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author published title description category
~ben true tilde.chat servers list of servers in the network

server list

you can use irc.tilde.chat as a dns round robin between available servers. otherwise, feel free to connect directly to any of the nodes.

if you have an account on any of the shells, you can connect to localhost 6667 from there. external connections use 6697 with ssl.

once you're connected, try /map to see the servers listed fully.

server location hoster notes
hub.tilde.chat canada ben services, webchat, and website live here
team.tilde.chat canada tilde.team
your.tilde.chat canada yourtilde.com
rdnet.tilde.chat canada rdnetbbs
cosmic.tilde.chat london cosmic.voyage
institute.tilde.chat germany tilde.institute
town.tilde.chat toronto tilde.town only accessible from localhost on port 7766; no external connections
gingko.tilde.chat texas bhh.sh
bsd.tilde.chat california bsd.tilde.team
center.tilde.chat texas tilde.center
thunix.tilde.chat germany thunix
aussie.tilde.chat australia aussies.space