleep.
P8:19:50 <vurtual> the katana is a slow wepon, small ones are faster.
P8:19:56 <vurtual> ez, it's 8pm here.
P8:20:01 <Visiiri> owned
P8:20:04 <vurtual> Say you chose a new timezone.
P8:20:05 <Visiiri> 7:20
P8:20:05 <ez> 3:21 am here
P8:20:06 <Nuthen> 9PM here
P8:20:10 <Visiiri> lawl
P8:20:16 <AndrewPH> lol
10P8:20:19 * mrfatcat (Mibbit@adsl-64-149-36-78.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:20:19 <ez> I'm tiiiiired
P8:20:20 <vurtual> Nuthen lives near Colorado.
P8:20:24 <AndrewPH> I stay up till 5 AM
P8:20:25 <vurtual> Colorado mentally scarred me.
P8:20:27 <vurtual> GET HIIIM
P8:20:30 <AndrewPH> except yesterday
P8:20:30 <Nuthen> Nowhere near
P8:20:37 <vurtual> SAME TIMEZONE
12P8:20:38 * mrfatcat (Mibbit@adsl-64-149-36-78.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:20:38 <ez> I've played board games all night
12P8:20:46 * DOC (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P8:20:49 <Nuthen> Different Timezone
P8:20:50 <ez> just came on to.. eh shut my comp down
12P8:20:59 * mezo (mezo@CPE0018f8d6bd6b-CM001bd7aa18f2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:21:09 <Nuthen> Try more like EST
10P8:21:18 * calzoneman is now known as DOC
P8:21:31 <ez> are u guys exhanging time zones?
P8:21:40 <ez> u know that's not how it works right
P8:21:41 <Visiiri> L4D2 does terrible things to the mind. I went to WalMart, and I puked in the parking lot.
P8:21:43 <vurtual> OKAY GET VIS THEN
P8:21:53 <ez> lol
P8:22:03 <Visiiri> Everywhere I turned, people had blood on their face.
P8:22:10 <Visiiri> I clenched my fists
P8:22:12 <Visiiri> D:
P8:22:13 <vurtual> Were they a big disgrace?
P8:22:14 <ez> I axe everyone who confronts me
P8:22:23 <Visiiri> I wanted to do that
P8:22:26 <ez> or push them off
P8:22:26 <Visiiri> I puked
P8:22:29 <Visiiri> that's how bad it was
P8:22:30 <ez> lol
P8:22:32 <vurtual> Kicking their can all over the place?
P8:22:58 <ez> good night!
P8:23:02 <Visiiri> Nighty nighty
P8:23:03 <Animator> Well, I accidentaly burnt down Aeomin's test server.
13P8:23:08 * ez stumbles to bed
P8:23:10 <Visiiri> don't let big zombies sleep with you
P8:23:23 <ez> only the small ones
12P8:23:24 * ez (Mibbit@c80-216-178-199.bredband.comhem.se) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P8:23:28 <Visiiri> hehehe
P8:23:31 <Visiiri> I like ez.
P8:24:09 <Nuthen> Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?
P8:24:18 <Nuthen> Best. Game. Ever.
P8:24:22 <Visiiri> I'm not fond of Call of Duty games in general
P8:24:28 <vurtual> no
10P8:24:29 * Evilgrim (evil_grim1@client-82-20-59-81.brnt.adsl.virginmedia.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:24:29 <vurtual> no no no
P8:24:33 <Nuthen> considering I just got a PS3
P8:24:34 <vurtual> MW2 is just a shooter.
P8:24:41 <vurtual> It is a disgrace to how good it could have been.
P8:24:42 <Evilgrim> MW2 is meh.
P8:24:46 <Nuthen> Best. Shooter. Game. Ever.
P8:24:53 <Visiiri> Correction
P8:24:58 <Visiiri> Combat Arms is the best shooter game.
P8:25:02 <Evilgrim> It's a good game yes. But it's not.. ^ The best shooter ever.
P8:25:08 <Visiiri> If you sucked out 77% of the players
P8:25:14 <Visiiri> you'd have legit wars
P8:25:17 <Visiiri> and it would be perfect
P8:25:18 <Visiiri> :P
P8:25:31 <Nuthen> Meh, I've only played a little bit
P8:25:42 <Nuthen> Little Big Planet?
P8:26:06 <Visiiri> I never got to play that one.
P8:26:12 <Visiiri> In fact, i've not touched a PS3 yet
P8:26:18 <Nuthen> I've played it a little
P8:26:23 <mail2345> worst glitch ever
P8:26:27 <Nuthen> I just got mine for Christmas
P8:26:29 <mail2345> this glitch keeps on eating all my bases
P8:26:30 <vurtual> ArmA 2 was cool.
10P8:26:35 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P8:26:41 <vurtual> Star Wars: Force Commander was cool, and nobody agrees.
P8:26:51 <Visiiri> I liked lego star wars o.O
P8:27:04 <Nuthen> Lego Starwars was good
P8:27:13 <vurtual> Everyone did, because you could run around as han in a bikini, or topless Leia if you wanted.
P8:27:32 <vurtual> And nobody ever complained, because it required creativity.
P8:27:42 <Nuthen> True
10P8:28:23 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:28:58 <Visiiri> My favorite game, of all time, is Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
P8:29:13 <Visiiri> it combines fast pace gaming with constructive thinking
P8:29:18 <Visiiri> and you don't puke in walmart
P8:29:29 <Guard> back
P8:29:43 <Nuthen> Never played that one
P8:29:48 <Visiiri> D:
P8:30:39 <Nuthen> What system?
10P8:30:43 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P8:31:17 <vurtual> ...really, am I the only person who played Force Commander?
10P8:31:18 * Gyllen (asda@c83-255-133-114.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
P8:32:05 <Visiiri> GameCube
P8:32:14 <Visiiri> they had great games, if they weren't all childish.
P8:32:19 <Nuthen> I do have one of those....
12P8:32:22 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:32:32 <Nuthen> I was young then though
10P8:32:39 * Stargoat (Stuie@220-244-161-193.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P8:32:44 <Visiiri> Me too
P8:32:53 <Visiiri> whoah
P8:32:55 <Visiiri> are they like
P8:32:58 <Visiiri> ten years old?
P8:33:32 <Stargoat> <Visiiri> they had great games, if they weren't all childish.
P8:33:32 <Stargoat> <-- lol
P8:33:39 <Stargoat> ^-- rather
P8:34:00 <Visiiri> Well, they only released one 'M'ature game, I believe
P8:34:37 <vurtual> I like Gamecubes.
P8:34:47 <vurtual> So compact and simple, shares video cords with my N64.
P8:35:02 <Stargoat> who the fuck cares what rating the games got
P8:35:04 <Visiiri> And SuperNex
P8:35:06 <Visiiri> err nex
P8:35:09 <Visiiri> err nes
P8:35:10 <Visiiri> fail
P8:35:34 <Nuthen> SNES?
P8:35:43 <vurtual> Super Nintendo Entertainment System!
P8:35:50 <vurtual> My brother sold ours.
P8:35:59 <vurtual> When I was liiittle, too little to remember by about nearly.
P8:36:02 <Nuthen> Super Mario World? Great game right there
P8:36:32 <Iguana> Yup.
P8:36:57 <revenant> Never played it.
P8:36:57 <Nuthen> Super Mario Bros. Wii is pretty good
P8:36:58 <revenant> (jk)
P8:37:10 <Nuthen> pretty much the same,
P8:37:17 <Animator> Is it the same as the DS version?
P8:37:17 <Nuthen> way better graphics
P8:37:20 <vurtual> I somehow forgot about it. The neighbors have a whole load of top-condition NESes and Super Mario 64.
P8:37:23 <Nuthen> new items
P8:37:27 <revenant> People keep criticizing it being exactly the same.
P8:37:30 <vurtual> We only have a Super Mario 64 game guide and some NES controllers, plus two games.
P8:37:35 <Nuthen> and up to 4 people can play at the same time
P8:37:36 <revenant> But honestly...is that a bad thing?
P8:37:44 <vurtual> Someone got me NSMBWii for Christmas.
P8:37:54 <vurtual> Should I open it, or let them return it like they wanted to?
P8:38:06 <Animator> Open it, obviously.
P8:38:07 <Nuthen> Definately open it
P8:38:09 <Animator> If not, sell it.
P8:38:18 <vurtual> If I sold it I'd have a bullet wound or two more than before.
P8:38:36 <vurtual> That's not even counting the trip to a place to sell it.
P8:39:05 <Nuthen> Hah! I love when you jump over a hole, then as your in the air, someone else jumps in the way
P8:39:20 <Nuthen> Then you both end up falling to a merciless death
10P8:39:26 * calzoneman (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:39:47 <vurtual> I'd either suffer frostbite and serious injuries hiking it, get hunted down and risk injury taking a vehicle, or steal a proper one and get arrested.
12P8:40:43 * geekahedron (geekahedro@rrcs-208-125-110-34.nys.biz.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
12P8:40:51 * DOC (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P8:41:06 <revenant> TO GET TO THE GAME STORE...
10P8:41:19 * calzoneman is now known as DOC
P8:41:35 <vurtual> I live in a remote Illinois town, the only city is a distant Mississippi river settlement, even though it's huge.
P8:41:56 <revenant> Buy a Vespa.
P8:42:02 <vurtual> Yeah, it's uphill multiple times here. About a seventy-five to hundred to reach the lower flatter area here.
P8:42:35 <vurtual> Yeah, because a scooter can cross the most dangerous woods since Endor.
P8:42:37 <Nuthen> The only problem with NSMBW is the lack of online play
P8:42:50 <vurtual> Nintendo consoles thrive on not having extensive online.
P8:42:59 <revenant> heh.
P8:43:08 <revenant> because when they DO... it's a BIG DEAL.
P8:43:16 <frogger> It's up hill both ways revenant.
P8:43:20 <revenant> Yep.
P8:43:24 <revenant> In the snow, naked.
P8:43:35 <vurtual> Well we DO get to wear clothes.
P8:43:43 <vurtual> But it doesn't matter, because YOUR DOGS WILL STEAL THEM.
P8:43:53 <vurtual> I remember when my dogs still did that.
P8:43:56 <vurtual> It was adorable and funny.
12P8:44:08 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P8:44:13 <vurtual> Now I don't even wear gloves.
P8:45:28 <PoF59> what are you people talking about?
P8:45:39 <revenant> But you know what nintendo has?
P8:45:43 <revenant> The PowerGlove. It's so bad.
P8:46:01 <PoF59> are...are you all high?
P8:47:10 <PuyoDead> Man, the Power Glove was SO DAMN COOL... back then.
P8:47:30 <PuyoDead> And it was much cooler to me, since I never actually had one back then.
P8:47:35 <Nuthen> ohh that game? for the N64?
12P8:48:01 * madk (Mibbit@c-71-63-79-112.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P8:48:06 <PuyoDead> http://news.cnet.com/i/bto/20090720/powerglove.jpg
12P8:48:06 * kaiser_czar (Mibbit@c-71-199-253-8.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P8:48:44 * Hideous (Hideous@81-224-198-214-no30.tbcn.telia.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P8:49:06 <PuyoDead> All I had was the hopes and dreams provided by The Wizard that is was the most perfect thing ever. I did get to try it at a friend's once, but just figured it wasn't working right for him.
P8:49:15 <PuyoDead> *it was
P8:50:31 <PoF59> Nuthen, you're thinking of glover
P8:52:24 <vurtual> okay seriously just to be sure
10P8:52:33 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:52:38 <vurtual> I'm the only person here who's played Force Commander? Seriously?
P8:52:49 <GeneralGuy> well everyone...
P8:53:02 <GeneralGuy> I gave in...
P8:53:11 <GeneralGuy> I downloaded spelunky
P8:53:19 <Nuthen> Yes! Glover!
P8:53:28 <GeneralGuy> I feel ashamed
P8:53:35 <GeneralGuy> and dirty
P8:53:36 <PuyoDead> The crappy Star Wars RTS?
P8:53:40 <Nuthen> Great game
P8:53:48 <vurtual> That game had a better plot than Battlefront 2's 501st campaign. And it didn't even directly steal from the movies.
P8:53:54 <PoF59> That game was damn awesome. What other game do you play as a GLOVE?!
P8:54:29 <vurtual> The graphics were decent and the gameplay was solid, with fairly well-balanced and distinctly different sides.
P8:55:01 <GeneralGuy> I love how I can just talk all I want here and be completely ignored
P8:55:21 <GeneralGuy> :D
P8:55:22 <PoF59> that's what we're here for :D
P8:55:23 <PuyoDead> I know there was a Star Wars RTS somewhere that was downright wretched; must not be thinking of the same one.
12P8:55:31 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: revenant)
12P8:55:43 * Miclee (Miclee@CPE001839f2360a-CM0012c99a3e00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
12P8:55:55 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P8:56:00 <vurtual> GeneralGuy, well, spelunky isn't controversial enough.
10P8:56:09 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
P8:56:10 <vurtual> And I'm writing irrelivant sentences and having to retype them from hunger.
P8:56:20 <Animator> We like Spelunky.
P8:56:27 <Animator> We harbor nothing against them.
P8:56:40 <Animator> Same with Infinimer.
P8:56:47 <Animator> *Infiniminer
P8:56:56 <Animator> And Saurbaten.
P8:56:58 <vurtual> Force Commander was the one in 2000, that was suppoesd to be 2d but went 3d, and you play as a guy who used to be a stormtrooper.
P8:57:05 <Animator> But not N8. I hate N8.
P8:57:16 <vurtual> Sauerbraten, sir.
P8:57:22 <Animator> That.
P8:57:53 <Jat> n8 was too 4channish
12P8:58:11 * ZomBuster (quassel@ip111-36-208-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12P9:00:28 * tentacos (Lep@nr29-216-196-141-2.fuse.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P9:00:59 * tentacos (Lep@nr29-216-196-141-2.fuse.net) has joined #minecraft
10P9:04:41 * Liam|AFK is now known as Liam
12P9:12:31 * Snowmanot (Snowman@sd51100a0.adsl.wanadoo.nl) Quit (Quit: Goodbye)
10P9:15:34 * TVC (TVC@ has joined #minecraft
10P9:16:21 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
12P9:17:54 * vede (vede@wsip-174-79-146-193.tu.ok.cox.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P9:18:57 * ||||||| (newmombass@dsl-58-7-128-253.wa.westnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P9:19:12 <|||||||> Yay
P9:20:07 <GeneralGuy> well, now that I've played it, here are my thoughts all summed up into one word.
P9:20:11 <GeneralGuy> "FUCK!"
P9:20:54 <Jat> played what?
P9:21:00 <GeneralGuy> spelunky
P9:21:11 <mail2345> @|||||||
P9:21:16 <Jat> oh
P9:21:16 <mail2345> i can /nick to `
P9:21:17 <Jat> yeah its hard
P9:21:24 <GeneralGuy> damn bats
P9:21:29 <GeneralGuy> damn spiders
P9:21:32 <GeneralGuy> damn traps
P9:21:38 <GeneralGuy> ...
P9:21:39 <Jat> also those shopkeepers who shoot you
P9:21:47 <GeneralGuy> yeah
P9:21:54 <revenant> Anyone here like writing wiki articles?
P9:22:06 <|||||||> Yes mail2345?
P9:22:15 <GeneralGuy> I accidently armed a bomb in the shop, and like a split second after he shoots me
P9:22:49 <GeneralGuy> they can see the future I tell you
P9:23:37 <GeneralGuy> and most of the reasons for dying are just from pressing the wrong button
P9:24:24 <Evilgrim> General Guy.. You're playing Spelunky too?! :D
P9:24:57 <GeneralGuy> yes
P9:25:05 <GeneralGuy> I gave in to my curiosity
P9:25:08 <Evilgrim> I've never got past level 3. >_<
P9:25:13 <GeneralGuy> heh
P9:25:21 <Evilgrim> I played it when it was on the escapist and the words "FREE" came up.
P9:25:21 <GeneralGuy> better than me
P9:25:24 <Evilgrim> xD Really?
P9:25:30 <Evilgrim> 10 losses. Only been to level 3 once.
P9:25:44 <GeneralGuy> ok maybe better than me
P9:25:54 <Jat> if you find the woman and carry her around you can use her as a weapon
P9:26:07 <GeneralGuy> I had 7 losses and got to level 2 about 3 times
P9:26:20 <Evilgrim> xD
P9:26:32 <GeneralGuy> I just need to get used to the controls
P9:26:34 <Evilgrim> Jat. Really? O_O I'm right next to one. >:D
P9:26:44 <Jat> you can throw her at the enemies
P9:27:00 <Evilgrim> D: SPIKES INSTA KILL! >_< Rage.
P9:27:07 <Evilgrim> I was about to maul a bat with the woman.. :3
P9:27:10 <|||||||> i would like to say that #minecraft has the 2nd most users on espernet currently in it!
P9:27:21 <Evilgrim> Really?
P9:27:24 <|||||||> yes
P9:27:55 <GeneralGuy> I heard you can fall on to spikes and not die if you fall on to them from 1 block height
P9:27:58 <GeneralGuy> I tried
P9:28:00 <GeneralGuy> and died
10P9:28:05 * vede (vede@wsip-174-79-146-193.tu.ok.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
10P9:28:08 * ChanServ sets mode: +o vede
P9:28:23 <Evilgrim> xD
12P9:28:35 * byte[] (copyboy@p54A46561.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Quit: Unfortunately not everyone likes rainbows and unicorns.)
P9:28:53 <GeneralGuy> I've already gotten a certain number one rule for it
P9:29:03 <GeneralGuy> don't trust anything
P9:29:20 <Evilgrim> o_O
P9:29:23 <Evilgrim> Scary rule.
P9:29:24 <GeneralGuy> and if you CAN die, you WILL
P9:29:47 <GeneralGuy> but thats just me
P9:29:58 <GeneralGuy> simply because I rush way too much
P9:31:26 <Nuthen> woot survival multiplayer in mid-january
P9:31:34 <Evilgrim> o_O 20000 from level 1.
P9:32:00 <Jat> who said svmp in mid jan??
P9:32:02 <Evilgrim> How do you get hearts [ Lives? ] back? D: I have 1.
P9:32:55 <Evilgrim> RAEG! I died because I was blinking! >_>
P9:33:18 <GeneralGuy> get hearts by taking women to exit
P9:33:24 <Evilgrim> Is that the only way? D:
P9:33:31 <GeneralGuy> pretty much
P9:33:47 <GeneralGuy> I think there are special shops that sell women
P9:34:15 <GeneralGuy> ...I just realized how wrong that sounds
P9:34:50 <GeneralGuy> *cough*
P9:35:50 <GeneralGuy> how the hell the women get in the cave, as well as sometimes have themselves walled in, amazes me
P9:36:29 <Jat> miners trapped in cave ins who cross dress to get adventurers like you to save them
P9:36:39 <GeneralGuy> oh god
P9:36:41 <Evilgrim> xD
P9:36:46 <Evilgrim> Sup GeneralGuy
P9:36:55 <GeneralGuy> that makes them kissing you even worse
P9:37:03 <AndrewPH> D:
P9:37:11 <AndrewPH> BRB BRAIN BLEACH
12P9:37:33 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Meizlizard)
P9:37:37 <Jat> a stubbly kiss
P9:37:38 <Evilgrim> xD
P9:37:59 <|||||||> hi vede
P9:39:25 <GeneralGuy> huh
P9:39:29 <GeneralGuy> just noticed
P9:39:41 <GeneralGuy> your whip is longer than a whole block
P9:40:11 <Evilgrim> Really? Web cannon ftw. :D
P9:40:47 <AndrewPH> whips tend to be pretty big
P9:41:22 <GeneralGuy> ow
P9:41:36 <GeneralGuy> shopkeepers recover quickly
P9:41:40 <Evilgrim> xD
P9:41:44 <Evilgrim> They tend to one shot me.. >_>
P9:41:54 <GeneralGuy> yeah
P9:42:08 <GeneralGuy> I knocked one out and tried to steal his gun
P9:42:32 <Nuthen> Multiplayer survival Mid January ftw
P9:42:49 <Evilgrim> How do you get more slots? :D
P9:42:55 <Evilgrim> Nuthen. Shut the hell up.
P9:43:08 <GeneralGuy> slots?
P9:43:10 <Nuthen> i'm not talking about the fake one
P9:43:24 <Nuthen> ACTUAL multiplayer survival
P9:43:40 <Evilgrim> Yeah.. For holding stuff.. Like once I had Spring boots AND a shotgun.. But now.. I drop my web cannon to do.. ANYTHING. D:
10P9:44:42 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:45:01 <GeneralGuy> I don't think you can carry more than one thing at a time
P9:45:09 <Evilgrim> But.. I could.. D:
P9:45:14 <GeneralGuy> I know you can have a lot of things equiped
P9:45:25 <Evilgrim> Ohh.. Spring boots..
P9:45:27 <GeneralGuy> but guns and stuff you can't
10P9:45:52 * AndyFm (Mibbit@adsl-72-50-113-230.prtc.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:46:02 <AndyFm> hello?
P9:46:06 <GeneralGuy> hmmm
P9:46:08 <Evilgrim> Hello.
P9:46:21 <GeneralGuy> holding woman, and I have a trap below me
P9:46:26 <GeneralGuy> and nothing else to thrown
P9:46:27 <Iguana> Yoyoyo.
P9:46:29 <Iguana> Someone.
P9:46:32 <Iguana> Should make me.
P9:46:35 <AndyFm> ohai evilgrim, generalguy, iguana
P9:46:40 <Iguana> A 64x64x64 map for SP.
P9:46:42 <Evilgrim> What kind of Trap? :3
P9:47:01 <AndyFm> yes? what kind? :1
P9:47:04 <GeneralGuy> it shoots an arrow if you move in front of it
P9:47:08 <Jat> throw the woman
P9:47:10 <Evilgrim> Ohh. HATE those.
P9:47:14 <Evilgrim> Yeah. She'll survive.
P9:47:23 <Jat> and even if she doesnt
P9:47:25 <Jat> its just a woman
P9:47:28 <GeneralGuy> not only did she survive
P9:47:29 <AndyFm> O.o
13P9:47:30 * Evilgrim growls.
P9:47:30 <Iguana> Anyone?
P9:47:33 <GeneralGuy> she wasn't hit
P9:47:34 <Iguana> 64^3 for me?
P9:47:34 <Jat> not as valuable as your GOLD
P9:47:37 <Iguana> Flatgrass?
P9:47:41 <Jat> there are more woman ahead
P9:47:42 <Iguana> Singleplayer?
P9:48:05 <AndrewPH> I just got a great idea: a 1024x512x16 maze-like map on a custom server so water doesn't flow.
P9:48:10 <AndyFm> Women
P9:48:12 <Jat> lol sorry evilgrim i forgot there was a girl here
P9:48:28 <AndyFm> who is it?
13P9:48:30 * ||||||| fails
13P9:48:36 * ||||||| |||||||
P9:48:41 <revenant> um Andrew
P9:48:44 <AndyFm> lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/>
P9:48:46 <GeneralGuy> stop insulting yourself jat
P9:48:46 <revenant> x y z... y is vertical...
P9:48:50 <AndyFm> llll?
P9:48:50 <Jat> D:<
P9:48:53 <revenant> 1024 x 16, 512 tall?
P9:48:54 <AndyFm> llllllll?
P9:48:54 <|||||||> |!
P9:48:56 <AndrewPH> y is z
P9:48:56 <revenant> that would *not* work
P9:49:02 <revenant> X Y Z , Y is vertical
P9:49:02 <|||||||> ||||||?
P9:49:03 <AndrewPH> It would on a custom server
10P9:49:06 * Miclee (Miclee@CPE001839f2360a-CM0012c99a3e00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #minecraft
P9:49:08 <AndyFm> |||||||
P9:49:08 <revenant> Its screen coordinates.
P9:49:10 <AndrewPH> 512 tall yes
P9:49:12 <|||||||> OSHI-
P9:49:19 <|||||||> *looks at topic*
P9:49:19 <AndyFm> lol
P9:49:20 <Aeomin> ffor what
P9:49:23 <Aeomin> for*
P9:49:23 <AndyFm> |||||||
13P9:49:26 * ||||||| waits for banhammer
P9:49:32 <Jat> ban for who?
P9:49:34 <|||||||> topic sez no custom server talk
P9:49:35 <Jat> oh
P9:49:42 <AndrewPH> dunno if it would work on a vanilla but it's worth a try
P9:50:06 <Evilgrim> Holy crap.. I'm addicted to the dice game. O_O
P9:50:15 <AndrewPH> And I suppose have half of the map underwater would be neat for exploration
P9:50:17 <Jat> dice game?
P9:50:21 <Evilgrim> Spelunky.
P9:50:23 <Jat> oh
P9:50:37 <|||||||> <20>$#5F7F4C >>KEEP IT CLEAN<<
P9:50:39 <Jat> i dont remember the dice game
P9:50:40 <|||||||> oshi-
P9:50:44 <Jat> maybe i didnt get far enough...
12P9:51:02 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P9:51:20 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:51:39 <|||||||> haha
P9:51:40 <Evilgrim> Cliimbing gloves! :D
P9:51:47 <|||||||> Connection reset by peer
13P9:51:51 * ||||||| runs
P9:51:58 <Jat> it sounds like this game has a lot more stuff in it than i thought it had
P9:52:13 <Jat> i assumed it was gonnna be kinda the same the whole way
P9:52:17 <Jat> and got kinda bored
P9:52:42 <Evilgrim> Holy crap?! O_O There was this ghost! And the music was all.. Fecked up! And..
P9:52:57 <Jat> what floor are you on?
P9:53:04 <Evilgrim> 2. D:
P9:53:04 <GeneralGuy> ah the ghost
P9:53:06 <Jat> oh
P9:53:16 <Evilgrim> I'd spent all my money on the dice game too. D: I had cliimbing glooves! :D
P9:53:17 <GeneralGuy> I beleive it comes if you take too much time
P9:53:33 <Jat> oh i thought the ghost came when you picked up a certain item
P9:53:44 <GeneralGuy> kissing parlour
P9:53:46 <GeneralGuy> wow
P9:53:47 <Jat> that seemed to be when it happened to me
P9:53:49 <Jat> at leasst once
P9:53:58 <Evilgrim> Hmm. D:
P9:54:05 <GeneralGuy> yeah
P9:54:10 <PuyoDead> http://i.imgur.com/vZReb.jpg
P9:54:16 <GeneralGuy> comes after it says a chill runs down your spine
P9:54:23 <GeneralGuy> definetly a time thing
P9:54:32 <GeneralGuy> whoa
P9:54:51 <GeneralGuy> the ghost just touched a gem and it changed color
P9:55:22 <GeneralGuy> and it's worth more
P9:55:31 <Jat> :O
P9:55:46 <Evilgrim> Puyo, I don't know if that is awesome. Or sad. So very sad..
P9:56:18 <GeneralGuy> gah
P9:56:20 <GeneralGuy> damn it
P9:56:27 <GeneralGuy> I got so far too =(
P9:56:30 <Evilgrim> xD
P9:56:33 <Evilgrim> How far? :3
P9:56:48 <GeneralGuy> I think the 4th or 5th floor
P9:57:20 <Jat> i think someone said there were 16 floors
P9:57:28 <GeneralGuy> 16?
12P9:57:36 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Meizlizard)
10P9:57:58 * Meizlizard (Gavin@adsl-75-61-91-81.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P9:58:23 <GeneralGuy> seems like there would be more
P9:58:25 <|||||||> i has an untraviolet light in mai room
P9:58:26 <|||||||> :3
P9:58:36 <Jat> i might be wrong
P9:58:40 <Jat> also why do you have a uv light?
P9:59:01 <Evilgrim> General guy.. Your idea for a place to "Buy" women is real. D: I'm reading throught the files and I saw "KISSES BOUGHT: 0
P9:59:01 <Evilgrim> DAMSELS BOUGHT: 0"
P9:59:03 <|||||||> so mai clothes glow
10P9:59:06 * LG_Legacy is now known as Afk_Legacy
P9:59:23 <GeneralGuy> oh forget it
P9:59:31 <GeneralGuy> I'll try again tomarrow
P10:01:43 <Iguana> God dammit the drummer of A7X is dead.
P10:01:46 <Iguana> Shit.
12P10:02:37 * primis (primis@ool-182f26bb.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: primis)
P10:04:19 <AndrewPH> Hey guys, custom ser-*ban*
12P10:04:57 * Miclee (Miclee@CPE001839f2360a-CM0012c99a3e00.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
12P10:06:56 * Nuthen (Mibbit@c-68-42-226-69.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P10:07:22 * Siretu (siretu@c-3df0e255.51-2-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
10P10:07:34 * Siretu (siretu@c-3df0e255.51-2-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has left #minecraft
P10:07:40 <revenant> Hey andrew, custom cli-*ip ban*
P10:08:22 <AndrewPH> Hey revenant, redistribution of minecraft.ja-*arrest*
P10:08:33 <revenant> lol
12P10:08:37 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: sayounara)
P10:08:40 <Afk_Legacy> Hey guise, i killed no- *Death sentence*
P10:08:45 <Afk_Legacy> End
12P10:08:51 * lobstath_MB (michielbra@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:08:56 <AndrewPH> Hey guise, I'm from 4cha-*shun*
P10:09:45 <GeneralGuy> ah
12P10:09:48 * charrr (charrr@adsl-75-23-125-206.dsl.peoril.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: lol)
P10:10:07 <mail2345> Hey guys, I have this awesome tor-*akill*
P10:11:34 <GeneralGuy> can...can we stop now?
P10:11:57 <GeneralGuy> hmmm
P10:12:10 <mail2345> Hey guys, I think we sto-*shun*
P10:12:23 <PuyoDead> I wouldn't recognize this place if it didn't carry on bad jokes like that.
P10:12:47 <AndrewPH> yeah seriously
P10:12:49 <GeneralGuy> that's why I barely come on here
P10:13:00 <AndrewPH> That's why I come on here
10P10:13:09 * lobstath_MB (michielbra@ has joined #minecraft
P10:14:03 <GeneralGuy> hey guys, I played infinimi-*shun*
P10:14:53 <GeneralGuy> hmmmmm
P10:14:56 <Jat> hey guys
P10:15:00 <|||||||> Hey I know what Notch looks lie-*shun*
P10:15:17 <Jat> notchs head and facial hair look soft and fuzzy
P10:15:48 <GeneralGuy> I have no idea why, but I think he looks cute
P10:16:02 <mail2345> mail2345: ...
10P10:16:07 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
12P10:16:14 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P10:16:23 <GeneralGuy> now excuse me while I bash I head in after realizing what I just said
10P10:16:26 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:16:40 <Jat> lol
P10:16:47 <GeneralGuy> actually no
P10:16:48 <AndrewPH> Notch's stylus is missing
P10:16:58 <GeneralGuy> I called a bald man cute before
P10:17:39 <|||||||> I saw a picture of him with a phone and he had a pedo smile on him ;-;
P10:17:45 <Jat> :|
P10:18:00 <|||||||> it was close to his face
P10:18:02 <GeneralGuy> this one? http://notch.tumblr.com/
P10:18:07 <|||||||> and he looked like he was l-ooh
P10:18:23 <|||||||> LOLYES
P10:18:36 <GeneralGuy> *facepalm*
12P10:18:55 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P10:19:12 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
13P10:19:29 * AndrewPH facepalms
P10:19:32 <AndrewPH> use /me
P10:19:37 <|||||||> *facepalm*
13P10:19:48 * AndrewPH facedesks*
P10:19:50 <GeneralGuy> make /me
P10:19:55 <AndrewPH> no /u
P10:19:57 <AndrewPH> oh wait
P10:20:08 <AndrewPH> You win this time!
P10:20:19 <GeneralGuy> ummm
13P10:20:35 * PickYerPoison dot dot dots
P10:20:38 <GeneralGuy> so will you dissappear in a cloud of smoke or something?
P10:20:56 <AndrewPH> No I just kinda sit here and be useless, as well as commentate on the various happenings.
P10:21:05 <AndrewPH> Oh you mean when I'm defeated
P10:21:09 <AndrewPH> yeah sure why not
10P10:21:17 * AndrewPH (horn.andre@75-175-22-54.ptld.qwest.net) has left #minecraft (insert cloud of smoke here)
10P10:21:22 * AndrewPH (horn.andre@75-175-22-54.ptld.qwest.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:21:40 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
13P10:21:54 * ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| ||||||| |||||||
12P10:21:56 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Liam_)))
10P10:22:00 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
P10:22:01 <|||||||> KEEP IT CLEAN!
P10:22:25 <Archanos> what
P10:22:34 <Archanos> looks like art
P10:22:42 <Archanos> I like it
12P10:23:01 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P10:23:19 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) has joined #minecraft
10P10:24:24 * ||||||| (newmombass@dsl-58-7-128-253.wa.westnet.com.au) has left #minecraft ((Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Notch))))
10P10:24:36 * ||||||| (newmombass@dsl-58-7-128-253.wa.westnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P10:24:40 <AndrewPH> lolno
P10:24:40 <|||||||> ugh
P10:24:51 <|||||||> notch Ghost'd me
P10:24:52 <|||||||> ;-;
P10:24:56 <AndrewPH> incorrect
P10:24:59 <GeneralGuy> ?
10P10:25:17 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:25:23 <|||||||> LOLno
12P10:25:39 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Liam_)))
10P10:25:45 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
12P10:26:14 * PoF59 (PrinceOfFi@ool-435401ff.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P10:26:29 <GeneralGuy> *cough*
13P10:26:33 * ||||||| melts Liam in lava
P10:26:39 <Liam> huhh?
13P10:26:49 * AndrewPH Liam melts lava in
P10:26:57 <Archanos> ur fat
P10:27:16 <|||||||> derp
P10:27:26 <GeneralGuy> derp-a-derp
P10:27:34 <Liam> no ur fat.
P10:28:02 <GeneralGuy> no HE is fat
13P10:28:11 * GeneralGuy points to random person
P10:28:23 <|||||||> do /yomomma
P10:28:37 <GeneralGuy> you
P10:28:41 <Liam> * yomomma :Unknown command
10P10:28:44 * revenant (dlukes@pool-173-75-5-254.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:28:57 * GeneralGuy (Mibbit@cpe-24-58-173-201.twcny.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P10:29:14 <AndrewPH> you can't spell random without tangerine swordfish disco car
P10:29:46 <Liam> WTF... I can connect to IRC just fine... but I can't connect to the web...
P10:29:57 <|||||||> lol
P10:30:02 <Liam> And I can connect to my router
10P10:30:49 * kraffslola (kraffs@c-67fae253.011-100-6e6b702.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) has joined #minecraft
10P10:30:54 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:31:01 <|||||||> IRC runs on a diff port
P10:31:04 <|||||||> i think
P10:31:07 <|||||||> check port blocking
12P10:31:12 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Liam_)))
P10:31:16 <Liam_> yeah, irc is 6667
10P10:31:18 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
P10:31:20 <Liam> web is 80
P10:31:23 <mail2345> or uhh
P10:31:25 <mail2345> other ports
P10:31:26 <Liam> but IRC keeps flicking out
P10:31:30 <Liam> i checked proxy settings
P10:31:32 <mail2345> depending on your setup
P10:31:35 <PuyoDead> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony_mark
P10:31:38 <Liam> and I can connect to my router
P10:31:40 <mail2345> also
P10:31:41 <mail2345> liam
P10:31:48 <mail2345> what was the last thing you set?
10P10:31:52 * pybot (pybot@ has joined #minecraft
P10:31:54 <Liam> What do you mean?
P10:32:02 <AndrewPH> Isn't web viewing port 53?
P10:32:05 <mail2345> what was the last thingg you changed
P10:32:06 <|||||||> what was the last failchange you did to router?
P10:32:08 <Liam> last thing I was doing was playing on derp's MC server...
P10:32:13 <mail2345> @andrew i hope you are trolling
P10:32:19 <mail2345> PORT 53 IS DNS FOOL
P10:32:22 <Liam> the last change to my router... was forwarding port 3784 for Vent a couple months ago
P10:32:23 <|||||||> lol
P10:32:37 <TVC> !help
P10:32:37 <pybot> Bot by TVC, currently I am a work in progress.
P10:32:39 <TVC> :D
10P10:33:12 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:33:26 <Liam_> And I keep doing this randomly.
12P10:33:28 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Liam_)))
12P10:33:29 * pybot (pybot@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
P10:33:36 <AndrewPH> mail2345, I don't memorize all ports by heart
10P10:33:42 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
P10:33:45 <mail2345> @andrew
12P10:33:46 * ylt (ylt@ Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
P10:33:50 <mail2345> you should atleast know the diffrence
P10:33:51 <|||||||> !help
P10:33:56 <mail2345> between DNS and HTTP
P10:33:59 <AndrewPH> I know the difference now
P10:34:00 <|||||||> ...
P10:34:06 <|||||||> :(
P10:34:14 <mail2345> i for an example
P10:34:20 <mail2345> don't know what's on port 7
P10:34:25 <mail2345> but it's uniportant
P10:34:32 <|||||||> BUNGIE.NET IS
P10:34:40 <|||||||> thats the 7ruth
12P10:35:47 * storage (chicag0ac1@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:37:10 <mail2345> hey guys
P10:37:16 <mail2345> nvm
P10:37:19 <Visiiri> :P
12P10:37:23 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:37:26 <Visiiri> I'm tired.
10P10:37:55 * storage (chicag0ac1@adsl-70-232-46-149.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
12P10:37:56 * storage (chicag0ac1@adsl-70-232-46-149.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P10:38:07 * storage (chicag0ac1@adsl-70-232-46-149.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:38:18 <AndyFm> .........
P10:38:36 <AndyFm> >:U
P10:38:41 <|||||||> >:P
P10:38:52 <AndyFm> >=D
P10:38:59 <|||||||> :|_____________________________________|*eats last post*
P10:39:08 <AndyFm> >:P
P10:39:13 <Visiiri> Spamz call opz
P10:39:14 <AndyFm> O.o
P10:39:21 <|||||||> *also, next post*
13P10:39:26 * AndyFm is bored
12P10:39:30 * AndyFm (Mibbit@adsl-72-50-113-230.prtc.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P10:39:35 <|||||||> lol
P10:39:37 <|||||||> mibbit
10P10:40:11 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:40:18 <|||||||> wibble
P10:40:28 <Liam> My connection is irking me.
10P10:40:32 * Looking up DBN user info...
P10:40:57 <|||||||> pandas
10P10:41:21 * Yakkers (somebody@pool-98-118-88-244.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:41:25 <|||||||> wibble...
10P10:41:25 * smn is now known as smn`offline
12P10:42:10 * frogger (Mibbit@cpe-69-206-250-180.hvc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P10:43:09 <|||||||> penguins
10P10:43:11 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
10P10:43:50 * ||||||| is now known as Liam__
P10:44:16 <Visiiri> Hrm.
P10:44:24 <Visiiri> I can't determine if you should be kicked or not yet.
10P10:44:57 * Liam__ is now known as |||||||
12P10:45:13 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:45:16 <|||||||> olol
P10:45:22 <Jat> oh so youre liam
12P10:45:22 * WatchPie (piespy@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:45:29 <|||||||> no
P10:45:33 <Jat> thats why your hostname looks familiar
P10:45:36 <Jat> oh ok
10P10:45:39 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
P10:45:40 <Liam> loll
P10:45:44 <Jat> well your host name looks familiar anyway
P10:45:54 <|||||||> Westnet?
P10:46:01 <Jat> newmombass
P10:46:06 <Jat> your username
P10:46:07 <PuyoDead> Whoa, L4D for $7.49
P10:46:17 <Yakkers> If only my computer could run it.
P10:46:18 <Meizlizard> Anyone here from TOL?
P10:46:23 <Jat> whats tol?
10P10:46:23 * WatchPie (piespy@ has joined #minecraft
P10:46:26 <Meizlizard> Cheeze's server has a griefer.
P10:46:33 <Jat> also hi meiz
P10:47:04 <|||||||> tol is Trusted OP list
P10:47:14 <Meizlizard> sup
P10:47:15 <Jat> oh
P10:47:17 <Visiiri> I'm there
P10:47:21 <Jat> you mean that thing was actually implemented?
P10:47:21 <Visiiri> what do you need?
P10:47:23 <Liam> Oh, and i can't be on the trusted OP lits? I see how it is.
P10:47:34 <Visiiri> And what server?
P10:47:35 <|||||||> you have to apply
P10:47:40 <vurtual> Where is this list?
P10:47:43 <Visiiri> I did ages ago
P10:47:44 <|||||||> Cheeze's
P10:47:47 <Meizlizard> hunter332111 is griefing
P10:47:50 <|||||||> its in server administration
P10:47:52 <|||||||> stickied
P10:47:55 <|||||||> on forums
P10:48:01 <Meizlizard> says he got permission from the server owner
P10:48:03 <Jat> theres something i dont like about the idea of a trusted ops list
P10:48:05 <Liam> meh i don't care :P
P10:48:11 <Meizlizard> I'm thinking he should be IP banned.
P10:48:13 <|||||||> yes you do
P10:48:16 <|||||||> :|
P10:48:20 <Visiiri> link to cheezes server
P10:48:25 <vurtual> Okay, I'm not on it, phew.
P10:48:37 <Jat> you dont want to be on the trusted ops list/
P10:48:39 <Jat> ?
P10:48:41 <Meizlizard> http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=dbafcc37bc8515fe8aad064535a28a8f
P10:49:11 <vurtual> no
P10:49:11 <Jat> meiz youd idnt make it onto the trusted ops klist?
P10:49:15 <vurtual> And I'd fight to not be.
P10:49:27 <Meizlizard> nah, not yet
P10:49:36 <Meizlizard> They're making it stricter too.
P10:49:44 <Jat> lol 1337 0pz
P10:49:53 <vurtual> The internet doesn't need government like that.
P10:50:33 <Jat> someone will get on who will fuck everything up
P10:50:35 <Jat> eventually
P10:50:49 <|||||||> that will be me
P10:50:49 <|||||||> :3
10P10:51:06 * Misterangry (mrangry@c-98-248-172-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:51:10 <|||||||> custom serve-*gets banned*
P10:51:22 <Meizlizard> lol visiiri
12P10:52:37 * Gyllen (asda@c83-255-133-114.bredband.comhem.se) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P10:53:55 * gear (amazedchil@adsl-161-66-220.mia.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecraft
13P10:54:00 * gear lurks
13P10:54:08 * ||||||| lurks moar
10P10:54:34 * fenixfurion (fenixfurio@74-140-206-154.dhcp.insightbb.com) has joined #minecraft
10P10:54:51 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:55:16 <AndrewPH> hi i fail
P10:55:28 <|||||||> LAST POTER FAIL
P10:55:31 <|||||||> fails*
P10:55:36 <|||||||> poster*
P10:55:58 <|||||||> i am over here
P10:56:01 <|||||||> dammit
P10:56:06 <mail2345> ...
P10:56:08 <AndrewPH> holy fuck
P10:56:10 <AndrewPH> that's awesome
P10:56:25 <|||||||> you fail at failing
10P10:56:29 * Liam__ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P10:56:31 <|||||||> no, thts not a double negative
P10:56:34 <|||||||> thats*
12P10:56:47 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
P10:56:52 <gear> :|
P10:57:04 <|||||||> fails*
P10:57:09 <AndrewPH> haha you fails
P10:57:12 <Jat> hahaha
P10:57:18 <|||||||> hahafailshaha
P10:57:27 <AndrewPH> what is a shaha
P10:57:47 <|||||||> haha*
12P10:58:52 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
10P11:01:40 * Nintendow1 (Mibbit@c-71-200-43-249.hsd1.de.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:01:44 <Nintendow1> hi
10P11:01:51 * Liam__ is now known as Liam
12P11:02:48 * Nintendow1 (Mibbit@c-71-200-43-249.hsd1.de.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Client Exited)
10P11:06:12 * Yakkers (somebody@pool-98-118-88-244.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) has left #minecraft (Leaving)
12P11:07:52 * DOC (Mibbit@user-0c6smkg.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
10P11:08:49 * PixelEater (pixel.eate@c-76-97-19-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:10:59 <PuyoDead> Just because it's always worth repeating (and I just saw it again), one of my favorite PBF comics. http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF186-Guntron_Alliance_Force.jpg
12P11:13:26 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
10P11:13:33 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
10P11:15:10 * Gyllen (asda@c83-255-133-114.bredband.comhem.se) has joined #minecraft
10P11:18:17 * setveen (Mibbit@d24-57-103-82.home.cgocable.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:18:50 <setveen> moo
P11:19:30 <|||||||> moot
12P11:20:18 * Liam (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
10P11:20:20 * Liam_ (Liam@dsl-66-209-252-76.sptc.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:20:32 <Evilgrim> I laughed Puyo.
10P11:20:36 * Liam_ is now known as Liam
P11:21:28 <mail2345> i actually loled
P11:23:32 <PixelEater> Is there a channel for D3 server?
P11:25:12 <setveen> so what ever happened to this IRC, people actually used to use it
P11:26:47 <setveen> See, this is what i am talking about
P11:26:57 <setveen> everyone is dead or a slowpoke
P11:27:17 <mail2345> it's nighttime
P11:27:18 <mail2345> everwhere
P11:27:19 <mail2345> fool
P11:27:25 <chariot> PixelEater, irc.mibbit.net #dadido3's
P11:27:32 <mail2345> erm
P11:27:32 <mail2345> wait
P11:27:33 <mail2345> wtf
P11:28:06 <setveen> why
P11:28:08 <setveen> do
P11:28:09 <setveen> you
P11:28:11 <setveen> talk
P11:28:15 <setveen> like that
10P11:28:25 * Baca (Mibbit@ip68-224-71-48.lv.lv.cox.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:28:46 <|||||||> lol
P11:28:47 <|||||||> why
P11:28:48 <|||||||> am
P11:28:49 <|||||||> i
P11:28:49 <|||||||> a
P11:28:54 <|||||||> faliure
P11:28:55 <|||||||> ?
P11:29:31 <setveen> Cause your name is llllll
P11:29:43 <setveen> its a barcode for fail
P11:30:13 <Baca> How true
P11:31:02 <mail2345> really
P11:31:04 <mail2345> oh wait
P11:31:06 <mail2345> nvm
12P11:31:17 * chariot (charitoPL@cpe-065-188-062-039.sc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: :)
P11:32:12 <|||||||> true.dta
P11:32:16 <|||||||> dat*]\
P11:32:23 <|||||||> dat**
P11:32:57 <Visiiri> True.dat?
P11:33:01 <|||||||> yeshy
P11:33:03 <|||||||> yesh*
P11:33:15 <Visiiri> .dat is a large model/model arrangement file type..
P11:33:30 <|||||||> i edited nmy minecraft_server.jsp so it uses true.dat
P11:33:34 <|||||||> http://minecraft.net/img/logo.gif
P11:33:43 <setveen> minecraft_level.dat
10P11:33:54 * ||||||| (newmombass@dsl-58-7-128-253.wa.westnet.com.au) has left #minecraft
P11:34:00 <mail2345> hey puyodead
10P11:34:04 * ||||||| (newmombass@dsl-58-7-128-253.wa.westnet.com.au) has joined #minecraft
P11:34:07 <mail2345> would it be okay if i were to post a thread
P11:34:11 <setveen> Aslo, when did the minecraft logo get lighter?
P11:34:17 <mail2345> with instructions on how to modify the hosts file
P11:34:24 <mail2345> to block minecraft
P11:34:43 <|||||||> sorryni
P11:34:45 <|||||||> sorryno*
P11:34:46 <Baca> stveen good question
P11:35:04 <Visiiri> Nohbudy leiks u
P11:35:05 <PuyoDead> Err, why?
P11:35:13 <|||||||> i know
P11:35:16 <|||||||> im Cortana
P11:35:19 <|||||||> Full of fail
P11:35:23 <Visiiri> o.O
P11:35:28 <setveen> Mah spelung es bettr thn urz
P11:35:29 <|||||||> :3
P11:35:39 <|||||||> lolno
12P11:36:06 * Baca (Mibbit@ip68-224-71-48.lv.lv.cox.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
12P11:38:28 * PickYerPoison (technowiz1@adsl-75-8-90-214.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: Serpentine, serpentine!)
12P11:40:08 * Jat (Jat@modemcable085.73-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox])
10P11:42:25 * SMP is now known as ASMP
P11:42:58 <|||||||> YOU BROKE IT SMP
P11:43:01 <|||||||> ;A;
10P11:44:09 * ASMP is now known as SMP
P11:45:30 <setveen> so
10P11:46:17 * rcfighter (rcfighter@c-69-138-73-173.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:47:25 <PixelEater> does anyone know xemos?
P11:48:37 <|||||||> lolno
P11:49:51 <|||||||> xenu
10P11:50:00 * C419 (C418@p5B3D5396.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #minecraft
10P11:50:25 * UncleBibby (Mibbit@S01060016b621dc49.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:50:36 <PuyoDead> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jerac/4226126175/
P11:50:52 <UncleBibby> thats a complex lego!
P11:51:20 <tentacos> thx
P11:51:39 <UncleBibby> so whats that new lego MMO gonna be like?
10P11:51:52 * Xemos (Mibbit@75-121-253-98.dyn.centurytel.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:52:27 <Xemos> hi
P11:52:55 <UncleBibby> yo...
P11:53:29 <Animator> Hello Xemos. I saw the thread.
P11:53:41 <Xemos> just trying to protect others
P11:53:45 <Animator> I'm sorry for your loss.
P11:53:50 <Xemos> no biggie
P11:53:53 <UncleBibby> do you think the new lego mmo will harp in on any of minecraft's turf?
P11:53:55 <mail2345> @puyo
P11:53:58 <Xemos> i back up when i wake up and when i sleep everyday
P11:53:59 <mail2345> it's a minor issue
P11:54:03 <mail2345> of siblings that grief
10P11:54:07 * kaiser_czar (Mibbit@c-71-199-253-8.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #minecraft
P11:54:09 <Animator> AHAHAHAHA. UncleBibby, that's a silly thought.
P11:54:09 <mail2345> by modifinyg the hosts file
P11:55:06 <UncleBibby> I think the only major rival to minecraft in the future would be that indiegame "love"
P11:55:16 <UncleBibby> you've heard of it right?
P11:55:27 <setveen> meh, isnt that pay only
P11:55:30 <|||||||> HI XENU!
P11:55:35 <PuyoDead> I don't see why it's needed, and it's easily found through a quick Google search... but if you want to, I suppose so.
P11:55:39 <|||||||> I'M ALSO A SCIENTOLOGIST!
P11:55:45 <UncleBibby> it actually called 'love' right?
P11:55:54 <setveen> yea
P11:56:11 <Xemos> xenu?
P11:56:22 <UncleBibby> its the scientology diety
P11:56:24 <PuyoDead> Love will be no rival to MC.
12P11:56:35 * setveen (Mibbit@d24-57-103-82.home.cgocable.net) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
P11:56:44 <|||||||> see
P11:57:04 <mail2345> @puyodead the problem is that they don't get the idea to block
P11:57:47 <UncleBibby> May I talk about movies for a second?
P11:57:58 <PuyoDead> I'm a bit sad to admit it, but I just today bought L4D. I err... never did before.
P11:58:12 <|||||||> lol
P11:58:13 <PuyoDead> Couldn't pass up $8 L4D.
P11:58:28 <|||||||> i luv L4D
P11:58:53 <Animator> Also, Xemos, PixelEater wanted to talk to you.
P11:59:14 <Xemos> thats why im here :P
P11:59:18 <UncleBibby> I just saw sherlock holmes
P11:59:30 <Xemos> it good?
P11:59:37 <UncleBibby> its pretty good
P11:59:54 <UncleBibby> the actings good, the actions good, the editings good
Session Close: Thu Dec 31 00:00:00 2009