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# user database

sqlite (preferred)

in the spirit of minimalism, the recommended database technology to use here is sqlite. sqlite databases exist as a single, atomic file, and are a good use for light applications, with low to medium concurrent loads.
it also allows for greater flexibility, and segregation for your application's data: you can create as many sqlite databases as you need.


please contact creme (via matrix or email) to request a database with access.


on localhost port 3306

  • database name: username
  • database user: username
  • password: please see in your database readme email

do not store password change to history:
  export MYSQL_HISTFILE=/dev/null

connecting to mysql:
  mysql -u username -p

change your password:
  SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('your-password-here');

use database:
  use username

database backup & restore

simple backup:
  mysqldump "$USER" -p > ~/backup/dump_"$USER".sql

and restore:
  mysql -p -u "$USER" < ~/backup/dump_"$USER".sql

you can also use our - backup and restore script.
the backup files will stored under ~/backup/.

show -h for more informations

			backup				- backup your default user database
			backup <db_name>	- backup database
			restore				- restore your latest user database
			restore <db_name>	- restore database

with cron you can also do your backup regularly at a certain time.
see help -> cron for a example.