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Program source

Library headers and commentary

;;; chronometrist-third.el --- Third Time support for Chronometrist -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Author: contrapunctus <>
;; Maintainer: contrapunctus <>
;; Keywords: calendar
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (alert "1.2") (chronometrist "0.6.0"))
;; Version: 0.0.1

;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
;; Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
;; distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
;; binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
;; means.
;; For more information, please refer to <>

;;; Commentary:
;; Add support for the Third Time system to Chronometrist.  In Third
;; Time, you work for any length of time you like, and "earn" a third
;; of the work time as break time.  For a more detailed explanation,
;; see

;; For information on usage and customization, see


;;; Code:
(require 'chronometrist)
(require 'alert)

group   custom group

(defgroup chronometrist-third nil
  "Third Time support for Chronometrist."
  :group 'chronometrist)

divisor   custom variable

(defcustom chronometrist-third-divisor 3
  "Number to determine accumulation of break time relative to work time."
  :type 'number)

duration-format   custom variable

(defcustom chronometrist-third-duration-format "%H, %M and %S%z"
  "Format string for durations, passed to `format-seconds'."
  :type 'string)

break-time   variable

(defvar chronometrist-third-break-time 0
  "Accumulated break time in seconds.")

alert-functions   custom variable

(defcustom chronometrist-third-alert-functions '(chronometrist-third-half-alert chronometrist-third-quarter-alert chronometrist-third-break-over-alert)
  "List of timed alerts for the Third Time system.

Typically, each function in this list should call
`chronometrist-third-run-at-time' to run another function, which
in turn should call `alert' to notify the user.

All functions in this list are started when the user clocks out,
and stopped when they clock in."
  :group 'chronometrist-third
  :type 'hook)

timer-list   variable

(defvar chronometrist-third-timer-list nil)

run-at-time   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-run-at-time (time repeat function &rest args)
  "Like `run-at-time', but store timer objects in `chronometrist-third-timer-list'."
  (cl-pushnew (apply #'run-at-time time repeat function args) chronometrist-third-timer-list))

half-alert   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-half-alert ()
  "Display an alert when half the break time is consumed."
  (let ((half-time (/ chronometrist-third-break-time 2.0)))
    (and (not (zerop chronometrist-third-break-time))
          half-time nil
          (lambda (half-time)
             (format "%s left on your break."
                     (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format half-time))))

quarter-alert   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-quarter-alert ()
  "Display an alert when 3/4ths of the break time is consumed."
  (let ((three-fourths (* chronometrist-third-break-time 7.5)))
    (and (not (zerop chronometrist-third-break-time))
          three-fourths nil
          (lambda (three-fourths)
             (format "%s left on your break."
                     (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format
                                     (- chronometrist-third-break-time three-fourths)))))

break-over-alert   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-break-over-alert ()
  "Display an alert when break time is over."
  (and (not (zerop chronometrist-third-break-time))
        chronometrist-third-break-time nil
        (lambda () (alert (format "Break time is over!"))))))

start-alert-timers   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-start-alert-timers ()
  "Run functions in `chronometrist-third-alert-functions'."
  (mapc #'funcall chronometrist-third-alert-functions))

stop-alert-timers   procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-stop-alert-timers ()
  "Stop timers in `chronometrist-third-timer-list'."
  (mapc (lambda (timer) (cancel-timer timer)) chronometrist-third-timer-list))

clock-in   hook procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-clock-in (&optional _arg)
  "Stop alert timers and update break time."
  (unless (zerop chronometrist-third-break-time)
    (-let* (((&plist :stop stop) (cl-second (chronometrist-to-list (chronometrist-active-backend))))
            (used-break          (ts-diff (ts-now) (chronometrist-iso-to-ts stop)))
            (used-break-string   (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format used-break))
            (new-break           (- chronometrist-third-break-time used-break))
            (old-break           chronometrist-third-break-time))
      (setq chronometrist-third-break-time (if (> new-break 0) new-break 0))
       (if (zerop chronometrist-third-break-time)
           (format "You have used up all %s of your break time (%s break)"
                   (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format old-break)
         (format "You have used %s of your break time (%s left)"
                 (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format chronometrist-third-break-time)))))))

clock-out   hook procedure

(defun chronometrist-third-clock-out (&optional _arg)
  "Update break time based on the latest work interval.
Run `chronometrist-third-alert-functions' to alert user when
break time is up."
  (let* ((latest-work-duration (chronometrist-interval (chronometrist-latest-record (chronometrist-active-backend))))
         (break-time-increment (/ latest-work-duration chronometrist-third-divisor)))
    (cl-incf chronometrist-third-break-time break-time-increment)
    (alert (format "You have gained %s of break time (%s total)"
                   (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format break-time-increment)
                   (format-seconds chronometrist-third-duration-format chronometrist-third-break-time)))
    ;; start alert timer(s)

third-minor-mode   minor mode

(define-minor-mode chronometrist-third-minor-mode
  nil nil nil nil
  (cond (chronometrist-third-minor-mode
         (add-hook 'chronometrist-after-in-functions #'chronometrist-third-clock-in)
         (add-hook 'chronometrist-after-out-functions #'chronometrist-third-clock-out))
        (t (remove-hook 'chronometrist-after-in-functions #'chronometrist-third-clock-in)
           (remove-hook 'chronometrist-after-out-functions #'chronometrist-third-clock-out))))


(provide 'chronometrist-third)

;;; chronometrist-third.el ends here