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donate to deepend

If you like what does and would like to contribute to the costs of running such a service, feel free to make a donation. If you can, we appreciate it, if you can't, we also appreciate you being here.

Methods you can donate to

There are currently two (3) methods you can donate financially to (All money is used towards paying hosting costs (domains, servers)

  1. Fosspay Via Stripe

  2. Paypal

  3. Liberapay

Our current server costs are $240.78 CAD /Month. (191.75 USD approx)

**NOTE: Please E-Mail to notify that you have donated so we can add you to the gold star supporters list.

Tildeverse Swag

The Tildeverse now has a shop you can buy some Tildeverse swag at. If any profit is made it will be pooled and distributed to tildeverse administrators and admins to help aid in the upkeep of their tilde communities. Find it here: Tildeverse Shop

Be Involved!

Other then financial contributions best thing to do is be involved in the community. Eg. Create a PR on's github or tildegit, Chat on IRC, create awesome webpages, develop software using the many tools available to you on does cost money to run, however it all makes it worth it if the community is active and enjoying what we offer.

ask on irc if you have questions!