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# user website

you're user page is available under

https://envs.net/~username/, https://envs.net/u/username/,
https://username.envs.net/ and https://username.envs.sh/.

the index file location for our page is ~/public_html/ and
a template for the page can you found in ~/public_html/your_index_template.php.

static files are served normally, along with the following dynamic options:

  • php - name the file with a php extension or use index.php
  • sh / cgi - name the file with a sh or cgi extension
  • perl - name the file with a pl extension
  • python - name the file with a py extension
  • lua - name the file with a lua extension
  • cgi-bin - name it whatever you want and place it in ~/public_html/cgi-bin/

if you're having trouble with any of these cgi scripts, make sure that the script has
a correct shebang, sending the content-type header as the first thing and
don't forget to make the scripts executable.

also you can use 'ssi' (server-side-includes). make sure you do not use a leading /.
example: <!--#include virtual="cgi-bin/fortune.sh" -->


  • mkdocs - markdown project documentation tool. additional themes are available from the mkdocs-bootstrap and mkdocs-bootswatch projects. just set your theme name to one those listed and rebuild. generally recommended to not build the mkdocs source directly in your webroot. set the destination to somewhere in ~/public_html, symlink, or move/copy the generated files manually. for example, if you wanted to make a mkdocs site called mywiki available on the web, you could do: ln -s ~/mywiki ~/public_html/wiki
  • hugo - static site generator built in go
  • jekyll - static site generator used by github for github pages built in ruby
  • pelican - pelican is a static site generator, written in python
  • zola - single-binary static site generator written in rust

forward / rewrite url to a other site

If you would like to redirect your page then you can do so with a simple workaround.

example index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://www.w3docs.com/" />

example index.php:

<?php header('Location: https://www.w3docs.com/', true, 302); exit(); ?>