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frequently asked questions

Q: how do i sign up for an account?

simply by going to our signup page and filling in the form.

Q: can i get password-based login?

no. sorry. not for shell access. for other integrated services, password auth will be enabled, but not for your ssh connection. we use key based authentication, as it's more secure, and more convienent for you, to be honest.

Q: can i rename my account username?

no. sorry.

Q: can i remove my account?

yes sure. please send us an email with your request to: sudoers@envs.net.

Q: how can i disable the default byobu-session?

if you don't want to this happen by default when you log in to your shell and run byobu-disable.

Q: can i get a package installed?

probably! send an message in our irc-channel #envs or a email with your suggestion to sudoers@envs.net.

Q: can i open the port for service i have running?

no. due to security issues, we cannot. however! you can certainly use an ssh-tunnel to access it.

Q: can i make my scripts available to other users?

yeah very much like. you can simply use envs submit on the shell to submit your script. :)
with envs list you can display all userscripts.